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September 30, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-09-30

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The Michigan Daily

N1,01. X\1IT

ANN ARB}OR, MICF{[IJAN, All'lASI 'PI'5>5s1HER 30,1905.

Nu. .



Enthusiastic Singing and Mass Meet-
ing Last Night-Screen Plc.
tures Made Great lilt.
Adry personit eio thought there was a
lac o sirt t it Usivrstyofytjet-Several Regulars Not in First

To be Stiffened-iore Rigorous Re-
OHIO WESLEYJ rAN TODAY qieeto bd gertn
0 tm I ttt sttttttts litalt st",ad ' e has 1beet siderttab letl'ill feel

gait 'htt ttigtt ltave bett preset at
thtetmonsste r mtass tteetig comtposed of,
ct''srt l tottsattttsttttetts last ight.
tu t eptsotnote tle ittitoetiet
ovr' tle fistitttttin f lit y ea. Miatt
resefeaturiswere itrodtuceeditis yer.
tttumostipotat tttof tsse beig te
lnrnsie estecasll trearelby
i,s'uusitsu. Theits lt iof tesvrewstws tst
likeuess 'f itrey" \tngel. Its ott.
iernc vs iheatrtit greeed.i'rTe
sleslrouseud esieeialy epfttl to tie
ite~ menin te si g ittoitesongs.
loisPaiker sios law, otetniete iret-
i V't atall tipits the Miitgntt
t'nisitetll ig the fresmttetsf its taitu
1etue adtheimpuoruutacte (f their le-
essittg' tisisiist lut \ichitg'stttseei. i r.
Park'ier i thn itt~es Ite tieetitg'ovet' to
''Spit1de" C(itwhteted i iais 'mtaste of
ceeoisfr tie eenintg.g:After sifea'
piecesis iissis uttetan, iewy'sttgantizeed
sietshs'le ledesss itOfSehidsst, sitti
stut ich i iiigatn 5ysllsIProfilBates (f tes
la eate t skdi sot soly ts tes
in'sh iuss])Ihuto las ii \ tigstttstssets
sitsmts'esiport'isces'of trie stortstmtan-
,,ts itin iaihletics, tiand iheldi sipPresiset
iRssso'os'iet assi anetample f lensotus-
masipas distintgusishedlft's stpot
Co assels tspoktiie (f the reutatstiont
o i h ignthtirossigoutsiitecountrty
Isis ponsilteprsesets f the temttifor
le vear. laisses of the temti iiwer'
sttissueu istilla ishruneeh
Cemi ii 'tite 'itisitwhussg've the do;s
sil tlsposketien'tc'ursgigyof thes
feh nlis r'masrssdeslt espeillys
wsit iiisth e eig (f t'espit dth
lis. e isistedi itsist severy freshmtianu
wit'ntssg saeapt,.tuat hle tiigt ettee
kntowsisssmassistes. 'Tu'e ecatsis nts
anits iia thiruiist tuponitfresmtae.Ti lu
f it t'si'eco stmedsestattthe festitets
oraiefr the rti tshideery tttan
sholturn ou stu . ie asksedilthe junitoirt
in enosts ket situ(f tisishIistrie
eenst.Of isis yasrgiiegin umttb es sif
uppie'clssmettaetlitm'itgesinittthe ush.
'th is is usfits tthelafrshmttetatdif
'sitntinued i it sill causi thet'rustoir le-
'omeiin'thtinitg ut .a rutgi houtsean
It is pa snid ts hldasiopetit'metr-
i sinthiertampuiseeFridasy inigt
The U'niersity Crss Cottntry eubtIs
iill ibegitn its fall worsMosnsdsy ifter-
tisotsteneveerybodisy whoas issever iiosne
ayrnigior has' sity sdesire whtsos-
eser fr godwhoso'mesttrottdoor eer-
c seisoutl e sits hatdstoitaske ii the
itiasl 'run.
Tse crusb sas torgaied lits the ispritg
of 191 o telpstdsistatcerunttiters for
the varsity, stn tast it hass aeompltaise
Iis is resdily sisitti by a review of
Miichigsan's sdsistierwn. Te tmet who
hasse eatitioses iMciga's chattpiots
fouri-mtile resy temtts at Pettnsy the
list three yesesliter all beet Cross
C'ounttr nuntt. All the promnentutmtiddle
attiloIatg sdistatte rttiters snoteitt cl-
lege aceuitiresd taost (f their taiuitgwills
te lit.
Tue Cross Csutitry edtul has beoets
seasdily isarger sittdlbetter. Te imemtbler-
sht sas girtsn eosritosusly itt the last
twor yers satns the work otestshis fll
itister the msosst faissrablsecodtiioinis.
Tue luits hods two raes e'el year
ote its the fall atdiaoter ithie srig.
Tue frst two fiisinig ante first

Giame-Official Weights of the
Players-Tom Hammond at

siltd Io 5 ,tast he ]lace
satits N useseus ss' si ateis sit
isc d, a~ ( ), ]Its'enst, s eveyonsits' 1
sit a il l W it'' i ts C it sssals g i llk'nisi


The fist eal its.'nsuit hiigasis to, III er :irlig. us aus its "i ts's'. fsh ts i
haipsiaonshttip pro s ts canibe i t a lttussindt s. '.' usitse d t nosi ts stl in thus
'us' ts'e"g uti'thits afte'rnoonsttagainst tOlhiti ucsustakgi ntos'" us s(55hir tutu hiss iansdi
bs'i'e.hirTs hei umsassgetsittheus. htuss 'ackttrunsand ittid''ehiss ship uusIa
fromt is its of thus u gt h asu t *they :iresit sisit eh i;hsushits'patter, h( fiug
goenumnroat oythe sitrettoruiuktep Michus. selltts it ii iisthcgis, tuttisi he
isa froht susi usu ita Wsi li''it'irin 'iiat u s-tine issit a et afa c
scoee, uu t -o uttts' a the m respssi iitysssssmakuss u i heta k tlte n" k"stah ost-
thessrug us whu ea ut o tli ae it-it stlt' istspo- itioi it fulack. in i rs
(eschut stue dofeuss ntl seemits usk ealy ii, us ind at fte 5 -s0 i
woirr th i sd on etning st u'sg'isu ut tco e l ~ . cill i ve h:t oJa g- lc'
the isutea is'y the studenss t'. itthes tt'.' Ihitsoffitia w i'i tisitthis'pa eh h
meestutg last ight, it s utiisii i st tat? il is stilpts n td ts ao a
Othio seyanss iti lsh rousei'vsis'shusat'r-' its' ru t is nights (c~i ut sitcent'r' ut:
5T h e sl t il le astwily ti u ts this eit . Pir~,tc l.nt uts ake r
denti sods', u Ia s uiguus-tut Ste and''ittiss quar((td e. o ''' 'w, ' r -, -
'lark swi hiskepinit (ut f thus gatitus ,it - s'st sss1rssss''s u' sss'ss'ss \\ssu u siuats r '.hlf ii 1m
ntj ti'. s uti uitid icittz. r y Hiammond,(i _______________lap,__________half,________ Iss is sit 5 us alfi65;To
\isigofii and Wees ar.in ots uts o5fl B be ate' h esaiig tg i rl assitm stulstlbak ;ls i ' ki ''utrd
itiontito get is int t eguitai' game.' "tlost st I i .sut uhs
il gutse Iis tus uiu uquarte rback \s, ot t I ii is. tush Cuts TilI ttl r m te ai e fg rs i il b
lan tntdM tutu',itianee tat shuts' t Jo b ertartist hij'.tt an I snthisaitte 1 us' irsmsend sto endlusts
hery' sit thusitsl uitusug' iiiuthe t'aua uunt si us utcst better(sit sli i t ha n iits 5at t's'.go; us, sit uusus ihc this iis Iiclltsi is-atus
it sorganizted defenis' .'a taintt Nor-hs thhuhs'lst .s n . T he t o me i i histclm eets . s u i sss udihrl
rets.'. il 'staitt the g sueitsntttha t lostousu ts ii nt hisilgts its I w si by htits.i t' is'",~ib i trtuss' iusi te lo
'tus heit ewu-u' tsenuwitl i hisput it Iisi t'la fist rely iotuthe pun its re: a t St u -sit, lv
Clemeti at neuris autu till say t it s i ii iiii- ilb ilae ttei nsitat o c ,fii cite i h iUr
sit'. Stiuut gh ius'.ruse ular sit hstsunits s ii' ,7hl st tutu ilt he WuS u sus i . I '.lis, of ush i ts. tutud I oI itc'.s osi
t guariu,. tiniss usuwingup tswell1. iLtie g''nti andit is hbooting'thes' usl ittil" ihi- T e it' igil of sHlv s t hit
midilGruahamis will husy thus gutrdlust- ~.styleti' sisfall. fhresti mad'e5 a( e i'a"sts' usi etil'as'sot bestilt ded tltout
thuns. Gr iaamtpshyes ta c kislst lint .shoinuutig sinte cun rl pa1suu'sof th tus eyus sui probablyirheutw nty rirsu t tutu
esr. ut ii is'avir thus'.yr itandh itw it ((54 satsn, iutil etu stale' before's'thusfve tut es
lien i stti n reise theuinsisgniau'IMPO ThhtANTi'('IIS1NtS IN Ii N h ssstc rauis of hs's schol.
f C. C. C. Cupis ribbos , ut C .-C. C5. - l Iiik:lt si'L isoier te newusy st'em5allstf-i er
erseys. atsa ndst acesk suits suer'alisSilus's--uis theus isusisut bituuai a whol
aws'ardes'd rit ts' ishotiss es'foru tu-ate uTr suslheI m, lso(((sl tudntt oi ill uo iii ubiuad ittedto ths t k
'uisuigitto securieethin covtitedtC's. theusres-usarhue ffslus h e gens"''ueal ibray.grs uae I nt, -and uit'drs fulowing,
Frshmuen asie especisally' urges1 tosCindir thus is tm re(stly pl otius i t ushsies cI tutu in'. ' wu ischistheistrco
'uauun 'sit tushd take this'uniss. Captatsinu studein st callai t'. te"t" isde . ti il, acs o te sok , n
Ramey wv silt insistthis' enis et r s-u horust. ntritus ustheus aut uiihtit'' s-luight h u r is w llhe iuetu is-ul pr. i'v'iget ohu
easy'rusts fist'thur htst erosutle sit ieekss.atush it a lutiste m mb r fstdns tli i d e n.
gnssutussuty'increasingthis' distance a- s tue wos ae a ibrary expie(ncts sill
sinsasecquireenurancei'sts.' Parstieulasrn st' us emplyed enim.tTtuObjct o
tendtionswilt his'pasis to u llnewsilt 5-s tn stlltits ihange is t''(' tit t'reeficiet se- P ] ti,. Ifl' R U
C. C. C. usest silt is'b utson ihd to hlst its C indtutu t it huh 's tutu huts i r_ -
it begiutnsers. stuenticoul s it h i brary, i luthiro. 1 . C Sdleri sftiue m uar ine -
Direc-tor Ks-ruseFitzpticknieh Msitu st it "regular 'ca 'ic g'pay ortin it pusssul I ((liii iii ii us to Ansus
agen Chantis Bairdiare bttu stronsgy itsvouteers s I s itul tist ho sitwek A br rm ass extendelt I s-ps-sn turt
favsor f thine lub .tlthis'fusssmter uitgssfis thile'ps ivitg-o- avng' t 'es (e'urm, rne. i- -s-hslan 'tashSt-t
eerep freshanssishouev'ser iopasstos its'thise sstk sutd.w eehaaslsts en ss t uyng' itsthes
sisy- trscehworkh tro joinu thur s i u shnd Nat uality tsieino ugm cit stiltusi-utu u uintne s iof suiseut'ensgns'ringu f ot'
buuildsin u s i ndr-h helirfrshmessu ishi s titdi frtutu su i ssem a d th us- Slushig n.us vste usrl tiv
ttake thindiliy' rutnss iw it thtscruthwilldns'tsig a aito n egiad w s 'his'to guherus's' h
ibe excssedl ft-ttusthu'e aiompulsoryny m--ssit h ayns cesiitsthrugs sh tepos er- s om al uabslesihu foraton , tsu ec ll
work. uius ipsed i uont heltutu pei. o g thur lists of.esit i mentahlt ankstil
No dues at's-requsiredthlts un sititatisons sttusi trll. hiss' ipo tnouf good He wii ill put it i t ftitusm isid ia. s--
fee f fifty cenuts is shargsdstousdefraylhuhrset r vicm id eyr( a. Th trsh cuseu iitihil t n hitrip. SncesshIisren
thanesost of atis ands watesn.awsardds mallstiltIuniiteit s intc t n t i to t - hir trnto (sthu uns uit het his'.sassued I
S at the seniti-sansnual roses'. ' Tse Athltih maeiails1fussthuadvance((u studenutsit ndt tu h i s rg sir tlie s.
associationu presenuts supsi.tatthe is n-sus (iltserst ceits nc 5'. . - ---
uers earls year,. Thisdesus.itsthusresuinlutroos~t have sise . ha ,it- asuet it h s h ool
'Tose tehos is-sis tst hur ith is-s-tibeen ubtsr'sdrutn'tto in sutur thise uuomp t f pa'r'mi'ty' sssul sssu rsu ts uf this'h
shouul Iane tines t at thesfist usttue s thdeiverys of a hutook.thus tudens tt hut sit- (hu t rn i luts' lft lst c('rinsu 'furSeS--
I to work uitgraduaslly '''-thu the ttii (tillhis sklitnumbeilrhi on 5thisorder i p istlt. ai n 'itgito, 'whis-ii'hie' sill rstt-
Thein irst rntswilt takespaciss .sittIit5casitn iihav hi'e. ut th huhoo I slterutsyIheii h"i tit tschap ter I l u istnthe 'icfo h y t43 .Il l rs edn Ohsds ncn h eea i) o '~ m tn u s' (-suit]-n
taints ssh ul he tiers' trths thusr-us' ce:'ei v eists test:(is ' crowd' dhusIVInhi-si liii'.1H hll sui v sit thisPortland.tiu
t shits. stuffcruss o f fotissu e rso''nl ,,d51 all iiof [j h i ti S su it h cthi 'sniusst tilts' k

tg f isati-amngu'thie ttit'sii ssa mtt'tof
thus depatmn t of gneifn'(ths.tg' iieg r
ito this'stiffnss o S evi ieral' Iof the us' es
a d thes-largo,' sussn l i'5'itof 'tcond itins gi'-
e-u in (thist Inus ushisco se lastshyer
isre sit h ul-if thu stsudens'ts faileds
Inrgr thiisrfso Wlim
-ass e isss ths fsisutsre f hurt oliy f thus'despat-
hos. Iesasit thuatithus's-tgieint'ig di-
st--i" wasfast bins'sreco'nsusized'as
thushe i t- siittuscllool iiof i s imtin ithei
a u s tatu ii u' this h ud ue itinf dhts
its ti t lus s'.iitis fhu h e siio
ittuhh i lt rofs l(iamsIi thi con'
here, utuve swere h suits'. h-ti its -uiss
tits sos the prmnn etsea
(sat uervs feteus nesuit dretis his llarsi enua
limest 1 ('otlislar eattthne t wo n fifty ola
ta it b uas th ees i us o s eeing,
i is (us hes'thus' oliscy ofii thi S h o
h ratr to a ppl oneuits' I stillshi'l-t
ti-u.T' hiss' fuss h is hisis is hustss'to
(Iti' 'si hipedtshatihreafus t te sudenssgi
(oils. hitcls rien a dhis. giv
raied s (5t5a tutew ill itse th: ts iotti-
sit-is'this'court(se it hiss usaltimesi and
it's' uo's-sit si ht''s'iin 'i i mt c ss
In or(('(i-I ti thusthhiworinI. usfouss'yes
nemil touiierbleiavance icreits
anditoube exceptionalsituohd inilt
susated i tha iiie ((suitos . gtutut us is
inten a nt I hi s woursn'' ti' . ses
1 ssnua i-cetoge of is lu'ssg'sess,
mitthis ait tc, bfoe e tushr its his
moe ie for hits eni nesuitns 'g'si'rk,
Thi wold eepmet tnfited or his
coa ses i 'ttu o ' tIguo td w udt'hIrentyluisti
tfres tuhm Iu'.i-t--isis-i-o'be (the policy i
todcestilhuh umit bitr(tils trde tutu, thin
clatisiofstlt sitn itushy itutititithis ssch tus
thes bshttu it--i-iutryl'. u~ I r s- i
Als's-si loseiof t selectre.mothus
tsit 'i t isokeitfa' orallyisof sthe p lc
andusstetu f setling semskts hgreatly
heit) hut-si O the u ptlan ndSty ha
th isl a t l aiig ti l's' illssi o
tts I lunch' igher(u- standard. s geusi
hu1'f-isis:sitahissdtituE.'ush ert lushS
sei still usn- isl lutistc'. la hss' yi'ars'isssus
tec re ve5(try itgis-nositi's's i. lm
is its this astusriilispatsmsi ttistiustthis
if thllh ia, . uat isr. tKusterers-n is
ac~tuary ofutthis itsis its' iuisne
companysi of I ssssti, ilt itK. Vipil
Kiic, ss- wlt-was.emp lastd in this'tar
inua c iiit. tmt' iatsiy' tll stumerirs balcst
agasinsto compett e -i'Iis stis in' is ur
W'S'sste Stine,'0(3 eginee r,5isas twedd-s
'dT'iishus y' usuisg ' tu Nit'.'.lItls
Isis' apo nlt-grauaist f thus Sit
.Arbstunhigh scsish safTsuiO. Aftrs
ritf weddinisg'tnip titi- tsewily trwehtsed
('s-uith' tiill gos to tPanamau swhirete hs
liomhstsa government'us pissition.t us

Order the Dily Jo-Day*
$2.00 Cash with Order DELIVEILY STARTS IMMEDIATELY No Sask NvJakmbGF ca be Fur:nished

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