It 43U
Latest Deadline in the State.
(See Page 4)
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State May Govern
Wayne University
cquisition Chance
Wayne President Cites Purpose As
[nability of Detroit to Carry Expense
Lances for acquisition of Wayne University by the state of
pan appear good according to Wayne President Clarence B.
ow a Detroit Board of Education institution, Wayne may soon
under state control if the legislature passes Senate Bill 1105
ouse Bill 258.
ain purpose behind state acquisition, according to President
ry, is inability of the Detroit Board of Education to carry the
TINGTON, Ind. - Paced
hooting Archie Dees, In-
sted the Wolverine cag-
here last night before
na Field House crowd
financial burden of both Wayne
and the elementary and secondary
Ruthven Urges State Control
Current attempts to put Wayne
under state control are the result
of recommendation made by a
study committee headed by former
University president Alexender G.
Both faculty and administration
of Wayne fully approve the prin-
cipals . of the Ruthven Report,
President Hilberry said. Unani-
mous approval to the report was
given by the Wayne Council of
Deans and University Council
(which corresponds to the Uni-
versity's Faculty Senate.)
Plan 3-Year Transition Period
As now contemplated the State
would take over the current oper-
ating budget in three bites. The
transition period would be three
years, during which the Detroit'
Board of Education would con-
tinue it's annual allowances at
the current levels.
President Hilberry said "Every-
one is in substantial agreement on
the financial scheme for state ac-
The main point of disagreement
now, according to the President,
is in the method of control. The
two bills now before the legislature
would provide for an interim
Board for three years and then
creation of a new governing board.
The interim Board would have
four members named by Governor
G. Mennen Williams with the ap-
proval of the legislature and the
seven members of the Detroit
Board of Education. The new
Board, created at the end of the
three year transition period, would
consist of eight members named
by the Governor, at least four
of which would be from the metro-'
politan area.
Put Wayne Under 'U' Regents
However, a third bill, not .yet
introduced, would put Wayne Uni-
versity substantially under the
control of the University Board of
Indications are strong, however,
that this bill, proposed by Sen.
Creighton R. Coleman, Battle
Creek Republican, will not be in-
Both bills now before the legis-
See STATE, Page 2
Iorr Made
Of flice Head
Will Coordinate
State Services
Appointment of Prof. Harold M.
Dorr of the political science de-
partment to the new position of
Dean of State-wide Education at
the University was approved by
the Board of Regents Friday.
Prof. Dorr will have the direct
responsibility for planning, coordi-
nating and developing the Univer-
sity's state-wide educational serv-
ices which take place away from
the Ann Arbor campus.
The new position was created
to permit Vice-President and Dean
of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss to
delegate the responsibility.
Appoint French
The Regents also approved the
,ppointment of David M. French
as dean of the new Flint College
of the University.
French is now foreign service
officer with the Bureau of Inter-
national Organizations Affairs,
United States Department of State.
His appointment is effective March
A member of the faculty since
1929, Prof. Dorr has been director
of Summer Session since 1950.
See DORR, Page 2
Health Unit
Pl ian Offered
A bill proposing a Mental Health
Training and Research Authority
at the University was recently in-
troduced to the Michigan State
Legislature by Sen. Creighton R.
Coleman (R-Battle Creek).
The Authority which would op-
erate within the University's Med-
ical School, would follow recom-
mendations recently made to the
legislature by Dr. William C. Men-
ninger, head of the mental health
foundation in Kansas which bears
his name.
As It stands, the measure would
revise the organization of the
state's Mental Health Department.
- It would raise the membership
of the present five-man commis-
sion to eight. Two of the addi-
tional members would be appoint-
ed from the University's Medical
School and one member would be
selected from the medical faculty
of Wayne University.
Coleman's proposal also provides
for the organization of a govern-
ing board within the University
to see that the program moves for-
ward. Representing all branches
of mental illness, the board would
consist of seven members.
-Photo--University News Service
Unanimous Vote
Approves Plan
Regents Decision Will Initiate
Two-Year Program, September 1
Daily Managing Editor
After almost thirty years, University Regents Friday tucked
away at least temporarily the driving ban on students under 26 years
of age.
By unanimous vote the Regents agreed to lower the permissable
driving age to 21 for an "experimental two year period," during which
periodical reports will be made to the Regents examining success of
the modified restrictions.
The modified ban will go into effect September 1. {
The proposal to modify the regulations was submitted to the
Regents by a special driving study committee set up under Vice-
President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis. The old driving regu-
lations were established first semester, 1927.
Regents Emphasize Students' Responsibility
- While commending the driving ban committee's statesmanlike
approach to finding a solution for the driving problem, Regents
emphasized students' responsibili-,
Board Says Construction
Of Parking Building OK
Construction of a half million
dollar parking structure was au-
thorized by the Board of Regents
Present plans call for a 479 car
structure to be located on Church,
just east of the East Engineering
Detailed plans and specifications
will be drawn up soon with con-
struction slated to start in May
or June.
Four levels high, the building
is to be reinforced concrete with
brick facing on the first level. The
area is already being used as a
University parking lot so no addi-
tional property will have to be
The first step in the University's
attempts to provide much-needed
parking space, the structure will
be financed from fees paid by
faculty and staff members for
parking permits and from parking
meters on several parts of the
University parking lots.
The structure will be for faculty
and staff use.
U' Enrollment
Drops Slightly
To 22,831
The University's Ann Arbor pop-
ulation will be 20,019 when class'es
open tomorrow, according to Ed-,
ward G. Groesbeck, director of the
Office -of Registration and Re-
In addition to resident students,
an additional 2,812 will be taking
credit courses at University cen-
ters throughout the state, bring-
ing total enrollment to 22,831.
Groesbeck reported that enroll-
ment figures mean an overall in-
crease of 1,731 over the Spring
Semester of '55 when there were
21,099 credit students.
An additional 4,000 people are
expected to enroll in certificate
courses given through the Uni-
versity Extension Service, Groes-
beck claimed.
Enrollment figures for the
Spring Semester represent a slight
decline over last fall. Groesbeck
said the decline was "normal" and
pointed out that only immediately
following the war did enrollment
increase in second semester.
Cause of the decline is the num-
ber of January graduates, which
always exceeds the number of in-
coming transfers, Groesbeck com-
Drive Successful
Washtenaw County's polio drive
collected $64,071 in its recently
.As income from the University's
parking program allows, it is prob-
able that one or two other parking
structures will be erected.
TO Discuss
Clifton Fadiman, television per-
sonality and literary commentator,
will appear as the fifth attraction
in the University Lecture Course at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Fadiman, who will speak on
"Reading I've Liked," will be in-
troduced by Harlan H. Hatcher,
president of the University. Tick-
ets for the performance will be on
sale at the boxoffice from 5 p.m. to
8:30 p.m.
Currently in charge of -the new
television edition of the "Quiz
Kids," Fadiman is also known for
his work on "This Is Show Busi-
ness" and "The' Names's the
Same". He is also a regular con-
tributor to NBC radio's "Monitor".
Born in Brooklyn and educated
at Columbia University, where he
was Phi Beta Kappa, he became
a manuscript reader and assistant
editor for the Simon and Schuster.
publishing firm. His first best-
seller hunch was Ethelreda Lewis'
"Trader Horn," which had been
rejected by four other publishing
houses. It sold more than 170,000
Group Bids
For Medical
Center Site
The Grand Rapids Citizens Com-
mittee for Medical Education has
been invited to meet with President
Harlan H. Hatcher to discuss their
bid to serve as a medical center
in Western Michigan.
The bid came as a result of ac-
tion by the Board of Regents at
their December meeting author-
izing President Hatcher to set up
a committee to study the need for
medical education in Michigan.
A group of prominent civic lead-
ers in Grand Rapids sent a letter
to the Regents indicating a desire
to have Grand Rapids considered
as the site of amedical center.
Group Lists Facilities
Included in the letter, accord-
ing to Director of University Rela-
tions Arthur L. Brandon, was a
detailed survey of facilities avail-
able and advantages of locating a
medical center in Grand Rapids.
Brandon said the study com-
mittee authorized by the Regents
has not yet been set up.
"Bids have gone out, to seven
possible members but as yet not
all replies have been received,"
Brandon said.
Committee to Consider Needs
Once the commiittee is formed,
which will probably be this week,
it will consider first whether there
is a need for additional facilities.
If so the committee will have to
decide whether it is more desirable
to enlarge existing medical centers
at Wayne and the University or to
establish new. ones, Brandon said.
The Regents termed the Grand
Rapids survey "most impressive."
ty in successful implementation of
the plan.
Regents Alfred Connable and
Eugene Power both thought stu-
dent responsibility for administrat-
ing the plan should be extensive
and endorsed the idea of increas-
ing student responsibility in such
all-University problems.
Re-emphasizing ideas already
incorporated in the driving com-
mittee's proposal, Regent Roscoe;
Bonisteel asked the administration1
to proceed as rapidly as possible
toward finding additional parking
accommodations at the Univer-
Urgts Greater Parking Facilities
"Fees collected in implementing1
the new policy should be treated;
with this need in mind," he said.
Only Regent Otto Eckert ex-;
pressed reservations over the modi-
fication, but voted for the motion
with the two-year experimental
period qualification inserted.
Vice-President Lewis was pleased
over the result. Regents author-
ized Vice-President Lewis to give
careful consideration to the ban's
operational procedures and to re-
port back periodically to the Reg-
ents during the "experimental"
two-year period.
First Offenders Fined $50
Under procedure already estab-
lished the Office of Student Af-
fairs with recommendations from
Student Government Council,-fines
up to $50 will be levied for first
offenses with dismissal from school
possible for further offenses.
Joint Judiciary Council is to as-
sume jurisdiction for ban viola-
Although no agreement has been
established yet, Office of Student
Affairs on recommendation of
SGC wants to step up enforcement
SGC Asks Strict Enforcement
SGC recommended that en-
forcement officers be empowered,
if possible, to stop cars suspected
of violating University driving
Explicitly the'driving ban modi-
fication changes Regents By-law
sec. 8.05 to read:
"No student under 21 years of
age while attendance at the Uni-
versity may operate a motor ve-
hicle except under regulations as
set forth by the Office of Student
"Any other student may be per-
mitted to operate a motor vehicle
which has been registered with the
Office of Student Affairs Any
student violating these regulations
shall be subject to disciplinary
action by the proper /University
Existing Permits to Continue
Existing permits for business.
purposes, health reasons and com-
muters will be continued for stu-
dents not 21 years old.
Impetus for the change ap-1
proved Friday originat'ed with a
proposal from former Daily Man-
aging Editor Gene Hartwig, '58L,
last spring that a committee be
set up by Vice-President Lewis
to study the driving ban problem.
Gas Firm
Head Gave
Bribe Money,
WASHINGTON (M-The $2,500
cash "campaign donation" re-
jected by Sen. Francis Case (R-
SD) at the height of the hot
fight over the natural gas bill
came from the president of an
oil and gas company, Senate in-
vestigators learned yesterday.
But Howard B. Keck, president
of Superior Oil Co., swore he never
knew the money was offered to
Sen. Case until the senator arose
in the Senate Febs 3 and an-
nounced he was turning it down.
Elmer Patman an Austin, Tex.,
lawyer for Superior Oil, testified
he happened to have some "per-
sonal funds" belonging to Keck,
and used them to make the $2,500
contribution. He turned the money
over to John M. Neff, lawyer-lob-
byist, who gave it in the form of
25 $100 bills to a friend of Senator
Case's in Sioux Falls, S. D.
Neff declared Patman produced
the money after Neff expressed
belief Case would support the
gas bill. Both Neff and Patman
denied the gift had anything to
do with the bill.
"There were no strings at-
tached," they said.
Sen. Case told the Senate the
contribution made him suspect
there must be "extraordinary prof-
its" for somebody in the bill,
which would exempt natural gas
producers from direct federal egu-
lation. He voted against the bill
Monday, but it passed the Senate
and is now on President Dwight
D..Eisenhower's desk.
Top Diplomats
Out of Hiding
In Moscow
However, indiana took control
of the boards at the start of the
second period and entirely domi-
nated the remainder of the game.
The Hoosiers certainly weren't
hindered by some, very shoddy
passing and ball handling by the
Wolverines. Michigan's floor work
completely collapsed during the
second half as Indiana increased
its lead by 10 points in the first
six minutes of the period.
Poor Scoring Depth
With the exception of Kramer,
Tom Jorgensen, and Billy Wright,
not one of the Wolverines were
See RAGGED, Page 3
Offices In Japan
onsid ered by 'U'
Tokyo is - being considered as
the site for a possible University
headquarters to coordinate the
University's activities in the Far
This was President Harlan H.
University Obtains More
Land on North Campus
Purchase of 270 acres of land adjoining North Campus and in-
creasing the campus to include 657 acres was reported to the Board
of Regents Friday.
Additional housing and research facilities are-planned for the
newly acquired land.
Almost all of the 270 acres are east of the present North Campus.
Pierpont Reports Negotiations
Vice-President Wilbur K Pierpont reported successful completion
of negotiations for:
1) 254.57 acres of the Goss farm lying east of the previous North
Campus boundary,
2) 10 acres owned by John and Marie Owad near the Plymouth Rd.
boundary, and
3) Approximately six acres in the Hill Crest Farms Subdivision.
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
PARIS-Premier Guy Mollet returned last night from rebellion-
torn Algeria and found a stone-throwing demonstration in progress
against any French concessions to Arab nationalism.
About 1,000 demonstrators, most of them of student age but in-
cluding many French Indochinese war veterans, scuffled with police
on the busy Champs Elysees. At least 100 demonstrators were arrested.
Immediately upon his arrival Mollet called a Cabinet meeting
to report on his findings in Algeria and offer his ideas for halting
violence by Arabs demanding self-rule.
* * 9
WASHINGTON-President Dwight D. Eisenhower has reversed
U.S. policy against granting economic aid to Ceylon, it was learned
yesterday, as a step toward tightening American ties with the free
countries of Asia.
The State Department notified the Ceylonese government Friday
night that an aid agreement had finally been approved after years
of argument between the two countries over Ceylon's sale of rubber to
Communist China.
WASHINGTON-The United States yesterday appeared headed
into a serious battle with most of its Latin-American neighbors on,
the thorny question of freedom of the seas.
MOSCOW (M)-Donald Maclean
and Guy Burgess, two high-rank-
ing British diplomats who disap-
peared into mystery five years ago,
revealed themselves in Moscow
They said they had been Com-
munists since their college days,
but denied they had been secret
agents as charged in a British
White Paper last year.
They said they had come to the
Soviet Union to work for peace
and East-West understanding.
The dramatically staged devel-
opment came just four days be-
fore the opening of the 20th
Congress of the Soviet Communist
party, and in the middle of a big
Soviet campaign charging the
United States is sending "spy"
balloons soaring over Soviet ter-
Maclean cleared up one addi-
tional mystery. He said his wife
arnd children had indeed joined