Does Eisenhower's Name
Mean Adequate Defenses
See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
40-I aii4
Davis Prepares
For Court Fight
DismissedInstructor To Base Case
On Committee Jurisdiction Issue
H. Chandler Davis, dismissed 'U' mathematics instructor, is getting
ready for a court hearing, expected in about a month.
' Dropped from the University faculty in August for refusing to
answer questions before a House Un-American Activities subcommittee,
Davis has been fighting a court indictment for contempt. The-young
mathematician has based his defense on what he calls the "subcom-
mittee's violation of the First Amendment."
Davis's attorney for the defense is New Yorker, Phillip Wittenberg,
who in May, 1953, raised the issue-of investigating committee jurisdic-
tion in an article in The Nation magazine.
Davis says he heard of Wittenberg mainly from the article and
hired him to defend his case partially on that basis.
Will Use Technical Factors
Wittenberg, however, has chosen to seek dismissal of the case
Encouraged olitical Lie
'U' Parking
Lots May Get
Coin Meters
first on the basis of certain tech- -Daily-Sam ching
nical factors, rather than begin- JOSEPH N. WELCH and John Dobson, the Ann Arbor attorney
ning with the' constitutionality of who introduced him to the Law School's Institute on Advocacy.
the committee probe.
One such technicality is that the
Grand Jury indictment does notPerls o ongressional
specify what is alleged to have
happened sufficiently to describe a
Davis said yesterday that Wit- Oye
tenberg has submitted a brief and
is in turn awaiting a governmen- By PETE ECKSTEIN
tal brief in answer. An oral hear- Congressional committees can "indict, try, condemn and sentence
ing, when held, will be heard in a human being within a few minutes" Joseph N. Welch said yesterday.
testeCr icigan Federsl The special counsel for the Army in its recent feud with the Mc-
"Judge Wallace Kent and U.S. Carthy subcommittee addressed the law school's Institute on Advocacy.
Attorney Wendell Myles have been He spoke on, "Advocacy Before Congressional Committees" to a ca-
very fair," Davis said, "and have pacity crowd in Rackham Auditorium.$
treated the case seriously as a "No thoughtful lawyer can look at that phenomenon," he said
World News
By The Associated Press
Yeh Backs Down .. .
WASHINGTON (P) - A bitter
tempest of words subsided some-
what yesterday after Chinese Na-
tionalist Foreign Minister George
Yeh backed away from any claim
that the United States'is pledged
specifically to defend Quemoy and
the Matus.
Remarks Yeh made Thursday,
after a call on Secretary of State
Jdhn Foster Dulles, were interpret-
ed as a hint that he had obtained
a commitment to defend Quemoy,
the Matsus and other offshore is-,
lands now occupied by Chiang
Kai-shek's Nationalists.
* * *
Tachens Evacuated ...1
TAIPEI. Formosa - The U.S.
7th Fleet took the last Nationalist'
soldier off the. Tachens yesterday
-still unmolested by Chinese Reds
only eight miles north.
The 200-mile trip south to For-
mosa, completing the touchy five-
day evaculation, was expected to
be fully under way before noon
someday be
ing meters.
parking lots- may
equipped with park-
Assistant Vice - President Her
bert G. Watkins has reported tha
the University may follow the ex
amble of the city and install park
ing meters to gain funds to pro
vide more parking space and als
to construct one or more parking
The possibility of charging fo
parking in University lots ha
been discussed with faculty group
and the Board of Regents, accord
Ing to Watkins, and there appear
to be general agreement that ac.
tion should be taken soon.
Few of those who try to par
in the 1,485 spaces on the mair
campus provided by the Univers-
ity will argue this last point. By
a.m. each day, all University lot
are generally filled.
Some 3,000 persons were issued
University parking decals last
year. Added to this figure are
varying amounts of special per-
mits for visitors.
Most parking facilities outside
the University lot within close
range of the campus are limited
to one or two hours of parking.
The overflow from University
parking lots must often compete
with students holding driving per-
mits for the remaining spaces
that are not zoned for short-time
According to assistant to the
Dean of Men Karl D. Streiff, ap-
proximately 1500 exempt driving
permits have been issued, along
with 1600 special driving permits.
Lincoln's Fete
Defense Week
Today, the birthday of Abraham
* Lincoln, marks the beginning of
National Defense Week in the
United States.
The observance, sparked for the
31st year by the Reserve Officers
Association, will 'e based upon
the theme, "Only the Strong Can
Be Free," and will last until Feb.
22, the birth date of the nation's
first President, George Washing-
National Defense Week, as out-
lined by ROA, is an educational ef-
fort to reaffirm the obligation of
citizenship as relates to the privi-
lege of service.
Lt. Roy W. Adams, USAR, chair-
man of the observance committee
for Washtenaw County, said that
the recently announced plans of
rPresident Eisenhower to strength-
en the nation's reserve forces give
increased importance to the Week
this year. Public understanding as
to the need for creating a "real
equality of citizen participation"
in the responsibility for a strong
national defense is more important
than ever, he said.
Adams continued, "The only
way to prevent a holocaust which
? could wipe out our civilization is
to be so strong that none will dare
to attack us.,
"If we have learned but one les-
CA.e - . .
... return sparks victory ... comes through in century
Wolverine Hat Tricks
Pace Pucks ters To. Win
Special to. The Daily
EAST LANSING-Michigan's unpredictable hockey team erupted
for three goals Ain the final period, blowing 'open what had been a
close game, to paste Michigan State's hapless Spartans, 7-4, last
Constitutional test."
"Financing Problem Welch Give
Financing the court proceedings
has been a particular problem to
Davis who has been unable to find C o en
work since his University dismissal.
A Bill of Rights Fund grant of $2,-1
000 was given him last month for
this purpose, but with the condi- earln s
tion that Davis raise an equal
amount of money on his own.
A literary. school faculty collec- Public educatioen was the ma
tion has also contributed about accomplishment of the Army-M
$2,000 for "any purpose that Davis Carthy Hearings, Joseph N. Wel
chooses" but the mathematician said at a press conference yeste
says that although "grateful" for day.
the money, he would prefer to have The special counsel for the A
the additional $2,000 in court ex- my during the hearings said, "T
penses raised by contributors who people were able to get a on
are primarily interested in sup- glose look at controversial fi
poring the first amendment ?ssue ures" and to have a basiso
test, which to make their own judg
"I don't regard the problem of ments.
free speech as only my problem," Welch said emphatically he fe
Davis said. the hearings were "profoundly al
Watching Emspak Case fected" by television.
Davis is watching closely the Su- Conscious of Cameras
preme Court case of Julius Ems- "Everyone in the room was ve
pak, an officer of the United Elec- conscious of the cameras, and:
trical Machine Workers, who is was a sometimes overwhelmin
also basing his defense of refus- temptation to take a deep breat
ing to testify to investigating com- and. comment at length."
mittees on the first amendment. Welch said the cameras gene
The Court has had the case ally restrained more than the
since January, 1954, but is now tempted him but "I'd have be
waiting to reach full strength be- twice as smart to have kept qui
fore coming to a decision. twice as much.
If Emspak wins on the basis of He emphasized he did not thin
the first amendment, Davis be- the actual content of testimoni
lieves he will then also have won. had been altered in any way b
However Davis feels that his the cameras, but some witnesse
case "should still be pushed even presented them more dramatica
if Emspak goes to jail" because he ly than would have been neces
believes that his own issue is sary.
somewhat different. Mentioning the session after thi
There are also four other "First conclusion of the testimonie
Amendment" cases now pending, Welch drew an anlogy between th
but Davis says that he will prob- individual closing comments an
ably come first. "actors speaking their final lines
± nthe witness position, without
some doubt. My doubts are grave."
Describes Dangerj
Because of their immense pow.
er over individuals, investigating F
committees should be headed by
"judicious, understanding, even-w
tempered and disinterested men,"!w
he said. ly
The white-haired, bow-tied law- se
in yer described some of the specific in
:c perils of testifying before commit-]
c- tees. One danger is congressional th
ch subpoenas do not specify the sub- bo
r ject to be considered, and it is, in
sometimes impossible to find out !of
h- beforehand, Welch said. "Is there
he anything you can do to prepare forI
g, that ordeal?" he asked.
g- "
"fiiulit Fadin. x . ,-
Captain Bill MacFarland and reinstated rookie Tom Rendall
PARIS - The friendly air with both scored the "hat trick" with three goals apiece to pace the
hich Pierre Pflimlin's candidacy Michigan attack. Wing Jerry Kar-."
r the premiership was original- pinka notched the other marker.
received in the National As- Michigan Explodes IM m
smbly's lobbies seemed dissapat- Michian Exlode
g somewhat yesterday. After two-and-one-half periods
Parliamentary observers gave;of listless hockey, the Wolverines 5'
e 46-year-old lawyer from Stras- tallied three times within four D ow n
urg only a 50-50 chance of form- minutes and nine seconds to pull
g a government to succeed that away completely from the dazzled Special to The Daily
17 Af AAt l CFYa r Spartans and move even closer t0 .
Saerrea nendes- roeanceteenero
£~L ~±VX*~ * (U* the Western Intercollegiate Hock-
_ 1
ev League leaders.
It can be "somewhat of a calam-
ity" to be subpoenaed to go to
Washington, the Boston attorney
said, citing travel and legal ex-
Speaking from personal experi-
t y g7 u .
2'viet Spy Tonight the two heated rivals
FRANKFURT, Germany - U.S. move to Ann Arbor to play at the
telligence officials charged yes- Coliseum. Game time is 8 p.m.
rday the Russian consul in Vi- Tickets may be purchased from
na is a top-flight Soviet intel- 8 a.m. until' 4:341 p.m. in the aft-
ence officer who has been send- ernoon at the Athletic Administra-'
g spies into the West for 10 tion Building and from 5 p.m. un-
ars. til game time at the Coliseum box
Ience, he added that the witness,
counsel may even be asked to take
ry the stand.
nit Comments on Single Senators
th Commenting on single Senators
7 conducting hearings, Welch said
"Two heads are' ccoler than one."
en e Part of the Constitution "shines
enless brightly than oncwas the
iet case," Welch said of the Fifth
D {
Four Petitions
MSC' Centennial Opens
Today marks the start of the
Michigan State centennial celebra-
Founder's Day procedings begin
with a Convocation this afternoon
featuring the presentation of the
Honorary Doctor of Laws degree
to 13 outstanding national figures,
Included among the honored
personalities are: University Presi-
dent Harlan H. Hatcher; Milton
S. Eisenhower, president of Penn-
sylvania State University; Secre-
tary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Ben-
son, and Governor G. Mennen
James B. Conant, U. S. high
commissioner in Germany, will re-
ceive the degree as speaker of the
day. "The recipients have been
chosen in a manner to place MSC
within its proper historical con-
text," said Dr. John A. Hannah,
president of MSC.
Abrut 5_00nnof t+hp nann', ri
Amendment. While he emphasized
that many uses of the power to'
refuse to testify are legitimate,
7 Welch said that serious investiga-
tions "ought not to be thwarted by
a contemptuous witness." The
Amendment originated in a desire
to avoid the use of torture, once
very common in obtaining =testi-
mony, he said.
Describing Army - McCarthy
hearings as "Swept by fears, hates
and high passions," Welch ex.
pressed the hope that it would be
the "last one of those frightening,
menacing hearings" and that
"sweeter, sunnier times" were
The essence of what he learned
in Washington, the Iowa-born
lawyer said, is "when to duck so
as not to get hit by a flying mis-
Welch will visit today's Open-
ing Day celebration at local Re-
publican headquarters, 101 S.
Fourth, from 10 to 11 a.m. today.
r ffi Snarled
By Snow Storm
Traffic accidents were many
yesterday as Ann Arbor recovered
from Thursday's snow storm that
caused the year's worst traffic
snarl and one of the heaviest up-
surges of accidents.
Police reported two persons
were injured yesterday, bringing
the two-day total to 11. An esti-
mated 50 accidents occurred be-
tween the outbreak of the storm
and last night, half of them with-
in a two-hour period Thursday.
I Al+hmicrh Tin -n .xr.xa zfrivnn
Extend SGC
Total to 18
Four Student Government
Council petitions were picked up
yesterday from 1020 Administra-
tion Bldg. bringing the five day
total to 18.
Joseph Simon, '56, William
Moeller, '58, Bill Diamond, '56E,
Ray Sund, '55E, were the entries
At the same time Donna Net-
zer, '56, who took out a petition
Wednesday, said she was seriously
considering not entering the race
for personal reasons. .
Other petitions picked up yes-
terday brought totals to six for
literary college senior class offi-
cers, two for engineering school
senior class officers, four for
Board of Student Publications, 11
for J-Hop Committee, and seven
for Union Vice-President.
There were still none for the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Petitions must be returned to
1020 Administration Bldg. by Feb.
Last night's contest was featured;
by two last period brawls. The fi-
nal one just before the buzzer
was a wild free-for-all between
Spartan defenseman Derio Nicoli
and Michigan's newcomer Mike
Buchanan, who made his league
debut in a big way.
The pair tore off their gloves and
for over a minuge slugged it out in
mid-ice, as the crowd went wild.
Both players were ejected from
the game, with Buchanan leaving
the ice in a battered condition.
MSC opened the see-saw contest
at 6:08 of the first period when
Nicoli took passes from high scor-
ing teammate center Jim Ward
and Weldon Olson and slapped the
puck by goalie Lorne Howgs.
The winners struck back a cou-
ple of minutes later. MacFarland
took a pass at mid-ice from wing
Karpinka, skating in from the left
side to score. Play jumped back
and forth again with Nicoll and
MacFarland exchanging q u i c k
scores. MacFarland's second tally
came on a fast pass from Rendall
after a face off in Spartan terri-
tory. State goalie Ed Schiller nev-
er saw the long screenshot.
A slap shot from close in on the
EAST LANSING - Michigan's'
powerful swimming machine
gained momentum yesterday, slip-
ping into high gear for the ap-
proaching Big Ten meet, as it
crushed the Spartans of Michigan
State by a lopsided 65-28 score.
Coach Gus Stager's natators,
minus the services of versatile
Bert Wardrop, took eight of 10
first places in the meet at Jenison
Gymnasium Pool in East Lansing.
Although Bert Wardrop was
kept from competing due to a vi-
rus infection, his brother, Jack,
took the measure of MSC's back-
strokers by winting the 200 yard
event in the good time of 2:12.1.
Probably the most encouraging
sign of the evening lay in the per-
formances of Wolverine junior
John O'Reilly, who won the 220
yard free-style and. took. second
to Ron Gora in the 100 free.
Wolverine captain Bumpy Jones
chalked up another win in the in-
dividual medley, and set a pool
and dual meet record in the pro-
cess. Jones covered the 150 yard
distance in 1:29.8 for the marks.
He was followed ba sophomore
Fritz Myers in the good time of
S:32.4. Lanny Johnson of MSC was
The three-meter diving event
was dominated by Michigan's Jim
Walters, who won with a total of
286.65 points.
State's only first in the individ-
ual events came in the 200 yard
breast-stroke, as John Dudeck of
the Spartans went the distance in
2:29.7. Jim Thurlqw of Michigan
was second in 2:31.1.
Jones came through with a sec-
ond win in the 440 yard free with
See GORA, Page 3
Ex-Red Tells
Of Perjury
In Affidavit
Roy Cohn Implicated
By Trial Evidence
NEW YORK ()--Harvey Matu-
sow testified yesterday he made
false statements in the 1952 polti-
cal campaign with encouragement
from Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy
Matusow, self-described profes-
sional ex-Communist and forme
informer for the FBI testified at
a federal court hearing on a motion
by 12 convicted Communists for a
new trial.
Their action is based on an affi-
davit by Matusow that he gave
false evidence against them, with.
the knowledge of Roy M. Cohn,
then an assistant United States at-
torney, at their trial on. conspiracy
Sent Affidavit
Matusow first testified yesterday
he had sent affidavits to the New
York Times and to Time magazine
saying he had lied in saying they
had Communists on their staffs.
He said his original statements
were based on "conjecture and,
surmise." Then he added that he
had made similar false statements
in the 1952 political campaign.
"My manner of presentation and
my theme was encouraged by Sen.
McCarthy and, in fact, was at the
behest of Sen. McCarthy and
made during the heat of a politi-
cal campaign," Matusow said.
Matusow said he once met Meth-
odist Bishop G. Gromley Oxnam
in Washington and told him:
"I want to apologize for a speech
I made against you Oct. 5, 1952,
in a Methodist church in Liberty-
ville, Il."
Matusow said he had accused
the bishop in the speech of "sup-
porting Communist fronts."
Earlier an excerpt read from
Matusow's diary, dated Jan. 1,
1948, - said he had decided . the
Communist party was "a reaction-
ary outfit" and that he should
break with it.
Sacher Reads Excerpt
Harry Sacher, counsel for the 12
Communists, read- the excerpt, ap-
parently to show Matusow had be-
come critical of the Communists
prior to testifying against them.'
Sacher quoted the New Year's
Day entry as follows:
"After tonight's party I decided
to give up the AYD (American
Youth for Democracy) and the
rest of the progressive organiza-
tions, including the Communist
party, which, after much looking
into, I think is a reactionary out-
fit that is, as the House of Rep-
resentatives says, un-American.
"The people of the Communist
party have one-track minds and
they are too narrow-minded. They
are not the type I feel I should
associate with."
Board Makes
At yesterday's meeting, the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications approved editorial and
business appointments for The
Daily and Gargoyle.
Appointed Daily Night Editors
were David Kaplan, '56 and Louise
Tyor, '56. Gail Goldstein, 57 was
appointed Assistant Night Editor
and Dave Grey, 57, was appointed
Sports Night Editor.
On The Daily business staff, Bob
Ilgenfritz, '56 was appointed Cir-
culation Manager; Jerry Pusch,
'57, Assistant Circulation Manager;
Ken Rogat, '56, Local Advertising
Manager; Milt Goldstein, '56 and
Joe Frisinger, '56, Promotions
Manager; Sandy Wasserstein, '57
and Dave Silver, '57, Assistant
Promotions Managers; Gail Cohen,
'56, Layout Manager; Linda Rub-
enstein, '57, Assistant Layout Man-
Super Highways Planned for State.
"Super highways of the east" are
fast becoming realities in the mid-
west: two four-lane turnpikes are
currently being planned for Michi-
Study on feasibility of building a
115-mile long turnpike from Rock-
wood to Bridgeport, (Rockwood is
near the southern border of Michi-
gan and Bridgeport is near Sagi-
naw) and another super highway
frorm naptroitto+ "romp w.-tern l
Baker, chief engineer of the MTA.
The Legislature loaned the Au-
thority $500,000 for study of mod-
ern highway systems in the state.
Most of this money has been spent
on the study of the North-South
project, although an East-West
road, likely to run near Ann Ar-
bor, will be considered at some fu-
ture date.
Headquarters for the Authority
are in Ann Arbor. The four gover-
are tax exempt, and thus are "in-
teresting" to bonding companies
and individuals, Baker remarked.
The rate of interest to bonders
for this kind of project is high,
Baker noted, because the state
does not guarantee that funds will
be paid, that the highway will be
a financial success. "Looking at
turnpikes in the east, however, we
can assume they will be paid off,"
he reasoned. Those super high-