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VOL. LXVII, No. 105




President Warns
Mid-East Nations
Says Communism Threatens
Hard-Won Accomplishments
WASHINGTON W)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower broadcast a
warning to the Middle East countries yesterday that international
4 communism could "smash all their hard-won accomplishments over-
He was speaking to all the world, on the 15th anniversary of the
Voice of America overseas radio program. The speech was broadcast
in 43 languages.
But President Eisenhower centered on the Middle East, where
some nations have trafficked with the Communists and others have
tflirted with the idea of doing so.



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Arabs Meet
To Decide
New :Policy
CAIRO, Egypt (P)-The Arab
summit conference opened yester-
day to frame a common policy of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
doctrine for the Middle East.
Well informed Arab sources said
the United States stand on Israeli
withdrawal from Egypt was the
key to the acceptance or rejection
of the doctrine by the four as-
sembled chiefs of Arab states.
Towering King Saud of Saudi
Arabia gave the inside story of his
recent talks in Washington to
King Hussein of Jordan and Presi-
dents Nasser of Egypt and Shukri
.~Kuwatly of Syria.
Well informed Arab sources pre-
dicted King Saud's pro-American
line will prevail at the meeting if
the United States takes a firm
stand for an Israeli withdrawal'
from the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
They believed any weakening of
the United States on the issue
may swing the balance in favor
of the anti-Western views of Syria.
Intimates of Saud said he is
likely to regard any weakening as
a personal affront and a betrayal
by the United States.
The informants said the upshot
might be an order from Egypt to
halt work on clearing the Suez
Canal, the dismissal of United
Nations police forces and Arab
reliance on the Soviet Union.
Senator Hits
Soviet Rule
Sen. William E. Knowland (R-
Calif.) told the United Nations
yesterday that 20 years of Soviet
repression is the true cause of
tension in Eastern Europe.
Sen. Knowland, a member of
the United States delegation, laid
down a point-by-point indictment
of Kremlin policy in answer to a
Soviet demand that the United
Nations condemn the United
States for alleged subversive ac-
tivity in Communist countries.
Soviet Deputy
V. V. Kuznetsov, Soviet deputy
foreign minister, presented a reso-
lution to the United Nations Spe-
cial Political Committee, asking
for the condemnation action.
Similar moves have been defeated
by overwhelming majorities in past
The Republican minority leader
declared bluntly that United States
policy is based on the everlasting
hope that the "captive peoples" of
Eastern Europe will be permitted
to "enjoy those fundamental rights
and freedoms recognized in the
United Nations Charter."
Knowland Declares
Sen. Knowland declared that by
bringing charges against the
United States, the Soviet Union "is
merely trying to divert world at-
tention from its own year-in and
year-out program of using foreign
Communist parties to subvert and
undermine the governments of free
countries all over the world."
He blasted the Soviet charges of
United States intervention in East-
ern Europe as a "myth" designed
to hide the act of "classic perfidy"
in Hungary. He said the Kremlin's
repressive actions stemmed from a
"psychopathic concern" for secur-
His charges against the Russians

in Eastern Europe included sup-
pression of "legitimate demands"
for national independence, the

Tragic Example
He cited Hungary as a tragic
example of a nation ground under
Soviet oppression.
"While we are working to help
build a world of freedom and
justice among sovereign people,
the masters of international com-
munism are working constantly to
tear down this kind of world," he
The President's speech also con-
tained an indirect appeal for the
Senate to approve his Middle East
resolution which the House has
adopted, to provide for use of
American forces in the Middle
East, if necessary, and to authorize
the spending of 200 million dollars
annually there in United States
economic aid.
Strengthen Economies
"I believe that the well being
of the people of the Middle East
requires the nations of that region
to build up and strengthen their
economies and institutions," he
''We want to see that kind of
progress. My proposals fit right in
with this purpose, for they sug-
gested two things:
"First, in order that this con-
structive work may go on within
these countries, they must be free
of the menace of international
communism, which could smash
all their hard-won accomplish-
ments overnight.
' Assure Countries
"And so we give these countries
the assurance that if such a dan-
ger develops, and if the United
Nations machinery cannot deal
with the danger, and a threatened
country asks for help, it can count
on our help.
"So, behind the protective armm
of this assurance, the real creative
work of progress can go on, and
to speed this creative work, an
extra measure of ecoonmic assist-
ance for the area is included in my
In an appeal to the religious
convictions of countries menaced
by communism, President Eisen-
hower said its "avowed program
is to destroy totally the religion,
governments, institutions and tra-
ditions of the Christian world, the
Buddhist world, the Islamic world,
the Judaic world, and the world of
every religion and culture.
"The Communist rulers then
propose to substitute a whole new
system of thought and control
dictated from the Communist
party headquarters."
Concert Set
For Tonight
The Cincinnati Symphony Or-
chestra under the direction of Thor
Johnson will present a concert at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Aud.
Included in tonight's program
will be "Music for the Royal Fire-
works" by Handel, "Concerto No.
4, in G major for piano" by Beeth-
oven and "Symphony No. 1, in F
minor, Op. 10," by Shostakovitch.
A graduate of the University,
Thor Johnson had become a mem-
ber of the faculty and also con-
ductor of the University Musical
Society. During this same period,
he also conducted the Grand
Rapids Symphony Orchestra.
He has also conducted the New
York Philharmonic Symphony Or-
chestra, the Julliard Orchestra
and was appointed oermanent
conductor of the Cincinnati Sym-
For his Ann Arbor concert, he
will be assisted by Mayne Miller,
a distinguished young pianist.
U.S. Names Key
Man in Spy Ring
NEW YORK (P)-Borris Mor-
ros, Hollywood director and pro-

ducer, yesterday was named by
the government as a key figure in

-Daily-John Hirtzel
SPRING HITS-testerday's warm weather and balmy breezes
provided an incentive for a few University students to express
their exuberance by hanging three bicycles from a tree near the
corner of E. University and Oakland.
Union Counsel Resigns
Before Senate Inquiry
WASHINGTON (RP)-The general counsel for the Teamsters
Union, J. Albert Woll, resigned yesterday on the eve of a Senate probe
into the union's affairs.
Woll said he quit because legal work had grown too great for
him tohandle and still take care of other clients.
A special Senate committee is due to open an investigation today
into alleged racketeering in labor and industry.
Chairman J. L. McClellan (D-Ark.) said an alleged effort of
hoodlums and teamsters officials to organize gambling and vice in
'Portland, Ore., will be the first

Security Plan
Wins Confidence Vote
In Israeli Parliament
JERUSALEM (P)-Prime Mini-
ster David Ben-Gurion's repeated
demands for security first on the
Egyptian front won an overwhelm-
ing endorsement yesterday in Is-
rael's Parliament. -
The vote of confidence was 72-
29 on his firm insistence that
guaranteed security and freedom
of shipping must precede any
withdrawal of Israeli troops from
Egypt and Gaza.
What Ben-Gurion told Parlia-
ment indicated no change from
the position he took last Thurs-
day at the outset of debate.
Abba Eban
At that time Ambassador Abba
Eban was getting a fill-in here for
relay to the State Department in
The 70-year-old-leader told the
Knesset Parliament in a major
policy speech that Israel faces its
most, serious struggle since it
fought for its life nine years ago.
In the face of opposition charges
that he was paving a way for com-
promise on the withdrawals, Ben-
Gurion reiterated his Thursday
Solve Problem
He said, "We want if possible
to solve the problem of Gaza in
cooperation with the United Na-
But he made plain. a prior con-
dition is that Egypt must not be
allowed to return to the disputed
He also stood firm on his often-'
repeated demand that Israel must
have unrestricted access to the
Gulf of Aqaba, leading to Israel's
southern port of Eilat. Egyptian
guns barred Israeli shipping be-
fore the Israeli invasion of the
Opposition Party
In addition to the hostility of
opposition parties, Ben-Gurion
had faced some opposition within
his own five-party coalition. Crit-
ics charged Ben-Gurion's speech
last Thursday had opened the way
for yielding Gaza without guaran-
tees against Egyptian raids from
Gaza bases.
During a full day of interparty
sessions, Ben-Gurion gained ap-
proval of a compromise Foreign
Affairs C o m m i t t e e resolution
which called for continued nego-
tiations "in the spirit of the Knes-
set resolution of Jan. 23 on Gaza
and the Gulf of Aqaba."

office or the police department to
go on reviewing new books."
The Detroit Police Department
maintains a 10-man censor bu-
reau which reads all paperback
books offered for sale in Detroit.
The rulings of this bureau often
are applied by other cities in the
Inspector Melville E. Bullach
said: "I think the law might need
Law Revision
Michigan's Solicitor General,
Edmund E. Shepherd, said at
Lansing that Frankfurter's opin-
ion indicated that the state
"might have to consider a revi-
sion of all our laws bearing on ob-
scene literature."
' Shepherd withheld further
comment until he could read the
The law was tested by Pocket
Books, Inc., oftNew York City in
cooperation with the Detroit Po-
lice Department.
Alfred E. Butler, Detroit repre-
sentative of Pocket Books, was ar-
rested after selling a copy of "The
Devil Rides Outside" to Inspec-
tor Herbert W. Case, now retired.
Due Monday
Petitioning ends Monday, March
4 for two Alumni Student Leader
Fellowships offering a year's study
in Great Britain.
Closing date for petitions will
not extend to March 30, as pre-
viously announced in The Daily.
Qualifications for the scholar-
ships, valued at $1,600 each, are
acceptability to graduate school
at the University and a record of
leadership in student activities,
according to Anne Woodard, '57,
of Student Government Council.
Petitions are available in Rm.
1538 Student Activities Bldg. and
must be returned by Monday.

Hopes High
On Mideast


Johnson Says

don Johnson of Texas, the Senate's
Democratic leader, reported yes-
terday that prospects of an Israeli
withdraw 1from disputed Egyp-
tian territory are brightening.
The situations seems to be
"somewhat more hopeful," he told
reporters after a talk with Secre-
tary of State John Foster .Dulles.
"So long as the parties to the
Middle East dispute keep talking,
there 'is a possibility of settle-
ment," Sen. Johnson added.
Ike's Resolution
Sen. Johnson urged the Senate
to act speedily on President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's resolution under
which the United States would de-
clare its readiness to use American
armed forces to help any Middle
Eastern nation against Communist
Sen. Johnson said he would seek
to limit debate on the resolution
to hurry up the vote, but Sen.
Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) opposed
Sen. Morse said he didn't think
there was any reason for urgency
and that the Senate shouldn't vote
until "a foreign policy for the
Middle East has been developed."
'Protect Oil'
He said he wasn't interested in
a policy "just to protect oil."
American oil companies have large
interests in the Middle East, par-
ticularly in Saudi Arabia.
Sen. Johnson's optimism about
an Israeli withdrawal from the
Gaza Strip and the Gulf of Aqaba
seemed to be supported by a deci-
sion of the United Nations Gen-
eral Assembly yesterday to post-
pone a debate on sanctions against

Supreme Court Rules,
Obscenity Law Illegal-
DETROIT (1') - State and Detroit city officials indicated last
night that a new law covering obscene books probably will have to
be enacted by the state legislature.
The Supreme Court of the United States yesterday unanimously
overruled a 116-year-old Michigan law banning the sale of obscene
Ralph Garber, chief assistant prosecutor of Wayne County, said
he would read the decision written by Justice Felix Frankfurter to
see if the entire statute had been found unconstitutional.
New Obscenity Law
"I suppose the thing to do is ask the legislature to write a new
law to control obscene literature," Garber said. "Until we get one
there'll be no point in either this-

Israel Gives
No New Plan
For Solution
Private Talks Fail;
UN Assembly Debate
Scheduled for Today
Ambassador Abba Eban of Israel
was reported yesterday to have
returned from Jerusalem without
any compromise plan for solving
the Israeli-Egyptian deadlock.
An authoritative diplomatic
source who could not be identified
said there had been no change in
the situation despite Eban's dash
to talk to Israeli Prime Minister
David Ben-Gurion.
Crisis in Open
He said the crisis will have to
be fought out in the open in the
United Nations Assembly.
The Assembly will meet this
morning to dispose of the Cyprus
case involving Britain, Greece and
Turkey. Diplomats said it then
would turn to the Middle East
Eban talked twice with Secre-
tary General Dag Hammarskjod.
They met for the first time at
noon for a 70-minute conversation
at United Nations headquarters.
After that talk, the Assembly
debate on sanctions against Israel,
set for yesterday afternoon was
called off. Their second talk was
held early last night.
Several methods of Assembly
action short of drastic sanctions
were being discussed in United
Nations halls.
One course reported under seri-
ous consideration would be a reso-
lution noting that Israel would
withdraw, that the United Nations
Emergency Force would move in
behind Israeli troops, that the
Assembly would give assurances of
no more belligerent acts, and that
Hammarskjold would go to the
Middle East to consult on perma-
nent arrangements.
Canadian Foreign Secretary Les-
ter B. Pearson continued discus-
sions with delegates on one possi-
ble course.
Blasts Ike's
Use of UN
Mansfield (D-Mont.) said yester-
day that the Eisenhower adminis-
tration is following a disastrous
"formula for inertia" in relying
almost wholly on the United Na-
tions to solve the Middle East
Sen. Mansfield, assistant Senate
Democratic leader, said the ad
ministration has shown a "lack of
policy" in handling events which
he said were drifting in "a highly
dangerous direction."
"There has been temporizing,"
he said. "Politics, domestic and in-
ternational, have been played.
We have done everything, so it

seems to me, except face up to the
problem and take the minimal
steps necessary to keep peace in
the Middle East."
Sen. Mansfield said he had seem
"no evidence of eagerness" on the
part of the executive branch either
to work for correction of those
weaknesses or to take the initiative
to seek peace by other means.
WASHINGTON (-) - Presidenb
Dwight D. Eisenhower's appoint-
ment of a $1,000 contributor tQ
1956 Democratic campaign funds
as ambassador to West Germany
threw Senate Republicans into an
uproar last night.
Overruling protests carried tt
the White House by some Re1Sub-

Eleven Petition
For One*-Year
SGC Positions
Eleven students have taken out
petitions for six one-year terms on
Student Government Council to
be filled in spring elections March
19 and 20.
Nelson Sherburne, '59, Nancy
Murphy, '58, Navanitray Kothary,
Grad., Judy Martin, '59, Arthur
Epker, 58BAd, Scott Chrysler, 59,
Le-Anne Toy, '59, Duncan Gar-
rett, '59BAd, John T. Thomas,
'57BAd, Lucy Riley, 59, and Ron
Shorr, '58, have indicated their
intention to run for the posts.
Petitions are still available in
Rm. 1538 Student Activities Bldg.
and must be returned by 6 p.m.
March 5.
SGC candidates must be aca-
demically eligible. They will par-
ticipate in a three-day training
program beginning March 6. All-
campus campaigning begins March
Other offices to be filled in next
month's all-campus elections in-
clude senior class officers of the
literary and engineering colleges
and b u s i n e s s administration
Ten J-Hop committee members,
seven Union Student Directors
(formerly Union vice-presidents),
three Board in Control of Student
Publications members and one
Boa'rd in Control of Intercolle-
giate Athletics member will also be
Petitioring dates are the same
for all positions.
Candidates for J-Hop Commit-
tee must be sophomores.
Union Student Director candi-
dates will be from the campus-at-
large, but one must be from medi-.
cal or dental schools and anoth-
er from law school.

matter coming in the open hear-
Woll's principal legal account
other than the teamsters is his
post as general counsel for the
He has been reported under
pressure for several weeks to quit
either the teamsters or the AFL-
CIO jobs.
Woll denied having been given
such an ultimatum.
The AFL-CIO has pledged to
co-operate with the McClellan
group to clean house in organized
Sen. McClellan has said the
1 -million-member teamsters' or-
ganization - the country's largest
labor union-will figure promi-
nently in the probe.

Basketball Team Stuns Indiana Quintet, 87-86

Michigan's basketball team re-
vealed its split personality again
last night, throwing off the mem-
ories of dark road trips and em-
bracing the home court to topple
Indiana's Conference leaders,
The good-sized crowd at Yost
Field House saw its erratic five
get phenomenally hot in the late
minutes before and early minutes
after the halftime break, to jump
18 points ahead of the Hoosier in-
Hoosiers Fall Short
Then came the ever-rising sus-
pense to the final horn as Indiana
crept dangerously close, only to
fal short.
The victory was the first for
Michigan over Indiana in seven
The Wolverine win coupled with
Illlinois' upsetting Ohio State and
Michigan State's victory over
Wisconsin, leaves the standings
only slightly joggled. The Hoos-d
iers and Spartans now share first
place, with Ohio State third, Illi-


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