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February 09, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-09

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* * *











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Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY

LXIV, No. 84




Report More
Loeal Thefts
Three campus fraternities were
hit for $383 in a rash of early
morning thefts during the be-
tween-semester lull.
First two of the thefts occurred:
early the morning of Jan. 27 when
Delta Theta Phi and Phi Delta
Phi professional fraternities had
$107 and $35 taken.
* * *
THE THIRD theft occurred be-
tween 2 and 6 a.m. Feb. 3 when
niembers of Phi Gamma Delta fra-
ternity were relieved of $241.
In all three cases the houses
reported the money had been
lying in wallets on tops of dress-
ers, in top drawers or in trouser
pockets. None of the houses were
Ann Arbor police said yesterday
that they had been unable to make
any headway in solving the thefts.
The houses had notified police
of the robberies the following day
and detectives showed up at Delta
Theta Phi to take a statement of
what had happened. No further
investigation was made at the
* * *
PHI DELTA PHI reported their
loss over the phone to the police
but said that no investigation had
been made by officers at the house.
Members of Phi Gamma Delta,
hardest hit of the three, re-
ported their loss to the police
twice but said that no investiga-
tioa had been made by police of-
ficers at the house.
Police officers maintained that
Detectives George Simmons and
John Walters had been sent to the
house to make a report.
The Interfraternity Council has
repeatedly warned houses of the
potential danger of theft where
houses are left unlocked and where
men lay their wallets carelessly on
dressers and desks for the night.
A series of robberies following
the same pattern occurred last
fall when close to $600 was taken
from fraternities and Martha
Cook dormitory,
The thefts occurred three dif-
ferent times during the fall se-
mester at the end of September,
when $338 was stolen from Phi
Gamma Delta, Chi Phi and Theta
Chi .fraternities; on Homecoming
weekend, when $70 was taken from:
Martha Cook and $85 from Phi
Tau, and in early December when,
Phi Kappa Tau fraternity lost
Daily Business
Staff Issues
Tryout Appeal
Are you interested in fun with
a future?
Would you like to receive valu-
able business training so import-:
ant in post-college days? Do you
want practical experience in ad-
vertising, finance, and business
If this appeals to you, you be-
long on the Business Staff of the

Exam Schedule'
lIMay Be Altered
Calendar Committee Asks Faculty
Confirmation On Spring Test Plan
In a sudden move the University Calendar Committee voted on
Jauary 29 to seek a faculty okay for its new plan to push the opening of
this spring's final examination period to Saturday allowing the day
before to be a free day.
The five student members of the committee were absent from the
original discussion of this proposal held on January 20, but in a later
meeting okayed a letter which would be sent to the deans of the var-
ious colleges in an effort to gauge their opinions on the new sehedule
before submitting it formally to the Dean's Conference.
D * * mo
DESIGNED TO BE a temporary move ,the proposal would alter

J-Hop Sale
Copies of The Daily's special
3-Hop issue are still on sale at
the Student Publications Bldg.
Proceeds from the issue will
be given to the March of Dimes
and the Wendy Owen Memorial
Fund for blood research.
Building Plan1
Study Getst
e S-I
Preliminary steps toward in-
creased student activities facili-
ties received Regents' approval at
the January meeting when author-
ization was given the Student Ac-
tivities Building Planning Com-
mittee to proceed with its study
of the need for such facilities.
With the assistance of Gordon
Hansen of the University business
office, the 13-member student
committee this week will begin in---Daily-chuck Kelsey
terviewing presidents of major or- Dlr.Cukese
ganizations requiring increased BASKET - Wolverine John Codwell scores over the outstretched
space for their activities. arms of Iowa's Bill Schoof, but it's in vain, as M' loses, 86-68.
More than 140 questionnaires.
were mailed last week to the G
scores of campus clubs and acti- Hawkeyes Fourth Period
COMMITTEE chairman, Harry i Surge Nets 86-68 Win
Lunn, '54, presented a seven-page
brief summarizing the group's
work at the January Regents' By WARREN WERTHEIMER

Niehuss Mute on.
Subpoena Re port
Refuses Commeint On Winclell
Statement About Five Professors
Daily Managing Editor
University Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss yesterday refused to
confirm or deny reports that he told a recent closed meeting of the
local chapter of the American Association of University Professors that
four to six faculty members had received subpoenaes to appear before
a sub-committee of the Hopse Un-American Activities Committee
Niehuss also declined to comment on radio columnist Walter
Winchell's claim that five- University faculty members would be called
to testify before the sub-committee headed by Rep. Kit Clardy (R-
Mich.) which will open Detroit"-

Regents Hit
MSC Name3
Change Idea
Lashing out at the proposal to
change the name of Michigan
State College, to Michigan State
University, the Regents have is-
sued a statement denouncing the?
possible move as confusing, an1
infringement, wasteful and un-
The statement, approved unani-
mously by the Regents at a spe-
cial meeting Jan. 27, was, sent to
the Governor and the State Leg-f
IT WAS THE first such special'
Regents,meeting called since Pres-
ident Harlan H. Hatcher was in-
augurated. It was also the first
time the University had taken off,
the gloves in the growing MSC
Meanwhile, 8000 Michigan
State students have been busy
signing a 400 foot long petitionj
urging the "promotion" for
MSC. The petition, sponsoredt
by the MSC student congress,
was presented to the Legislature
last night.
The Regents' statement read, in;
"Since the University of Michi-
gan has been the State university
of Michigan for 117 yeras, and is
known throughout the world by
this title, it would be and in-
fringement to change the honored
name of the Michigan State Col-
lege of Agriculture and Applied
Science to that of the Michigan
State University.
"Moreover, the proposal is, we
believe, clearly contrary both to
the language and the intent of:
the Michigan Constitution .
the people of the state intended
to create just one state university.
"What 'state university' wouldF
be meant in connection witht
Michigan? In conversations, in<
articles and news references, inx
legislative bills, in acts already
on the statute books, in student
transcripts and other records,
there would be endless oppor-
tunity for .mistakes.
"Should the proposed change be
made, further encouragement and
impetus would certainly be given

the current system which allows
no free time between the end of
classes and the examination pe-
riod. At the sane time it will not
push finals back so far that re-
sults cannot be filed before for-
mal commencement.
The new proposal was made
necessary as a result of a Com-
mittee vote last month to coni-
sult "the various faculties and
other interested groups of the
University" before passing a fi-
nal okay on the controversial
Crary Plan.
According to some student mem-
bers of the Committee, the deci-
sion to move back exams was made
at a meeting to which none 0:
them was summoned. T h e y
claimed that the finished propos-
al was submitted to them for their
approval several days later.
Assistant to the President Erich
A. Walter however said that the
original confab was merely a gath-
ering of "some deans and some
members of the scheduling com-
mittees of the Engineering college
and the Literary school to find
out what their recations would be."
* * *
HE STRESSED that it was a
"matter of trying to get some in-
formation from faculties as soon
as we could so we could have some-
thing concrete to work on," anc
said that examination schedules
of all the student Committee mem-
bers prevented their attendance.
Ruth Rossner, '55, pointed out
that the "student members had
been urging discussion of the
spring exam schedule all semes-
ter," and felt that since it had
been postponed until the close
of classes there wasn't any rea-
son why "we could not hold a
meeting during orientation week
"Mr. Walter with all his deal-
ings with students should have
known them a little better in thi
case," she said.
THE PLAN is a part of a Uni-
versity effort to make commence-
ment exercises a more than tok-
en procedure with actual gradua-
tion still dependent on the unre-
corded grades of the spring se-
Howard Nemerovski, '54E, a
student. Committee m e m b e r
pointed out that "President Hat-
cher and even President Ruth-
ven before him had to bear all
the brunt" of parental dissatis-
faction with the old system.


hearings Feb. 22.
The Vice-President said any
estimate of the number subpoe-
naed would be "pure specula-
tion" since he had no definite
way of knowing how many fac-
ulty members received sub-
Although an indeterminate
number of faculty members have
notified University authorities of
receipt of subpoenaes in confi-
dence, the University has not been
informed of the number or names
of those subpoenaed by Rep. Clar-
* * *
IN LANSING last night Rep.
Clardy told The Daily he would
not comment on Winchell's esti-
mation, adding that the figure
must have been a guess on Win-
chell's part since only the sub-
committee and its investigators
knew exact figures and these had
never been released. Winchell
made the assertion several weeks
ago on his Sunday night radio
Rep. Clardy revealed, however,
that as far as he knew no Uni-
verSity personnel would be in-
volved in the Detroit hearings,
but would be questioned at the
Lansing session now sche uled
for March 1 and 2. (Other'sub-

t I

World News

The committee, composed of
leaders of the largest campust
organizations, has held meet-
ings since September. However,
the problem has been a subject
of study and discussion for the
past few years as student lead-#
ers realized the inadequacy of
present facilities and the need'
for increased activities space to
meet the needs.of a swelling en-
Last spring, the Union and
League boards instituted joint dis-
cussions of the problem, but the
conferences broke up before any
significant agreement could be
reached on location of an activi-
ties building or other vital ques-
tions connected with the project.
Committee study thus far has
emphasized the need for commu-
nity cooperation between all or-
ganizations whose interests would
be affected by construction of new
RESULTS OF committee inter-I
views with organization presidents
will form the basis of -a second re-
port to the Regents, tentatively
scheduled for their March meet-
An estimation of floor area
needs and total cost of the fa-
cilities will be included along
with committee recommenda-
tions on finance and location of,
the facilities.
The committee is also study-
ing a proposal that the University
Office of* Student Affairs andOf-


A fast, young Iowa basketball team gave a brilliant exhibition
of passing and shooting as they trounced Michigan last night, 86-68.
A fourth period splurge, during which' the Hawkeyes hit nine4
straight floor shots, broke open what had been a close contest.,
Ae * *
A COUPLE OF BILLS, Logan and Schoof, led the Iowa City five


'M' Pucksters
Dump Denver
In Wild Game

Lto its seventh Big Ten triumph in
I eight games. The pair, who be-
tween them scored 52 points in
Iowa's early season win over the
Wolverines, settled for 23 and 20
respectively last night.
Although the Maize and Blue
stayed close up until the final
quarter, much of the spark left

By The Associated Press
ROME-Tough Mario Scelba,
whose riot police quelled the Ital-
ian Reds in 1948 demonstrations,
was asked by President Luigi Ei-
naudi yesterday to form a center
coalition government.
* * *
expert told Senate investigators
yesterday there is no hope for a
dip in coffee prices as long as
the demand stays normal.
Keeping close tabs on the na-
tional investigations Ann Arbor
restauranteurs last week voted
not to raise the price of coffee
* * *
NEW YORK-An insanity re-
port yesterday banished the spec-
ter of the electric chair for Harlow
Fraden, the wastrel youth who
killed his parents with cyanide
But his weak-willed companion,
22-year-old Dennis Wepman, a
former University of Michigan s.tu-
dent, was found sane.
* * *,
DETROIT-The defense rest-
ed 'yesterday in the Federal
Court trial of six Michigan Com-
munists charged with conspiring
to teach and advocate the vio-
lent overthrow of the Govern-
BERLIN-Western officials re-
ported yesterday Britain is seek-
ing a general easing of Allied con-
trols on trade with the Commu-
nist world.
U Enrollment
Remains High
Despite Drop .
Enrollment at the University is
five per cent higher now than it

By DAVE BAAD the team when Jim Barron left committee hearings are slated
Playing with only two hoursj the game on personal fouls with for March 3, 4 and 5 in Flint).
sleep during the preceding 36 but one minute gone in the sec-
hours, due to airplane trouble ond half. The congressman reaffirmed an
coming from its weekend series The 6-0 guard who had been earlier statement to Niehuss that
at Michigan Tech, Michigan's under present plans no University
hockey team still skated to an per gin bettertnc2 poits students will be called to testify.
easy 11-4 victory over Denver last ! per game in Conference play, tal- He emphasized that only a few
night before a crowd of less than leforeda n the fo faculty members had been sub-
1,0* asa h oiem before departing from the en---
1,000 fans at the Coliseum. counter. poenaed.and said it was possible
Paced by center Bill MacFar--i gh that no one from the institution
land, who slipped five goals past Michigan went into the final would be called to testify. Under
{a pair of Pioneer goalies, the Wol-I stanza trailing 57-51. Tom Jor- cmitepoeue aywt.
a pir f Poner galis,.he olgenson, Wolverine high point-get- committee procedure, many wit-.
verines took an early first period ter W olv4,inectid ontge-nesses are heard in executive ses-
lead and never- were in trouble ter with 14, connected on a three jso n o npbiadsm
thereafter. point play at the nine minute of those subpoenaed are .never
* * * mark to cut the deficit to 57-54. questioned at all.
GEORGE CHIN and Doug Mul- Four minutes later the sophomore- "We have no idea that the in-
len each added two goals and Jim studded Hawkeyes were ahead stitution is honeycombed with
Haas and Doug Philpott gar- S,20, Communists," he added, "but a
nered a singleton a piece to bringe __ wa,_Page___'single Commun'ist in any field
the evening total to eleven, the such as education is bad."
highest for the Wolverines in one i CThe sub - committee hearings
game this season. aG ve have been repeatedly delayed by
Right wing Joe Kilby was the By~ the slow moving trial of six alleged
whole show for Denver, netting I, oiinuanon Communist leaders under the
all four Pioneer markers. He Smith Act in Detroit.

Michigan Daily, to costly and uncoortinated dup-
* * * lication of programs of the two ds
STUDENTS IN any field of institutions at a time when the Stu
study who are scholastically eli- resources of the state will be sore- T*
gible are urged to attend one of ly taxed to provide adequate sup- A ge ,
the introductory meetings held at port for existing programs. ini 41 t at
tudent b i atiomorrow at te "In not one of the (20) states:
Maynard Street. No previous ex- with a separate land-grant college Fighting age is voting age, tw
Myrdence Streessor isinc e and a state university has the, In a very random survey of ov
perience is necessary since the ladgrn scoltkeynte
Business Staff conducts its own Fngroft state unesity. University last week, the Daily fo
training program name of a state university tioned fayored a national voting
New staff members will be State College of Ag- ing 36 per-cent a perfect one thir
taught the basic skills of adver- riculture and Applied Science is
the first of these institutions in
tising, and will piut this know- I enaintoatmp ovilt
ledge to immediate use by hand- the nation to attempt to violate "im es Editor
lingthe long established relationship
pus store. In addition, they will between sister institutions in the
become famiiar with contracts, states which separated them by peaks Today
taking the name of the state
. promotions, circulation, and fi- university.
r nance. ~"uIfest.Hno adwnmtr dtr
After the initial semester as ty- If the, College wishes to take Hanson Baldwin, military
Afte, the initl emes as stry- on a new name not in conflict with of the New York Times, will talk
us, teyiallng become sophastmff- that of the University of Mich- on "Where Do We Go From Here"
r ers specializing in the departmentK
of their choice. Next, they will have igan, the Regents of the Univer- at the fourth of the Lecture Series
thP onnnr.inA it + nm cn + sityn of M ichig woul have

ce Women beat Willard Ikola once in each Two grants from the National Now -in Lansing to schedule the was a year ago, but it's between
bouse in a wing o e projec period and flipped the other Foundation for Infantile Paralysis order of proceedings in the pio two and three percent lower than
ing past Bill Lucier who replaced totalling $212,000 were accepted jetted week-long Detroit hearings, last semester.
Committee members include Sue Ikola midway in the final stanza, by the Regents at their Janua Rep. Clardy has not yet deter- Preliminary figures released Yes-
IRiggs, '54, League Rpgeesident:ir Jayu replrd a otytd te rlnrda ytefirstrelasedfyes-
Larig '54. igue president; Jay mined the exact list of those to be terday by the Registrar's Office
Strickler,Ikola, rather erratic recent meetg questioned in Lansing and Flint. reveal a total of 16,120 students
Neary, '54BAd., Student Legisla- games, turned in a fine perform- Other gifts and grants amount- Altogether, some 100 witnesses registered for classes on campus
ture president; Janet Netzer, '54, ance last night with his 29 saves ing to $150,000 were also accepted will be subpoenaed, according to now.
See BUILDING, Page 5 including several difficult chances. at the Jan. 15 session. Rep. Clardy, with most of them * * *
d e vitryea wo p At the same time, the Regents scheduled to testify in Detroit. THIS COMPARES' with 16,543
I dthe Wolverines within one point:atTHeISaCeMtimElStseetr,
of the third place Pioneers and a approved the appointment of Prof. at the same time last semester,
/ dGardner Ackley as chairman- of N1 7 1 T and 15,346.a year ago.
vor L ow er win in the series finale tonight the economics department. Prof.L cal VF rW"
I would enable Vic Heyliger's sextet hey Meanwhile, the ratio of men
to take over possession of the Ackley will replace Prof. I. L. to women on campus remained
Sharfman, who had asked to be ,S o s robe the same as last semester. Or,
relieved of the chairmanship. exactly, it dropped .01. Now
MICHIGAN helped its drive for Prof. Sharfman, who headed the Members of the Ann Arbor chap- hereare 2.09mnfor ever
o to one. a playoff position by. beating economics department since, 1927, ter of the Veterans of Foreign woman, instead of the 2.10 men
er 9,000 students registering at the Michigan Tech this past Friday was granted a leave of absence Wars organization last night vot- to each woman on campus last
und that 64 per-cent of those ques- and Saturday in a pair of two for this semester and placed on ed to table a communication sent semester.
age of 18-years-old. Of the remain- point games 8-3 and 7-6. retirement furlough, at his re- them by the national VFW re-
d Last night's tussle with I)en- quest, for the succeeding year. Including the 2,512 students tak-
rd was opposed to lowering the age1 1 questing them to "appoint a com-
ver was rough from the start Four other leaves were granted, mittee to investigate local sub- ing credit courses at theeight Uni-
dfrom the almost universal 21-year- with referee Ed Sabbe handing and one was extended by the Re- versive elements." versity icenters throughout the
old. Three per-cent registered no out 22 penalties, eleven in the gents. * Local VFW commander Jack state raises the estimated total en-
, * * third period. The tension de- The larger of the two polio Craven stated that the Ann Arbor rollment in credit courses to 18,632,
veloping from the rugged play grants ($176,000) went to the post's decision to refuse immediate Registrar Ira W. Smith announced.
ANSWERS var-ied from an em-Bulaergsatosrdion
phatic "I'd leave the country if See MacFARLAND, Page 6 Virology Laboratory, under the action was made following much But late registrations tradition-
they did" to the recurrant "if -- - direction of Dr. Thomas L. Fran- discussion by chapter members. ally swell preliminary estimates,
they're old enough to fight they're !Broadcast To Aid cis, Jr. "Most of the men seemed to feel and additional enrollments should
old enough to vote." A large num- 1The other grant, $36,000, was that the job of searching out Reds raise the total to 19,600, Smith es-
her of people felt that an 18-year- for the Polio Respirator Center at is for a man-sized outfit" he com- timates.
old voting age should be subject University Hospital. mented. "The search should be .
to certain qualifications. No one: Residence hall fraternity and From Lawrence J. Montgomey left' to experts" he continued, for 'U' To Participate
. ai1 wat these 01l+4ifIhatiI,,e , o it is dangerous to go around ac-:_

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