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February 09, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-02-09

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Sir it 1au



See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State



Rifa'i Asks

Of Israelis
Afro-Asian Leader
Calls for Sanctions
-* The leader .of the Asian-African
group called yesterday for effec-
tive measures, including ,, sanc-
tions, to force Israel to withdraw
finally and totally from Egypt.
Ambassador Abdul Monem
Rifa'i, of Jordan, president of the
27-nation group for February, told
newsmen he had expressed to Sec-
Sretary General Dag Hammar-
sk iold at a 40-minute conference
k the "deep. concern" of the group
over Israel's defiant stand.
Report Asked
Rifa'i said he asked Hammar-
skjold for a report and for a meet-
ing of the General Assembly by
Tuesday to consider what next
to do.
The Assembly last Saturday
asked Israel for the sixth time
. to get out of Egypt and requested
Hammarskjold to report at the
appropriate time.
Some members of the group, es-
pecially the Arab countries, are
pushing for such sanctions as
complete economic, financial and
military restrictions on Israel.
Nations Consulted
Others are studying more mod-
erate steps.
While the. Unitd States and
; other leading delegations here
consulted on the next move in the
worsening situation, word came
from Tel Aviv that Israel ?s stand-
Walter Eytan, directo: general
ofthe Foreign MVinaistry~, said to
newsmen in Tel Aviv trat the For-
eign Ministry has reached a "dead-
ock" in negotiations with Ham-
.. arskjold.
No Confirmation
Eytan said Israel does not even
have confirmation that Hammar-
skiold relayed the questions to
He said Israel is anxious to get
out of Sharm el Sheikh, at the
mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, but
only after receiving adequate
guarantees that Israeli shipping
interests will not be impaired by
The other point of crisis in this
, deadlock is the Gaza Strip, where
Israelis appear to be digging in to
To Convene,
Debate Policy
NEW YORK (P)--American
Communists will go into a four-
day convention at New York today
in a showdown struggle on future
The question is whether the
party will adopt what some party
members call "an American road
to socialism" or stand fast to the
traditional Marxist-Leninist line
handed down by the Kremlin.
The 3QU delegates representing
some 25,000 members will convene
in the Chateau Gardens, a Lower
East Side hall that rents space for
meetings and dances.
The Daily Worker, Communist
newspaper, said the hall was
chosen only after 60 other places
had rebuffed party attempts to
find convention space.
The convention, the party's
16th, will be its first since 1950.
The seven-year lapse came while

a number of the party leaders were
n prison on Smith Act charges of
teaching and adi ocating violent
overthrow of the government.
In an unprecedented move, the
party's National Committee pro-
posed this week that a group of
non - Communists interested in
civil liberties, peace and church
movements be invited to attend
the convention.
They will be admitted, however,
only if the delegates vote approv-
al of the idea.
Verdict U held
WAShINGTON (/P--Conviction
of Army Lt. Col. Harry Fleming 1
for collaborating with the enemy
while a prisoner of war in Korea
was upheld Friday by the United

Ike, Saud Make
Air Base Deal
Pledge To Oppose Use of Force
In Middle East; End Consultations
WASHINGTON (')-President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Saudi
Arabia's King Ibn Saud completed announcement of a long-heralded
air base-for-arms deal Yesterday with a pledge to oppose any use
of force in the Middle East.
Those were the salient points in a joint communique summing up
talks which started Jan. 30.
Report Issued After Last Meeting
The comnmunique, about 600 words long, was issued after President
Eisenhower had flown to Thomasville, Ga., and King Saud had gone to








F'or Board
Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Present incumbent
Alfred D. Connable, of Ann Arbor,
and Ethel Jocelyn Watt are run-
ning unopposed for the two Uni-
versity Board of Regents posi-
tions at the Republican state con-
vention in Detroit.
K. T. Keller, chairman of the
Chrysler Corp. Board, and Frank
Gorman of Detroit who was to
oppose Mrs. Watt, have dropped
out of the race.
Five candidates will be battling
for the Republican state chair-.
manship post tomorrow at De-
troit's new convention hall.
Vie For Lead
At midnight yesterday Larry
Lindemer of Lansing, and J. Ad-
dington Wagner, of Battle Creek,
were vying for the lead.
Bothclaim to be increasing in
strength and were confident of
victory on the convention floor.
Dark horse Veny Reynolds, of
,Allegan, was claiming 300 votes,
Matt Buder, of Genesee, 200 votes
and Norman Stockmeyer, vice-
chairman of Wayne County, 100
votes. Votes needed to win are 775.
Expected Drop
All with the exception of Stock-
meyer intended to wait for a show-
down on the convention floor hop-
ing for an opportunity to break a
supposed deadlock between Wag-
ner and Lindemer.
Stockmeyer is expected to drop
from the race early this morning.
He does not know to whom he
will give his votes.
Reynolds is expecting to claim
some of Lindemer's strength in
the case of a possible deadlock.
Olivet Local
Will Initiate
Sherman Wu
OLIVET, Mich t(1}-A Chinese
student, depledged by a fraternity
at Northwestern University where
he attends classes, will be initi-
ated tomorrow into another fra-
ternity at this college town.
Sherman Wu, son of the former
Formosan Gov. K. C. Wu, will be
made an honorary member of Oi-
vet College's Kappa Signma Alpha,
a local fraternity.
Its membership. is mixed raci-
ally, and its president, Coumb~s
Burton, is a Negro.
Once Pledged
Wu was pledged last fall by the
Psi Upsilon chapter at North-
western because, Chapter Presi-
dent Jack Lagenschulte said, "we
thought he would be an asset."
Later, Lagenschulte said at least
seven prospective "pledges" de-
clined to join the fraternity be-
cause Wu had accepted Lagen-
schulte asked Wu to resign and
the 9-year-old oriental withdrew
There are three fraternities on
the Ohivet campus, all. of them
local, but none with racial dis-
crimination practices.
No Clause
There is no racial discrimina-
tion clause in the national charter
of Psi Upsilon either.
At the time of his resignain
from Psi Upsilon, Wu said, " do
not think it represents the feeling
of Northwestern as a whole."

The Northwestern faculty issued
a statement calling the'action "de-
plorable because it is comnietelv

'Blair House following a final 95-
minute meeting at the White
"Housebetween the twohheads of
The 55-year-old King flies out
of Washington today aboard the
Columbine III, the same plane
President Eisenhower took Friday
to Thomasville.
The communique applauded "the
atmosphere of cordiality" in which
President Eisenhower and King
Saud, together with aides, held
their consultations.
Boosts Leader
Their announcement incorpor-
ated a boost for King Saud as a
Middle East leader, a bow in the
direction of the "Bandung princi-
ples" and applause for President
Eisenhower's Middle East resolu-
But the core of the announce-
ment was the agreement on the
Dhahran air base and military
Consider Provisions
This agreement has been an
open secret for a week. Under it,
the United States Air Force will
continue using the Dhantran air-
field for five more years, and Saudi
Arabia will get "military equip-
ment, services and training."
Further, President Fisenhower
agreed to "consider the provision
of economic facilities."
WASHINGTON (/P) - Employ-
ment took a sharp tumble in Jan-
uary, dropping by 1,660,000 from
the December level while jobless-
ness rose seasonally by 461,000.
The monthly report by Secre-
tary of Labor James Mitchell and
Secretary of Commerce Sinclair
Weeks described the drop in the
number of jobholders as a "sea-
sonal downtrend," but it was the
largest January decline since the
recession year 1949.
At 62,890,000, employment stood
almost exactly at the level of Jan-
uary a year ago.
The month was the first since'
March 1955 in which employment
failed to show an increase.
"In spite of the sizaoie reduction
in January, nonfarm employment
was the highest ever recorded for
the month," Weeks and Mitchell

OfRoal Rit F alse
LONDON (A')-Rumors printed in the United States of discord
between Queen Elizabeth II and her husband brought denials yester-
day from Buckingham Palace.
Richard Colville, press secretary, was asked about a dispatch to
the Baltimore Sun by its London correspondent reporting that cafe
society folk were "talking openly of a rift" between the royal couple.
Rift Denied Between Queen, Duke
Colville replied, "It is quite untrue tht there is any rift between
the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh."
The Sun's correspondent, Joan Graham, said in her dispatch:
"The whisper started last summer. It was then hinted by the
know-it-alls that the Duke of Edinburgh had more than a passing
interest in an unnamed woman -"

-Daily-Charles Curtiss
HUNGARIANS ARRIVE-Rev. Henry Yoder (left) of the local
Lutheran church welcomes three Hungarian students arriving at
the University for studies.
Hungarian Student Rebels
Struggle with Registration
A group of young Hungarian student rebels gathered in Rackham
Amphitheatre for registration in the English Language Institute yes-
The men, attired in sport coats and ties, and the two young women
were struggling through the maze of railroad tickets and IBM cards
in the process of becoming a part of University life.
Hungarians Will Try Again'
A young medical intern who is hoping to earn a medical degree

at the University said it would be
Hungarian people attempt another '
He explained that following the
failure of the revolution, many
Hungarians were exasperated be-
cause the free world refused to
send aid.
The medical student, who pre-!
ferred not to be named for fear of
endangering the lives of his fam-.
ily still living in Hungary, ex-'
plained that he began studying.
medicine in 1947 at the University
of Budapest.
Had to Leave
"I had to leave the country after.
the revolution, since the Russians .
would search first for members of;
the higher classes," he explained.
Speaking fairly fluent English,
a young chemical engineer ex-
plained that the first sign of the"
revolt in the small University town
of Veszprem was the marching in+
the streets by students carrying"
"Russians, Go Home" signs.
The engineer, who also prefer-
red not to be named, was study-.
ing in Beszprem when the Buda-+
pest riots began. "Postal service
and radio broadcasts had been cut
See HUNGARIANS, Page 2 +

"only a matter of time until the
Preobe Asked
Department stepped into the con-
troversy overĀ° higher oil and ga +o-
line prices yesterday, obtaining an
order for a grand jury investiga-
tion of the industry.
United States District Judge
Albert V. Bryan, sitting in nearby
Alexandria, Va., directed that a
special grand jury be convened
there March 4.
He acted on motion of attorneys
for the Justice Department's Anti-
trust Division, who asked for an
inquiry covering individuals and
companies engaged in "the pro-
duction, refining and sale of oil."
Assistant Attorney General Vic-
tor R. Hansen, in charge of the
Antitrust Division, said the gov-
ernment has no control over oil
prices themselves.
Crude oil prices were boosted 35
cents a barrel last month.

and was meeting her regularly in
the private apartment of Baron,
the court photographer who died
of heart trouble at the age of 46
last fall." -
Fuel Added
The story said fuel was added to
the talk when it wcas planned for
Baron to go with the Duke on a
four-month, round-the-world tour,
and that some gossips thought
Edinburgh was being sent away
"to cool down."
It added that "the rumors are
now percolating down to the Brit-
ish masses" though nothing had
appeared in the British press.
Rumors circulated that all was
not perfect in the marriage of the
31-year-old Queen and the Duke.
Gossip Grew
Gossip about friction between
the couple gained currency when
the Duke's equerry, Michael Park-
er, resigned unexpectedly last
Parker quit after his wife dis-
closed that she and her 36-year-
old husband had been separated
for several months.
The palace, with the prestige
and dignity of the monarchy at
stake, apparently felt it could not
be linked in any way with a man
who might soon be in the divorce
Five Petition
Judy Martin, '59, Nelson Sher-
burne, '59, and Ron Shorr, '58-
BAd, have taken out petitions for
the vacant seat on Student Gov-
ernmentCouncil created by the
announced resignation of Presi-
dent Bill Adams, Grad.
This brings to five the number
of petitions taken out. All-campus
petitions are still available in Rm.
1020, Administration Bldg., and
must be returned by noon Feb. 18.

leers' Hopes
Injured, 7-3,
By Gophers
Special To The Daily
gan suffered a severe setback on
the comeback trail here last night
as it-absorbed a 7-3 shellacking at
the hands of a fired up Minne-
sota six in a Western Intercolle-
giate Hockey League game.
After moving to a one-goal ad-
vantage early in the first period,
the Wolverines saw the Gophers
pound seven straight shots past
their overworked goalie Ross
Childs before they could retaliate.
But by then it mattered little
what they did.
Displaying sloppy hockey
around both .nets, Mic~igan was
completely overwhelmed bythe
victory-starved Gophers, winners
of only three WIHL games this
season, and twice the victims of
Michigan State last weekend.
Penalties played a major role
in the outcome. Johnny Mariuc-
ci's alert sextet scored four times
while the Wolverines were short-
handed to only one goal for Michi-
gan when Minnesota was a man
There were 10 penalties called,
Michigan getting six of them.
The Wolverine goal getters were
WASHINGTON 1P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower probably
will fly to Bermuda about March
21 for a conference with British
Prime Minister Harold Macmil-
lan, according to plans now being
worked out between Washington
and London.
Prior to the Bermuda trip the
President probably will hold a
round of talks in Washington with
Premier Guy Mollet of France.
These talks will be the first top-
level conferences held among the
Western Allies since their wide-
open break last fall following the
British-French attack on Egypt,
Leaders Interested
Ever since that time British and
French leaders have been inter-
ested in meeting with the Presi-
dent in an effort to restore Allied
President Eisenhower has de-
Ilayed meeting their requests be-
cause ofmwhat UnitedrStates f-
ficials have described as a desire
to consolidate the good will which
the United States gained among
Asian and Mideastern countries
by denouncing the British-French
Would Meet Heads
These same officials have said,
however, that eventually the Pres-
ident would meet with the gov-
ernment chiefs of Britain and
For several weeks negotiations
on arrangements for the talks
have been under way.

Center Will
Develo Aids
For Disabled
New Medical, Music,
Educatioi, Physics
Buildings Also Asked
Gov. G. Mennen Williams yes-
terday asked the legislature to
appropriate $100,000 planning
money for an $8,000,000, Univer-
sity-operated chronic illness and
old age hospital in Ann Arbor.
University Vice-President Wil-
liam Stirton said the hospital,
which would house medical, re-
habilitation, testing, research and
teaching facilities, is intended as
a "pilot program" to pioneer the
way for the treatment of Michi-
gan's 250,000 chronically ill.
Henadded that three sites-
all near University Hospital -
were being considered for the
new, multi-purpose building.
State Institution
Stirton said the project was not
included in the University's capi-
tal outlays request because'it will
essentially be a state institution
"conveyed to the University for
Other specific capital outlay re-
quests made by Gov. Williams in-
clude $1,000,000 to begin a new
music school building on North
Campus, $70,000 to plan a second
$7,000,000 unit of the Medical
Science Building being built near
University Hospital, $40,000 to
plan a new education school build-
ing on North Campus, and $120,-.
1000 to complete pns fox_ a phy-
sics and astronomy building.
Total Request
The governor's total capital out-
lay request was $9,822,600, an in-
crease of $1,632,600 over last
year's legislative appropriation.
The new chronic illness hospi-
tal, while suggested in previous
gubernatorial messages, had nev-
er been formally proposed for Ann
Arbor, according to Dr. Roger
Nelson, associate director of Uni-
versity Hospital and chairman of
the 11-member committee which
formulated plans for the new pro-
He said the hospital idea grew
from an original University' re-
quest fora 32-bed rehabilitation
center on the ninth floor of Uni-
versity Hospital.
Funds Utilized
While the ninth-floor center
will be attempted as a prelude,
state officials suggested that, fed-
eral funds available for use with
the chronically ill might be more
fully utilized in a large scale een-
While Dr. Nelson said the 200-
bed structure would "hardly make
a dent" in the immediate prob-
lem of caring for the disabled, he
contended that the training of
personnel, research and teaching
projects, and the example of the
hospital as a many-pronged at-
tack on the problems of the aged
and disabled would make a great
contribution to the health needs
of the state.
Franco Seeks

End to Unrest
MADRID, Spain (/P')-Po lice
thumped demonstrating students'
heads yesterday while the Spanish
i Cabinet sought a solution of grow-
ing difficulties which have caused
threhigh cost of living boycotts
within a month.
The Cabinet met through the
day with Francisco Franco at his
Prado Palace just outside Madrid.
Sources close to the government
said the wave of unrest through-
out the country was at the head
of the agenda.
While the ministers met, the
capital's police broke up a' dem-
onstration of university students.
They used rubber truncheons. It
was the second such conflict in


. ..r svvvw ..,r ivvv v .v . v v.v vvs vv

Some day, 20 or 30 years from now, Luigi Dallapiccola will be as
well-known as composer Bela Bartok, Prof. Ross Finney of the music
department prophesized.
The Italian composer came to Ann Arbor yesterday on Prof.
Finney's invitation to give a public lecture on how he came to write
his composition, "Song of Captivity." ,
Dallapiccola, a relatively short man with an exceeding amount
of vitality and energy that "percolates" from him, says he has heard
few works by contemporary American composers so far. "I've been
having teeth trouble here," he explained, "and every time there has
been a concert, I have been at the dentists'. But with what little I
have heard," he continued, "I have been favorably impressed."
Dallapiccola's Best-Known Works
He has composed for stage works, the best-known of which are
the operas "Night Flight." "The Prisoner" and a religious play en-
titled "Job." Although Dallapiccola's works are little known in Ameri-
co, Prof. Finney said the Italian is a 'highly regarded composer in
"Muy operas are regularly performed in West Germany," Dallap-
iccola said. "It is the only country that really loves operas any more."
Currently Dallapiccola is teaching classes of composition, or-
chestra and chamber music at Queen's College in New York. "You
know," he said in heavily accented English, "It is very difficult to
teach in another language. After one week my students decided toI
compose a dictionary of my mistakes.
Students' Little-Known Work
"But then after another week they renounced the idea." The man
grinned a little and continued, "I don't know whether they gave up
because I learned too much English or because is was too much of a
task. Anyway, it won't be printed."

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