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February 10, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-02-10

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Congress To Cut
Costs: Knowland
$2 Billioll R~tedc ltion Foreseen
To Combat Inflationary Trend
WASHINGTON (AP)-Senator William F. Knowland of California
predicted yesterday Congress will 'help along the fight against infla-
tion by cutting President Dwight D. Eisenhower's money requests by
two billion dollars.
The Senate Republican leader told reporters he believes Congress
will find ways to slice that amount out of the $73,300,000,000 in new
spending authority the President asked.
President Eisenhower and Secretary of the Treasury George
Humphrey have expressed hope that Congress can find places to cut
their budget.
' Additional 1a Billion
The President proposed actual spending of $71,800,000,000 in the
fiscal year beginning July 1 but asked an additional one and one-
;half billion dollars be appropriated

Ike Doctrine
War Move,
Zhu kov a s
NEW DELHI, India (I)-Soviet
Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov came
yesterday to a public parting of
the ways with President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, his old soldier friend.
He declared the Eisenhower doc-
trine for the Middle East "is a
step toward war."
The touring Russian defense
minister, who got acquainted with
President Eisenhower in the World
War II campaigning that crushed
Nazi Germany, voiced his criticism
to reporters at a cocktail party.
S"Eisenhower is my old friend as
a soldier,". Zhukov said, speaking
with apparent deliberation through
r anl interpreter. "I do not know
what is left of him as a soldier-
whether he is still the same man."
No Private Message?
That was Zhukov's response
when asked why he did not make
his views on the Middle East
known to President Eisenhower
"in a more intimate fashion"-a
reference to the private messages
they have exchanged sporadically
since 1945.
Zhukov sent President Eisen-
hower a "get well" cable, along
with cordial best wishes, when the
President underwent abdominal
surgery in Washington last June.
And President Eisenhower sent
his best wishes to Zhukov through
r e n e r a l Nathan S. Twining,
United States Air Force chief,
when Twining attended a Soviet
, air exhibit in Moscow a couple of
weeks later.
The broad-chested Soviet mar-
shal said he did not know whether
President Eisenhower really is the
originator of the clew American at-
titude on Middle East affairs.
Colonialist Policy'
"But it is meant for interfer-
ence by ,using American capital
in the Middle East militarily and
economically," he said. "It is a
new edition of the old colonialist
"We are sure this antipeoples
Eisenhower policy will be rejected
by the Arabian peoples and that
the Arabian peoples will find what'
policy corresponds to their inter-
ests and who are their real friends
and wlh their masked enemies."
Before Zhukov got on that theme
he declared the Soviet Union is
the only nation seeking real dis-
armament and "certain circles in
certain countries" are preventing
disarmament. He said nuclear
weapons are not a war deterrent,
but create conditions for war.
iscuss New
WASHINGTON (') -- ,Shouting
has given way to talk of compro-
mise in the row between the Army
and National Guard as to whether
new guardsmen should be ordered
to six months active duty.
This is the argument that
reached deafening pitch after Sec-
retary of Defense Charles E. Wil-
son dropped his now celebrated
remark about a "sort of scandal"
during the Korean War.
The scandal, Secretary Wilson
said and Guard spokesmen furi-
ously denied, was the enlistment
of some young men in the Guari
to avoid being drafted for combat.
A House Armed Services sub-

for later outlays.
Senator Knowland pointed to
President Eisenhower's proposed
$4,363,000,000 foreign aid program
as one of the prime targets for any
congressional economy move that
develops. As submitted by the
President, this program envisions
a 256 million dollar increase over
the present level of assistance.
Of the total, $2,600,000,000 would
be for military assistance to 38
countries. Senator Knowland said
he doubts that this figure will be
. reduced materially. But he said he
. looks for "substantial" cuts in the
$1,763,000,000 proposed for eco-
nomic aid.
No Tax Cut
Even if Congress forces re-
trenchments, Senator Knowland
I said he doesn't believe there will
be room for a tax cut this year.
1 Secretary Humphrey has opposed
any reduction in levies.
S "There are still some people
around," Senator Knowland ob-
served, "who think we ought to
Sreduce the national debt. The
margin of any surplus in the bud-
get is likely to be small in any
event and it should be used for
debt retirement."
Senator Knowland said budget
reductions seem likely to be Con-
gress' principal answer to the
threat of inflation against which
President Eisenhower has warned.
The President said this week that
if labor and business don't exer-
cise voluntary restraints on wages
and prices, the government may
have to step in.
The Senate Republican leader
said, however, that "it would be
very difficult to get Congress to
pass any price-wage controls after
the OPA experiment."
Senator W. F. Bennett (R-Utah)
said controls "never worked any-
'way." A former president of the
National Assn. of Manufacturers
Senator Bennett said the inflation
threat must be met by "aroused
public opinion."
Atom Yields
CHICAGO G'P1-A flow of atomic
generated electric power was put
to use yesterday in a ceremony
hailed by the .nation's top atomic
leaders as "an event of historic
significance in man's development
of the atom for peaceful purposes."~
The electricity came from the
nation's first nuclear power sys-
tem designed solely for electric
power experiments. It is an ex-
perimental boiling water reactor.
The reactor, generating 5,000
kilowatts of electricity, was cut in
at 2:01 p.m. EST, replacing the
conventional power used at the
Argonne National Laboratory.
Representative C. T. Durham
(D-NC), chairman of the joint
committee on atomic energy, flip-
ped the switch cutting in the
atomic power and said:
In a larger sense, we are wit-
nessing an important first step in
fulfilmenthon man's aspira-
tions to use the mighty force of
the atom to better 'his way of life
and his hope of a more bountiful
existence for all."
Athletic Aid To Be~
SGC Forumn Topic,
A "Re-evaluation of Financial
Aid to Big Ten Athletes" will be
discussed at a Student Govern-
ment Council Forum at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday in the Union Ballroom.
Former Joint Judiciary Council
Chairman Mike McNerney, '57L,
will moderate the discussion. Prof.
Marcus L. Plant of the law school,"
Prof. George Peek of the political

Hits New
High at 'U
Groesbeck Reports
24,387 Final Total
The largest Spring enrollment
in the University's history-24,387
-was announced last night by
Edward G. Groesbeck, director of
the Office of Registration and
This compares with a final fig-
ure of 23,319 credit students in the
Spring of 1956.
21,000 at AA
The expected final enrollment
figure will include approximately
21,200 students receiving resi-
dence credit in Ann Arbor, 187 at
the University's Flint Branch, and
3,000 taking credit courses in
University centers throughout the
Last Spring's final figure show-
ed 20,101 residence credit students,
and 3,218 in the Michigan com-
munities in which the University
maintainshinstructional centers.
Since the Flint branch did not
open until last fall there were no
enrollment reports from that col-
lege included in the Spring 1956
The slight drop in residence
credit enrollment is a normal sec-
ond semester fluctuation, Groes-
beck explained. The January grad-
uates usually number more than
incoming freshmen or spring
Additional 9,000
The University also expects to
have an additional 9,000 people
enrolled throughout the year in
courses leading to a certificate and
taught in the instructional cen-
ters of the state.
This maintains the near 35,000
figure representing the number of
persons who receive organized in-
struction from the University.
"The complete breakdown of en-
rollment figures will be r.eady to-
morrow night or Tuesday, Gros-
beck promised. The final tabula-
tion will iniclude revised school
enrollments, a men-to-women ra-
tio, and class totals.
It is expected to reveal another
marked increase in Graduate
school enrollment, where a de-
cidedly larger population was reg-
istered in September.-
Small Res ponse
T'o SGC Pro grain
Student Government Council
has found little response to its
speakers' program among campus
housing units.
Less than one fourth of campus
housing groups have indicated any
interest in having an SGC mem-
ber visit their residence for an
evening's discussion of campus
All housing units, according to
SGC Public Relations Chairman
Janet Winklehaus, '57, were sent
cards and letters informing them
of the Council's program.
Any house may request a mem-
ber of the Council to dinner, fol-
lowed by a discussion. The house
may name the member and the
topic for discussion.
- However, response to the pro-
gram has been low. Less than half
of the houses have returned post-
cards, and many of those wh did
return the cards indicated no in-
terest in speakers.

Connable, Watt Chosen
To Run For U' Regents

Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Incumbent Alfred
B. Connable of Kalamazoo, and
Ethel Jocelyn Watt of Birming-
ham, were unanimously nomi-
nated as candidates to the Uni-
versity Board of Regents last
night at the Republican State
Convention here.
Both Connable and Mrs. Watt
said they intended to alleviate the
student housing situation, which
they consider the University's
most serious problem.
Connable will be running for a
third time. Mrs. Watt is replac-
ing retiring Vera Baits of Grosse
Michigan's "modern Republi-
canism" drive was given a boost
when Lawrence B. Lindemer was
elected GOP State Chairman.
Modern Republican
An avid supporter of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's modern
Republicanism, Lindemer said he
would try to organize the party
on a county basis in working for
"We can use Ike's modern Re-
publicanism theory on the county
as well as on the national level,"
the 35 year old Lansing lawyer;
"This theory ties the rights of
individuals with the responsibility
of the individual," he said. "The
Democrats are concerned wholly
with the rights of individuals;
while ignoring their responsibil-
One supporter of Lindemer, re-
tiring state chairman John Fei-'
kens, asserted, "I do not envy the
chairman and vice-chairman. Nev-
ertheless, after 'four years, I hate
to leave."
Dark Horse
Lindemer's c h i e f opposition
came from Veny Reynolds, Alle-
gan auto dealer. A dark horse,
Reynolds became a serious con-'
tender when candidates J. Ad-
Urge UN Study
WASHINGTON (') -- Nineteen
Democratic congressmen yesterday
urged President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower to seek a United Nations in-
vestigation into Soviet interven-
tion in the satellite nations.
The house members released1
a copy of a letter sent the Presi-a
dent urging the United States to
initiate or support an effort to
include the situation in the "Cap-
tive States" on the agenda of the
UN General Assembly.
They said Soviet oppression in
10 European countries had broughtc
about the possibility of revolts,
which could very well lead to world-

,dington Wagner, Battle Creek,
and Matt Buder, Genessee, threw
their support behind him late
yesterday morning.
Reynolds made the vote go to
the second ballot before he con-
ceded. Lindemer, who had 539 of
the necessary 750 votes at the
time drew most of his strength
from Wayne, Oakland and Kent
Counties while Reynolds drew his
support from most of the outstate
Ella Koeze of Grand Rapids was
unanimously elected state vice-
chairman. George Foster, Ingham,
was chosen to run for state high-
way commissioner, and Edgar
Harden of Northern State Teach-
er's College in Marquette for su-
perintendent of public instruction.
World News
By The Associated Press
Red Flag . . .
BUDAPEST-A lone Red flag
has come back to Budapest in a
gesture of Communist triumph
over the Freedom Fighters crushed
by Soviet tanks three months ago.
The flag was apparently placed
Friday night atop the memorial to
the Soviet air force, damaged by
anti-Russian demonstrators during
the revolt.
* * *
Meade Aicorn-. ..
Alcorn called on fellow Republi-
cans last night to seize the oppor-
tunity in the 1957 and 1958 elec-
tions to "solidify the new align-
ments now taking place" in the
Republican party.
This could be done, he said, by
carrying out what he called the
"Program of the Future" of the
Eisenhower Administration - a
modern day Republican program
"with the vision and vitality toI
meet the demands of the day."
* * *
Suud Agrees
WASHINGTON-Renewal of the
Dhahran agreement assures theI
United States continued use of a
base from which nuclear-tipped
rockets could be fired on vital tar-
gets in Russia in case war came.
Before flying to Spain yesterday,
on his way home from a 10-day
visit, King Saud of Saudi Arabia
agreed to allow five continued
years of continued American use
of Dhahran field-l,000 miles
from Russia's southern boundary
-in return for United States eco-
nomic aid..

-Daily-John Hirtzel
KRAMER TIPS-Michigan forward Ron Kramer leaves his feet
to convert a rebound into two points in a losing cause.
Gophers Down Cagers
Wtih Second Half Surge
Minnesota's Golden Gophers swept away an eight-point deficit
' and went on to utterly crush Michigan's basketball team, 82-62, at
Yost Field House last night. -
The standing-room crowd of 8,500 saw Minnesota score 47 points
in the last 13 minutes. The loss ruined Michigan's chances to top the
Big Ten.
Indiana First
As it is Indiana now holds first place all alone by virtue of up-
setting Ohio.State. The loss, dropped the Buckeyes to second place.
In third position is Purdue, who was knocked off by Iowa. Then come

'U.S. Seeking S , O g pi


Won't Break
Arabs Say
Israel Still Demands
Egyptian Guarantees
On Gaza, Aqaba '
The United States looked to Presi-
dent Gamal Nasser yesterday for
a statement of Egyptian intentions
which might help the UN get Is-
rael out of Egypt.
Arab-Asian delegates at the
UN Assembly who disclosed the
American move said they were
not certain the Egyptian President
would make any statement but
they were absolutely certain he
would not break the cease-fire
with a military attack on Israel.
Israel, meanwhile, is holding
fast to the Gaza Strip and the
Sharm el Sheikh sector of the Gulf
of Aqaba until she is certain her
rights will be protected against
any Egyptian attack.
Some delegates said a statement
from Nasser disavowing belliger-
ent actions could be used to meet
the Israeli demands for guaran-
tees. They were pessimistic on get-
ting this statement, however.
Ike, Dulles Talk
The question of Israel's with-
drawal had the attention of the
highest American officials. Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower has
discussed it by telephone with Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles
from the President's vacation
quarters in Georgia. President
Eisenhower has expressed hope
that Israel will withdraw and has
appealed to Israeli Premier David
Ben-Gurion to do so.
There was, however, no hint of
a break in Israel's adamant posi-
tion. The Israelis have said re-
peatedly that some arrangement
must be worked out so that Egyp-
tian guns cannot once more block-
ade Israeli shipping at the Sharm
el Sheikh entrance to the Gulf of
Aqaba and that Arab commandos
no longer can spring from the
Gaza Strip into Israel in destruc-
tive raids.
Gaza, Aqaba Left
The Gaza Strip and the coast of
the Sinai peninsula along the Gulf
of ,Aqaba are all that are eft to
Israel of the Egyptian territory
seized when Israeli soldiers invad-
ed Egypt last October.
The Israeli government received
populardsupport at home for its
Tens of thousands of demonstra-
tors marching in Israeli cities and
towns shouted that no threat of
sanctions or any sort of restric-
tions would break them.
The demonstrators protested bit-
terly against what they called the
UN policy of "strangulation"
against Israel. A rally in the Is-
raeli section of Jerusalem adopted
a resolution declaring "unremit-
ting opposition" to any attempt to
return Egyptian guns to the Gulf
of Aqaba or to use the Gaza Strip
as a base of commando raids.
The Jerusalem resolution called
for the demilitarization of the Si-
nai peninsula and freedom of nav-
igation in the Suez Canal.
A similar resolution was adopt-
ed in other rallies in Israel.
Senate Studies
Oil Price Rises
WASHINGTON (P)-5 e n a t o r
Joseph O'Mahoney (D-Wyo) said
yesterday that Secretary of the
Interior Fred Seaton will be asked
by Senate investigators to say

what recommendations he has for
dealing with recent price increases
in oil and gasoline.
Secretary Seaton has been asked'
to testify Thursday before a com-
bined Senate Anti-monopoly and
Public Lands subcommittee headed
by Senator O'Mahoney.,
The subcommittee is inquiring
into the emergency oil-for-Europe
program and the recent wide-


Picture o f Def eat

Michigan, Illinois, Michigan State
and Minnesota in a tie for fourth.
Tomorrow night Michigan will
face last place Wisconsin at Madi-
son. A win will be absolutely nec-
essary for the Wolverines if they
want to stay in the thick of the
Big Ten race.
Never has this reporter seen
such a reversal in basketball as
the one which took place on the
field house floor last night. In the
first half, Michigan played ex-
cellent ball, both offensively and
Fall Apart
For seven minutes of the sec-
ond half the Wolverines continued
to sparkle, then everything fell
A comfortable 43-35 lead seem-
ed to vanish instantaneously and
Michigan never recovered.
In the first place, the defense
disappeared. For more than half
the game the Wolverines had met
the Minnesota five at half court
and stuck with them like shadows.
Every time the Gopher sharp-
shooters got set, there was a hand
waving in a face.
Then suddenly every Gopher
seemed to be open and they shot
with deadly accuracy. Minnesota
hit .513 in the second half, com-
pared to .371 in the first.


Cater To Talk
On Press Role
In GoverDnent
Douglass C a t e r, Washington
correspondent for The Reporter
magazine, will speak at 3 p.m.
tomorrrow in Rackham Amphi-
Appearing under the auspices
of the journalism department,
Cater will discuss "The Role of
the Press in the Conduct of Gov-
Cater, the Reporter's Washing-
ton correspondent since 1950, was
formerly traveling companion and
speech writer for the 1952 Demo-
cratic vice-presidential nominee,
Senator John Sparkman of Ala-


He is also a one-time Special
Assistant to the Secretary of the
Army, and helped draft Averell
Harriman's Mutual Security Re-
port to Congress.
More recently, Cater has co-
authored a book, "Ethics in a
Business Society," with Marquis
W. Childs, and held a Guggen-
heim Award last year to study of
the press and government.
* , iIV-U;14.rte

Offensive Lapse
With the Wolverine defensive
lapse came a similar reaction on
offense. Where smoothly worked

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