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February 20, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-20

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Regents Give
Housing Plan
Green Light
Award Contract
For Lab Building
Financing plans for N o r t h
Campus married student housing
and an addition to Couzens Hal
got the green light at the Regent:
meeting yesterday.
At the same time a $918,000 con
tract was awarded the Henry W,
de Koning Company of Ann Ar-
bor to construct the Phoenix Me-
mortal Laboratory on the North
THE Regents autnorized making
final applications to the Federa
Housing and Home Finance Agen-
cy for loans to:
1) Build 100 North Campus
units for married students and
staff at an estimated cost of
2) Remodel and enlarge Couzens
Hall, adding kitchen and dining
areas and a five floor additior
housing 259 women. Estimatec
cost for the Couzens addition will
be $1,860,000.
Reveue bonds will be issued tC
finance the two projects.
THE REGENTS also acceptec
gifts and grants amounting to
$150,734.68 at the February ses-
sion yesterday.
Largest of the grants was $50,-
000 from the National Founda-
tion for Infantile Paralysis to
cover new polio-preventing vac-
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., chair-
man of the Medical School's de-
partment of epedemiology will
head the study, The final budget
for the project, to be submitted by
the University next month, will be
about $1,000,000.
Among the grants accepted;
$18,500 came from the Founda-
tions Fund for Research in Psy-
chiatry, through Yale University
New Haven, Conn. This will be
used on a research project under
the direction of E. Lowell Kelly,
director of the Bureau of Psycho-
logical Services.
The Regents also accepted $10,
000 from the Charles Lathrop For-
estry Foundation, Washington,
D.C. The money will be used Jo
establish a travel fund kn the foun-
dation's name for use by members
of the School of Natural Resources
Regent Board
Grants Leaves
For Research
12 'U' Professors
Get Sabbaticals
Leaves of absences granted by
the Board of Regents yesterday
will enable 12 University faculty
members to do research all over
the world.
Dr. Thomas Francis, chairman
of the Department of Epidemiol-
ogy in the School of Public Health,
was granted a year's leave to head
field studies which will seek to
determine the value of the new
poliomyelitis vaccine.
' of the economics department will
use his leave for the 1954-55 year
to serve as a fellow of the Ford
Foundation's Center for Advanced
Studies in the Behavioral Sciences.

Chairman of the political sci-
ence department, Prof. James
K. Pollock was granted leave
from March 6 to April 30 to at-
tend International Political Sci-
ence Association's council in
* Florence, Italy.
A sabbatical leave for 1954-55
will enable Prof. George C. Cam-
eron, chairman of the Near East
studies department, to prepare
for publication materials gathered
during his Near East expeditions.
Also granted a sabbatical for
1954-55 was Prof. Lionel H. Laing'
of the political science department
to study governmental processes
* and organization in Australia and
New Zealand.
Prof. Wilford J. Eitman of the
business administration school has
been granted a leave to serve at
the request of the State Depart-
ment as temporary head of the
economics department at the Uni-
versity of Ceylon.
Other leaves approved by the

Six State Reds'
Given Sentences
Have 60 Days to Decide Russia or Jail
As Picard Fines Defendants $10,000
DETRqIT-(P)-Six Michigan Communists, convicted of con-
spiracy against the government, yesterday were given the choice of
prison sentences ranging from four to five years, or going to Russia.
In addition, Federal Judge Frank A. Picard fined each of the
defendants $10,000.
A jammed courtroom heard judge Picard deliver a scathing
criticism of the defendants in passing sentence.
THE DEFENDANTS-Saul Wellman, Mrs. Helen Winter, Nat
Ganley, Thomas B. Dennis, Jr., Philip Schatz, and William Allan-
expressed no emotion as Judge

New Political
Group Plans
With 50 per cent of the required
number of members already sign-
ed up, the Student League of In-
dustrial Democracy hopes to be-
come the newest campus organiza-
tion before next Friday night.
SLID has been organized as a
student branch of the League of
Industrial Democracy by campus
politicos Art Cornfeld, '56, and
John Leggett, '54, both of whom
have been active members of the
campus Students For Democratic
Action. Cornfeld is the SDA vice
president; Leggett an executive
board member.
SPEAKING on campus last
Wednesday night, James Farmer,
a field secretary for the SLID, aid-
ed in setting up the organization,
before heading for Oberlin and
Yale on his cross-country speaking
The parent -,roup, LID, Is
headed by Nathaniel M. Minkoff
and Mark Starr. Included on the
executive committee is the one-
time Socialist presidential can.-
didate, Norman Thomas. The
League was begun in 1900) by
Jack London and Upton Sinclair
and had for honorary president
until his death - John Dewey,
who has laid down much of the
philosophical bases for the
Aims of the forthcoming Mich-
igan SLID group, according to
Cornfeld, "are both educational
and political." In its cultural as-
pect the group plans to initiate a
series of lectures by prominent
leaders in field of economics.
Among the prospective speakers
are Norman Thomas and Victor
"We will not shy away from con-
troversial topics,. as is typical of
most of the other political groups
on campus," said Cornfeld.
Right now, with 15 members in
the fold, SLID is looking for 15
more to reach the minimum 30
that is needed for University rec-
ognition of any campus group.
A meeting devoted to this organ-
izational task will be held either
Wednesday or Thursday of next
week, to be announced later.

Picard delivered the sentence.
Mrs. Winter and Allan were
sentenced to four-year. terms;
Ganley, five years; Dennis, four
years, six months; Wellman,
four years and eight months,
and Schatz, four years and four
"Under federal law, I can
change this sentence any time
within the next 60 days," Judge,
Picard said, "and if any of you
should decide you want to go toj
Russia, I would be glad to do so."
* * *
HE SAID he saw no mitigating
circumstances in favor of the de-
fendants and could not consider
placing them on probation.
Prior to Judge Picard's sen-
tencing, all of the defendants
made statements declaring their
innocence of the charges against
them under the Smith Act.
They were convicted Tuesday of
violating the Smith Act by con-
spiring to teach and advocate: vio-
lent overthrow of the government.
The defendants said the sen-
tences would be appealed. ,
Ganley's bond was fixed at $25,-
000; Wellman's- at $22,500; and
Allan, Dennis and Schatz at
Judge Picard set Mrs. Winter's
bond at $5,000 in view of the fact
that her husband, Carl Winter,
already is in prison on a Smith,
Act conviction in New York.
The defendants elected not to
begin serving their sentences
pending an appeal of their con-
victions. They were ordered held
by the U. S. Marshal until the
bonds were met.
Joint Judic
Fines Cover
Student Grants
When Joe College gets fined for
driving his Super-Six Spiffy con-
vertible on campus without a per-
mit, or Tri-Tri-Tri sorority is
pinched for slipping vodka into
their rushing punch, who benefits
from the accumulating money?
Last semester, more than $1,000,
collected as result of fines impos-
ed by the Joint Judiciary Council,
swelled the balance of a special
fund to help less-wayward Univer-
sity students who may be in a fi-
nancial jam.
The fund, tagged the "Student
Goodwill Aid Fund," is adminis-
tered by Acting Dean of Students
Walter B. Rea. The money is giv-
en out as grants to "needy stu-
dents on an emergency basis," ac-
cording to the Office of Student
Amounts are small-$5 and $10
-and are dispensed through the
office of the Dean of Students by
Dean Rea.

MSC Draw
Dims Sextet
Overtime Contest
Ends Scoreless
Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING - Michigan's
hockey mastery over Michigan
State ended last night as a fired
up Spartan squad desperately
fought off a Wolverine sextet du-
ing 70 minutes of scoreless hockey
and gained a 0-0 tie.
The tie game, which gave the
Wolverines only a half-point in
the WHL standing, practically
ended the last remaining hopes
the Maize and Blue had of earn-
ing a berth to the NCAA playoffs.
Ikola and Spartan Ed Schiller
played sensationally in the nets
as they turned back a total of 91
shots between them in the con-
test which ended after ten min-
utes of sudden death overtime.
It became evident from the
opening face-off that Amo Bes-
sone had his Green and White
clad charges ready to assume a
spoiler's role. In the first period
the Spartans outskated, out-
fought, and outthought the slug-
gish Wolverines as they swarm-
ed all over Ikola. Only the
Michigan netminder's sensa-
tional play staved off any MSC
The Heyligermen, who had
perked up somewhat in the second
stanza, bombarded Schiller in the
third period with everything but
the goal itself, but the Spartan
was equal to the task. Time and
time again Schiller was called on
to perform amazing feats in the
State twies against desperate
Wolverine onslaughts.
THE HECTIC third frame prov-
ed extremely frustrating to the
Ann Arbor sextet as their repeat-
ed breakaway and close range
shots were attracted t Schiller's
stick like filings to a magnet.
Shifting in high gear, Michigan's
golden opportunity came in the
final six minutes of the period.
At 14:31 of that period Gordie
King boarded George Chin so
viciously that the Michigan
wingman was down on the ice
for ten minutes. Fifteen seconds
later John Gipp joined King in
the penalty box and the Wol-.
verines enjoyed a two man ad.
vantage. Jim Haas, Doug Mul-
len; Burt Dunn and Doug Phil-
pott combined on a power play
but Schiller's circus acrobatics
stymied the Michigan attack.
The Wolverines had two more
chances to break the deadlock
before regulation play ended but
Schiller again proved an unsur-
mountable obstacle. Doug Mac-
Farland rocketed a shot at the
Spartan goalie from close up but
Regent Appointed
To Survey Teami
University Regent Otto E. Eck-
ert, general manager of the Lan-
sing Board of Water and Light
Commissioners, has been appoint-
ed a member of a three-man team
to survey the organization of the
Bonneville Power Administration.
In order to participate in the
survey team, Eckert will go on a
month's leave of absence

Damp Spirits
An afternoon crowd at a lo-
cal Liberty Street tavern took
time out to watch firemen ex-
tinguish a smoking, overheated
oven at a kitchen furniture
firm across the street yester-
Excitement dimmed by the
fire squad's success, the pa-
trons returned to their more
stimulating activity.
'M' agers
Seek' Upset
At Madisonc
Michigan's basketball squad will
attempt to snap out of its slump
tonight, when they clash with an
underrated Wisconsin quintet at
The Badgers, who finished fifth
last season in the Big Ten with a
10-8 record, are currently holding
the same position, having won
four of nine conference games.
However, their record is deceiving.
* * *
ONE LOSS was inflicted by pow-
erful Indiana, 70-67, while another
came at the hands of Illinois in
Wisconsin has a steady de-
fense and a very dangerous at-
tack, which Michigan Coach Bill
Perigo describes as, "the best of-
fensive pattern in the league."
This pattern has produced the
best balanced scoring attack in
the conference. Coach Bud Fos-
ter boasts three players who
continually score in double fig-
Leading the trio is Dick Cable,
6-1 forward, who is averaging 14
points a game. Lanky center Paul
Morrow and guard Ron Weisner
are right behind with 13 point at-
Cage Broadcasts
Michigan's basketball en-
counters with Wisconsin to
night and Minnesota Monday
night will be broadcast to Ann
WHRV, 1600 on the AM dial
and WUOM, 91.7 on the FM
dial will carry tonight's contest
while the latter station is sched-
uled to broadcast the Minne-
sota game. Air time for both
contests is nine p.m. Ann Ar-
bor time with Bill Fleming the
erages. Tony Straka and 6-6 Bob
Weber complete the Badger's
starting lineup.
This will be the only meeting
of the two clubs thip year. Last
year Wisconsin dribbed the
Wolverines twice. The Maize and
Blue which has not won a con-
ference game since the between
semester conquest of Michigan
State, desperately, needs a vic-
tory to keep ahead of cellar
dwelling Purdue. Michigan is
leading the Boilermakers by only
one full game.
Perigo will go along with the
usual starting five, which has
Tom Jorgenson and Paul Groffsky
at the forwards, Harvey Williams
in the pivot, while Jim Barron and
Don Eaddy will handle the back-
court duties. However, various
combinations have been experi-
mented with during the past week
and some players who have not
seen much action may break into
the lineup.

-Daily-Dick Gaskill.
NEW DIAG BENCHES provide a comfortable spot for relaxation
on the unusually spring-like afternoon yesterday. Several of these
new stone benches, rectangular in shape, have been placed along
the north side of the diagonal near Mason Hall.
Kell Players To Give
For the second concert of the 14th annual Chamber Music Fes-
tival, the Reginald Kell Players will perform at 8:30 p.m. today in
Rackham Auditorium.,
The evening's program will include Beethoven's "Trio in C Minor,
Op. 1, No. 3" for violin, cello and piano and Bartok's "Contrasts" for
clarinet, violin and piano.
* * * *

Hannah Rejects MSC's
Blame for 'U' Fund Cut

For Cleary?
Nearly 1,000 representatives of
Republican committees through-
out Michigan will gather today in
Ypsilanti to honor the man they
consider "the outstanding man of
the hour."
Secretary of State Owen J.
Cleary will be honored at the day-+
long reception being sponsored by
civic leaders from Washtenaw+
At a 2:30 p.m. broadcast from
the reception being held in Mc-
Kinney Hall on the Michigan
State Normal College campus,
Cleary is expected to announce his'
candidacy for the Republican3
nomination, for governor.
Although close friends and as-1
sociates of Cleary's were unable1
yesterday to deny or confirm ru-I
mors that the Cleary College1
head would formally throw his
hat into the ring at the huge;
meeting today, mist of them ex-+
pressed the hope that his sched-4
uled radio announcement would
be an official confirmation.
Cleary is former Republicany
State Chairman. If he does enter'
the race, he will be the fourth Re-J
publican to announce candidacy
for the nomination.

program will consist of Brahm's
"Trio in A Minor, Op. 114" for
clarinet, cello and piano and Mil-
haud's "Suite (1937)" for clarinet,
violin and piano.
British-born Kell, who has
given lessons in classical tech-
niques on the clarinet to Benny
Goodman, at 25 years old be-
came professor in London's Roy-
al Academy of Music, He at-
tracted the attention of Sir
Thomas Beecham who asked him
to join the London Philharmon-
ic in 193.2.
The clarinetist toured Belgium,
France and Germany with the or-
chestra in the mid 1930's, and per-
formed over the Brits:a Broad-
casting Corporation during World
War II.
PRIOR to his American debut
in 1948 Kell was principa! clari-
netist with all the major sym-
phony orchestra and chambe- mu-
sic groups in Great Britain and in
The Griller String Quartet will
be featured in the last concerc of
the festival, scheduled for 2:30
p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Audi-
torium. Tickets for the two con-
certs, priced at $1.75 and $1.25, are
available at the University Musi-
cal Society offices in Burton Tow-
Natators Meet
Iowa Tonight
At Iowa City
Tonight the swimming fans of
the Iowa City area will have a
chance to see the undefeated Uni-
versity of Michigan Swimming
team in, action against the State
University of Iowa Hawkeyes.
In Matt Mann's last trip to the
Iowa campus as the Coach of the
Wolverine natators, the Michigan
team with one eye on next Satur-
day's meet with Ohio State will for
the first time this season go all
out with the best man available in
each event.
IOWA, COACHED by the vet-
eran Don Armbruster, will present
some capable competition for the
invaders from Ann Arbor to tangle
The Hawks are led by a free-
style ace Dick Pennington who
placed fourth in the Big Ten
meet in 1953.
Pennington may force Michi-J

Hatcher Says
Never Made
MSC Head Drops
Change to MSU
Michigan State College Presi-
dent John A. Hannah yesterday
lashed out at what he called
University claim that University
appropriations are being cut be-
cause of MSC's growth.
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher countered last night, after
he was read Hannah's statement
over the telephone, that "Inever
made any such claim and I don't
know what he is referring tg.
PRESIDENT Hatcher seemed
amazed by Hannah's blast.
Speaking before the State Board
.of Agriculture, MSC governing
body, Hannah declared that the.
University had used the argument
that State is growing at its ex-
pense before the State Legislature,
which controls the purse-strings
for both schools.
"The University claim that
they are suffering because of us
is pure myth," he said. "I tried
to pitch this thing on a high
plane," Hannah told the board,
referring to his own presentation
to the legislature. "We are not
suggesting that the University is
getting too much money-in fact
they are not getting enough."
The Board was shown charts i1-
lustrating the MSC contention
that the University is getting more
than its fair share of legislative
In 1947-48, -one chart showed,
the University had 5,707 more stu-
dents and received $3,507,722 more
in State money. The difference in
enrollment is only 3,000 now, the
chart showed, but the University is
scheduled for $6,999,000 more Un-
der the present budget.
THE CHART showed that al-
though Michigan State is steadily
catching up in the number of stu-
dents enrolled Michigan has been
pulling ahead in the amount of
money appropriated.
President Hatcher declined to
comment on whether the Un-
versity was "pulling ahead." "We
have been trying to mind our
own business at the University,
he said.
- President Hatcher said he would
have no further comment on Han-
nah's statement until he had time
to study it.
"It is unfortunate," Hannah de-
clared, "that we have to make this
invidious comparison, but the ar-
gument that Michigan State is
growing at the University's ex-
pense just doesn't hold water."
Hannah also told the Board of
Agriculture that he had dropped
the request to change the name of
MSC to Michigan State University
for the time being on the advice of
friends in the Legislature. "They
said we were getting into difficul-
ties," he said, "and that even if
we won we would lose friends."
Hartwig Gets
Owen Award
Announcement of Eugene Hart-
wig, '55, as winner of the Wendy '
Owen Memorial Award was made
yesterday by the award commit-
The award, this year amounting
to $170, was set up in memory of

Wendy Owen, former Daily night
editor, who died in the summer of
1951. Constructive contribution to
the campus community is a cri-
teria for the award given annually
to a Daily staff member.
A pre-law student from Cleve-
land, Ohio, Hartwig is a night edi-
tor and a member of Sphinx, jun-
ior men's honorary, and Phi Gam-
ma Delta fraternity.
Members of the award commit-
tee include Acting Dean of Stu-
dents Walter B. Rea; Dean of
Women Deborah Bacon; Daily
Managing Editor Harry Lunn, '54;
Daily Women's Editor, Marilyn

World News
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Prentiss M. Brown,
chairman of the Mackinac Bridge
Authority said yesterday he would
like to see former Gov. MurrayD.
(Pat) VanWagoner back on the
** * *
The worst dust storm since the
mid-30s whipped the Midwest
from Nebraska to the Mexican
border yesterday with winds up to
80 miles an hour.
unevaluated charges against
Chief Justice Earl Warren was
made public yesterday by a sub-
committee headed by Sen. Lan-
ger (R-ND) amid an angry
storm in which Republican lead-
ers denounced the accusations as
"fantastic" and Langer's actions
as "shocking."
* * *
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles yesterday
mapped a counter-attack, includ-

Pollock Discusses Berlin Conference,

Citing the main Russian purpose in attending the Berlin Peace
Conference as an attempt to split France from England and the Unit-
ed States, Prof. James K. Pollock, chairman of the political science
department said "what follows in the next few weeks will prove more
important than the conference itself."
The European political expert called the consideration of the Eu-
ropean Defense Community by the French Parliament in April and
their action on the proposed six nation armed force as "the only effect-
ive way" of measuring Soviet success in attaining their purpose.'
** * *
CURRENTLY he said it appears as though Russian strategy had
failed since French Foreign Minister Bidault has chosen to stand with
the Western allies, "presumably with the approval of his government."
"If EDC is passed in April," the professor pointed out, "it will
prove a serious defeat for the Russians-like the recent German
elections or the Berlin riots." If it fails "the United States will be
forced to make what Mr. Dulles aptly called an agonizing reap-
praisal of our foreign policy."

sense in hoping she will get out of Germany, a defeated country. Rus-
sia won't get out of Europe until she has to."
However the political scientist feels the unification of Ger-
many is "natural and inevitable." When and how this will be ac-
complished is the only uncertainty. "But the problem will be solved
sooner or later," he insisted, "and the sooner it happens the less
danger there will be of arousing dangerous nationalistic emotions"
in the divided country.
The fact that the Russian position has been placed "nakedly be-
fore the world" was called one of the most interesting aspects of the
conference. By neutralizing Germany, Molotov hopes to acquire "new
seedgrounds for Communism."
The professor pointed to the success already enjoyed by the Com-
munists in emplanting their doctrine in their own zone of Germany,
and said that whatever happened to Germany would subsequently
happen to the rest of Europe. For this reason "Germany is important
to us as a bulwark against Communism."
As to the end achieved by the conference, Prof. Pollock claimed he

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