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February 20, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-20

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The New Look and Its Critics

[HE EISENHOWER military policy is un-
der considerable criticism coming from
No quite separate sources. Both are res-
onsible and both raise questions which
all for serious and patient answers. But all
ill be confusion if at the outset we do not
.istinguish clearly the two schools of cri-
The first school is drawing its brief
from men who are or have been closely
connected with the Air Force. They do
not challenge the basic decision to make
the Air Force a paramount military arm.
Far from it. The Eisenhower decision is
the fulfilment of their highest hopes,
the triumph of a cause for which they
have long been fighting a political battle
inside the Pentagon and in Congress.
Their critical question is not whether the
tew policy is right but whether the Eisen-
tower-Wilson defense budget provides
inough money to make it work. In substance
hey are arguing that the Air Force needs
arger appropriations if it is to fill its mis-
ion and stay ahead in the race of arma-
The other school of criticism is taking its
rief from the Army. and from the stalwart
elievers in the Truman doctrine. They are
vanting to know how this concentration of
ffort and money on the strategic Air Force
s to bring military advantages in a place
ike Indo-China where big air power can-
iot be used. Though none of these critics
n a responsible position has as yet said so
plainly, they are implying that this coun-
ry needs not only to maintain a superior
Air Force to deter the Soviet Union but that
t needs also large conventional forces, in-
:luding a big force of ground troops, for
ocal wars of the Korean and Indo-Chinese
They are worried about the decision to
educe the conventional forces. They have
rather strong debating point provided for
hem by Secretary Dulles who has given the
mpression that while much military power
will be acquired by the new policy, none will
have to be given up. This is not true. It
:ould not be true. The new policy, assum-
ng it is adequately implemented, is de-
igned for the supreme military mission of
>reventing a world war. It is not designed
for all other military missions as well. The
iew armaments are not good for all pur-
>oses. They are not a military panacea cap-
able of producing "military victory" every-
where and anywhere that fighting breaks
When these critics ask how under the
"new look" Indo-China is to be recon-
quered by the anti-Communist forces,
they are being disgenuous. They are en-
couraging the notion that they or the
Truman administration or the old Chiefs
of Staff have had or now have a mili-
tary policy which could be counted upon
to produce a victory in Indo-China. No-
body has such a policy. The new policy

offers no prospect of a military victory
in Indo-China. But neither, be it said
clearly, did the old policy. Neither pol-
icy, the old or the new, Truman's or Eis-
enhower's, has produced the means for a
military victory in wars like the Korean
and the Indo-Chinese which are fought
on the ground on the mainland of Asia.
That is why we signed an armistice in
Korea. That is why the French would like
to sign an armistice in Indo-China.
THE TRUE answer to the critics of the
first school is to find out whether they
might be right and if so to make the ap-
propriations adequate. The answer to the
critics of the second school can be made only
when the Administration stops pretending
that it can produce military victories with-
out fighting, and that it can control great
areas on the ground without putting men
on the ground. Then, having recognized
that the problem of Indo-China cannot be
solved by a military decision, we should re-
cognize the political consequences. We
should take the strongest position that is
available to us on which and from which
to negotiate a cease fire.
What could that be? As something to
talk about, I should venture to suggest that
it might be worked out op these lines:
Acting with the British in support of
the French, we might address the Viet
Minh directly, though the Soviet Union
and Red China should be informed in
advance. We might tell the Viet Minh
that while the French authority is to be
withdrawn, this will not be done under
military pressure and it will not be car-
ried out until a political solution is agreed
What could be the principles of a political
solution? It is clear,- I think, that on the
other side the irreducible minimum terms
of peace are that the French authority
should be withdrawn. On the Western side
the irreducible minimum is that Indo-China
should not be abandoned and forced to be-
come a satellite of Red China, The hard and
crucial fact is that an Indo-China from
which the French were withdrawn would
not and could not now be an independent
state. It will long be such a weak and di-
vided assortment of peoples that it would
be bound to fall soon under a dictatorship
supported by the nearest great power, which
would be Red China. The problem is to find
a way out of the dilemma of Colonialism
or satellitism. If there is a way out, is it
not to place Indo-China under the protec-
tion of the United Nations, and to put the
independent Asian members of the United
Nations in the leading places of the under-
I have no illusions, I think, about how
difficult, how mountainous, are the obstacles
to such a solution. But can anyone think of
any solution which is not much more diffi-
cult and also much more painful?
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

fditetoie te
Daily Managing Editor
WHEN Arts Theater Club closed its doors
several months ago the campus and the
city lost more than just an excellent thea-
ter group, for Arts Theater had become in its
brief lifetime the focal point of creative in-
novation in this area.
An outgrowth of the Inter-Arts Union,
the theater was respected for its original-
ity and its insistence that good theater
could be found in the seldom performed
works of unknown writers and lesser
known plays of the great names of the
stage. It promoted an interest in student
art by commissioning murals from the
outstanding young artists at the University
and would have in time performed new
work by excellent writers studying here.
The Arts Theater has gone now, but the
spirit in which it flourished is still here, and
is taking tangible form in the reactivation
of the Inter-Arts Union. An organizational
meeting of this group will be held at 2 p.m.
today in the League to discuss plans for the
annual spring festival sponsored by Inter-
In past years the festival has presented a
host of stimulating experimental theater
productions as well as sponsoring art exhib-
its and dance programs. Creative writing has
gained deserved recognition in readings and
through the pages of Generation, the camL
pus literary publication. With adequate stu-
dent support this year's festival promises to
be as outstanding as those of former years.
Inter-Arts membership does not require
20 lines of poetry or five oil paintings; only
a genuine interest in the creative arts is
asked. Inter-Arts is well worth any student's
interest and present members will welcome
all the support they can get. Why not drop
by for this afternoon's meeting?

"There's Been Talk He Believes In The Bill Of


The "Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters .1t
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and, in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
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be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


" ,r~,
id- S c..o K-"
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Rackham A uditorium

. .



It the State . .0.

RIOT IN CELL BLOCK 11, An Allied Art-
ists Production
PRISON pictures are conventionally melo-
dramatic affairs in which the social is-
sues involved take second place to the more
reliable box office criteria of violence and
gangsterism. The real problems of prison
management have consequently never been
seen before from an administrator's point of
view. This defect has been remedied by "Riot
in Cellblock 11," a documentary record of a
prison outbreak that duplicates the Michi-
gan riot of 1952, event for event.
The film is successful because it is hon-
est. It is melodramtic but never false, be-
cause for a change it does not view pris-
on administration as a problem which de-
pends purely on whether the warden is go-
ing to have the courage to cross the yard
by himself. The complexity faced by the
adninistrator is demonstrated in terms of
the prisoner, who is idle and underguard-
ed; in terms of personnel, who are under-
paid and inexperienced; and in terms of
higher political figues, who for the most
part are unacquainted with and insensitive
toward penitentiary problems.
The movie's purpose has been to illus-
trate these things within the framework of a
prison riot. Because the approach of the
makers has been sound and not simple, they
have put together a dramatic film involv-
ing consistent characters who all, in very
brief appearances, create a network of hu-
man relationships that is as compelling as
it is fundamentally hopeless.
In general, this is accomplished without
didacticism. Blame of the politicians and of
the legislature may ,sound a little glib when
tossed over the shoulder during the stress of
a' violent situation; but the force and for-
ward movement of the film is never neutra-
lized by it. The final scene between warden
and convict tends to sentimentalize the lat-
ter just a shade; but the point that they are
both after all victims of the same system is
finally established here.
The film is helped, of course, by the fact

At the Orpheum .. .
MR. POTTS goes to pot. With such im-
portations as this latest attempt to ob-
struct Anglo-American relations, it becomes
evident that the English concept of the
American concept of British humor is funny
little men running around the countryside
wearing bowler hats with a confused look
in their eye-just follow the old British
policy of muddling through.
With all the imagination of a sanitary
engineer setting out to solve the world's
plumbing problems, Mr. Potts, played ques-
tionably by George Cole, works his way
from kippered herring to kippered herring
until he finally reaches Moscow. Of course,
he carries with him the seeds of his own
destruction-the secret plans for the latest
means of ending the world. Under the
tutelage of a capitalist-minded commis-
sar, Mr. Potts makes his debute in Krem-
lin society amidst the fumes of vodka bot-
tles and antiquated plumbing. His decep-
tion ends with the disclosure that the only
plans he has involve a new method of
flushing toilets. But the clever Mr. Potts
has secreted the real secrets in the com-
missar's coat.
After a brush with the secret police, an
English delegation, and Joe Stalin, Mr. Potts
gets back to Berlin where he gives an exhi-
bition of roof-hopping before. escaping to
the British zone with the plans, a reformed
commissar, and his beauteous Russian in-
One of the more amusing scenes consists
of the Berlin peace conference in riot. The
use of peace posters as curbs strikes an ironic
But if this be farce, bring back the Ritz
--Dick Wolf
ALL THE Soviet attempts at breaking up
the West failed in Berlin because of the

THE FOUR English musicians known as
the Griller Quartet performed last night
a program characterized by an uncommon
order of musicianship. The playing of this
group is rough and straightforward, with
little attempt at sheer polish for its own
sake. This quality of roughness does not,
however, extend to the ensemble, as the four
men felt each entrance, each phrase, exact-
ly together. The performance was unglam-
orous but exciting.
The program opened with the wonder-
fully bold and inventive Quartet in G
Major, Op. 33, No. 5, by Haydn. This is a
thoroughly masterful work, in which ev-
erything falls into its proper place, with
many varied moods cast within a shapely\
and logical mold. Perhaps the location of
my seat was partly responsible, but it
seemed that Mr. Griller's violin should
have been more prominent, as this work
dates from the time when a string quar-
tet was pretty much a work for first vio-
lin with three accompanying instruments.
Particularly in the beautiful slow move-
ment did the figurations of the viola tend
to cover somewhat they iolin melody. But
the interpretation was iagnificent, with
every subtle touch in Haydn's score rea-
lized in the playing.
The contemporary work was the Quar-
tet No. 3 by Ernest Bloch. The composition
was dedicated to the Griller four, who played
it as though it must have been a part of
them. Technically, the quartet makes use of
a skillfully handled chromaticism above a
solidly tonal base. It indicates that Bloch has
thoroughly integrated the Hebraic folk ele-
ments of his earlier works "with a rather
sophisticated contemporary style, and has
done this in a very satisfactory manner. Mel-
odically, thedcomposer has filled the work
with bold, declamatory thematic material,
of the sort which the string quartet can
project so well. Here, in a sense, may be a
defect in the work. The fast movements, par-
ticularly the third and fourth, are really
rather similar thematically and otherwise.
The finale, therefore, did not seem to add
as much to the work as a whole as a final
movement should. In addition, there was
a curious slow section in the third movement
which almost seemed to belong to another
work, and thus, in just the opposite way,
seemed a sort of appendage to the composi-
tion. These are merely observations made at
a single hearing. They might or might not
be borne out on subsequent listenings. There
is no denying the effectiveness of the piece,
the appealing quality of its romanticism. The
program concluded with the lyrical and
lovely Quartet in B-Flat, K. 458 by Mozart,
played in fine style by the Grillers.
--Dave Tice
THE OLD rule still applies. What is im-
portant in our negotiations with the
Communists is not our bargaining with them,
but the unity we achieve with our Allies.
At Berlin the Soviets expected to deepen
the western split. A year of fumbling unilat-
eralism in Washington, plus the budgetary
New Look in our defense program, must
have rnvinced tpm hat the western n .

WASHINGTON-The inside story of how Congressman Ernestv
Bramblett of California was tried and convicted can now bev
told. His prosecution caused the firing of five Democratic lawyersd
who didn't want to prosecute this Republican Congiessman.e
They were overruled by a new justice department executive whot
happens to be a Republican and who ordered the case to trial. 3
Though Attorney General Brownell has been charged withs
playing politics in certain cases, his associates certainly did nott
play politics in this one.-
Here is how the backstage story unfolds: s
In December, 1952, as the Truman Administration was about tor
leave office, the Democratic central committee of Santa Barbara,
Calif., which is part of Bramblett's district, sent a telegram to Attor-t
ney General James McGranery, a Democrat, which read in part: c
"Drew Pearson has filed with the Justice Department his publishedx
charge that Congressman Ernest Bramblett obtained salary kickbackst
from his employees. We urge that you prosecute before new admin-t
istration comes in and whitewashes this."i
The telegram went in due course to Charles Murray, thenI
assistant Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department'sr
criminal division, who forwarded it on to his chief assistant, An-t
drew Oehmann, with this note:
"Andy-Let's not assume justice will miscarry when our succes-t
sors take over. Give this the usual treatment.- .
Murray's confidence in the ensuing Republican administration1
was not misplaced. They proved more anxious to prosecute a fellow t
Republican than did certain Democrats.
*s * * *
THE KICKBACK charges against Bramblett were processed in due
course, and on January 14, Attorney General McGraery, the
outgoing attorney general, ordered prosecution in a letter which he1
himself signed.
Since only six days remained before Eisenhower was to be
inaugurated and Attorney General Brownell took over, it was
obviously impossible to prosecute and the matter was delayed.
It did not come before the new Republican chief of the criminal
division, Warren Olney III, until March.
At that time there passed across his desk a routine recommenda-
tion that the criminal charges against Congressman Bramblett be
dismissed. Ordinarily, Olney might have O.K.'d the recommendation,
since it was signed by men familiar with the case. But being -new in
office and being from California, as is Bramblett, he took a second
The five subordinate attorneys who found no ground for prosecu-
ting the Republican Congressman were all appointed by Democrats.
Despite this unanimous recommendation, the more Olney looked at
the case the more skeptical he became that either some kind of a fix
had bee] put in to save Bramblett or else a trap had been laid to em-
barrass him as the new chief of the criminal division.
So he asked for the entire Bramblett file and turned it over to
an independent attorney of his own choosing.
THIS ATTORNEY turned up several interesting and extremely im-!
portant documents which Pad been held out of the abbreviated
file which had come across the desk of the new assistant attorney
One of them was the signed order by Attorney General McGran-
ery for criminal prosecution. His letter listed several laws which
Bramblett had violated. It was emphatic and unequivocal.
Another was a notation that Edward B. Williams, Bramblett's
attorney, had called at the Justice Department on Jan. 9, 1953,
stating that he was acquainted with Mr. Olney, the new Repub-
lican who was about to take over the criminal division. The memo
stated that Williams mentioned this friendship and asked for
favorable consideration in the Bramblett case.
Later it developed in court testimony that Bramblett had phoned
his campaign manager, John Hardaway, at about this time, telling
him not to worry, that everything was being "fixed."
The omission of these two documents from the file handed to
Olney was significant. The McGranery letter, categorically recom-
mending prosecution, showed that the outgoing Democrats were all
set to throw the book at Bramblett. The second document, stating
that Williams, a reputed friend of Olney's, asked for favorable con-
sideration, might have led to the conclusion that Olney, the new Re-
publican chief, was fixing a case for a friend.
So Olney called in the five Democratic attorneys and fired them.
He also ordered the prosecution of Bramblett.
Reason for firing the five attorneys was not that they made a
mistake in recommending dismissal of the Bramblett case, but be-
cause they withheld pertinent information. The deliberate omission
of Attorney General McGranery's letter from the files appeared either
calculated to carry out a fix for Bramblett or else to entrap the new

To the Editor:
UNDER THE headline "Marshall
Discusses Bookstore Prices" in
Thursday's Daily followed a well-
written article by Phyllis Lipsky1
on an informal discussion of the
SL Campus Action Committee in
which I participated. Her article
is accurate, but I confess a bit of
concern with her emphasis.
In an exceedingly friendly at-
mosphere I was asked a number
>f questions concerning the na-
ture of the book business, and giv-
en a very stimulating and agree-
able hearing. The chief point I
sought to make was that the aver-
age net-operating-profit-ratio in
the book business is about 2%.
(This means that in the average
book store when you buy a book
for $1.00, after all expenses are
paid there is onlyl2c of that dol-
lar left as profit.)
When asked to estimate the pic-
ture in supplies and equipment, I
stated my guess of about 4% or 4
cents on the dollar. I am not in
the supply business, so this is only'
a guess, though I presented some
Dun and Bradstreet figures which.
indicate this to be an "educated"
Thus in a store which sells books
and supplies of about equal dollar
volume the net operating profit
would be about 3c on the receipt
dollar. The group concurred in my
estimate that the average student
spends about $50.00 a semester in
the local bookstores . . . and thus
Miss Lipsky's figure of the pos-
sibility in a non-profit operation
of a savings per semester of $1.50
to each student. The point I sought
to raise was whether a maximum
savings of $1.50 was worth very
much fuss.
The discussion then switched to
the question of a university-subsi-
dized store, with savings of some
consequence assuming the willing-
ness and ability of the university
to put something in the pot. (If
the university was willing and able
it occurs at this writing it might
be simpler for them merely to re-
duce tuition costs the amount of
money they would be called upon
to underwrite a cut-rate store.)
In this context I pointed out
that this would be a severe form
of competition to the "capitalistic"
book sellers, who do not have such
a subsidy. In addition to the fact
that said subsidy would be a hea-
vy drain on university finances,
such an operation involves other
considerations. Your headline.wri-
ter picked up one of these, namely
my contention that such subsi-
dized-competition would compel
the present stores to eliminate
many of the non-profitable "trim-


mings" and "services" from -their
I maintain that some of these
"extras" are most desirable in an
intellectual community, and offer
as evidence Detroit, where a text-
book store selling at cut rates is
heavily subsidized by Wayne. In
that city there is not a single real-
ly good general book store. Even
the most commercial and text-
bookish of the Ann Arbor book-
stores is better stocked with books
of general, scholarly, artistic, and
literary merit than the best De-
troit book store. As the former
manager of a large (and now de-
funct) bookstore which tried to
operate in the same neighborhood
as the subsidized Wayne store, I
assure any who have read this far
that there is a definite casual re-
In answer to questions I sought
to bring out two other considera-
tions regarding a university-sub-
sidized store. One was that it
would probably put at least two
campus stores out of business. As
mine is the least-solidly financed
I fear mine would be one of those
to suffer. The other is that local
businesses do pay considerable
taxes; when the university oper-
ates businesses which cut the tax
base on either a state or a local
level it must expect certain in-
evitable financial consequences.
Much of its support comes from
the state, and it receives many lo-
cal services from the city for free.
This is not quite the same as
arguing that the university should
not or might not compete with lo-
cal business, but we should all be
clear that just as a matter of fact
this competition is part of a circle,
and the whole picture must be
In other words, I am convinced
that a cooperative book store
would not save students very
much money, if any, because there
is scarcely any profit in book re-
tailing, campus myths to the con-
trary. Further I would regret any
decision by the university to sub-
sidize a book store so that it could
undersell me, because ILwould lose
my livelihood and because I would
sincerely regret the inevitable cur-
tailment of many services to the
intellectual community now per-
formed by local stores. Although
I would not be personally involved,
once being put out of business, I
do recommend to those consider-
ing a university-subsidized store4a
further investigation of the total
financial picture in terms of tax
rates, services furnished the uni-
versity by the city at a nominal
cost or free, and similar consider
-Bob Marshall


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 94
Freshman Hopwood Contestants should
pick up their manuscripts in the Hop-
wood Room during the week of Feb-
ruary 22.
Late Permission: Because of the Ca-
duceus Ball all women students will
have a 1:30 permission on Sat., Feb. 20.
Women's residences will be open until
1:25 a.m.
Mary L. Hinsdale scholarship, amount-
nng to $104.94 (interest on the endow-
ment fund) is available to undergrad-
uate women who are wholly or par-
tially self-supporting and who do not
live in University residence hails or
sorority houses. Girls with better than
average scholarship and need will be
considered. Application blanks, obtain-
able at the Alumnae Council Office,
Michigan League, should be filed by
March 5.
Lucy Elliott Fellowship. This fellow-
ship for 1954-55 is being offered to wo-
men graduate students from any college
or university who wish to study here
or to graduates of this university who
wish to pursue their studies at another
university. The fellowship, amounting
to $750, is awarded on the basis of per-
sonality, achievement, and scholarship
ability. Preference is also shown to
those women doing creative work. Ap-
plication blanks may be picked up in
the Alumnae Council Office, Michigan
League, and should be returned by
April 1.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Geology and Mineralogy Journal Club.
"Mineralogical Research in Germany,"
IDr. H. O'Daniel, Visiting Professor of

Michigan Actuarial Club. There will
be a meeting of the Actuarial Club. on
Mon., Feb. 22, at 4:10 p.m., 3N of the
Union. Mr. James Copple, Asst. Actuary
of The Penn Mutual, will discuss "Dis-
tribution of Surplus." Everyone inter-
ested is cordially invited. Refreshments
will be served.
Make-upaExamination in Economics
51, 52, 53, and 54 on February 26 In 207
Economics Building.
Seminar in the History of Mathe-
matics. Organization meeting Mon., Feb.
(Continued on Page 4)
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited. and managed by students of,
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board In Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn.......... Managing Editor
'Eric Vetter. ...........City Editor
virginia voss........ Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver . Assoc. Editorial Director
IDiane D. AuWerter...Associate Editor
Helene 'Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.-. Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler. .. Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden.....Finance Manager
Don Chisholm..Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1



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