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February 22, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-02-22

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0w ujtan
Latest Deadline in the State


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Now Tense
Thai Premier Says
Red Troops Massing
BANGKOK (R) -- Delegates to
the Southeast Asia defense trea-
ty conference gathered today in
an atmosphere made tense by the
Thai Premier's report that Com-
munist "Free Thai" forces are
massing close to Thailand's bor-
Thai officials also expressed
concern lest Communists among
refugees in Laos on Thailand's
northeast border stir up disturb-
4 ances during the three-day con-
ference, opening tomorrow.
Red China's Peiping radio
' blasted away at the Bangkok con-
ference. A broadcast heard in To-
kyo called it a United States plot
"to get Asians to do the dying
for United States aggression inI
"Plain Speaking"
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles, before his plane left Ma-
nila for Bangkok, said in a state-
ment the time was ripe for "plain
speaking" to prevent' "a reckless
Communist miscalculation which
could endanger the lives of many."
At- a news conference yesterday.
Premier Pibulsonggram said 20,-
000 Communist "Free Thai" troop
were in Red China's Yunnan
Province poised for a jumpoff.
North of Thailand
Yunnan's border is scarcely 100
r miles north of Thailand. It is sep-
arated by a segment of the Indo-
chinese state of Laos dominated
by the Communists.
"If we don't do anything about
it, Communismiwill move across
the Mekong River and dominate
all of Southeast Asia," the Pre-
'mier said. He said Thailand's
troops could take care of the "Free
Thai" forces but would need 'help
if Red China intervened.
Strong Organization
The Premier favored setting up
a strong organization dedicated to
"peace in this part of the world."
Foreign Secretary Carlos P. L.
Garcia of the Philippines said he
would propose a common air force
for collective defense by the mem-
ber nations-the United States,
United Kingdom, France, New
Zealand, Australia, the Philip-
pines, Thailandand Pakistan.



OSU Defeats
1M' Cagers


Plan To Go to SL'
Motion Presented Tonight To Urge
Disposal Through Gift of $3,750

A motion giving $3,750 of Stu-
dent Legislature's remaining funds
to the Free University of Berlin
account will be made at SL's week-
ly meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow.
The recommendation drawn up
Sunday by the Legislature finance
committee asks for the money to
be directed to a special Free Uni-
versity account to be used by Stu-
dent Government Council to ex-
pand the present exchange pro-
Finance committee chairman,
Bill Adams, '57, will also ask SL
support for appropriating $250 for
National Student Association dues
Witness Calls'
Bentley Liar
Turnabout witness Harvey Ma-
tusow, who calls himself a liar,
testified yesterday he believes
Elizabeth Bentley also gave false
testimony about Communist activ-
ities to congressional investigators.
Miss Bentley's name was brought
up in the course of a day in which
he testified under oath that he
lied when he said Senator Henry
N. Jackson (D-Wash.) was pro-
Communist and Senator Mike
Mansfield (D-Mont.) was "a tool
of the Communist party."
Matusow, self - described ex-
Communist and FBI informer who
has attacked the patriotism of
many, ranging from senators and*
churchmen to Communist party
leaders, was before the Senate In-
ternal Security subcommittee.
Miss Bentley has been a key
government witness in investiga-
tions and trials involving charges
of Soviet-directed espionage in the
United States.
Matusow did not elaborate on
his statement about her testimony
-which got a vote of confidence
in advance from subcommittee
Chairman James 0. Eastland (D-
Musicians Pi

for one year, $150 for delegate
registration fees at this summer's
NSA convention and $300 to be set
aside as reserve fund for SL ex-
penses during its last three weeks.
Trip Recommendation-
All the remaining money (ap-
proximately $600) will be moved to
be given to SGC with the recom-
mendation it be used to finance
trips of University student dele-
gates to this summer's NSA con-1
The motions to SL will be ac-
companied by a minority report
submitted by finance committee 1
members SL President Ned Simon,
'55, and former SL president Steve
Jelin '55.
Vote on the finance committee,
motion was five to two.
Simon and Jelin want all money
except $250 for NSA dues plus the
$300 for the Reserve Fund given
to the Free University.
Cultural Exchange
Simon said yesterday he would
like to see the cultural exchange
between the two Universities step-
ped up considerably.
"In addition to adding another
student to the program, and in-
creasing exchange of books and
movies, there might be possibility
of exchange of professors," Simon1
Another SL member commented
SGC would have enough money to
pay NSA travel expenses.
Last Wednesday SL disposed of1
more than $1000 of the $5,801.26.,
then in its treasury.#
An addition of approximately
$300 this week brought tb funds;
still to be disposed to approxi-
mately $5,000.
Before preparing the Free Uni-
versity etc, motion the finance
committee turned downa recon-
mendation by Paul Dormont, '55,C
to put the money in a trust fund1
for loans to non-profit groups and
associations whose purpose is to
provide goods and services to stu-
Dormont said yesterday her
would bring his plan tomorrow be-
fore the whole Legislature in the
form of a motion.1
otes t Tour

In Late Rally
Buckeyes Score
72-68 Triumph
Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS-With almost 3000
fans cheering them on, the Ohio
State Buckeyes fought off a Mich-
igan rally in the closing minutes,
and upset the Wolverines, 72-68,
last night at the Fairgrounds Coli-
Led by Ron Kramer, who scored
24 points, 16 in the second half,
the Maize and Blue overcame a 14
point deficit and took a 65-63 lead
with 2 minutes to play. However,:
the efforts of John Miller and Don
Kelley, who scored 29 and 20
points respectively, prov'ed to be
too much for Michigan, and the
Wolverines went down to defeat
for the second game in a row. The
win, which avenged an, early sea-
son defeat to Michigan, pulled the
Buckeyes out of the conference
With about 6 minutes to play,
and Michigan trailing by five

With his face on the dollar
bill and his honesty acclaimed
in legend, the first president of
the United States is remem-
bered for more than chapping
down a cherry tree.
First in war and first in
peace, George Washington will
be honored today on his 223rd

House Committee Vote
Passes Income Tax Cut
-As Humphrey Protests

Gives Nod
To Rent Riset
Assembly Association accepted
yesterday, with certain stipula-
tions, a possible rise in dormitory
room and board rates, and at the
same time passed a new constitu-
tion incorporating a student tax.
By a vote of 17 to 2 the $50
rent raise, which will be discussed
by the Board of Governors of
Residence Halls at their March 1
meeting, was accepted with the
following provisions:
Student Voice in Planning
"1) That students through As-
sembly Association be given a
voice on the planning committee
of any future residence hall.
"2) That the ruling requiring
women to stay in dorms be re-
viewed with the idea that senior
women be allowed out of residence
halls into apartments or an apart-
ment type structure supervised by
the University.
"3) In agreement with Inter-
House Council, that definite con-
sideration be given to the pos-
sibility of financing future resi-
dence halls through the Univer-
sity Alumni Association and the
Development Council."
University Avartments

-Daily-Fred Day
PERMIT CHECKER-Since Harold Swoverland (above) was
added to the staff of the Dean of Men's office, violaters of Uni-
versity driving regulations have had a tougher time of it. Ac-
cording to Assistant to the Dean of Men Karl Streiff, the num-
ber of violaters nabbed has gone up 75 per cent since Swoverland
went to work this semester with principal duties of detecting
such violaters.
Twenty-Six Enter Race
t J
F~r lerw SCC Pot.-


... his 15 not enough

TAIPEI, Formosa (P)-Offi-
cial reports said Communist
war vessels were heading to-
ward Nationalist-held Nan-
chishan island today and
Chiang Kai-shek's warplanes
were rushing out to attack
New Sorority
Now Official
In a formal resolution yester-
day Panhellenic aAssociation offi-
cially recognized and accepted
into membership Eskasia, newly-
formed sorority on campus.
Promising to "aid in the col-
onization" of the new group,
Panhel will submit the Eskasia
' constitution to the Student Af-
fairs Committee for final ap-
Petitioning for th'e Panhel of-
fices of president, first and sec-
and vice-presidents, secretary,
treasurer, rushing chairman,
chairman of rushing counselors
and public relations chairman will
run from March 10 through 14.
Interviews will be held March 15,
16 and 17.
President of Junior Panhellenic
Association will be chosen at the
final meeting of Junior Panhel
Wednesday. Acting president of
senior Panhel, Barbara Heider
urged all junior delegates to at-
tend because a quorum is needed
for elections.
Film Scheduled
On Oppenheimer
The film "A Conversation With
Oppenheimer" sponsored by the
journalism department will be
shown Wednesday in Rackham
Building Amphitheater.
Showing Edward R. Murrow's
recent television interview with J.
Robert Oppenheimer, director of!
the Institute for Advanced Stud-

Of Berlin Philharmonic


With the Berlin Philharmonic
scheduled to arrive Thursday in
New York for their first North
American tour in 40 years, pro-
tests have been made charging
that some of the orchestra mem-
bers are former Nazis.
A petition signed by 750 mem-
bers of a New York Musician's
.Union asked its board of directors
to prevent the Orchestra's sched-
uled appearances in New York's
Carnegie Hall in March and April.
It reads in part: "We musicians
strenuously object to the appear-
ance of the Nazi-led and Nazi-
managed Berlin Philharmonic Or-
chestra. The conductor, Herbert
VonKarajan and Manager Ger-
hart von Westerman were active
party members who bear respon-
sibility for the death and exile of
countless musicians from- Hitler
Roughly half of the members
played in the orchestra during the
Second World War and ir return
received exemption from military
Von Westerman Comments
"It is possible," the Associated
Press reported von Westerman as
saying, "there will be no objec-
tions to us," he added. If there
are, we must orove that music
has nothing to do with politics."
Scheduled to begin their tour
Sunday in Washington, D.C. the
group plans a local concert March
15 in Hill Auditorium.'
A member of the University Mu-
sical Society which sponsors the
concert said he has heara "not a,
word of protest about their ap-
pearance. Everyone seems to be
enthusiastic about them coming
"Slap in the Face"
"People who lost relatives under
the Third Reich are bitter and
nronted t+hw nrnne+r. c nnnna

Berlin 20 years ago, feels that it
is wrong to have the Orchestra
comes to the United States.
"Now that the war is over, the
American Army chose to rehabil-
itate all the ex-Nazis.
Ex-Nazis Rehabilitated
"If President Eisenhower.
thought it all right to re-arm Ger-
many, others did too. I think it
was wrong and don't want any-
thing to do with people who were
Before the current protests
started, the tour was almost can-
celled due to the death of con-
ductor Wilhelm Furtwaengler Nov.
30. Detroit music patron Henry
Reichhold withdrew his support
of $50,000 which was to pay for
trans-Atlantic passage for the or-
chestra members. The money was
later raised by the German gov-


points, forward Tom Jorgenson
committed his fifth personal, endj
left the game.
Eaddy Nets 15
A basket by Don Eaddy, who hit
15 points, two fouls each by Jim
Shearon and Kramer, and two
more baskets by the sharp-shoot-
ing Kramer, were matched only by
a two pointer for Kelley. This put
Michigan ahead by a two point
margin with 2:04 to play.
Their lead was short-lived, how-
ever, when Kelley sunk a lay up
shot and was fouled in the act of
shooting. He made his free throw,
and put the Buckeyes out in front
by one. After Michigan failed to
score, Ohio State froze the ball
until only 57 seconds remained. At
this point, Eaddy, in his effort to
steal the ball fouled guard Chuck
Ellis, who had missed four
straight free throws, sank two and
Ohio State went out in front 68-65.
Four more fouls by the Bucks, as
compared to another field goal
and foul by Kramer wound up the
OSU Dominates First Half
State started out fast in the first
half and sparked by the deadly
push shot of Miller and the even
deadlier hook shot of Kelley, jump-
ed off to a 28-14 lead. Michigan
slowly chopped away at the lead,
and by half timne trailed by only
eight, 43-35. At the half, Miller
had 18 points and Kelley 14. Eaddy
led the Wolverine scorers with 10.
In the opening minutes of the
second half, Michigan,\ led by
See KRAMER, Page 7

Commenting on the s
stipulation, Mary Jo Park
first vice-president, said"
has been talk that the Univ
might build apartment type1
The two votes against the
lution were cast by Jordan
They were also six absten
Both Assembly Dorm Counc
League House Council me.
attended the meeting but
ADC representatives were e
to vote on the rent motion.
An amendment asking that
sideration be given to wome
ing -in low rent UniversityI
ing, was added to the resol
It would apply to Fletcher
where residents now pay $
semester for room only, and A
Cheever and Geddes House'
are University co-ops costing
a semester.
Objection was also made i
amendment to adding to<
rentals the $10 of the pro
rise ear-marked for employe
cial security. Co-op wome
their own cooking and clea
Twenty-Five Cent Tax
Earlier in the meeting thi
vised Assembly constitution;
ed without dissenting votes
most important innovation
provision for a student tax
implemented by an accomp
ing motion asking 25 cents
each undergraduate women
The tax would be collected
house dues at the beginnir
each fall semester. Inter-I
Council would receive 10a
of the total for each woman1
in the men's quadrangles.
Student Affairs Committe
proval is necessary before the
stitution can go into effect.

econd ' B- v J 4U/%-/ C/ ./ N V'k_/ vN-,4.. FJ
, 56.
"there Twenty-six students have officially entered competition for 11
'ersity elective positions on the newly created Student Government Council.
hous- Of .33 petitions picked up from 1020 Administration Bldg. for
circulation only seven were not returned by deadline time at 6 p.m.
sl- yesterday.
tions The committed candidates for the election March 15 and 16, in-
il an clude nine present members of Student Legislature.
embersi Training for candidates, to be directed by Babs Hilman, '55Ed,
only opens tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the Union.
ligible The Common Sense student political party which supported
.--< twelve candidates in the recent SL
t con-- , election again will offer backing
n liv- FirnmTo Buy to aspirants.
hous- Chairman of the Party Leah-
ution. W illow V1lla 1.- Marks,''55L, said yesterday CSP
Hall OW e will call every candidate to see if
120 a they are interested.
Adelia Willow Village, the "Bomber Interfraternity Council Presi-
which City" of World War II on the out- dent John Baity, '55, said yester-
$220 skirts of Ypsilanti, will be sold to day he thought the high quality
the Willow Development Co., it of students running for SGC will
n the was announced yesterday. give the voters an excellent selec-
co-op Now owned by Ypsilanti Town- tion from hichvotchooethel111
posed ship, the 1,650-acre site will be- C from which to choose the 11
ee so- come an "ideal city," according SGC members.
n do to the firni's plans. Elections director Ruth Ross-
aning. Ypsilanti Township officials ner, '55, expressed pleasure at the
would not discuss the sale price number of candidates
e re- until the contract is signed to- Candidates running for SGC in-
pass- j morrow, clude (in order of picking up peti-
s. Its The company's plans include tions) Bill Hanks, '56BAd, Joel
, the 5,000 homes, housing nearly 20,000 Tauber, '57, Bill Adams, '57, Don-
was persons. Approximately 9,000 still na Netze, '56, Bob Leacock, '57,
pany- live in the village, where 20,000 Jesse Meyers, '57, Lois Taterka,
from lived at the peak of World War II. '58, Janet Neary, '58, Bruce Boss,
Built in 1941 at a cost of 131 '57, Hank Berliner, '56, Larry Har-
from million .dollars, the development ris, '56, Paula Strong, '56, Joe Si-
ng of will probably be worth 50 million mon, '56, Bill Diamond, '56E, Ray
House dollars when completed, according Sund, '55E, Tom Sawyer, '58, Rob-
cents to Donald Ehle, township clerk. ert Bacon, '55E, Bob Spatbz,
living Jack Gattegno, one of two '56BAd, Bill Brumm, '56, Paul Dor-
brothers who operate the firm, mont, '55, Dick Good, '56A&D, Ed
e ap- said thousands of dollars have Velden, 'SSE, Don Craft, '57, Carl
con- been spent in planning the model Luekenbach, '56, Shirlee Clark,
Ecity. '56Ed and Tom Cleveland, '57.
-- Declared candidates for Board
in C, fntrl of Adta dt P hli 1tin

VWould Grant
$20 Reduction
To Everyone
Not in Public Interest
Conplains Secretary
Ways and Means Committee, over,
the strong protests of Secretary
of the Treasury George Humph-
rey, yesterday voted in favor of a
$20 income tax cut for everybody.
Secretary Humphrey accused
Democratic members of the com-
mittee of working "completely
contrary to the public interest"
in pushing the bill to gite each
taxpayer a $20 reduction on in-
come earned after next Jan. 1,
plus $20 for each dependent, in
eluding his spouse.
But the Democratic-ruled com-
mittee was reported to have voted
15-10 for the cut. Democratic lead-
ers planned to send the bill to the
House floor for debate on Thurs-
Postpone Corporate Reductions
At its closed-door session, the
committee also was reported to
have approved by topheavy mar-
gins President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's request to postpone for
one year a reduction of about three
billion dollars in corporate income
and excise taxes.
Members said they decided to
wait until today to take final
action on a composite bill in-
corporating all the provisions.
Secretary Humphrey, in a
statement handed out to reporters
after his session. with the corn-
mittee, said the proposed 2,300,-
000,000 cut would "just about wipe
out" the progress the Eisenhower
Administration is making toward
a balanced budget,
Deficit Financing
"This move is playing fast and
loose with the welfare of 160 mil-
lion Americans by deliberately in-
creasing deficit financing-with
all its inflationary dangers-in-
stead of continuing the Adminis-
tration's responsible financial
management which has been so
beneficial for all Americans during
the past two years," the Treasury
chief said.
He added that "this maneuver
is completely contrary to the pub-
lic interest, being made as a Sur-
prise in connection with the prop-
er -action proposed by the Admin-
istration for the desirable exten-
sion of the corporate tax rate and
certain excise taxes which other-
wise would be reduced.
Senate ToVote
On Pay Hike
late yesterday agreed to vote to-
morrow on a proposed 50 per cent
pay hike for members of Con-
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore)
thereupon cut short a speech he
had been making against the
Democratic a n d Republican
leaders, who support the pay in-
crease measure, huddled and fi-
nally came up with an agreement
to start voting on the bill tomor-
row, with a 30-minute debate lim-
it on amendments and one hour on
final passage, to be divided equal-
ly between those for and against
the measure.
The Senate has before it a bill
to boost salaries of members of
Congress from $15,000 to $22,500 a
year. The House already has voted
an increase to $25,00. Senators

and representatives now get a ba-
sic salary of $12,500 a year, an
expense allowance of $2,500 for
which they do not have to ac-
count, and $3,000 of their income is
tax-free. This $3,000 exemption
would be retained in the House
Rill Tnn TTIrwu No


Deplores Comic Book Horror, Crime

i r 1

Heh! heh! Sleep well, kiddies!
In a cheery children's "funny" book, the saka of golden-haired
little Lucy, self-made orphan, is told. Lucy shoots her drunken fa-
ther and manages to have her unfaithful mother electrocuted. Lucy
then fulfills her desire to live with kind old Aunt Katie.
In its first report on several months of hearings, the special
Senate subcommittee on juvenile delinquency stated that this was
a typical plot from a horror comic book read by American children.
Although the report rejected the idea of government censor-
ship of comic books; it demanded that publishers, and to a lesser
extent distributors, clean up crime and horror comics.
Removed Locally
Locally, however, a drug-store manager stated that his store
removed horror comics from its newsstands over a dear ago because
of local pressure groups.
Althnu-h this tvn nf nmic hnok was secnnd in nopularitv to the

In t on.ro . o mueni'ru a ca ons
include, William Wise, '55, Ann
Cordill, '55, Hanley Gurwin, '55,
Harland Britz, '56L, and Paul El-
vidge, '57.
Candidates for J-Hop Commit-
tee include, Mary Gronberg, '57,
Lee Tenenbaum, '57, Ron Boor-
stein, '57, Jack DeVries, '57, Al-
lan Drebin, '57, Dianna Cook, '57,
Chuck Sharp, '57, Sue Werbelow,
'57, Thomas Platt, '57, Patti Drake,
'57, Richard Nagel, '57,-Peggy Zu-
elch, '57, Ron Charfoos, '57, Roy
Lave, '57, M a r y Jane Stor-
rer, '57, Mary Mooney, '57, Merwin
Solomon, '57, Sue Chaffee, '57.
Union Vice-President candidates
include, Jon Collins, '56E, Howard
See 26, Page 2
ffoore Nominated
For Council Head
Sixth Ward Councilman Prof. A.


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