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February 26, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-26

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See rage .4

Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXII, No. 98




Senate OKs
MeDonald T
Feud with HST
ate yesterday confirmed the nomi
nation of Harry A. McDonald t
k. head the. RFC over protests o
both Republicans and Democrat
of White House "pressure" ani
A roll call vote of 46 to 23 ende
a week-long feud with Presiden
r Truman, who once said he woulc
run the agency-the Reconstruc
tion Finance Corporation-him
' self if the Senate delayed actiot
on McDonald much longer.
MC DONALD IS now head o
the Securities and Exchange com
mission. He is a Republican fron
Detroit. He plans to take offic
at RFC late today.
Thirty Democrats and 16 Re-
publicans voted for McDonald,
and seven Democrats and 16
Republicans were against him
when the roll was called after
two hours of debate.
Senator Douglas (D-I1L.) pro-
tested what he termed White
House "pressure" to confirm Mc.
Donald. He added:
"I never believed in yielding al
the point of a pistol."
DOUGLAS questioned whethei
McDonald "is strong enough o
able enough" to withstand the
pressures of a political influence
ring which the Senator said "i
still lurking in the shadows."
The big lending agency was
sharply criticized by a Senate
committee last year. The Presi-
dent then reorganized it, abol-
Ishing its old Board of Direc-
tors, and naming a single ad-
ministrator, W. Stuart Syming-
ton, since resigned. McDonald
succeeds him.
Douglas insisted he was not
questioning McDonald's "honesty
or e cter' In g4 n
"It is my suspicion," the Sena-
tor said, "that if we do make him
head of the RFC it will be run by
the White House. I had hoped
not to be forced to say that."
HST To Rest
Before '52
WASHINGTON - (A) - Presi-
dent Truman is going to spend
three weeks at a favorite vacation
spot, Key West, Fla., before plung-
ing into his 1952 campaigning.
His plans are.to leave Washing-
ton late next week for his eleventh
visit to the Key West submarine
station where he likes to swim and
soak up sunshine.
After three weeks' relaxation
the President will be ready for
a campaign schedule which may
develop into something like the
31,500-mile tour he made in 1948
to win a full White House term.
Whether the President runs
again this year or not, political
associates poiit out, he is commit-
ted to a rigorous program of
speech-making in behalf of his
party and friends. They do not
expect him to announce a decision

on his own candidacy until after
his return from Key West.
The President is booked to ad-
dress the $100-a-plate Jefferson-
Jackson Day dinner here March
Ask Approval
For Seaway
WASHINGTON -- (P)-- Top-
ranking Administration officials
asked the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions committee at a hearing yes-
terday to approve the long-debat-
*ed St. Lawrence Seaway.
Meantime, two presidential as-
and Kefauver (D-Tenn.) --and
seven other Senators joined Sena-
tor Aiken (R-Vt.) in co-sponsoring
a bill designed to finance the
United States share of the project
by sale of bonds to private in-
dividuals. %

Historic NATO
Conference Ends
Ministers Agree To Rearmament
Of Germany, Western Defense
LISBON, Portugal-()-The Atlantic Allies closed their historic-
meeting here yesterday with agreements to rearm Germany and put a
massive Western defense buildup in high gear.
They invited Sir Oliver Franks, British ambassador to Washing-
ton, to be NATO's administrative boss, with headquarters in aris.
Foreign, defense and finance ministers of the 14-nation North
Atlantic Treaty Organization Council mej for five days. They hailed
their conference as the most successful of the nine the NATO council
has held since it organization in 1949.
* * * *
THEY HAD BLUE-PRINTED a vast master plan for defending
the West against Communist aggression and set about to reorganize
5the sprawling setup under a

Probe Begun
By Morris
Of Incomes
WASHINGTON --)A'-- Newbold
Morris announced yesterday the
first step in his hunt for corrup-
tion in government will be a study
of all outside income received ay
senior Federal officials.
As Morris prepared to dig into
the sources of such income, the
Senate Judiciary committee voted
unanimously against giving him
power to grant immunity from
proseution to witnesses who might
otherwise refuse to testify on
grounds of self-incrimination.
* *, ,
THIS POWER, .together with
authority to subpoena witnesses
and documents, was requested for
Morris by President Truman, who
says he wants Morris to have a
fre hand in searching out any of-
ficial wrongdoing.
The Administration's chief
cleanup investigator disclosed
that a questionnaire is about
ready for distributio~ n tohe
higher echelons of government
service to obtain full details of
all income received by the of-
ficials from private sources.
Presumably anyone who refused
to fill out the questionnaire would
be subject to possible' discharge.
Morris said he would fill one out
himself, and that he would send
another to Attorney General M-
Grath, under whom he is a special
Rank and file givernment work-
ers will not be required to fill out
the income questionnaire. Morris
said a list of those to be question-
ed is being worked out with the
Civil Service Commission.
Italy Accused Of
LONDON-(A')-Russia accused
Italy last night of violating its
1947 Peace Treaty and rejccred
Italian *complaints that Russia
balked Italy's admission to the
United Nations.
A Soviet note to Italy, broad-
cast by Moscow radio, was beard
The xLote said Italy will not be
axle "tg evade responsibility for
tie conceouences."

streamlined non-military head-
quarters in Paris to work at the
side of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er's Supreme Military Command.
The ministers agreed to spread
a network of some 200 jet fight-
ers and atom bomber bases
along the 2,000-mile front fac-
ing the iron curtain to the east.
Gen. Eisenhower is to get 40
divisions and 4,000 aircraft by
the end of this year and double
that in two years.
They gave the green light to the
formation of a six-nation Europe-
an Defense Community (EDC)
which would put west German
troops in a one-uniform army at
the side of those from France,
Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy
and uxembourg.
* * *
THE MINISTERS telephoned an
invitation to Franks in Washing-
ton to become NATO Secretary-
General, boss of an organization
drawn along the otitlines of the
United Nations, headed by Secre-
tary General Trygve Lie. Franks
asked for two days to consider
whether he will accept.
The most immediate action
resulting from the Lisbon deci-
sions wil be to start work on half
a billion dollars worth of "infra-
structure," the NATO word for
airfields, communications and
headquarter4 needed to back up
their armies.
For this and for the other cosys
of insuring the western world of
safety from Communist attack;
some 400 million taxpayers in the
14 member nations will have to d~g
deep into their pockets.

AIM Begins
Fails To Achieve
Election Quorum
A reorganization of the falter-
ing Association of Independent
Men was begun last night follow-
ing the group's second unsicess-
ful attempt in two weeks to -at-
tract enough representatives at a
meeting to elect a new president.
Two infdrmal committees were
named by AIM's only remaining
officer, vice-president Gene Moss-
ner '52, to aid in the reorganiza-
** *
Alfieri, '54, will attempt to estab-
lish and define the purposes of
AIM. The other, headed by Bert
Braun, '54, wil try to revise the
AIM constitution.
Only 10 of the 17 houses now
active in AIM sent representa-
tives to yesterday's meeting.
At least 12 houses (two-thirs
of those on the active listi would
have had to have been represented
to form a quorum.
(Last semester 21 houses were
active in AIM, but five were
dropped this semester for failing
to have a representatives at three
consecutive meetings.)
.VIOSSNER became the only of-
ficer of the five-man AIM cabinet
following the resignation last
night of the treasurer and the
corresponding secretary. The presi-
dent and recording secretary
elected last semester are now
scholastically ineligible.
The treasurer Bob Reardon an-
nounced he was resigning his post
to join a fraternity.
* * *.
formal meeting last night centered
around AIM's place on the Uni-
versity campus. Former president
Dave Ponitz, '52, said the group
should continue in order tb act as
the voice of the independent stig-
Another member claimed that
the quadrangle governments
were taking over AIM's function
and drawing the active indepen-
dents away from the Associa-
Others suggested that the group
finl some project to work on ni
an effort to attract members.
When the reorganization com-
mittees were being formed, only
seven of the 13 representatives
present at the meeting volunteered
for committee work.
The committee on AIM purposes
will meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
the' AIM office, in the Union. The
constitutional revision committee
will meet at 4 .pm. Thursday, also
in the AIM office.
Ruthven Starts
New Class In
Former president of the Univer-
sity Alexander Ruthven is filling
a new role on campus, this time
behind the rostrum.
Yesterday from 7:30 to 9:30
p.m., he taught his first course
in university management to a
class of 24 college presidents,
deans and officials from both
this university and o t h e r s.
Among the colleges represented

were Olivet, the Detroit School of
Technology, Hillsdale, Wayne,
Michigan State Normal and Mich-
igan State College.
The course is an attempt at
the analysis and evaluation of
observable trends in education
-and an attempt to draw pat-
terns for the future develop-
ment of institutions of higher
It is planned for the adminis-
trators of smaller schools, based
on the assumption that these
should lead in social and educa-
tional trends, according to Mrs.
Elsa A. Fisher, supervisor of the
extension program for this area.
Hockey Trip
A limited number of tickets
for the Wolverine Club spon-
sored trip to the Michigan-
Michigan State hockey game
Friday will be on sale from 1
#n .- - n -m nA -v tarnic


Detroit Red Investigation

* . .

. . .

* . .

HEARINGS BEGIN-A large crowd formed early yesterday, with
many vieing for the few choice seats available in the Federal Court
where the House Un-American Investigating Committee is prob-
ing Communist activities among auto workers in Detroit.
U.S. Accused of Stalling
ByRed China Premier
MUNSAN, Korea, Tuesday, Feb. 26 (IP)-The Communists today
rejected an Allied compromise plan which would drop Soviet Russia
and Norway from the proposed list of six neutral observers of a
Korean armistice.
The Allies had objected to Red nominations of Russia. They of-
fered yesterday to drop Norway if the Communists would withdraw
their nomination of Russia.
ax : r f



. s s


Talks To

With Unions
Rayburn Video
Ban Criticized
DETROIT-(R)-Without bene-
fit of television, the House Un-
American Activities Committee
opened its "Communism-in-Mich-
igan" hearing before a packed
house here yesterday.
Outside the Federal Building,
site of the hearing, pickets march-
ed in a demonstration against the
committee's presence, but other-
wise the occasion was quiet and
I * , * *
IF THERE was any explosive
feeling, it was in the attitude of
committee members over Speaker
Sam Rayburn's ban from Wash-
ington on televising the session.
The two Republican minority
members of the five-man sub-
committee, Reps. Jackson of
California and Potter of Michi-
gan, prgtested vigorously.
A federal judge's court room,
filled with nearly 100 spectators,
pending witnesses and others,
heard a former undercover FBI
operator testify of widespread
Communist Party attempts at or-
ganization in industrial Detroit
from 1943 to 1947.
THE WITNESS was Richard
Franklin O'Hair, one-tim private
detective in New York who was
engaged p er 18B to spy on h,
Comnmuist Party in Detroit.
Naming at least three score
individuals, O'Hair told of party
organization among workers in
automobile plants.
' O'Hair said he was recruited in-
to the Party formally by one Har-
ry Glassgold at an Earl Browder
rally in Detroit's Graystone Ball-
room, a dance hall on Woodward
Ave., not far from downtown.
He said Glassgold once had told
him of seeing Browder in a cafe
in New York City nd had re-
ferred to the former arty boss as
a "wonderful man."
FOLLOWING the testimony, the
Committee launched a search for
a Detroit Public Schools art teach-
er whom O'Hair named as a local
Communist Party official. The FB
spy identified her as Eleanor Laf-
frey Cook Macki, allegedly mem-
bership director of the Midtown
Communist Party Club with which
O'Hair was affiliated.
The Detroit Board of Education
said a Mrs. Eleanor Laffrey Cook
has been employed in the public
schools as an art teacher since
Meanwhile,. Rep. Potter said
investigators for the Committee
have been unable to locate Wil-
liam Glenn, the Grand Rapids
factory worker who went to Mos-
cow last year and was fired.
"We don't know where he is,
Potter told a reporter, "but we're
looking for him and getting out
a warrant-subpoena for him to be
served by the Marshal at Grand
Rapids if he 'shows up."
Glenn was among a group of
workers invited to Moscow after
a world labor meeting in Europe
last year. When he returned his
employer told him his job was
no longer available.
Her appealed to the CIO United
Auto Workers, of which he is a
member, and the union insisted he
be put back to work under their
contract with the company. The

case still is in the process of ad-
Also subpoenaed by the commit-
tee are two Wayne University Stu-
dents, who made a vain attempt
last week to get the student coun-
cil to pass a resolution condemn-
ing the inquiry.
Students Honored
At SRABanquet
Al Friedma.52n ' Pre.of Hillel


Open Saturday
CAIRO -- (1P- - Premier Aly
Maher Pasha said last night Egypt
and Britain wil ones talks Satur-
day on the thorny Suez Canal and
Sudan issues.
But, he warned, if his govern-
ment does not get what it wants,
it will join theEgyptian people in
their "struggle."
A B:;tish Embassy; spokesman
said th^ Premier had invited Am-
bmsa cor Sir Ralph Sti enson to
meet Y.Im.
Aly Maher was named Premier
last Jan. 27 after bloody anti-
British riots in , Cairo. He has
taken a more conciliatory attitude
than his predeccesor. The current
crisis broke out last October after
Egypt repudiated its 1936 treaty
with Britain, and demanded that
British troops get out of the 6uEz
Canai and recognize King Far,,;k
as ruler of the Sudan.

Allied negotiators today


Rumors of Large Scale
Failures Denied by 'UT

Bids Open
For Cooley
The University will submit plans
and specifications for the $850,000
Cooley Memorial Laboratory to in-
terested construction companies
this week.
Bids for the building, which is
the first scheduled for construc-
tion in the new 267-acre North
Campus across the Huron River,
must be received by 'March 18,
University officials said.
* * *
construction of the laboratory was
granted last month from the U.S.
Office of Education in Washing-
ton, which handles all requests
made by institutions of higher
education to the National Produc-
tion Authority.
With the authorization came
permission to acquire the neces-
sary amounts of steel, copper
and brass during the second,
third and fourth quarters of
Funds for the building have
been provided by donations for a
memorial to Mortimer E. Cooley,
dean of the Engineering College
from 1903 to 1928, and by the En-
gineering Research Institute.
* * *
NOW LOCATED in the East En-
gineering Bldg., the Institute will
be moved to the new building upon
completion. Designed by L. T.
Gabler of Detroit, the Laboratory
will be built of reenforced con-
crete and is of modern design.
Construction is expected to begin
in April or May.
Anronriation of funds for

at the truce talks in Panmunjom
the attempt to exclude Russia
was without "tenable reasons."
Red China's premier accused
the United States yesterday of
stalling the truce talks while
Icarrying out germ warfare in
an ^ ttempt to prolong the war.
The United Nations command
trok no immediate cognizance of
the charge broadcast by the Pei-
ping radio in the name of Chou
En-Lai, Red premier and foreign
minsi er.
The Reds have made the bac-
teriological warfare complaint per-
iodically in the past when truce
talks faced an impasse, but never
before have linked the two and
never have made the accusation at
such a high level. The Allies al-
ways have scoffed at the charge
as fanciful.
* * *
CHOU' .broadcast statemert
comcided .with an Allied offer to
drop Norway as a neutral truce
inspector if the Reds would with-
draw their nomination of Russia.
Meanwhile on the central Kor-
ean front Allied mortar fire broke
ue a Communist assault last night.
Three Chinese groups harried an
Allied patrol for 22 hours before
tney viere driven off.

Disease Halts
Meat Imports
From Canada
United States yesterday halted im-
ports of virtually al livestock and
meats from Canada because of an
outbreak of foot-and-mouth di-
sease in Saskatchewan.
The Canadian Department of
Agriculture announced in Ottawa
that infected herds would be
rounded up and destroyed'to wipe
out the disease. The disease is
easily spread and is the dread of.
all livestock men.
Inspectors all along the U.S.-
Canadian border were ordered to
stop all shipments from Canada of
cattle, sheep, goats, and hogs, as
well as fresh and frozen meats
from those animals.
In Canada officials planned to
ask the United States to ease re-
strictions, but "there was doubt
they would succeed.
Prime Minister Louis St. Laur-
ent called an emergency meeting
of the-cabinet.

The University did not flunk out
2,000 students last semester.
The University's academic
standing has not fallen to a point
where wholesale scholastic dismis-
sals are necessary to salvage a tar-
nished reputation.
THESE popular campus rumors,
variously attributed to deans, aca-
demic counselors and administra-
tion clerks "who had mailed out
the notification ' slips," were de-
bunked yesterday by official Uni-
versity figures on failures in the
literary college - which accounts
for the vast majority of dismissals.
Only five per cent of the 1,248
freshmen iii the literary college
avnnd.A yhe .v - . _- -. r

likewise reported flunking figures
which showed no signs of abnor-
mality. Dean George Granger
Brown indicated that there was a
slight increase, but it was a "nor-
mal fluctuation" rather than a sig-
nificant trend.
As a rule, five to six per cent
are putronethe "home list," but
some are later reinstated. This
time the ratio went up to be-
tween seven and eight per cent,
although figures are still incom-
plete, according to Dean Brown.
The other 13 smaller schools of
the University rarely provide many
academic dismissals, and there
was nothing to indicate that this
semester was any different.
Thc; nrigin of h+ mn cis rm+-

'U' Symphony To Give
'Annual Concert at Hill

The University Symphony Band'
with saxophonist Sigurd Rascher
as featured soloist will give its an-
nual concert at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Although the band's concerts
are usually free to the public, ad-
mission will be charged this year
and all proceeds put toward the
trip to Philadelphia which the
band will make next month.
D E il T
nPierTwl'n hi, Wmlli, n 1n_

cludes the first half of the pro-
During the second part of the
concert Rascher will hold thej
spotlight with his "Introductionj
and Samba," written especially
for him to demonstrate the four
octave range he can get from the
The band's part of the program
continues with "Toccata and
Fuone in n urinon" h Bah .er..

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