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February 19, 1950 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State






VOL. LX, No.91



Government Ready

To Act in Coal Situatio


Illinois Five
Posts 70-60
Win over
Osterkorn's 28
Points Pace Illini
(Special to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN-With big Wally
Osterkorn hooping 28 points for
the third game in a row, Illinois'
cagers rolled to a 70-60 victory
over Michigan in a Big Nine con-
test here last night.
The Illini were forced to come
from behind in the last ten min-
utes of play to gain their fifth
victory in nine conference starts.
After trailing 30-28 at halftime,
Michigan came back in the sec-
ond half to sink nine of their first
ten field goal attempts to move
ahead, 44-36.
* * *
to hold their lead until 12 min-
utes of the half had elapsed when
Illinois tied the score, 56-56, and
then moved ahead a few seconds
Osterkorn was the hub of the.
Illini offense throughout the
game clicking for 14 points in
each half and making 11 of his
s24 field goal efforts.
So potent was the victors' cen-
ter that both Michigan men cov-
ering him-Dick Williams and Leo
VanderKuy-fouled out.
BURDETTE Thurlby was next
in line for the victors with 14
points while Rod Fletcher worked
well under the boards and con-
tributed nine points.
Captain Mack Suprunowicz
had one of his better nights for
Michigan and topped the losers'
s.oring parade with 18 points..
Suey clicked on eight of 17
field goal attempts and came
Y out on top in a personal duel
with Illini captain Bill Erickson.
Williams, six foot seven inch re-
serve center, was very impressive
and scored ten points for second
honors. He exhibited a nice hook
shot which was most effective in
the second half when he sank four
of six shots. VanderKuy and Don
McIntosh each contributed nine
Michigan had one of its best
nights from the field with a 42.1
percentage while Illinois only made
36.4% of their shots. The loss was
the Maize and Blue sixth confer-
ence setback in nine games.
See BOX SCORE, Page 3
New Veterans
Hospital Faces
City Injunction
Ann Arbor' s partially-con-
structed Veterans Hospital is run-
ning into troubles thick and fast.
At a preliminary hearing set for
Tuesday, attorneys William A.
Lucking and Edmund Burke will
seek a temporary injunction re-
straining the ',ty of Ann Arbor
from furi ng water and sewage
facilities f or the hospital which is
being built just outside the north-
east boundary of the city.
nishing these services is not in!
accordance with existing zoning
ordinances, Lucking claimed, and
could cause heavy liability to city

He added that the prelimi-
nary hearing would give home
owners an opportunity to make
themselves heard on the subject.
Luckman's remarks came on the
heels of charges by former Sena-
tor Prentiss S. Brown, chairman
of Michigan's "Little Hoover Cor-
mision," that continued construc-
tion of the 500 bed hospital was
a waste of federal funds.
Spring Term
Rushing Starts
Fraternity rushing for the

Attlee Hits Reds'
For Cold War
By The Associated Press
Prime Minister Clement Attlee put full blame on Russia last
night for the continued cold war and said the Western Powers stand
ready to discuss all "outstanding issues" with the Soviets.
He was replying to Winston Churchills' plea for new high-level
talks to bridge the gulf between the East and West. Attlee made
the final broadcast speech for the Labor Party in London before
Thursday's general election.
The Prime Minister said that if Russia had accepted Western
proposals for control of atomic energy, "this cloud of fear would have
been lifted from the peoples, but Russia would not accept."
Atlee declared that the difficulty in effecting a settlement of
international friction "does not lie in the method nor in the choice

Biggest Lo
Votes 'No'


-Daily-Alan Reid
BIG BUSINESS-Working on the assumption that four heads
are better than one, four of the 'Ensian's top business staffers
put theirs together in an effort to discover something intelligent
'to say to a tryout meeting after The Daily's fine propaganda
blurb on their behalf (see below).
'Ensian Calls .business
Tryout Class Tomorrow

Enrollment for a course in
practical business methods will be-
gin tomorrow at 4 p.m. as the 'En-
sian, campus yearbook, holds its
first business staff tryout meeting
in the Student Publications Build-
The course offers no credit
hours and no grades will be passed
out, according to Dave Shuart,
'50, business manager.
Honesty in
Law Upheld
Lawyers are more honest than
the average business man, Judge
John Simpson told a group of
more than 600 legal experts yes-
Simpson pointed out that be-
cause their work takrs them into
courts of law, their actions must
be more ethical than those of
orfinary bust:ness men.
SI.NSON was chairman of a
panel consisting of Francis Busch,
Chis Youngion and Foy Stein-
hefmer, speakers on the programE,
who discussed the Ethical Stan-
dards of a Trial Lawyer at the
closing session of a two day In-
stilute of Advocacy held by the
Law School.
"Flirting" with the jury, the
prectice of vinking and smiling
at the jurors each time a lawyer
wins a point, wa's condo .med
ty Simpson. The remainder of
the panel believed that a friend-
ly, congenial smile in the court
room was not out of place, how-

THE COURSE is not a "pipe,"
however. It takes both time and
effort, says Shuart, "butthe re-
wards, present and future, make
it, well worth the effort."
Any student eligible for extra-
curricular activity may become
a tryout.
'Ensian business tryouts receive
training in advertising, publicity,
salesmanship and accounting.
* * *
the 'Ensian provides experience
for future businessmen which few
campus organizations can match.
Shuart declared.
The editorial staff of the 'E3-
sian has also announced tryout
meetings for future yearbook
writers and editors. They will
begin 4:30 p.m. Tuesday in the
Publications Building.
"Particularly, we need sports
writers," Jeannie Johnson, '50,
editor of the yearbook said.
Although the planning stage of
the yearbook is past, experience
may be gained this semester in
layout, and copy work, according
to Miss Johnson.
Hartwig Wins
Association Post
Miss Marie Hartwig, associate
supervisor in physical education,
was elected membership chairman
of the Michigan Association for
Health, Physical Education and
Recreation at a closing session of
the group's convention yesterday
in Jackson.

Admits Guilt
In Spy Trial
By The Associated Press
American businessman Robert A.
Vogeler calmly told a people's
court in Budapest . yesterday . he
was a professional spy and asked
for a "mild sentence."
Pleading guilty on all counts,
the 38-year-old vice president of
International Telephone and Tele-
graph Company testified he had
been instructed to obtain special
information aboutdradar, rockets,
uranium and oil deposits and to
contact experts on atomic energy
and help them escape from Hun-
"I USED MY business activities
only as cover for my espionage
work," he testified.
Vogeler's wife, awaiting the
outcome at Vienna, said, "It is
obvious to anyone who knew
Bob at all that he has been
drugged or subjected to some
kind of torture .."
Similar expressions of disbelief
in Vogeler's confession came from
U.S. State Department officials
and his business associates. Col.
Sosthenes Behn, chairman of I.T.-
&T. in New York said dates and
alleged activities mentioned in the
Vogeler confession were "at var-
iance with the known facts."
Pledge Antics
Result in Fine
CLEVELAND - (iP) - The presi-
dent of a college fraternity was
fined $100 yesterday after three
pledges told a judge they were
ordered to bring in street signs as
initiation week trophies.
Municipal Judge Stanton Adams
at first gave the fraternity leader,
Donald M. Kalish, 21, a $200 fine
and 30-day jail sentence on a dis-
orderly conduct charge.

- of persons to discuss these high
matters. All that is required is the
"We on this side of the iron
curtain have the will to discuss
with the Russians this and all
other outstanding difficulties."
Even as Attleespoke, 34,000,000
registered voters on the main is-
land and northern Ireland pre-
pared to cast their votes for 625
members of the House of Com-
mons on Thursday.
Thirty political parties and a
sprinkling of independents arel
battling for control of the House,
but the fight is essentially a pri-
vate feud between Labor, which
held 390 seats in the last House
and the Conservatives which had
Polls indicate that 12 per cent
of the electorate is still chewing
the cud of uncertainty and the
major efforts of the last - three
day's campaigning will be con-
centrated on them.
World News
By The Associated Press
BATTLE CREEK-A large force
of deputy sheriffs and state police
dragged the flood-swollen Kala-
mazoo river yesterday for the
body of Donald L. Sieg, 22, an
Albion College student believed to
have drowned when his car
plunged into the stream.
BELGRADE - Premier Tito
last night challenged the U.S.
and the West to make good
their' promises of financial aid.
He defiantly added that Yugo-
slavia would "rather go bare-
footed" than sacrifice its prin-
ciples of socialism in return for
DETROIT - A nationwide ga-
thering of Protestant Churchmen
approved yesterday a statement
of principle which said a Christ-
ian must not be bound by the
economic dogmas of Communism,
Socialism or Capitalism. They
called for a "Christian conception
of the worth of man."
BERLIN-Western commanders
sent their fourth bitter protest
since Jan. 21 to Russia yesterday
against molestation of traffic be-
tween West Germany and Berlin.

-Daily-Ed Kozma
yer welcome a student at the reception for newly arrived foreign
students and their friends last night at Rackham.
Dean Sawyer Stresses
Excane fStudents

The exchange of students is of
major importance in furthering
mutual trust and understanding
between the United States and
foreign countries, Dean Ralph
Sawyer of the graduate school told
newly arrived foreign students last
His welcome address at the
Rackham Amphitheatre high-
Inquest Set for
Long Island
Train Crash
By The Associated Press
Federal, state and county au-
thorities teamed yesterday to in-
vestigate the collision of two Long
Island commuter trains in which
29 persons died and 105 were in-
Nassau County District , Attor-
ney Frank A. Gulotta summoned
trustees of the bankrupt Long Is-
land Rail Road to an inquest into
the accident which occurred when
an east bound train roared
through a red signal light into
another passenger train.
Public Service Commissioner
George A. Arkwright said a for-
mal hearing wopld be held Feb.
22 at the Jamaica station of the
railroad. He and a representative
of the Interstate Commerce Com-
mission will preside.

lighted the traditional semi-an-
nual reception for all foreign stu-
dents entering the University.
A MEMBER of. the Advisory
Board to the Institute of Interna-
tional Education, Dean Sawyer ex-
plained his interest in the wel-
fare of foreign students.
The University ranks second
of all American universities in
the number of Institute-spon-
sored foreign students admitted,
he declared. "We have 28 of
these scholars here now," he
Since 1917, the University has
offered scholarships to foreign
students, acording to Dean Saw-
yer. This year, the graduate
school is giving direct financial
aid to 49 of the 400 foreign gradu-
ate students from 20 countries, he
International understanding,
which is fostered by such pro-
grams is the only way to do away
with war itself. This will eradi-
cate our atomic and hydrogen
bomb worries, he concluded.
SL To Join
TU, Officials .In
Debate Sponsored
By NSA Committee
Student Legislators will join
with University faculty and ad-
ministrative officials in a Student
Bill of Rights forum, from 1 to 5
p.m. Saturday at the Union.
Sponsored by Student Legisla-
ture's NSA committee, the forum
is designed "to enable students,
faculty and administrators to
evaluate the problems involved in
a student bill of rights and to
reach common agreement on the
desired contents of such a bill,"
according to Tom Walsh, '51L,
chairman of the planning com-
* * *
THE FORUM will feature a
panel of four speakers who will
briefly outline the history of pre-
vious student bill of rights pro-
grams and stress the need for a
standard bill applicable to colleges
and universities all over the coun-
Following the panel, the Le-
gislators and faculty members
will split up into small discus-
sion groups . to consider just
what rights belong to students

Lewis Order
Talks Recessed
Without Change
By The Associated Press
The government held its big
stick poised over the nationwide
soft coal strike last night, cling-
ing to the uncertain hope of
general back-to-work movemeni
The United Mine Workers' Ro-
bena local at Masontown, Pa.-
the largest in the union-voted
an almost unanimous "no" to
John L. Lewis' twice-issued orders
to dig coal. Members of at leasi
two other locals stalked out d
meetings without even voting.
- * , * * /
PRESIDENT Truman's coal ad-
visers gave up hope of a week-en
contract agreement. They recessed
the talks in their fourth clay, say-
ing: "We- are not making the
progress we hoped for."
They told Mr. Truman so, in
an oral but official report. They
voiced belief, nevertheless, that
a "great many miners" will re-
port for duty under the instruc-
tions wired by Lewis to all locals
last night.
So the government stayed it
hand for the present. It can see
contempt action against the 370,-
000 soft coal workers for striking
last Monday in defiance of a Fed-
eral cour's stop-strike order. This
might end in another huge fine
on the Union's treasury.
INSTEAD, the White House
chose to see whether Monday wil
bring resumed production to buik
up the nation's fast dwindling coa
reserves now down to a critica
ten-day average supply.
New York City prepared to
dim a million bulbs on Broad-
way tonight, urder state ra-
tioning orders. As of tomorrow,
all New Yorkers will need a "cer-
tificate of necessity" to buy coal.
The Ford Motor Compafiy an-
nounced it probably will cut dowr
on its heavy production progra
unless there is a major improve-
ment this weekend. General Mo.
tors has cancelled all overtime
ly agreed that drastic action or
the strike could not be delayec
many days longer. It is possibl
this may be sought tomorrow
when Lewis and mine owners musi
appear for a hearing before Fed-
eral District Judge Richmond B
At that hearing Keech will de.
cide whether to change his week-
old temporary order into an 80-
day "national emergency" injunc
tion under the Taft-Hartley Act
The government could seek, a
the same time, a contempt 0
court citation for failure to obe
the present order. But there wa
no unusual activity at the justic
department, and it appeared th
government would wait and see.
Study School
By The Associated Press
Lawmakers in Washington wer
reported yesterday considerjing a
vast school construction progra
as a way out of the federal aid-to-
education snarl in Congress.
After two weeks of closed-doo:
truce efforts, wrangling member

of the House Labor Committee
I found themselves still at odds ove:
religious and Administrative dif
ferences which have blocked direc
federal school assistance fo
months.dThey will begin votini
WHILE SOME members wer
openly doubtful that the commit
tee can agree on any kind of bill,
others were less pessimistic.
If everything else fails, they
said, the controversial issues
could be cut out of aid to euca-
tin by subshtitiitinz a n tion-.


Literary Hoax Plot for Amateur Faculty Movie

A fantastic literary hoax, and
an architecturally confused city
provide motion picture material
for a crew of eager University in-
SCENE - "The
Company" dis-
cusses produc-
tion techniques
in a down town
restaurant and
bar which pro-
vided back-
ground f or a
scene in their -
motion picture.
They are, (left
to right) Wil-

This group of instructors, prin-
cipally from the English depart-
ment call themselves "The Com-,
pany" and have just finished pro-
ducing a 16 mm black and white
* * *

film on the life of Ern Malley.
ERN MALLEY is the mythical
Australian poet who turned the
dazzled literary world on its ear
for two months in 1945, until it
* * *

was discovered that his "Collec-
tion of Modern Poetry," had been
written by two undergraduate
University students during a single
As producer William Hampton,
instructor in the English depart-
ment, described it, "The two stu-
dents lifted their lines from
every conceivable source, trying
to discredit modern poetry."
The- life of Malley was traced
through letters written as part of
the hoax.
* * *
THE PICTURE, titled "The Well
Wrought Ern," shows how Malley
discovered he had Graves disease,
(a thyroid condition restricted al-
most exclusively to women) and
then whizzed around Australia on
his bicycle rejecting all the "good
things" in life for the sake of his

covers he must die.


OTHER PROPS used included a
student garret room and a local
beer hall, donated by William Den-
houter for the inevitable bar-room
Outside shots were photo-
graphed in the outskirts of town
which, according to Hampton,
bears a striking resemblance to
Australia. No one in "The Com-
pany" has ever been to Austral-
The picture, directed by English
instructor Robert Chapman, was
completed last week. Acting is in
pantomine with sound dubbed in.
The script, in blank verse, was
written by Chapman, and original
music was composed by Harvey
Gloss of the English department.

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