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February 28, 1953 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXIII, No. 99



- -


Gen. Ridgway
Seeks More
United Staff
Plans To Expand
Air Head's Duties
-(A')-Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway
disclosed yesterday he wants a
unified command for his land
naval and air forces in Central
Europe and "enlargement of the
functions of the air deputy" at
Informed sources said the re-
sultant bigger jobs are expected
to go respectively to French Mar-.
shal Alphonse Juin, the Central
European land commander who
has often been critical of the Unit-
ed States, and U. S. Air Force
Gen. Lauris Nostad, now heading
thenCentral European Air Com-
A communique announced
Ridgway had submitted a re-
commendation on the unified
command and the air deputy's
functions to the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization's standing
group in Washington.
"The matter is still under con-
sideration," it said.
Informed sources at SHAPE
said, however, it is considered
highly unlikely that Ridgway's
proposals would be turned down.
The Communique did not name
either Juin or Nostad. But the
informants reported Juin is slated
to get the unified command and
Nostad is likely candidate for the
air deputyship.
In line with his SHAPE reor-
ganization proposals, Ridgway al-
so is shifting his U. S. Army Euro-
pean Command headquarters clos-
er to SHAPE.
The site will be Les Loges, a
village ; only five miles from
SHAPE. The headquarters, under
Ridgway's deputy, Gen. Thomas
T. Handy, is now in Frankfurt.
When the transfer will occur is
still not known.
New 'U' Clinic
To Hold Open
House Today
The University Hospital Out-
patient Clinic's open house, which
will be held from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. today will give the general
public an opportunity to view the
modern facilities of the new build-
* * *
THE STATE-financed $3,726,-
800 structure will house 24 clinics
which had formerly been scatter-
ed throughout the hospital, ac-
cording to Director, Dr. Albert C.
Kerlikowske. This decentraliza-
tion, expansion, and moderniza-
tion of facilities will enable the
clinic to provide speedier and more
personalized service for its pa-
During the open house, stu-
dent nurses and medical stu-
dents will conduct guided tours
which will cover the clinic's em-
ergency section with its four
operating rooms, some of its 196
examination rooms, some of the
100 offices provided for the cli-
nic staff, and at least one of the
nine -classrooms which will be
used in the instruction of medi-
cal students and nurses.
Personnel from each of the cli-

nics will be on hand to answer
individual questions.
Student nurses will be on hand
to serve as baby sitters for parents!
who bring children.
Senate Confirms
Foreign Officials
ate yesterday confirmed the nom-
ination of Karl L. Rankin, as am-
bassador to Nationalist China.
Also confirmed were:
James Clement Dunn, former
ambassador to France, as ambas-
sador to Spain.
John M. Cabot, former ambas-
sador to Pakistan, as assistant sec-
retary of state for American re-
It also confirmed the nomina-
tion of C. Douglas Dillon, former
head of Dillon, Reed & Co., New
York investment bankers, as am-

Congress Blasts
Russian Purges
WASHINGTON-(AP)-Congress yesterday speeded action on two
resolutions blasting Soviet Russia for its outrages against Jews and
other minorities and for its "enslavement" of people behind the Iron
BOTH RESOLUTIONS were sponsored by the White House.
Underscoring the Eisenhower administration's stepped-up
campaign of psychological warfare against the Soviets, the day's
developments included:
1. The Senate voted 79 to 0 to condemn Russian persecution of
minorities-persecution which Sen. Wiley (R-Wis.) declared has "hor-
rified the entire civilized world."

U.S. Prosecutors
Replaced by Ike
Myles J. Lane Ousted by Decision;
See Major Shakeup of Attorneys
WASHINGTON-(P)-Replacement of three United States attor.
neys was announced yesterday in what was reported to be the be-
ginning of a major shakeup of federal prosecutors throughout the
ALSO ANNOUNCED was the resignation of the Justice Depart-
ment's No. 2 man, Solicitor General Walter J. Cummings, effective
Cummings, who was appointed to the $15,500 post by former
President Truman shortly before the change in administrations,

2. The House Foreign Affairs
Committee unanimously approved
President Eisenhower's resolution
denouncing Russia for casting free
peoples into bondage through vio-
lation of World War II agreements
with the Western Allies.
* * *
TALK OF phrasing the latter
resolution in stiffer terms sub-
sided in a show of bi-partisan har-
mony as the committee voted to
send the resolution to the House
floor without a single change.
There had been suggestions
that the resolution shouldex-
press something stronger than
mere "hope" that the captive
peoples living within the Soviet
orbit would some day find their
way back to freedom.
House action on the resolution
is expected next week. Sen. Taft
(R-Ohio) said the Senate will
probably take it up next Friday.
Unlike the anti-enslavement
resolution, the resolution dealing
with Soviet persecution of Jews
and other minorities does not re-
quire House approval. It is strict-
ly a Senate affair and today's vote
completes action on it.
The resolution puts the Senate
on record as condemning "the vie-
ious and inhuman" persecutions
carried out by the Soviets and
their puppets in Europe and Asia.
Specifically, it denounces the
persecution of Greek Orthodox
congregations, the imprisonment
of Roman Catholic prelates, the
harrassment of Protestants, the
suppression of Moslem communi-
ties, the persecution and scatter-
ing of ethnic groups in Poland, the
Uktaine, the Baltic, and the Bal-
kans, and the increasing perse-
cution of the Jews.
SL Guild Film
To Continue Run
"Dark Victory," starring Bette
Davis and Humphrey Bogart, con-
tinues at 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. to-
day and at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow in
the Architecture Auditorium by
the Student Legislature Cinema
The highly dramatic presenta-
tion ranks high among Bette
Davis' repertoire of classic films.
Admission is 50 cents.

Posts Filled,
The Board in Control of Student
Publications yesterday announced
the appointment of Ted Bohusze-
wicz, '53A&D, as editor of the sum-
mer-fall student directory.
Bohuszewicz represents the
Druids, senior literary college hon-
* * *

-Daily-Don Campbell
* * * *M *n*
Mc~il Blaks Mihiga, 7-

THE BOARD also announced
the appointment of two Daily
night editors and three assistant
night editors.
Joyce Fickies, '54, from Ovid and
Helene Simon, '54, from Gary,
Ind., are the new night editors.
Gayle Greene, '54, Dorothy My-
ers, '55 and Jon Sobeloff, '55, were
named to the assistant night edi-
tor posts.
Bob Wells, '55, was named En-
sian sales manager by the Board.
Official Says
Auto Leaders
Try Merger
WASHI4GTON- (P) - A high
official of the Reconstruction Fi-
nance Administration (RFC) said
yesterday negotiations are taking
place in New York on possible mer-
ger of the Willys-Overland and
Kaiser-Frazer automobile com-
panies. He added: "It doesn't look
to me like they will come out well."
The RFC official, whoasked not
to be named, made the statements
when asked about reports that
merger negotiations were taking
He said the government loan
agency has not taken a direct part
in the talks but "we are certainly
a highly interested spectator."
Kaiser-Frazer, headed by Henry
J. Kaiser, industrialist who gained
fame as a shipbuilder during the
war, has been largely financed by
RFC loans. The RFC said today
Kaiser-Frazer loans now amount
to 48 million dollars.

An alert, hustling McGill Uni-
versity hockey squad jumped off
to an early lead and was never
headed as it whitewashed an over-
confident Wolverine sextet, 7-0, in
a non-league tilt, before an esti-
mated 2,500 stunned spectators at
the Coliseum last night.
Vic Heyliger's crew showed a
complete reversal of form from
that which they displayed last
week in dumping North Dakota
twice. The Wolverine's passing
was completely off, as were their
shooting and defensive abiltis
Time and time again Maize and
Blue pucksters were in position to
net the puck behind the McGill
goaltender, but more often than
not, either the pass was ill-timed
or the shot was missed. Not to
be overlooked however is the spec-
tacular performance turned in by
English Editor
To Visit Here
For Lectures
As the plane carrying the world
famed Barbara Ward Jackson, as-
sistant editor of the "London Eco-
nomist," wings its way across the
Atlantic, University officials are
busily preparing for her scheduled
arrivel at 6:15 p.m. today.
UNDER THE terms of the Mott
Foundation grant, Miss Ward is
to be the guest of the University
for a week. During this time she
will deliver two major lectures on
the religious implications of the
Communist challenge to the free
The noted economist will con-
cern herself with "Are Today's
Problems Religious" in a lec-
ture at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, and
at the same time on Thursday
she will discuss "Moral Order
in an Uncertain World." Both
addresses will be given in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
In discussing her contributions
to thought in the Western world,
President Harlan H. Hatcher said
yesterday, "I have found that
Miss Ward writes the clearest
prose of any author I have en-
countered in the difficult fields
of politics and economics.
"She is the kind of person that
students will want to hear," be
continued. President Hatcher in-
dicated that students will have the
opportunity of listening to Miss
Ward during the week at various
She will address the economics
club at an open meeting on "Prob-
lems of Investment in Underde-
veloped Areas," at 8 p.m. Wednes-
day at the Rackham Amphithe-
The Mott Foundation was set
up recently to bring world re-
knowned personalities to. campus
each year for a week's visit. Miss
Ward's lectures will inaugurate
the series.

the Redmen goalie, Bob McClellan.
On many occasions, the f tall six
foot, two inch netminder rose to
great heights to turn back Wol-
verine shots.
* A
FROM THE opening face-off in
the first period, the Canadiens
were on the move. At 4:11 of the,
initial stanza, with Wolverine Al
McClellan in the penalty box for
cross-checking, Len Shaw, McGill
defenseman, took passes from Jack
Lynch and Wally Emo and blasted
a screen shot past Willard Ikola
in the Micifigan nets.I
This was only the beginning
of a disastrous evening for the
Wolverines, who currently are
bidding for a spot in the NCAA
championships at Colorado
Springs next month. Just a few-
minutes later, Whitey Schutz
made it 2-0.for the visitors by!
scoring a goal after a pass from
wingmate Pete McElheran at
The Wolverines returned to the
ice after the first intermission
and immediately began pressing to!
get back into the game. Their
spark seemed to fade after Pat
Cooney missed on a point-blank
shot and George Chin, playing
with a headgear to protect an in-
jury which he suffered in prac-
tice the other day, fanned on a
shot right in front of the net.
McGill returned to the offensive
and after several minutes of steady
pressure in the Wolverine zone
finally tallied its third goal of
the evening. It was scored by Jim
McGowan on a pass from Len
Kent at 8:54 of the stanza. Less
than two minutes later, at 10:19,
Shaw netted his second goal of
Jazz Concert
To .Be Given
The Gershwin Concert Orches-
tra will present a program of works
by the famous jazz composer at
8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Audi-
Lorin Maazel whom Leopold
Stokowski hailed as "the prodigy
of the century," will conduct the
all-Gershwin program in the Or-
chestra's first appearance here.
Tickets for the concert will be
available in the box office of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Tower from 9 to 11:45 a.m.
tomorrow and from 9 to 11:45 a.m.
and from 1 to 4:45 p.m. Monday.

the night on a screen shot that
Ikola never saw.
** *
AT 17:086 OF THE middle period,
Pete Constable, Redmen center.
raised the total to five on an un-
assisted goal. McGill added insult
to injury by scoring twice more
in the final session. The goals, com-
ing at 16:58 and 18:08 respectively
were scored by center Herb English
with assists going to Lynch and
Emo and Schutz's unassisted tal-
ly, his second of the night.
McClellan, in registering his
whitewash over the Wolverines,
turned back the puck on30 oc-
casions, including masterful
saves from the sticks of Mullen,
Bert Dunn, and Johnny Mat-
chef ts in the closing minutes of
the one-sided game.

Ikola, while turning back
shots, turned in a good game


Hypnotism At Hill

FIRST PERIOD: '-Mc Gill, Shaw
(Lynch, Emo) 4:11; 2-McGill,
ties: MICHIGAN, McClellan (cross
Schutz (McElheran) 7:44. Pen-
alties: MICHIGAN, McClellan
(cross-checking); McGill, Shaw
(illegal check).
Gowan (Kent) 8:54; 4-McGill,
Shaw (unassisted) 10:19; 5-Mc-
Gill, Constable (unassisted) 17:06.
Penalties: MICHIGAN, McClellan
(tripping), Paolatto (slashing).
THIRD PERIOD: 6-McGill, English
(Lynch, Emo) 16:58; 7-1cGll,
Schutz (unassisted) 18:08. Pen-
alties: McGill, McGowan (charg-
ing) 2:04.
spite the score. Many of his saves
were amazing while many other
potential shots were blocked by
Alex McClellan, the, lone stand-
out on the Michigan rearguard.
Lou Paolatto, Wolverine de-
fenseman, injured his right leg
at about the fifteen minute mark'
of the final period and had to be
helped off the ice. However, the
injury was not serious and Paol-
atto should be able to play this
afternoon at 4:15 when the same
two teams meet again in the Coli-
Williams Slams
Revenue Bureau.
liams (R-Del.) opened fire on the
Internal Revenue Bureau again
yesterday, charging it has settled
more than five million dollars
worth of alcohol tax claims for
about 10 cents on the dollar.

has been criticized by some
senators and bar associations as
lacking in experience.
One of the United States at-
torneys replaced by President Eis
enhower was Myles J. Lane, who
has been in charge of Southern
New York district office since
Oct. 1951.
As Lane's successor, Eisenhower
nominated J. Edward Lumbard
Jr., Harvard-trained lawyer who
served two hitches as assistant
U. S. attorney when the office
was under Republican control.
FROM HIS Augusta, Ga. golf-
ing retreat, Eisenhower announced
these two other nominations for
U. S. attorney:
George E. Mackinnon of Ma-
ple Plain, Minn., to succeed
Philip Neville in Minnesota.
Anthony Julian of Watertown,
Mass., to succeed George F. Gar-
rity in Massachusetts.
Garrity has been in office since
Marci, 1949, and Neville was con-
firmed for a four-year term last
* * *
THE TIPOFF that more resigna-
tions would be accepted from
among the 94 U. S. attorneys was
seen in an announcement by Atty.
Gen. Brownell, who said:
"Persons nominated as United
States attorneys will be required
to give up all outside law practice
immediately upon taking their
new positions."
The announcement added:
"The prohibition against out-
side practice also will apply to all
assistant United States attorneys
appointed in the future..
"Each new United States attor-
ney also will be requestedto apply
the restriction as soon as practi-
cable to any present assistant
United States attorneys retained
in office."
MSC Tickets
Stilln onSale
Tickets for two Wolverine Club
sponsored bus trips to Michigan
State can still be purchased from
1-4 p.m. every day next week in
the Administration Bldg.
The first trip is scheduled for
Wednesday to take st'udents to
the Hockey game at East Lan-
sing. The second is planned to pro-
vide transportation to Saturday's
basketball game.
According to Bud Charlip, Spec.,
vice-president of the club, the
cost of Wednesday's trip is $3.50
and the cost for the Saturday
trip is $3.90. The price includes
basketball and bus tickets.
Charlip also announced that be-
ginning Monday petitions for Wol-
verine Club positions will be avail-
able in Rm. 1020 Administration
Bldg. Positions are open to any
student who will have sophomore
standing next fall. The petitions
will be due on Friday. Positions
that are open are chairmanships
for Special Trips, Pep Rallies,
Publicity, Special Affairs and
Block "M" committees.

House Group
Seeks Action
On Witness
House Un -American Activities
Committee voted yesterday to re-
commend a contempt citation for
a witness who refused to help it
in its search for Communists in
the field of education.
Chairman Velde (R-Ill.) issued
a statement saying the witness
was "tentatively identified" as
Barrows Dunham. He added that
Dunham was subpoenaed Feb. 12
when he was employed as a pro-
fessor of philosophy at Temple
University, Philadelphia.
* * *
DUNHAM appeared at a private
session of the committee yes-
terday. Velde said he refused
to answer questions regarding his
A transcript of the proceed-
ings indicated that Dunham
was accompanied by a Philadel-
phia lawyer, Philip Dorfman.
Dunham gavehis name, theg
record showed, but when asked
when and where he was born he
said, "at this point I shall seek the
protection of the Fifth Amend-
ment and decline to answer that
question on the ground it may
tend to incriminate me."
Later the witness said he was
born at Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 10,
1905. Then he fell silent again.
Jelke Found
Guilty by Jury
NEW YORK-(IP)-A jury last
night found Minot (Mickey) Jelke
guilty on two counts of compul-
sory prostitution.
The young playboy heir to oleo-
margarine millions faces a maxi-
mum sentence of up to 40 years
in prison.
He was acquitted on one count
of an indictment that had been
scaled down from nine counts to
The all-male jury was out less
than five hours. It got the case
at 2:47 p.m., afetr a 25-day
trial-New York's most sensation-
al vice hearing in years.
SPA To Sponsor
Faculty Panel
A faculty discussion panel on
ways to achieve peace will be held
at 2:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3-S of
the Union.
Panel members will include
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department, Prof. John F.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment and Prof. Kenneth Boulding
of the economics department. Mo-
derator will be Prof. Claude Eg.
gertsen of the education school
The debate is sponsored by the
Society for Peaceful Alternatives
as part of its current four-clay
peace conference.
'52 Car Licenses
To ExpireToday
Midnight tonight is the dead-
line for having 1953 Michigan au-
tomobile licene plates on cars

F :-

Scribes Hit Big Ten After 'State Case'

-Dally-Larry wilk
"IT WAS A WONDERFUL audience," Dr. Franz Polgar said last
night after he amazed 1400 at Hill Auditorium.

Following the outcry by Michi-
gan State administrators and stu-
dents against the probationary ac-
tion meted out to them by the
Western Conference last week, a
second wave of indignation has

column during the week that if
MSC "is guilty then at least two
other members of the Western
Conference are just as guilty
and probably more guilty."
Another sports editor to jump
into the fray is TBob1'Murnhv. of the

Michigan State News which lashes
out at the sentence by saying "It
becomes even more apparent that
MSC is the victim of circumstances
that have resulted in an unfair
probationary period.".

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