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February 14, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-14

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2 -3241

(See Page 4)


Latest Deadline in the State





Russia Hits
Wants No Troops
In Middle East
MOSCOW ()-Soviet Russia as-
serted yesterday the Eden-Eisen-
hower declaration on the Middle
Eastr"cannot but disturb peace"
in that area.
It warned against any use of
foreign troops there without a
,pror agreement of countries con-
cerned and United Nations ap-
A statement issued to corres-
pondents at the Soviet Foreign
Ministry said "any activities aimed
at complicating and increasing
tension in the region of the Middle
and Near East cannot but be a
matter of legal jurisdiction and
interest for the Soviet Union" be-
cause the situation there is di-
rectly related to Soviet security.
The ministry said its statement
was prompted by the declaration
by Prime Minister Anthony Eden
and President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower Feb. 1 after their consulta-
tions in Washington.
The section of that declaration
dealing with the Middle East said
Britain and the United States are
ready to contribute to a settlement
between Israel and the-Arab states
by financial aid to refugees and
guaranteeing agreed frontiers.
It recalled the United State-
British-French declaration pledg-
ing joint action inside and outside
the United Nations in the event of
' forcible violation of frontiers or
drmice lines and announced a
special conference of these three
powers on the Middle East.
New Laws
Set Statewide
Speed Limits
New state speeding laws now al-
low a maximum driving speed of
65 miles per hour during the day-,
time and 55 at night.
The new regulations, which have
been in effect for several weeks,
however do not increase speed
limits for areas marked for lower
Regardless of regulations, driv-
ers moving too fast for conditions
-whether the area be a 25-mile
zone or a 6-mile zone-will be
New speed limit signs have been
installed on highways, reading
"65" in the daytime and "55" at
night when they are illumined by
Officers interpret "night" as
any time when headlights are nor-
mally required.
Kauper Tells
Of Research
"New Wine in Old Bottles" was
the title of the first of the law,
schools Thomas M. Cooley le-
tures presented by Prof. Paul G.
Kauper of the University Law
School yesterday.
Reporting the results of exten-
sive research on "The Frontiers
of Constitutional Liberty," Prof.3
Kauper directed his first talk on
the flexibility of constitutional in-
He emphasized that it is to the
supreme court that we look for

the progress needed in our time of
evolution through the process of
judicial review. "Constitutional
permance has a brittle quality," he
Prof. Kauper will present his
second lecture of the series, "The
Market Place of Ideas" today at
4:15 in Hutchins hall.

Illinois Swamps
Michigan, 89-66
'M' Drops Fifth Straight in Big Ten;
Kramer Scores 26 in Losing Cause
Special To The Daily
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Led by the sharpshooting of George BonSalle
and little Billy Ridley, Illinois swept to its 14th straight victory by
trouncing the Michigan cagers 89-66 last night in Huff Gymnasium.
The triumph was the eighth in a row in Conference play for the
Illini and kept them in front of challenging Iowa.
Despite Ron Kramer's 26 points the Wolverines were unable to
cope with the Illini's overall height advantage and well-balanced
attack, and suffered their fifth consecutive setback of the Big Ten
/ Slow Start
The scoring pace was far from torrid during most of the initial
play until the winners pulled away with a surge to assume a 13 point
bulge late in the period. Then, the
N " , Wolverines snapped back with
1 lli n D nies seven points to narrow the margin
Nixon [Denes Th-lni er-nalet oe
to 38-32 at the intermission.
A ccusatio The Illini were unable to open
any more of a gap for nearly 10
minutes of the second half until
playmaker Ridley broke the game
open with a pair of break-away
01 'Treason lay-ups. Ridley and BonSalle
quickly took advantage of the
NEW YORK ()) - Vice Presi- momentary Michigan 'lapse to
dent Richard M. Nixon said yes- move the contest safely out of
terday he never called Harry S. Superior bench strength was the
Truman a traitor, as the former big factor in the second half as
Democratic President complained. Illinois mentor Harry Combes
"I did not call Mr. Truman a could juggle his lineup among ten
traitor, absolutely not," the Vice- men without sacrificing height or
ability. This pace told on the
President told reporters. losers in the latter stages of the
Nor, he added, did he call the game when they wilted under the
Democratic party the "party of constant pressure of the fresh re-
treason" or question the loyalty serves.
of any of its leaders. See ILLINOIS, Page 7
'Communists Only Traitors' 0
"I have always said that there COMmunfi t
is only one party for treason in L
i s o l n a t o r a o nth e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d t h a t is t h e Hy a Me
Communist party," Vice-President
Nixon declared. ea s 1iie
"In all my public speeches and MOSCOW (-Leaders of world
private talks I have always said communism assembled in Moscow
that the loyalty of Truman, Adlai yesterday to hear from Soviet par-
E. Stevenson and all the leader ty boss Nikita Khrushchev the line
of the Democratic partyoul Communists will follow in the
not be questioned-only their Soviet Union and abroad for the
judgment. The Alger Hiss case next four years.
speaks for itself. Mr. Truman
called it a red herring." Khrushchev is to open the 20th
Truman several times recently Congress of the Communist party
Trsuaccuse Nixoneorcalisnhymin St. George's Hall of the Grand
ha acuseduNixono9f52calling hmKremlin Palace today with a
atraitor during 1952 campaign spechwhcsexpe todabeith a
talks "all over the West." The speech which is expected to be a
former President said the alleged most important pronouncement.
remarks made him fighting mad. The congress sessions will be in
'Stevenson a Hairsplitter' The Communist party newspaper
In his prepared address at a Pravda customarily prints the
Lincoln Day dinner, Vice-President texts of such speeches, beginning
Nixon called Stevenson 'the great the day after the opening session.
hairsplitter of 1956" who "lately Khrushchev's, however, may be so
shrinks at the suggestion that the long that it will have to be re-
United States may have found it leased in installments over several
necessary to be on the brink of days.
war in order to keep the peace."~
In his speech, Vice-President
Nixon did an about face from his ' S yiipathe
declaration of a year ago that the l
Republican party cannot win in
1956 without the aid of independ-
ent voters. State Control
Now, he said, three years of
President Eisenhower's leadership The University is "exceedingl
have made the GOP "in truth the sity's attempts to come under state
majority party in America today. lan H. Hatcher reported yesterday
Singling out Stevenson as the President Hatcher comment
leading candidate, he said it be- Wayne's efforts to serve higher e
gins to appear that Illinois "which
gave the nation Abraham Lincoln, plan that would give that prospi
the great rail-splitter of 1860, has The President noted that for a
produced in Adlai Stevenson the Wayne and the University have be
great hair-splitter of 1956." One point raised by the Presi

TOKYO WP)- A frightening
earthquake hit Tokyo with a
crack and a long roll at 9:54
a.m. yesterday but the city ap-
parently escaped damage.
The underground jolt rattled
and shook big steel and con-
crete buildings for about 30 se-
onds. Quiet soon returned to
the nation's oft-rocked capital.
The Central Meteorological
Observatory said the quake hit
4 on a scale of 7 for maximum
It shook an area more than
100 miles in diameter.
The center of the quake was
about 50 miles north of Tokyo
and 30 miles underground.
Lloyd Calls
LONDON (P)-The British told
the Russians yesterday the sudden
Moscow unveiling of Donald Mac-
lean and Guy Burgess could not
drive a wedge between Britain and
the United States.
Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd
accused the Kremlin leaders of
"lack of candor" in pretending for
more than four years they knew
nothing about the former diplo-
mats who vanished from British
sight May 12, 1951.
Seek to Upset Accord
Secretary Lloyd told a tense
House of Commons the Russians
would fail if they tried o make
propaganda use of the ex-diplo-
mats to drive a wedge-as he put
it-between the United States and
He said the Russians might have
timed the unveiling of the two
men Saturday to upset the accord
reached between Prime Minister
Anthony Eden and President
Dwight D. Eisenhower in their
recent Washington talks.
The foreign secretary was com-
menting on speculation in govern-
ment circles that the Kremlin
brought forth the renegade Britons
to revive American doubts about
the sharing of atomic and other
secrets with Britain.
Charges Deceit
Gen. Douglas MacArthur already
has suggested that Burgess and
Maclean-accused by the Foreign
Office of being long-term Soviet
spies-leaked information about
American orders of battle during
the Korean War.
Secretary Lloyd say Soviet For-
eign Minister V. M. Molotov and
Communist party boss Nikita S.
Khrushchev only recently had par-
ried British queries about Burgess
and Maclean, reporting they knew
nothing of their whereabouts.
tic Toward
of Wayne
y sympathetic" to Wayne Univer-
control, University President Har-
d "we would certainly support
ducation and we would back any
number of years relations between
en "most harmonious."
dent was the need for coordinated

'Gas B







-Daily-John aHrtzei


Valentines Puzzle Would-Be Cupids

To Explain
Gift to Case
Senate Seeks
Other Attempts
WASHINGTON (-) - Two oil
company laywers who, figured in
the offer of a $2,500 contribution
to Sen. Francis Case (R-SD) dur-
ing the Senate scrap over the
natural gas bill were summoned
yesterday to testify before a fed-
eral grand jury,
The attorneys are Eliner Pat-
man and John M. Neff. They rep-
resent the Superior Oil Co. of
California. The grand jury is to
head them today.
Senator Case rejected the $2,500.
Patman has told Senate investi-
gators he turned over the money,
from personal funds of, Harold B.
Keck, Superior Oil Co. president,
to Neff to be donated to Senator
Case's re-election campaign fund.
Neff Testifies
Neff has testified he passed the,
money on to Business Managed E.
J. Kahler of the Sioux Falls, S. D.,
Daily Argus-Leader for relay to
Senator Case.
Both Patman and Neff swore no
strings were attached.
Now they and probably other
witnesses will be called on to re-
peat to the grand jury here, start-
ing at' 10 a.m. today, the story they
already have related to a special
Senate investigating committee.
Only Contribution Made
The committee wound up its
own hearings, at least for now,
with Neff testifying today that the
$2,500 Senator Case rejected was
the only contribution he made to
any senator.
Charles W. Steadman, the com-
mittee counsel, said the committee
knows of no other such contribu-
tions by Neff, or anyone else, re-
lated to the gas bill.
Maneuvers were under way, nev-
ertheless, to broaden the hunt for
any possible additional donations,
with signs of a rivalry shaping up
between two Senate committees. A
possible expanded inquiry might go
back as far as the 1952 and 1954
political campaigns in search of
any efforts to influence senators.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
was reported to have. discussed the
gas bill with his Cabinet yesterday.
However, Press Secretary James
C. Hagerty said "no" when asked
whether any decision had been
reached to sign or veto it,
The bill would exempt producers
of natural gas from direct federal
price controls.

Today, thanks to ,the greeting
card experts, cupid can shoot ar-
rows dipped in verbal venom.
Valentine's Day derives its name
from a' Roman martyr and is' a
festive occasion usually linked
with love and sweet sentiment.
However, a look at recent local
card displays indicates people with'
enemies are apt to receive more
mail than people with friends.
The conceited egotist, for ex-
Alabama U.
To Appeal
Court Order
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (A') - The
University of Alabama announced
yesterday that the order opening
the school to Negroes will be ap-
pealed to the United States Su-
preme Court.
Meanwhile, Gov. James E. Fol-
som said efforts to halt the uni-
versity rioting had been hindered
by the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
and "professional outside agita-
In his strongest stand thus far
on current racial unrest, the gov-
ernor charged at Montgomery:
"If the professional, agitators
had been interested only in en-
tering a student at. the Univer-
sity of Alabama solely for the pur-
pose of pursuing routine classroom
work, then they would not have
come with their own cameramen
and newsmen. "
Mrs. Ruby Hurley, regional sec-
retary of the NAACP, said at Bir-
mingham, "The governor has been
misinformed. The NAACP did not
have newsmen and cameramen on
the University of Alabama cam-
Medical Forum
Opens Today
First in a series of free Medical
Forums will be held at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Auditorium.
"Heart Attacks" is the subject
of this hour-long forum at which
medical panelists will answer
questions sent in by interested
"Problems of Menonause." "Em-

ample, is likely to find himself
confronted with such sentiments
as "You're the most forgettable
character I've met," or "Even cu-
pid thinks you're stupid."
This is Sentiment?
For that most adorable of an-
tagonists there is a card which
bears this quaint compliment,
"You may not be in 'Who's Who',
but I'll bet you're in 'What's
A near-sighted swain will prob-
ably overlook the card which asks
"Is it love or myopia?" and there
is even a valentine for the more
antisocial student which declares
"I'm all alone, and I like it that
A brief consensus of student
opinion shows a disagreement con-
cerning the relative merit of Val-
entine's Day.
A Waste of Money
"Such nonsense," a sophisticated
senior said halting his stampede
toward a local tavern. "Why
Police To Guard
School Crossings
Ann Araor public school officials
may employ traffic police in guard-
ing children crossing streets near
Roscoe O. Bonisteel, Jr., legal
counsel for the Board of Educa-
tion, expressed this opinion yes-
School board members have
previously assumed schools lack,
legal power to hire school traffic

should I send my fiance something
when I can spend my money on
red-headed beer."
A junior girl was queried yester-
day as she hauled her third bag of
valentines out to a corner mail-
box. "It is exciting," she panted,
"Think of it, Valentine's Day and
Leap Year too." Her eye twitched
hopefully, "Maybe I've still got a
"Do-It-Yourself and Valentine's
Day go great together," a con-
structive engineering student af-
firmed. "Look what I whipped up
for my ex-steady he chortled,
pointing proudly to the heart-
shaped, enameled guillotine in the
Hospital Fees
To Increase
Beginning March 1, patients in
Michigan hospitals may be re-
quired to pay larger fees for hos-
pital care.
The increased cost is a result
of a recent decision, by the. Michi-
gan Department of Revenue which
will make hospitals responsible for
collecting sales tax on medicine
and meals.
Prior to the decision all hos-
pital services had been exempt
since the passage of the Sales Tax
Act in 1933.
More than 25 private non-profit
hospitals have been notified by
the Revenue Department to apply
for sales tax licenses before
March 1.


Get Awards

To Attend.I
The Daily will hold its initial
this week.
Those interested in joining theF
can do so at either 4:15 p.m. tomorr
wishing to join the business staff
p.m. tomorrow or 4:15 p.m. Thursd
All meetings will be held at th
Anyone who is scholastically+
freshmen, may join.
Prospective reporters, sports wri
.L. ... . . . L .. .4 -.0 ...C L .

" lanning in the event Wayne be-
comes Michigan's third major
state university.
"Especially in -expensive areas
T outs of 'specialization, such as nuclear
energy, unless there is very astute
state planning there will not be
enough funds available to main-
tain distinction," President Hat-
cher commented.
tryout meetings of the semester The State Legislature is cur-
rently considering two bills that
Editorial, Sports or Women's staffs would eventually lead to complete
ow or 7:15 p.m. Thursday. Students state control of Wayne, now a
will have an opportunity at 7:15 Detroit Board of Education re-
ay. sponsibility.
he Student Publications Bldg., 420 President Clarence B. Hilberry
of Wayne has claimed that for
May Join financial reasons mainly, state
eligible, including first semester control is desirable. It has received
the support of faculty, adminis-
iters and advertising men will have tration and students at Wayne.
«.J..«1. t. . -1. , . . , Z . .;-1

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
TOLEDO, Ohio--A gas explosion killed three workers in a down-
town wholesale meat house early yesterday.
A fourth, at the center of the blast, survived.
Stanley Damschroder, 55, said that when he flicked his cargette
lighter "the whole place went boom." His fellow workers, Paul
Borcherding, 54, Melvin Kegelman, 46, and James Libhart, 41, died as
the three-story brick building was demolished.
LONDON--Avalanche disasters in Yugoslavia and new storms
boosted the death toll to 390 yesterday in the third week of Europe's
coldest wave of the 40th century.
Belgrade radio said 58 Yugoslavs lost their lives and another 19
were gravely injured in slides that buried seven villages in the
mountains of southern Yugoslav Macedonia. Many others were

Five University fraternities re-
ceived top awards this year from
their national councils for out-
standing records in 1955.
Last semester Zeta Beta Tau,
Phi Gamma, and Theta Xi were
named the best chapters in their
respective systems. Tau Delta was
selected as the most improved.
Sigma Alpha Mu was named
last week as the winner of the
Founder's Cup, given to the chap-
ter with the best all-around record
for the year in extra-curricular
activities and scholastic achieve-
SGC Tryout
Meeting Set
Student Government Council
will hold a mass tryout meeting
for those interested in Adminis-
trative Wing work at 4 p.m. Feb.


Doctors To Give
Ike Health Report
Eisenhower will get a Valentine
Day medical report today on the
condition of his heart.
Tomorrow he will leave for a
vacation in Georgia, and he may


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