See Page 4
Yl r e
Sitr tgau
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXVII, No. 104
SWestern, Arab
Nasser Calls
Arab Nations
To Meeting
Ike Determines Polcy
Today on UN Sanctions'
Sn Israeli Troop Crisis
Countries to Discuss
Eisenhower Doctrine
CAIRO ()-President Game
Nasser is conferring with three o
thls Arab partners next week in
,summit meeting expected to hard
en the Arab attitude toward the
Eisenhower doctrine and Aqaba-
Gaza issue.
Syria's President Shukri Kuwat-
ly arrived yesterday. Saudi Arab-
ia's Kind Saud and Jordan's King
Hussein are coming today. The
formal conference is to take plac
1 tomorrow or Tuesday.
King Saud will report to the
meeting on his mission to Wash-
ington, with emphasis on his an-
alysis of what the F bhowe
doctrine for the Middle East means
to the Arabs.
Common Bonds
The wealthy Saudi Arabiar
monarch has been visiting Spair
and the Arab nations of Nort.
Africa since he left Washingtor
two weeks ago.
Common bonds of Egypt, Saud:
Arabia, Jordan and Syria includ
opposition to Israel and the pro-
Western Baghdad Pact. But a
strain on their unity is sh wing up
in differences over the Eisenhowei
Saudi Arabia and Jordan have
responded favorably to the new
4 American policy. Egypt and Syria
still preach Arab neutralism.
Saud's visit to Washington re-
sulted in agreement for continued
use by the United States of the
Dhahran Air Base in return for
United States military-economic
aid to Saudi Arabia.
Syria Pro-Soviet
Hussein has directed his govern-
ment to take an anti-Communist
" line ante is reported "to hav. #p-
plied for United States assistance
for Jordan, which is soon cutting
the last of its old ties with Britain.
Dominated by a clique of pro-
Soviet army officers, Syria has
been the most hostile of the Arab
nations toward the Eisenhower
doctrine, although Kuwatly's gov-
ernment officially adopted a wait-
and-see attitude pending Saud's
Some leaders of Syria's strong
Socialist party are reported to
have threatened to stir up a re-
volt in Saudi Arabia if Saud com-
mits himself to a pro-Western pol-
icy that they would consider hos-'
tile to Egypt and Syria.
Nasser has refraiied from de-
claring himself publicly, though
the government-controlled press'
has been generally unfriendly to-
ward the Eisenhower doctrine.
His friends say privately the
Egyptian leader views the doctrine
as an effort to isolate him his
Set Religion
Campus Conference on Religion
is a week off, according to Bob
Stahl, '60, Conference publicity
Beginning Mar. 4 and extending
to Mar. 9, the conference will fea-
ture panel discussions, lectures by
outstanding religious educators,
and housing unit conferences.
Collaterally, there will be public
exhibition of religious art and
The Conference grew out of a
Student Government Council mo-
tion last May.
Persons representing the faculty,
religious organizations, and hous-
ing units make up the central com-
mittee of the Conference.
Included in the lecture topics are
"Can We Be Intelligent and Re-
ligious," "God and the Curricu-
lum," "What Are the Campus
Gods?" and "Religion-a Hind-
rance to Integration?"
A faculty-student peopled panel
will discuss "What Happens to
God on Campus?"
Auto Plates
Change Near
WASHINGTON (A')-The Israeli
troop crisis raced toward a climax
yesterday with the prospect that
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
would decide today the United
States stand on proposed United
Nations sanctions against Israel.
Here are the developments:
1. Secretary of State John Fos-
ter Dulles invited congressional
leaders to an extraordinary Sun-
day conference at which he would
tell them what line the United
States will take toward Israel in
the United Nations General As-
sembly debate tomorrow.
Eban En Route
2. Israeli Ambassador Abba
Eban was en route to Washington
from Jerusalem with a detailed
report from Prime Minister David
Ben-Gurion for President Eisen-
hower on the Israeli government's
present position on the troop with-
drawal dispute. Eban will meet
with Sec. Dulles today in advance
of the congressional conference.
3. President Eisenhower has re-
ceived a new personal and secret
message from Ben-Gurion, The
White House confirmed that it
reached the President Friday. It
is understood to make a new ap-
peal for United States guarantees
of Israel's security interests in the
Gaza Strip and Gulf of Aqaba be-
fore Israeli troops are pulled out of
those areas.
4. The Israeli government was
reported seeking British and
French support for its terms in an
effort to bring pressure against the
United States and thereby break
down President Eisenhower's in-
sistence that Israeli troops must
be withdrawn from Egypt uncon-
5. Strong opposition continued
in Congress to any move to impose
sanctions on Israel.
Latest manifestation of this op-
position was a statement by Sen.
George Humphrey (D-Minn) that
he would seriously consider resign-
ing from this country's UN dele-
gation if the UN votes for sanc-
tions. Americans for Democratic
Action wired Dulles that "sanc-
tions can only increase war ten-
sions throughout the world."
Actually no officials here seem-
ed to think an Israeli reversal was
World News
Franco Fires.'
MADRID, Spain (P)-A reliable
government source said today
General Francisco Franco dismiss-
ed his cabinet ministers Friday
night and told them "a new period"
of Spanish political history is be-
No public announcement of the
cabinet crisis has been made.
The Informant, who was present
at the meeting of the cabinet, said
Franco told the ministers their
tasks had ended.
He thanked them for their col-
laboration and asked them to con-
tinue in their posts until the new
cabinet is appointed. This is ex-
pected in the next few days.
* * *
in, the cards but they remained
hopeful that Eban might come up
with some idea from Ben-Gurion
which would move the situation
Sec. Dulles was reported pre-
pared to tell Eban that the United
States was absolutely firm in its
determination not to enlarge its
assurances and to emphasize that
unless Israel withdraws its troops
promptly the United States will
support a UN move to "exert
pressure" on Israel to force the
troops out.
Administration authorities were
reported considering measures-
for use if necessary-which would
cut off most of the private funds
which Israel receives from the
United States.
The State Department estimates
these at about 100 million dollars
a year in the form of Israeli bond
purchases or outright contribu-
Doctrine Opposition
The total U.S. government aid to
Israel was valued by the same of-
ficials at about 50 million dollars
a year, but the bulk of aid ship-
ments has been suspended since
last October.
In Washington yesterday two
Democratic senators c r i t i c i z e d
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
WASHINGTON (A') -- Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's
international broadcast tomor-
row will be a 10-minute talk,
the White House said yesterday.
It is being made on the lth
anniversary of the Voice of
It will be made at 11:30 a.m.
Middle East resolution as "dan-
gerous" and a tragedy of "wasted
effort and energy."
Sen. A. J. Ellender (D-La) called
the administration's record in the
Middle East "a gigantic failure"
and the Eisenhower resolution
"about as useless as a wart on1
one's nose."
He said he would oppose it
as "unnecessary, dangerous and
shortsighted" when it comes up for
a vote in the Senate.
Kennedy Criticizes
While Sen. Ellender spoke out
in a radio address recorded for
broadcast over Louisiana stations,
Sen. John Kennedy (D-Mass) gave
his views in milder speech in
Springfield, Mo.
Sen. Kennedy said he would vote
for the resolution because it would
help assure the world of "Ameri-
can concern" over what happens
in the Middle East.
But he questioned what "all the
fuss and the furor" has been about
when, he said, the resolution has
nothing to do with the crisis "that
threatens a new Arab-Israeli war
over the Gaza Strip and the Gulf
of Aqaba."
West Awaits
U.S. Action
In Mid-East
Assembly Recesses;
Expects Israel Reply
Canada, Britain and France yes-
terday stepped up their drive to
avoid United Nations sanctions
against Israel.
But they held up definite ac-
tion to see what the United States
will do in the Middle East crisis.
Foreign Secretary Lester B.
Pearson of Canada, conferred
with European delegates during
the day. He has had conferences
with delegates of Br:t ain and
France and expects to check with
them today.
Hinges on Ike
These three powers and virtual-
ly all other countries in the 80-
nation Assembly acknowledge the
issue of effective sanctions *iinges
on the decisions of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower after he
has weighed the latest word from
Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-
The Assembly is in recess until
tomorrow to give the President
a chance to see what Israeli Am-
bassador tIbba Eban is bringing
back from Ben Gurion.
Pearson and other delegates
hope that United States Chief
Delegate Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
will give an indication of the
American attitude tomorrow.
Ben-Gurion earlier had rejected
the President's appeal to with-
draw from the Gulf of Aqaba sec-
tion of the Sinai Peninsula and
from the Gaza Strip but moved
to keep the door open for more
Foreign Minister Charles Malik
of Lebanon put before the As-
sembly Fridaypatresolutioncalling
on the Assembly to condemn Is-
rael for failure to comply with As-
sembly requests to withdraw from
Egypt and to punish Israel with
economic, military and financial
The resolution was sponsored by
Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Leb-
anon, Pakistan and Sudan.
Its backers said the entire 27-
nation Asian-African bloc was
supporting it. However, word
came from Manila that the Philip-
pines, one of the 27, will abstain.
German Club
Presents Play
The first meeting of the Deut-1
scher Verein at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Room 3G of the Union, will
feature "Mord in der Deutscher
Abterlung," a faculty-student play.
In translation, "Murder in the
German Department" composed of
a cast of seven German professors
and a group of students is a com-
edy a la slapstick about exams,
blue books, and sadistic German
The evening will' conclude with
refreshments accompanied by the
singing of German beer songs.
Everybody is invited to attend the
Army Divers
Seek 17=20
Feared Dead
SEOUL (P)-United States Army
divers and engineers sought today
to lift a shattered Air Force trans-
port from the icy Han River and
determine finally how many of the
159 men believed aboard were
killed in its death plunge Friday.
With 134 accounted for as sur-
vivors, the toll may reach 25.
Five bodies have been recovered.
From 17 to 20 men are missing
and feared dead.
"It is very doubtful they will be
found alive," said an Air Force in-
formation officer who visited the
crash site, at the Han's mouth on
the Yellow Sea only 11/2 miles
south of the demilitarized zone
separating North and South Korea.
Tides from the Yellow Sea
washed in and out over the wreck
of the 90-ton transport, a C124C
Crippled and afire, it bellyland-
ed on an islet and cracked up in
the water within five minutes after
8 p.m. takeoff Friday from Kimpo
Airfield for Tokyo. With 10-man
crew, it was believed carrying 149
passengers, most of them service-
men headed for rest leaves in
Investigators To Display
Proof of Teamster Guilt
MEMO-Just a reminder that it's time to get income tax forms
filled out, six-month-old James E. Ward Jr., poses at his Chicago
home with a pencil in his mouth and surrounded by income tax,
blanks. The deadline for filing returns is April 15.
Parliament To Elect
Kishi Prime Minister
TOKYO (AP) - A lean, affable politician who worked with Premier
Hideki Tojo during the war is due to become Japan's next prime
Parliament is expected to elect Nobusuke Kishi, now foreign mini-
ster and acting prime minister, tomorrow or Tuesday.
Now 60 years old, Kishi has mellowed since the war years and
there is expected to be little change in Japan's pro-Western, pro-
Asian policies under his leadership.
He spent three years in Sugamo Prison as a war crimes suspect
after the war but never was
Non-Violence . . .
MbNTGOMERY, Ala. tP)-Negro
leaders in Montgomery, anxious to
encourage thrift and to free their
people from the grip of small
loan companies, are organizing
their own credit union.
If successful, says the Rev. Mar-
tin Luther King Jr., it could set
the pattern for other communities
to follow in helping to raise the
economic level of Negroes in the
* * *
Docks Humg.
NEW YORK (A') - Docks from
Maine to Virginia hummed with
activity for the first time in 10
days yesterday with the ending of
a strike by 45,000 longshoremen.
Docks in Portland, Boston, Prov-
idence, New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Hampton Roads
pitched into the task of reducing
a huge backlog of cargo.
However, New York Harbor still
was beset by a strike of tugboat-
men, now in its 23rd day.
To Employ
WASHINGTON ()-Senate in-
vestigators said yesterday they
will use secretly recorded gangster
conversations and testimony from
prostitutes, gamblers and others
to show whether some West Coast
officials of the Teamsters Union
had ties with the underworld.
Chairman John McClellan (D-
Ark.) said his special Senate rack-
ets investigating committee has
"pretty conclusive proof" about
the relations between Seattle and
Portland, Ore., racketeers and offi-
cials of the union in both cities.
The committee, conducting a
nationwide search for evidence of
gangster infiltration and corrup.
tion in organized labor and indus-
try, has selected the situation in
Portland as the starting point for
its public hearings,
The Senate has voted $350,000
to finance the investigation.
'Muscle In'
Sen. McClellan and Robert F.
Kennedy, the committee's special
counsel, said they expect to show
that racketeers and Teamsters
Union officials from Seattle have
attempted to "muscle in" on Port-
land rackets also involving team-
sters officials and racketeers.
Kennedy said the committee has
gotten hold of some tape recorded
conversation which will shed light
jHe said "someone" not connected
with the committee hid a micro-
phone or "bug" in a room where
the talks took place.
"The situation was that on.
group of gangsters bugged another
group of gangsters," Kennedy said.
He and Sen. McClellan said they
have subpoenaed some 20 witnesses
for days of hearings on Portland.
The witnesses include some pub.
lie officials, union officers and per.
sons Kennedy described as."profi-
cient in gambling and bootlegging
who make it a profession, and
persons proficient at prostitution."
He refused to identify witnesses
this far in advance lest, he said,
"there be an attempt to intimidate
He said there already has been
the case of a New York witness in
another phase of the inquiry who
was threatened with bodily harm
if he gave information to the com-
-e has named this man as An-
thony Nicoletti, financial secretary
of the Suffolk County, N. Y., Car-
penters Union.
Sen. McClellan said the Portland
investigation has progressed to a
point showing attempts from
Seattle to "muscle in" on Port-
land rackets, including efforts to
"control" gambling, prostitution,
pin ball operations and illicit after-
hours drinking spots,
"I think the evidence will show
a public official involved," he said,
and added that it also "involves
teamsters union officials."
The Portland City Council had
requested the investigation. A
grand jury in Portland already
has handed down a series of on-
spiracy indictments against Dist.
Atty. William Langley of Multno-
mah County and others. Another
grand jury investigation is under
way there.
Petitions Due
Petitioning for a year's study in
England ends March 30, Joe Col-
lins, '58, president of student
government council, said yesterday.
Two grants are being offered by
the newly created Alumni Student
Leader Fellowship in an exchange
program with the University of
Oxford by SGC.
Eligible anlicants "must be ac-
Later he commented:
"When I found out I was not. to
be indicted or hanged, I began to'
think about the rest of my life as
a bonus to be spent wisely.
"I had long reflections on the
past and decided that Japan must
have real democacy and never
again adopt dictatorship by any-
one - military or nonmilitary -
and never yield to extremists--
Communists or Fascits."
His stepup to be Japan's sev-
enth prime minister since the war
resulted from the resignation be-
cause of Ulness yes:erday of Prime
Minister Tanzan Ishibashi, 72
years old, after only 63 days in of-
Icers Top MSU, 2-1, as Cagers Bow to OSU
Indians Vote:
Nehru's Party
Li ely To Win
NEW DELHI, India (P--India
starts a marathon general elec-
tion today with signs already
pointing to another victory for
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's
Congress party in Parliament.
The last of the votes will be
cast March 14.
About- 1,550.candidates are run-
ning for the 494 seats in Parlia-
ment's lower House, where the
victors will form the new govern-
ment. More than 10,000 are after
seats in 13 state assemblies.
Close Contests
Close contests are likely in sev-
eral state assembly races.
About 100 million persons out of
193 million eligibles are expected
to vote in this second national
election since India won independ-
ence from Britain in 1947.
Nehru's Congress party appeared
to be running with confidence, de-
spite some danger signs in parts
of India.
Nehru and his followers seized
upon the interest generated by the
Kashmir debate in the United Na-
tions Security Council. They told
voters to show their support of the
government's Kashmir policies by
voting for Congress party candi-
'Too Soft'
Communists, Socialists and other
opposition politicians criticized the
Nehru govrnment as being "too
soft" toward Pakistan, India's rival
for control of the border state, and
fnr maintainingthe cnmmnn-
2-1 Victory .
They fought, they hustled, they
had twice as many shots. as their
opponents, but when the final
horn sounded last night at the
Coliseum, the Michigan State
hockey players had done no better
than their forbears.
Before a standing-room-only
audience, the Spartans gave it an-
other try, but Michigan held on
to its 29-year domination of its
favorite foes, edging them, 2-1 to
take another step toward the
NCAA playoffs.
It was the 33rd consecutive game
in which the Lansingites have fail-
ed to come out of a Michigan game
94-88 Defeat ..0
Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS-The Buckeyes of
Ohio State outlasted the Wolverine
cagers in a see-saw, 94-88 contest
before a 13,800 capacity crowd in
the new field house at Columbus
last night.
The lead shifted hands 13 times
and the score was knotted a total
of 18 times in the game which was
high-scoring yet tightly-played all
the way. At no time did more thanj
seven points separate the two
The Wolverines, failing in their
attempt to topple the Buckeyes
from their hold on second spot in
3>>4 j.~:~2:::.