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October 13, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-10-13

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The MihinDily



Noj 16.


The Two Germans, Schulte and
Schulz, in the Game-Yost Works
Men Until Dark-New Men Are
Showing Up Well
The varsity prceice last inight was
one of the hest and lngest yet pated
off. Coach Yost started tie pefosm-
ansce by ssteieng Rtrioey, Magoffi.
start, "Oty"aotGillrels hose soie-
ceive tile hiallt id iget quicky lwayi.
Aifte a few ickinsunits steulos
priceewassststed.t tlbtefore liy
signatssere gvessn sst ivitedi altthe
sttectatoscotff ttheitIssie isihtei tss
tottsicrtsprtcti e.e
'Thte sruisswiese pilt Igalnst tte va-
sty ndt a fiese srimmag'ie ese.
rvcery111111ht to get ai little "go fast
oic gel oilst. Coach woetil siot sllow tie
first lit of lIafinsg Neswton ansetKiss
agafi neeiced ssiaut asisbth ids liifaisly
sell. IalsWes ws stt for the see-
11111 tmlepain1g iiitheisacIklieldsis iald
sessosnsstainig that te cansistill "tarl'em
up~." Tosll Aiinssoust nstNorcrssi
swece onitie sideinesi5but soth ptillsyus
wliile allrightitfos she gae aga ~oinus
she strongseVanssillst tem. Dy cers
tasinly idstasil sielik ostil e scuss
breaking nsp tiiiee ediinIs isu ices
Thte mst comiessndsabstle1)1t softe
prcticee fromilthe studet Iistnulpsitiwas
she foestts a tie twoisGeman115 seichulte
sait Scsslz,iese i tie lilteits sit
will ie iSastillsays gme hi goisi
sas saysngtie half wiile "Bnny
limpedsitarosussithue siselises Wills
Schsultz iwating oertse isospossig cec-
tec assdltse es f lth iessen igtisg is
last night'is lise-upt tie prscets look
betec fill Iatsim ltha itply smorie
footbiall suitsome faserstatisht ag
gegatioassosithelist -setsekgame.
Aftesrlabost ashlststisu's srisissaga
witihels cusss Eva.Tuscne bogti
oveise iayosillgsers andsctgae thesmsa
slice at the svasiyut they sweslt
sufticiently essvyto slak sissucshi-
ihiens ue bloodhtioussnds hadsusfficiesl
fosoa. Yossitills the teaisistrouigissso e
fast signal israceice aalso tssriiedsosmeis
ne lensi. Tseissnas ssloily isusg
ini the east ainid dciknes fast setlisg
ovcec tilefieldt befoe tlisqwasisilii
gsthsecedarosussisiYos adsiven a 55'fewe
stiecia instructsiss. At six os'lsikse
teamsswsas sdissmissesd focslt he ist suit
swacrned toi appiearcat lisa gaissiniisiat
7 :30.
Thse wgiise Ssatsuday ssesissco sieseI
lightly iy either lisaeca ci sicmes
They are all awasre that Coac Isislet ss
has not iens slsig anytisse igig55
a1 eash togtherc that teiwi lit le
ashsasmedshos presentsio ihiasp ect's
tors.'Te Vasaerbiliteamiisisil arie
ill toinsat :03aoer lisa AssnsAbori
rairoadaanasdswill le preset as the lg
maitss imcathng tosigst, where they swili
htae ileassre of hearig their oaat
address a Michigasn rowd.
The sesior classes rosm twis depart-
nments have anininsovatiossis "isscuba-
tioi." Inmay tbeoeaonseestagiousis ad
spread iio every lass arganzatin asd
put a sewsedeage ass te gsiriousichtian s
spirit. The sisgtigsy-six is adilegin-
ears tln to atessathlisaVasnserbisiti game
Sassiraay in a hody asd ts asstperaps
some iesw feaure to the rootisg at the
first ip ame of tisa seasons. It wiltle
lisafiess format' exhibit" of these alasses

1-aseRY. a. aSeC11,Eg.

i/se Dutschtsiet 'strethe'n thielii
tcssissfossshlist andebilt issi e cs
as oraiziontus far tlischiossl ye'sariasd
it wcil is adee auispicsilusisisaiiiways
'The planii ssmsetscill essthssiastisc
restisosse issdt'lmststhe entisre rashk'sni
fil of use seniosas of thue liso hepts.s-
mets wisash icipates icniithe fsunctsssn.
It is likely tit iiI c ssilis C.Pairks,
ilshe t newy eletesd liesidensi ofshesf lisaIss,
wii lige'assisssimosssf the isody. ts
still bse formsedt sillthecaistis andt,
leiaediby tile Ivarcsty'binia itr'ssiu 'ha
esntry willibe 'adeiontFirry Meis.Thlis
seniossi stlihe gisveiispsits host f honors
in thlIiellser seetiasiasuitheliroo1tinl'
fsrsth ainess iisw i ss ides thssseirchsgt.
XWst tit h wris"gisut sit thisits's
it hbieensiuggCestedi tshat a etstomsi is
establsisiedt iniarangsng"forsthisatstall-
danseofsiteisle a iiIsssin aly it easets is
the fooitbasll gamsesito leasithlisarassingi
ini tie ceeinlg seetsi io stditsfuish
secssiatiosissuitnotel ifeasissesofisnstesr-
est initissislaysig use loyal stihs ii ,of
iMicigl men.isas
Mlateissy for thse seniosahturidsay.
The "MiichiganiClasionssa burlsesqtue
isi 'nns Abr-e sudenstlift', hssmadsse
its inistilsiaiseaisasie. II.1 '.iAndrews,
'0;; litisis ue lie1hismsuitif tile fistue
coiiles areequlo ts firistit il ahlfill
ai lssng flt -wnsi n iistudsentlifse suet
smsas ehatitshi p~l a efthtue Winskle.
It isiais' isa hefosundai'onssforss''s good
ai his i(is stile iltill'as anisy coullege
ini tile cosunitryprces.
tI'ifirst ibles esntisi l siiits sil
miisiler1s 5o1 use faiitiy, rinenllltil asi-
saty list tJokes asuitosiossns.lteeis
notins g mai li liouss isn tile pisuers-osly
goodissuie islet plensty if fillsasuitas
lisa editorst'aisses, istisill issillislinsetinisg
wtichssi sill i issnyy tu' ndsito insicsg
listsno oisr screp rosschsisistile uivsersity
sic -anyuselcoeaiacitdwithi it.
Suchlsis fssaeI
Captaisn Ramey of the traek team was
wealhisip by the bilecs when a fellow
wilts the evialessces of freshmsans greasi-
ness displayed in large type onsis
youthful face, asked, "Who is that tel-
lose with U. M. T. T. on his cap ?"
"'That fellow?" answered. his saperior-
iisidilencompanion who sad varsity
stickinig out of every pocket of his ex-
treme clothes, anid tied in a little ]slack
hutton.ius his cap. "Why, that's onle.of
those fellows.Yewbo got Isis 'M' oss the;
bsaseball leans last spring.

Increased Attendance at U, of M.
Necessitates Additional Instruc-
tors-Other -Business.
Amonissg the imsposrtanti business sit-
ters irasacisted,'itthe lis etisuposithlis
boaurdlof regentis sas tile aitmsenst
of aniiaddshsitioalforcof instusctsors.
The isnceased atendanse ositshe usiver-
sity tils yearthe siahstles lit whsich
hav lyeheneviue iusly itulihteidmaster-
ilyi figs" c' itesusitinlapptit-
metss majisoty of wishllwerte mase
usl the itsrary andlenguineeringsuepshahrt-
heists 1111 lwh ich tegeat inreause
his tatessla e
T hue, folloingsase lteappointmts:
Ernieststeel, istsructoru iteeticalt en-
ginecerinigsat.'asasissysit $a5o fur lisa
firtsi stmses tsr; C.I.Loveeistsructor
us usathemicstsit $900o I lusts Fresusd,
fis issistasut ini iintsusalmiediinesit,sit
$5osuitd3Jsine hicset cttnd a ssistanti.
C. T. Bussetslatissisant usisnaciol-
sty, tos ucceedi S. I.I lilt st --
suined; J. J. ioifeniitiuitii ssiItantitus
smshasnialengineering, atu I 'h$200; 'Wil-
liam sV.f ucceus ssoisuetoirii ints-
emais s, at $9110 ; iAdolphie711litthuC.,
asssi it us isin hrmacy, it $200, tyans 11.
Taftassi1stansui slliph1111asy, it $2so
Lcry N. Caleassistansuinusphysses, sit
$2oo' P.B.i Marshisstistainsguenueral
historsyit $13o;00.(IF. Bouce, assistantu
in hisstiri at $25;JohnsR. Ii tliiuuinl-
structoitn r hsetois ,t i $9oo;A. iF.
tsthuli snit11. X.!Newawissassisants
n uzoologsy','it $iioties yeaels hel
lthssusboatcofcregents'votetd thuns thi
Thieodoruse Bull, o f Dtro it, for til e'-
seleutosittilectussiele owiship ofrut$oaa.
lTe faulityueciedlethitsit ougssitts hue
diivislsd ulsedsdacrdingly JoshnG . Wiins-
t silsdI'tiss L t slu ors ksusi ufee apt-
pissei a s hlesitssofstestils ip
lisa F'redeicktshearnIs & kCis tellhistip,
amutintoii ii$ iiIasawade it
LusI X Warscsii'iuC'lTetfollowingp
studnthswuere asasrdiedluuthei egrees:
sit I I hi o L..B.Willsisis P.
lte n lbetE.Cittenduen, Wuhiliam
S. Coschr'cuse, iDusin W.'s X[s'ti,'ls
Cuan suse Rkabiisy, Albusr WV Smsiths,
Daid saR. Vaugphans, Jr ., tushdKB. Wallacse
WX a r a. Eusgiiset'isg-Ariiuc iMtsons
RebssisskIS i l htswascsi.Hiowhsuie,
B.S. , CI.IAKl. Jaskiyhi.S~.ME
ILituray k hi I3 ituusIl i es E. iCevelth,
XWiliesaP.'Coliss Lillsius It Cumus-
ming5ls, Iarryce;h GarusesuesrhaiG.
Killeen, 'lk uat M.k :M si'sib ckGrc~e
OsbornC la 11rs P "cusvcetius FrausitsJ.
Plpstusisa XX ynsis td ierse 'kiuss
W. P earsit, uGty 'M. Johsonussi Robert
C. Smsithi sitdtHaltekCermont.iAu . y1. N
3Jthn LConger, Clareceee XV seeni,
L. Cr.IHolbrookstateniesveive es , Ver'-
situ G. 'sit andssArithurNi.tRansossmu.
Mi sit S.Forestry-(.'sC~e a XV W. eavsy,
Oniiaeeounu st fill healtsh lstescs-
slty ofat scihanse ositmhuatsIProfessorc
hBts"eIa ss ranutedia heause sit absenuce
ustilthu uuksgueusus lisanishushdshreds '


iuseeui the wardcss for the use sithlis
cliis illu usplisiisiusitiy uaswell is ltost'
us tye,.cari, niss anauthrtisc wotrkici, sthich
sre sbally ini stashsit additionaisl 'rooms.
'lis Piennsey tihouse wthichis c msohils'ashhi
the siteositsheutnulssivsityliositaliiwilll
hue detedictoiii steticaits ur sesuss,
wthile tPtlmers is si s hthue ureserved s
'il-sit' Stcheus susie, wasslheardchlu
.aiurecital program ss iniuee11is1illalstl
nighthter heasrers firulytesinguphlisaputs-
sicily osithlsaesoncert Irosom.s isahsepuisis
wa15ssu Oe siflt'e msteast ing"euler lure-
senuein Ann oAshorsitu s oitdeeu n- ts i
diertcakens suit by usn slushsit lstsehighest
ranksi. 'lisa1) uminorss step u isue, kBsach,
wtsas the w i i ust rituniiswlsle reii-s
'sured ithamsadialbratan digity. Ilisthe tBetuhovensusnatas
tiii iisisi avievttuides'csitfsaimost
ce'inedss tcisicsesess lst umelodsy ipas-t
saiges iof tile firist movemeni tilt ciaiuiy
dlesservling cessuuuu idt i s i hisliascherczo
anusri his otnwesverls'ttueenealeffeat was
somuseshspos~iled hby hisrditisse 'ands, us1
il h uu oeet h yh akdelaistieity.Just us this sectoemtsenist-
sit tilssista's 't'lu est muecitosrioius
is the eveninuug's woruk, soslisaSciti-L
mi lullsI lushes secved to hispsilay sahsuit-
fst's skleut iits sveruy lhutsitil edomahu-
isintchausceiscs binsg strensgth, sims-
slitsity uandh asnsoble imassivensess. Is all
ill wichMuss Sets ise histhus ftur Ieens
lieardhestSehilhii iinumbsu ec isssurely

Vanderbilt Team and Coach Mc~ugn
Will Be There--Dean Cooley to
Speak--Every Student in the Uni-
versity Is Needed.h
lerybodsiyaust! Ith's tonight-Univer-
sis7 hsahl-7'30!
'The lust sinsginug meehing yet is to
it' heldshtisevenings piii lsahebipgsauditor-
sushide issIsthe eueship sit l'ugh
'lcu usillshlteVasnsdecrbilt team '-andt
sliestowns IiDailetugss ai5 pisa. 5 of
hinr. sPrf.bh hL KiE. Clywill 'peak
sit thsr'suisllite pletytyoiskids' susie
Stiredstip.liteenire evening.
Tie CsUinsurges sisaltaevey stouet
in lite'uivsistc'y hsturn iI outud iinu
ssslskisg Isis hashestillguaiiievent :thube
remsembshered. s It steunitcy siteassof
learuniig lisa Mischigs asings, 1practicing
use 'ihl ys andistis rrisg tup ,1Mlieh-
lgnsiri ii tuswShugoodthold'lfashtiileui
wasy. khsti's'''rsstseehe's t's oint out
itshus thtt e 'uSE 13is goinsg' ho 'hutass ix-
ctsiotuilly Isisdiinsuit usiith< ts m tis'voWis
tuseris suoitnsusilsneedlImisisosi it eery
orrice tefii ensthsusiasillthatithstu shusci
p ss sshiinduto suunitehseffective
cheetsn andsis i a hegamsestmiaih
upacic lesee usecessary.
I sills,tus itu us li attenduedh the Wis-
never foreget she stuffereusce usn thfe Icch-
upai usosostingp t these' slashoeuststsIs
slt ticsI lustansuitshutWvsueruses were
usithoutisiorIianizlulliInslnd tth l B"U of
sit a XX Isis :.u"us yells-'-the onhy
ohies theus ivsuitsIsy tutun u ssesstd
sueCpeutthiutuly usdrownsedsut hby the
longsu roar t Xo ssssWiscosns slogass Be-
fore thsett aris Isadl ipassed,"'hhowever,
Pro.sTueblootushainslventteul ths "loch-
mousutiv"yltas he studsents rsash sctu
tie toss heershn stusonssaidtin
TIhnsuivsinpgidayigo~,aiwesi "Boss'.
Weeks' fai uusushlshquad tttsh out sass
tisa field, lite"a!RutaIh !s Rah!Rh is
Nicsiipsuus !bilue su ill!"swepl thctess thy.
ussldsina ihty sae'ottfssundukwhilt
ths KCrIdinal's yt tellscuish uscly hue hueascs
crsscetous hisa estuswo fae aunsusg the
asternacol ulegesbhe cccii stesthol~as
checeringus nsuit is telltitshit ihigian
suihhouldecomsse.us iselebrcatedh usthiat site
in lisawst. Nit sully us everyon~e urgedh
hiso 11511 sui to hu it iut, ill are siissius -
ishest tso buy bIs anssissleasn titeworss
si th vlaitius stsngs. Ihoseeefor list
Isauseitsit litetre stunsesiasuch a few
ssufsurs--t ius differetit son5gs will bet
thow riul iis se ess by Lyndon.-u
Sithissesillseteerybodsuy ant! To-
sighs-KUniversity hulh-7 :30 !
'lis registration, at the seeretary's
sffica yesterdlay nstons showedi a toutal of
.t,01S, andsinicsreaise sit ninety since Octo-
tier 3. OK tShuissuhberforty-use regis-


tse motst gratiefulh.

lTeIii uitcoer asliegrosand hels
us/ iecest5wlite ioistiapuly eichs, the
us reli y Icraiss sh uc hitin a tiulary so, is
it retillsd th its tsuhlite ehnd iisn sithats
fo s lell us use XIl'y Pestival thriee
year ss aoisvAnis sta icawish arceustra
Inhis iis ScetssutAnnssArbousuc sslssss-
tedly hiss asitsIvailisle letquisitioini to
its lussical fraternuiandsshlust sight's
stuirdl'prus'sriml sitgistcislihy hue cosid-
tutd uss tiet stkn ifthe uaerece sou
tile pisertfMiss Scishahisolisa highest
standa crtis 'andstradsitiosssosittilesuet.
AXbouit se'venty usen usrnedss1oui t hste
Isall, lust us hut suitd sahis le s suguss'Kit-
le wa weli hlhsedst i thv tshess'talient
dspsliyell hue shill i tisfteoiiothtut
mansuysscasablesstmenihaelsshesit lstsit'rn
sn.H ill tissufelst hul oh u e-
tia inusltesaume us1ase at7:30u csixt ed-
nesSda17nilk1.As 'tere re iagoo
manusy vacsties in h lecu ineu-tui,
situy7mlllwhos Ishlois nt xiilihavsus
The mandi tr iyoutsiwis udisa'ppossint -
ing, suit ansthlerscull bithltisissghut in
roomsu24, Kivsuit haisiiatieight. iMalii-

us's situ ere sordeedfor tlisatsser man ttsiits cmants eyly'ut i wihtiliresh us the lia shartment, thirty-live
gymnaisium.u ANrequuest sas raece ecan ingserthlisainstrsumuent. tusissuit s sini lisalit, sixinthlisamedic, four in the
troms tile enginueeringip atme ntsi haus it tryosutiit sasuse tisseasditlahe. ensgineers-insandfaour in the deustal. See-
t hai ofiarsit ectelure lie addeduoth stle - retary Wiadhe says thsis indicates that the
currcuumi ofstshat itdeuparstentl next yeair XiRT1GALLERY IREPAIRPS. suiersity -attendance will nmore than
it psssie.- reachlist 4,500 mack this year.
list obhsersvatosrysisstolieremoiadeleds h1le sritpgallery is shill eclosedl isisac-
ands r epairedhit tocmake it ihabitlhe far couns t frepacirs hbeinug iima. 'lisaroofst Assinciesnet shosuwigsow widely the
P rust ii ussey, lisanewastronomsssuserusand hissillsyesthbeess conpltteda nd undtil lahw departmsuenst osit chilugans draws stu-
aslush hit $5000ws n tisssedifsurtis pur-thus us fintuisedh tlintg cansbe dionetheists ioecurred iThursdasy in a first-year
pose, suit nonii of this appropaton with the insterior. 'The wallhs ace to hue clsss reelial LEuach if lensstsudensts
with lieusead ini lia punrciase sit astrti-either paintsetd sr coveredi wills hurlap ceuesisshilsussucecess isis was asked
oic i iiiie1sumssensts suit ass additinal to fusrnish a suiataesackgroundshfor te thlisahts his itas tromuanasseighipst sates
supoiationala fir this pulirpoase miay-hueIpictuires. It is pslannuedl so cuter tile gist-sandlthe istic t fColumnblia ware rep-
pssssie 'suer. crush interior arranguetnsesu}1 ti ss asy lessesues1 'ilihigus wausstilt sunthe list.
tInstruionaussi-arcgivens lisa liiilistpasito showuwplilttler te strongpopsinsstssilsussssup saere the stales repsresenteadl:
ecomsmitce to nmake a reposrt uauo steosithlis gallery. Thsehula' of-epenung is Wisconssin, Illoissu Ohio, New Yark,
as biitislssy anud cost " of buihlinug usshtill isndefintehut thse worck ushieing West Virginia,, Pennssylanuia, Kenucky
ssadsits lto teuniversity. hspuital he- uupushuedshadaas fast is possible, anud ,the lts trier sit Columbia.
IKSV MMEDIATEL Y No Back Numrbers canm be IFa-nEobed


$2.00 Cash with- Order DELIVE ,Y S T.

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