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February 25, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-25

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VOL. LXVI, No. 95



Switzer Sparks
leers in 5-2 Win
Bleau, Carabins' Netminder Shines;
Two Teams Vie Here Again Tonight
It, wasn't Michigan against Montreal last night in hockey at the
Coliseum; it was Ed Switzer against Bob Bleau.
Wolverine wingman Switzer found Carabin goalie Bleau's weakness
five times-three in the last seven minutes-and that was the story of
Michigan's explosive 5-2victory.
Tech, Minnesota Win
While Michigan engaged in an exhibition tilt, Michigan Tech took
over first place alone in the WIHL by downing MSU, 4-3. Minnesota
" dealt Colorado's playoff hopes a
-M blow by tripping the Tigers, 4-1.
urder ase Tonight the Wolverines take on
Montreal again -at 8 p.m. Tickets
are on sale at the Athletic Admin-
T"nistration Building until noon and
Switzer's five goals last night.
T * i* * Xwere a season's high for the team

The Johnson murder trial began
hearings yesterday with the testi-
monies of Mrs. Glenn Porterfield,
the defehdants brother, and her
husband, Dr. Glenn Porterfield, of
Houghton Lake, Michigan.
The accused, Harold A. Johnson
is on trial for the slaying of his
one year old daughter the night
of Jan 9.Also slain that night
were his wife and other daughter.
Johnson has pleaded not guilty on
grounds of insanity.
Both Dr. .nd Mrs. Porterfield.
related the events of the evening
of Jan. )9 when Johnson called
them by long distance telephone to
tell them of the tragedy. Dr. Por-
terfield relayed the information
immediately to the State Police
who in turn called the Ann Arbor
Mrs. Porterfield, testifying in 'a
quiet voice, appeared to be tired
from the strain of recent events.
Dr. Porterfield, calm, and collect-
ed, answered attorney's questions
clearly and concisely.-
The upstate osteopath, in re-
sponse to queries, stated that he1
had observed no tendencies 'to-
ward acts of violence on the parti
of the defendant nor any feelings
of conflict or discord within the
Johnson family.

Ike May ,Be
Safer, Says
Has No Impression
t Whether Eisenhower
Wants to Run or No
THoMASVILLE, Ga. (A)-Presi
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's Whit
House doctor said yesterday that s
far as the chief executive's healt
is concerned he "might be safer
serving a second term than h
was before his heart attack.
But the physician, Maj. Ger.
Howard M. Snyder, said he has "n
impression" as to whether Presi
dent Eisenhower actually will bi
for re-election.
"All he can do Is trust in Go
If he goes ahead," Snyder tol
newsmen just five months to th
I day after the President's Sept. 2
heart attack in Denver.
The doctor talked to reporter
on the fringe of a quail huntin
grounds as President Eisenhowe
and his host, Secretary of th
Treasury George Humphrey, wer
riding off aboard a mule-drawi
carriage in quest of birds.
Snyder did not elaborate on hi
remark that President Eisenhowe:
"might be safer" serving anothe:
term. He apparently meant, how
ever, that any man who has suf-
fered a heart attack can be ex
pected to take greater care in th
future to safeguard his health
And in the President's case hi
physicians obviously are keeping
even closer tab on his conditio
than before his attack.
Giving President Eisenhower'
political supporters something
to cheer about, Snyder pronouncec
the President "in very good shape'
physically after 10 days of golf and
hunting in this piney woods regior
of south Georgia.
Lu Not Held
Answers fVU
To Red Claim
Claims that a Chinese former
student of the University, Daniel
Cho Ju Lu, was being held here
against his will have been denied
by University sources.
Lu's father, Lu Chin Wi, former
president of Red China's'Yench-
ing University, }Wade the charges
to Red Chinese newspapers and
Lu, who graduated from the
University in February, 1955, is
living with his wife and two child-
ren in Ames, Ia., where he is do-
ing research at the Ames Institute
for Atomic Research.
A few years ago, the State De-
partment refused permission to
students engaged in nuclear phys-
ics work to leave the country for
Red China. La has been engaged
in this work for several years.
At that time, Lu expressed a
desire to leave the country, which
was impossible under the existing
He has refused to comment on
the charges and has not said
whether or not he wishes to leave
the United States at this time.
Concert Postponed
The Pete Seeger Concert, sched-
uled for last night, was postponed
until early in March.
People holding tickets will soon
be informed when and where the
concert will be held and also

where they may have their tickets

Ol1d Pu


icy of In



Fraternity Benefits Discussed

i Ohe of the myriad of questions
i a freshman must answer is
1 whether or not he will pledge a
6 Some men solve this problem
quickly and easily in the first
semester, but for others the choice
is not such a simple one and they
want to "look around a while and
see what the score is" before they
make up their minds.
The methods these men employ
to make the decision are in many
cases, common to the whole group
of 543 second semester rushees.
Techniques Employed
But in some cases they employ
unusual techniques to decide if
they will rush and if they do rush,
what fraternity they want to
"One of my high school teach-
ers, a Michigan graduate, told me
a fool-proof plan about how to de-
cide. which fraternities were the
best to be in," Jim Dincolo, '59
said. "She told me to meet some
upper class sorority girls and talk
to them about fraternities be-
cause they know more about it
than anyone else."
Dincolo was undecided about
rushing his first semester and
waited until he "had a semester's
experience and a better perspec-
Reason Given
He finally decided to rush for
the same reason most men givenl
a desire for brotherhood, closer1
unity in a smaller group, greater
social advantages in fraternity life,
and an opportunity for better and
longer friendships.'
Bill Jensen, '58, waited three
semesters before he finally made
up his mind to enter formal rush-
"All the fellows I knew from
classes kept telling me about the
advantages of the fraternity sys-
tem; smaller house, better and
closer friends, so I finally decidedc
to rush," he said.-
Jensen added, formal rushingc


.. . has 'field night'
and equalled the best individual
scoring performances of recent
Wolverine ice history.
Actually, the crew-cut sopho-
more had plenty of assistance.
Neil McDonald gained four assists
while Dick Dunnigan had three.
Captain -Bill MacFarland and de-
fenseman Bob Schiller each aided
on one scoring play.
See McDONALD, page 3

-Daily-Jim Owens
CONFUSED?-Hal Bay, '59, a fraternity pledge gives information
to room-mate Jim Dincolo, '59, a rushee



helped him understand the pur-
poses and structure of the frater-
nity system" which I never would
have known if I hadn't rushed."
Though the Greek men are
known to complain of the time
they spend as rushers, the poten-

tial fraternity men argue "no-one
could waste more study time than
a rushee."
"It isn't Just the time you spend
at the open houses, dinners, and
smokers," one rushee said, "It's
the time it takes to get ready,

Lack of Funds Blocks'
Buildingi of T.V. Station
(Editor's Note: This article is the first of a two part series
on University television.)
Money-an evasive sum of $500,000-was all that was preventing
the University from sponsoring a television station powerful enough
to reach half the state's population.
The money has not made a miraculous appearance. Half a
million dollars remains as evasive as ever. But times have changed,
and University Television, without its own station, not only effective-
ly reaches well over half of Michigan's citizens, but delivers its mes-
sages to thousands from Rochester, N.Y., to Seattle, Washington..
The possibility of a television transmitter at the University first
took substance in 1953 when a subcommittee created to study the

'U' Medical Committee
Explores State Facilities'


walk to the fraternity, if you c
find it, and then walk back to t
Hash Sessions
According to most rushees, ti
fraternity men aren't the on
ones who hold "hash sessions
Back at the quads most of t
rushees get into late evening an
early morning discussions on ti
merits of their potential brothe:
just as fraternity men hold the
more formal sessions.
One of the favorite topics a
the dorms concerns not the fra
ternity men or their houses b
the value of rushing itself.
Many of the students who wail
ed at least one semester befor
rushing think the fall rushe,
"have a better time, because ther
is a greater number of them an
the fraternities go all out to mak
rushing worthwhile."
Feels Slighted
"Second semester rushing seem
to me to be a little bit slighted,
one rushee said. "Perhaps if th
Inter-Fraternity Council had rush
ing only once a year it would b
better organized."
Another rushee said, "I thin
everyone at a smoker or ope
house realizes some of the fellow
are putting on their best, but th
fraternity men probably take thi
into consideration in their has
sessions just as the rushee doe
in choosing a fraternity..
Most rushees were just as tire
of playing the inevitable smoke
games, "Who do you know from
our town that I know?", as fra
ternity men are.
One particularly small rushe
claims he had to soak his hand in
cold water after gripping severa
members of an athletic fraternity
One first semester freshman
who admittedly hadn't had a
great deal of contact with frater
nity men prior to rushing, said
blandly after his first smoker
"Gee, they're not much differen
from the rest of us."
Open House
Will Feature
Varied Show
Shows ranging from latest
fashions to precision swimming
exhibits ranging from new sports
cars to SGC, and contestsinvol-
ing cake-baking talents and fra-
ternity mascot dogs will all be
featuies of today's Union Open
From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. the facil-
ities of the Union will be open to
one and all. Billiards and bowling
will be free during this time. Fol-
lowing a swimming demonstration
at 1 p.m. the swimming pool will
be open for free use between 3
p.m. and 5 p.m.I
During the entire open house,
free refreshments of ginger ae
and doughnuts will be served.
At 2 'p.m. both a women's and
a men's fashion show will be pre-
sented by local stores. At 3 p.m.
the# fraternities will exhibit their
dogs, and at 4 pm. students and
student wives will have their cake-
baking abilities judged by a panel
of gourmets.
Cultural demonstrations by lang-
uage and chemistry departments,
architecture college, and business
administration, public health and
social" work schools will also be
presented during the open house.
~Bucket Drive'
Brings $682

In spite of yesterday's rainy
wveather, World University Service

im- T IP M +14 Lr a

New Creed
Defends Shipment
Of U.S. Light Tai
To Saudi Arabia
of State John Foster Dulles
yesterday the Russians are Jun
a 30-year policy of violence
intolerance and "bringing t
system and habits closer to o'
He took the stand that Mos
while still aiming at world d
nation, has been forced to ma
big change in methods becaus
the "unity, firmness and dete
nation of the free world."
Sec. Dulles made the assert
to an overflow audience at a "1
to bipartisanship" hearing of
Senate Foreign Relations Come

Lewis Given
Trial Proposal
By Sororities
Sorority alumnae financial and
rushing advisors have proposed
that sorority membership quotas
be increased in an effort to solve
the rushing problem.
I In a letter to James A. Lewis,
Vice-President for Student Affairs,
they requested that affiliated
women whom sororities could not
house be allowed to live in Uni-
versity housing while the organi-
zations expand their facilities.
Included in the communication
was a proposal to try the plan on
a five to eight year trial basis.
Dormitories Select
The plan would also allow for
some basis by which dormitory
councils might select which sopo-
more sorority members would re-
main in the dorms and would as-
sure that dormitory activities take
preference over sorority activities
for those affiliates living in dorms.
At Panhellenic meeting Thurs-
day, President Debbie Townsend,

-Oproblem recommended to the Re-
gents that plans be adopted to-
wards establishing a station on the
University campus.
Regents Approve
The Board of Regents approved
the recommendation and initial
plans were drawn up. Such a
project was understood to offer
opportunities for vast extension
of the educational program, stim-
ulating a latent desire to learn.
Policy makers since then have
warmly embraced the medium as
an effective partner on the aca-
demic team. A general format
embodying exhibits, sports, music,
drama, instructional courses and
special events has become the
backbone of production schedule.
Embryonic plans included some-
time construction of a 12 kilo-
watt ultra-high-frequency (UHF)
transmitter to be located on North
Campus, costing about $500 000.
Its 1000-ft. tower would blanket
the Detroit, Jackson, Flint, and
Lansing areas.
Transmitter Costs
Beyond original construction
costs, the transmitter would re-
quire an operational budget of
roughly $350,000 each year.
The committee was assured that
with some revision of staff and
physical facilities, the studios and
equipment then maintained by the
Television Office could meet the

No One-Man
Rule, Say Reds
MOSCOW (P)-The 20th Con-
gress of the Communist party
yesterday unanimously warned
against any attempt to restore
one-man rule in the Soviet Union.
It publicly flashed a big red
light against any person in the
party who might try to take over
Stalin's role.
Party boss Nikita S. Khrushchev
and all other top leaders have told
the Congress they are devoted to
the principle-of collective rule.
They have disavowed any inten-
tion to return to the one-man


The six-member medical study
committee appointed recently by
Uniersity President Harlan Hat-
cher met yesterday for, the first
President Hatcher charged the
group, which is headed by Dean
of the Medical School Albert C.
Furstenberg, with five main objec-
1). How adequate to the im-
nediate needs of the State are the
present facilities for medical edu-
2) To what extent does it now
seem practicable to extend the
capacity of the present medical
schools, and if found possible, at
vhat rate?
3) At what point would the
present schools operate at maxi-
mum capacity and make it neces-
ary to provide a third location
or a program in medical educa-
'4) What steps should be taken,
i any, at this time to establish the

criteria for selection of a location?
5) What should be the rela-
tionship between the Wayne Uni-.
versity and the University medical.
The committee was authorized
by the Board of Regents at their
December meeting.
President Hatcher said that al-
though he had no official com-
munication he "understood that
Kalamazoo has shown an interest
in being chosen as the cite of a
third medical school."
At a meeting last Tuesday be-
tween President Hatcher, Presi-
dent Clarence Hilberry of Wayne
and President John Hannah of
Michigan State University, the
medical study committee was dis-
Hatcher said they were in agree-
ment with the selection of the
group and its objectives.
Regarding the possibility of
MSU seeking to establish a medi-
cal school, President Hannah com-
mented recently:

Defends Shipment
Stuotly defending the recer
shipment of 18 light tanks t
Saudi Arabia, Sec. Dulles gave
e generally optimistic review o
e World affairs-highlighted by hi
statement that the SovietkUnion i
e developing "at this minute in Mo
cow" a new "creed."
Ik "They have come to the con
n clusion," he said, "that our meth
s ods are better than theirs. The
e are trying to play our game. I a
s sure we can beat them at tha
h game. If we can't, then we ough
s to be ashamed of ourselves."-
On the whole, Sec. Dulles de
d dared, such a shift in Soviet po1
r icy-he called it an "imitation
a of American methods-stands
- benefit the free world. And h
said the Kremlin may have set i
e motion "irresistible forces" tha
n will foment "the yeast of change
1 in Russia's government,
. g Democrats Skeptical
Several Democrats, Sen. Huber
a Humphrey (D-Minn.) among then
voiced pointed skepticismboth a'
Dulles' hopeful view of the worl<
situation and at his defense of the
Saudi Arabian tank deal.
Sec. Dulles' answ&r, in eftect
They were playing politics. He sai
he can look at the calendar an
see what year it is-election yea
-and suspects a good'many othe,
people do the same.
So the long-drawn-out sessior
may or may not have justified the
announced hope of Chairman Wil.
liam F. George (D-Ga) that i
would help get foreign policy bi
partisanship back on the rails.
'U' To Pursue
Present Use
Of Willow Run
The University yesterday an-
nounced its intention to continue
operating Willow Run Airport as
a commercial airport and research
In a letter to Joseph Johnson,
secretary of the Airport Use Panel,
President Harlan Hatcher co-
mented, "The University has been
,well satisfied with the research
space provided at Willow Run Air-
port and with the arrangements
it has had for the past ten years
with the commercial airlines."
The letter was in reply to John-
son's request for an official state-
ment of the University's position.
Panel Recommendation
The Airport Use Panel has rec-
ommended that Willow 'Run be
converted for military use with the
commercial airlines transferring to
Wayne-Major Airport,
The commercial airlines have
indicated they do not want to
President Hatcher's letter said,
"we do not consider the recom-
mendations as legal basis for re-
scinding existing commitments at
the airport or a prohibition to the
Regents to continue the oneratiohs!t

Rain, Ice Makes Travel Treacherous
For the second time in a month, a light rain, freezing where it
fell, glazed the streets and sidewalks of lower Michigan.
In Ann Arbor, students could be seen tottering along the walks,
with that peculiar stiff-legged gait which results from unsure footing.
Many, laughing so hard at the falls of others, were so shaken up,
that they suffered the same mishap. A moment of cockiness sent the
unwary spinning, with books flying in all directions.
Wait for Cars
People slipping to classes actually waited for the roads to be
cleared of cars before attempting to cross.
The 'Ensian had to postpone it's daily balloon launching since
few students were venturing out except to scurry to their next class.
One bicycle, slidding sideways along the diag, spilled seven plod-
ders, who walking with hunched shoulders had looked neither left
nor right.
Many classes were delayed because of deliquent students and
teach ers.-

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