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September 26, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily VOLUIE XVI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1905 NUMBER 1 FOOTBALL MEN AT WORK IN EARNEST ASSOCIATION DOINGS. STUDENTS POURING Men Go Through Stiff Workout in Preparing for This Season's Hard Schedule. That Michigan has the hardest task in winning the western championship this year that has been faced since the advent of "Hrry Up" Yost and his methods is evidenced by the fact that the coach, although not sending...…

September 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan ANN ARBOR,\ICHI{IA NV\\lDNloE l I 911A B ' I - 27, 1905.N. Vol'.. Xii TNTo. 2 FIRST SCRIMMAGE. "PEX"BEGINS HIS THIRTYXflFT H Scrubs Furnished Little Opposition- -Eleven Men atlraining cable to tery lilcl y IterdylbyCoach o11 Pirekicked -rIff1for11the1s1r11st) a 1111d1 11111after a 111n 1111ne '1mi 11t1 of l1 '[hescu1 swee1hef1gve the hall 5111101af1e11being1u1n111111111111 lnabo 01111110tri lsuredee1 i. afe and lay1 1k pa...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…0 The Michigan Dall.y "o>.. V\I . NN \ AICLII(), 151 1Q11 Ifj-k o.'fl+11I [) , S I. V'II[Ii'.I 28, 105,. No.-3 VARSITY WORK SHOW= ING IMPROVEMENT The lia olr, ()lko fat lclia ". in Scrimmage Varsity Easily Scored Four Touchdowns-- Fullback Longman Out of I the Game. 1 o;Crl aisf atlna ll100101, te -411 \01u te sriulll~e S hld oil Nothl i~t1 ,i; l +t. r uld lit in much hotte c~l~lcllhi 0 tai'hil p~r l'( o -t~i )ihllioro )acla lnc"l c re...…

September 29, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…f VXcii XVII ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.,I RII). \ ' I'III>lIIn 20, l()IIoNo No.. OHIO W ESLEYAN MAY SCORE ON VARSITY Light Work Given Varsity Last Night --Ohio Wesleyan Comes Tomorrow for First Game of the Season. Owing to the excesent heat andel ac- cnilaminnr injuries to players. Coach Yost anid-iDiretor Keene Fitzpatrick de itnot ttoahave a cilagni last riht ind cnisequecntly tecr od 1hicht journieed to Fcy fed wededttheir wiatunomewanrd isl...…

September 30, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily N1,01. X\1IT ANN ARB}OR, MICF{[IJAN, All'lASI 'PI'5>5s1HER 30,1905. Nu. . FRESHMEN WELCOMED. FOOTBALL SEASON ON--- ENGINEERING COURSES. Enthusiastic Singing and Mass Meet- ing Last Night-Screen Plc. tures Made Great lilt. Adry personit eio thought there was a lac o sirt t it Usivrstyofytjet-Several Regulars Not in First To be Stiffened-iore Rigorous Re- OHIO WESLEYJ rAN TODAY qieeto bd gertn 0 tm I ttt sttttttts lita...…

October 01, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…The 1MicIigaItiDaily No. 6. ALL-FRESH ON RAMPAGE. First-Year Team Opens Season at Ypsilanti With 30 to 0 Vicsory Over State Normal. Bt'IR. PH. Ctauiy.Staff' Correspodentf. Ypsilnti, Mich., Sept. 30-09 has madegod.Iow otldl they help it after C ontire ssman 1401(10 non nipa sisicil appeal andl"Spide" Coes ot- iimrt lbeedicrtion ot 1Friay enig: The Miuchga Uton's oproitesiinaedei he.hitotri.townl ot Ypteayesterilay iani tree ithe pedIagsoues ...…

October 03, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily V~OL. XVI. A\NN' ARBOR, C. IIC.'II"\X. 'I'i'IK, 1)\'. ( )C"' 1()IllI:ii3, 10 . No, . LIGHT WORK YESTERDAY. Fight New Men Added to Training Table-Harry Hlammond Out For Practice. Garrels, lDtstlatt. oe.Barlow, W'ork- man andI Rumnney were added to te list f nmen areaty at tie training table Suttday, ott acuttfthst ieir godsl sork in te gatme Satitrday. Clettett was addied Sttttday mtrinttg atttl BI ut- eltlil stetttontt...…

October 04, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily %oc.. XVI. RUSH POSTERS ( CAPS FO Threatening Proclamations to Freshies Distributed by Sec- ond-Year men--'08 to Wear Special Headgear. HiLACK FRIDAY! Ocoe 1905. lear y! Her ye! Her ye Wh lereas: 'iYe most v erant gec andi iunspeaae 1offsourcig of the ie testable' genii' Ire shma a v ie i the past teeas beectwihed ill the bal anecie d feund riceveouscli'w iatng l' ricer elecs re cembelered'! Oec inrsocasein.e hav eopenl inc...…

October 05, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily, KALAMAZOO ELEVEN FIGH AEY U AN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THLCR SI)AY, O)CTOB-'ER 5. 1905 No. 9. Varsity's Work Marred by Frequent Fumbling-Defensive Work Good -Garrets, Stuart and Workman Star. cii ccigaui cwadedt inon hui cnch of -r prises eserday cafcirnoni iwlen the pluk aanmazoo ctcgclven eldi-i the to 44 pont: iin irlityli ii. te 4t May,' te ivr-citinmakig into i tocdw s in the cfirst h f I ctit cintii tiecworkc ofithe vr...…

October 06, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily MEN WORKE HARI). Varsity Squad Thro' Severe Train ing Stunts-No Scrimmage Yesterday. Althought Coach Yost (diinot gis e h laueo cimg lst right. it was plainly evident fron tetworkout goven tetsq-iuadthat Is didi not expect the mitstakes made il t irs thItlf of the Klamaztoo gametcto brpae oorwi h az g i. Ce. acling the (lttttpy signal prc ie sitli pacise-thtanl in g pnswral« h rgaadk,;afterduts the iseiswere llowtied1 t unt...…

October 07, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…-l I - A ,1 J4 ~7 _ r'* r r .. J I. f " .7v J. _ _ .: _ cr, _ r i. J ! !. ': _ .. f , f is ; J J:. r J. ;; L -r C .. ,.' ' C ^' T " ! :; ' ./' y 1. I .. J,"'. ~' I.. r i ~, f. ^' _. 1: r _ _ . . t v 7: c - --_ -~ _ - 0 rri ;7 P! (/ _ m o Ht T: mm c~ n / ~' - _ _ - r ' l rte ,, N . --' 7-; ., t, ~: r '" _ ,; :% ~, r - ,. r r, r^, %y .-. .... .. C ..- Omi f - -- - "% -, r Uc,; . a r .- r y " !, r r r J I i V 'l, ' f. J< . .% r _. f' . ...…

October 08, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…N- Ca . _ f% r ~' rr i 'r' T C: ! l 7 J. I 17, icy " -- s .. --- - r.. y' r V J Co e w T 5 .-- r /, 7 f ' 0 W C A 10 *. C)!, .7. tv % . :v'- _.7' ., c ^. J. s . - _ 1- 3 : , :f" ' w C ^- , . o .,. f; C '- k'r'J C/ -3 1"-"r Q C/) --+ '..., .. t-" O p r 'a H 'id C/ r f …

October 10, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

… J r - 4-1~ r 'f. '/ ' r - .- ;j i f .j ,-. ,V r ' I. j ... ;; ,..., ,-. .-. .- :F .-. 'f :J'. f /, - "l.. . '"" J Q ,. . f f Y-. , . 1... f i ..-. , + n ,. .. .. -- , f --1 * -. -J 0 r, U ' cr i f ti 0 f z T J ^ J J~ r r r. J . i V, % v ~ , r i : -, i i p I 3 b4 I 0yb J J 1 a '6 " /u- ~ ~ 'J ~i . .f 1. t, J J.. 4- rte! "'"' '!. J f v-i J ... v/ . , - w f 'f _ ~1 _ -tom r i L-. 'Y+ ' HH gY+ J I --i y.. 'y" ~ J r . ,- .., t. ( ...…

October 11, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, '[TBHR0\VIG N, l\ ;DJ,.I AY, I C"l'( lli1 rI It. foo Vol1- O I NO. 14. OHIO NORTHERN UNI- 11lANSIIIN(, l l, CHAMPION SHOT-PUTTER VERSITY TODAY FO11{a 001 -('OttYIV YIR COE TO REMAIN S. cond Mid=week Game Today on ~~Ci0iitCfitttI10 World's Champion Shot=buster Has Ferry Field-Tom Hammond o _olit frio1 Entered University Will Be Out of Game.Rotttit Eligible Next Spring. itl thteam ''imoretcheditiI up iii' tha ' mittt cl n h \t iig...…

October 12, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…The Mi1*chigan Daily Vol-. X\I. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIJLRSOA'\Y, OCTOBER 12, r()05. NO. z5 OHIO NORTHERN HOLDS VARSITY TO LOW SCORE With Crippled Line-up Michigan Was Able to Sore Ony 23 Points-- Weeks in the Game--arres and Mtagoffin Star tetliin ie im~ad athat tg thehor IFtFcry feed estedav after- , t~ui mt~itin <: atleas in iff rent ti Ow fact that they had ben titl e - 1 ort: illthe nin tee wiut ofteli het'al w ilitheten111minu itill...…

October 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…The MihinDily VOL. XVI. ANN-ARB-OR, MICHIGAN, VIDA, OCTO BER 13, 1905. Noj 16. STRENUOUS PRACTICE IN' PREPARING FOR VANDERBILjT The Two Germans, Schulte and Schulz, in the Game-Yost Works Men Until Dark-New Men Are Showing Up Well The varsity prceice last inight was one of the hest and lngest yet pated off. Coach Yost started tie pefosm- ansce by ssteieng Rtrioey, Magoffi. start, "Oty"aotGillrels hose soie- ceive tile hiallt id iget quic...…

October 14, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

… r: B , ' R5 ; .. A ; ... .-r .Sb+ .'i ?.''+t 0an z l ~f J-r >C > " 0 LL ~. - . "- " J J J J f. y _ f .i r i _ r . . J ! - "" /1r f ++ /O0<1 r! , ^ t J U - 7D 7Z 7 :: tf .. 1 ..- . .f V .., _ / _ J .- J _ f + :--t J r--+ V ~ 1. .. .--+ :f: - . Iwo r. v ... J r+ f tT bjO U - --: 7t ti t - l = f J 0 z 4 ARM 'i tJ-R A z 0 ~zii r : : - . - . ..., J J c - - _ f y f f , LL L 1. ,f.E r .00 0 i - y f r . ^ f . ,. - - ,, J ) ii.2 V JJ " 'l, ...…

October 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The, Michigran Daily \1O%..XVI. ALL-FRESH AGAIN MEET DEFEAT Despite tame Fight Turner's Pro- tges Are Unable To Score--A. A. C. 24-Michigan 0. tot' ing. tMich. Ot N f1'peial to Alc i~ tT il.)-Ti te motlt it)1)1 cotcld oclga e f te season te' r'ln ll tcttt'tlt tamthisfternoon11 It i oe f g toit .T he git nttoo ('Irsp l it.ala total l Ott) ti l acfltft The tre l ilu ttt it''ftCott ed tiry i ch f gocitnd btccyIv- mitb to retit the i trili 1)1)1)...…

October 17, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily N XARBOR, MICHIGANk\ "I N's-sj)\\ I 'thlR 17, 5905. Vol- Z V [. FULLBACK LONGMAN IsVS 'XdXAT. AGAIN IN PRACTICE Te smaoker held by the' Iowa clh -asinesay nighlt was a ntissikcd sa7css Big Fullback Again tIons Football froant start to Finish. It was field miiiiiiiIII Togs- Will Be in Saturday's5 for thlieeit of the newttesn and ahott (same With Nebraska. siityii eittfereereesisesnit. i)n-ins th eelilggreetitags Were s sit ...…

October 18, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…The Mic higan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDINESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1905.No o No. ao. VOL. XVI. DENNISON UNIVERSITY OF UNKNOWN STRENGTH Michigan Plays Another Ohio Team Today-No Line on opponents' Strength- Barlow to Play Quar- ter- Nebraska Strong. Today's game wils Denisoo is not only the last game before the Nebraska teamttcottes, bst it swill also e te last chance to see the varsity it action unttil they clasht with Booth's Corthsktlers ...…

October 19, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

… The, Daily \'of,. XVI. ANN AII ,)Ib. IiI['lll(GA\ 10Y, ()('T( I o. I o ).:z GAME WITH DENISON WAS CALLED OFF Wet (rounds and Fear of Injuries to Players Cause the (ame to Bie Cancelled. rier)i y ('Coatch ot andi)\anage ar thaxt the lDenison igmte wuld ie l l- advi~e. It as fered tat astc grouds ee iiterrIihtle cditian saoie cii iandttttic e kept ciii f lhegae ;a au ichNerasa Stturday.Cacih tact eile f liythai t ihe ceef i ftl itt eh if \I...…

October 20, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN'"k\RBOR, MI('IIf} \, FRIIAY ()LE \\ f( ii . yi VOL. XVI. MEMBERS OF FACULTY FAVOR COMPROMISE The Miichigan Union and Memorial. IiSliitltilll'litl Comnittee Should Get Together riniiiiiti tI ht f teLie n t criIeel the Prevailing Sentiment -What latToqetosaestld is Faculty Members Say Tl ~oi of ihe, luni ,sca ni to resuIl itin tatbuildingiii iltil i n clii i - a conp liltliii N ii s t te t tilt ii liii ii ill 1c51an 1the...…

October 21, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

… The Mic h igan DaIly ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN, Sl\]I ' RI[).11 t > ( ) I 1 ,f -l Q105. VoL. A"T No. 23. SENTIM~ENTS OF FACULTY MEET WITH APPROVAL Michigan Men Want to St e a Mem-~ orial Club House on the Campus. TheDaiy oucedtheabtlCthong'llcfli'- av its [(ilgt1hiatthas ilstaitc ca'eda lol M11icia e.Stdnan lo st are at altiot th n eingcitat at cl ilt t~c is c t Jliliiltinta cto -Stop 1thi a q ibl 1 laain. L t tleydfaitll ba ,otla ' i lattert I ...…

October 22, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

… The Michigan Daily ANN' ARBOR, M1ICHIGAN, St \I).11V. ()C''t)1;1Z 22, 10)05. V~o1. XVI. NEBRASKA OVI ERWUELMED VAND Buat Sc Ain( recived11 lilt'l( iIli I' i ; I t% made111 la. th1 "Mid Tlle Ithc I t 1 11 ITle I 1won11a the He-, the MCC lrcktit llm'tc'I Belmset classd., ERIL TAM MICHIGAN ROLLS UP A LIKE1D MICHIGAN 121111 ii,\Y',°"s cf110 0. (ero ad~anin SrukSCORE OF THIRTY-ONE POINTS I rs' Heat-,. h ~1tn.t W 11111 o - 1 Wolverines Win Fir...…

October 24, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

… C Q b4 U 4 ~IW W o c 7 l J = -4 V A ovaf J a^r, - ,=! . '~" ^' :: G ' tom. :... yJ., '' ,' ' rt- ._' -. ,.' ~ CG s"' - __.. tic r 'r. _ 75 H Q S U f _G J . . a1 V U r I . yyy V n ITT . / n r+y V l N 4 . , a r x . , J f rr< - _ ' i ' f J ^ 1 it +- ._ r r. : j .. r ? r 'l .. i" _ j y, w r. 'l; . i, J J T V . .-.. .s .! 'f, i n J r v i ^ ' ... J r *^y v-i . y .r 'r. _r ,-, .' .,r-. W,. N _ ,f. , f fir' ~ .- 'f. f >> q G " tel./ (" ~ ...…

October 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily No. 26. Vol,. XVI. PROSPECT OF AGREE- MENT IS SLIGHT, Little Likelihood of Union and Memorial Committee Com- ing to Terms--More Faculty Opinions. it an ostce n thta s- ice. W ie lu ots uld slut ()f ally rat>i ni e Nvollld it ccll ALBION COLLEGE IN LAST MID-WEEK GAME MhI odist School Conies Today to Oppose Varsity Albion Strong Among State Colleges. Tllc la st lidwselgste )ftl 1w arn 11 ts All i m tcois-s. 's. in. Uit...…

October 26, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…. : _.... "i rt . a c o y ;" f T bG r .. 04 fD fUl _ T -. f'v J u F .'C - ti. J 0. - i. J ry^ ry ._ f y tG rn ,' r A tl4 O - , %n -+" J4 - ~ nv _ ¢ w , t Oo fL - ro 72 Y JP J w n - -. 7C _ J - = r J .. v T O 2 -f 7" - .. a ~ JQ , , - ' / 7^ .r J F >. - _ _ i ,I . _ rt U'. tl ' tlC 77 T o w ° e aLq o _, a¢ m x _ - C; r; a , rt n.; w s 7c .- J a s = rt J u, - f I ' O v V - C 7 _ "l J f r J _ r - v T M f - - K _ L Y F a^ J^ '; rye. - _ I ' ,q 77 ...…

October 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Dail ANN ARB~OR, \tICHR0 \N, D\ i (f~S27.NO28 \N'c. X\Vf1. 0. 28. MICHIGAN'S ELEVEN THE GREATEST EVER Coach Booth of Nebraska Says Wol= erines Can Whip Any Team in the Country. 11cgetes-t foutotbal teaitt]everpoften ;meal isitthe verdict (if (Coachi Wltcr C. flitotil, if \Y r iikt-f-t. ii P1ichigan'- lto elevetn. ot oill lot Ile say that teamithtti HP ty- Mtclo th~t netvei lief~re a, a a(-rr Ott n of to i;- t yi~tde otterstog...…

October 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…The Michi gan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA-N, S.VTI)\'l'.('k ) T( ) ,1( )05 2(191. VOL. XVI. WILLIE H ESTON'S HAW KFYES OPPOSE MICHIGAN TODAY Drake Team Will Arrive at 9:05 This Moring--Heston Writes That the Team Is in Crippled Condition. Tie Drake football team which plas Michigan tis afternoon wllii arrive in Ann Aror at 9:0 tisr morin1g ac companid by their coach, William ar tini Hest1n. Acordiig to a letter re ceved froni IHeton, the Drak...…

October 29, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…0The Mic iga D il ANN ARBIOR, MICHIGAN SL'NI\ [) OI I RR I 2 1905. Vot. XVIl. No. ;io DiRAKE SWAMPI MICU Varsity Scores Decisive Victory Over Willie Heston' s Pupils--Barlow Stars at Quarter--Score 48 to 0. it cilhe a ot t i \-l "e c peotutdth toth ma \ihc li tt' t-tDrake pthel b-ill c-tlea i-atiek. ttt)hod\ite ga a vest- iii a bthe n s kit ftetir tteftsthe Vo~tls,, otitcs score four t le- hal epatedly afeMihgnadcr r ie it witin srikig itn...…

October 31, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN. il ! ) \ ,c >"(t)( I>lC 1;;i. i0 oNo,1 VOL. XVI. No. 3r, ALL ABOARD FOR THE BIG EXCURSION Big Deeation of Michigan Men Will Witness "Strongheart- Excur= Leaves at 6:45 Tonight. \ idelegationtOf ttit-rsrity studntst, w rh f the play, will witnes Srotg- hcr"at Detroit tisieventitg. The -titner reervedI seat sale cottuttted by *lauiagerC aird atbeentpeomtttenll la~eattd thereo.s little dotlbutt that live ...…

November 01, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XVI. The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \\ I l)\i I) ',oVt i) . o- NO. 32. -- --- ---- -- -- - -- -------- ------ DENTS, .r--HOMEOPS, 0. 'SENIOR LITE RA 1 Tooth Capenters Win a One-Sided. (laine Characterized by Fumbling. A safety and a isttchdown, with Blliss falue nectre goal, tells tie story of yesterday'rs class fooall gamae. eding in thte raher odd score of 7 to o. The ttett who will htaodle the forceps atdI lhe httzzinsgta...…

November 02, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…I. i (:. k i The MichiganDaily VOL. XVI. ANN ARBOR, (MICHIGAiN, TIl1[.Ii'ii)XY, tfIX VARSITY SCRIMMAGES CIlTX I hill ie N "F ). DEBATES BEGIN THIS WEEK AGAINST ALL-FRcSHposedietily fst ernProspects For Winning Teams Are Turner's Little 'Uns Make (ood ittent l fc.eete ii uttii ey(obeod- s eams Showing Against Varsity-Harry Mitchell:; eer etarv, "lonetii"tiCtox, Chsen Hiammond in Scrimmage- treaisutrer. XV. F. tcielv Team Leaves Tomor- "\: htt...…

November 03, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…The MichignDal ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FIDAY,1N) S X\I IIIR 1 005N.. VOL. XVI. o . 4. FOOTBALL TEAM OFF Squad of Twenty-One I This Morning For Dan cross and Longman W -Right End Undecidec Coach Yost. with his har onet warriors, leases tot tis is morningweea tevit osteamtomlittorrotw. Besi Basird,. Trainer Ftizpatriek Mlanageir lecher tite follnt mtake the tip: Catain N llsittttottil Frtttk I ttgt Schutlte. Gtrahtattt Cttrtis, Carrels, "Sttta...…

November 04, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

… The McignDIly A \R1,10R, I[1C 11CA 10 s I) K)A \C)\ ;I I;I I 95 I.3 Vol- XVI. N(). 3 JIICHIIGAN TEAM IS AT DANVI LLE, ILL. FOOTBALL TODAY. SENIOR COUNCIL Reports From Illinois Field Will Be Received in University Hall This Afternoon-High School vs. M. M. A. at Fair Girounds. ELECTIONS UNDER WAY Will Go Into Champaign This Morn- ing-Yost Confident- Elaborate Preparations Made at Champaign. ilicltif'ttttatt li(iS Ct'0 lIIVNI)IKI) LINIf...…

November 05, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

… Q C bA 40 U 0 ^ C L h~) 2, -.+ t t N-A .,. . ^' 4. S...T _ .J -7 7Z: t t iv 'J} h ."--+-. °" . r~ :-s J1 h "°' ,-: ,^i v ,, ,,, J:' !: J r. .' t - .. w. r. J }^ ! y ^ vjc r }^yW. nl -zv J 7z 7Z: . ^ l ^ of ^~ . -' r ^, .-+ ' ' " A r ': 4 ' ; i - -- -, . _ -° tlry; : k. - ~( c rL 75 r. ": i "~ r j . lf; ^G J - r -te U r t. T G J r T .r' .. :z a2 2- U O2 z U Je . Fem. :.. .c ..-. , > F . . '. Hi 0 N fX - J - x -r Ov 7b 0 V .u a...…

November 07, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga al Vol- XVI. WISCONSIN NO CINCH ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'li.I\ (I;111,Il1 7, I19tl. -No. 37. SAYS CAPTAIN. NORCROSS' Badger Eleven Much Stronger Than Last Year---Norcross is out For Signal Practice. 1Tat the /iseonsio game is to be the real chsampionshlap game of the west iSgrswingntore and more certain. {'tan No rcross ttas retarned from hi sos cpotits where tie attendted the Wis- cos505-5 i snoesota game. Tihe little qeuar- te...…

November 08, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily vot.. xVT. ANN ARBOR, N AIICHIGAN, «fEJD N ISDAY, N(OVEMBtE IR 8, 1905. Io. 38. J C GNMAY MEET HEAVY SEAT SALE PRIZES OFFERED FOR PENNSY ON GRIDIRON FOR WISCONSIN GAME EOOI ______________________Over 800 Cheering Section Seats Proabe rek etwenPen ndFOO'TB ALL Alt'N ARF Sold Yesterday-General Sale Harvard Likely to Give the Varsity WXORKING OViRTIMF Oesa odyCiaoFr ____and Doars- an Eastern Game--Decision May Th ttenace5 ...…

November 09, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 'VOL. XVI. DUNLAP AGAIN OUT FOR SIGNAL PRACTICE Ift HIalback Played at Tackle in Yesterday's Workout-Hos- pital Almost Emptied. lUosl pthe bigstin siptter sant half- back, who iha its eno hetshospital list sinc th beinig'oof tsason,. got irst limsiceiss'the Nebirsk'a gamise.'His knee' is still sicak ansd it ws'thilogh~t inad(1visablet o playinis t h f last ight ansoseiiquiiiitls\Yst siitmuhint tigt 11ckl tt 'hiiistil liihoi...…

November 10, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

… .CC« p0 - +- _ n ... ,_ : : C _ -- "- ; n ° e , ': cv ._ .- '- i 5 j 1 v v: ... { .: . i J m 4.0 z !- Q . . .,. 1 J ^' ' " ti) .._. ..-,.... yr ._., :1 ! ,.-. i s . .. o N , .r._ J .i .r ' " - y f .- . G .'~ = v . .-. " r. %+ , . ° f f f ;; r_ _ .. 'J " "t i J f. 'l. T" CCU bl0 v .J M f f r-+ H ~ " Sr :- r J .. . f: "J V + 1. . bk I J 0/ l L 00 s . t o, r, . f. 'r^ J .. Vr i . r. ;f, :. _ «. , .. .. < ; . v U. '".., ;/; V ~ d...…

November 11, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…rOL. XVI. The MichignDaly ANN :ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA' IN 'RD)AY, NOVTEM1RBER I1, I1)05. Nt 1 "O. 41. OHIO STATE BRINGS CROWD OF ROOTERS Over 2,000 Columbus Men Will Come 00 SEATS PSEFT 'Ot «SsVS. IBN cal1,Jr:FS. CONGRESSMAN LANDIS 'lll :ln-!inl tthe cant..atet PLEASES BIG AUIDIENCE ta il i lae etrO itt' t he 06 at 't iia adt1le '07 cntlti-srr 011 No~tht "The Message of an Optimist" Consti- tutes a Cheerful Review of t erry} ri fied lt l i or...…

November 12, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

… The Michilgan Daily Vog. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, : _'\"):\1. \t)1'I 111I I R 12, 19 ENGINEERS PUT SI IRT ITI'TTPS SCOIRPFIFOITV ALL-FRESH DEFEATED LAWS TO RU i Ax .'~A-4- -v i -u R ti N FINAL G~AMEl bin Class Game 6 to 5 and Tree PO0I NTfS GIN 0171O10 STATEfI Aided by OfficialslHedelburg De Laws in Front of Their feats 1909 Men 21 to 16--Lane own Building. __p in Stellar Rfole. lniet raiton %er use ad heBarlow's Run of One Hundred !7 .....…

November 14, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN N \RBOCR, MICHIG 1N, I N ) A i A10 L "Rt14,tH3 VOL. XVI- Nit. 43. "LITTLE EVA" PRAISES HERRNSTEIN'S TEAM Chicago Weak at (uarda and Center -Eckersall's Kick the Feature - Boone Has Quit at Last. Last SatutatieCach Turier of the' all-frei w-itnesed le gameain lahic iea i eea-tedl IPurdute blitas'ctre oa tt) o o 'tthegam wa f itt andilPir- dui g ii the firstt tlt. Iuing ithle secand ha lie teica irettif lia briceiandihat...…

November 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \\l IS D\ 'at)N50\i)\4I811,1 5.i 5 1(40 VOL. XVI. N.\) -44. VARSITY TRIES NEW PLAYS IN SC R 11'.1'AG E Scrubs Unable to Clain Against Varsity Subs in Short Scrim- mage-Yost Is Worried. ]'eprcire esterdgY aftenlool in- clda siort srimmatlge between the :cseeand l(the IvarIsity,. athogit several ,if the reularis wlre not alowted ta prtliipa~te. ItovarIsit ttsetl several new psiny11whlch wll be aprung...…

November 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Mcigan Daily Vol- X\T1 THINK V, lichigan Authori Story of Badge' vere Injury=-Scr Varsity Yesterdi III shire of 11he11mum 11<tro it't s 01 S i i i l p a t c r i l t dff e r 11 .?t I othin ta"had AN N A:RI,()'_, MICHITGAN, ' 1'IC tRi A ).\ A x,1IfNiI" .1)0,5op. No. 45. ANDERBOOM LOCKWOOD'S RECITAL "CHOICEST IN LAND"' I 5 NOT OUT OF GAME A GREAT SUCCESS FRTEUINMN Opening Number Pleases Audience-_ ities Discredit 51'1'~ II'IIWoo fUpeeet...…

November 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…IM AIr Ic 1, W iw The b, n Dal 1 y Vol. XVI. ANN ARIIOR. AI'xCiIR'xN, Nox. 46. ALL IS READYFOR HOW TO FIND SEATS READY FORAT TOMORRIOW'S GAME' UNION DINNER TONIGHT !I I I COACH YO5T GIVES OUT MICHIGAN LINE=UP Final instructions to Guests- xi- xilxlx x x Sale of Seats Today-Program, ispeakexrsx xxii x xx1 t, ils nlenu and Decorations of Most i hefix1il ; order Elaborate Nature. Dr. All-ell xx iin ildllr)hcll' } to sm se. lxiii Joxii t'-...…

November 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…Th1 chi an ail VOL. XVL A- N N \1IdiiOR, liiiil S.l < 1N( V--i ld iS 141 W EST'S BEST E ENS T TOD{ AY Nix. 47. ANQU TWISCONSIN-MICHIGAN LOVE FEAST Game This After~noon Will PracticallyDcicWs era' Championship--Vanderbo:.. iN Play--Over 29,000 People toWxnsstetr 'Flehxxxesernixotbaill champiinshpngta wxilpracticallxy bex'settled thisii ii xixi );iIxx xxx onx }ferry cii ,wihenitlinofathle -grexixesilieI-ea footaiill itea isithis xxxhai eerk...…

November 19, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

… The Michigan Daily Vol'. XXTT. ANN \A.RlIi, MICFIIGAN ' MICHIGAN, 12; _'\1).A1". Af) '1?:1If 1 . Z icy, its 7;. No c. 48. WISCONSIN, 0. Wcolverines Make Two Touchdown~s Against Badgers-..West Bleachers Colliapse But No One Is Seriously Inj'ured-Over Seventeen Thousand People in Attendance Michigan Team Comes Out of Game in Good Shape. 'free to e\ teettois, the anneual Wis- colsill-'Xi ci i'm foothill game yester- day resulted ini one of...…

November 21, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…The MVchigan Daily VOL. XVI. FOOTBALL TEAM MUST IMPROVE, SAYS YOST had Work Ahead For Varsity-Chi= sago Spies at Wisconsin Game- Team in Good Shape. Wisconsin hat a great team atd one tt it tat anthotor to defeat. Te itplay edgooodlfootbaltl'ait itts, adte tottchdowntm'rch dtrect from -f n tle eond half tros a a piece of twork as I ever saw. before Thanksivtittgf we are to deet Chitcgo"ays 14. U Yost. IToeit all camie ott of tie gatte itt goo...…

November 22, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n -Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, N\1) :l\ I I1)A \N \(t N1?11 2 2,]05 NI.-lO VOL. XVI. No. o.0 YOST'S MEN PREPARE FOR ECKERSALL' Varsity Again (liven Light Practice- Several Regulars Not Out-Pre- dictions About Game. 'The feature of yesteda'svarsitl fotalpaticer'was Coach osts tnee mehdof preparinig for iCkersal. flooin' ey' was given the honor of inper liain te only maniontthe lroii trnm licliiifers"iand booted the i si onsistvnt...…

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