See Page 4
s111 uyrn
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXIII, No. 85.
1 r i
Reds Sever
Israeli Ties
Over Blast
Union Beckons Tryouts
Moscow Blames
Zion Government
LONDON - (A') -- Russia broke
off diplomatic relations last night
with Israel over the bombing of
the Soviet legtion Monday in Tel
The break, announced on the
Moscow radio, blamed the Israeli
government and said its police
connived in the assault.
* * *
THE SOVIET government ord-
ered members of the Israeli lega-
tion to get out of Moscow immed-
iately and told its own legation
personnel to leave Tel Aviv.
Four Soviet, legation person-
nel were injuired in the bomb
The bombing was attributed
generally to anti-Zionist charges
in Moscow in connection with a
purge of nine doctors, some of
them Jewish. The doctors were
accused of destroying or attempt-
ing to destroy some top Soviet
The announcement of the break
came a few hours after a Moscow
broadcast accused Israeli police of
"connivance" in the bomb explo-
-Daily-Malcolmx Shatz
UNION TRYOUTS-Executive Councilman Phil Flarsheim, '54,
tallied Union to a group of prospective tryouts at the "Union Try-
out" smoker held yesterday in the Union. Issuing its biannual call
for tryouts the "all men's organization" is holding a second smoker
at 8:30 p.m. today in Bm. 3A of the Union for all male under
graduates interested in working in the student offices. Members
of the Executive Council will be on hand to outline details of
Union organization and activities.
Give Me Some Men'
Lonesome Editor Cries
Donna Hendleman, Daily Associate Editor, is lonesome.
Miss Hendleman, whose business number is 2-3241, is in charge
of tryouts at The Daily.
And she can't find any men.
"Everywhere I look there are women," she moaned. "I want men."
(Because of some reasons as yet unknown, the famous Michigan
ratio has reversed itself with the sophomore Daily staffs).
* * * *
ALTHOUGH her six associates in the senior editorial office have
offered their services, she maintains that they cannot qualify as'
MOSCOW RADIO said a formal
note to, Israel severing relations
was "in connection with the bomb
Israeli government officials,
headed by Premier David Ben-
Gurion, already had denounced
the bombing as a "dastardly"
act which they said reflected on
the honor of the state of Israel.
#Authorities in Tel Aviv launched
a roundup of suspects in connec-
tion with the bombing, arrest-
Ing both Jews and Arabs in var-
ious parts of the country.
Anti-Communist Israelis yes-
terday broke up a pro-Soviet rally
in the center of Tel Aviv. The
rally was a protest to the legation
bombing. Twenty-five Israelis were
injured in the clash, two of them
seriously, before police intervene.
The broadcast quoted the So-
viet official news agency Tass as
saying Russia had rejected IsraM's
official condemnation of the
bombing and apologies for it.
World News
Petitioning is now open for
a vacancy on the Board in
Control of Student Publications
created by the graduation of
Peg Nimz, '53.
Petitions may be picked up
at. the Student Legislature
Bldg., 512 S. State St. Deadline
for returning completed forms
will be next Wednesday.
Any student who is scholas-
tically eligible may petition.
SL Drops
Move Hitting
Student Legislature decided b
a large majority vote last night t
withdraw from consideration a
motion which expressed disap
proval of the recent series of Dail
articles on Communist activity ox
In asking withdrawal of the
resolution, its originator Paula
Levin, '55, explained that she had
presented the motion partially
to hear SL opinion on the mat-
Since SL members generally ha
opposed a move to censure The
Daily although parliamentary red-
tape kept the motion from a vote
at the previous meeting, Miss Lev-
in said she favored removal of the
STATISTICS on cutting fre-
quency before and after the newly
extended Thanksgiving holiday
were also reported at last night's
brief meeting.
Between 10 and 15 per cent of
the campus failed to show up for
classes the Wednesday before
Thanksgiving and five to nine
per cent cut the following Mon-
day. Chief early-leavers and
late-arrivers were underclassmen
according to the report.
No records of previous semest-
ers' cutting averages were avail-
able from the administration, al-
though the decision of whether to
put the two-year test vacation into
permanent effect will reportedly be
based on relative cutting fre-
In other action last night, SL
set all-campus spring elections for
March 31 and April 1.
The resignation of legislator
Lisa Kurcz, '53, was accepted by
the group.
IFC To Hold
To acquaint all those interested
in fraternity rushing with the
rushing procedures, there will be
a mass rushing meeting at 7:30
p.m. today in the Michigan Union.
Features of Michigan's rushing
system and helpful hints for the
prospective rushee will be discuss-
ed by members of the Interfrater-
nity Council.
Sandy Robertson, '53BAd.,, IFC
vice-president, will speak on "Op-
portunities in the IFC." There will
also be speeches by BobeKirk,
Grad., president of IFC at Purdue
last year, and Donn Miller, Grad.,
"outstanding Sigma Chi winner
of 1951."
Book Exchange
The Student Legislature Book
Exchange will be open from noon
to 5:30 p.m. today and tomorrow
with a sizable supply of used texts
remaining on the shelves.
C lemene
-Daily-Don Campbell
i . * * * * * *'Bn *
Michgan ucksersBlan MSC 4-
Die; Ike
Betrayal Hit
By President'
*In Decision.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Price official
laid plans last night for quick de.
control of another long list o:
goods which would leave only 1(
to 12 per cent of the consumer's
cost of living index package under
price ceilings.
A top official said the schedule
calls for an order by tomorrow
probably decontrolling milk, but-
ter, cheese, poultry, eggs, soap,
lard and shortening, along with
other items.
LONDON-A British-Egyptian
agreement giving self rule to
the Sudan will be signed in
Cairo today unless there is a
last minute snag, qualified offi-
cials said last night.
BERLIN -- The Communists
talked- tough yesterday about a
new blockade of Berlin.
The East Berlin party leader-
ship issued a manifesto, obviously
backed by the Russians, which
declared "further isolation" of the
West sectors can be counted on
if West Germany ratifies the
European defense treaty next
* * *
NEW YORK -- Former Army
Sergeant John D. Provoo was
found guilty last night of treason.
Provoo, 35, was accused of go-
ing over to the Japanese after he
was captured in 1942 at the fall
of Corregidor.
Botanist Sees
Food Scarcity
Discoveries made in the field of
science must be the solution to
the problem of increased food pro-
duction necessitated by the na-
tion's rabidly increasing popula-
Velde Calls
Rep. Harold H. Velde, chair-
man of the House Un-American
Activities Committee, has an-
nounced that he has subpenaed
witnesses to testify at public hear-
ings scheduled for next week on
Communist infiltration of col-
leges and universities, the United
Press reported yesterday.
Velde did not identify the wit-
nesses who will appear before the
committee Wednesday and Thurs-
day, Feb. 18 and 19.
The Illinois Republican said
his group is co-ordinating its in-
quiry of colleges with one
launched this week by the Sen-
ate internal security subcom-
Velde said that the investiga-
tions were not concerned with col-
leges and universities as such but
rather with Communist Party
members who are "engaged in the
field of education."
Meanwhile, Sen. Willis Smith,
(D-N.C.), said that the City of;
New York 'should dismiss four
municipal college teachers who
have refused to tell the Senate
subcommittee whether or not they
are Communists.
"They're all washed up; The
Daily needs some men with a
new approach," she- maintained.
Any men who do show up will
be royally treated at either of the
two Tryout meetings which will be
held at 4:15 and 7:30p.m. today
at the 8audent Publications build-
Women will bedtaken care of
too, she promised.
Those who come will be let in
on the secrets of a Daily career.
Michigan's hockey team white-
washed a slow moving Michigan
r State sextet, 4-0, last night at the
'Coliseum before one of the small-
est crowds of the season.
It was the third victory of the
season for the Wolverines over the
cellar-dwelling Spartans who have
now lost 11 Midwest Hockey
League games with only one win.
Michigan now boasts a seven won-
two lost record in the loop.
* * *
EXCEPT for a few flaring tem-
pers late in the second period the
Phi belt
.At lNational
Henry Heil, '53, local Phi Delta
Theta president yesterday express-
ed surprise at action of the fra-
ternity's national headquarters in
suspending the Williams College
chapter at Williamstown, Mass.
for pledging a Jewish student last
A constitutional clause restricts
Phi Delta Theta, membership to
white Christians.
* -* *
HEIL EXPLAINED that at last
summer's national convention, a
motion was initiated mainly by
eastern schools to remove the re-
strictive clause. Despite consider-
able support, the motion failed to
be carried by the necessary two-
thirds vote.
A spokesman for the Williams
Phi Delta Theta chapter pointed
out that the fraternity has
"some very wonderful Jewish
members who were initiated be-
fore the clause was inserted in
the constitution prior to World
War I."
The next Phi Delta Theta na-
tional convention is in 1954. Heil
could make no predictions as to
whether the move would be car-
ried atthis time.
He said that his fraternity had
instructed him to vote for the re-
moval of the clause and that in
the future the local chapter would
"go along with anything the In-
terfraternity Council proposes to
remove the rule."
Meanwhile statements of sup-
port for the Williams chapter
came from the fraternity's chap-
ter at Brown University in Prov-
idence, R. I. and from other or-
Under the leadership of Dick
Manchee, '54, the IFC Big Ten
Counselling and Information Ser-
vice plans to offer aid to willing
fraternity chapters in removing
restrictive clauses.
According to Manchee the com-
mittee will start contacting fra-
ternities within the next few
game aroused little excitement,
lacking much of the traditional
tenseness and drama of the Mich-
igan-Michigan State rivalry.
The first Michigan goal came
at 15:02 of the first period; while
the Wolverines were a man
short. George Chin grabbed a
loose puck in Spartan territory,
skated behind the visitors' nets
and neatly snuck a pass to Pat
Cooney who drilled the puck
between goalie Jack Shackle-
ford's skates for the score.
After this brief show of action
things quieted down again until
midway in the second period when
Reg Shave caught the goalie off
balance after rebounding a Ron
Martinson shot.
*. * *
JIM HAAS made the prettiest
play of the night as, he scored the
third Wolverine marker after 42
seconds of the final period had
gone by.;.
Ten minutes later Martinson,
playing his first game on the
Wolverine first line, took a pass
from captain Johnny Matchefts
in front of the net and scored
on a drive into the corner.
Aside from these few scoring
SL Wing Calls
For Tryouts
An organizational meeting of
the Student Legislature Adminis-
trative Wing will be held at 4
p.m. today at the SL Bldg. for all
students interested in-getting ex-
perience with committee or cler-
ical work on SL.
An integral part of SL, the wing
aids legislators with activities
like the' Cinema Guild and the
Student Book Exchange as well
as general office work.
In the morning,
In the night,
Sons of Thespis
Show their might;
The play is cast,
The Curtains fall,
The chosen few
Have heard their call.
Thus entered the halls
Of Thespis:
Budgeting Benny Blum, Brain-
less Brando Bohi, Calypso Cohan
Cole, Croaking Como Cooley, Ex-
otic Eldridge Easom, Ecstatic
Emerson Epding, Flippant Fields
Freeman, Genial Goldwyn Georg-,
ilas, Gawky Garbo Glover, Gang-
ling Graham Glowacki, Grasping
Gilbert Golten;
Haggard Hellinger Hamburger,
Juicy Janis Jennings, Klubfoot
Kabibble Kirkpatrick, Mauling
Mature Metz, Necromaniacial
O'Neil Nemerovski, Palpitating
Pickford Povenz, Rembrandt Rose
Rice, Responsible Reinhardt Roth;
Shaggy Swanson Stone, Todd-
ling Turpin Tobocman, Versatile
Valentino Votruba, Whirling Webb
White, Wavering Widmark Wick-
AS INEPT as the Michigan
fense was, the Michigan State
See SEXTET, Page 6
drives, the Wolverine attack was
generally sluggish. " Three good
passes in a row constituted a scor-
ing threat and the victors were
only able to get 'off 27. shots at
th g oal Except for Matchefts
and Chin, the Maize and Blue
icemen had trouble controlling
the puck.
Judge To Name
Execution Date
Eisenhower refused yesterday to
spare the lives of Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg, sentenced to death in
the, electric chair for conspiring
to slip atomic secrets to Russia.
Their crime, he said, "far ex-
ceeds that of taking the life of
'another citizen; it involves the
deliberate betrayal of the entire
nation and could very well result
in the death of many thousands
of innocent citizens."
* * *
wife, are awaiting execution in
New York's Sing Sing Prison.
They appealed for presiden-
tial clemency--the last resort in
their long court fight--on the
ground that they were innocent.
With the appeal, Federal Judge
Irving R. Kaufman of New York
granted a stay of execution until
five, days after the President an-
nounced his decision.
This does not necessarily mean
the couple will die five days hence.
The question of a date for their
execution will come before Judge
Kaufman again
Their attorney, Emanuel Bloch,
said in New York he would appeal
the decision to the U. S. Supreme
* .* *
EARLIER, the President met
with about a dozen administration
officials and Republican congres-
sional leaders for a discussion on
"the general subject of interna-
tional trade and reciprocal trade."
Other White House develop-
ments included:
1. An announcement that Eisen-
hower will hold his first news con-
ference as President next Tuesday
at 10:30 a.m.
2. The President signed a bill
extending until 1955 his powers to
reorganize executive agencies of
the government. The measure con-
tinues the same reorganization
power .which former President
Truman had.
3. Eisenhower met with the Na-
tional Security Council. Secretary
of State Dulles gave the council a
report on his trip to Europe, from
which he returned Monday.
SAC Accepts,
. . "Come up and see me"
If they are not interested in the
editorial staff, they may find out
about the sports, business or pho-
tography staffs and about the
women's staff.
"Opportunities on The Daily
are unlimited," the editor noted.
"Come up and see me."
Representation Seen as SL Problem
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first\
in a series of articles examining stu-
dent government on the Michigan
campus. Currently a special student
committee is studying the problems
of campus organizations and their
relationships with one another. This
survey will discuss aspects of these
problems with main emphasis on the
role of the Student Legislature.)
Representation and supremacy
-these are the two key words in
campus student government today
just as they were when the present
Student Legislature was formed in
Then, as now, there were a num-]
Under the Council-Forum pro-
posal, a small nine-man council
wasato be elected from the cam-
pus athlarge with the require-
ment that candidates must have
had two, semesters of executive
experience in campus organiza-
tions to qualify.
The forum was to consist of
heads of campus groups and would
work in connection with the coun-
* * *
AN ALTERNATE plan, the Con-
gress-Cabinet system, won student
voter aproval by a two to one mar-
theoretically more representative
than some scheme such as the
Council-Forum idea.
Instead of channeling student
opinion through another body such
as the Union whose appointed rep-
resentative would give voice to the
opinion on the forum the system
provides for direct expression
through elected representatives.
*, * *
IT HAS BEEN argued, however,
that SL has failed to be adequately
representative. Dean of Students
Erich A. Walter and other admin-
istrators have voiced this nhiec-
Minneapolis Symphony
To Give Concert Tonight
Celebrating its 50th anniversary season, the Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra, with Antal Dorati as conductor, will appear at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Included on the concert program are Mozart's "Eine. Kleine
Nachtmusik," Debussy's "La Mer" and Brahms' "Symphony No. 1."
KNOWN FOR HIS ability to plot a course through the maze of
orchestral compositions, Conductor Dorati gives his audiences a
well balanced fare on the basis of- * * *
a single concert as well as in a
long range sense. * Y} t{Yr:*.
Among his teachers were Hun-
gary's most distinguished compos-
ers, Bela Bartok and Zoltan Ko-
Joining the Ballet Russe de
Mone Carlo in 1933 he conducted
performances at Covent Garden " r.
AT~ .
IFC Proposal
For Rushing
The truce between the Inter-
Fraternity Council and the Inter-
House Council on rushing regula-
tions came a step closer to official
realization yesterday, as the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee provision-
ally accepted the IFC recommen-
The SAC made one minor
change in the proposal submitted
by IFC, which must now be ac-
cepted by IFC before the settle-
ment becomes official.
THE HOUSE Presidents Assem-
bly Tuesday unanimously passed
an addition to the IFC by-law pro-
hibiting fraternity men from en-
tering the quadrangles during
rushing. The added phrasq states:
"Any exceptions to this procedure
shall be by mutual agreement to
the student groups involved."
To this, SAC recommended a
supplementary provision that
"No such agreement may be
abrogated during the formal
rushing period."
The addition was inserted to
ensure that there would be no ca-
pricious withdrawals 'of either par-
+ fr.rnn a ia a fnlaamant.