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February 24, 1952 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXII, No. 97
Thinclads Massacre Spartans;
OhioState Tramples Quintet






Dump State,
EAST LANSING -- (Special) --
Taking eight events outright anc
tieing for two others, the Michigar
track squad spanked Michiga
State 74 1/'to 39 2/3 at Jenso
A eld House last night.
Don MeEwen, Michigan's crac
distance man, and teammat
i George Jayne finished arm in arm
in 4:15.5 for the mile run. This se
a new meet record. Meet record
kept tumbling last night like head
under the quillotine.
* * *.
McEWEN as usual had n
trouble with his specialty, the tw
"mile, as he ran the sixteen laps ir
9:15.0, breaking another meel
record by more than 25 seconds
Michigan kept piling it on in
the running events as John Car-
roll ripped off a sizzling 440 in
49:2. Bill Konra ran an easy
second in the meet record break-
4' ing run.
John Vallortigara of Michigan
snapped the tape in 6:6 for the
60-yard dash..
The 880-yard run was a thriller
Wolverine John Ross led from the
start, with Spartan Dick Jarrett
breathing down his neck most of
the way. Aaron Gordon of Mich-
igan ran in fourth place for al-
most the entire race, then sudden-
.y put on a spurt at the last turn.
He passed the Spartan runners
and ilzished second.
VAN BRUNER won the 70-yard
high hurdles easily in a meet re-
ord time of 8:7, seconded by State's
John Corbelli and with Wally
Atchison taking third for Mich-
Michigan State and Corbell had
their revenge in the 70-yard lows,
however, as the Wolverine flash
hit the second hurdle, lost his
stride, and smashed over two more.
He finally fell across the finish line
to place third. Corbelli won the
race In 8 seconds fiat, with Atchi-
son running second.
Roland Nilsson, a Swedish im-
port to Michigan, won the shot
put with a 54' 5%", his best throw
so far this year. Tom Johnson took
Michigan's Roger Maugh and
Arnold Smith of MSC tied at 12%'
in the pole vault and Wolverine
Howard Liverance split with State's
Scout Camp
Fire Causes
BRIGHTON -(P)-- Mystified
boy scout executives looked for an
explanation yesterday for a fire
that periled the lives of a group
of explorer scouts in camp.
Four scouts were badly burned
in a blaze that swept their canvas-
draped, wood lean-to in the
Scouts' Howell Reservation here,
i yesterday morning.
FIVE OTHER scouts also suf-
Y fered burns, though less serious.
All the group were from Detroit.
Authorities said that some of
the youths were "lucky" to es-
cape with their lives.
State Police said that a spark
from an outside fireplace appar-
ently set fire to tarpaulins which
t. the scouts had hung over the open
side of the lean-to.
trapped in their sleep at about 8
a.m. Some dashed through the
blazing canvas. Apparently they

were the most severely burned.
Others went out via a rear exit.
"They were all lucky-very,
very lucky," said the Fire Chief
Harold Jarvis of Brighton.
They were treated at St. Joseph
Mercy hospital in Ann Arbor. Two
ambulances had sped the group
here after they had received first
aid in Brighton.
The four badly burned scouts
were kept at the hospital while the
others were released.
The Detroit Area Boy Scout
Council, which supervises the re-
servation, began an investigation.
The reservation is the main camn

. . . getting better
Critics Ask,
New Probe
Of Mc Grath
WASHINGTON-(MP)--Critics of
Attorney General McGrath sought
yesterday to get him before a con-
gressional committee to state un-
der oath whether he has become a
millionaire while in public office.
Rep.. Hillings (R-Calif.) agreed
with Harold E. Stassen that Mc-
Grath should be called and ques-
tioned about his finances.
HILLINGS is a member of a
House Judiciary Subcommittee
which is just getting started on a
full-scale inquiry into McGrath's
official conduct as Attorney Gen-
eral and into the Justice Depart-
ment which he heads.
Rep. Chelf (D-Ky.J, chairman
of the subcommittee, said that
"in -due time McGrath will be
given an opportunity to appear
before the committee," although
he added there are no plans to
call the cabinet official immed.
lately, as Stassen had suggested.
Chelf did not say whether Mc-
Grath would be queried about his
personal fortune, but some ques-
tioning along that line appeared
* * .
IN A NEW YORK speech on
Thursday night, Stassen, a can-
didate for the Republican presi-
dential nomination, said he has
received "confidential reports"
that McGrath has become a mil-
McGrath, in a statement is-
sued by the Justice Department,
said he saw no need to comment
"beyond thanking candidate
Stassen for the compliment."
Chelf sent a telegram on Friday
to Stassen inviting him to appear
before the subcommittee to pre-
sent "any credible evidence" he
has to back up his statements."
In a telegram to each member
of the subcommittee, Stassen said
he would cooperate in any con-
gressional Inquiry into McGrath's
personal fortune.

'M' Absorbs
80-67 Loss
From Bucks
Secial to The Daily
COLUMBUS, Ohio-A spectacu-
lar 40-point scoring effort by cen-
ter Paul Ebert paced Ohio State
to an easy 80-67 win over Michi-
gan here last night.
The strongly partisan crowd
which filled the Fair Grounds
Coliseum cheered wildly as the
sensational Buckeye sophomore
tallied 27 markers in the second
half to turn the contest into a
complete rout.
EXCEPT FOR AN early 6-6
deadlock, the closest the Wolver-
ines got was 21-25 midway in the
second period,
Trailing 20-12 at the first
quarter mark, Doug Lawrene,
Milt Mead and Don Eaddy com-
bined for nine points to close
the gap to two baskets. At this
point Ebert took matters in his
deft hands and hiked the OSU
lead to a comfortable 35-21
shortly before halftime.
Ebert and Company really be-
gan to roll in the third period af-
ter Mead picked up his fourth
personal and retired to the bench,
where he remained until the clos-
ing minutes of the game.
squad feeding the ambidextrous
pivotman the Buckeyes built their
margin to 80-56 with some four
minutes remaining when Coach
George Staten removed all the
regulars and poured in the re-
Ebert's splurge was the big.
gest in the Big Ten this season.
It beat by four the 36 points
scored by Purdue's Carl McNulty
against Indiana earlier in the
winter, and was six better than
the previous.Coliseum mark.
The Wolverines were handicap-
ped by a marked inability to re-
bound and by an ice cold shoot-
ing average, converting only 22
of 73 attempts from the floor.
In sharp contrast, Ohio State
controlled both boards and looped
through 30 of 75 shots for an ex-
cellent 40 per cent.
MICHIGAN attempts to use a,
semi-press during the stcond half
backfired and were abandoned
when the Buckeye lead became
unbeatable. Both squads used a
shifting man-to-man defense and,
a modified fast break throughout
the evening.
See OHIO STATE'S, Page 3
Kefauver Set
For Wis. Race'
CHICAGO-(A)-Sen. Estes Ke-
fauver (D-Tenn.) said yesterday
he will enter theDemocratic pri-
mary for President in the Wiscon-
sin election April 1.
The Tennessee senator said he
has asked Carl Thompson, Demo-
ratic national committeeman from
Madison, Wis., to present Ke-
fauver's name for the primary at
a Wisconsin Democratic meeting
Wednesday in Milwaukee. s

Will Probe
State 'Reds'
Inquiry Causes
Flurry at Wayne
DETROIT-(P)-The House Un-
American Activities Committee
starts a hearing here at 10 a.m.
tomorrow into Communism in De-
troit and Michigan.
This is the long-planned hear-'
ing which Michigan's Rep. Charles
E. Potter says will "break the
back" of the Communist party in
the state.
Investigators for the committee
have been reported at work for six
months, in and out of the city.
ACTUALLY, a five-man sub-
comittee will conduct the hearing.
Potter, the World War II veteran
from Cheboygan, is one of the two
Republican minority members of
the group.
The Un-American Activities
Committee comes on the Detroit
scene in the wake of another
Congressional inquiry here
which excited public interest.
This was the televised hearing
of the Senate's Kefauver crime
Up to the virtual eve of the
pending session, it was still un-
determined whether television
would take a part, however.
All three Detroit television sta-
tions (WWJ-TV, WXYZ-TV and
WJBK-TV) were planning for it
at least tentatively, nonetheless.
A hurry-up job of arrangements
was indicated if and when an O.K.
* * *

A nt ics




NATO Adopts 30

RUNNER-UP - Russ Christo-
pher, last year's winner, had to
settle for second at last night's
Gulantics revue. Here, the plea-
sant voiced crooner gives out
with a chorus of "This Nearly
Was Mine," in the best Pinza

FACULTY ANTICS-Tossing off their official dignity for the
moment, Orientation Chief Ivan Parker, Social Director of Women
Ethel McCormack, and Prof. Russel Hussey of the geology Dep't,
give out with a hearty chorus at last night's show.

'Eveningaires' Take Gulantics' Prize

Before an extremely receptive
capacity audience the "Evening-
aires" crooned their way to the
top of the applause meter and the
championship of the fourth an-
nual Gulantics last night in Hill
"Melancholy Baby" brought to
the swinging, singing quintet the
coveted first prize of $100 over
keen competition from ten other
variety acts in the student talent

THE FORMER "Novelaires,"
Bob McGrath, Dave Calahan, Dick
Frank and Ara Berberian plus
the charm of Joan Robinson was
the combination that batted a
thousand with the Hill audience.
Last year's Gulantics winner
Russ Christopher sang to second
place and a $50 award with his
presentation of "This Nearly
Was Mine." "Trinidad" brought
newcomer Conwell Carrington
to the third spot and $25.

TWO WAYNE University stu-
dents who have been subpoenaed
by the committee sought to get the
student council to pass a resolu-
tion Friday night condemning the
inquiry but were soundly rebuked
by the majority.
The resolution, which called
the comittee "incapable" of a
fair investigation, was offered
by a council member who went
to East Berlin last summer to
attend the World Youth Con-
gress meeting. It attacked the
background of the committee
"The committee will unmask a
large number of persons suspected
of Communist leanings but not
previously identified as party
members in the Detroit area,"
Rep. Potter said yesterday.
The first ones will be named
and their activities within the
Communist party described by the
first witness, a former FBI un-
dercover agent with a "thorough
knowledge of the organization in
Miciigan," Potter promised.
"He will provide a surprise to
local Communists," Potter predict-
Local Women.
die in Florida
Car Collision
Two elderly Ann Arbor women
with close University connections
died yesterday and a third was in-
jured when their automobile col-
lided head-on with another during
a vacation trip in Florida.
Dead were Mrs. Flora E. Rein-
hardt, 70 years old, of 1311 S. For-
est; and Miss Mable S. McLouth,
66 years old, of 1516 Brooklyn.
Miss McClouth's sister, Florence
McLouth, 64 years old, was serious-
ly injured in the accident but her
condition was not believed to be
* * * -
MRS. REINHARDT, a retired
Ann Arbor High School teacher,
was a sister of Prof. Orlan W. Bos-
ton of the engineering school.
Miss McLouth retired last year
as senior catalogue librarian at
the University library. She and
her sister Florence lived with
two other sisters at the Brook-
lyn Ave. address. One sister,
Bess McLouth, is office manager
of the University alumni asso-
ciation in Alumni Memorial Hall
and another, Olive McLouth,
teaches mathematics in Ann Ar-
bor High School.
Florida State Highway Patrol-
man James Waller said the acci-
rint nocrredat 1 n m 17~t .erd.


Reid Negotiators Promise
Infinite. Prison er Holdout
MUNSAN, Korea, Sunday, Fe. 24-(P)-Communist truce nego-
tiators told the Allies today they would hold out forever if necessary
against the UN proposal for voluntary repatriation of prisoners of war.
This has been a long-disputed point among truce teams. The
Allies want to give each prisoner a choice of whether to return. The
Reds insist all prisoners be returned, whether they like it or not.
THE REDS-evidently bearing in mind their propaganda line on

Hanhunt Ends
After Seizure
Of Kidnapper
MONTREAL - ( ) -- Barbara
Nemeroff, three years, old, snatch-
ed from her home Friday night by
a masked youth who demanded
$50,000 ransom, was returned un-
harmed to her tearful parents yes-
Authorities identified the youth
as Robert Patenaude, an employe
of Barbara's father, Morris Nem-
eroff,' a well-to-do leather goods
manufacturer. He was seized by
two detectives as he shuffled along
St. Catherine Street about a foot
behind the attractive, dark-haired
little girl.
The prisoner was hauled away
protesting to reporters he had
taken the child because "I like
girls" and had not molested her.
Police said the only motive they
could think of for the abduction
was some union difficulty which
Nemeroff had with his employes
about 18 months ago.
The parents demanded "fullest
Barbara, still hugging a doll she
was holding when the kidnaper
took her off, was taken to police
headquarters to see her parents
and receive a medical checkup.

the Koje Island prison camp riots
-,took their stand at today's
fruitless two-hour meeting on the
prisoner exchange issue.
Col. George W. Hickman,
Chief Allied Staff Officer on
that subcommittee, told the
Reds: "The passage of time did
not weaken the validity" of the
United Nations concept that pri-
soners should have a choice.
Hickman added that there was
only "passing reference" to the
Koje Island riot last Monday, but
that the Reds insisted the Allied
demand for voluntary repatriation
was "unreasonable."
* * *
THE COLONEL said the Reds
asserted they were ready to hold
out for "seventy days or forever"
against voluntary repatriation.
Lodging a "serious protest,"
Communist negotiators served
notice' they would have plenty
more to say about the Red-led
riot in which 75 Korean prison-
ers and one U.S. soldier guard
were killed.
"Our side reserves the right to
pursue further into this intoler-
able, sanguinary incident," said
Col. Tsai Cheng-Wen, Chinese
Comunist staff officer at the pri-
soner exchange session.
* * *
THE PROTEST was delivered
to Gen. Matthew B. Ridgeway and
an Allied spokesman indicated any
reply would come from the su-
preme commander.

Prof. Russel "Hopalong" Hussy
of the geology department along
with his partner in the guise of
League Director Ethel A. McCor-
mick danced to fame as Orienta-
tion Director Ivan Parker called
the "squares" in a surprise fac-
ulty feature.
STAGING a revision of the ori-
entation program Prof. Hussy pro-
posed the elimination of health
examinations which brought
.cheers from the audience.
Instead of entrance exams
Prof. Hussy suggested taking the
incoming freshmen on a geology
tour and "show them some hot.
stuff on campus."
"Jazz King" Bob Leopold and
his combo tooted and grimaced
the "Basin Street Blues" in one of
the non-competing acts.
Ted Smith and his orchestra
provided halftime and atmosphere
music with popular Woody Her-
man arrangements. The Men's
Glee Club were on hand to har-
mionze Michigan songs.
Charlestoning members of the
League Dance Class brought the
Hill stage back to the gay twenties
with their authentic costumes and
fast moving feet while others dem-
onstrated the waltz and the tango
in another non-competing act.
Income Tax
Ceiling Rapped
WASHINGTON-(AP)--Staffs of
two Congressional committees said
yesterday a proposed 25 percent
peacetime ceiling on federal in-
come taxes would "tend to shift
the individual tax burden from
the rich to the poor."
Such a ceiling has been endorsed
by a number of state legislatures.
The staffs of the Senate-House
Economic Committee and the
House Small Business Committee
presented a series of arguments
against the proposed ceiling in a
report to the 25 members of the
two groups. The committees have
not acted on the staff findings.
Proponents of the ceiling con-
tend that 28 states now have asked
Congress to call a constitutional
convention to act on such a tax
limitation. Congress must call
such a convention if 32 states re-
quest it.
However, several states have
taken action to rescind their reso-
lutions. The whole matter is
clouded with legal arguments.

0 Billion
Allied Wall
of Defense
Plan for Biggest
Peacetime Army'
LISBON, Portugal-(P)-The At-
lantic Nations last night commit-
ted themselves to a master plan
for the biggest peacetime military
buildup in history.
The plan calls for an allied de-
fense wall of between 45 and 50
divisions to be stretched this year
across the continent of Europe.
THIS IS TO BE raised to double
that number of men in arms by
the end of 1954.
The plan will cost more than
300 billion dollars, but the min-
isters attending the North At-
lantic Treaty Organization's
ninth council session adopted it
unanimously as an investment
in security from Communist at-
The master plan, in more formal
terms is the report of the NATO
Temporary Council Committee,
headed by W. Averell Harriman of
the United States.
IT WAS adopted virtually with-
out debate, and with little com-
It's adoption leaves the NATO
Council with only two major prob-
lems to handle before the minis-
ters leave for home tomorrow.
They still have to agree on
where, when and how to pay
for the vast network of air fields,
fighter bses, barracks, and com-
munications that will support
their armies, ranging all the way
from the Bosphorus to the Arctic.
They also must reorganize NATO
itself into a more efficient operat-
ing body.
These problems come up tomor-
row. The ministers take a day off
today, the eve of Lisbon's Mardi
Gras. Most of them are expected
to spend the day in backstage con-
ferences so they can reach swift
agreement on the closing day.
* * *
THE MASTER PLAN is the re-
sult of months of compromise and
argument between civil and mili-
tary leaders of the alliance.
The generals told NATO what
they had to have to make Europe
safe from Communist aggression.
The NATO economists went over
the books of each nation and told
the generals they could have much
War Industry
Buildup Urged
For Germany
LISBON - P) - The United
States has decided to press for the
removal of practically all the wraps
remaining on West German war
industries, informed officials said

last night.
In the face of French and some
British opposition, American lead-
ers have concluded the time has
come to hitch West Germany's
industrial might to the Allied arms
U.S., British and French for-
eign and defense ministers are due
to meet here today to take up these
and other unsettled questions af-
fecting future Allied-German re-
The problems relate broadly to
proposed allied security controls
over German war industries and
to the size and form of West Ger-
many's contribution to defense.
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in
London last weekend urged ,the Big
Three to sweep away all their se-
curity controls over German war
In particular he urged that West
Germany be allowed to re-estab-
lish factories to make civil air-
Chinese Reds May
Be in South China

Hostility Toward U.S.
SNoticeable in Mexico

"The Mexican people have a
deep-rooted antagonistic attitude
toward the United States," Philip
B. Taylor of the political science
department charged yesterday.
Taylor, 'who has studied the
problem extensively, claimed that
it Is this feeling, and not any
menace of Communist uprising,
that prompted the Mexican gov-
ernment Thursday to break off ne-
gotiations for a military aid agree-
ment with the U.S.
"THE Communist party, which
has only 30,000 to 40,000 members
in Mexico, has little chance of
winning the July presidential elec-
tion," he said. Mexico has ap-
proximately 5,500,000 voters.
Their strength lies in "criti.,

of the U.S.-and with good rea-
son," he claimed. Although this'
feeling was directed primarily at
American industrialists exploiting
Mexican resources, it soon devel-
oped into a dislike for the whole
countr y.
Evenyas late as 1941 this view
was apparent, Taylor said.
"DURING the past ten or twelve
years their attitude has been more
favorable, but the antagonism still
exists," he said. The present Ale-
man government has been espe-
cially encouraging toward U.S.
capitalists helping Mexican indus-
try. It is on this point that the
Communist party would level at-
tacks at the government, he pre-
The arms neAatnlions which.

Czech Anti-Red Revolt Remembered

Tomorrow marks the fourth an-
niversary of the bloody demonstra-
tion of Czechoslovakian students
against the Communist regime.
February 25, 1948, Communist
police brutally shot and beat a
peaceful assembly of Jemocratic

informed of how freedom has
been squelched in other coun-
tries, because it is not as far
away as they think, Miles Jiligh,
a member of the National Union
of Czechoslovakian Students in
Exile, stated. Jiligh, now attend-
ing the University, took part in

THE COMMUNIST purge of the'
University of Prague, which fol-
lowed on the heels of the student'
protest, resulted in the expulsion
of 10,000 students. The students
were expelled on the basis of po-
litical opinions.


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