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February 28, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-28

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXH, No. 100






By The Associated Press
Czechoslovakian Purge
VIENNA, Austria-Reports from
Prague indicated last night that a
top-level purge has ocurred in the
army of Czechoslovakia, which has
the most modern military force
among Russia's Communist satel-
The Prague radio indirectly
confirmed reports that Gen. Jaro-
slav Prochazka, who became Chief
of Staff in May, 1950, has been
' Alaskan Statehood Bill
sent the Alaskan statehood bil
back to committe yesterday by
the margin of a single vote-
thus killing, in all probability,
any chance for action at this
session of Congress to make
Alaska the 49th state.
Ku Klux Klan .. .
WHITEVILLE, N.C.-Police ar-
rested eight former Ku Klux
Klansmen yesterday in another
major blow against night riding
terrorism in the Carolinas.
They promised additional ar-
rests in a drive to stamp out a
series of floggings of both whites
and Negroes that has gripped this
rich farming section in fear for
Surplus Fraud.. ..
WASHINGTON-Senator Nixon
(R-Calif.) disclosed yesterday the
U.S. Treasury is trying to skim
off about $1,436,000 in taxes from
the 'earnings of five war surplus
ships which a group of public fig-
ures bought and sold at a profit
of $2,800;000.
He announced at a public in-
quiry into the deals that the gov-
ernment is seeking to "recapture"
in corporation income taxes the
amount whicth would have been
payable if the five tankers involv-
ed had not ben operated under
the Panamanian flag.
Seaway Project Opposed
WASHINGTON-Opponents of
the St. Lawrence Seaway contend-
ed yesterday it isn't needed for
National Security and that it
would cost too much.
No Action Taken.
At AIMMeeting
No specific action was taken
yesterday afternoon by an Asso-
ciation of Independent Men com-
mitte designed to establish and
define purposes for the organiza-
The group discussed AIM's pres-
ent predicament, but no definite
plans were made, according to
Bert Braun, '54, a member of the
AIM Council. The committee will
meet again next week.
AIM's constitutional revision
committee will meet at 4 p.m. to-
day in the Union in another at-
tempt to redirect the organization.
A reorganization of AIM was
? decided upon Monday night when,
for the second time in a row, the
group failed to acquire a quorum
to hold elections.

Reds Threaten
Sit-Down Strike
Refuse Negotiations Until Russia
Accepted as Armistice Inspector
MUNSAN, Korea, Thursday, Feb. 28-(P)-The Communists
threatened a virtual sit-down strike in Korean armistice negotiations
yesterday unles the United Nations reversed itself and accepted Russia
as a neutral truce inspector.
"Until such time," declared North Korean Col. Chang Chun
San, "there will be no progress in these negotiations."

THE REDS MADE the staten
plan to cut the number of neutra
D rummond
Will Lecture
Here Todayul
Roscoe Drumnmond, noted col-
umnist of the Christian Science
Monitor, wil throw some light on
"The State of the World" at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Drummond's return to the Unit-
ed States and to the lecture plat-
form marks the end of a two year
stay in Europe where he acted as
Director of Information for the
European Marshall Plan.
* - *
WORKING in every country
west of the Iron Curtain, Drum-
mond was responsible for directing
y hr h t

nent in
l nation
to four

again rejecting an Allied
truce inspectors from six
by dropping Russia from

the Red list and Norway from the
Allied selections. Sweden and
Switzerland were the other two
neutrals nominated by the UN.
Poland and Czechoslovakia also
were chosen by the Reds.
The Russian issue was so
sharply defined that observers
speculated the next decision
probably would come from
Washington or Moscow.
The Communist nomination of
Russia probably could not be with-
drawn without the consent of the
Soviet Union. Washington would
have to approve Russia as a truce
team member.
r * *
ON THE BATTLE scene Ameri-
can sabre jets shot down one Com-
munist MIG and damaged an-
other yesterday as the Red planes
made an appearance in force over
North Korea for the first time in
four days.
An estimated 190 speedy Red
fighters were sighted. Allied
losses, if any, were not told.
In Tokyo, Communist propa-
gandists disclosed by inference and
indirection that an epidemic of
bubonic plague, cholera and small-
pox may be sweping through Red
frontline ranks and elsewhere in
North Korea.

Shift Made
By League
Theremay be a Marriage Lec-
t ure Series after all.
This possibility was reopened by
a partial retraction of League op-
position at a meeting of its Board
of Representatives yesterday. By
a vote of 34-14, the Board decid-
ed to submit the question to the'
individual houses for a poll of
their members on whether they fa-
vored holding the lectures.
AT THE February 13 meeting of
the Mariage Lecture Series Com-
mittee where it was decided to
suspend the talks, a report by
Ethel McCormick, Social Director
at the League, that women had
little interest in the series was a
strong factor in its demise.
However, it later developed
that this report was based on a
hasty, informal straw vote of
the Board of. Representatives
where 13 were recorded in favor,
and no count of the negative
vote was taken. It was later as-
sumed that all but the 13 posi-
tive votes were against the
series, apparently an unjustified
AssistantDean of Student Ivan
W. Parker, chairman of the Mar-
riage Lecture Series Committee,
s id last night that the committee
uld meet next week to review
the decision. However, he pointed
out that th five student organiza-
tions represented on the commit-
tee, the Union, League, Daily, Stu-
dent Legislature, andStudent Re-
ligious Association, would have to
agre to guarantee $500 collectively
to make the series financially pos-
Last year, the talks lost nearly
$500. However, there was a reserve
of $700 of accumulated profits
which covered the loss.
There is still'a chance to have a
series this semester, Parker indi-
cated. If the committee reverses
itself, it would not be too late to
set the wheels in motion, he said.

Hearings Hit"
Snag in Fifth!
Witnesses Stand
On Constitution
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-The parade of tight-
lipped witnesses at House Un-
American Activities Sub-Commit-
tee hearings wound on yesterday,
steadily intoning the magic words
which have virtually wrecked the
inquiries so far:
"I refuse to answer on grounds
that it might tend to incriminate
me, invoking my right under the
Fifth Amendment."
. ' *
THIS REPLY with variations,
has been heard literally hundreds
of times in the course of the hear-
ings and appeared last night as a
cloak strong enough to protect
hostile witnesses from contempt
citations, according to committee
members and legal experts.
The members based their opin-
ions on a test case last week in
Washington's U.S. District Court,
where acknowledged Communist
Steve Nelson was freed of con-
tempt of Congress charges for re-
fusing to answer the House Un-
American Activities Committee's
questions on his affiliations or ac-
tivities; he based his refusal on
the Fifth Amendment to the Con-
stitution, which is part of the Bill
of Rights.
The amendment states: "No
person . . . shall be compelled
in any criminal case to be a
witness against himself - .
Though membership in the Com-
munist Party is not strictly illegal,
recent Supreme Court decisions
have placed it in the category pro-
tected by the Fifth Amendment,
according to Prof. Joseph E. Kal-
lenbach and Prof. Paul G. Kauper,
both specialists in Constitutional
S* * ,
political science department, and
Prof. Kauper, of the Law School,
both cited the high court's 1950
reversal of the conviction of Mrs.
Patricia Blau by the Denver Dis-
trict Court.
What seemed like an opening
leak in the dike of blunt turn-
downs came when Chief Commit-
tee Counsel Frank S. Tavenner
asked sub-committee Chairman
John Wood to re-put a question
to Paul Henle, as to whether Henle
had ever worked for the U.S. gov-
The packed courtroom tensed
as. Chairman Wood pointed out
that answering the question
would probably not incriminate
the witness and indicated that a
continued refusal would there-
fore bring a contempt citation
for Henle.
After a quick conference with
his lawyer Henle admitted he had
once been a government employe,
a-zone collector for the Bureau of
Internal Revenue.
* *

EISLER COMPANION?-This picture, taken in December, 1947,
shows Communist Gerhardt Eisler (center) emerging from an
Ann Arbor residence shortly after addressing a group of University
students. John Cherverny refused to identify himself to the Un-
American Activities Committee in Detroit'as the man on Eisler's
left (circled). To the right of Eisler is Al Blumrosen, '53L, former
Daily city editor who covered the affair.
TugWeek'Tabled bySL;
Other Sponsors Asked
Following a short flurry of debate, Student Legislature last night
sent back to committee a proposal to sponsor the traditional Tug
Week next year.
Along with the measure went several suggestions for switching
Tug Week control to the Wolverine Club and a joint committee of
the League and the Union.
* * * *

Hunted Woman Gives

To Un-American Probers


* * * *

Gra eoyHarry Luchs Career
Every sports fan knows the saga of golfdom's valiant Ben Hogan,
but few realize that Michigan boasts a man who has staged perhaps
an even greater comeback.
He is Latvian-born Harry Luchs, the Wolverines' star freshman
* * * *-
LUCHS' STORY BEGINS in his Latvian homeland, where he
took seven years of ballet work and first became interested in gym-
nastics. At the outbreak of World War II, he fled to Poland with his
family to escape the invading Russians. In 1942 he captured the

. * *
part of the American gdvernment's
psychological propaganda offen-
sive in Europe.
Oneof the first to get the in-
side story on Gen. Dwight Eisen-
hower's willingness to run,
Drummond came home'Sept. 17
and announced that "the evi-
dence is ndw clear that Gen.
Eisenhower has made up his
mind. The answer is yes." He
settled much controversy by as-
serting that Ike is a Republican.
The noted newspaperman and
public speaker wil be able to bring
to his Hill audience an eyewitness
account of the East-West struggle
by virtue of his participation in
many high policy ,reetings of
American diplomats.
Tickets for the lecture may be
purchased at the Hill Auditorium
box office. Prices are $1.25, $1.00
and 50 cents.

Students Plan Return
Of Traditional Miehioras
Michigras is returning to campus again, after its traditional two
year rest from the strain of 1950 spook houses, girlie shows, games
and parades.
Groundwork for the 1952 spring carnival has been ,laid by the
Michigras committees. At 7:30 p.m. today in the Union Ballroom
organizational plans will get underway when members of the parade
and booths committees meet with representatives from campus groups
and houses interested in participating in the 1952 show.

national junior gymnastics cham->
pionship of the greater German
In 1944 Luchs migrated to
eastern Germany but, when this
area fell to the Russians, he was
not able to escape.
As the war ended, he was about
to graduate from high school. He
was told, however, that "every-
one has to join the Communist
Party in order to receive a diplo-
ma." When Luchs refused, he was
placed in a concentration camp
for a Communist "convincer"
LUCHS DIDN'T change his
mind. Realizing he never would,
the Party stopped their "convinc-
ing" and left him lying in a gutter,
paralyzed by their brutal tortures.
Friends discovered him and smug-
gled him into West Germany.
He was taken to the Univer-
sity of Marburg where he re-
ceived expert medical attention.
"The doctors told me to forget
gymnastics as I would never
walk again. I simply said no,
this can't be true."
After months of physical thera-
py and corrective tumbling, Harry
Luchs could claim complete re-
PRACTICING whenever he
could, Luchs was selected by the
German Gymnastics Associationf
in 1950 for a six month trip to
the United States. He liked the
country so well that he decided to
stay and entered the pre-medical
program here at the University.
SINCE COMING to Michigan,x
Luchs has been the stalwart of the
gymnastics team. The leading
scorer with 65 points, he has taken
eight firsts in the parallel bars,
the high bar and the flying rings.

* * *

DICK DEMMER, '53, chairman
previously prepared a lengthy re-
port which suggested that the leg-
islature sponsor: 1, a combined
sophomore and freshman rally in
Hill Auditorium; 2, Soph Satire,
following the rally; 3, a tug-of-
war; and 4, and dance the night
of the tug.
Demmer figured that SL would
have no financial difficulties if
they sponsored the project. Im-
mediately following the Demmer
report, Howard Willens, '53, SL
member-at-large m o v e d that
these other organizations sponsor
Tug Week.
"School spirit projects are
received apathetically by stu-
dents," Willens claimed. "Other
organizations have a better
chance of making a go of the
project," he said.
Following a motion by Bob Bak-
er, '52, the whole issue was indefi-'
nitely sent back to the Varsity
EARLIER IN the evening, the
legislators also tabled a proposal
which would have SL support the
impending campus blood drive.
Several legislators favored
supporting the WSSF blood
drive which nets that group fif-
teen dollars for every pint of
blood that students donate.
Many legislators wanted clari-
fication on how the blood eventu-
ally got to the war front.

of the SL'

IFC Eases
grade Rule
For Rushing
Scholastic standards in frater-
nity rushing regulations were eased
last night when the Interfraternity
House President's Council passed
a ruling stating that anyone can
rush and pledge regardless of aca-
demic standing.
However, the student must have
an overall two point average to be
* * *
THE NEW ruling will not take
effect until next semester's rushing
Proposed by Bill McIntyre, '52,
and passed almost unanimously,
the motion further requires that a
man need not be depledged be-
cause of scholastic difficulties and
can be initiated as soon as he
acquires a two point.
At the beginning of the session,
Pete Thorpe, '52, IFC Rushing
Chairman, reported that 5% per
cent of undergraduate men rushed
last semester.

Varsity committee, had

Ann Arbor
~Cefl' Cited
In CPList'
Witness Charges
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Hearings before
the House Un-American Activi-
ties Committee, now investigating
Communism in Michigan, were
dramatically jolted out of the dol-
drums yesterday with the unex-
pected appearance of an alleged
Communist who evaded the FBI
for nearly a week.
Eleanor Maki, Motor City school
teacher, identified Monday as a
Red organizer by an FBI under-
cover agent, surrendered to a Fed-
eral subpoena and took the stand
in the packed District Courtroom
in Detroit's Federal Building.
LIKE MOST of the other wi-
nesses in the three-day proceed-
ings, the attractive brunette re-
fused to testify under the fifth
amendment privileges
Despite the bogging down of
testimony, other events combined
to make yesterday's session a cir-
cus for the 100 spectators lucky
enough to get seats:
1) A reading into the record of
a five-year-old official Commun-
ist list of 86 cells in the state,
including "Ann Arbor Town,"
believed now disbanded.
2) The naming of outstate "key
Communists" by a Jackson printer,
including one formerly in Ann
3) A witness' charge that fel-
low workers tried to lynch him
after his appearance Tuesday in
the probe.
4) The appearance on the stand
of Arthur McPhaul, an officer of
the Civil Rights Congress, who
spoke at Lane Hall last year with
Mrs. Willie McGee.
* * *
Jackson Citizen-Patriot told t e
Committee that Red cells are or
have been located in Ann Arbor,
Jackson, Ypsilanti, Muskegon and;
Traverse City. In Ann Arbor, he
listed an ex-resident, one Jack
Gore, as being a member of the
At the noon recess yesterday,
John Cherverny, youthful Yugo-
Slav who refused to testify at
Tuesday's session,, chargedinto.
the hearing room and demanded
Committee protection from a
band of employes who he said
were going to lynch him.
Cherverny said he feared for his
job at the factory where he works
but wasn't sure whether he had
been dropped from the payroll. A
spokesman for the United Auto
Workers said the union would go
to Cherverny's aid if necessary.
LAST WITNESS to appear al'
yesterday's session was McPhaul,
a Detroit lawyer. He refused to
answer questions put by Chief
Counsel Frank S. Tavenner or to'
produce subpoenaed records of the
CRC, branded by the Justice De-
partment as a subversive organi-
McPhaul was probably the
most belligerent witness to ap-
pear to date. He lashed out at
the native state of Committee
Chairman John Wood (D-Ga.)
for activities of the Ku Klux

The bespectacled Congressman
calmly replied, "As a matter of
record, I was the first to prosecute
and convict members of the KKK
in Georgia for serious floggings
and attempted murder."
See WOOD, Page 2
Chinese Pushing
HANOI, Indochina -(A)- Red

THOUGH Chairman Wood
warned that transcripts of
See WITNESSES, page 6



Barnaby, Fairies Fade from View

TWO representatives from each
campus house have been invited to
the meeting by General Chairman
Jack Hamer, '52. Representatives
will be told how to petition for
both parade floats and booths,
Hamer said.
Competition for the limited
booth space in Yost Field House
has always been keen. In 1950

it decides to enter a booth or float
in the show.
Presiding over the meeting will
be booths committee co-chairmen
Gerry Maraulo, '52 Ed and Mark
Oscherwitz, '53 and parade com-
mittee co - chairmen Gretchen
Meier, '54 and Jack Ehlers, '53E.

Mr. J. J. O'Malley, fairy god-father extraordinary, expert in the
fine arts of knowing little, doing less, talking and ejaculating much,
and his whimsical charge, Barnaby, today make their last appearance
on the national scene.
All-American child, Barnaby, despite the best efforts of his wise
and benificent protector, has succumbed to the inevitable. After almost
nine years of seemingly perpetual five-year old-dom, the endearing

representative of wonderment and pensive acceptance has become an
old man of six.
And it sems six-year olds, with their superior capacities, have no
need for fairy god-fathers. Accordingly, his childish fancies, fairies,
ghosts, the invisible leprechaun (with a Brooklyn accent) and the
talking dogs, must be thrown out, with Barnaby himself, to face the
dull horrors of Living in a Real world.
But, as can be seen above, in proof of his strength in the face of
adversity, O'Malley's spirit marches on.

i I AWA, i A.1fiA

* * *

* * *

* - *

, r r rrrrrrri

O 1162C,....JO...s.,a.CI. ! LOotC
You wished for a Fairy Godparent?
Lucky boy! Your wish is granted!..

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