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October 31, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-10-31

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The MichiganDaily
ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN. il ! ) \ ,c >"(t)( I>lC 1;;i. i0 oNo,1


No. 3r,

Big Deeation of Michigan Men Will
Witness "Strongheart- Excur=
Leaves at 6:45 Tonight.
\ idelegationtOf ttit-rsrity studntst,
w rh f the play, will witnes Srotg-
hcr"at Detroit tisieventitg. The
-titner reervedI seat sale cottuttted by
*lauiagerC aird atbeentpeomtttenll
la~eattd thereo.s little dotlbutt that
live huInadr ed t-ti detrtst-tilltaccompyltiv
The train will Ieae A1111i Arbor ore
te .\iliganitcntral at 6:45 pt t..tu
giting titte for tdittner hee. Retriniig.
ttherexriionclave-. Detroit at 1t t3
chickh. Thte fat tat tletttajoity tf
thte ttleita slare saet ittthesamitt rptr-
tiotiof the Ihottsentillttmae teeeti
fur aystemtattic rootig if deirerd.
"Strotiglteatetit the strotg ill for
>o tw till e ote of te larget of te
Yatr. The tpratice of te gretet ftot-
balteamtinttl th e et furitihesadtditiott
:,itiducemn tt. The k'licligtii Cettral
ittendtttltttaridltheir trintfrottthtre ex-
actl ilatttiteatrnttt artggler- itill fittd
timales leftleitti.
herareimntvtyrttmoira ftattf te
tiewst whliclhte cmpantliy prettntitg
t riatiiheart" olt conttertitg ti iit-
iitsitg tf teir per.formatncer I.ty-icl-
ga ti-warritr. There i 10tobttttt
that teir itork tillle mitari Itby itt
tiatreatItfo talidramatorillwat
cortiearete guttuerit ilr I
Tl cas game scdledlilrlftr crter
day aft ernointtwittenithtltsetir etgiit
eCranditsIeaititr mticthasteotffiteito t
th Cagier liyehrtaeti. Cact
tokthle setira oitt fira ptrartie
St l ernrv iril ittitt- altirt buttiexci-
ittn half.
1'uh trt ams ee.plaltyig elen tena
it rvrry ipltayad a very exititg gmtie
was wi ittessed li-i-tle smtall centaichtil
htditurnidt-i iifr the clsn game. The
edrunti, but they disicoivered asome -
thing ewn-nith le egineera' luteelaurtl.
ine utrepie-tetly -for ginitaof frmth lret-
tircia timete yli ongtera didithtld
for dottniita itn-a-ere tible lto tile it
idotwtttotietdl ttits. Putt attotatiittrthe
tal t tittauei back adlfot-trthiear te
criter of iie fielite egiteer, stendily
tautiiii. Then a fakrtaaaaton right
tackle tentried, drawing itt ll of the
frt-shmetnt iwhileCris Cont -of tete-
glutera it fi fitei-t iardta fir a tuchl-
Inthelin ue-tiltfete the ext kick-tff
le etig-itir-r atub itited Boyttonutfar
Ikight whttadbaieent ligtly-ijret.
Thstutu-thu fri-alhitiei tierr ale to
"ii tharsee-sawlt a-iindt iown-itthe
ieldwh-Ieti Lint- got away a r ttitiela
titd for a fort-yrdrednu. Tis ii di-
coraged thae eigiteer tat a tottchdonm
its ei asily tmatdte ly llne buk y thel

Shei-lby- 1. SetuirteIt aGranditlRapidsa
studentisichaargetd tithliotutupatpoitritby
tis iwife i Justice- lDotys court attilthe
triil iaact fur Notvemntber ..IFIceletutl
ntl ;witll. IHIc teanstmarriedl Jtite 20
lat tot thel lRitiitg iill tileit.ttalitsh
chrltges thathlittlertteid icr thle teat
dati atndileItaasiceteglectedtol isuapotti
her. As Selitttr is nlautw ently geairs
t cliii."
Corridors in University Hall Were
Crowded at an Early Hour
by Ticket Seekers.
"Donmbut-ea nothae line!"tuitg (i
Thceistotisiinthe policytat rail ei


Committee Promises "the Best Feed
Ever--Handling of Tickets 1istrib:-
uted Among Financc Committee.
Imiii- tio-bt tu j ( t(55 111-11t 4AI. SYSTIcitI
li lt lsll it I -ll l ii1-( tact lit-ly l- I

pletc and 1pint t i th Clilatstuture
fto-a-it tll stn dpi ts c - c a t --- - 1h,
suh a fn tilln in this school. Thi
frittit t ltt ha rit-itt for i anCult- li-
arth othe aii I tilt egp. ~
pln iote-urue i l- liWt-i the an--i li
lit fnrel.fItoit ill vice anto- f m
riui chritilege ahitas the*tlesice
.. atr ll i
itnd ill lprobabl~ly sall igt otl iteir

i"--ic ly ar t t h i t e I titniof
class litllerals h rsoten c iii aigutli
scri ' wic by rtteAl Itclasocit io .a
Fachttiiit tila t e iii-awarst tin l ltirtytt
stae hs Iim eace heit hwa- i

sate toftheStunt'smlaehiure asattciai
tiion taitdIthe iiishltftuisatstasitwaithotti
a tirecedlent. itt3:45 iin tettiortiiig
onme lomielyatittenttoatttd t-aitimng. At
4 :45; iwn utryierat too titd in lite. The
tale twitas lichetileid teobegiti at 9 i'clock.
Alhenth le wiidiowt-of the bliofftieteat
raisnedl titdtutlelinhe exteindetd frout the
itcupg i. TIheia-wti-i-i-c leaslitthe
hundrtiedtpelttitItwatitinag totget ticktt.
It teliii represntaltiie i-ron-a. The
lioe adte seniotr iprotfaeanort-e
fiaesittnttit tutu l uppertclassan, coetmsa
landlies, high stel tudnt I ile
me in leicafromttiduaunttown-it-all
awited ithe iir ttuun. vaius scaeese
inertetaorkiedi liytatxioustiatietoia old
thi licesillie linit. The- ftavorit-
litraol aertcuig a a-iti inslposiible fiot
histnfrtiels.lOhaionftrallyree rou
itttern oael if ahn ttii ur-neat hitit
atpaceu. i ttthethe-Soe bott t ilcite-
ticatlly-gonmut Ittiheriieitwaa conittinuotit
coeat3pmAtIt theiihour ol cloice
till Ian aeat hich woulit beIt es1rved
514>1(5k COOL CII,
fortiasainew cotiticail psiii h
fmeit hadioteae ictttillhas ntilet ben- e
cidedi hut tiat ther-eitwill'I te- anielaetttn
it rtami-. Pha-hearsticniidtte to intier
C. LottgmanitCtaity ftullbanckIt smo
ltan. lila frie-tsthavlilatlreati tly artetd
il 1 to titkea htapaigt lhogha
Thesociety- of the batrristeraslheled its
aattttl fallI ilectititiSatuttdtaytnight. Thin
fotllowuintg-fti e-t titn-err itnitiateid : C.
S. Anidrius,-.1. 1)Birooka.:itlfreadfar-
liow, Iharry 'Ctinnton, C. L..ibbill.littearry
tDickerman, I huliert IHitrtmtnta . . 3
Ke-tnyC. C, utanoe Si.. C .\iefiffia.
Perry Shias.,T 1'. f.Stuart. it. F.
Schroeer ac mii Henry- Woo'g

theti(mie friou t latetnii x vIII bi thereli e li i ii liait ta dtii i s i impt ile to teull
wt thi tdu cge stlgai. liuttia hlitet a tmatt'; yra nd d iut iepat mnt aut tithoitit
twhoit tnaero te ittic. iVictor.., ilai te rit l" ig tile w me isrpi
sign, ad (IIoCv iII I r Iu iott (Cfrom iiipl it aitt-rn ut tggestedl thateach
isotian i lli t spek . (ftito p(- rstit 111cx lts tdeieu onit c oitna hitia-
pl e usntil itt -i e ilitit-t ntdi s- it iiii itii I ittio fc lrs11h uet il ta-il lit ll
lTe 4-ttue illofthe lii liilticomm itte twil ienabeiS aiperstil teyhat- a glauu ne i
an iogi za hi t is iThe ti -ickesaill2. elil e t iu ttulify te an no i nt
fra iiirn i il touiritt iti ttu iiiiiiliimb lnat uons iof ittiort utl itwti till be
cetandeinaedl liler. Te iile-ii di n iii te ilit itli withuititheeyeiia
luau entsilalprociutttticlke-unatithet- I oft each ither. Probabtlyieatumeetingo-
ofice i1 I.1 tha t i lt at t ip_ i ll. ii ict he slier, iiea iicass w-il hut-calledl
isa ve lm td tt11 r al a h t eetl h advisabliity tof authuiltlg
d m n ill ei ,rot;i ey i ll bill d ill, plan.
toi the firsat ct mers.it. it--
Ditnhull;ut law, C.i.ilitil lit o i P i dent11.1 S. i 1,111,1a-it
cut prou reut ticti fala P ii lei 'ra~rer -1.S. \bi titt.
S. Stt sret o ikesT lb1~d 11m1r ct- it tea-- iilfried iuAd as
1T e Syphony Orchestra Has Bright Prospects.

Plans Perfected For Its Orgjan-
ization and Work--Election to
Be Held on or Before Saturday.
ilTheutomitte ehatting chartge taftie
orgaizartion ttu fiattsetior couilt h as
hiatit-alepot u-licitembmlodhiestime pltan
if ectiniguttembetarsa tml giutinig thn
cotutctl.l Tm etiont till itakelae
til itrliefareintti'xiStattdtay. .Aust)h-
commiuuuttee anill arrtatge thn dltesrawith
thempresidents firthtirtiutniasatptec tiveca
lIn tirher tmhaieanitteuitatlhe repaei
uenatitof till studuetiacttha-epart-
mtttuttill.a-a-iec tne-ucutnhittanttfor elth
300t nistutan tsur-lledunttil tm-he ttal
reacesee-hc nttteen. Folute present this
a-ill glue time folloinititg reprenta tion:tt
Literarny dalrtmenut, line; eugitna-r, hivet;
law,- tharee:muet.icatoI;houmotteopathtici,
Amtmii-euacominmg elctiomi thn whole couti
n il will be neecnteaimmlm n huntutiy time
shotmtrtinmmnwill retire. Ordhminily
lthe lu-cuin muf tuffice will liemelt aemeters.
tThistuptuevisiontrill tpreentmh li-ertirnimg
if thn wholecoatumcil am ttiaetimta, almnee
thoseua a-lturtments aing a-mit-emt'mutt-
line of min will sat hatl f if tue-inrnature-
F enmttionmtlthlie muumhid of thet-junmiorn
v yaim ndutthetie ntmi neritthu bl ;Iuglumug
if ther teniourverei.
Eviernyeiwahoihat liment iiincllge-one
yaueiitteietitlto vteiandm eatth
departtmeniit atill eli-itsIta iw e trnat-t-
tliea. hTt hoseudepatments avting, -onl y
onerephresnmtuat awllsatIhutittinthe
sallhbhecultfat fume votinug,"utuithat
"t Ni iihig ngum (ionulu sall gntiiitiiee
ht miii-athli e icienttal expenses aofthm
ctom uncil.
At this lt ectuitomolyeitt orst twi lu te
andulthur aix utmntueeliing tml weausa
mutuuiemmof vtia utill rtirem- itnhFebruariy.
t. Superiioniantutud uuitinig if clan-i
-i <, tet ortugiurtions o f -atunm-
a. ultiionamof thei Stil tt of lime
3. Toma ke rumles mniiregutllatianse-
-itl cleuigecustoms.a
4.lToittvastigaite andiiri-ioitto tihit
faultyces a atffectinug liii leat mnterists
iftt e mitt dntilaaboduy.
Eve tnt udmenutrwill reatugnmizethtluutheta-
dtieshua requine mt-hu etabuility amidl high
eat hotnrlute time-inruitaierexecuttion.t
itlretadythere:n is astrntgcmpatettion
int sonic duepatimemacushafuirtlunarpacena.
I Eh hchat-.atashouldtiresentt min whm will
hoo tu ndii furtuhuerthe-tpureptatof ti-h
hum- ti.
1141ICIISSO Rl- DL tll N

Some hutimane hpersoth lreticlledl timne
tutu te emigimmet-ens marcediihme led
imp Cot."Fox and h Iiarot.
tie t r. -- ei -i rtn rt rte tu

signl pratice. Time tena wan mm -nod
conmditionu after thir hattd gamea of lat A iSSISTANT TO FiTTZi TCk.
Statutrdaln dutahyitedai a fast,.saputpy
Cdute. Yenterdaty Ruttyteasthtie partic- B. (I. 'ilaisia physcatladirectour ifte
ile thaarstopp~ing manlinue buckunm- Y. iii. CL A.for thintanst petit,n-ill he-
uaded, comeastant tuiho KeenteFitatri, die-
Tuer nemith*regularlty scmeditmed gatmeecrenof Watertmani gyumtbeginanimag to-
in that alumhlHeidelbuurg college. on morenrw. is work with lime youtng menr
Novenmblert tamhicthtrill choir than tea-baa betten rysantisactohmry tadthere it
thn for thinbohiomundsuitth. Hiat-naen, it little dummuibutthtuu Mr.Maria taut
in posiblie thtitattiere gaines many hen ti- primea-nat effacienttasiant to Nihtigtmna
ranted piopular director,

lTstudy mte eitles oa f SaituutPaul
ai tiecmue fasiatedith thhe lila-nary
14~ gemmnitis f time wniter," aidi Inmfetior
Blutonm if tht niversnityif Chuictigoi, in
ne sholuarlhy addrles-a at.lMillanhiatt
N ~~. Simnmday evnitig. Prouf. urtn too k at
hmisihme"TmeAposte Pattiataa1let-
Time LtuiluonmSymipiummi uorchestaihats[tilet mitceuatrty u tto mitiaia a yptim ther itWiter, n dtitmislen-t aimttimlainit
aeinted uon xits ecnd sasnllwuithJorchetri. i I aepmting it fe-mr tvitdinsmtru- idrawing aadistintcionbtewen antepiatli
anerynitit n ofmaisuccfssfuliymarta nd ai mettjtiltlithlt rhta lreuadtity it flt)andiahti eter, uinmg thu ftimilitar forte n
i5 tum hue cunmratulahtedl oni itChili1 file cqi apit mimi I mith e mumthuiasmiittexthibiatedthe Near Tesatmemat asillusttrtions. Hle
tumlet mu aetntig ainhi aits leadernhuthub itytth bers iloins u r u ccitaeas. emigaigedtinmaelftanly with antanalyti--
en i r llTile a or nctrwat -fomundedmjliii hi mi arIniiihu nsevedi litcounrt-cal tudiy aof tli ar tutine eaistlesaand
at ayem ar ithit mumErn mii uttlerC htxisldr-mlii t. iin umbttlerumof ntumut-morchetras-, cnicltudedhtithai-tneisitlesa- etier -
ection gainet-a mtutui ltle ithepmimchuteingpe rieclatim holmemu cattheiinuuuct- tite in aiieformof lettr. Patl twas
atn tiltlithe ofCii tiAammalw'smuiiaul !tor's heskl lie hittiong; cherisheth ie mmmit great literary gemmiuis.
orgnizt;.tuaIii iiofhungaimmnmg matier mnentmorchetai Proaf.hBumrtom isIttheauathtor- of at wi-ti
Tihe iptbicconcrtle ig iv ntastitin mmg ii tch rbrmitt isimafaithumn hot-nhknoiwnmahook oti hiblicantu d ay amititled
bhi Sit chasiaimuwra a noumti able -itet intlenat hait liat lbroughthilt hopesnatam"A IHairttony of thur Gospels"a natan
thei mmmisc a endutrmmmii hrtld e n uyond rialmatin. um lime morciuhet-tra harses.acktiowledgedl authority in New Tta-
quioant thatitmti it nmimi mmunnnaun ii ttu ekm mumIII Fitemeihallnenttudiay.

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