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February 14, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-14

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXIV, No. 89



'U' Scientists
T ~ ., P - -,vv

An Editorial.

Three of the Big Four

* .#


i o t.rresent We do not relish prolonged disputes between The Daily
t iand other campus organizations. However, this newspaper
P an to AEC has a duty to its readers to provide coverage of all significant
news and it cannot tolerate continued attempts by any organi-
To Propose Giant zation to prevent disclosure of activities which affect the
Nuclear Reactor campus.
At a time when rumors circulate about every case
By MIKE WOLFF and decisions are not understood by the campus, the
University scientists hope to Joint Judiciary Council has chosen to operate behind
a.ear within five weeks whether great secrecy and ignore the prevailing uncertainty over
they will be able to go ahead with its operations.
plans for the construction of a The statistical study planned by the council provides no
giant nuclear reactor on the North
Campus, it was learned yesterday. basis for the community to make a necessary evaluation of
A team of scientists, including the justice and necessity of the University regulations it is
Prof. Henry J. Gomberg, assist- enforcing. That many of these regulations are severely ques-
ant director the Michigan Memor- tioned makes this duty even more important.
~ ial-Phoenix .Project, and Lawrence
C. Widdoes, project engineer, will We cannot sympathize with the council's compelling
fly to Berkeley, Calif. next Mon.' desire to protect convicted groups from publicity nor with
day to present their final report
to the Atomic Energy Commission theircontention that such publicity would impose additional
SCommittee on Reactor Safeguards. penalty on the groups. In any judicial proceedings guilty
That group is expected to forward
its recommendation to the AEC parties must face the consequences of both penalty and
>withir a month, Prof. Gomberg public opinion.
Further we cannot ab reciate the councdi's conten-

Disciplinary Case
Releases Closed
Daily Managing Editor
Joint Judiciary Council virtually closed its doors to the press
yesterday through formal ratification by the University Sub-Commit-
tee on Discipline of a policy which will withhold all publicity on in-
dividual and group violations except for an end-of-the-semester com-
pilation of cases without mention of names.
Although the thiee-man University discipline group unanimously
approved the recommendation, Judiciary Council Chairman Lee Fiber,
'54, refused to reveal the vote within the Council. However, reliable
sources indicated that as many as four of the nine council members
opposed the policy during the meeting Friday at which it passed.
YESTERDAY'S action reaffirmed the informal council policy of
last semester of withholding all names and confirmation of group
Formalization of the policy came after several months of ne-
gotiation between Daily editors and council members.
These discussions culminated in a three-point Daily policy pro-
posal to release all group names, violations and penalties as each case
is closed, release sinilarly individual case results about which there
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Reds Set EL
For Troop-l
BERLIN--O")-Russia served
drawal of Red troops from Austria
backed European defense system.
Soviet Foreign Minister Molo
Curtain from the Danubian reput
the three Western Powers and I
* *
MOLOTOV CITED to the for
buildup of American and Westerr
the reason - for his demand that
Austria, even if granted "inde-
pendence," must be garrisoned by
the Soviet army until the German
peace treaty is signed.
He added that it would facili-

)C as Price
Tree A us tria
notice yesterday its price for with-
is abandonment of the American-
tt-nu r-f vd t enA+fn ll ha rtI- Trnn

S tatemient

, ppl~ fW uta t (LtCLi u mILC fLf
"Wie don't anticipate reeto, ' &tr -S.,.l,-.Lr ...t ~ i~~~.-
he added. tion that disclosure would be detrimental to the Univer-
E th sity. Public relations should never stand above a free
- IMVPETUS for the project came1
last May when the Ford Motor press.
Company Foundation pushed the Nor are we convinced that confidence in the council
Phoenix Project's $6,500,000 goalwedI
over the top with a million dollar would be impaired by release of information related to names
grant to build the 'reactor and violations. We are not requesting council records, and

An unclassified report on the
reactor's proposed safefuards
and design was approved by the
Board of Regents this fall and
the AEC was petitioned Nov. 27.
Prof. Gomberg said that since
then further ideas have been
submitted to the AEC's advisory
committee which will hear the
more detailed study involving se-
cret data to be presented by his
group. Feb. 23.
If approval is received, work will
start immediately on the necessary
design planning for construction
with the prospect that the reactor
may be in operation sometime in
" . .
CAPABLE of continuous opera-
tion at 1000 kilowatts, the reactor
is the largest installation of its
kind so far planned for any edu-
cational institution. Pennsylvania
State College has requested per-
mission to build a 100 kilowatt re-
actor and the University of North
Carolina has a 10 kilowatt device
r of different design in operation.
Prof. Gomberg said the re-
actor would be used for teach-
ing, research and as a service fa
cility for Midwestern industry. It
will also serve as a laborayor
device for teaching and explor-
ing the operation and behavior
of nuclear reactors in general.
An additional use would be the
production of radioactive isotopes
from the machine's intense neu-
tron radiation, according to Wid-
He pointed out that having the
reactor on campus would aid Uni-
versity scientists in , using, and
studying isotopes such as fluorine
20 which have half-lives of only
several seconds or minutes. At
present only isotopes with half-
lives of more than 12 hours may be
used here because they have to "be
shipped from the government lab-
oratories at Oak Ridge, Tenn.
In a broader sense, however, the
reactor will aid investigations into
a variety of scientific fields rang-
ing from fundamental physics and
chemistry to engineering, medicine
and biology, Prof. Gomberg added.
* * * i
DESIGN of the million dollar;
reactor is essentially that of a
swimming pool. Twenty-six feet
of water will shield observers
from the deadly radiation given
off by the plates of uranium, u- k
235, at the bottom of the concrete
tank. The 50,000 gallons of water
will also serve to dissipate the in-
tense heat generated by the con-
version of mass into energy that,
occurs in the atomic disintigration
Remote controlled cadmium or
boron rods interspersed in the
fuel elements will serve as the
safetly mechanism. The rods
are used as valves to hulrLi or
shut off entirely the stream of
slow neutrons from the uranium.
Material to be irradiated can
either h lowver to +th viini;+

believe that details of releases could be worked out to insure
maintenance of confidence.

tate matters in eventually free-

Because we realize the responsibility of a free press to
provide full information to its readexs, we shall continue our
policy of publishing as complete articles as possible on each
group violation after the case is concluded. And because we
feel the council is breaking a trust to the community, we call
n on the student bodv to rntest its stand

ing Austria"if the three Western
Powers -- the United States,
France and Britain-were to re-
ject their plans regarding the
siting up of the European De-
fense Community and a resurg-
ence of German militarism."
The East-West deadlock over

KOV reiusea o ion acx nelron suuulcmu neeto u
bwThe members of the Joint Ju-
lic, despite renewed appeals -from diciary Council recommend to the series of articles on the council's s
.eopold Figl, the Austrian foreign Sub-Committee on Discipline that determining them.
any publicity or reports on cases The first two proposals were s
* * of infractions or misconduct be though the way was left open to wo
eign ministers conference here the witheld until the end of the se- discussions.
a strength generally in Europe as mester during which they occur. Possibilities of appealing the
--- --- At the end of the semester we mittee were being studied yester
recommend that a compilation of In any event, Daily editors p
RLUsHIN(;: cases handled by the Joint Judi- printing as complete informationa
cir Couil and rev d by he penalties as each case is closed. Ti
Sub-Committee on Discipline be
published in the Daily Official some time, gaining necessary in-
Bulletin. We further recommend formation from its own sources.
that in the compilation no names
0pen Iioors of either groups or individuals be;IN DENYING The request
stated. the council based its decision on
* * * .five points:
Fraterrrity rushing begins at 2 THIS RECOMMENDATION Is 1) Harsh and undue criticism
p.m. today with some 370 would-be prompted by a sincere desire on land publicity might result for in-
the part of the council to protect dividuals or groups penalized.'.
Greeks set to. march on open I the interests, reputation and pres- ) 2 Such publicity would be det-
houses in the afternoon and eve- tige of the students involved, rimental to the interests of the
ning. groups affected, and the Univer- University.
Hours for rushing today will be sity Community. 3) Publicity possibly would be
from 2 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7 to -It is felt that the individuals considered an additional penalty
9 p. The open houses will possibly concerned in various to those involved, and certain
9:0 pim. To eng willh infractions would be subjected cases would receive unequal pub-
continue tomorrow Lnight ith I See JINPage 8lie chastisement.
opening and closing set for 7 to 4vcJOINT, Page 8 chabomet wu
9:30 p.m. 4) The above factors would re-
* * * duce cooperation between the
HE UMEi.Rf hescouncil and the discipline sub-
THE NUMBER of ru.shees sign- cmite
-ed up so far compares with 404 -omtee .
for the spring semester last year T ka 5) Publicity would jeopordize the
Three more days remain in which councilotin nature in which the
men may sign up to rush. Signing Panhellenic will meet Tuesday council obtains evidence and tes-
up may be done in the office of in the first official discussion on timAny t
Bill Zerman, assistant to the dean the spring-fall rushing question tA reply to, this statement by,
of men, 1020 Administration Bldg., before taking the decisive vote on Daily senior editors is printed in
hrough Wednesday. March 9. adjoining columns.)
Questionnaires have been dis-
Fraternities will keep their Quetionnaires have beenrlis
+,t,4o ib n d - ho hn,. di,'o~ t r nd A MIDDLE course between The


LAustria remained unaltered de-
spite more than four hours, argu-
-The Senior Editors: Harry Lunn, Eric Vetter, ment. It followed a private talk
Virginia Voss, Mike Wolff, Alice B. Silver, between Molotov and U. S. Secre-
Virginia Aos dHe.tary of State Dulles yesterday aft-
Diane D. AuWerter and Helene Simon. ernoon in which they failed to nail
down procedure for an interna-
tional conference on the peaceful
Wolverine uc men""' pooling of atomic energy.
AFTER HIS inconclusive atomic


Colorado Coill
George Chin's three goals with-
in a space of five minutes during
the second period paved Michi-
gan's way to a 9-2 romp overa
Colorado College sextet last nigh
at the Coliseum.
Over 3000 fans witnessed th
wild contest which was highlight
Student Reception
Planned By ISA
A reception for foreign and
American students will be held 8
p.m. Saturday, February 20 at the
Rackham Hall Auditorium by the
International Students Associa-
tion and the International Center
American folksongs, s q u a r e
dancing and spirituals will be in-
cluded in the evening's entertain-
ment. The Glee Club, the Lane
Hall dance group and the Dunbars
will participate in the program.
World Nent
By The Asso
SAIGON, Indochina--French
thrusts from Dien Bien Phu yest
to force a showdown with 36,0001
big northwest bastion for nearly

discussion with Molotov, the sec-
ond and last to be held in Berlin.
Dulles 'led a Western maneuver
designed -to get the Russian's ap-
- ed by some briliant goal tending proval to early Austrian independ-
by Wolverine netminder Willard ence or to shelve the topic here.
- Ikola who turned back 34 shots In sharp tones, the American
a during the evening, suggested the conference settle
t * * * at once the five disputed articles
THE DECISIVE factor of the which had held up the Austrian
e contest was Michigan's ability to pact for five years.
- capitalize on manpower advantag- French Foreign Minister Bidault
es while Colorado players were in startled Molotov by announcing he
the penalty box. All three of would accept all the old Soviet
Chin's tallies came while the Tig- amendments to these articles.
er's were shorthanded. British Foreign Secretary Eden
With the score tied at 2-2 announced his agreement to the
after Colorado had scored twice Soviet amendments, too, but made
i in the opening minutes of the this .conditional on the Austrian
second period to overcome a treaty being concluded now in Ber-
Michigan lead, Chin slammed lin.
home what turned out to be Obviously fearing being corner-
-the winning goal at 8:12 of the ed, Molotov beat a diplomatic re-
. period after taking linemate treat, covering it with a protest
Doug Mullen's rebound. about procedure.
. Within five minutes Chin had
- raised the score to 5-2 as he ,)t
turned in his second "hat-trick" En a
of the season. e
See MULLEN, Page 7 Calls J~Tryoutsi-
A Michiganensian spring tryout
R o ndupmeeting will be held 4 p.mn. Wed-
nesday in the Student Publica-
tions Bldg.
' For both the business and edi-
ciated Press torial staffs, the tryout period will
Union forces began new probing last for the rest of the semester.
erday in what may be an attempt During this time the rudimentary
Vietminh who have surrounded the facts of layout design, preparing
three months. pictures for the engraver, and


doors open for the next two
weeks in the series of smokers,
luncheons and dinners where
rushees will have the opportuni-
ty to meet the affiliates and be-
gin the process of narrowing
their choices.
The Interfraternity Council is
anticipating a successful rushing
period in view of the larger num-
ber of men signed up this year.
Rushees may also contact rush-
ing counselors in the IFC offices
in the Union in the afternoon dur-
ing the next two weeks to discuss
rushing problems. The counselors
are supplied by the fraternities
and required to be impartial in
dealing with the rushees.

riu to me house arecous au
the house presidents of the wom-
en's dormitories by Panhellenic
and Assembly in order to deter-
mine the relative effects on inde-
pendent women of the two rushing
The questionnaire asked for the
effects of each program on: big
sister programs, leadership train-
ing, athletic programs, lantern
night or other dorm functions.
Information gathered on the
basis of these tuestionnaires will
be presented before Panhellenic
Tuesday as the independent wom-
en's viewpoint on fall rushing.
Only students who have been on
campus for three years or more
participated in filling out the

Daily position and the council
statement had been advocated by
Interfraternity Council and Pan-
hellenic Assembly representatives
at hearings before Joint Judic last
Panhel president Martha Hill,
'54, and IFC president C. A.
Mitts, '54, had proposed that
the council release a summary
statement each semester, but
include in it names on group
They were opposed to disclosure
of individual case names.
Commenting favorably on the
council's decision, acting Dean of
Students Walter B. Rea said he
agreed to the idea of protecting
individuals and groups from pub-
"I have a feeling of reluctance
to attach names and provide an
added penalty," he observed.
The all-faculty discipline group
which approved the policy includes
Prof. Ernest F. Brater of the en-
gineering college, Prof, Beauford
J. George, Jr. of the Law School
and Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach
of the political science depart-

blicity and publish an interpretive
system of penalties and criteria for
trongly rejected by the council, al-
)rk out the tird point in subsequent
policy to the discipline sub-com-
lay by Daily editors.
Ianned to continue their policyof
as possible of group violations ad
he Daily has pursued this policy for
Jludic Stand
Breaks With
'Past Policy
Joint Judiciary's policy stand at
not releasing names of housing
units involved in disciplinary ac-
tion and withholding information
on the cases until the end of the
semester constitutes a reversal of
policy from previous years, a sur-
vey of records discloses.
In the past four years, discipli-
nary action taken against fra-
ternities for drinking violations
were reported in the Daily Offi-
cial Bulletin the day following
notification of the house involved.
These accounts presented the
names of the groups involved, par-
ticulas on the case and penalties
* * *
IN ONE incident, the Phi Gam-
ma Delta fine on April 5, 1951
for a drinking party, The Daily
Official Bulletin report was print-
ed on April 17, the day following
the resumption of classes after
spring vacation. The Daily carried
a story on April 6, the last day of
classes before vacation, on infor-
mation released by the fraternity.
In the Psi Upsilon case of No-
vember 16, 1950, the Phi Chi
case of January 9, 1951 and the
Delta Tau Delta case of Decem-
ber 13, 1952, disclosure of the
names of the groups and the
penalties imposed was printed in
the DOB the day after the houses
were notified of the discipline.
Daily news accounts of the inci-
dents were carried on the same
Judiciary departed from this
tradition last October when Alpha
Epsilon Pi fraternity was fined $75
for an unauthorized, unchaperoned
hay ride in October. Public no-
tice of this action was not made
until last Friday. Similar proced-
ure was followed in the Sigma Phi
Epsilon and Collegiate Sorosis
cases in December.
Group To Discuss
Civil Liberties
"Present Threats to Our Civil
Liberties" will be discussed at a
public meeting 8 p.m. Tuesday in
the Wesley Lounge of the Metho-
dist Church, State and Washing-
Sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Civil Liberties Union and the Citi-
zens' Committee Against Truck's
Law, a five-man panel will speak
on the danger to the basic free-
The speakers include Prof. Ken-
neth E. Boulding of the economics
department, Charles C. Lockwood,
attorney for Milo Radulovich,-
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the
journalism department, Ernest
Ana nnirn_ rc-s - c--t a # 'a

Enforcement of rushing regu-
lations will be cam-ned out by IFC ke To Sn ooest
oicers in spot checks during theAtom Peace Use
next two weeks. .o e c s

A recent change in the ruling
regarding pledging now makes itI
necessary for a man to have a 2.
scholastic average to accept a bid
from a house.
Television Hour

Permission to develop atomic
energy for peaceful purposes and
to authorize limited exchange of
atomic information with United
States allies will be asked by Pres-
ident Eisenhower in Congress this
James Hagerty, White House
press secretary said yesterdav

"Theater Arts-from Ritual to that th
that the special message to Con-I

A union spokesman said the French are using more than 4,000
men in "strong reconnaissances" against the Communist-led rebels.
He said there have been "losses on both sides," but that no major
battle has occurred.
S * * * *
es (R-N.H.) and Symington (D- XII will make a brief address by
Mo.) are flying to Europe soon radio today to sick and ailing
on an inspection trp iaimed pri- throughout the world. It will be
marily at checking reports of the pontiff's first broadcast
Communist infiltration of plants since he was stricken by a se-
producing the latest type of vere gastric ailment Jan. 25.
American planes for NATO. *
MIAMI BEACH, Fla.-Dave (R-Vt.), Senate Agriculture
Beck indicated yesterday the Committee chairman, said yes-
powerful AFL Teamsters Union terday he plans to start
wants rival labor groups to give - the Eisenhower administration's
up 50,000 members before the flexible farm price support pro-
teamsters will enter pending gram on its way through the

writing copy are taught to the Realism" and "American Busi- gress will be in two main sections. SL M ovie
editorial tryouts. Promotions, prin- - ness' are the new programs that One will outline suggested legisla-
ciples of advertising, office man- will be shown at 1 p.n. today on tion designed to encourage peace- Student Legislature C i n e m a
agement, and sales techniques are the University of Michigan Tele- time use of atomic energy, the Guild will feature "It Happened
explained to the business staff try- vision Hour. other 'will call for legislative ac- I One Night" at 8 p.m. today in
out. I Prof. Hugh Norton of the speech !ion on proposals that the Govern- Architecture Auditorium.
After this educational period. department and Prof. J. Phillip ment be authorized to exchange The film will star Claudette Col-
the staff members are eligible for Wernette of the Bus. Ad. School tactical information with our al- bert and Clark Gable.
Iomtios tsposoreond jun- will run the program. lies. PIrice of admission is 50 cents.
f or staffs. In these positions peo -____..____.___
' ple can acquire experience in lead-
ership, organization and personnel GERM WARFARE CHARGES:
Promotions to Managing Edi- -
tor and Business Manager along P
with several other senior editorial OW ConfessiondTorBemStudied
posts are made from members of WASHINGTO
the junior staff. WASH-TNGTON - (-P) The

Designer To Ta-k

. ."11,were foiced by their captors to tionally to be dismsised with a
w concoct stories about the United perfunctory investigation."
to determine whether Communist: States using bacteriological war- The inquiry court will open at
cruelty was sufficient cause to ex- ,,a, s (inrnc hnr~miAnrf+n..hr

I i


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