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February 23, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-23

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16 -.P r

See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State CL


Reu blican
Blasts Steel
Wage 'Deal'
WSB Quiz Asked
By Congressman
lican legislator said yesterday he
understands the Administration is
arranging a "deal" to settle the
steel wage dispute.
He said it "could completely
wreck the entire stabilization pro-
Rep. Allen (R-Ill.) also proposed
an investigation of the Wage Sta-
bilization Board. He said in a
statement the Board is operating
in "flagrant disregard" of the in-
tent of Congress in considering
Union Shop issues.
* * *
THE "DEAL" for settling the
steel dispute calls for a 15-cent-an-
hour raise for workers and an in-
crease in steel prices of $2.40 to $3
a ton, Allen said.
"Barring an eleventh hour
change of heart that is the deal,"
Allen said. "This planned set-
tlement could completely wreck
the entire stabilization pro-
Allen said he had been informed
that Charles E. Wilson, Defense
Mobilizer, "has protested this ac-
tion to President Truman."
"But this being an election year
and bearing in mind that there are
'650,000 CIO steelmakers, I have a
fm conviction that Mr. Wilson's
voice will go unheeded," Allen
"I read a story to that effect in
the newspapers recently," Allen
told reporters who questioned him.
"And I have heard it in general
conversation," he added. "That's
the way it looks to me."
IN PITTSBURGH, union and
industry spokesmen said they had
no comment.
Allen replied in the negative
when asked whether he had any
independent information about
an Administration "deal" on
x " steel wage and price increases.
The congressman's report, Is-
sued simultaneously with his draft-
ing of a resolution calling for an
investigation of the Wage Stabili-
zation Board (WSB), said the
board was set up to stabilize wages
but has taken on the"Job of settling
labor disputes.
Alien said he understands three
major labor disputes now are
pending before the Board and that
the union involved is demanding
' a compulsory union shop in each
"Such action is a flagrant dis-
regard of the intent of Congress
when it passed the Labor-Manage-
ment Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-
Hartley) and when Congress pro-
vided for strict conformity with
that act in the Defense Produc-
tion Act," Allen said.
World News
By The Associated Press
NEWPORT, R.I. - Becaus 13
merchant seamen refused to a an-
don even: half of their wre ked
ship, the tanker Fort Mercer's
stern was snugly anchored in
Narragansett Bay last night.
The tanker was broken in two

by the winter's worst storm last
Monday off Cape Cod when an-
other tanker, the SS Pendleton,
met similar fate in the same wa-
TOKYO-The Japanese gov-
ernment today planned stronger
police measures to cope with
any future Communist riots
such as those whoch swept over
Japan Thursday.
Premier Shigeru , Yoshida
held an urgent cabinet meeting
yesterday to discuss measures,
declaring in a statement that
"such riots cannot be tolerated."
LIMA, Peru-The Foreign Of-
fice announced last night Peru
and the United States have signed
a Military Assistance Pact.
Signers at the foreign office
residential palace were Foreign
Minister Manuei C. Gallagher and
U.S. Ambassador Harold H. Titt-
* * *
WASHINGTON - Investigat-
ing Congressmen renorted yes-

Koje Riot Might
Stall Truce Talks
Korean Marines, U.S. Navy Hold
Island; Air Force Loses 10 Planes
By The Associated Press
Communist truce negotiators today accused the United Nations
command of "massacre and brutal inhumanity" in connection with
the Koje Island prison camp riots.
CHINESE RED Col. Tsai Cheng-Wen, Communist staff officer,
solemnly read the Communist protest at today's meeting on .the pri-
soner exchange issue. Then he handed the document to U.S. Col.
George W. Hickman.
Hickman said the Chinese displayed no anger when reading
the note, and added: "I've seen him angrier."
In another tent at Panmunjom, Communist staff officers agreed
to the United Nations insistence on rotating 35,000 troops monthly
during an armistice. But the Reds

'Al' Hockey
Te amwStops
McGill, 6-0
Goalie Willard Ikola gained his
second shutout of the season as
the Wolverine sextet blanked the
McGill Redmen, 6-0, in the Coli-
seum last night.
The two teams go at it again
tonight in the Coliseum at 8 p.m.
gan's scoring attack, chalking up
the "hat trick" with two goals in
the second period and one in'the
third. George Chin, Earl Keyes,
and Paul Pelow added the other
three tallies.
Sharing credit for Ikola's
shutout is thedefense corps of
R4eg Shave, Jim Haas, Alex Mc-
Clellan, and Graham Cragg.
Ikola made 23 savese.
The victory was Michigan's
fifteenth in '19 starts, and the
seventh non-conference victory in
eight games. The loss was Mc-
Gill's eleventh in thirteen con-
WOLVERINE mentor Vic Hey-
liger shuffled his lineup in an
effort to offset the loss of John
Matchefts and the absence of
Doug Philpott, sidelined tempor-
arily with a cold.'
The starting line was Mc-
Kennell, Keyes, and Pelow; new
second line was Chin, Pat Coo-
ney at center, and Eddie May;
Doug Mullen centered the third
line, flanked by Ron Martinson
and Telly Mascarin. Bob Heath-
cott alternated at center and
defense for the Wolverines.
McGill played a hard game all
the way, but after the first period
the Redmen were unable to hold
the Wolverines back. Defenseman
Jim McGowan was outstanding
for the Redmen.
MICHIGAN TOOK the offen-
sive in the opening seconds and
kept the puck in the McGill zone
for the first few minutes. The
Redmen did not get a shot on the
Wolverine goal until after five
and a half minutes of play. From
then on, the two teams battled
on even terms for the remainder
of the first period, which ended
in a scoreless tie.
In the second .period, the
Wolverine attack started to roll.
With a minute and a half gone,
Chin took a pass at the blue
line and streaked in to score
the Wolverines' first tally.
(Continued on Page 3)

insisted that no more than five
ports of entry be accessible to each
South Korean officials blamed
the riot on a tough core of
Communists who defiantly flew
the North Korean flag over their
Three investigations were be-
ing made of Monday's violence
which left 69 Korean civilian
prisoners and one U.S. soldier
guard dead and 142 other pri-
soners and 23 soldier guards
wounded. One by U. S. Eighth
Army Headquarters, one by the
Republic of Korea and a third
personnel inquiry by Gen. James
A. Van Fleet.
Communist propaganda doubt-
less will attempt to contrast Red
and Allied treatment of prisoners
of war.
The staff officers were close
to agreement on all points of
the prisoner issue except volun-
tary repatriation. The Com-
munists want all their prison-
ers back, whether they want to
go or not.
At the truce supervision session,
Communist staff officers plugged
away as they had all week in an
effort to have Russia accepted as
one of six neutral nations to sup-
ply truce inspection teams.
. Meanwhile on the fighting
front, South Korean marines, with
a powerful assist from the Navy,
have crushed a Communist at-
tempt to seize a strategic island
high up the east coast of North
Police Seize
N arcotics King
DETROIT-'P)-Federal nar-
cotics agents and Detroit police
announced last night they have
arrested the mysterious "old man"
for whom they have been search-
ing for many months.
They identified their prisoner as
Giuseppe Catalonotte, 52, of De-
troit, and described him as "the
kingpin of illicitnarcotics dealers
in the United States."
Catalonotte was arrested on a
charge of violating Federal nar-
cotics laws after a series of raids
which netted more than $100,000
worth of heroin and a dozen sus-
pected dope peddlers.
Harvard Confirms
Cross Incidenit'
BOSTON-()-Harvard Uni-
versity offiicals last night con-
firmed that a 6-foot cross was set
aflame outside the rooms of nine
negro students at midnight Feb.

Cites Waste-
A t Airl.ases'
Hardy Charges
Thefts in Africa
WASHINGTON -- () - T h e
chairman of a House Investigat-
ing Committee said yesterday he
has evidence that between 25and
50 million dollars "has been
poured down the drain" on Amer-
ican air base projects in North
Rep. Hardy (D-Va.) said he had
witnesses who could testify from
personalobservation that "at least
two million dollars worth of ma-
terials have been stolen in the
course of unloading and storage."
He did not say who did the steal-
offered to a Senate "watchdog"
committee investigating charges
of wild extravagance and waste
in the Defense Department's over-
seas program.
The committee had just been
informed that the North Afri-
can bases may cost 120 million
dollars more than was esti-
mated and may take "two or
three years" to build instead of
six months.
Downey Rice, counsel for the
Senate Preparedness Subcommit-
tee, told the Senators he had the
opinion of an "expert" that the
program would ,costh420 million
dollars instead of the estimated
300 million.
ALTHOUGH THE bases were
part of a "crash" or hurry-up
program instituted right after the
outbreak of fighting in Korea,
with six months allotted for their'
completion, Rice said it may take
five times as long to get the job
Hardy is chairman of a House
E x e n ditures Subcommittee
which has been making an in-
quiry which parallels that of
the Senate group. he bad
planned to start public hearings
on Monday, but cancelled them
when the Senate opened its
own probe.
In a letter to Chairman John-
son (D-Tex.) of the Senate Sub-
committee, Hardy said he had
sent investigators to North Africa
and that they returned with doc-
"mentary proof "that our suspi-
cions were well founded."
High officials of the Air Force
and Army Engineers Corps con-
firmed before the Senate commit-
tee yesterday that unexpected and
formidable obstacles were en-
countered after work on five bases
in French Morocco had begun.
Bill Debated
In Washington
VASHINGTON-(R') - Friends
and foes of a bill to increase un-
employment benefits by means of
payments from the U.S. treasury
exchanged bitter words 'yester-
. Senator Moody (D-Mich.) fig-
ured in running exchanges with
two witnesses opposing the bill.
Later in the day, Walter P.
Reuther, president *of the CIO-
United Automobile Workers, ac-

cused an opposition witness of
"brazen hypocrisy."
It all took place before the Sen-
ate Finance committee which is
considering a bill by Moody and
14 other Senators to have the
Federal government supplement
state jobless benefits by 50 per
cent in areas hard hit by unem-
* * *
IT WENT like this:
1. Moody accused the National
Association of Manufacturers of
always trying to block "progres-
sive and social" legislation. Leo
Teplow of New York, associate di-
rector of the NAM's industrial re-
lations division, replied that this
remark was beneath the dignity
of a Senate committee.
2. Willis Hall, secretary of
the Detroit Board of Commerce,
accused Moody of being "mani-
festly unfair" in stating that
Hall testified Wednesday there'
was "no unemployment prob-
lem" in Detroit. Hall replied
that he never tried to minimize
the seriousness of having large
numhers of veonle nut of wnrk.w



Ar my
Troops Part
Of New Plan
Pact Called Great
Victory for U.S.
LISBON, Portugal -(A-- Tie
Atlantic Allies agreed unanimous-
ly yesterday to give Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower a one-uniform EV-
ropean army including German
troops to bolster western defenses.
In a triumphant mood, U.S.
Secretary of State Dean Acheson
told a news conference the historic
decision opens "a new day in Eu-
"Today we have taken a great
step," he said.

NATO Gives




* * * *

Eleven Acts To Compete
In Gulantics Show Today
Competition will be keen when 11 variety acts attempt to cop
one of three grand prizes in the fourth annual Gulantics revue at
8 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Audience response, as indicated by an applause meter, will
determine prizes of $25, $50 and $100, which will be awarded to the
evening's three top performances.
A variety of 11 musical and dancing acts, chosen from previous

auditions, will be vieing for
competing groups will round

~ ~

coveted awards. Five other non-
a night of entertainment for the
more than 3,000 students expect-
ed to attend the revue.

To Rematch
NEW YORK-(P)-Commenta-
tor Tex McCrary, who engaged
Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) in
one of television's sharpest verbal
flare-ups, challenged the Senator
last night to a new air meeting.
McCrary insisted that there be
no studio audience another time.
He said the audience was packed
with an "organized claque of Taft
SPARKS FLEW during the pro-
gram when Taft, candidate for the
G.O.P. presidential nomination,
accused McCrary of calling him
a liar.
McCrary denied it and said he
only had commented that Taft
was "careless with the truth"
in his book, "A Foreign Policy
for Americans."
The argument developed on the
"Author Meets the Critic" pro-
gram on the Dumont network. It
was punctuated by audience cheers
and boos.
* * *
THE CRITICS were newspaper
columnist George Sokolsky, friend-
ly to the book, and McCrary, who
opposed it. McCrary was a co-
sponsor of the recent Madison
Square Garden rally for Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
McCrary, also a former New
York Daily Mirror editorial
writer and once executive edi-
tor of the American Mercury
Magazine, said early in the pro-
"Now, because Senator Taft is
desperate and because he wants
to be president, he has been care-
less with the truth in this book.
"He has even deliberately dis-
torted the truth . . . and all this
he has done to make you believe
he is an expert on foreign affairs."
Illustrating his contention, Mc-
Crary said the Senator was wrong
in writing that President Truman
had not conferred with Congress
on the Korean War for weeks after
its outbreak.
Ruthven Accepts
Position at Olivet

LAST YEAR'S Gulantics first
place winner, Russ Christopher,
'52SM, will enter the competition
along with Irish tenor, Robert
McGrath, '54SM, and guitar play-'
ing Lyle Hanson in a hillbilly act.
Other acts will include Delores
Lowry of Gamboa, Canal Zone
in a soprano semi-classical role,
and Robin Renfrew, '55, present-
ing the other extreme as a sing-
ing comedienne.
Carol Leybourne, '55SM, a re-
cent National 4H talent contest
winner will give a humorous but
classical piano demonstration
while a duo tap dance number
featuring Jill Coleman, '55, and
Bob Wiegand, '55, will be followed
by Max Daniels enacting a "Jim-
my Durante pantomine."
ALSO IN THE running for the
three cash prizes a vocal quintet
composed of McGrath, Dave Cal-
ahan, '53BAd, Dick Frank, Ara
Berberian, '52, and Joan Robin-
son, '52SM, will present novel har-
Completing the list of compe-
tition are Vera Simon and Max
Emshwiller, '52, who will per-
form in a humorous dance in-
terpretation. The Conwell Car-
rington Combo featuring Phyllis
Seput, '52Ed, as vocalist have
also entered the talent contest.
Mystery shrouds over the non-
cpmpeting faculty act as sponsors
of the revue reveal that one dean,
one professor and a woman faculty
member will take the spot in the
surprise stunt.

it Justice
ith Probe
House committee started its probe
of the Justice Department yester-
day by demanding'a "tremendous"
stack of records on the Depart-
ment's prosecuting activities in the
last six years.
The idea of the virtual dragnet
was to determine whether there
have been "unreasonable delays or
failures" in pushing cases against
THE COMMITTEE called for a
complete list of cases in which
prosecution was recommended by
other government agencies but
which have not yet been pressed
to a conclusion.
"No doubt a tremendous list of
cases wil be involvedI'd say
thousands," Rep. Chelf (D-Ky.)
said. Chelf is chairman of a 7-
man judiciary subcommittee set
up to investigate the Justice De-
partment and its head, Attorney
General McGrath.
It was Chelf who made it clear
his group is looking for "unrea-
sonable delays or failures."
IN ANOTHER move, the sub-
committee invited Harold-JK. Stas-
sen to come before it with "any
credible evidence" he has that Mc-
Grath has become a millionaire
while in public office.
Stassen,'a candidate, for the
Republican presidentialnomi-
nation, said in a New York
speech Thursday night he had
received "confidential reports"
to the effect, and he urged a
Congressional investigation. Mc-
Grath declined comment except
to thank Stassen for the "com-
Chelf sent a telegram to Stassen
asking whether he would be "avail-
able for conference in Washington
in the near future or for interview
by one of our investigators else-

HAILED as a major U.S. diplo-
matic victory and a triumph for
Eisenhower's drive for European
unity, the plan was voted by the
14 foreign ministers of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) in a full council meeting.
with the defense and finance min-,
isters of the member nations. Only
the foreign ministers vote in the
NATO approval paves the way
for pooling the land, sea and
air forces of France, West Ger-
many, Italy, Belgium, the Neth-
erlands and Luxembourg into a
European defense community
(EDC) closely connected with
NATO. After such a plan is
drafted and signed in treaty
form, it must go through the
torturous process of ratification
by each of the six governments
(before actual recruiting for the
army begins.
The NATO ministers also agreed
that, as soon as the proposed Eu-
ropean army of some two million
men is formed, they will sign a
protocol to the Atlantic Treaty
pledging to rush to the aid of
West Germany or any other EDC
member in case of an attack. Such
a protocol indirectly will give West
Germany a connection with NATO,
although she will not be a mem-
The decision highlighted an
eventful day in which the Unit-
ed States, in a separate meeting,
agreed tentatively to pry loose
from funds already appropriated
by Congress and from weapons
stockpiles additional help for
France's rearmament. A senior
U.S. official said this aid would
be worth "in the range of 500
million dollars." He declaredi-
accurate earlier reports that the
sum amounted to 597 million
The tentative agreement is that
the aid wil not be in outright
grants. but will be largely in re-
turn for French contributions to
procurement contracts and con-
struction of air bases and com-
munication lines.
RFC, Redden
Involved In

Hatcher's Tea Party
Spiced by 'Traffic Jam'

Red Press Views world
A ff airs with Confidence

The ladies of Ann Arbor brought
a "pile of bundles" to Mrs. Harlan
H. Hatcher's tea yesterday but
left a pack of traffic troubles with
city traffic cops.
The ladies, laden with clothing
and toys for the Thrift Shop, a
store whose business is charity,
were attending the annual "Bun-
dle Tea," regularly tendered by the
President's wife. The tradition is
a carry-over from Mrs. Alexander
G. Ruthven.
Not to be outdone in charitable
works, the police department made
S. University a one-way thorough-
fare for the afternoon so that the
ladies could nark nne rtheP oi-

Next year the ladies will park
on the other side of the street.
.2 a

MOSCOW -(IP)-- The Soviet
press is highly optimistic about
world affairs these days.
There has hardly been a time
when Russia's newspapers and
their leading writers seemed more
sure that time is on the side of the
USSR and the nations allied with
* * *
FIRST, there is the Atlantic al-
liance. The Russian press sees that
as slowly falling apart.
Then there is inflation in the
TUnitedS tates .n annroaching

before they take a neutral position
between the two ,big world camps.
In this process, the Soviets think
Norway and Denmark will quit the
Atlantic Pact.
One of the most encouraging
developments in the world, as
seen by the Soviet press, is what
it calls the irresistible indepen-
dence movement in North
Africa, Iran, Iraq, Indochina,
Indonesia, Malaya, Burma, and
even Spain and several countries
of Central and South America.
War? No one i talking about it
here excent to say United States

den (D-N.C.) said yesterday he
and his brother were promised
$25,000 each for arranging sale
of a quick freeze plant and that
he later wrote a letter to the RFC
in connection with a loan the
purchaser sought.
RFC - the Reconstruction Fi-
nance Corporation-later granted
the loan of $460,000. The com-
pany subsequently went into .re-
ceivership, and RFC said the case
has been turned over to the Jus-
tice Department for investigation.
Redden said he did not re-
ceive a penny in connection
with the RFC loan and did not
telephone or go to the big lend-
ing agency in connection with
the application. He said all he
did was write a letter "advis-
ing them of the importance of
the operation of such a plant
on the farm economy of that

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