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February 19, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-19

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H tcher Says'GoAhead'on eorganizatic

efl Plan



(The following article is an interpretive account of the Student Affairs
Study Committee meeting yesterday.)
Authorization to continue study of a thorough reorganization of
student government was granted the Student Affairs Study Com-
mittee by University President Harlan H. Hatcher Tuesday.
Committee chairman Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the political science
department outlined the President's views to the group yesterday and
added the President "gave the committee the green light" to go
ahead with the discussions.
ENVISIONED IN the plan considered by the eight-man study
group was a student executive council subject to review by a three-
member student-faculty-administration board.
The student group, partly elected by the campus at large
and including some ex-officio members, would take over many of
the functions now carried out by the Student Affairs Committee
and Student Legislature.
Prof. Laing pointed out that the council must be compact to serve
effectively. He suggested a student council of 12 to 20 members.
Present set-up for the SAC calls for 15 members and the campus elects
the 40 SL representatives.
The study group did not discuss the ratio of elected to "student
expert" members drawn from leading campus activities, but it was

pointed out the calibre of leadership would necessarily be high in
such a group.
* * * *
SL FUNCTIONS presently fall into four categories: expression
of student opinion, coordination of student activities, projects to meet
student needs and student appointments to joint student-faculty-
administration committees.
SAC now recognizes new organizations, approves student-
sponsored activities, draws up rules and p'rocedures governing
activities. It makes policies for recognition, social activities and
rules governing participation in extra-curricular non-athlete
The new body would "possibly hold jurisdiction over both areas
now carried by SAC and SL. It might be given actual legislative
powers concerning many matters of student government so that other
appropriate campus organizations would handle projects of a service
A student fee, it was felt, would finance this revamped student
government organization.
* *. * *
THE PROPOSED review board might hold a relationship with
the student council similar to that of the Sub-Committee on Discip-
line with Joint Judiciary Council. A liaison between council and re-
view board would possibly report to the three-member group and


certain matters subject to their discretion would come before the as a more effective student government or whether this end could
board. only be achieved by a group including representatives of the largest
The study committee suggested membership on the review and most powerful organizations.
board might include the proposed University Vice-President for It is just this type of "mixed" group numbering among its mem-
Student Affairs or the present Dean of Students, a faculty member bers both elected and ex officio student leaders that the study com-
and a student. mittee is giving primary consideration.
Prof. Laing emphasized that such a student government must * * *
gain University recognition in order to be an effective, working or- BEFORE AN effective government acceptable to existing groups
gariization of significance to the campus. can be worked out, major decisions will have to be made on func-
* * * tions and composition of the central executive group which will wield
IN RETROSPECT, the study committee has been headed in the power over the student affairs sector.
direction of consideration of fundamental government realignment In the past, student leaders hopeful of making a structural
from the outset. The ramifications of its broad inquiry extended far change in campus government which would permit greater accept-
beyond the composition of SAC as it quickly became apparent that ance of stifdent opinion and responsibility by the administration
SAC was part of a maze of inter-related organizations and could not have been cautious about losing the questioning spirit and vitality
be studied apart from the other groups. that SL has sometimes shown.
Behind the current inquiry of student activities on this cam- Blending these elements together will be a major problem to the
pus which has been marked by occasional attempts at coordina- committee.
tion. In addition, a careful delineation of the relationship between the
SL by its constitution is mandated to engage in coordinating acti- review group and the executive committee must be arrived at before
vities, but little real progress could be gained in that area because a final plan can be written.
of the long standing supremacy of older campus groups. These will be areas into which the committee's investigation will
Thus it was not sqrprising that the 1952 student reorganization extend in succeeding weeks. The deadline for its report to President
study group came to an impasse on whether SL could ever function Hatcher has been set as April 1.


See page 4

it it
Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXIV, No. 93





IUA.M A 'A1'


Short Work
Week At GM
Hit By UAW
DETROIT-(A)- The Congress
of Industrial Organizations Unit-
ed Auto Workers called on General
Motors Corp. yesterday to abandon
what the union called the "short
work week"but the company said
that its hourly employes in the
United States "are working more
than 40 hours per week on the
1 average."~
UAW Vice President John W.
Livingston asked the company to
readjust its work forces to provide
a full 40-hour work week for reg-
ular employes.
IN A LETTER to GM President
Harlow Curtice, Livingston pro-
tested what he termed "short work
weeks-or share-the-work sched-
ules" in "numerous plants" of the
auto'company. Livingston's pro-
posal would mean layoffs for the
newer employes.
In a statement on employment
in GM plants, H. W. Anderson,
GM's vice president in charge of
personnel, said "Some assembly
operations are currently sched-
uled to work between 32 and 401
hours per week, which we expect
to be temporary."
"Many of our automobile plants,
are working overtime including
some assembly operations," Ander-
son said.
The GM executive reported:
"Our more than 170,000 hourly
rated employes in Michigan are
also working on the average in
excess of a 40-hour week. There
are 20,000 more GM employes7
currently working in Michigan
than were working a year ago."
GM's last report on employment
showed 385,000 hourly-rated em-
ployes in the nation. Of these, ap-
proximately 340,000 were in auto
The union said its request is
based on complaints from local;
union presidents at GM plants and
regular employes ho said their
income because of short work
weeks is "not enough to live on."
Griller Quartet
Starts Music
Festival Today
Inaugurating the 14th annual
chambtr music festival here, the
Griller String Quartet will per-
form at 8:30 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Auditorium.
Included in the program will be
Haydn's "Quartet in G, Op. 33, No.
5" Bloch's "Quartet No. 3" and
Mozart's "Quartet in B-flat, K.
4 58."f

Caucus Drafts
Election Change
State-Wide Bipartisan Canvassers
Asked by Williams at Conference
LANSING-(MP)-The House Republican caucus, still trying to;
please Gov. G. Mennen Williams, yesterday ordered the drafting of
an amendment to the election law codification setting up bipartisan
county -boards of canvassers.
The amendment was demanded by Gov. Williams at a conference
with Rep. 'Ierb Clements (R-Deckerville), House elections chairman,
and Rep. Harry J. Phillips (R-Port Huron), majority leader.
WILLIAMS wants the county chairmen of the Republican and
Democratic parties to be given the right to choose the canvassers
who officially count votes. In most

'M' Hockey
Squad Faces
State Tonight'
Second Contest Here
Tomorrow Evening
Michigan's hockey team, riding
the crest of a seven game winning
streak, faces the Michigan State
Spartans at East Lansing tonight
in the opener of a two game series.
Tomorrow evening the two
teams return to Ann Arbor for the
series finale. The game, a one-
pointer, starting at 8 p.m., is an
almost'certain sell-out, making an
early arrival a virtual necessity for
the acquisition of a good seat.
A - -
THE WOLVERINES, who rose to
great.heights during the eight day
period following between semest-
er's vacation to win six straight
two point games, have taken overI
first place in the Western Hockey
League by a half point.
However, because the second
and third place teams, Minne-
sota and North Dakota, have
more possible points left on their
schedules, Michigan must whip
Michigan State twice this week-
end to remain in serious conten-
tion for a NCAA playoff berth.
A Wolverine loss would make a
double NoDak defeat or three
Gopher setbacks a necessity ifhVic
Heyliger's national champs are to
slip into a fourth straight trip to
Colorado Springs.
** *







Kirk Speaks
On Poverty,
Russian Life
Discussing her two years in Rus-
sia, Lydia Kirk stressed the un-
changing poverty of the people's
lives in a lecture here last night.
"Russia 'is like the floor of the
ocean, the same regardless of the
weather," Mrs. Kirk, the wife of
Admiral Alan Kirk, former ambas-
sador to the Kremlin, said.
"WHEN Peorge Kennan was int
Moscow on duty, he found a dis-

counties now, the canvassers are
all Republicans, chosen by Repub-
lican county administrations.
The Democratic Governor,
holding the threat of a veto of
the whole recodification over the
Republicans' heads, got them.
earlier to agree to delete a pro-
vision combining the presiden-
tial and state ballots.'
Clements and Phillips reported
the Governor's new demand to the
caucus which ordered the amend-
ment drawn. The majority mem-
bers, however, reserved judgment
on the idea.
* * *
together all state election laws
and makes no major changes.
Scheduled House debate on the
bill, already approved by the Sen-
ate, was put off until Tuesday.
The House education commit-
tee introduced a bill calling for
a $116,857,272 appropriation for
aid to public schools in the
1954-55 year.
The amount, automatically man-!
dated by the sales tax diversion
amendment, compares to $106,-
333,876 for the current year. In-
creased school enrollments, how-
ever, will hold elementary schools'
share of the new appropriation to
the present $150 per child and
high schools' to the present $170.
Housing, Johs
Reveal Bias
The problem of racial discrimi-
nation in Ann Arbor can be seen
most clearly in the areas of hous-
ing and employment, according to
Tom Harrison, Grad., Chairman of
the Political Committee of the Ann
Arbor Civic Forum.
Speaking to a meeting of the'
Student Legislature Human Rela-
tions Committee, Harrison said
that discrimination in employ-
ment is "so subtle it is hard to
Although some discriminatory
problems were considered outside
of the scope of student activity
Harrison was strongly in favor of
the anti-discrimination sticker
proposed by the HR Committee
earlier this year. In dealing with
cases of discrimination by local
merchants, Harrison said he
thought that most store owners
would agree to stop such prac-
tices if annroached hv aenrenen-

By Big Fu
Indochina, Korea
Placed_ On Agenda
BERLIN-(M-Russia and the
Big Three Western Powers yester-
day called for an Asian peace con-
ference at Geneva April 26 to at.
tempt to unify war-shattered Ko.
rea and en4' the Indochina rebel-
The four foreign ministers con-
cluded their 25-day talks in Ber-
lin with these historic decisions:
* * *
1. INVITED 16 nations, includ-
ing Red China and the rival Ko-
rean republics to join them in a
conference on a Korean political
2. Agreed this conference in
Switzerland also would discuss
the Indochina conflict with Red
China participating in the talks.
3. Promised to "exchange views"
on Big Four disarmament under
a resolution of the United Nations
dated last Nov. 28.
4. ADMITTED the Big Four's
inability to agree at this time on
unification of divided Germany
and granting Austria its independ-

--Daily-Chuck Kelsey
SPRING CAN'T BE TOO FAR BEHIND-Struck hard yesterday by unseasonal cases of spring fever,
larQ v'JS o U.lpntc twr5d T nn A nAL&I1 H1 UU1IO9r5t'LnU tIn tn inn nrPLLR 416n+

urge groups of stunents congeaeonAen austpsosvr
ALTHOUGH Michigan State at the weatherman would continue his cooperation. The girl who is seen
present is mired in sixth place and
stands no chance of moving up in ogized-she'd just put her hair up.
the WHL standings, the Spartans
could prove dangerous if fired up ON FIRST 'LOBBY' DAY:
as they usually are when facing ________________________
the. Wolverines.
which droppedtwo games to the 'U' S tude t Urges 18- Y
Maize and Blue earlier this year,
has been improving consistently By PAT ROELOFS
and last Wednesday won its first special to The Daily her arguments in favor of the 18
league game of the season, drop- LANSING-Michigan's youngest year old vote.
pin Coorao Cllee, -4.* *
ping Colorado College, 8-4. lobbyist made her first effort yes- *
The Wolverines beat State 3-1 CHAIRMAN of the revision com-
that night as Spartan sophomore terday to convince a State Legis- mittee, Rep.,W. Reed Orr of Bat-
Ed Schiller played brilliantly to lature House of Representatives tle Creek discussed the proposed
keep the Spartans in the game all committee that the voting age amendment with Miss Myers, stat-
the way. The stocky netminder was should be lowered to 18. ing "most of the men on the com-
at his best in a recent pair of Appearing before the six-man mittee seem to favor a 19-year-old'
frays against Minnesota, turning Committee on Revision and voting age."
away 78 shots in two vain State Amendment of the Michigan State O
victory attempts. Constitution in the Capitol at Orr and other representatives
See KING, Page 3 Lansing, Dorothy Myers, '55, gave said many of their constituents
SeeKIG, ag ~--_ - -- -. . --- have informed them that 19 was
considered a more plausible legal

ice cream cones and ope that
wearinea heavy headscarf apol-


gar-Old Vote

"The possibility emerges of
members voiced open objections to effecting the unification of Ko-
lowering the voting age from the rea, in freedom," Secretary of
present 21-year-old requirement. State Dulles told the conference
M in a farewell speech.
ONE DIFFICULTY may prevent West Berlin's Freedom Bell, an
the proposed amendment to the American gift, rang at that hour,
state Constitution from appearing marking the end of a march to
on the November ballot according, City Hall by some 15,000 anti-
to Orr. In the same'section of the Communist workers bearing torch-


patch dated 1844 in a pile of pa-
pers and almost signed it, the
contents were so similar," she
Speaking of the death of Stal-
in and the resulting power
shifts, Mrs. Kirk suggested, "We
can only speculate. Although
newspaper and magazines make
much of the so-called changes,
it took Stalin 12 years to consol-
idate his power. Malenkov and
his associates have only been
in for one year.
"It's a grim game of survival to
find out which of the ten little In-
dians will be the one left."
* , * - -
IN THE HIGHLY stratified
Russian society, she observed, the
party brass lives luxuriously, but
the mass of people live much as
they always have.
"The diet is the old peasant
diet: porridge, with oil if they
can get it, soup for the main

Proposed Geneva Talk
Bypasses Panmunjorn
Big Four foreign ministers' pro- State Dep a r tm e n t officials
posal in Berlin to hold a Korean stressed that the proposed Gene-j
peace conference in Geneva April va meeting would be the peace

Consisting of first violinist
Sidney Griller, second violinist
Jack O'Brien, violist Philip Bur-
ton and cellist Colin Hampton,
the Griller group has remained
together for 24 years, longer
than any other ensemble.
Since their graduation togeth-
er from the Royal Academy of
Music in London, the group has


voting age "because all students
are out of high school by that
However, none of the committee
Moore Conducts
Council Meeting
Taking the place of George Sal-
lade who was out of town, Prof.
Earl V. Moore, Dean of the School!
of Music, conducted last night's
meeting of the Ann Arbor City
A proposal made by the Ann
Arbor Board of Education to set
up a regional planning committee

Constitution is a requirement that lights silently protesting Molotov's
six months legal residence within "nyet" to German hopes for uni-
a particular district before a vote fication. Yesterday afternoon,*
may be cast in an election. 150,000 East Berliners, including
A proposed amendment to this ! school children paraded past the
law is to be presented to state Soviet Embassy on Unter den Lin-
voters because the committee den'in a Communist mass demon-
members feel too many people stration.
moving from one district to an-
other district less than six Fi
months before elections are de- i Rush n
nied the right to vote.
The feeling of committeemen is Tallies Totaled
that two amendments to the same a1JI . PL UJ
section of the Constitution would
be confusing to voters. However Final tallies on fraternity rush-
some of them observed that an ing yesterday showed some 434
amendment proposing a lower vot- men signed up for the spring rush-
ing age possibly could appear on ing session.
the spring ballot in 1955. . According to John Baity, '55,
IFC executive vice-president, close
to 45 men who wanted to sign up
were rejected because of a below
2. scholastic average.
1 a w _Ne mr n . The total number of men rush-


26 would bypass the thorny prob-
lem of how to get preliminary
talks going again at Panmunjom.
And it apparently would close
out the career of Arthur H. Dean!
as special ambassador for the
grouimwo r pnfvrmm.eac thn, +-1

conference authorized in the Ko-
rea truce signed last July 27. The
Panmunjom talks with the Chi-
nese Communists and North Ko-
reans had been set up only to ar-
range a time. lace and agenda.




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