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February 16, 1957 - Image 1

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VOL. LXVII, No. 97




Board Rules Against

ancelling Georgia






Meeting Initiated
By Diggs'Inquiry
Ruling 'To Better Race Relations';
Legislators Threaten State Censure
The University's scheduled footba l game against the University
of Georgia will not be cancelled, the Board in Control of Intercolleg-
iate Athletics ruled yesterday.
Playing of the game will "make an affirmative contribution to-
ward the betterment of racial relations in the United States," the
Board's statement said.
Athletic Director Herbert O. (Fritz) Crisler announced the de-
cision after a special meeting called in the Union to discuss an inquiry
by United States Rep. Charles C. Diggs, Jr. concerning the Oct. 5
Diggs, state Sen. Basil Brown, John B. Swainson, and Rep. George

InI State

Rejects I



Edwards, asked that the game b
Georgia Bill
Bans Negro
ATLANTA, Ga. ()-In a move
to drive Negroes from the South
Atlantic Baseball League, Geor-
gia's Senate yesterday unanimous-
ly adopted a bill to outlaw inter-
racial athletics.
The measure, which would bar
racial mixing on the practice field
as well as in contests, was sent
at once to the House where it will
have to be acted on in committee
before going to the floor.
Break Up Loop
Last year, a similar bill died in
the House without coming to a
While most baseball men were
wary of comment pending House
action, one Sally League manager
expressed belief its passage would
break up this class A Southeastern
loop which likes to call itself "the
mother of the minors."
Phil Howser, general manager
of the Charlotte, N. C. Hornets,
said he feels such a ban would dis-
rupt the league since the majors
now are fully committed to using
the loop for training purposes and
he feels few would consider an
agreement with or the ownership
of clubs that couldn't use Negroes.
Equality 'Translated'
Sen. Leon Butts of Lumpkin,
who sponsored the measure, said,
"When Negroes and whites meet
on the athletic fields on a basis of
complete equality, it is only nat-
ural that this sense of equality is
translated into the daily living of
these people."
Powers Agree
On Stop Gap
Suez Measure
The Western Big Three and Nor-
way were reported agreed yester-
day on a temporary arrangement
for use of the Suez Canal but so
far have met silence and resistance
in Cairo.
This was reported by an authori-
tative source who is familiar with
the negotiations but who would
not permit identification.
He said also that United Na-
tions Secretary General Dag Ham-
marskjold would be requested to
go to Cairo and seek an agreement
with President Nasser.
According to the source, theI
United States, Britain, France and1
Norway have agreed on the follow-
ing idea for an interim arrange-
1. All ships, no matter what]
flag, will have freedom of pass-
age through the Suez Canal whenI
it is opened.
2. Talls will be paid into a neu-i
tral account, such as the Interna-
tional Bank, with some part of tfie
receipts to go to Egypt for oper-
ating purposes.1
Dulles Requests
Truman's Service

e cancelled because of the Georgia
Oban against home - and - home
games with teams having Negro
The game was scheduled with
the southern university four years
ago outside of any home-and-home
agreement, with no restrictions on
the University's choice of partici-
Local Customs
Since there is no home-and-
home, agreement, Georgia agreed
to play at Ann Arbor, where "local
laws and customs prevail," but
would not permit Negro team
members to participate if the game
were in Georgia.
Sen. Brown earlier charged that
Georgia's attitude "Is an affront
to the integrity of our colored stu-
dents and athletes."
He complained that when Cris-
ler "told us the schedule is made
far in advance and that it has
nothing to do with politics or so-
cial phases," that the athletic dir-
ector also, "in essence, told us to
mind our own business."
Crisler Answers
Crisler answered yesterday that
he had not implied that the leg-
islators "mind their own business"
and added, "I won't let him
(Brown) put words in my mouth."
In retaining the present sched-
ule, the athletic board said it
"would never be a party to any
action which might impede pro-
gress toward a solution of . . . the
problems of civil rights and civil
liberties . . . on a basis consistent
with our democratic principles and
It added that the members felt
it "educationally sound to bring
young citizens of a Southern state'
to Michigan to play in an athletic
contest with our teams on which
Negro and white players are ac-
corded positions on the basis of
meritalone, without regard to race
or religion." '
Cancellation 'Unjustifiable'
The report concluded, "We be-
lieve it would be legally, morally
and socially unjustifiable to cancel
this game and have, therefore,
concluded not to do so."
Rep. Brown and Swainson said
earlier that if the University re-
fused to cancel the game they.
would push for a resolution by the
full Michigan Legislature to "re-
nounc- the policy as repugnant
and not to be tolerated."
Such a resolution would have no
legal effect on the University, but
would be designed to "bring pres-
sure on the University from var-
ious racial, national and political
Dock Leaders
tall Progress
NEW YORK (P) - Top dock
union leaders split in anger yes-
terday over terms for ending a
four-day East Coast waterfront
Their falling out stalled any
progress toward settlement.
Forty-five thousand longshore-
men are idle from Maine to Vir-
ginia and strike losses are mount-
ing at the rate of three million
dollars a day.
Moreover, the economic paraly-
sis on the docks was spreading in-
land. Railroads began laying off
men because their shipments to
the struck docks have been choked
Leaders of the International
Longshoremen's Assn. (nd.) have
hoc,, frn,4 A.-.. ,r,R. - - d _]l

U.S. Plan
By Israel
yesterday rejected, in effect, an
American plan for withdrawal of
Israeli troops from disputed Mid-
east territory.
It offered a counterproposal
which the State Department
promptly labeled "not responsive."
The negotiations on a two-part
proposal put forward by Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles con-
But they were understood to be
foundering on Israel's insistence
on a nonbelligerency pledge from
Egypt or stronger asurances of
American support before pulling
out of the Gaza Strip and Gulf
of Aqaba area.
Dulles, Eban Confer
After authorizing a statement
of "regret," Dulles left a meeting
with Israel's Ambassador Abba
Eban and headed for Washington's
National Airport. He took off with
Henry Cabot Lodge, ambassador
to the United Nations, for a hurry-
up conference with President
I Dwight D. Eisenhower last night
and today at Thomasville, Ga.
The State Department said the
conference would take up Dulles'
efforts to get Israeli troops out of
Egypt as well as other foreign
policy problems.
Dulles' Proposal
Dulles' proposal was that Israeli'
forces quit the Gaza Strip and
Gulf of Aqaba area on assurances
that the United States would:
1. support the right of all ships
to "innocent passage" through the
Strait of Tiran into the Gulf of
Aqaba, and
2. pledge the work for stationinga
United Nations forces and observ-
ers along the borders of the Gaza
Strip to prevent any terror raids.
Expected Reply
Eban was expected to reply to
Dulles and request further clarifi-
catin. However, after the meeting,
State Department press officer
Lincoln White issued a statement
with Dulles' approval. "We regret,"
it said, "that the ambassador's
reply does not seem responsive to
the United States position com-
municated to Eban last Monday.3
The matter is being further studied;
on both sides and we are awaiting+
further clarification
To Appea:

C ites Student Costs_
To Counter Hanra
'U' President Says Regents Aim
For Education at Reasonable Cost
University President Harlan Hatcher said yesterday he
"will not readily agree" to legislative demands for general
tuition increases in Michigan state-supported schools.
He took issue with a recent comment to a legislative comr-
mittee by Michigan State University President John Hannah
that fees generally could be raised "without much difficulty."
"I would not say," Hatcher remarked y'esterday, "that
you could raise fees without any trouble unless it were done
with the most careful consideration to other factors of cost"'
-rising prices of food, textbooks and dining room service.
"The whole package of costs to the student is rising,"
he concluded, calling the question of real concern to all the
presidents of Michigan edu-

-Daily-Dick Gaskill
"NO YOU DON'T" - Michigan's John Hutton (18) strives in vain to slap a loose puck into the Min-
nesota goal in second period action at. the Coliseum last night. Hutton's bid was thwarted by goalie
Jack McCartan (1), with help from Ken Wellen (7) and Tom Riley (21). Minnesota and Michigan
collide again today at 3:30 p.m. at the Coliseum.
'M' Icers Conquer Minnesota, 8-1;
Maxwell Scores Three Goals, Assist

Michigan put on its best offen-
sive display of the year last night
as it hammered a befuddled Min-
nesota hockey squad into sub-
mission, 8-1, before 2500 fans at
the Coliseum.
The Gophers and the Wolverines
close out their two game series
with an afternoon game at 3:30
p.m. today.
Forward Wally Maxwell led the
dazzling display of power last
night, firing three goals and add-
ing an assist for four points. Max-
well found the range twice in the
second period and then gained
himself the coveted, three goal
"hat trick" with only two seconds
remaining in the game.
Other Wolverine marksmen were
Neil McDonald, with a pair of
goals, the Rendall brothers, John
and Tom, and Dick Dunnigan,
each with one.
The win, Michigan's s i x t h
rV w _*'_' -1_


i orngnt

against four losses and a tie in1
Western Intercollegiate, pulls themo
within one half point of fourth
place Denver, pending the out-3
come of the Pioneers game with1
Colorado College last night.
Michigan now has seven and
one half points in both the pointsj
and points lost columns.1
Besides its powerful offensivei
showing, Coach Vic Heyliger's, six1
impressed with their solid backj
checking and defensive play. Pro-
tecting goalie Ross Childs nicely,1
WASHINGTON (P) - Two keyt
Senate committees declared yes-1
terday they strongly support Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's
program to use military force, if
necessary, to defend the Mideast.
The Foreign Relations and
Armed Services committees issued3
a joint report on the subject. 3
The report was sent to the Sen-3
ate along with Eisenhower's Mid-1
dle East resolution.I
Although the language of the
resolution was changed by the
committees, they said the revised
version "strongly supports" the
President. They said the changes
clearly provide that "should ag-
gression occur and should Ameri-
can help be requested, help would
be forthcoming promptly and
Besides the military features,
the resolution waives restrictions,
on the use of up to 200 million3
dollars of foreign aid appropria-l
tions to enable the President to
give military and economic assis-
tance to nations in the Mideast.
NATO Chief
Tells Strength
ROME {P-Gen. Lauris Norstad,<
supreme commander of Allied for-
ces in Europe, declared yesterday

the Michigan defense, spearhead-
ed by the fine play of Capt. Bob
Pitts, broke up most of Minnesota's
rushes as they came across the
Gain Early Advantage
The Wolverines moved out in
front 2-1 late in the first period,
padded their lead with two more
in the middle frame, and then
turned the game into a rout with
four goals in the last period.
Michigan drew first blood after
the teams had battled for 15 min-
utes without a goal in the first
period. Dunnigan dug Barrie Hay-
ton's wide shot out of the corner
and fed a perfect pass to McDon-
aId in front of the net.
The cagey centerman merely
had to deflect the puck past goalie
Jack McCartan from point blank.
Less than a minute later Min-
nesota got what proved to be their
lone score of the evening on a nice
three-on-two passing play. Terry
Batholome beat Childs with a 15
footer as he sped in from his right
wing position.
Dunnigan moved Michigan ahead
shortly afterward when he con-
verted Ed Switzer's rebound. Dun-
nigan was left unguarded on the
right side of the Gopher net and
rammed the rebound in before
McCartan could recover from the
first shot.
See MAXWELL'S, page 3

cational institutions. Hatcher
will represent their views be-
fore a legislative committee
Feb. 26 as chairman of a com-
mittee of college presidents'
studying the issue.
At a meeting Monday, Hatcher
reported, the Michigan college
presidents "viewed with great
concern the increasing costs to
our young people of education"
and decided that the issue was
best considered on a statewide
basis, "outside the issue of one
institution's budget."
Suggested MSU Increases
President Hannah's, remarks
came in connection with hearings
on the MSU budget after legisla-
tors suggested tuition increases
of 20 to 30 per cent. He said hikes
were feasible but only if Michigan
institutions acted in concert.
Hatcher refused to say that
Hannah was undermining the
position of the conference of col-
lege presidents, preferring that
The Daily draw its "own conclu-
He said he would ask the legis-
lature to consider the issue of
feed not only in the context of
student costs but also of overall
educational financing.
Student Fee Minor
"The student fee is of relative-
ly minor importance" in the over-
all support of Michigan's state-
supported schools, he explained.
While the legislature controls
University appropriations and
thus its general financial situa-
tion, only the Regents can set
tuition. Fees in the literary col-
lege are now set at $100 per se-
mester for Michigan residents and
$235 for out-of-state students.
Hatcher said that while he could
not commit the Regents, their
"consistent policy" has been "to
make education available to qua-
lified and able students" at costs
they could afford.

Soviets Give
High Post
To Gromykio
Replaces Shepilov
As Foreign Minister
MOSCOW QP)-The Soviet gov-
ernment changed foreign ministers
yesterday, relieving bushy-haired
Dmitri Shepilov after eight nonths
in office.
Unsmiling Andrei Gromyko suc-
ceeded him.
Westerners in Moscow believe
the reshuffle is a signal for a re-
turn to the tough policies of form-
er Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov.
Dour, noncommittal Gromyko rose

.. . new foreign minister

INational Round p
By The Associated Press +
Claim 16 Spy Rings in U.S...
WASHINGTON-A onetime Russian secret police officer said
yesterday he believes "at least 16 spy rings are still at large" in the
United States, spying for the Soviet Union.
Alexander Orlov gave that opinion to the Senate Internal Secur-I
ity subcommittee, but said he does not know of any Communist now
serving in the United States government or anyone who may be en-
gaged in espionage.
* * *
Terrific Blast Rocks Clinton . ..
CLINTON, Tenn.-The terrific force of a dynamite explosion
in the Negro section of racially torn Clinton Thursday night literally
obliterated clues upon which to work, police said yesterday.
A restaurant was wrecked, window panes were shattered in more
than a sore of home and a Negrn woman and baby were injured

to prominence under Molotov, and
is regarded as a follower on Stal-
inist lines.
Shepilov Moderate
On the other hand, easy-spoken
Shepilov was regarded as a pro-
tege of Nikita Khrushchev, first
secretary of the Communist party
Last year, Khrushchev angrily de-
nounced Stalin and adopted a less
restrictive policy toward independ-
ent Communists in the satellites--
policies from which the Soviet
party shows signs of retreating.
Gromyko, as former ambassador
in Washington and representative
at the United Nations, has sym-
bolized in Western eyes the Rus-
sian postwar habit of saying "No"
and casting vetoes.
There was no indication Shepi-
lov was being purged. He returns
to his old post as one of the eight
secretaries of the powerful Com-
munist Party Central Committee
under Khrushchev.

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