See page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
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L. LXIII, No. 83
reshmen Show
nrollment ain
Freshman enrollment continued its upward trend despite increased
ft pressure on men and higher tuition rates, University enrollment
res for the spring semester show.
Registrar Ira M. Smith revealed that freshmen starting blasses
erday totaled 230 as compared to 214 last year.
'ryout Spots
pen on All
'anly Staffs
Journalist hopefuls will have an
cpportunity to align themselves
with The Daily and obtain exper-
ieace in either writing, business
techniques or news photography
at any of the four tryout meetings
to be held tomorrow and Thursday
at the Student Publications Build-'
Any student who is scholastical-
ly eligible, including first semest-
er freshmen, may become part of
either the editorial, sports, wo-
men's, business staffs, or photogra-
phy staffs, by signing up at the
meetings which will be held at
4:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. both days.
No previous experience is neces-
* * *
THOSE WHO come out for the
writing staffs will begin a com-
plete training program which wil
include the essentials of headline
writing, proof reading, news, fea-
ture and editorial writing. After
one semester on the staff they will
become reporters assigned to any
one of the Daily's fifty beats, and
may eventually work themselves up
into paying editors' jobs.
Business enthusiasts will en-
ter a program which provides its
trainees with the essentials in
advertising, selling, writing, and
layout, as well as practice in the
fields of finance, circulation and
general business management,
Business staffers have the op-
portunity to become paid sec-
tion managers after a semester
or a year on the staff.
Photographers who offer their
services will become a member of
the select photography staff. They
as .well as other Daily workers, will
have the chance to work for pay
after their initial entrance at The
Those who come out to the Try-
out meetings will be joining a 63
year old organization with the,
longest continuous publication rec-
ord in college journalism, and will
become members of a group of
Daily workers which includes such
notables as Gov. John Dewey of
New York (see page 4), Arthur Mil-
ler, and scores of other Daily alums
who have gained recognition in all
fields of endeavor.
World News
THE INCREASE failed to aid
men in their search for a more
equitable man-woman ratio, how-
The latest figures show that
each woman resident enrolled
has 2.24 males to chase her,
whereas in the fall the ratio
was slightly less. Men can take
consolation in the fact that
last spring there was an extra
quarter male for every woman;
or two and one half males for
every woman.
The freshman increase was
more sharply evident last fall when
2,406 newcomers enrolled in com-
parison to 1,868 for the fall of
1951. It was in September that the
man-woman ratio dropped.
* * *
it courses is up 22 over last spring
with the total hitting 17,764. The
rise in credit courses enrollment
was attributed to an increase of
almost 400 more students in Uni-
versity extension courses, Smith
Final figures are expected to
round off at about 18,500, how-
ever, as compared with 19,035
for last year.
The nation-wide demand for en-
gineers appears to have caused a
157 man rise in engineering school
enrollment. A total of 1,623 are
enrolled this spring as compared
to 1,466 for last year.
Other schools and colleges of
resident credit courses showing
increases are the School of Den-
tistry, Medical School, School of
Nursing, School of Public Health
and School of Social Work. The
biggest enrollment drops were.
found in graduate school and the
literary college.
High Court
Rejects Appeal
Of 4 Negroes
preme Court yesterday rejected
the claim of four North Carolina
Negroes that unlawful racial dis-
crimination was used in the pick-
ing of juries which doomed them
to death.
The high court poured forth ap-
proximately 40,000 words in dis-
posing of the cases.
JUSTICE REED wrote the 6-3
majority opinion, which upheld
the constitutionality of North Car-
olina's system of selecting jury
panels composed of property own-
ers and poll tax payers.
Two of the death sentences
which the court refused to over-
turn are for murder, the other
two for the rape of white women.
"Our duty to protect the federal
constitutional rights of all does
not mean we must or should im-
pose on the states our conception
of the proper source of jury lists,
so long as the source reasonably
reflects a cross-section of the pop-
ulation suitable in character and
intelligence for that civic duty,"
Justice Reed wrote.
A very superior Michigan
State College student, renown-
ed for his stupidity, wil be
making his debut on the edi-
torial page of The Daily this
Worthal is his name, and his
creator, Dick Bibler, has been
putting him through his an-
tics for seven years in the cele-
brated cartoon, "Little Man on
Bibler draws exclusively for
college newspapers, and claims
a patronage of 100 such dupes.
The Daily, which accepted Bib-
ler at the point of a gun, is the
101st college newspaper deluded
by this cartoonist.
Memento mor.
Income Tax
T'o Remain
High ! Taft'
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Eisenhower's legislative program
took shape at a White House con-
ference yesterday, with increasing
indications that tax reductions
must await a more nearly balanced
When Sen. Taft of Ohio, Repub-
lican floor leader in the Senate,
emerged from the conference he
made it clear he agreed with the
President that income and other
taxes should not be cut until the
brake has been pulled on spend-
* * *
TAFT ALSO said the excess
profits tax should be collected
through 1953, and he predicted the
tax would not be permitted to die
on July 1, as scheduled under pres-
ent law.
"I am confident that in the
end we shall reduce taxes," the
GOP leader told reporters, "but
just how and then it shall be
done was left or future consid-
Taft outlined a broad legislative
program and said he is certain all
the goals will be reached. Here is'
what may be expected to happen
in the next five months:
1-All appropriation bills will
be out of the House and ready
for Senate action by May 15.
2-Hawaii will be admitted to
3.-Several executive depart-
ments and agedcies will be re-
organized under powers granted
to the White House by Con-
gress last week.
4-The Taft-Hartley labor law
will be amended to meet some of
the objections of management and
labor unions.
5-Some controls, like rents,
and some allocations of scarce
materials will be extended on a
limited basis to meet critical
6-The reciprocal trade act
will be extended.
7-A "tidelands" oil ownership
law will be passed, probably giv-
ing the states title to the rich off-
shore oil deposits.
SPA Schedules
Meeting for Today
The Society for Peaceful Alter-
natives will meet at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
Plans for the forthcoming Peace
Conference will be discussed and
new officers elected.
British To Resisi
ina Blockade
U.S. May Invoke Measures Other
Than All-out Korea Offensive-Ta
By The Associated Press
A Foreign Office spokesman made it clear at a news confere
yesterday that Britain would resist any American proposal to ble
ade Red China.
Commenting on the growing discussion of a blockade in Wa
ington, the spokesman indicated the British view is that such a me
would be dangerous, ineffective, politically unwise and possibly n
harmful to the Western Allies than to the Chinese Communists.
* * * *
MEANWHILE Sen. Taft (R-Ohio) hinted yesterday the Eis
hower administration is weighing methods of putting pressure
Red China other than by launch-
ing an all-out offensive in Korea.
Taft suggested alternate movesR egents
might include a naval blockade
against the Chinese mainland.
At the same time informed offA c
cials reported British opposition
to one point in. President Eisen-
hower's foreign policy said to have
been disclosed to them by Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles
on his recent visit there._ _-
-Daily-Don Campbell
F A . " e ere
Fighting Illini Humble Wolverines
Power-laden Illinois raced to its
second consecutive 30-point vic-
tory over Michigan's hapless cag-
ers, drubbing the Wolverines by
a decisive 92-62 margin at Yost
Field House last night.
Coach Harry Combes' sure-
shooting Illini put on an exhibi-
tion of court finesse and alertness
that turned the contest into a
rout early in the second period
and paved the way for the eighth
triumph in ten conference starts
for the Champaign quintet.
IT WAS the bony frame of
6'-9" Illinois center John Kerr
that sent the visitors off and run-
ning. Kerr entered the game with
two minutes remaining in the first
period and the Fighting Illini on
top by a scant two points, 16-14.
The elongated red-head pro-
ceeded to reel off three quick
field goals in the waning sec-
onds of the opening quarter,
and added three more hook
shots in the early moments of
the next stanza.
Kerr opened with a hook and
guard Irv Bemoras followed with a
one-hander to make it 20-14.
After Michigan center Paul Groff-
sky countered with a hook shot
of his own, the roof fell in.
s * *
straight points to extend its ad-
vantage to 26-16 at the quarter,
and came roaring back in the sec-
ond round with six more tallies
to open the gap to 32-16.
A host of Illinois second-
stringers hit from all over the
court as the tally mounted to
a 50-28 figure at the halfway
Groffsky initiated the second
Arts Theater Presents
The "modern woman" crops up in the oddest places.
This time she can be found in the current Arts Theatre produc-
tion of William Shakespeare's comedy, "Much Ado About Nothing."
p e M l
half with another hook, but that
was a's close as the Wolverines
got in the one-sided fight.
Michigan outscored the Illi-
nois reserves in the final ten
minutes, 20-15, to close the de-
ficit to 30 points. The Illini five
had previously defeated the
Wolverines at Champaign, 96-66.
Guard John Codwell notched
three field goals in the last session
to run his game-high total to 19.
Groffsky followed the converted
forward with' a 15-point output.
The Orange and Black, scoring
its fifth consecutive verdict over
a Michigan squad since 1949, put
four men in double figures.
*' * *
MICHIGAN coach Bill Perigo
fielded a different lineup from the
one that lost a 66-64 heartbreak-
er to Michigan State between se-
mesters, and also unveiled a 6-8
center who looked impressive in
Milt Mead and Ray Paviche-
vich, an erstwhile guard, cavort-
ed at the forwards, Groffsky
See CODWELL, Page 6
Calendar Out
Union-League calendars for the
spring semester are available for
distribution beginning today.
The blue covered timetables of
campus events can be picked up
in the Union lobby, the League
undergraduate offices, the infor-
mation desk of the Administra-
tion Bldg., and the main desks of
the Social Science, Law, Business
Administration and General Li-
V4 1V4 G.
DULLES was reported to have
explained that the President was
referring in part to the Yalta
Agreement to let Russia take over
Japan's Kurile Islands and South
Sakhalin, when he declared in
his State of the Union message
that the United States would not
recognize secret wartime agree-
ments which permitted "enslave-
ment" of peoples.
The view of the Foreign Office,
it was reported, was that any
one-sided repudiation of an in-
ternational agreement by a major
Western Power would establish a
bad precedent which the Russians
might easily copy, particularly in
the case of Berlin.
COMMENTING on the blockade
discussion, the spokesman told
1. Britain's policy remains as it
was laid down five days ago by
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden
who told Parliament, "We think it
would be a mistake to have a pol-
icy of blockade."
2. Britain "expects to be con-
sulted" on any such policy and
believes she would be.
3. Britain has made her obje-
ban~s known quite plainly when
the idea has come up in the past
two years.
While major attention focused
on the Far East, Secretary of
State Dulles returned from Eur-
ope with 'word that he is "en-
couraged" about the prospect for
European unity.
Chairman Wiley (R-Wis.) of
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee said Duiles will appear
before the committee Tuesday for
a quiz on the international situa-
Wiley told newsmen he doesn't
believe the Eisenhower adminis-
tration has reached a decision yet
on the possibility of blockading
Red China.
In another development, Gen.
Omar N. Bradley reportedly told
the Senate Armed Services Com-
mittee he believes ships bound for
Communist. China could be stop-
ped and forced to unload contra-
band material without touching
off a war.
IFC Meeting
The Interfraternity Council
House Presidents Assembly will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today at Phi
Delta Theta fraternity, 1437 Wash-
tenaw Ave.
Topped by a grant of $73,239
from the National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis, the Board of
Regents accepted a total of $183,-
461 in gifts and grants at its Jan-
uary meeting.
The March of Dimes money will
be used for the operation of the
Respirator Center at University
Hospital and will be supplement-
ed by funds from local chapters for
treatment of patients from their
Designed to enable patients to
leave their iron lungs as soon M
possible, the center trains pa-
tients and members oftheir fai-
lies in the use of chest respira-
tors, rocking beds and other polio
treatment methods which can be
carried on at home.
* * *
ANOTHER LARGE gift, that of
$40,000, was given the Regents by
Myron and Mildred Steinberg of
Detroit for the establishment of
a scholarship fund in their name.
Details of the administration of
the fund have not yet been worked
The Regents also accepted two
grants from the E. I. du Pont de
Nemours & Company totaling
$15,400. A $10,000 grant-I-aid
to the chemistry department for
research comprised the bulk of
the grant. The company also re-
newed its postgraduate fellow-
ships in chemistry and chemical
engineering for the 1953-54
school year.
A $10,000 gift by the National
Science Foundation was given the
Regents for research on protozoa
under the direction of Prof. David
L. Nanney, of the zoology depart-
ment, for a three year period,
PROF. REUliEN L. Kahn, of the
Medical School, was given $6,500
from the Wenner-Gren Foundation
for work in serological research.
Two grants totaling $3,900 were
accepted for research work in the
school of dentistry.
Parke, Davis & Company gave
$3,750 in two grants for research
work and for the company's'fel-
lowship in chemistry and the
Detroit District Dental Society
gave $2,500 for support of a
Workshop in Practice Admini-
See 'U' RECEIVES, Page 8
County GO]1
Chooses State
Regent Roscoe O. Bonsteel,
Prof. J. Louis York, of the chemical
engineering department, aiid Dave
Cargo, Grad., were among those
chosen as delegates at the Wash-
tenaw County Republican Conven-
tion to the State Republican Con-
vention last night at the Masonic
Owen J. Cleary of Y silanti,
was appointed as alternate to the
State Convention which. will be
held in Detroit on February 21.
The County Convention chose 39
delegates and 39 alternates to the
State Convention and named
Leonard Tappey of Ann Arbor
delegate at large and chairman of
the delegation.
Addressing the first formal
meeting of Washtenaw County
Republicans since the campaign,
Prof. Bennet Weaver, of the Eng-
By the Associated Press
LONDON - Snow, cold and
storm spread across Europe yes-
terday, snarling communications
and threatening a new influenza
* * *
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. -- The
AFL Executive Council an-
nounced yesterday it will fight
for a score of "major changes"
in the Taft-Hartley labor law,
then adjourned its seaside ses-
sions in this winter resort town.
elections subcommittee said yes-
terday forged documents were ap-
parently used against Vice-Presi-
dent Nixon in the 1952 election
campaign and the FBI has been
asked to step in with a view to
criminal prosecution.
LANSING - Funeral services
for Dr. Robert S. Shaw, presi-
dent-emeritus of Michigan State
College are set for Tuesday.
4'* *
TEL AVIV, Israel - A mystery
blast last night rocked the Soviet
legation here, injuring three per-
sons reported to be members of
the legation staff. A Jewish child
in a neighboring building also was
reported hurt.
* * *
THE GIRL, BEATRICE, is the independent woman who has
tle regard for the opposite sex-that is, until she becomes involved
ith a perennial bachelor in the person of Benedick.
Shakespeare adds to this the contrasting love of the roman-
ticists, Claudio and Hero. When the gay foursome get together
the result is a merry confusion.
Beatrice is played by Beth-Sheva Laiken and the rambler, Bene-
" dick by veteran performer Len Ro-
senson. John Devoe portrays Clau-
dio and Nancy Born, Hero. ,
Charter Revision Put OnApriliBallot
City charter revision, a million
dollar school bond issue and the
proposed Maynard St. carport fig-
ured in local news during the be-
tween terms vacation.
Ann Arbor voters will get a
chance at the April 6 election to
say whetherhor not they want re-
vision of the city's 60 year old
' * * *
IF REVISION is approved a
nine-memberhcommission will be
selected in the June 2 election to
study the problem and determine
Numerous attempts to alter
the ancient charter, originally
adopted in 1889, have failed in
the past. However, powerful sup-
CITY VOTERS will decide in a
special Feb. 24 election whether
they want to approve a $7,650,000
bond issue which is being pro-
posed to expand school facilities.
Board of Education member
Albert E. Blashfield estimated
last week that the building pro-
gram would cost city home own-
ers about three dollars per $1,000
of assessed valuation.
The bond issue will be used to
build a high school, northwest ele-
mentary school, addition to Slau-
son and Northside schools and to
buy a southeast site for a future
Meanwhile, the city Board of
Realtors Friday unanimously ask-
mission approved a city proposal
to borrow $465,000.
Construction of the carport,
designed to hold about 350 cars,
may begin early in the spring.
The local March of Dimes drive
went over its unofficial $50,000
goal with reports of incomplete
collections totaling $54,692.86.
Slightly less than $31,000 was rais-
ed in Ann Arbor. Funds are split
evenly between the National
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
and the Washtenaw County pro-
A former Department of Social'
Welfare employee was arrested
Friday after confessing that she
embezzled $100 of the department's
funds. The employee, Mrs. Helen
Following this evening's per-
formance Prof. Kenneth Rowe of
the English department, Prof.
Claribel Baird of the speech de-
partment and Wiley Hitchcock of
the School of Music will participate
in a panel discussion.
The play will be performed at 8
p.m. today, tomorrow and Thurs-
day and at 8:30 p.m. Fri., Sat.,
and Sun. in the theater at 209 /2
E. Washington.
* , *
SL Exchange Handles
'Record Total of Books
The non-profit Student Legisla-
ture Book Exchange yesterday re-
ported out a record-doubling sale
of books with four days of opera-
tion and 1,700 books remaining.
Yesterday's sales brought the
semester total to more than $6,000
as compared with last semester's'
record of $3,300, Exchange man-
ager Keith Beers, Grad., said.
BUT ACCORDING to Beers, the
Exchange still has shelf space and
requests for books that aren't
until Friday, Beers noted that
the sooner they are on the
shelves, the better the chance of
sale. All "second semester"
books, especially those for Eng-
lish 2, History 12, Speech 32, and
beginning physics and economics
courses, are in demand.
A non-profit project, the Ex-
change charges a 10 per cent ser-
vice fee to cover state sales tax,
bank service charges, service
charges to the University, publi-
I ~ ~ I
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