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April 21, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-04-21

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The MichiganDil


NO. '

Dull Leads His Men to Pennsy
With Good Chances of Captur-
ing Relay Events.
-sevecn iln a roll wlld he tile slogan
of tile M\ichliganl four-mtile teami whtici,
together with thte onle-mlile sqttad;' will
mleet the crack rely teatms (f east and(
wtest ont Franlinild01, Philadelphiia,
text Saturdai T he rettlty teamts, accott-
panted by Horner and Iowhrook, who
Beck, Crtaig, ILeger antd Gatttle, atnt
tite squa1d illat w il tetter till cssic
four-ttile lollntst willi be1 tale 111 of
sack, as chtosenI last Saturday iln thte
tryouts onI Ferry fild.
teams in any even111t, Captai 1 )ttl did1 lnt
self titht seting pa11ce torth tiIst a111d
lat 1ap1. Folloin 1g Dutll, tilt orert Iof
tile m11e1 flot te first 1lit ws:s S~
BohrsackS ToeHlW st. Stonl
ovd u Ill tfront ofll and liT'1111 111
andlicont1ntit hI mse 11111 it 1 It 1 n~nn
gall creetpinlg (uI on May Whe ha ltlf
(cat around~l thil e Wet sse 155thSi t
strt 1111 Sia wot i1n111111 ,1a foot
aileald of West lndltw ((llIards tol the
goodl of Bohnll~l sak 1Tow e stck gatmtely-
to thte finlih andI tcam in fille yar(s il-
iTh ~ rsltofteformltyut
taes se m lm ost crtain thaft ay I
takintg awayl tilt big teven(t frotm thtt
W~olerins- 5 P1n1ylvnis witt t b I e te
ehel coltee '111 this tear ITraiter'
dike Mutrphyl ssitll mat a suptremte ef-
fort 111 lift tile banner t for swhicht he has
beell strivinlg for sit ter IS Inllecs-
fully. ITte rsd anld idl for-ttile teamt
is plarticullyt st ronlg this tear 011( tit(
vettran rir 111h1inkIs lhe htas a goatt
cihance 1o 11111 fisrst p1lace In allditiotr
to Ptttil 1111 itckh os are creditetd
htas 1Koh1n and(1 Leeig wholl~ 11 are goodi
igitn IIte ills lte men whotl h11 ase a-
reatdy wonll thi 11, Sin 111ditonto1
\Vest, lvhsill (lark htas Ittn of (firs-
class vety a seitas1(11
Keette Fitzpatrick i esptecilt- anxiou
tol will tilt 11111111itletc this year Io
thlt berst timel 111 its hilstort 11111 rthIan
tone wetstern ta (is1 CI entere for te
shtsrt rae Inorta reasofl thll
tratinetr wi'shes Ill makle a good showlitg.
lost Sier ril attnt Qttigett thier 1best
sill, Ohtito Sillte,lMiciigall; MN. A. C., anll
pocssiblyt Ilii ts w1il tbe representted
agaittst Harvardi, ASsetal a1n11 Pentt-
igall Aggies swili he tile dalrk itorse is
tite race.
H-arvardi is thte team~ that tihe east
looks upon11 as5 tite wtinner (f ttat rare
ale to atverage 51 secolndss. Thtat lsooks

good sattpater, lbt CptatiniDu)11110111
Tetitner Fitzpatrick feel ttat it sill be
a westernt teamlth iat willt(ill tie rce-
With thatt in mind, every ttemt ti
bae ttade to ate tilWoeie V s team 111
leatd all tie Ioter swestern squtad1s
For te staceial eets 1Horer a111
Itetltrook swill ie te ottttis ichigan-
tttett entleetda1111botht wsll gi ll flr ttil
tite (isus15alsoIs tefGrnd RIais
lad1 thls eteIltdting abotin t120 1eet.Inil
tile sott-pult the hsbeenldsin11g oll
44 feet, 5whiile lietlirolk ils (ell sst-
Ill.5515,t, M1N ttt;tx 111(151SOUTH1
Notre Dtamle game~, tie Micigan barse
ill onle,te Woserines 5went itro lthts
adigthreip-ltorthetCtsi othe(1irIl
seet a osal pitgtl sIlt ((otillnI
els 111d CIIanl1yto avtagetoillsicrth-
igan's tit (If-to lrsdaytocorrl leve(n11
rufsoile 1111titrsppotents0lbattedissn
istr k nsek titeaboveanyoter, its
wailthear1 10tChcllester s 1(1st et
licof lltall tsstoIil 1 werrk ith
Goaag istotel fpit gtte wthlilbutlt
ste ntle itilatt t ta oscoIl eill T httei it((1
wtitat tthesI110 l hwedI haitt e
cstutldoitnotia alitl lllvrt tsts
whenevrit was 5 netessaryiteaCtttinadis
ttstlharttet tit errls tct dist
tmethtactistld.ttt ste t(lstl
TtiitOItttleftbntli tmd second
Tbt shatednainttosstlertitte
whrt ole tante adlltotitt 1a(hotiruntdI
-era etepast FgnainlendiLrt i-pis
Lattertsoorltrtd-oe sthttnceltosh(inti
gilf uligng111 te sronit atttCs tit
tts.artet t e takht.oit11ttti
eterea1105-gtKetcktil the0sWst-
tvetaboMiita~t011tte ssttio tttshowI
haita11ntr-expreadthettkitntsest offeel
ins t111walrd tet tvfsits, evenl whei
stinageof stue sawfrul bea in(igs.((1 ttt
Tae-stexteam at11 inoie ill e were5 tit
,ieietheirstgae Itslttrtedt lsil
-clim-ed the chamiohgttit of tetsoutf
rt-fgoinIgyhgtoiwssone r thIItte3with
s cetre Castle uffIiiestars it wa stftat
I Vthe o td Bryaelion frl6 tt llSwit
aiggoesinetisoligthe tsII itte tstit
witsadincidr--a e rtof ts gamelittilhCe
kiln f ofl ors thV~erougllt redtlati nt
cagate oIts-aetiscworeoall, lit ihedS ttrit
itilt il toys sttswt-h ifl aitntt ittt Shei
0ichganrns. h nslltliel lol fstI s n -
eIserrntttade.go t it ett - o
Fallaking Vathiertgames itth STitts-
Whatwaslookend norwagrd3toath

From Now Until Exams Every
Week Will See Feature Events
on the Campus
15 tlt 5vta liltit t S lstu t 5 lit : I (IIOI-
ory, ticliganstud nts lt t no ti
pr i ttt t he lii-livetistlt thlr~iod (o
Neiliti ire firlye rowedl o h ineetn
et.w ichtget her I t he (ull
grn oft ills ,wllafrd u opr
t it fo sp i nt i.T helas tbrts
The (1(1(1( of(1th1(1usuaIliltastr acion
ahcys s ollw tdhr tbeittItsti teje
w l it siIotexcetionttt ((to the athi
stes lSiets e I niaso ils lstalst u
I Iloutd tat -orktsvtious it liith ttst
tur tira t ts i oni tothelsal i etusit
w ichidi soI Iremeii lt ttcolletttifes , iatd
th eiu - i td s ((Ilt I divside -their
inrsts is isi ss ifillf trettttt sil
tilt an Igr int it ol ifpl-anrt.
Th irs t-i~~t o h L.e t l-hihlway
is iti is i th spi mo uls i tilC
seio s'iigo tt(tstsetulIS torTit till
day' la .t1.sittottu thugfir s t iethetlt
soto-o-tgr du te iilldot til t radi-(
- t tt l it \Smslts (ii(tgllS ial Itd Iress
as ptsidth IS tlh ttisttityt hei vl
snil e tllI itilhpts- Yrom h en (tIl-Sile
caps md gwns wll h lilton (l iii
dayuts Th rsdv ies at ihiaiti it -
sept c an tem(5 at1 onststsst i-tl-l a
I al 1,lon c smit tillorte islt o t-s
doo crc s n he istnitersit's h(i . itil -h
for il ltl t il ate e t sich i s fa~ il toi
lit cv rhi is itufor le affa i whihttiti ilt-

lt its- titreilas' ot ? ha l.CUIP IIME IITi FOR
St1 <l\ 22. siltit' ie toUu t it 11(F PRESIDENT ANG l J4
schoilastlic meet i~'iill b o peed rp r tin fr I a it i;tols
a111n ll-d i the t ics shti a ul sssis
tile stud(enhiSts s ni it dnC- 1 llstudents Unite to Ho nor PRi sir-
(eci triwich opensdit Jtle 0 it t (, i n lg President With Gift ciit
btacclautetsermsi to itsC l'ieit h t I Huge Loving Cup.

Thet citti tttpromenatie silt behekftitis il
folloing, i lg- ', lit 5 il the si o ree in
is stde JR ne a_(lid 7i a, ti lt r
heist Jicea24
ofl thei studetti tss aktilt reportII c\ Iit
tellat(15-Ihainga e ide cls ill
(s u t I lt-i-I sitastltI~s- i t If1
stoewat tincrta-sini-tlt ns
tomary displayii oft springe il ~listIts ils
dine-im orstedtti iisslly joki-of gt cing(sli
portiltionlioi tle - tlt s tits it st i
Ilt titu atell-a s iltth i t ' \i
hut totuhng compare itltheastons
ni- ic t il yt-Ct hes hitt o~
scttii.s a1 k-S i papIei lasktcc
Siis<i iw inthI Iil\ S\\an SntIll
Semitilslit resen IsitI.
lTIt. - GsiA li'1A GIRT SistlSil
ofIr titlis t llti" roithtetit lst. th
tiotvitn tinhll yism m ei n
1l ldaingl thei cll:i I singi aa
tion, Atilt gltlil tli o gtus, tes one
lone man the ol n ti m h
ro it. Tits it s Cilt L. (Sita
membterIS stohltPhiDeta iTheist iioit
par tiltyiti t e ino D la( mnai
order (th t h i htii aist in intill in
on (of tschatIsS.
-n\ 5ed da l ittS li:;i ll,,c11555 i
flaistthiSpaish5om dy )1raue 1.
i Ibsta olimedss t ati dansi e, and wii
'iii sit lvitg-i' oa ca te n
iltilsits cI s tab nlc n Ia
boa titttit s it i %~ lss ai
stChit m illak ing S SS he itiIt r f li
vc~i ST~cin15Sdit I %s it ail!
t ( hila i c ii t si~St f \ iic ()tits
t Itil II Thest Scs o ol tI l iii
mm"it i s u sGlsis t tit(ldit ll c t,
gam, lis ot. i ith t Delta11
leiis I utloSk" l is ii sCtrtIsiiss
SIlS igthIrsi-usinoess esinofl i
co ve tilts a uhiatei (5 as g1rantediito
tchapter stiltheiur Itentlyins lt i atii ill(it
totuie (1 e gisit f tisu ill Ir.Ii ata it
Ixpntelt ssist a, his in sa lot
s i t ii Ii si s Isis -
h IshIkvI,3Th R SO

. - aseiali metieting otf tieStts,
(tnil e ill lis atertnoontthele
~ftemimcnpidliioi le presenteds
lassen :ie el ytloetstgtets s
-nhiittd sits eoge hoenit ngtttt,
so Slutf \ i Ii s K Ka &Ci.,of Det
Th eeto i1 tble suitex ttti tttintlIi .
i((ii 5555 in \SS lt s tdwst It slitt
si-si%-thiii sita ii culiii Imueasurintg 21 1
tail (isand dhe tebony ipeesta 8 1t.
inhs laigatotlheieght tf,
inhs.I iiiis-igh lliapproximate.
ihn 'I u cs.
Th mti-Ciloa (5resISsiththtie sti
isrJol is: lii-sooey- is the exttit
itn sntrti-i ditshelt sihee ettges fo:
isillccsition tsIw itu Ceroealttttotp
iIia,[tallw isds isittitriy, there hs-
ilgnoligioits upon tnyonie tgte,
alyiii this ail hifund
1s bsit is , bca si thtis is at
tiat iltly sit-tant sfl- ihg. A sma
- sumnuut ill bsittareceiied freac h llistu-
dce \icin theiiiagdg-e gate swill raise
<i hid l~,,c noug t take a tost
- si cm oA I,, ilrsipisite 111111 tat tht
The ,5(11ofraslg tie fundllwill e
sas scti ,ihcls.Each Ipresi-
d li wil ac as reasrerfore his class
Ic il i~~ts ci lastohasrettchtevery
titlist if helss ;citf tese
-m ici nwl aefronit tel I.
iccn pcpet iislitswich is ttcsmatttll
c(aitdstatngith ie sotrt spae of
tie il t 111si lt l (IIIIImutst lae sd tte.
1 los isa an h ttthigs alnglby e-
reay tilt ihiyaratclhd 1o, lt-
ae stilby uuoingup o nt-of te catt-
assil -sass-as I- s-i~yhit 11 m 1(st tie(Itlec
i~cfuc N y i, lse stawrk sill nta
_ahesatiilc i idarsingts--eiiiirsentatscooal
S--r. .it utis lmutst le cllected lae-
rmceh, ode cante givetn. If ettotgh
i~s -1 -.usd t getthe$oast eign
slhsrat tash ail less clabortlie ote
Shcitosilt ran(.gefrottttwentty-
ur ias cthani t he lsea- m1thsuntns sill e
raleitfrot tyroe It returt fuseve-ry
anse istntie id outh ill receie a
sr ecept n te frm f acertificate At
a te nd alit f llcotriuttrSs will
he arangd, c.uf witcht sill Ileott-
sass liiithe lisinftiltit
sass- ttnit its lie Peterson'slgye-
uuohoustaff, Ipointehts tothtie variaus
stilts as intemeail tutdeepatettwill
as mad ast il t heset twliaseeks Dr
Petrso's taf wll onist f tie fo-
\. C.PeckH. tttaumitgs, J. T
it ltcs, 0t it I tustuttt, W.5H. i li-
S aasit IP. ut1.sNiosiBrueS Weaer, atd
t [I G.V lVt Ik
lC ;\ S (t l ' l ;id((liS r[,II 5 n,\eSCl
if Vflcas, ParritersiandDrids sill
nite n givig utttttormaldatcitg
IaryIa Grnrusex: 15tIrisity eening
)Ths ibthfirst oht inhlt dttce gienu
it b he isoctidtissut tietplat is Ia keep
as 111) iii ustoam Iatthefututste. Prof and
Sits iBtsiuslltachaeroe

I Thursday April 22, ini all Departments
-iSucpply Liminted. Buy 'Early. Silk Cloth $1.75. Sheep Skin $2.50.

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