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November 07, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-07

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The Michiga al

Vol- XVI.

ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'li.I\ (I;111,Il1 7, I19tl.

-No. 37.


Badger Eleven Much Stronger
Than Last Year---Norcross
is out For Signal Practice.
1Tat the /iseonsio game is to be
the real chsampionshlap game of the west
iSgrswingntore and more certain.
{'tan No rcross ttas retarned from
hi sos cpotits where tie attendted the Wis-
cos505-5 i snoesota game. Tihe little qeuar-
terback has nothitngbut praise for the
ader elevent. 1-e said:
hi soonsin seas contsiderablty helter
thas Mo inntesota assetdeserrect to wits.
hisonosit tas sot elevesatttis year wiie
is ontucht strttnger tttan ttteir 1904
teami that thsere is sit comaptarisont. Mieh-
isgan trill tare no sntatpits heatinag ttte
Bdesthe 7ts. Bothtshte tine and
backfeisldt arevecry strong atttteeteanm-
stork displayed isa Satturtday's game
shsosstarvellioscoacttitg.To tte sure,
ibotht tfiethertoutchadowns were the cc-
stilt otfFindlttey',s gettisig past the qutar-
terbsack, wlsh o s aitsdefentsive ftull-
Wik thle fact tess mtentionedcthIat if
te sly scoetteWiscoinstsamassed caesia
as thec re sstlt of atist getting passt
hI ietigsss's tquarterbacoktte Badtger's
505555 we e ey poorthe tmodestly
repliedl:'vVellt teymisghttsetoee somae
ltsatesty, it that Bit thtere wasonosly
sice fasst man itt the gamne, asdethttat
tess Cuttitg. I tttintk se'tlIteait ttaemt,
lsttwelt site tithttrry.
Thsetecatmswa s giv en ntotthing httt sig-
jIaractiela'ttnit.itCatptaits Nor-
ersio tssstw s t foss rtigalractice fete the
tststimae stnce Iis injutry isa the Atlbions
Duinlap. t sialssi o ouot, buttdsid
stist get sin ttse sttital ractice. Alt
liesothsers netre stit excepit Embss anse
sWeks. The fsrmrtts ntot yet slte tos
slas uad"Iltisthesti" receiedetaitsinjury
tIssshldesstr its thetllitsois gamec
issutwill trobably se oust tottasy.

Tthe Chic'ago Record-H-eratlt of tas
Ssnds y av sss teollowirsngst say'of sloe
asppoinstmtsss of ireecetor ilBa its tntte
Otymtpic gamtes ecommissttee:
"tsn appoitingss tCtsarlesLasird, geld-
state decetor itt athltetics of thse Utti-
versity of ichsigtan, to a postions 055thse
Otympi~sc gamsss ommi'stattee te tptincee
royal of Greece pteasteldte foliorers sof
atltiss inthsewtst aasse l tAtmseriats
collegsatns. 115II teaid taosplasyedl a
prominstenattpatrtitlbrinsgsng college starts
to theisr presse tittplase inth ie tress
ansI hs ftrsens ontsiderhisnta srtetpresen-
tative Amterienath ssority ott all litatches
of college athletics. Thss s'Ir B its
eighsthayesar as gradu~ate sditectotrsof ith-
letics at i'lietssgsss.-
Thse gamtsessire tos e ticitAthesnexts
year andtti h~esathlsetes whositsensstot
compslete shlssdsssee te P. astel All if
thse protminaentsthsletic assoiattsionsuif
ste cousnttry sire inavited tos endi retaresets
satires, butt as yet nthinlssg stsregarsdi
si thsle mteetis its defissite stpe.

UNION DINNER TOG ilalob hissto lsi Erluds- C. C. C. RUN TO YPSI
BE A LOVE FEAST wllb saradinetetslill f wiheA GREAT SUCCESS
5 is rs esetrsefoesetrtest ottthe eattpus.
Banquet Will Emphasize (Good Feel=hI sty auittsh ass wrttens fot tickets, Fifty-Two Men Make Long Run to
ing Bet ween Wis consin and flich- 5hil it is sist ossle fse thse sommsittee Normal Town-Big Handicap
igan-Tickets Going Fast. to slotsify'ill te litusiisisso sistttlltbeits Race Next Saturday.
sIM sitbor at sths timse andswtos estsn ire
lOss ihe siglss solfNisrssser sy sthe s ec-s to sttedthle dinisser. Thseowhlo ex- Sattireday aftertnoonth le Cross Country
andsannual sdinnsr ofI lie iI ielsiss i as ttssetae skeofoclubtotols thseir anttntal rttt to Ypsilatnti.
L- sen ill tsi lase, aa sissi a avcsees art o ie olrsfrThse affair ttis year tprov-e ea tose totre
-srat Lsssss11s ()f 5151 i'rist ass s, ili siisis te ro dtrsipsi foodt onsis I Issiot y sit sit mpsspu lar tan eelbefosre as a ttlmoe ta
anlirib;s te' fiszts ie wtill lie l's'idass ess ii us alistso itget ee ittimte dolsslte utsmbset' of atty prteviosts year


efeced smiar to tat o l st:ya. forth le ibig firm r. ' st at y he
Pusssun s he fsss ofLits e aritiss (fisl-,rcsnesdIthroussgIh 'iillits McKeie,
ne il e inom l n o t o 's l~Sibslle streeltCisago. hitlipe-
cratiec ss in s iits tur. l% scn lifte sso ss tiss asradtiss o fi 135 stiles csiss
gra ilrse5feast i'wiheteacm n seue as roundtrt~illste eriual t the
gylnsl~l w~c ooso liha s uasssl tare sitse isat.

will hse swung o'' tto allsud'''s
trill srsnsn l5 h ighat ts itssssit ethis.
sass e sslTss'ssssi sis ;sisin foothlsst
siests'orthes e s rlii'' chsi pis nship.sits

siiio , tsi h\isi trailn
hse prescl0i t ii ! s ti iii
seveal ltnd r- s its'
ths bgtt i sy i llt
still liesu ;.
tic etsto the cli wrl tty
placed o the a its, s11

;Ic' li' wll
r ra I jts

I l ti

rises ifitsemt
radut rand i

Law and Literery Societies Select
Teams --Inter-Department De-
bates Begin Nov. 24.
Ninesi enstint iilestetd its thleAlphassi71t
let atilts'prelitlistaries Salitsrdsytight.
All itsdit s v1ry evenshos inthsue fiest-
Iyisrillsait ngsi'"excepa tisnilly tecl, hI.
I.,egC.I.[ilanditA. 1).iPearce
on tiltlt iwits J. if Dllyn si iasiter-
Tse il lis otlc'ci iiet n e testissess
an fth ilsttis to lis thsie ititsu tierss
wetein Itoas 'bytheselves . The
itsph t teamswilistsnsistofjR. Rebsirk-ioo
tih? 0 altas '1 aliern's. Inthssle
soit ytslcotlst tistamand Rawlins
InthsitsJetiesoniasht elimeisatstries ithe
fo itsig, aiwonsuit: Dosnrie, E. S.
Hallitay andti I tile sitsnsit alteesaste,
111T ari,Geortg'e A. tiilcuttandisi
I T.SuiitmsitAlreprsents 5thle lstet'o
ithfastwithuse AshINuticruth, its
sie s st les isto tiae the asf1irmstite
itt isits s its ihe Jc fsessh fssiit will
sedte eaite sthens they csla
\ilhthli etdeltilub.is


'The tHamtsiltons srsatissicat oetset w11illt t sler ealri'e. lie' tletltleil 1 of
take pace onThutrsay evessisig its roomis1,i 'at iluites iso t ir til. eiir si
P, otf te Its',buildiing,sat 8 siclsick. 'T'hei'fee sit esniss't i s it e i l te stota seats st
followeing'is the list eel constestass i l te dinnter slitd1glee crubcotitesrt. t
ttse ordetrawiiscIsthsey stilt speak: BParIt-sta'ied i it) trut I toe rtiipickent isa i
let& DoseterIxeg,'hoyee I)Ditti Qualii i ttit'e tste snean wictel utst
ltce''aastUssgria ae.The stissssssisshs 5't Nte mw fte we
fee'as witliefifteeceneets e'cetsfor tile hfci Olh°acceited. ccosi
maemabiers oithte Oraitorielas sotiatiotoihs lnifds; sn;o hetces
whtot still bItsdmttedst ree.fie 'r'mn'')i'' sa' th tleh
Thtroughlt~ t'ecourtsyos f tiletislish-ssetr1stftseIUnionl
crs the follointg hsit eciseitls tests l'ts'ttitAhitellitill pliii c a t thei
saited to tse stewsstie rc h ew. tit'sttasntedl miswllac
era! litrary : iFsff Is I Expess. sisli Iso stast's' M Aissis islliliat itetiti is
'Transer ipts PhiladlhaLde d fteclt.alumnitasdtttt attit 1
Neat'o'ktStaah sts /eitun.aessls"al.Te\-riyglecu

esetstled tl itte gymitotittake ele rtn.
As t 3:3o aslarge crowdsavttsd gstered
at the gyms to see te cisb off, stit ow-
ingstote snumbther f ssrters it was
alsistouittr o'clsock before the utch
cst uter way. Catptaint Ramy as
suabtt l sle the runandsmahso teselead-
rsit s ls trntedsterisa "Spider" Coe
while "h orsepower" excueeshIittsel,
suit with te elts of si few others git
iomeliielfty' sit 5cses tite car.
'The ssquadtleft te gymn fifty-two
stronsg anditmitsestelrment froam gyms to
'y'ta isa Isistysnine titte andelfive se-
tnd. this is seven iutsmes sower tan
te titmetadase list falltame whent it is
constideredI tha t f tie fifty-swo stack,
whela sts yeasr tatl twetty took te
rui ashdtnlyitwe'e f teoeresced
he Nitriamsi"it togtetr tiltshsoswing
masseI Saturday is rsmaileaile. 'Tetmaei
arrived t.sitthec Normaslstgymatquiite sa little
ia advacamse f UaphaitRamey sansdtheir
cleothies, stiti 111inithirelfahts'playing
basketall an it nduslttsgig it am litteim-t
promtsinsiginig seeits''
Atfter use litriealiof 1111intetsrurbanmi
c an.-stsdhler' sivi'ized'tga'sil, they atd-
joursmsihned i t i te lits I Isise'whe
dinnes'rteas setveandisi mosre sitngs it-
dulsged- il. Sostse ioftie lub itresmrted
immieiiatey o 'emtsAborit, lut sst
ireferredto i stay anditaikte i tie at-
traictientps testestt the 'psiolnti otera
Next Sastitday will tisuetie asinuetas
falli hianicsataetiete ml b corste.
'T'he entry blainks callt Itssecuedeclati the
directr's oitifse 'eWatesrman igyus'smuim,
todtaty andshous titli teiled outeimie-
diater. All setie stisi Itseiin tie hIads
of S ecretary C retghton before Wednes-
dasy ight sitthat te proefatitticaps
cans lie maieot.t
The Cross Cutsry lubl is its a very
atrive criti on'tu this year I'Te miember-
shi k arger ttstra ee efsres'adthetis
raise ext Sateurdiay sul itssll psib-
ahilitiy hrisgtohahiss'fronst a nm beitmlr of
ne sisens potmiwihoit i hrigansswill
ideind itste fitusre touo iildi Iem' mot-
ti. Otnte' iiithemtst i promiesiigfet'utre's
,f thie lishansd te ren late Saturday
eastshits'fairthiattashmosst sll le' mten
nssr acst'ily traiinntg' srs' reslisete.
'Tis autgur sselfits-the'titurses'oittthis
slit a uh sichigan'sochinsitin ute is-
ithe'tipswtichles sill go resectivs'liy'toi
lie 'e item cus'srin"g es lu'isrsiim, second tutu'
andthftrt phlise les eluts ars'soiteott
hit Sie meircgi of this'Soioilotgiratl
clublslast eveinmgIPres Cl'ems'nt Isler-
tituspassedinitlasreesgn'atiinsut Isseit'
elhiltwssnimo'itsin ottsaiccs'eptg i.
Ptlansowere alsos discssedi toe this
rasisig' of funsfotr te ChicagotCoim-
mosofelilaship I lim o srk listsfor-
stely heent m inte hihanssit a cmmtittee
sit teStudientskhishts itsassociation,
limt hsereaftertheItsu 1i1lassusmme the'
wolsie restiois bilistty of seuring the
'lhe Stcioogical clubh is Aimhtnorary
organizsaiontansas its meitabership is im-
tes tostIwemnty-ive. 'le pesent offices
are:5 Presisdent, Clemienst Holteritata
ice-president, Miss Chasslttte Lane;
secrelary, Miss Smsastakh; treasrer,
M. Karstney.

PrncfjPsCa~jrs. ~ip 1 JI-is -use Tn-14 bAm n-,17n a- T11i rc

"Thue rootinug a'stu ingaingof lmth lis-t. ~ i cas..11 GUV" L.~VJLa4. . A.;) .'1 U tU....11 vV LI di. IIJ.1Jiu3*
thus roostetrs wassthie test that I ane=
5051rIthenstd ssit BirtorsBasird yester-
i}' sy cr I pety lumsns Isinsteither a hususussu
us colors oftsomtess kitd,'amithmte whtole' I
utuiversit urnumedh ouetiso suppilort their
es inu sthu ill tossle entihsusiasm."s
lii tishis thay iniUtrbana thme sar- b . pt
ity' lucre trestd ins aImsot friesudhy
spiitmandtheassudents thuer e shute'eny
lhinus'pssibleitsinsahe thuessy' sitthis
h its hutanmiieinia leaisaittsune.
S hs t it'yhbefore te"'sale 's greast nimai-
triof owtells lsash teeth cistributed
tutu eloal hefteriseegandsu atOte maslst Y Fi
esuselgefor ie oeuwine toretoit raHuma
requelsted htthe e sueniets sumfIsaitliome
ha ll; itto vit eoneuttssinag signalho Thins
st o oit urtmesy ts than thig awhihetsr
hingus colslegesto'ethser iiin afrienudly sk
51 ll spout.I sp:isule;d1liirItosts it
Oil istwasy tuoume 'she Buist toppuedl '
oeto ehtsee Alie.Sitatg it Uhimeatao.Stag'
oats tht it teeels t iey'hugh oter the
Willingi""astteesn hanksguik ngue d u sashn
lie enlist priisuuiset tohue a5receord-
luteatier. 'Thue rashro'shave toe ut yet
octtes hmie rule uleiastely, lutitsrace
tically bti scertlasin thait a rounid triup rite of
tive dosllarso-will he seceured. 's nctil 015Hotin rTIricOitett iloit it ,a ill'.O' t ' H sttlaii ustniii.
Uniqusenmethosls ini adsvertisinmg iwereelsesrwitt uit Intl ''hi nigi's teamusireasonsItustonsiderthets'eeemnturressfmul.
'sTORK ON FERRY ' nade use of to attract astention tothuee iath ttllowuthue isses' silthelurfootsuasl fieutld i hnsitIau uauhetIy'Inteo
GiATlE DISCONTINUED l'utsloo shintt ls usual ceotmprm lehensive
_Shaakestareana reital givena lipPeuutes- Salutsaits buit ilirluigats's sei1-issi t
sorTrublod a Chmpagn astFriutitutetad thetapplase whelm greetned
W~orkt ottthe Ferry' field gate hn o nmhhss tCausim hautEn protesosestill tollowste linhses osil'hi hits effotsws is usuatinsedlamithsincerne.
teems discontintued unstil spring. The dssy. .let'stint Iruthymu ensng'.Rdelii d"tshotably iniintefimetldeot ill-
fosundattions blocks have heen laid anad jbarge footbiall Iposters hbearitig am'sex- 'I hue stiulie uws usLsrge asmith he Illti-ts lclllsai «i mmii el usautivity, Mihiigan
thuese ' wilhe'givenanamaopportunsity to celtest lketaeos of te professor, asIsins fOratoica l assocsuiaionu, tustsder whouse scsumfe elthathsin prsulks iIllinmuss u
Sretl duiug'teewinter nmonthas. repsroduscedh above, werecdistibhutedh. Outiuoaises this reestush massgivn.l s'eey nines ee nmut a little.

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