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February 27, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-27

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Turkey-Iraq Defense Pact
See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State











* *







Icers Gain NCAA Tourney li

7_ ;




Psurfs' First in Gulantics*
Tenor, Dancer Split econ
The "Psurfs", 12 singers from the Lawyers Club, delighted the
audience with several novelty numbers and copped the $100 first
prize in the eighth annual Gulantics talent show last night in Hill
Two acts tied for second and third places. Tenor Al Crofoot
sang operatic selections and Rand Osland did intricate tap dance
routines. The two winners will divide the cash award.
Other Competitors
Also featured in the competing portion of the program were Paul
Brodie and the "Stardusters" with some South American rhythms;

Hyma Finds
New Hope'
In Lawsuit
pressing disappointment with
xa Wayne County Circuit Court de-
cision, Prof. Albert Hyma of the
history department yesterday re-
vealed that he possessed "new dis-
covery" information which, if
presented, might change the com-
pletion of the court's verdict.
The decision, handed down Fri-
. day by Circuit Judge Philip Elliott,
awarded the history professor
$4,000 in damages to be paid by
a "spiritualist," Lillian Lee of De-
Prof. Hyma was denied recom-
pensation of an additional $9,000.
He claimed he had lost the money
ii ill-advised business ventures
which Mrs. Lee had proposed.
Mrs. Lee Called "Fake"
Mrs. Lee, whose business advice
was supposedly based on commu-
nication with spirits, was called
a fake by Judge Elliott.
"The proof in this case estab-
lishes with a reasonable degree of
certainty that Mrs. Lee's represen-
tation that she had the power
to communicate with spirits of de-
parted persons was false;" Judge
Elliott said.
In denying Prof. Hyma the
$9,000, Judge Elliott said the pro-
fessor had been overly gullible,
and "virtually asks the court to
'believe he made no effort to use
his God-given ability to think for
Found 25 Letters
Prof. Hyma said yesterday that
he felt this statement to be a'c-
curate considering the evidence
M available during the trial. But the
discovery four days after the trial
of 25 letters which he previously
had thought lost caused Prof Hy-
ma to raise his hopes.
"This new information," he said,
"could possibly cause the court to
reconsider its decision." Prof. Hy-
-ma, said' he has no definite plans
in mind for an appeal or re-trial.
k"on Jan. 24 Judge Elliott stated
that the swindle I fell for wasn't
too important," Prof. Hyma said.
"'"He said hundreds of people had
fallen for it.
SGC Candidates
Meeting Scheduled
7 F i n a 1 Student Government
Council candidates training meet-
ling will be held at 4 p.m. tomor-
row in the Union.
Members of the SGC Review

Tblues singer Myki Gold and the
"Midnight Suns," a quartet doing
their own version' of "Rigoletto."
Earl Sayer, an Irish tenor, ap-,
peared in the first part of the re-i
vue singing two ballads. The next
act was a modern dance inter-
pretationrwith a blues theme by
Ed Barrera and Sandy Bader.
The lively Charleston-Aires-
Dancers were among the non-
competing entertainment and
sparked the show with their
'Roaring Twenties' routine. Other
acts in this portion of the pro-
gram, were an exhibition by the
League Dancing Class and the
Men's Glee Club singing several
traditional favorites.
Emcees' Antics
The audience seemed to appre-
ciate the clowning of Howard
Nemerovski and Tom Leopold, act-
ing as emcees for the revue. They
opened the show by interviewing
well-known campus personalities
attending the show. As masters of
ceremonies they introduced the
acts with quips and comedy re-
Audience response to the com-
peting acts actually deterpnined
the winners of the talent show.
The top three performances were
indicated by an electronic applause
Red Johnson's band supplied
mood music for the nightclub at-
mosphere and playea several se-
lections between acts.

Chinese War
Flares Again
Off Coast
Reds Reaffirm Aim
To 'Liberate' Islands
By The Associated Press
The China offshore island war
flared up Friday night and yes-
terday in Formosa Strait where
both Communist and Nationalist
reports agreed the weight of hos-
tilities pow has shifted.
Nationalist Premier O. K. Yui
told the legislative Yuan that the
Matus and Quemoy, off Red Chi-
na's Fukien province coast facing
Formosa, would "in no circum-
stances" be given up without a
fight. And he said the United
States should see it that way,
Quemoy Threatened
Chinese Communists are report-
ed to be closing in with new long
range artillery for intensified
bombardment of Quemoy Island,
one of Chiang Kai-shek's last
footholds close to the Red Chinese
This latest report was inter-
preted in some quarters yesterday
as indicating a sharp speedup in
events which can lead to a major
showdown in the troubled Far
The Nationalist abandonment
of Nanchishan Island, 20 miles off
the mainland province of Che-
kiang, moved the immediate focus
of attention southward to Matsu
Island, now the northermost out-
post of Chiang's forces. Red moves
indicate a buildup to push the
Nationalists out of there. And now
comes the word of increased pres-
sure on Quemoy.
New 'Favorable Conditions'?
A Peiping radio broadcast yes-
terday boasted that seizure of
Nanchishan "Has provided more
'avorable conditions for the libera-
tion" of Formosa, Quemoy and
While the primary function of
Radio Peiping is psychological
warfare, there was some material
evidence to bear out the military
implications behind the propa-
ganda announcement.
A Nationalist source said a
small fleet 'of torpedo boats and
gunboats given the Chinese Reds
by the Russians has moved south
from Tsingtao toward the port of
Foochow opposite the Matsus.
Nationalists Give Version
The Nationalists gave this ver-
sion of the latest flareup:
A group of 11 Red gunboats and
armed, motorized junks Friday
night shelled tiny Wuchiu which
is 80 miles west of Formosa in the
Strait at a point about midway
between.Quemoy and the Matsus.
The Nationalists on the island,
fired back, reportedly damaging
two Red craft. Early yesterday,
Nationalist planes attacked Red
ships northwest of Wuchiu, re-1
portedly destroying a torpedo boat
and two of unspecified type.
No Invasion Attempt
The Defense Ministry said there
was no attempt at an invasion.
Wuchiu probably is one of the
few outposts in the Strait which
the Reds could' seize without pro-
yoking a crisis. They may yet try
to get it by way of claiming pro-
gress in avowed plans to "liberate"
Peiping radio trumpeted yester-
day the "liberation" of Nanchi-
shan, 140 miles northwest of For-,

mosa. A broadcast heard in Tokyo
said that Red landings on islands
north and south "compelled the
Chiang Kai-shek troops to flee."
The' Nationalists had said the
2,000 civilians on Nanchishan were
evacuated first by request. Peiping
said they were carried off "at bay-
onet point." The Nationalists said
fortifications were blown up to
render them useless to the Reds.
Pej~nn caledit "savage ietiip-.

... coming to Ann Arbor

Helen Hayes
To Appear
In Festival
Helen Hayes was announced
yesterday as the -first player to be
signed for the Spring Drama Festi-
The star will be seen in the pre-
miere of a new American drama
during the week of May 16. She
will be starring in the play on the
New York stage in the fall. The
play's title has not been set as
Miss Hayes recently appeared in
two productions at New York's
City Center: Sir James M. Bar-
rie's "What Every Woman Knows"
and Joshua Logan's "The Wis-
teria Trees," adapted from Chek-
hov's "The Cherry Orchard." She
is best known for her portrayal of
the title role of "Victoria Regina."
Although appearing in only a
few movies, she won an Academy
Award for "The Sin of Madelon
Claudet." Her most recent screen
appearance was in 1952's "My Son
The American stage star has
also made occasional television
appearances, winning c r i t i c a 1
praise for her performance as the
insane old aunt in "Arsenic and
Old Lace."
This. year's Drama Season will
run from May 9 to June 11. Dur-
ing the five weeks, five plays will
be offered. Miss Hayes will ap-
pear in the second production. The+
complete playbill fare will be an-
nounced in mid-April.
Four Days Left
Of $6.50 'Ensiaii
Tomorrow begins the last week
in which the 1955 Michiganensian
can be purchased for $6.50, ac-
cording to 'Ensian Business Man-
ager Paul Geiger, '55.
The 'Ensian will be on sale
tomorrow through Thursday on
the Diag, at the engine arch, Un-
ion and Women's Athletic Build-1
irig. Geiger emphasized that there!
would be no extension of the $6.501
price beyond Thursday.z

Top Nodaks;
Tech Loses
Michigan Darns Trip
After 7-2 Triumph
Dreams of gaining a playoff
berth in the Western Intercolle-
giate Hockey League became a
sudden reality last night, as a
driving Michigan sextet pounded a
7-2 win over North Dakota at the
Coliseum while Colorado College
was eliminating Michigan Tech,
4-3, in overtime.
Michigan has now clinched sec-
ond place, culminating a season-
long up-hill climb to make the
much-sought-after trip for the
eighth straight time to Colorado
Springs, where the NCAA hockey
championships will be held on
March 11-12.
Another Hat Trick
It was all Michigan for the sec-
ond night in a row. Graceful cen-
ter Bill MacFarland was the cen-
ter of attraction in the brilliant
offense with three goals for his
fifth "hat trick" of the season and
three assists. Tom Rendall came
through with his fourth and fifth
goals of the weekend series, while
wings Jerry Karpinka and Dick
Dunnigan also added one apiece.
North Dakota was much sharper
than in last night's 7-0 drubbing,
but the brilliant goaltending of
'M' goalie Lorne Howes, especially.
in the hectic third period, made}
the difference.
Rendall Scores First
Rendall got the Wolverines off
to another flying start at 4:18 of
the first period, when with Mac-.
Farland cleverly skating interfer-
ence, he slammed the puck by
S i o u x goalie Jerry "Spike"'
A freak goal credited to Dunni-
gan came right after and seemed,
to break the visitor's spirit.
See MacFARLAND, Page 3

Daily-Dick Gaskil,
WOLVERINE SHOT--Michigan wing Dick Dunnigan fires the
puck toward the North Dakota goal in Michigan's 7-2 rout of the
Nodaks. North Dakota ace Ben Chersky looks on helplessly, as
Michigan's Jerry Karpinka views the action while sprawled on the
M1' Tankers Edge OSU;
Ward ro Breaks Record
Two titans of the tank world collided yesterday afternoon, an
when the churning water had settled in Michigan's Varsity Pool th
} Wolverines had edged a national champion Ohio State squad by th
narrowest of margins. 47-46, to finish the dual meet season unbeat'en
One world record, an additional American mark, and a third poo
standard fell before the combined onslaught as Michigan mentor
Gus Stager and Bruce Harlan managed to out-mastermind one of th
nation's best collegiate coaches, Mike Peppe.
Capacity Crowd
Most of the 1,400 screaming fans who packed the bleacher
sensed a Wolverine victory when the host squad opened the mee
surprisingly strong, capturing the first three events and compilinga
commanding 19-8 lead.
Michigan's host of freestylers played the major part in sinking
the Ohio State hopes. The Maize-and-Blue sprinters swept both th
_____----------*50 and 100-yard freestyle event
Land were the deciding factor in
Discussed capturing the medley relay.
New World Record.
Jack Wardrop set a new worl
m bty Session standard in the 220-yard freestyle
winning for Michigan with a tim
S LIPSKY of 2:03.9, eight-tenths of a second
mitory and league house living sit- below Buckeye C-Captain Ford
-day Assembly Association work- Konno's old mk of 2:04.7, set in
last year's Michigan-Ohio State
administrators and house direc- Michigan Captain Bumpy Jones
uestions as effect of increased en- unbeaten in the individual medley
in four years of collegiate compe
g two single rooms to a suite for See JONES, Page 3


Lower House
Gives Victory
To Adenauer
Ratifies Disputed
Saar Agreement
BONN, Germany ( - Rearm-
ing of West Germany for the At-
lantic Alliance against Commu-
nism was overwhelmingly approv-
ed early today by the lower house
of Parliament on the next-to-final
ratification step.
Then the companion agreement.
with France to Europeanize the
German - speaking Saar Valley
with its coal and steel was ap-
proved by a vote of 264 to 204 with
nine abstentions.
The final reading on the pack-
age of five Paris treaties was post-
poned until later in the day when
an unprecedented Sunday session
will be held to pass upon the rais-
ing of a 500,000 man German army
to help defend the free world. The
upper house, where the govern-
ment has a majority, has still to
Victory Decisive
The victory of Chancellor Kon-
rad Adenauer on the first four
treaties ending the occupation of
West Germany and taking it into
the North Atlantic Alliance was
decisive. Despite their quarrels the
four parties in the government
coalition stood almost solidly to-
His victory over the bitterly dis-
puted Saar agreement Was by , a
greatly reduced margin, but still
larger than he had expected
In rapid succession the Bunds-
stag cast these ballots:
d End Occupation
e The first treaty, ending the 10-
e year-occupation by the United
e States, Britain and France, 327 to
The second treaty, authorizing
S the Western Powers to continue to
e station troops .in West Germany,
323 to 150.
The third and fourth treaties,
s fornmally admitting West Germany
t into the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
* ganization and the Western Euro-
pean Union, 315 to 153 with 9 ab-
g stentions.
e Amendient Defeated
s The Adenauer forces also beat
n down a Socialist amendment, 308
to 163, with 6 abstentions, which
would have delayed putting the
d Nato treaty into effect.
, 'Under the first treaty, the Allies
e restore West German sovereignty
d and lift the ban on arms.
d Under the second treaty, the
n troops of the three Western occu-
e pying powers are limited to the
,present number-more than 400,-
"000. Any increase requires the
y consent of the newly sovereign
Bonn Republic.
Although Adenauer's coalition of
Christian Democrats, Free Demo-
crats. German and Refugee party
members voted almost solidly for
arms and Western allies, the So-
cialists also mustered their entire
strength of 151 against the arms
None of the government depu-
ties apparently disagreed with the
spirit of the Socialist amendment
on the Saar. But they heeded Ad-

enauer's warning that unless the
Saar settlement with France was
accepted unchanged his whole
pro-western policy would be

Dorm Problems
At All-Day ,Asse
Ideas on problem raised by dorn
uations were exchanged in an all
shop yesterday.
Attended by students, University
tors, the conference took up such q
rollment on dormitories.
Students agreed that convertin
three was one of the more successfu:
existing dorms.
Small Units
Future dormitories the size of
bour (about 120 women) were rule
en Elsie R. Fuller as economicall

Williams Gets
Backing for
Higher Post
Gov. G. Mennen Williams was
given endorsement for "higher po-
litical office" yesterday by the
Democratic State Convention.
Though an attempted presiden-
tial drive was discouraged by aides
of the 44-year-old Governor, the
convention adopted a resolution
stressing his "growing national po-
litical stature" as a result of his
winning an unprecedented fourth
term as Governor last November.
Regent Nominees
Convention nominees for the
University Board of Regents' posts
were Eugene B. Power, Ann Arbor
industrialist and hotel man, and
Paul Adams, former Sault Ste.
Marie mayor.
Nominated for the two vacan-
cies on the Supreme Court bench
were Circuit Judge Eugene F.
Black and Steven J. Roth. Roth
was a unanimous choice.
Broke from GOP
Black, who delivered a ringing
cenunciation of the Republicans
Friday night, had the support of
all labor groups at the convention.
T'he Port THu ronrcand~idate broke

il ways of fitting more women into
Helen Newberry and Betsy Bar-
d out by Assistant Dean of Wom-
y impossible. Discussion revolved
around the idea of having small

Willow Village
Recently announced plans for a
$150,000,000 redevelopment of Wil-
low Village will be discussed by
Ypsilanti Township Supervisor
Henry Hicks at 6:45 p.m. tomor-
row over WPAG-TV.

National Routd ii

I i

By The Associated Press
BOISE, Idaho - National Chairman Paul M. Butler said last
night the Democratic Party is "determined to unmask the Eisenhow-
er administration."
"Because beneath will be revealed what many already suspect:"
he said, "the wrong Administration in office for the wrong purposes,
doing the wrong things, and for the wrong people."
Butler lashed out at what he called the administration's "lead-
erless farm program" and its "evasion of educational needs."

units within a large structure, as
in the quadrangles. Objections
were raised to anything as large
as South Quad's nine stories, how-
Co-ed set-ups, if buildings are
adequately planned in advance,
met with general approval. The
situation of 1,500 women living on
Observatory Hill was termed "un-
natural." A University run apart-
ment house for senior women,.with
a residence director also met with
f avorable itesponse.
Proposal Meets Objection
A proposal from Women's Judi-
ciary Council members that wom-
en have a specified number of
late permissions each semester to
be taken when they choose met
with only one objection: house di-
rectors would have to stay awake
until 'the women returned.
Having. the girls lock up the
house themselves has not always
worked in the past, directors said.
To solve the problem which aris-
es every spring, when large num-
bers of women stand in line for a
limited number of league house
nnnr^ir~cr o o ctarn of .rr., +;.,

State GOP.Asks Investigation
Of CIO Political Action Body
Investigation of the CIO Political Action Committee was called
.for yesterday by the Michigan Republican central committee.
The group followed a suggestion made by its newly re-elected
chairman, John Feikens, who described PAC activities as a "new -kind
of totalitarianism." Roy Reuther, head of the United Auto Workers
PAC, denied Feikens' charges and said an investigation of corporations'
election practices would be "really interesting."
"Strongest in Michigan"
Feikens charged, "The CIO-PAC is ready to spend thousands of
dollars to gain control of our "
schools and our courts. We must unusually low, according to mem-
meet this new brand of totalitar- bers of the Republican committee.

Nab Noodles
CHICAGO (A)-- The Federal
Bureau of Investigation had on
hand ten tons of spaghetti,
macaroni and noodles yester-
The foodstuff, without meat-
balls and in an uncooked state,
was recovered after the arrest
of trucker Franklin R. Suggs
of Gary, Ind. Suggs was charg-
ed with hijacking the load at
Providence, R.I., Jan. 30.


WASHINGTON - Sen. James O. Eastland (D-Miss.) said yester-
a broadening investigation of turnabout witness Harvey Matu-
shows he is "just a stooge."


I rln- iTrlnnln +l^li"ty is hi rrcn +1-.- hn is 11 cairl Vi Ofln_,q nkinirmnn I

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