"Come on, in to the Union's 1956 Open House" the loudspeaker
loudly instructed passersby, many of whom had stopped to stare at
the two-tone, brownish-violet sports car on the street,
Those who followed instructions were greeted by a Union repre-
sentative wearing a maize and blue ribbon reading "HOST" and
passing out programs soon to be improvised into fans.
"Are they free, Daddy?" asked a local toddler with a premature
insight into the ways of the world. "Daddy" assured him that they
were, and the lad was soon happily sipping ginger ale and carrying a
gravity-defying, helium-filled balloon, compliments of a soft-drink
company and the Michigras committee respectively.
"Real good turnout," remarked the laconic swimming pool at-
tendeht, back for the first time since the pool closed last May.
Students were as gratified as the small boy to learn that things
were free, and they soon filled the billiards room, bowling alley and
swimming pool.
"Make an aisle," shouted a Union representative to the crowd as
members of 14 fraternities led their houses' cannine mascots into
the Grand Ballroom. Members of the Union's janitorial staff eyed
the dogs nervously, while affiliates inside cheered and laughed as
their favorites were awarded prizes of new collars for the "knobbiest
knees" or for having been adjudged "sexiest" in show.
"Brutus" displayed little platform dignity when reluctantly led
onstage, but, truer to character, "Caesar" growled ferocidusly as he
awaited his turn. Better-behaved animals paraded before a sign left
over from the earlier fashion show incongruously promising the best
in spring styles.
dion's -1956,
"Now let's be real brave and put these two steps together," the
Arthur Murray instructress entreated the gawky row of novices at a
Cha Cha step as she conducted lessons in the old Union Opera room.
"I'd like five singles, please," said a student who had just come in
to cash a check. Others went about their business unphased by the
festivities-the old man reading the paper in the lobby, the business
staff placing orders for food, the professors shooting pool in the
Faculty Club.
"That's the lightest frosting I've ever tasted," grinned a sticky-
fingered judge of the cake-baking contest as he groped for a napkin.
Although slightly dissappointed that there were only four entries, the
judges were up to the situation. After due deliberations and second
helpings "just to be sure," they awarded each cake a prize for one
of four hastily-contrived categories.
The "best-tasting" entry was taken home by its owner, Nancy
Hayden, '58, but within-five minutes "best overall effort," (a fluffy-
frosted block 'M') "best appearance" (a maize and blue automobile)
and "most surprising frosting" (it contained nuts) were completely
devoured by the hungry onlookers,
"I think I'm going home to bed," commented a Union official as
the afternoon waned and the crowd thinned out. The girls from Michi-
gras closed down their booth and let their balloons fare for themselves.
Twenty of them found their way to the union ceiling, posing an in-.
teresting problem for the Union maintenance crew.
And two eight-year olds fresh from the pool, their wet hair string-
ing down over their foreheads, scraped their fingers across the pan
of "most surprising frosting," having long ago learned that everything
was free.
See Second Section
Latest Deadline in the State
:4adit t
., %',
,- '
Will Enter
GOP Race:
Choice Affects
Sallade's Plans
State Rep. George Sallade, (R-
Ann Arbor) said yesterday that
the gubernatorial candidacy of
Republican standard bearer Ddn-
ald Leonard "definitely affects the
possibility" that he will run.
"I'm not sure I necessarily want
to get into a three-way race" with
Leonard and Rep. Alvin Bentley,
(R-Mich.) whose candidacy Sal-
lade anticipates.
Leonard, in announcing yester-
'day he would enter the August 7
primary, lashed at party State
Chairman John Feikens and Post-
master General Arthur Summer-
field for designs to "make the Re-
publican party a closed preserve.
for all except their own hand-
picked candidates.
The former Detroit police com-
missioner ran second in the 1952
gubernatorial primary, went on to
win that contest in 1954 only to
lose 'by 250,000 votes to Gov. G.
Mennen Williams in the general
Sallade said he would meet next
week in Lansing with his supporf-
ters to discuss the possibility of
endorsing Leonard or even Rep.
- Bentley. If the group decides to
support neither, it is possible
"though not necessarily certain"
that Sallade will run.
The Ann Arborite said that Rep.
Gerald. Ford (R-Mich.), anpther
gubernatorial possibility, has the
"appealing features" of 'a pro-
Eisenhower record, which he says
Rep. Bentley lacks, and a "new
face," which Leonard lacks.
If Rep. Ford enters the race,
Sallade added, there's "definitely
not" much point in his running for
End Confab
MOSCOW (AP)-Nikita Khrush-
chev brought the 20th Communist
party Congress to an end late yes-
terday after it completed its work
by approving his policies and
electing a new Central Commit-
tee. The delegates gave Khrush-
chev a big hand, but there was
no che ring for Stalin.
"Everything on the agenda has
been taken care of," said the
r Soviet chieftain, who held the
center of the stage of the 11-day
confab of 1,355 voting Soviet Com-
mumst delegates and distinguished
foreign Communist guests.
The Congress wound up its work
after adopting resolutions:
1. Approving collective leader-
ship of the party and the foreign
and domestic program of that
leadership as set forth in Khrush-
A chev's keynote address;
2. Setting forth the directives
for the new sixth five-year plan;
3. Adopting a draft decision on
preparation of a new party pro-
Richner To Play
All-Mozart Show
The music school will present
pianist Thomas Richner at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in Rackham As-
sembly Hall.
In commemoration of the Mozart
Bicentennial Year, Richner will
present an all-Mozart program
which will include Allegro for a
--Daily-Dick Gaskill
c... Iruk is cleared from Montreal goal by defenseman Gerald Houle..
MacFarland's Four Goals Pace Icers
To One-Sided Defeat of Montreal
Byrd Asks
For Racial
'Passive Resistance'
Sought For in South
F. Byrd (D-Va.) called yesterday
for "massive resistance" in the
South to challenge the, Supreme
Court's order for racial integra-
tion in the public schools.
Byrd made it clear in an inter-
view he is not advocating or con-
doning violence in opposing en-
forcement of the order but said
he wants Southern states to stick
together in declaring the court's
opinion unconstitutional.
"If we can organize the South-
ern states for massive resistance
to this order I think that in time
the rest of the country will realize
that racial integration is not go-
ing to be accepted in the South,"
he said.
"In interposition, the South has
a perfectly legal means of appeal
from the Supreme Court's order."
Interposition is a doctrine un-
der which some students of con-
stitutional government have con-
tended the states could refuse to
implement within their own con-
fines a Supreme Court decision
they felt did not comply with the
Constitution. Legislatures of some
of the Southern states already
have passed resolutions of this
While Byrd did not cast it in
that light, his call for Southern
unity on the school issue appar-
ently was akin to the "passive re-
sistance" urged by some propo-
nents of racial integration.
Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D-
N.Y.) has urged a one-hour period
of nationwide, nonactivity by Ne-
groes on March 28, as a protest
against the arrest of Montgomery,
Ala., Negroes for boycotting seg-
regated city buses.
Police Apprehend
Robbery Suspect
Following the quick action of
an ex-officer, police yesterday
were able to arrest Jack Herman,
suspected of robbing a local res-
taurant of $61.
Alerted by the cashier who re-
fused to submit to Herman's de-
mands for money which were
backed up by a target pistol,
former pcliceman Henry Vogt
caught a glimpse of the suspect
turning into another restaurant.
Vogt then called police, who
immediately apprehended the sus-
Herman, a Russian who has been
in the country less than two years,
is unemployed.
Dust Clouds
Displaying its finest',offensive
strength of the year, Michigan
rode roughshod over a helpless
Montreal sextet' at the Coliseum
last night to the tune of 10-1.
Five Wolverines broke into the
scoring column, with Captain Bill
MacFarland pacing the assault
with four goals.
Despite the win, the Wolverines
dropped two full points behind
league leading Michigan Tech, who1
defeated MSU 3-1 at East Lan-
sing. Tech now has 17 points to
Michigan's 15.
Three Found
At Crash Site
MADRID, Spain (P)-Medical
Corps parachutists, ferried by a
helicopter found three survivors
last night where a United States
Air Force transport crashed in a
snowstorm 50 miles north of Mad-
The other three men aboard
perished in the crash.
Names released did not identify
personnel as survivor or dead,
The C47 transport, carrying six
men attached to the small Ameri-
man military aid mission to Spain,
crashed Friday night when only
minutes from a landing here. It
was flying from Chateauroux,
Storms, Winds Roar
Across Nation; 13 Dead
Many Hurt, Homeless
IMinnesota set up the next week-
end's series between the Huskies
and Michigan as the year's most
crucial games by defeating Colo-
rado College 4-2 and definitely
eliminating the Tigers hopes of a
second straight WIHL champion-
All that Michigan must do now
to assure itself of second place and
an NCAA playoff berth is win at
least two of the remaining four
games with Tech. Yet the Wolver-
ines will be out for the WIHL title
itself, a goal which necessitates a
sweep of both Tech series.
Michigan was in- command all
the way as they pounded in five
goals in the first period, added
three more in the second and
wound up with two in the final
stanza. The ten goal output was
Human Relations
Survey Begins
Two weeks of preliminary inter-
views of some 2,500 Ann Arbor resi-
dents began yesterday as a part
of the Ann Arbor Community Self
Survey on human relations.
Some 66 of the city's 550 blocks
have been selected for the pre-
liminary interviews. From these
the 15 questioners will be able to
determine which dwelling units
should be selected from when full
interviews are conducted in a
month-or so.
the highest single game mark for
the Wolverines this year.
The previous high was seven
against MSU, Colorado College and
the Detroit Redwings.
Michigan wasted no time in
taking the lead. Gerard Houle of
Montreal was sent to the penalty
box at the 28 second mark and
nine seconds later Dick Dunnigan
took a pass from EdSwitzer to
score and the Wolverines were off
and running.
Minutes later Neil Buchanan
beat goalie, Bob Bleau with a 30
footer which eventually proved
to be the winning goal. But Mi-
chigan had its scoring suits on
and before the period was over
Tom Rendall had added one and
Neil McDonald two more.
Quick Pair For McDonald
McDonald's pair came within
11 seconds of each other. The
crafty sophomore center was as-
sisted by Switzer on both efforts.
Montreal's lone goal of the eve-
ning came in the first period when
Pierre Renaud beat Lorne Howes
after taking a pass from Maurice
Duhaime. It was the fifth time
this year that one goal has stood
between Howes and a shutout. He
has one whitewash to his credit.
But on other than this play,
'Les Carabins' couldn't muster a
goal. On numerous occasions they
were called for offside as they
bought the puck over the blue
line, and when they did get safely
See 'M', Page 3
--.aily-Johnn Hrtzei
WINNERS-Trumpet Trio (left to right) Dick Longfield, Emerson
Head and Carmen Spadaro won $100 first prize at Gulantics last
night. Second prize of $50 went to soprano Hildred Kronlakken;
a $25 third prize was captured by duo-pianists Barbara Marriott
and Kathryn Lucas.
U' Television Reaches
Audience of 1,500,000
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is the second
of a two part series on University television)
Many full-time television stations would consider themselves
very lucky to claim 1,500,000 individual viewers each week.
University television not only reaches over that number, but does
so in cities as large as Detroit or as small as Cadillac. More iunportant,
quality is never sacrificed for commercialism.
During the first four years of broadcasting, WWJ-TV received
from the Freedom Foundation, in behalf of the University of Michigan
Television Hour, an award for outstanding contribtion to a better
Vupderstanding of freedom; from
Variety magazine, its national
Say Johnson award for education by television.
This recognition is testimony to
'I ad qe * an effective "guiding hand," which
consistantly supports the ideals of
the University. The necessary lead-
The second day of hearings in ership is supplied by Prof. Garnet
the Johnson murder trial con- Garrison, Director of University
cluded yesterday with a psychia- Television.
trist testifying that he found the In the fall of 1947, he accepted
defendant to be an "inadequate an appointment in the Department
person" with marked emotional of Speech, specializing in Radio
reaction to death. and TV instruction and, in 1950,
Harold A. Johnson, accused of became director of Television for
killing his one year old daughter the University. While effectively
on the night of Jan. 9, earlier guiding the successful present, he
onate nig hetne Jandaerremains interested in long range
sated romthienwtness stadt hatifegoals. "We will not compromise
tatriht he cientyso insie dnow if it means we will have crip-
shot his two daughters, aged three no"
and one.noAt this point, Michigan's own
Prosecutor Edmond F. DeVine station reenters the picture. Prof.
rested his case after calling 12 Garrison feels that "it just doesn't
police witnesses. A motion from seem feasible to go ahead at this
the defense attorney that the case time." The reasons for this un-
be dismissed on grounds that pre- feasibility are impressive. First,
mediation, malice, motive having the entire future of Ultra-high-
not been proven was denied by frequency television is uncertain
Circuit Judge James R. Breaker, at best. Although all areas in
Jr. which TV has not been established
Johnson's plea of not guilty are receiving UHF channel reser-
rests upon his claim of insanity at vations, a storm of controversy
the time of the killings. continues to rage over the ques-
The accused was again calm and tion.
composed during the proceedings. Closer to home is the problem
Hearings on the case will be re- faced by our neighbors to the
In Midwest
Halt Traffic
Illinois Storms
Down Buildings
By The Associated Press
A violent storm rolled eastward
from Texas through Illinois to
New York yesterday, leaving at
least 13 lead, dozens injured,
hundreds homeless and property
damage in the millions.
The storm caused the season's
worst dust clouds in the South-
west. Tornadoes knifed through
parts of the Midwest while hurri-
cane-force winds pounded eastern
Taking the form of a tornado,
the storm hit Summerfield, Il.,
early yesterday and took three
lives while most persons were still
About half of the town's 106
buildings, residences and business.,
were either demolished or dam-
Illinois counted six deaths, Ohio
three, Texas two and Oklahoma
At the storm's height in the
west winds with gusts up to 95
miles an hour lashed western Tex-
as, eastern New Mexico, Oklahoma
and parts of Kansas.
It became a black blizzard-so
dense that fire fighters coping
with two major prairie fires in
Texas were unable to find the
flames until they were right on
Visibility was blotted out by
the dust and traffic virtually
stalled as the storm moved east-
ward. An inch of rain accom-
panied the storm in Indiana, boost-
ing prospective flood stages for the
Ohio River.
Red Proposal
To Get Reply
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles
are expected to dispatch next
week a-new "positive" rejection of
Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin's
persistent proposal for a British-
American friendship treaty.
Diplomatic officials speculated
that one way to handle the Bu-
ganin 'offer would be to make s
counterproposal of a treaty ac-
ceptable to the United States,
Britain and France. But they
have had trouble finding a formu-
la which would do this within the
requirements of American policy.
Various drafts have been worked
out in the State Department, for
consideration by President isen
hower and Sec. Dulles. Sec. Dulles
is understood to have come back
from his Bahamas vacation with
some ideas of the line to take.
French Smash
Rebel Stronghold
S stem Itself Brings Problems
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sixth
in a series of articles dealing wvith the
University's Faculty Senate, -its roles
and its problems. The series is based
on discussions with individual faculty
members and administrators.)
Poor faculty-administration re-
lations, most faculty members ag-
ree, have no unilateral origin.
While administrators have of-
ten been found wanting in inform-
ing the faculty at-large, they have
been hampered to a great extent
by -the decentralized nature of the
TTirno~vnnl ~n ~in ~n -r
"This problem of an increasing
gap between administration and
faculty is not peculiar to Michi-
gan," Prof. Arthur Carr of the
English department said. "The
structure of the American univer-
sity invited it. There seems to be
little possibility of bridging the
Assimilation of administration
and faculty views on this problem
results in a circularity which is
difficult to overcome.
Faculty members express a de-
sire to participate in, or at least
to uosses knowledae o f. nlicv cde-
dency to show less interest in the
On the other hand, the admin-
istration, when it does take prob-
lems to the faculty, often finds
"a willingness to criticize, but a
hesitancy to devote time toward
Administrators explain that they
frequently are confronted by the
disinterest pointed out by Prof.
Carr. This disinterest, coupled
with time. inefficiencies of com-
mittee methods, tends to break
down whole faculty participation.
As to origin of the circular prob-
the education school pointed out,
"present a need for a coordinating
faculty body so that some policy
jurisdiction on University-wide
faculty matters may be achieved.
"It is difficult for the faculty
as a whole to consider matters of
size, educational standards, camp-
us design and allocation of funds
with only two meetings per year "
Prof. Henderson said.
"The Faculty Senate -doesn't
stick with a problem long enough
to get it solved. There is too much
regular business when each of the
two meetings per semester roll