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February 20, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-20

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State






Name Feikens
Again as State.
GOP eader
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-A cheer went up as-the 14th Congressional District
cast the majority of its 110 votes for John Feikens at the State-
Republican Convention here yesterday, assuring him of a second
term as the party's state chairman.
The votes of three more Wayne County districts gave Feikens a
total of 997 of the possible 1606 votes and led his opponent, Arthur
T. Iverson, to concede defeat.
Feikens' ability to pull votes out of the big areas such as Oak-
lal~d, Kent, and Wayne districts proved the deciding factor in his

Wolverines Overcome
By Gopher Five, 74-65



World News
By The .Associated Press
New Cabinet Try .
PARIS-Edgar Faure, a 46-year
old lawyer and former premier
r agreed last night to try to form
a new French government.
Three men already have tried
and failed since Premier Pierre
Mendes-France's Cabinet fell 15
days ago.
Faure is a Radical Socialist wh
served Mendes-France as finance
minister and later as foreign min
China Coast Encounters
TAIPEI, Formosa - Nationalis
claims today of 36 small Red ships
and a submarine sunk Friday and
yesterday off the Taishan Island
underscored apparent Communis
attempts to build up military
strength there within striking dis
tance of the Nationalist garrison
on Nanchishan.
Bias-Clause Outlawed ..
BURLINGTON, Vt.-University
of Vermont trustees voted yester
day all fraternities and sororities
on the campus must remove al
discriminatory clauses from thei:
constitutions within seven years
* s s
No Knowland Threat ..
J. Thye (R-Minn.) denied yester
day that a series of informa
meetings arranged by all-ou
Eisenhower supporters with Cabi-
net and White House staff mem-
bers poses any threat to the Sen-
ate Republican leadership of Sen
William F. Knowland of Califor-
* * *
Lurid Comics .. .
WASHINGTON- Senate juve
nile delinquency investigators call-
ed on the comic book industry
yesterday to halt the output o:
lurid material featuring sex an
depraved violence.
In a 50-page report on a probe
of crime and horror comic books
the senators rejected governmen
censorship of the industry as "tot
ally out of keeping with our basic
American concepts of a free press.
Plane Crash .. .
ROWE, N.M. - An east-bound
Trans-World Airline plane tha
vanished this morning with 16
aboard may have crashed on a
lonely 1,000-foot mesa west o:
here where fires have been sighted
State Police said last night.
M Aorrow Film
To Be Shown
Six public showings of Edward
R. Murrow's recent television in-
terview with J. Robert Oppenhei
mer will be given Wednesday in
Rackham Amphitheater.
Oppenheimer was the center o:
a public controversy last year when
he was fired from the Atomic En.
ergy Commission for security rea-
sons. The scientist is now Direc-
tor of the Institute for Advanced
Study at Princeton University.
The 45-minute filmed interviev
will be shown, under journalisn
department sponsorship, at 10:10
and 11:10 a.m., 3:10, 4:10, 7, and
8 p.m.
Announce Russell
rin rf QA., Iunk

---Uvictory. Iverson. drew his support
chief ly from the smaller counties
with a large, vote coming from.
Genesee county.
Herbert Renominated
J. Joseph Herbert of Manistique
and William B. Cudlip of Detroit
won unopposed nominations for
the University Board of Regents.
Regent Herbert is seeking his third
term on the Board.
- The convention outcome came
, as no surprise to the majority of
n the representatives, despite skep-
ticism that Iverson's last minute
d swaping might threaten Feikens'
e re-election. An unofficial tally at
5 the close of the caucus sessions
yesterday morning showed Feikens
o with 1,033 votes.
;e Feikens, who was also confident
- of victory, said Friday evening that
one of the first things he would
do when he entered office would
S be to acquire professional people
t for research, publicity, and can-
5 vassing which, he said, the Repub-
dlicans were needing.
Is Can't Be Conservative
"We must appeal to the . little
yfellow if we want to become the
- top party again. We no longer can
n be conservative, because -we leave
vaccuums for the Democrats to
back into," Feikens said.
The re-elected chairman said he
would attempt to prevent season-
y al unemployment but was against
- an annual wage.
s Compliments !U' Republicans
1 Feikens complimented the Uni-
r versity Young Republican Club for
. the support and work they per-
formed for him during the race.
Support from Donald E. Leon-
ard, former state police commis-
d sioner and candidate for governor
- in 1954; John B. Martin Jr., ex-
1 state auditor general; and Edward
t N. Hartwick, chairman of the
- Wayne County Republican Pre-
- cinct Organization aided in Feik-
- ens' victory.
- However, D. Hale Brake, former
- state treasurer, had a more diffi-
cult time in winning his nomina-
tion for supreme court justice from
Judge John Simpson, defeating,
Simpson, 871-681.
- Justice Leland W. Carr, incum-
- bent, will run with Brake in the
y spring election.
d PetitionsDue
tIn Tomorrow
Deadline for petitions of stu-
dents running for positions in the
all-campus elections March 15 and
16 is 6 p.m .tomorrow.
Signed petitions should be re-
turned to 1020 Administration
d. Building.

-Daily--John Hirtzel
UP AND IN-Michigan center Ron Kramer goes high to score
two points as Minnesota's Bill Simonovich raises his hand in
protest. At left is Gopher forward Dave Tucker.
Ice Squad Beats Minnesota
To Raise Playoff Hopes

Television viewers could have
switched channels but the capaci-
ty crowd of 8,500 that jammed
Yost Field House yesterday after-
noon had to watch until the bit-
ter, dismal end.
The high-flying Minnesota Go-
phers took a giant step towards
their first Big Ten crown in 18
years as they grounded out a 74-
65 triumph over a scrappy, but
out-manned Michigan five.
Bill Simonovich, a mammoth
6'10" 270-pounder, was the big-
gest of many guns in the Minneso-
ta scoring attack. The Gopher
center whipped in 28 points, 19
coming in the second half. ick
Garmaker, leading point getter
in the Western Conference, threw
in 20 points, and Chuck Mencel
garnered 17 markers.j
Kramer Nets- 25I
For Michigan, the sensational
Ron Kramer again led the way.
Playing at the center slot, and giv-
ing away 10 inches and many
pounds, the sophomore still man-
aged to flip 25 points through the
But Kramer couldn't do it all
by himself and Minnesota had too
much for the Wolverines. The
Gophers showed greater height,
more accurate shooting, better
floor play, and a stronger bench.
Minnesota began to open up a
bulge with two minutes gone in
the second half. Simonovich pick-
ed up six straight points for the
visitors while Michigan was be-
ing held to a lone field goal by
Captain Paul Groffsky. Then
Garmaker and Mencel hit from
the field, and with 14:15 remain-
ing in the game, the Gophers led,
The winners kept on applying
the pressure and it began to tell
on the game Wolverines. Another
splurge of baskets boosted Minne-
sota's lead to 12 points with only
one-quarter of the game still to
M' Gets Break
At the 11:58 mark, the Maize
and Blue received a break. Groffs-
ky blocked a Garmaker shot, and
in the ensuing scramble, Garmaker
grabbed the Wolverine forward
and picked up his fifth personal
But Michigan could not take ad-
vantage of the gift. Instead, the
winners increased their lead. Five
points by the robot-like Simono-
vich, two by Gerry Lindsley, bro-
ken up only by a scoring jump shot
by Jim Shearon, gave Minnesota a
74-57 advantage with only two
minutes left in the game.
Michigan Opens Quick
In the beginning, however, the
upset-minded Maize ,and Blue
threw quite a scare into the Ozzie
Cowles-coached aggregation. For-
ward Jerry Stern brought the huge
crowd to its feet as he sent a one-
hand push shot through the hoop
to open the scoring. Kramer and
Tom Jorgenson followed Stern's
example, and pushed Michigan's
lead to 6-0.
The Maize and Blue kept on
scoring ... and the crowd kept on
roaring. When Kramer scored
from the field with 5:17 gone in
the opening half, the Wolverines
led '13-3. -. ~
But this was not to last. When
Simonovich hit on a lay-up with
6:04 still to play in the initial 20
minutes, the Gophers moved into
a 24-23 advantage, a lead they
were never to relinquish,
See GOPHERS, Page 3



Special to The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS-Pressing stead-
ily throughout the entire contest,
Michigan's exploding hockey team
defeated a sinking Gopher sextet,
3-1, last night in jam-packed Wil-
liams Arena.
The win coupled with Fri-
day night's victory considerably
strengthens the Wolverines chanc-
es of gaining a berth to the NCAA
championships next month in
Colorado Springs. Michigan moved
to within one-half point of sec-
ond-place Michigan Tech who was
idle this weekend.
Minnesota Takes Lead
Minnesota appeared to be in
good shape at 2:27 of the first
period as Gopher Ken Yackel skat-
ed in front of the nets and flipped
the puck past Michigan goalie
Lorne Howes to start the scoring
for the evening. This was all they
could garner during the entire
night as the Gopher sextet out-
shot Michigan nearly two to one
and completely dominated the con-
Minnesota is now virtually out
of the race for a playoff berth
while the Maize and Blue must
sweep their crucial four-point ser-
ies with North Dakota next week-
end to keep their strengthening
hopes alive.
Tom Rendall opened the Wol-
verine onslaught at 8:27 as he
flipped an unassisted goal past
Gopher goalie John Mattson to tie
the score and keep Michigan in
the game.

Another first period goal by Dick,
Dunnigan with two and a half
minutes to play put Michigan out
in front to stay and wrapped up

Person al
SEATO Conference Op
Wednesday in Bangkoi
BANGKOK, Feb. 19 (M)-SEATO will discard its swaddling
in a whirlwind three-day conference, starting Wednesday.
The Soukheast Asia Treaty Organization will try to showx
of the area that Red aggression can be stopped.
Such top diplomats as Secretary of State John Foster Du
the United States- and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden of the

Nations Plan
For Security
(EDITOR'S NOTE--Red China's of-
fensive around Formosa has tempor-
arily obscured events in IndoChina
and other parts of Southeast Asia.
Here is a first-hand report on the
threatening situation in countries
protected by SEATO, whose foreign
ministers hold an important confer-
ence in Thailand Feb. 23.)
Associated Press Foreign Correspondent
SINGAPORE (P)-Eight nations
which have banded together to de-
fend the free countries of South-
east Asia are going to put "fight-
ing teeth" into the Manila Pact
to protect this crucial lower cor-
ner of Asia from further Commun-
ist aggression.
Machinery for the Southeast
Asia Treaty Organization-ratified
the first day of this month by the
United States Senate-is expected
to get a thorough oiling as the sig-
natories sit down in the capital of
Red-threatened Thailand to take
tough and . effective steps to stem
the Communist tide. Both Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles
and Sir Anthony Eden are expect-
ed to attend.
The United States and Britain,
in advance of the conference op-
ening in Bangkok on Feb. 23, are
understood to have agreed in prin-
ciple to steer away from any big
NATO-type standing army as the
best means of defending the re-
But the conference is slated to
set up a military blueprint which
would cover the use of armed forc-
es in coping with any Red-created
emergencies endangering k e y
Southeast Asia countries. The ter-
ritory covered by SEATO does not
include Formosa or Korea, where
separate agreements by the United
States hold at bay the Red Chi-
nese armies.
Along with plans for coordinat-
ing America's mobile striking pow-
er with British, Australian and
New Zealand forces, the SEATO
conferees also are expected to ac-
cent political and economic meas-
ures to block Communist subver-
sive moves.
The countries which last Sep-
tember in Manila signed the pact
setting up SEATO are-as shown
See SEATO, Page 6'
Library Available
The social science library in Ma-
son Hall will be open from 7 p.m.
to 10 p.m. today.
The library will remain open at
this time this semester as long as
enough students use the library.

7Kingdom will join with thos
France, Australia, New Z
the Philippines, Thailan
Pakistan to tackle the job.
Pressing Problem
Red subversion is the most
ing problem. The conferenc
adopted may not be made
Most likely it will be a p
for training Asian agents
underground, also use of
ganda teams to go into the
of Communist Asia, show
word,deed and picture the
the free world,
Northeast Thailand. pr
and backward Laos, Cambo
Viet Nam are some of the
areas for Red infiltration.
On a recent trip to no
Thailand, U.S. Ambassadoj
Puerifoy visited homes of
of the 50,000 Vietnamese r
from the Communist North
least 15 homes selected at r
in the village of Nongkal,
land, he found photogra
Communist Vietminh lead
Chi-minh made into wall s
"These people," he said ul
turning to Bankok, "were n
shipping Ho as a Commun
as the liberator of their c
from colonialism.
Th means of putting tee
any military program will
on much secret debate. The
States, with a mobile fleet
air force, able to strike an
in Asia, will want to kee
force mobile.
W. W. Bish(
'U' Librariai
Emeritus, Di
William Warner Bishop, S
old, University Librarian Ea
died last night at his home
Oakland after nine months
Bishop was the authori
eral books on Library work
member of a number of An
library associations, as well;
ilar groups in other count
He received his bachelo
gree from the University
and a master's degree in 11
also held several advanced
from other universities.
The librarian is survived
son, Prof. William W. Bis
the Law School, a grandde
and a niece.
Funeral services will be
3 p.m. Tuesday at MuehligI
Chapel, with the Rev, Leor
Parr presiding.
Friends have been asked
tribute to the University]
Staff Fund in lieu of flow

ens Label Plans
clothes Democrats opened a drive yester-
day to cut personal income taxes
nations by $20 for each taxpayer, and
each dependent, effective next
illes of Jan. 1.
United The proposed cuts, opposed by
se from.
ealand, President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
d and will be tacked on to another tax
measure sponsored by the Presi-
dent and sent into an expected
t press- hot floor debate next week.
ce plan House Speaker Samuel Rayburn
public. (D-Tex.) announced that this
rogram strategy had been decided on yes-
to go terday in a two-hour meeting of
propa- Democratic leaders and Demo-
fringes cratic members of the Ways and
ing by Means Committee.
way of 'No Tax Cuts'
imitive Rep. Joseph Matin Jr. of Mas-
dia and sachusetts, the House Republican
worst leader, immediately declared: "It
looks like a political move." An.
other top Republican said: "There
rtheast will be no tax cuts this year."
r John
many Rep. Rayburn said the Demo-
efugees cratic majority on the Ways and
u. In at Means Committee, in a'meeting
andom tomorrow, will support the Presi
hai Edent's proposal for a one-year x-
phs of tension of some corporation and
er Ho excise taxes-bringing in a total
hrines. of three million dollars annually,
von re. Under present law the taxes are
ot wor- due to expire April 1.
list but Effective Jan. 1, 1956
ountry Rep. Rayburn said also that the
Democratic committee members
th into decided to support an amendment
1 bring to be offered by Rep. W. D. Mills
United (D-Ark.) specifying a $20 credit
and an on income taxes for each taxpayer
ywhere and each of his dependents. The
p that credit would be effective on in-
come received on and after next
Jan. 1, and withholding from pay
envelopes would be reduced ac-
) ~ cordingly.
A "' Congressional experts estimated
the plan would remove four mil-
-n lion families from the income tax-
s paying rolls. For example, if a mn
tes with a wife and child now pays
$60 tax, he would owe no tax un-
der the new proposal.
3 years Since the Democrats control the
at 733 committee, the amendment doubt-
at 733 less will be included in the bill
s of ill- when it comes up for consideration
now scheduled for next Tiursday
oa ae - Loss of 1% Billion
nerican Rep. Rayburn estimated that the
as sim- proposed personal income tax cuts
ries. would mean the loss of about 1%
r's de- billion for each full year but
in 1892 would cost the Treasury half of
893. He that in the fiscal year 1956 which
degrees end on June 30, 1956.
The President, in his budget
by one message, urged Congress to ex-
hop of tend the present 5 per cent rate
aughter on corporation income taxes and
present excise taxes on cigarettes
held at and other items to provide neces-
Funeral sary income for the government.
nard A. He said at the same time that the
financial situation would not per-

to con- mit income tax cuts this year but
Library he might recommend that some
vers. be made in 1956.

... Gopher Getter

the contest. Rendall garnered an
assist on this encounter td make
him high-scorer with two points.
The game became a rough score-
less engagement in the second per-
See ICERS, Page 3

12,000,000 WA TCHERS:

Television, Fans, Singers Invade Yost

CBS was there, and so were 8,500 closely packed rooters, the
Men's Glee Club, Batoners Bill Modlin and Champ Patton, and
the Wolverine band.
Fans were swarming in by 1:45 p.m. and by 2:30, a half-hour
before game time, the student sections were filled.
* * * *
Two television cameras were in use on the east side of the field-
house, one on floor level, the other in a specially constructed ramp
high up above the fans.
Players were introduced individually with the appropriate school
song playing softly in the background. Starting the game in unusually
fine voice, Michigan fans backed up each introduction, providing
comfort for the lonely players facing the camera.
* *L *; *
Prof. Philip Duey's Men's Glee Club provided entertainment at
half-time singing a medley of Michigan songs. Baton twirlers Champ
Patton and Bill Modlin also put on a brilliant show, but unfortunately
TV cameras focused on a Big 10 official who was diagraming the
offenses of both teams.

Levy Optimistic on Future of IHC

(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the last
in a series of interpretive articles
dealing with the services, history and
future of the Inter-House Council.)
"Opinions of men in the resi-
dence halls system as expressed
through the Inter-House Council
eventually will act as a guide and

it is to help determine policy," he
Emphasis on Assistance
Relaxing outside the IHC office
on the Union's third floor, Levy
said IHC in the future will be put-
ting more emphasis on further
assistance to individual houses in
...h thi na am, -r na . a ra fli li andEW 1

and athletic trophies are being
thought of seriously," Levy ex-
Interest in Campus Issues
Continuing, he commented "in
the future there will be more of an
interest in campus issues and dis-
cussions of them within the IHC.
"There is a growing awareness

4, * *


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