See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Minnesota Sextet
Defeats Michigan
Gophers Score Easy 5-2 Triumph;
Fights Mark Heated MCHL Action
Special To The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS-Michigan's hopes for a third straight NCAA
hockey championship suffered a serious blow last night as the Wol-
verine puckmen fell victims to a strong Minnesota sextet, 5-2.
The high-scoring line of Dick Dougherty, Johnny Mayasich, and
Gene Campbell was on the ice each time the Gophers netted the
puck behind Wolverine Goalie Willie Ikola.
THE MINNESOTA squad jumped off to a quick lead by scoring
three quick godls within 51 seconds early in the first period. Mayasich,
brilliant Eveleth sophomore and league leader in scoring, bagged the
first two at 4:22 and 4:46 respec-"
The first goal was unassisted
and the second came on a pass
from defenseman Wendell An-
derson. Just 27 seconds later,>
Campbell at left-wing took pass-
es from Mayasich and Anderson
to complete the scoring for the
The Wolverines started the sec-
ond period with an offensive of
their own and finally blinked the
red light at 4:33 of the stanza. Reg
See DEEP FREEZE, Page 3.
Shave scored his sixth goal of the
campaign, with Johnny Matchefts
and Doug Philpott assisting.
* * * JONM ENL
Called Cause
Of Illness
Distributor Has
License Revoked
The outbreak of gastro-intesti-
nal upsets which hit 43 students
has been pinned down positively
to contaminated sandwiches sold
by a local food distributor, Dr. Otto
K. Engelke, Health Department
Director, revealed yesterday.
Acting on Dr. Engelke's petition,
Mayor William E. Brown has sus-
pended the license of Roderick K.
Daane, the sandwich distributor
DANNE'S HOME, 840 Brook-
wood Pl., where the sandwiches
were prepared, was investigated
and found "unsatisfactory from
the standpoint of sanitation, main-
ly because of inadequate cleaning
facilities for utilities," according
to the health officer.
Making a request against the
revokation of his license, Daane
will appear before Mayor Brown
at 2 p.m. Thursday. If he can
prove that he will be able to
meet the sanitation requirements
the license will be re-issued, Dr.
Engelke said.
Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa
Psi, Sigma Nu and the Law Club
were the men's living groups hard-
est hit by the outbreak of gastro-'
enteritis, inflammation of the
gastro-intestinal tract.
Arsenic and Old Lace
'Early Execution
Date for Spies;
Pope's Plea Told
By The Associated Press
Federal Judge Irving R. Kaufman indicated yesterday that he
will set an early execution date for condemned atom spies Julius
and Ethel Rosenberg, while church sources in the Vatican revealed
that Pop Pius -XII intervened in Washington last December in
their behalf.
Kaufman said that the Rosenbergs may be executed within a
few weeks. He declared that he did not believe "anything can be
accomplished in too long a delay except bringing upon. the prisoners
mental anguish by instilling false hopes in them."
THE JUDGE made his comment in New York as Emmanuel H.
Bloch, attorney for the convicted spies, appeared before him in New
York to ask for a delay in set-'
ting the execution date. a
"After all, these two people Congress '
are in the death house and
cannot run away," Bloch said.
He asked that the execution
be delayed at least a month orAswo.
two. 7 i e
United States Attorney Myles f
B e. Lane, opposing Bloch's move, e A ired
said the interests of jiustice de-
-Daily-Betsy Smith
MARRIED!!!-"Since when?" wailed Dorothy Allaben, '57A, as she saw her Valentine gift plans
for Robert Joseph, '54M, ruined by the unexpected appearance of his lovely blond wife Mary Lou,
across the Joseph breakfast table.
. V**o*u* * * * *
N ast y V alentines Get Cold S houlder
Attack an ivy covered Univer-
sity student on his sorest failing
-figure, intellect, virility, petti-
ness-and he'll either ignore it
completely or think it all a joke.
Two dozen hastily penned val-
entines were delivered yesterday
to two dozen local text book car-
riers. Yet scarcely an ounce of
temper was aroused.
* *~ *
"It says here I took quarters plained that, since one part of
from a Salvation Army bucket friendship is hostile, such letters
on the corner of State and E. serve aggressive functions.
University Dec. 16. Uh? Where "Sadio-masochistic," pronounc-
was I Dec. 6?" he mused aloud.-1 ed a third psychology instructor.
Mike Faber. a graduate of Ox- "A blend of hostility and sex," a
Mike Fabcolleagueatchimed in'
ford University who is studying col eagnne o the explained the
here on a special grant, smi lethargic reaction of the 24 Stu-
soberly and placed his indelicately dentaguineaci s
phrased insult on the top of 12
lacy and more dulcet valentines
he had already received.'
* PooeBl
PLAY SETTLED down at this
point and the teams battled with-
out further score for the remain-
der of the period.
Any hopes that the Maize and
Blue had of coming to life in
the third period were quickly
squelched when Daugherty turn-
ed in Mayasich's pass at 1:13.
A few minutes later Ken Yackel,
a defenseman who only recently
became eligible for varsity play,
scored an insurance tally. Once
again the Gopher top line was on
the ice as Yackel banged home his
shot after a pass from Daugherty.
* * *
MICHIGAN'S final tally was
netted by Bert Dunn with an as-
sist going to Philpott, his second
of the night,
Despite the difference In the
score, the Wolverine pucksters
held a shooting edge on John-
ny Mariucci's Gophers. James
Mattson, sophomore Ski-U-Mah
goalie, was called upon to make
30 saves, 10 in each period, while
Ikola turned back the rubber
on 26 occasions, 11 of them com-
ing in the first period.
THE VICTORY moved Minne-
sota one point closer to first place
idle North Dakota in the MCHL.
The Gophers now trail the Nodaks
by three points, 17-14.
Turns Pro
John McKennell, Michigan
hockey star suspended for slug-
ing a referee, last night signed
a professional contract with the
Grand Rapids Rockets of the
International Hockey League.
McKennell was expected to
join the fourth place Rockets
Court Refuses
Red Paroles
WASHINGTON - (gp) - Two of
the "top eleven" Communist par-
ty leaders who were convicted in
1949 lost their bid for freedom
yesterday when the U.S. parole
board turned down their applica-
tions for parole.
The two, Irving Potash and
Benjamin Davis, are serving five
year sentences for conspiring to
teach and advocate the violent
overthrow of the U.S. government.
They would have been eligible for
parole Feb. 21, after having served
one-third of their terms.
In another case, the parole
board also rejected a petition for
parole by Frank Costello, New
York gambler who is serving 18
months for contempt of Congress.
Costello, who is in the Milan,
Mich. correctional institution for
ref using to answer questions of
the Kefauver crime investigating
committee, would have been eli-
gible for parole tomorrow.
..turns pro
To See Old
Several of the University's most
antiquated buildings will be shown
state legislators when they visit
the campus on Tuesday.
Tentative stops on the hour long
morning tour include the Natural
Science Building, the General Li-
brary, the Pharmacology Build-
ing and the Automotive Lab.
* s s
MEMBERS of Alpha Phi Ome-
ga, service fraternity, will act as
guides for the legislator's on their
campus tour under the general
supervisiondof UniversityhPlant
Superintendent Walter Roth.
The buildings to be visited
include new structures and fa-
cilities, old buildings and facili-
ties, buildings . the University
plans to remove eventually and
buildings which might be ex-
Director of University Relations,
Arthur L. Brandon, said that final
plans of the tour have not been
set. He noted that many legisla-
tors will arrive at different times
to complicate the plans of the tour.
vited by Brandon yesterday to at-
tend the luncheon for the legisla-
tors at the Union. Student Legisla-
ture President Howard Willens,
'53, SL Member at Large Sue Pop-
kin, '54, and Daily Managing Edi-
tor Crawford Young, '53, were
those asked. Brandon said others_
may be invited later.
As the program is set up now,
the legislators will tour the
medical center after the lunch-
eon. The lawmakers will see the
new 'Outpatient Clinic, Univer-
sity Hospital and the Maternity
Hospital and Veteran's Read-
justment Center if they desire.
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher will preside at the lunch-
eon and will address the legisla-
tors slated to begin arriving in
town at 11 a.m. and who are sched-
uled to end their visit around 4
,ncome track star, Roy Pella '5
been cut off by the license suspen- radkhs viioywPed.'
sion, promises "to make every ef- tine while loping down H
fort to clean up the difficulties." yeserdyi ernon h
Limited facilities caused Daane to yesterday afternoon. The
wash the utensils in the same tub turned accusingly to a frat
in which the family laundry was a knowledg h who had w
done. the poison pen.
Because of unsanitary utensils
the infectious bacteria spread
through all the sandwiches pre-C
pared including peanut butter
which does not usually spoil, Seen as A uto
Dr. Engelke stated.
valen- verne Gleiber, '54Ed., vehemently av reaten
ill St. informed her roommate, while
n he Vern Emerson, Grad., falsettoedio
ternity a blase "I'm overwhelmed," and I o Rn
denied threw his gaily decorated epithet
yielded uat tP___
- ' j in a waste oasxeL.
Cautioning all living groups, Dr.
Engelke said, "students should not
buy food indiscrimately from ped-
dlers without first checking with
the city health department."
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Health
Service Director also warned
against random food buying al-
though he said the illness, which
lasted about 24 hours, was not
African Union
To HoldPanel
The African Union will present
a panel discussion on "Africa at
the Crossroads," at 8 p.m. today
in the Recreation Room of the
International Center.
The panelists, Francis Ememe,
Sycium Gebregziabher, Lutchmana
Naidoo and Harold Onubogu will
talk about problems araising in the
African countries south of the Sa-
hara desert.
The group's discussion will cen-
ter around the problems in the
Union of South Africa, Southeast
Africa, Ethiopia and other regions
of the continent.
Chandler Davis of the mathe-
matics department, will follow the
round-table talk with his impres-
sions of "Africa As Seen By An
Prof. Preston Slosson, of the
history department will act as
moderator of the program.
Preceding the evening's discus-
sions a short film, "The Nigerian
Constitution," is to be shown.
At the conclusion of the meet-
ing Prof. Slosson will be asked to
express his views on the topics
under discussion.
Output Booster
WASHINGTON-(1P)- The gov-
ernment's relaxation of produc-
tion controls yesterday seemed to
assure the auto industry the six-
million-car year for which it has
been aiming.
The assurance came as controls
were relaxed substantially on steel,
copper and aluminum in another
step toward a free economy.
* * *
AN ORDER by the Office of De-
fense Mobilization did not aband-
on the system of allocating these
scarce metals to industry, nor did
it scrap price controls on them.
What it did do, though, is
make all steel, copper and alum-
inum not claimed by priority us-
ers available to manufacturers
on a free market basis.
Government spokesmen said this
means that such production ceil-
ings as the 1% million limit on
passenger cars each quarter are
ended as of yesterday. Automobile
makers will be able to turn out as
many extra cars as they can pro-
duce with unallocated metal.
Industry sources said the deci-
sion of the Office of Defense Mo-
bilization to "open end" the al-
locations system-that is, release
all unallocated metal for free civ-
ilian use-will not immediately
stimulate production in Detroit.
But by April 1, it was predicted,
steel mills will have worked off
most of the backlog of priority
orders which piled up during the
two-month steel strike last sum-
mer, and production can speed
Not one of the two dozen re-
cipients of these evil epistles
uttered a single unprintable re-
action. All gay, carefree and
hearty, they took theirevalen-
tines as a practical joke, with-
out serious intent at criticism.
Yet nasty valentines, poison pen
letters and other methods of
anonymous hostility are adopted
by those who don't want to admit
that they feel dislike as well as
love- for their friends.
* * *
ACCORDING to Prof. Wilbert
J. McKeachie, of the psychology
department, the sort of person
who refuses to admit there can
be love and hatred in every rela-
tionship will give vent to his hat-
red in a socially acceptable anony-
mous manner.
Prof. Roger W. Heyns, also of
the psychology department, ex-
Lawyers Will
Hear Stryker
The attorney who succeded in
getting a "hung" jury for his client
in the first Alger Hiss trial will
tell some 500 midwest lawyers
about his experiences in criminal
practice at 2 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Auditorium.
Lloyd Paul Stryker, considered
the leading criminal trial lawyer
in America, will address the sec-
ond day's session of the Law
School's fourth annual Institute on
This morning, the lawyers will
hear two talks on how to present
injury cases. Following Stryker's
talk, Lester P. Dodd will conclude
the session, describing some of his
experiences in civil litigation.
At last night's session, Joseph
Hinshaw, past president of the Il-
linois Bar Association, discussed
courtroom use of charts, pictures
and other demonstrations.
Administrative officials express-
ed uncertainty last night as to the
effect a bill introduced this week
in. the State Legislature will have
on University operation of Willow
Run Airport.
Sponsored by Sen. Harold M.
Ryan (D), Detroit, the bill would
force any state agency that rents
or leases property to a private bus-
iness to charge a rate comparable
to rates charged by private citi-
.* * *
POLITICAL observers in Lansing
reportedly said the bill was aimed
at ending University administra-
tion of the giant air terminal.
University vice-president Wil-
bur K. Pierpont said he did not
see how this bill will apply to
the University since there are
no privately owned major air-
ports serving the general public
in the United States outside of
Willow Run, upon which a rate
basis can be formulated.
Willow Run has been owned by
the University since World War II.
Retaining only a small area for
research activities, the University
has leased all other operations to
an airline corporation in return
for certain services.
manded the executions be -carried
out at the most, "not longer than
two or three weeks from today."
IN VATICAN CITY, the news-
paper L'Osservatore Romano an-
nounced that the Supreme Pontiff
had stepped in to intercede for
the Rosenbergs as an act of mercy
"insofar as it was permitted him
by the lack of every official rela-
tion with the competent American
government authorities."
The newspaper made it plain
that the Pope's action was be-
ing revealed because of insinua-
tions in the Communist press-
which is loud in denunciation of
the death sentence-that he was
not interested in the Rosen-
bergs' fate.
But it gave no details as to how
or when the Pope acted on behalf
of the 'couple, Jewish natives of
New York.
* * *
MSGR. BIOVANNI Cicognano's
Apostolic Delegation in Washing-
ton cleared that up in a few hours
later. with this statement:
"At the request of the Holy
See, the Apostolic Delegation
last December communicated to
the Department of Justice the
fact that the Holy Father had
received numerous and urgent
appeals for intervention with
intercession in behalf of Julius
and Ethel Rosenberg which, out
of motives of charity proper to
his Apostolic 'office, without be-
ing able to enter into the merits
of the case, his Holiness felt ap-
propriate to bring to the at-
tention of the U.S. civil authori-
The delegation declined further
House said late yesterday the fill
sent by the Justice Department to
the White House on the Rosenberg
case makes no mention of any.
communication on behalf of the
of State Dulles reportedly prom-
ised senators yesterday that the
Eisenhower administration will
consult Congress and U.S. allies
before undertaking any drastic
new moves in the Far East.
,A curtain of secrecy around.
Dulles' testimony, imposed at his
request, developed quick holes as
members of a Senate foreign re-
lations subcommittee gave news-
men their impressions of what he
COMMITTEE members said
Dulles informed them the admin-
istration is not planning any ac-
tion now toward a blockade of
Red China.
Across the capitol, Chairman
Short (R-Mo.) of the House
armed services committee an-
. nounced that Gen. James' A.
Van Fleet, retiring commander
of the U.S. 8th Army in Korea,
will testify March 4 on his
views on' the Korean war.
Short said he hopes the public
will be able to hear at least part
of Van Fleet's testimony "because
the public has a right to know."
VAN FLEET stirred widespread
interest earlier this week with a
statement that an all-out Allied
offensive in Korea now could de-
.feat the Communists.
Congress' members said Van
Fleet's prediction is contrary to
what they have been told by
the Pentagon. high command.
Informants who heard Dulles
testify said they understood the
secretary of state plans to fleep
American allies fully informed and
to consult them in the hope of
gaining unified action in any fur-
-ther moves in the critical Far East
British and French statesmen,
along with some Congress mem-
hers, have recently expressed fear
that President Eisenhower's order
to the U.S. 7th fleet not-to "shield"
Communist China might lead to
spreading the Korean war.
Chairman H. Alexander. Smith
R-N.J.) told newsmen that Dulles
"very definitely" requested the
strictest secrecy on his testimony
at a closed-door session of the
Senate Far Eastern affairs sub-
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-The patchedscoastal
defenses of Britain, Holland and
Belgium held fast last night
against the first onslaught of
dangerous high tides.
As the hungry NTorth Sea swept
higher toward the critical tide
peaks expected Monday, tens, of
thousands of troops and volun-
teers toiled on through freezing
winds to rebuild and strengthen
dikes wrecked by the disastrous
floods of 13 days ago.
NAPLES, Italy-Italy yesterday'
ordered the expulsion of a Protes-
tant American evangelist and his
At least five other American
evangelists and social workers
have appeals from expulsion or-
Future 'of 'U' Student
Government Surveyed
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of interpretative articles
on student government at the University.)
Is the Student Legislature or a similar directly elected group
the answer to present and future campus student government
This is one of the, most important questions facing campus
leaders today, and in answering it they are apt to take one of
two oft-voiced arguments.
ONE POSITION is that directly representative student gov-
ernment must be the only solu-
Emlyn Williams Follows Author's Life Offstage
* * * < * * *
tion if democratic principles are
to be considered.
SL president Howard Willens,
'53, expressed this opinion when
he wrote in his report to the
student organization study com-
" . virtue of my ibelief in
democratic student government, I
am committed to an advocacy of a
single student governmental body
which is responsible to its elector-
ate and operates on a democratic
fective if, formed on another
basis such as a council made up
of campus leaders.
An example of the "super coun-
cil" plan is the Student Affairs
Committee which numbers among
its seven student representatives
the SL president and one other
Legislature member, The Daily's
managing editor, chairman of the
Men's and Women's Judiciary
Council and the Union and League
When Emlyn Williams' depicts
Charles Dickens, he is dressed,
madeup and wigged so like the
author that Dickens' contempor-
aries could hardly tell them apart.
Like Dickens, Williams was
born in poverty. As a youth,
Williams found it necessary to
work as a pit miner in a small
Welsh community. Dickens'
childhood experience of seeing
- '--- an omam