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February 28, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-28

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Social Enigmas Puzzling
In Pre-Thaw Period
See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State

:43 tiiy

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VOL. LXVI, No. 97



Grand Rapids A ters Bid



Asks Four
Year Branch
Like Flint
Drop Med School
Idea After Meet
A group of Grand Rapids citi-
zens have proposed that the Uni-
versity create a four-yeat branch
at Grand Rapids, similar to the
one at Flint.
Vice-President and Dean of
- ' Faculties Marvin. L. Niehuss said
the University is giving the matter
"most serious consideration."
Frederick Vogt, chairman of the
Grand Rapids group, mapor-elect
David Hunting and Dr. William
Hyland met with University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher Sunday to
discuss the project.
Vice-President Niehuss said ex-
pansion in the form of branches
in other parts of the state was
fully consistant with present Uni-
versity policy.
Await Reaction
He said the next tep would be
to await reaction fro* othei' Grand
Rapids groups, particularly the
Board of Education.
Factors that would have to be
considered, according to Vice-
President Niehuss, are potential
enrollment, demand, interest by
the people of western Michigan
and facilities that would be avail-
Earlier this month the Grand
Rapids committee asked University
officials to consider opening a
third medical school there.
Apparently they have abandoned
that idea in favor of the proposed
four-year branch.
Group 'Highly Pleased'
Vogt said the group was "highly
pleased" by their informal talks
with the President.
"University officials told us it
Is essential that medical students
have basic science and pre-clinical
studies available at the same col-
lege where they complete their
> medical training," Vogt said.
Vogt said all state legislators
from Western Michigan, along
with University officials, would be
invited to a conference at Grand
Rapids soon to discuss the pro-
Plane Crash
"Kills 11 Men
DAYTON, Ohio (P)-A four-en-
gine Superfort carrying 11 crew-
men on a brief test flight, crashed
and then exploded on a farm near
Dayton yesterday, killing all
Eyewitness accounts indicated
the big plane was crippled, and
heading for an emergency lan 2ing
when it crashed. A series of ex-
plosions ripped it apart and scat-
tered bits of wreckage over a nine-
acre area. After hitting the ground
it first proughed into an unoccu-
pied farm dwelling.
Flames splashed over the house,
an . adjoining barn and garage
housing two automobiles. All the
buildings burned to the ground.
Mrs. Madeline Henderson, owner
of the property and a widow, is
vacationing in Florida.
The plane was attached to
Wright Air Development Center
at sWright-Patterson Air Force
Base near here. Officials there said
it took off for the brief test flight
at 11:45 a.m., and crashed at 11:55
a.m. on the Henderson farm, situ-
ated on the Wilmington Pike in
Montgomery County near the
Warren County line.

"As we drove south on Wilming-
ton Pike, we suddenly heard a roar
of airplane engines off to our
right. As we glanced up, we noticed
what appeared to be a ball of fire
around one engine of the plane's
right wing.
"The plane was circling and evi-
dently trying to find a place to
land. It lost altitude fast and
just as we passed the Henderson
home it struck the ground almost
on its side and we heard a dull
Hatcher Receives
Thailand Award
'W oT i C of m ., - A L.. ......

New Calendar Criticized


A full 15 weeks of classes and a
shorter Christmas vacation have
been scheduled for the coming
academic year at the University,
and many students don't like it.
Yule holidays next semester will
last 12 days, compared to 17 last
December. Classes run until Dec.
22, which means that there will be
no pre-Christmas week of vacation
for' students to do their shopping
and working.
William Jensen, '58E, complained
of the lack of time in which to
work. "Employers won't hire stu-
dents that are out for that short
time," Jensen said, "because it
won't be worth their while."
Shopping Problems
Another student bewailed the
loss' of the job he usually held for
the week prior to Christmas, which
he would not be able to take again.
This shorter vacation period met
with disapproval among other stu-
dents because, as James Mitchell,
'59E, said, "When are you going
to do your shopping?
"You'd only have Saturday and
Christmas eve, Monday," Mitchell
continued. "It isn't much time if
you have a large family."
"And," Charlotte Costa, '58,
added, "you can't shop in Ann Ar-
bor. Teachers pile on all the work
just before vacation."
Another femine viewpoint was
expressed by Sandra Smith, '59N,
who said, "We have so few vaca-
tions as it is. It's pretty hard to
get your shopping done in such a
short time."
No Time
The feelings of the out-of-town
student were expressed by one of
them who said, "I don't mind go-
ing to school longer, but there's
no time to go home if you live very
far away,"
More out-staters expressed dis-
favor with the new schedule. "You
just get home, and then you have
to come right back," one said.
In addition to the shorter Christ-
mas vacation period, students will
begin classes on a Thursday in
TOKYO (IMP)Burglar Kunio
Watanabe is in the hands of
police for the 13th time.
But police don't figure to keep
him long.
Higher-ups always ordered
Watanabe, 27-year-old son of a
wealthy family, released because
he is "mentally irresponsible."
Said Watanabe as police re-
signedly booked him again: "My
head is clear and sharp only
when I am carrying out a burg-

September, instead of the tradi-
tional Monday. This will offset the
Thanksgiving holidays, which will
last the usual two days.
Registration will begin Monday,
Sept. 17, and classes Sept. 20. The
first semester will end Wednesday,
Jan. 16.
A new feature will be the one-
day study period between classes
and the beginning of the examina-
tion period.
Like Extra Day
Many students were in favor of
the free day. Don Dunton, '57BAd,
liked it because "you can have the
time to study more fully for your
first exam, especially if it comes on
the first day."
"I'd prefer," one student, who
also preferred to remain anony-
mous, said, "to have the whole
Court Votes
6-3 to Lift
Strike Ban
WASHINGTON (4 ) - The Su-
preme Court yesterday upheld the
right of employes to strike against
unfair labor practices during the
Taft-Hartley Act's 60-day "cooling
off" period.
The 6-3 decision does not affect
the Taft-Hartley 60-day ban on
strikes'for economic benefits, such
as higher wages.
Justice Harold Burton spoke for
the majority in holding the bani
does not apply to strikes resulting
from an employer's unfair labor
Inherent Inequality
Justice Burton said there is in-
herent inequality in any interpre-
tation of the act that "penalizes
one party to a contract for con-
duct induced solely by the unlaw-
ful conduct of the other, thus
giving advantage to the wrong-
Justice Frankfurter, speaking
for himself and Justices Minton
and Harlan, said Congress intend-
ed to prohibit all strikes, for what-
ever cause, during the "cooling
off" period.
Fact Immaterial
"If the provision stripping strik-
er: of their status as employes
during the 60-day work period is
to have any usefulness at all and
not be an idle collection of words,
the fact a strike during that work
period is induced by the employer's
unfair labor practices is immater-
ial," Frankfurter said.
Yesterday's ruling specifically
applied to Mastro Plastics Corp.
and French-American Reeds Mfg.
Co., Inc.

weekend instead of just one day.
But the one day is better than
nothing at all."
"I think more than one day
would be better, too," his room-
mate added.
Second semester, 1956-57, will
parallel the first semester closely.
Classes will again begin on a
Thursday (Feb. 7) and end on a
Wednesday (May 29).
However, next year's spring se-
mnester vacation will be from Satur-
day, April 6 to Monday, April 15.
This spring vacation misses Easter,
which falls on April 21, entirely.
Spring Recess Critized
* The University's practice of sch-
eduling spring vacation regardless
of the Easter holidays has also
come under criticism.,
At a recent Inter-House Council
meeting, one member brought up
the subject in connection with this
semester's vacation, which begins
the day before Easter.
The IHC member hoped that the
council could do something about
voicing student opinion on the
scheduling of the holidays.
John Rose, '57E, one of those
who were against the shorter vaca-
tion periods and longer semesters,
summed up the student viewpoint.
"Oh, well," he said, "the teachers
will probably be happy."
Kiiller Denied
Keyes' !Move
For Mistrial
Hearings in the trial of Harold
A. Johnson were opened yesterday
with a motion for mistrial from
the defense attorney, Ralph C.
Keyes basedl his Motion on a
claim that a news article ina local
paper was unauthorized and that
statements appearing therein had
been made in the courtroom in the
absence of the jury. These state-
ments. he contended, would have
an unfair influence on the jurors
when read in the press.
Judge James R. Breakey, Jr.,
denied the motion on the grounds
that the quoted statements were
proper and could have been made
in the presence of the jury without
prejudice to the defendant.
On trial for the murder of his
one year old daughter the night
of Jan. 9, Johnson has entered a
plea of . not guilty by reason of
insanity. Also slain that evening
were his wife and other daughter,
aged three.
Dr. Roscoe W. Cavill, a Univer-
sity psychiatrist, has been on the
witness stand since Saturday af-
ternoon with the defense attorney
attempting to have him answer a
question concerning the sanity of
the defendant on the night of the
The prosecuting attorney,.Ed-
mond F. Devine, has objected to
the several forms in which the
question has been phrased and has
been upheld each time.
Johnson appeared calm and al-
most indifferent to the proceed-
ings at the session yesterday morn-
The trial will continue today in
the courtroom in the Washtenaw
County Building.

By The Associated Press
Basts Dulles**.*.
WASHINGTON - Sen.William
Fulbright (D-Ark.) opened a new
Democratic attack on Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles in the
Senate yesterday by accusing him
of withholding the truth about
"our present peril" from Soviet
He said Sec. Dulles may endang-
er administration hopes for pas-
sage of a foreign aid program by
implying that "the battle against
the Soviet bid for world dominion
has been won."
Fulbright, abetted by fellow
Democrats, challenged Sec. Dulles
to "tell America the truth" as the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee called in Undersecretary of
State Hoover for a closed door ex-
amination of the critical Middle
East situation.
* * *
Not Afr aid...
MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Negro
ministers leading a racial boycott
against city buses told their shout-
ing followers last night that "we
are no longer afraid, no matter
what the enemy might do."
But they emphasized again as
they did Thursday night that the
12-week-old protest against segre-
gated buses must remain a "passive
resistance", campaign.
- - -
Reds Interested . ..
CHICAGO-Sen. William Jen-
ner (R-Ind.) yesterday .told an
audience of newspaper publishers
"the Communist conspiracy is and
always has been interested in in-
filtrating the press."
Sen. Jenner criticized the New
York Times for an editorial state-
ment that it had been "singled
out" for an attack by Senate In-
ternal Security Subcommittee dur-
ing a recent phase of the com-
mittee's investigation of Commun-
ist activities.
* * *
Gronchi Visits U.S. .:.
WASHINGTON-President Gio-
vanni Gronchi of Italy came to
Washington yesterday, the first
Italian chief of state ever to visit
the United States.
Gronchi told dignitaries who
welcomed him at the airport that
co-operation between his country
and the United States is a natural
DETROIT () -- Robert S.
Moore, 33 years old, told Traf-I
fic Judge John D. Watts yester-
day he had driven in Michigan
for 11 years without a drivers'
license because he didn't know
he was supposed to have one.
Judge Watts in fining him
$25 asked him how he. could
have avoided reading about'
"I learned to drive," Moore
said, "but I never learned to
read or write.

IM' DOWNED 72-63:
Jorgensen Sets Record
As Purdue Bats.Cagers
Special To The Daily
LAFAYETTE, Ind.-Tom-Jorgensen cracked the Michigan career
scoring record tonight but his efforts weren't enough as Purdue
topped the Wolverine cagers 72-63 at Purdue field house.
Jorgensen's 18 points gave him a three year total of 828 to surpass
the old leader, Don Eaddy, by five markers.
Tied For Seventh
The setback kept the Wolverines from moving up another notch in
the tightly contested Conference second division. With a mark of
eight losses and only four victories?

the cagers remained in a tie for
seventh place with Minnesota who
dropped a decision to league-lead-
ing Illinois.
The Wolverines remained with-
in reach of the Boilermakers with
only 4:34 left in the game when
the winners surged away from a
65-61 score to wrap up the de-
The Boilermakers kept about six
to eight points in front of the los-
ers nearly all of the initial half
until Milt Lingle popped in two
quick shots near the end of the
session to narrow the gap to but
two points. Lingle finished with
11 markers to take third.
With the opening of the second
half, the Riveters pulled to another
lead which they held until the
Wolverines tightened the gap late
in the second stanza. Then little
Joe Campbell, last year's NCAA golf.
champion, cashed in a breakaway
lay-up to spark the winners to
their final margin.
Joe Sexson was the big gun of
the Purdue attack, meshing 30
points on ten from the field and
a like number from the free throw
line. Guard Dan Thornburg and
Lamar Lundy were the only other
Boilermakers to break into double
figures, totalling 10 and 13 apiece.
Although even with the winners
in field goals, the Wolverines foul-
ing cost them the game. Both
teams hit about 66% of their at-
tempts from the charity stripe but
the Boilermakers had 13 more at-
tempts, andi cashed nine of them
to provide the winning cushion.
Jorgensen dropped in 14 of his
points in the first half to establish
the new career record by one
point. The Chicago senior netted
272 points as a sophomore and 333
last season to move into the upper
Storm Ends
For Europe
LONDON A') - Warming tem-
peratures yesterday ended Europe's
worst freezeup of the century.
But crumbling ice and melting
snows sharpened the peril of floods
and weathermen predicted a con-
tinuing slow thaw after the month-
long cold wave which has caused
926 deaths and damage estimated
at two billion dollars.
On Europe's river arteries, huge
ice blocks formed jams behind
which waters rose dangerously.
NATO troops stood by to give
emergency assistance where need-,
roble ms

... his record broken.

Twelve Nations To Devise
Atoms-For-Peace Charter
WASHINGTON ()-Twelve nations met here yesterday to adopt
a charter for world atoms-for-peace agency.
Delegates from both sides of the Iron Curtain expressed hopes of
James Wadsworth, head of the American delegation which is host
for the closed door conference, welcomed the 11 other groups, saying:
"The world is impatient to getn
nn uifh na il A vlnn i of I _ _

Ike Press
WASHINGTON (P') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower "in all
probability" will hold a news con-
ference tomorrow.
That much information came
from the White House yesterday.
There still remained the tantaliz-
ing question of whether President
Eisenhower will announce at this
probable conference what he plans
to do about running again.
Hagerty Uncertain
Press Secretary James C. Hag-
erty said he did not know what
hour the conference might be held.
Customarily, President Eisenhower
meets the press for about half an
hour, beginning at 10:30 a.m.
There has been some speculation
he might hold up any announce-
ment until after 3:3k p.m., when
the New York Stock Exchange
The stock market went down
when the news broke last Sept. 24
that President Eisenhower had
had a heart attack. The market
went up when his doctors reported
on Feb. 14 that medically, he was
good for another term.
Market Discussion
On Feb. 8, a reporter at Presi-
dent Eisenhower's news conference
led into a discussion of the mar-
ket's reaction last September. The
President said then he had tried
to be cautious rather than opti-
mistic about his health, so that if
he ever had to say he didn't think
he should try for another term
"there would not be that kind of
a . shock-if it were possible to
avoid it."'
This morning, the President will
have a conference with Republican
leaders of the Senate and House.
These weekly conferences deal with
legislative matters, but are not
limited to that,
Red Committee
Retains Leaders
MOSCOW (A')-The Soviet Com-
munist party's Central Committee
kep the U.S.S.R.'s "collective lead-
ership" intact yesterday.
It re-elected all 11 members of
the ruling Presidinm and retained

Await O.K.
Unable To Reveal
Size of Weapons
disclosed yesterday it is developing
a new strategic weapon-a nuclear
powered submarine capable of
launching guided missiles.
If Congress approves the plan,
the new departure in A-boats will
probably be built in the Navy's
Mare Island yard in Califo:nia.
Navy officials said it is too early
to say what size and type of mis-
siles will be fired from the sub-
marine. The United States is in a
race with Russia to develop mssi s
with 1,500- and 3,000-rile ranges,
both carrying atomic warheads.
Preparation Firings
The Navy has been firing ,short-
er-range missiles from submarines
for several years in preparation for
this new phase of push-button
Originally the Navy planned to
build a conventionally powered
sub for use as a missile ship. It
was approved by Congress for the
1956 constr'uction program.
But the House Armed Services
Committee has now been informed
of the Navy's intention to design
the vessel around an atomic en-
gine, which will give it a boost in
speed and far greater ruising
Cost Higher..
Navy officials said the atomic
power plant will cost considerably
Smore than conventional equip-
ment. The service is required to
inform Congress of any intention
to modify plans previously ap-
proved by the legislators.
There are now two conventional-
lY powered submarines equippedto
launch missiles.
The Mare Island yard ,recently
started work on the first atomic
submarine to be built on the
Pacific Coast. The Navy has a
fleet of eight atomic subs either
built, under construction or au..-
thorized. Actually only one is in
oeration but the second is await-
Ig cmmissioning and keels have
been laid for two others.
Six more are included in the
shipbuilding budget recently sub-
mitted to Congress.
WUS Earns
$883 Profit
World University Service made
a profit of $883.35 in its annual
fund drive last week, suffering
losses at the same time.
In spite of the watchful
eyes of five volunteer plainclothes-
men, four purses from the Treasure
Van exhibit remain missing.
Aside from the possible thefts,
Treasure Van sales amounted to
an estimated $777.48 for the three
sale days. Of this, WUS gets 25
per cent for its fund drive, the
remainder going to pay the manu-

facturers and customs duties.
In the bucket drive held last
week, WUS collected $705.15, which
was slightly higher than last year's
amount. The profit from the
Treasure Van and the bucket drive
collection total the $883.35 that
the local committee profited.
It was estimated that well over
4,000 persons attended the Treas-
ure Van sales last week. On dis-
play was $15,000 of foreign handi-
crafts and manufactures.
Careful of the value of the goods,
WUS committee members' enlisted
the services of volunteer plain-
clothesmen to watch the custo-
Indiana Governor
Awaits Decision
Dwight D. Eisenhower's name
probably will not be entered in
Indiana's new nresidAnti1 nrefer-



on w~u peacefui deveiopmeni; o
nuclear power."
Russian Cheerful
Georgi N. Zarubin, Soviet am-
bassador to the United States and
hea dof the Soviet delegation, sur-
prised newsmen by posing cheer-
fully for pictures. Asked if he, too,
was hopeful of success Zarubin
said :
"Always I hope we will reach
Other countries represented by
delegations generally headed by
their Washington ambassadors
were Australia, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, Czechoslovakia, France,
India, Portugal, South Africa and
To Last Two Weeks
The conference is expected to
last about two weeks. Its purpose
is to act on a proposed draft of a
charter, which already has been
approved by the United States and
seven other participants. This

jFaculty. Senate Faces Pi

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the seventh and final in a series of articles
dealing with the University's faculty Senate, its roles and problems. The
series is based on discussions with individual faculty members and
Solution of problems confronting the Faculty Senate is a difficult,
perhaps even impossible task.
If solution were easy, many factulty members point out, it would
have occurred some time ago.
Moreover, many faculty members see no problems in the func-
tioning of the Senate, particularly in its relations with the adminis-
A majority of the combined faculties, however, are apparently
in favor of either sweeping revisions of Senate structure or clearer
definition of Senate prerogatives and roles.

Personal- contact with this potential "new talent" has been
pointed out as the best way of discovering it and bringing it into
active association and participation in the Senate. The average
faculty member, it is said, is already perplexed by the multiplicity of
communications which he finds stacked on his desk.
On the administration side, more realization of "potential" has
been called for. There is "not enough delegation of problems on
matters of importance." Structure of the Faculty Senate should
be "geared into the University administration's policy-forming -mech-
As was stated in the beginning of this series, there are many
opinions regarding the "proper" function of the Senate. The in-
formation obtainable and the arbitrary method of collecting opinion
make it impossible to determine exactly what the majority of the
faculty see as the true function of the Senate.
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