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February 14, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… Points Pace 53-48 Win (Special to The Daily) Wilting before a persistent Go- pher attack, Michigan's point- hungry Wolverines dropped a 53- 48 decision to Minnesota last night on the Maroon and Gold's home…

… THE second half that really told the story. With one minute to go in the first half Michigan tied the score at 29-29. But the Gophers fought off the first of the Wolverine rushes to lead at half-time 32…

February 26, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

… clean two-game series from the Gophers. Previously, the Wolverines drubbed Minnesota, 7-3, Friday night. In polishing off the Go- phers for the fourth time this year, the Wolverines claimed their 18th win…

… of the season as against 3 losses. BOB HEATHCOTT paced the Wolverine attack as he picked up his first hat-trick of the campaign by slamming 3 goals through the Maroon and Gold crease. In a listless…

…- sisted by Bob Nyhus faked out Jack MacInnes with a short poke. Haethcott personally put th game on ice for the Wolverines during the second period when he pushed home two more goals. With Mel Peterson of…

February 16, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… anagers, around rt from terday's dtion of GOALIE KEN KINSLEY F ILS WOLVERINE JOHN MCKENNELL Officials Hint Co to rado Pumps Sextet - In Important Contest, 5- Concessions 15 Minutes BULLETIN MUNSAN, Korea…

… that's the case, there are few better hockey teams than the Colorado College outfit that dampened Michigan's hopes for a second straight NCAA championship by beating the Wolverines, 5-3, in the Coliseum…

… last night. Immediate consequences of the contest were these: Colorado moved into a tie with Denver for the lead in the Midwest Hockey League,. while - the Wolverines I dropped to third. le S…

…* *' * + WOLVERINE 'chances of re- Active Service turning to the NCAA playoffs for the fifth straight ear now, depend Of Reserves on beating the Tigers this after- noon (faceoff is 4 p.m.), and what North Dakota does…

February 17, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

Wolverines of getting a bid to the NCAA playoffs in March. MICHIGAN has an 8-3 loop rec- ord for 16 points and has only one ! game remaining with last place Michigan Tech that will count in the standings…

…Kennell and Doug Philpott. It was also Chin's second goal of the day. Heyliger then returned his de- fensemen to the ice, but the Wolverines still kept the pres- sure on and took a 6-5 lead a minute later on…

February 23, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

… gained his second shutout of the season as the Wolverine sextet blanked the McGill Redmen, 6-0, in the Coli- seum last night. The two teams go at it again tonight in the Coliseum at 8 p.m. JOHN Mc…

…-conference victory in eight games. The loss was Mc- Gill's eleventh in thirteen con- tests. WOLVERINE mentor Vic Hey- liger shuffled his lineup in an effort to offset the loss of John Matchefts and the absence of Doug…

…, flanked by Ron Martinson and Telly Mascarin. Bob Heath- cott alternated at center and defense for the Wolverines. McGill played a hard game all the way, but after the first period the Redmen were unable to…

… hold the Wolverines back. Defenseman Jim McGowan was outstanding for the Redmen. MICHIGAN TOOK the offen- sive in the opening seconds and kept the puck in the McGill zone for the first few minutes. The…

… Redmen did not get a shot on the Wolverine goal until after five and a half minutes of play. From then on, the two teams battled on even terms for the remainder of the first period, which ended in a…

February 24, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

… break- 4' ing run. John Vallortigara of Michigan snapped the tape in 6:6 for the 60-yard dash.. The 880-yard run was a thriller Wolverine John Ross led from the start, with Spartan Dick Jarrett breathing…

… their revenge in the 70-yard lows, however, as the Wolverine flash hit the second hurdle, lost his stride, and smashed over two more. He finally fell across the finish line to place third. Corbelli won…

… the previous.Coliseum mark. The Wolverines were handicap- ped by a marked inability to re- bound and by an ice cold shoot- ing average, converting only 22 of 73 attempts from the floor. In sharp…

February 28, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… to the Wolverine Club and a joint committee of the League and the Union. * * * * Hunted Woman Gives To Un-American Probers Ip * * * * STAR 'U' GYMNAST: Gra eoyHarry Luchs Career By DICK BUCK…

… Every sports fan knows the saga of golfdom's valiant Ben Hogan, but few realize that Michigan boasts a man who has staged perhaps an even greater comeback. He is Latvian-born Harry Luchs, the Wolverines

February 10, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… ere Fighting Illini Humble Wolverines By DICK LEWIS Power-laden Illinois raced to its second consecutive 30-point vic- tory over Michigan's hapless cag- ers, drubbing the Wolverines by a decisive 92…

… William Shakespeare's comedy, "Much Ado About Nothing." p e M l half with another hook, but that was a's close as the Wolverines got in the one-sided fight. Michigan outscored the Illi- nois reserves in…

February 12, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

… Michigan r State sextet, 4-0, last night at the 'Coliseum before one of the small- est crowds of the season. It was the third victory of the season for the Wolverines over the cellar-dwelling Spartans who…

… first period; while the Wolverines were a man short. George Chin grabbed a loose puck in Spartan territory, skated behind the visitors' nets and neatly snuck a pass to Pat Cooney who drilled the puck…

… rebounding a Ron Martinson shot. *. * * JIM HAAS made the prettiest play of the night as, he scored the third Wolverine marker after 42 seconds of the final period had gone by.;. Ten minutes later Martinson…

…, playing his first game on the Wolverine first line, took a pass from captain Johnny Matchefts in front of the net and scored on a drive into the corner. Aside from these few scoring SL Wing Calls For…

… Michigan State See SEXTET, Page 6 of- at- drives, the Wolverine attack was generally sluggish. " Three good passes in a row constituted a scor- ing threat and the victors were only able to get 'off 27…

February 14, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

Wolverine Goalie Willie Ikola. THE MINNESOTA squad jumped off to a quick lead by scoring three quick godls within 51 seconds early in the first period. Mayasich, brilliant Eveleth sophomore and league leader…

… left-wing took pass- es from Mayasich and Anderson to complete the scoring for the period. The Wolverines started the sec- ond period with an offensive of their own and finally blinked the red light at 4…

… to Philpott, his second of the night, Despite the difference In the score, the Wolverine pucksters held a shooting edge on John- ny Mariucci's Gophers. James Mattson, sophomore Ski-U-Mah goalie, was…

February 22, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

Wolverines blasted to an 8-3 win over North Dakota at the Coliseum. The Maize and Blue jumped out to an 8-0 lead before the Sioux from Grand Forks were able to put the puck in the goal at the halfway mark in…

… only top teams with league games remaining. Minnesota has a pair of one- pointers with cellar-dwelling Mich- igan State and the Wolverines have two two-point games with lowly Michigan Tech and one one…

February 28, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… McGill Uni- versity hockey squad jumped off to an early lead and was never headed as it whitewashed an over- confident Wolverine sextet, 7-0, in a non-league tilt, before an esti- mated 2,500 stunned…

… spectators at the Coliseum last night. Vic Heyliger's crew showed a complete reversal of form from that which they displayed last week in dumping North Dakota twice. The Wolverine's passing was completely off…

…, took passes from Jack Lynch and Wally Emo and blasted a screen shot past Willard Ikola in the Micifigan nets.I This was only the beginning of a disastrous evening for the Wolverines, who currently are…

…Elheran at 7:44. The Wolverines returned to the ice after the first intermission and immediately began pressing to! get back into the game. Their spark seemed to fade after Pat Cooney missed on a point…

… several minutes of steady pressure in the Wolverine zone finally tallied its third goal of the evening. It was scored by Jim McGowan on a pass from Len Kent at 8:54 of the stanza. Less than two minutes…

February 09, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

….Cukese ganizations requiring increased BASKET - Wolverine John Codwell scores over the outstretched space for their activities. arms of Iowa's Bill Schoof, but it's in vain, as M' loses, 86-68. More than 140…

… be- tween them scored 52 points in Iowa's early season win over the Wolverines, settled for 23 and 20 respectively last night. Although the Maize and Blue stayed close up until the final quarter, much…

… called to testify. Under {a pair of Pioneer goalies, the Wol-I stanza trailing 57-51. Tom Jor- cmitepoeue aywt. a pir f Poner galis,.he olgenson, Wolverine high point-get- committee procedure, many wit…

…,_Page___'single Commun'ist in any field the evening total to eleven, the such as education is bad." highest for the Wolverines in one i CThe sub - committee hearings game this season. aG ve have been repeatedly delayed by…

… Regents scheduled to testify in Detroit. THIS COMPARES' with 16,543 I dthe Wolverines within one point:atTHeISaCeMtimElStseetr, of the third place Pioneers and a approved the appointment of Prof. at the…

February 13, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

Wolverines must win I in order to remain in seventh place *,*x in the league standings. The Buck h eyes have taken only two out of k"x nine contests but a victory tonight Would push them past Michiganr and…

… points per game, ond period led to Michigan's sixth both squads. From this point on s oe fthan2smpoitstper gamengstraight hockey victory last night, however, the Wolverines were in is one of the smoothest…

…. feet pass from Pat Cooney and feet out of the net and Wolverine Cleo Vaughn and John Miller pushed the puck into the Tiger Jay 'Goold fired point blank at an round out the starting lineup, goal. Both…

… ezus dup Thompsons Tigers from defeat, nomic and cultural agreement it ment date. W ottN e s tR ouInA Lti the rampant Wolverines kept up{. a steady tatoo on the Colorado is now negotiating with Turkey…

… Deisnthog SEOUL - South Korea said MONTREAL - Police yester- his own goal. The last Wolverine Te at artmen, in yesterday it had responded to day announced the arrest of a to touch it, Pat Cooney, received The…

February 14, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

… they failed to nail down procedure for an interna- tional conference on the peaceful Wolverine uc men""' pooling of atomic energy. AFTER HIS inconclusive atomic I Colorado Coill By HANLEY GUR WIN…

Wolverine netminder Willard ence or to shelve the topic here. - Ikola who turned back 34 shots In sharp tones, the American a during the evening, suggested the conference settle t * * * at once the five…

February 19, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

… virtual necessity for the acquisition of a good seat. A - - THE WOLVERINES, who rose to great.heights during the eight day period following between semest- er's vacation to win six straight two point games…

… schedules, Michigan must whip Michigan State twice this week- end to remain in serious conten- tion for a NCAA playoff berth. A Wolverine loss would make a double NoDak defeat or three Gopher setbacks a…

… usually are when facing ________________________ the. Wolverines. which droppedtwo games to the 'U' S tude t Urges 18- Y Maize and Blue earlier this year, has been improving consistently By PAT ROELOFS and…

… College, 8-4. lobbyist made her first effort yes- * The Wolverines beat State 3-1 CHAIRMAN of the revision com- that night as Spartan sophomore terday to convince a State Legis- mittee, Rep.,W. Reed Orr of…

February 20, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

… The Daily EAST LANSING - Michigan's hockey mastery over Michigan State ended last night as a fired up Spartan squad desperately fought off a Wolverine sextet du- ing 70 minutes of scoreless hockey and…

… gained a 0-0 tie. The tie game, which gave the Wolverines only a half-point in the WHL standing, practically ended the last remaining hopes the Maize and Blue had of earn- ing a berth to the NCAA playoffs…

…- fought, and outthought the slug- gish Wolverines as they swarm- ed all over Ikola. Only the Michigan netminder's sensa- tional play staved off any MSC scoring. The Heyligermen, who had perked up somewhat…

… feats in the State twies against desperate Wolverine onslaughts. THE HECTIC third frame prov- ed extremely frustrating to the Ann Arbor sextet as their repeat- ed breakaway and close range shots were…

…, Doug Mul- len; Burt Dunn and Doug Phil- pott combined on a power play but Schiller's circus acrobatics stymied the Michigan attack. The Wolverines had two more chances to break the deadlock before…

… Badger's starting lineup. This will be the only meeting of the two clubs thip year. Last year Wisconsin dribbed the Wolverines twice. The Maize and Blue which has not won a con- ference game since the…

February 28, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… IS McCARTHY ON TOP? See Page 4 StrF Latest Deadline in the State DaitF CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXIV, No. 100 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1954 SIX PAGES I i Wolverines Bow to…

… Ill ni In Cage Tilt Hooper, Ridley Pace 79-61 Win By PAUL GREENBERG Associate Sports Editor Michigan's sinking basketball t hopes finally hit rock bottom last night as the Wolverines dropped et4 into…

… vote Friday night either way, decided the contest. substitute by Sen. Wolverine co-captain Don Hill and susitt by-e for an already-de Buckeye Captain Dick Cleveland Sen. Bricker (R-O were involved in all…

… Yard Freestyle Relay: 1...Ohio State (Ford, Ledger, Kawachika, Cleveland), 2-Michigan. Time: 3: 26.0. new dual meet mark in the in- dividual medley for the lone record erased by the Wolverines. FORD…

February 08, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…:15 p.m. today or 4:15 p.m. Thursday at the Student ing school enrollment jumped in Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard, a year from 1.761 to 2,064. -Daily-John Hirtzel TENSE MOMENT-Wolverines Jerry Stern…

… straight in Big Ten play. The Wolverines now possess a 2-4 record in Western Confer- ence action and an overall mark of eight wins and six losses. Paul Judson, who saw action at both forward and guard, led…

February 12, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

… is to be so strong that none will dare to attack us., "If we have learned but one les- CA.e - . . TOM RANDALL JOHN O'REILLY ... return sparks victory ... comes through in century Wolverine Hat Tricks…

…'s lobbies seemed dissapat- Michian Exlode g somewhat yesterday. After two-and-one-half periods Parliamentary observers gave;of listless hockey, the Wolverines 5' e 46-year-old lawyer from Stras- tallied three…

…. A slap shot from close in on the See WOLVERINES, Page 3 EAST LANSING - Michigan's' powerful swimming machine gained momentum yesterday, slip- ping into high gear for the ap- proaching Big Ten meet…

… time of 2:12.1. Probably the most encouraging sign of the evening lay in the per- formances of Wolverine junior John O'Reilly, who won the 220 yard free-style and. took. second to Ron Gora in the 100…

… free. Wolverine captain Bumpy Jones chalked up another win in the in- dividual medley, and set a pool and dual meet record in the pro- cess. Jones covered the 150 yard distance in 1:29.8 for the marks…

February 13, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… to close in on the Michigan nets in the second period of last night's game. The Wolverines eked out a. 3 victory. 'M' Puck, Hoop Squads Score Wins Sextet Rallies To Overcome world News Cagers Score…

… island. -+ 1 1 { PROF. WIT COMMENTS: Mendes-France May Regain Position, State Leads Early However, for a long time it ap- peared that Michigan State had finally found a way of defeating the Wolverines

February 19, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…- overtimes before losing in the sixth, 59-56. Gerald Lindsley (6-0) G Club and band music supplied by the Wolverine band will feature pher co-captain along wit ly averaging 14.5 points a game. The Wolverines

… sellout crowd of 6,090 was on hand to watch the Gophers crura- ble before a spirited Wolverine sextet that is trying desperately to remain in the running for a playoff berth in the Western In- ter…

…-Collegiate Hockey League. The two'teams square off again tonightj in an equally, important game. 1 Team Effort It was a team effort with five different Wolverines taking a part in the scoring. Defenseman Bob Schiller…

February 20, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… his opponent, Arthur T. Iverson, to concede defeat. Feikens' ability to pull votes out of the big areas such as Oak- lal~d, Kent, and Wayne districts proved the deciding factor in his Wolverines

… slot, and giv- ing away 10 inches and many pounds, the sophomore still man- aged to flip 25 points through the nets. But Kramer couldn't do it all by himself and Minnesota had too much for the Wolverines

… the game still to play. M' Gets Break At the 11:58 mark, the Maize and Blue received a break. Groffs- ky blocked a Garmaker shot, and in the ensuing scramble, Garmaker grabbed the Wolverine forward and…

… the opening half, the Wolverines led '13-3. -. ~ But this was not to last. When Simonovich hit on a lay-up with 6:04 still to play in the initial 20 minutes, the Gophers moved into a 24-23 advantage, a…

… Gopher sextet, 3-1, last night in jam-packed Wil- liams Arena. The win coupled with Fri- day night's victory considerably strengthens the Wolverines chanc- es of gaining a berth to the NCAA championships…

…,000,000 WA TCHERS: Television, Fans, Singers Invade Yost By MURRY FRYMER CBS was there, and so were 8,500 closely packed rooters, the Men's Glee Club, Batoners Bill Modlin and Champ Patton, and the Wolverine

February 22, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

… upset the Wolverines, 72-68, last night at the Fairgrounds Coli- seum. Led by Ron Kramer, who scored 24 points, 16 in the second half, the Maize and Blue overcame a 14 point deficit and took a 65-63 lead…

… with 2 minutes to play. However,: the efforts of John Miller and Don Kelley, who scored 29 and 20 points respectively, prov'ed to be too much for Michigan, and the Wolverines went down to defeat for the…

… led the Wolverine scorers with 10. In the opening minutes of the second half, Michigan,\ led by See KRAMER, Page 7 Commenting on the s stipulation, Mary Jo Park first vice-president, said" has been…

February 26, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… associated with the At- lantic Union movement. -Daily-Dick Gaskill NORTH DAKOTA GOALIE JERRY SCHULTZ BLOCKS BILL MacFARLAND'S SHOT BUT WOLVERINES POUND OUT 7-0 WIN TO NEAR NCAA PLAYOFF BERTH. Wolverine Icers…

…-out of the year. Wolverines will take on the No- daks again tonight in the Coli- seum at 8:00, and will attempt to run their victory streak to six straight games. Heyligers' sextet has now copped nine out…

… of their last 11 games, putting on another brilliant stretch run in the race to the Broadmoor and the NCAA Ice finals. Work Smoothly For the first time this season, two Wolverine lines functioned…

… North Dakota offense never got going. Only Ben Cherski resem- bled his press clippings, but even he was obscure in the face of the Wolverine onslaught. Garner Two Points The game, worth two big points in…

February 27, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… arch, Un- ion and Women's Athletic Build-1 irig. Geiger emphasized that there! would be no extension of the $6.501 price beyond Thursday.z Wolverines Top Nodaks; Tech Loses Michigan Darns Trip After 7…

…' goalie Lorne Howes, especially. in the hectic third period, made} the difference. Rendall Scores First Rendall got the Wolverines off to another flying start at 4:18 of the first period, when with Mac…

… MacFARLAND, Page 3 Daily-Dick Gaskil, WOLVERINE SHOT--Michigan wing Dick Dunnigan fires the puck toward the North Dakota goal in Michigan's 7-2 rout of the Nodaks. North Dakota ace Ben Chersky looks on…

… when the churning water had settled in Michigan's Varsity Pool th } Wolverines had edged a national champion Ohio State squad by th narrowest of margins. 47-46, to finish the dual meet season unbeat…

…'s best collegiate coaches, Mike Peppe. Capacity Crowd Most of the 1,400 screaming fans who packed the bleacher sensed a Wolverine victory when the host squad opened the mee surprisingly strong, capturing…

February 12, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

… purpose behind state acquisition, according to President ry, is inability of the Detroit Board of Education to carry the TINGTON, Ind. - Paced hooting Archie Dees, In- sted the Wolverine cag- here last…

… handling by the Wolverines. Michigan's floor work completely collapsed during the second half as Indiana increased its lead by 10 points in the first six minutes of the period. Poor Scoring Depth With the…

… exception of Kramer, Tom Jorgensen, and Billy Wright, not one of the Wolverines were See RAGGED, Page 3 Offices In Japan onsid ered by 'U' Tokyo is - being considered as the site for a possible University…

February 14, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

… Gymnasium. The triumph was the eighth in a row in Conference play for the Illini and kept them in front of challenging Iowa. Despite Ron Kramer's 26 points the Wolverines were unable to cope with the Illini…

… until the winners pulled away with a surge to assume a 13 point bulge late in the period. Then, the N " , Wolverines snapped back with 1 lli n D nies seven points to narrow the margin Nixon [Denes Th…

February 18, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

… Gophers here before a sell-out Williams Arena mob. The Wolverine triumph threw the sensational league race into a three-way tie for first place, as Michigan Tech's rampant Huskies kept pace by blitzing…

… Minnesota's reach. With the Wolverines leading by only one slim goal, the lean Mc- Intosh took a pass from Ed Switz- er, who had taken a cross ice pass from Tommy Rendall. Roaring in as a trailer on the play…

… look like Animal Farm at Northwestern this afternoon. Donald Duck will be wearing a Wildcat uniform when the Wolverine wrestling squad in- vades Evanston, Illinois for a dual meet between the two Big Ten…

February 19, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… puts the Wolverines in a first place tie with Michigan Tech, who last night defeated North Dakota 5-4 in overtime at Houghton. Both teams now have 15 points. Colorado College has 14. Trial in First…

… after just forty seconds of the gole Jack Mc~at t a cls The Wolverines wnt ahead t Bernie Hanna sitting out a two minute interference penalty, Mac- Farland brought the puck up the ice and let fly with a…

February 21, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

… addition to the Indiana loss, the Wolverines lost to Iowa and Michigan State while tieing Iowa State. University Health Service veri- fied reports that Jack Wardrop was there the morning of the meet. The…

… examining doctor said that See WOLVERINES, Page 7 Prophet Jones Sent To Jail For Indecency Dr. James F. Jones, "The Lord's One and Only Prophet," was Jailed yesterday on charges of gross in- decency and…

February 25, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…. Wolverine wingman Switzer found Carabin goalie Bleau's weakness five times-three in the last seven minutes-and that was the story of Michigan's explosive 5-2victory. Tech, Minnesota Win While Michigan engaged…

Wolverines take on Montreal again -at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the Athletic Admin- T"nistration Building until noon and Switzer's five goals last night. T * i* * Xwere a season's high for the team 1…

… best individual scoring performances of recent Wolverine ice history. Actually, the crew-cut sopho- more had plenty of assistance. Neil McDonald gained four assists while Dick Dunnigan had three. Captain…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…, Michigan rode roughshod over a helpless Montreal sextet' at the Coliseum last night to the tune of 10-1. Five Wolverines broke into the scoring column, with Captain Bill MacFarland pacing the assault with…

… four goals. Despite the win, the Wolverines dropped two full points behind league leading Michigan Tech, who1 defeated MSU 3-1 at East Lan- sing. Tech now has 17 points to Michigan's 15. Three Found At…

February 28, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

… topped the Wolverine cagers 72-63 at Purdue field house. Jorgensen's 18 points gave him a three year total of 828 to surpass the old leader, Don Eaddy, by five markers. Tied For Seventh The setback kept…

… the Wolverines from moving up another notch in the tightly contested Conference second division. With a mark of eight losses and only four victories? the cagers remained in a tie for seventh place with…

… Minnesota who dropped a decision to league-lead- ing Illinois. The Wolverines remained with- in reach of the Boilermakers with only 4:34 left in the game when the winners surged away from a 65-61 score to…

… narrow the gap to but two points. Lingle finished with 11 markers to take third. With the opening of the second half, the Riveters pulled to another lead which they held until the Wolverines tightened the…

…, totalling 10 and 13 apiece. Although even with the winners in field goals, the Wolverines foul- ing cost them the game. Both teams hit about 66% of their at- tempts from the charity stripe but the…

February 09, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…- vantage early in the first period, the Wolverines saw the Gophers pound seven straight shots past their overworked goalie Ross Childs before they could retaliate. But by then it mattered little what they…

… last weekend. Penalties played a major role in the outcome. Johnny Mariuc- ci's alert sextet scored four times while the Wolverines were short- handed to only one goal for Michi- gan when Minnesota was a…

… man short. There were 10 penalties called, Michigan getting six of them. The Wolverine goal getters were See PENALTIES, Page 3 Eisenhower, Macmillan MIayConfer WASHINGTON 1P) - President Dwight D…

February 10, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

… absolutely nec- essary for the Wolverines if they want to stay in the thick of the Big Ten race. Never has this reporter seen such a reversal in basketball as the one which took place on the field house floor…

… last night. In the first half, Michigan played ex- cellent ball, both offensively and defensively. Fall Apart For seven minutes of the sec- ond half the Wolverines continued to sparkle, then everything…

… Society," with Marquis W. Childs, and held a Guggen- heim Award last year to study of the press and government. * , iIV-U;14.rte Offensive Lapse With the Wolverine defensive lapse came a similar reaction…

February 12, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

… basketball team suffered a 70-65 licking at the hands of the Badgers here last night. The Wolverines just couldn't get rolling as the home five pulled away to an early lead which the Blue never quite overcame…

…. The defeat set the Wolverines back in sixth place in the race for Big Ten honors with a record of four wins and four losses for an even .500 percentage. The win was the first for Wis- iU. . For…

February 16, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

Wolverines close out their two game series with an afternoon game at 3:30 p.m. today. Forward Wally Maxwell led the dazzling display of power last night, firing three goals and add- ing an assist for four…

… points. Max- well found the range twice in the second period and then gained himself the coveted, three goal "hat trick" with only two seconds remaining in the game. Other Wolverine marksmen were Neil Mc…

… Early Advantage The Wolverines moved out in front 2-1 late in the first period, padded their lead with two more in the middle frame, and then turned the game into a rout with four goals in the last period…

February 24, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

… COLUMBUS-The Buckeyes of Ohio State outlasted the Wolverine cagers in a see-saw, 94-88 contest before a 13,800 capacity crowd in the new field house at Columbus last night. The lead shifted hands 13 times…

… and the score was knotted a total of 18 times in the game which was high-scoring yet tightly-played all the way. At no time did more thanj seven points separate the two teams. The Wolverines, failing in…

February 08, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… committee that the first United States military unit armed with intercontinental ballistics missiles will be at its post by De- cember 1959. WOLVERINES NOW SI '11' leers Sta- Treasury Asks No0 Secretary Pax…

… SPEAKS HERE: Column Termed 'Poor Man's Bow to Minnesota, 4-2 special to The Daily MINNEAPOLIS-Minnesota took advantage of a slow start by Michigan's hockey team and dealt the Wolverines a 4-2 loss before…

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