The Mlichigan Dail
ANN ARB~OR, \tICHR0 \N, D\ i (f~S27.NO28
\N'c. X\Vf1.
0. 28.
Coach Booth of Nebraska Says Wol=
erines Can Whip Any Team
in the Country.
11cgetes-t foutotbal teaitt]everpoften
;meal isitthe verdict (if (Coachi Wltcr
C. flitotil, if \Y r iikt-f-t. ii P1ichigan'-
lto elevetn. ot oill lot Ile say that
teamithtti HP ty- Mtclo th~t netvei
lief~re a, a a(-rr Ott n of to i;- t
yi~tde otterstogether
g, , had, s frankh t piv Pos'
m n fl]credfit for I thit- vrhrw o
Nebraskao. 1eidcgnbac okda i
Colitit he1iritapoi rdpot is i ith its p
tnd itttt b team pla. ad tt i nt
iard ma tttecr t igure: howtttlittlec hanftttce
\citraiooreaollylood. \IS el c en
f ity l( intt he first half and iavc
fsitt solttr ii oti f a fright. ])tatthee
,ta oi i o itlint MP1chignll intht
;; ti hal, fa the ran aver it astt'- y
si1ut)I looked cheap in motir forts t
' ui) ti. Lothhak t ai1foiti
:is t it t ii tooos' t11 V11 )()(tt wasff at
(itt-it it-i h t p iet i l e r tc n
tertiloot iNhick Pr-o ct--- iachant
pitlof te ct HtFrom hiit sho ulidtt
bwiud ii ii t ithathekoa hlgoto
theu-upalmtiiit o s t'sitoo.iti ti i itt-ihi
iii- tatterehifnver s ateam wich
Htc a ot.,lt ii- t i sn'ot hrd toi gure otc
ii Pu t i tuywee us ot! itaiit 'pioisum.
Tlf itiitoi twan-ed-to!litt Vndrbl
di- 1 eas j st be au e t as .ac-t-
---!fi~ff~l i! Ifi f1 ARRANGEMENTS COMY-
j d~n, rom he aleo et t PLETE FOR SINGING
Platipot loin! - iofiict- lot-pu Ho t-ie
Stanley and Parker Will Lea o hhgt tdnswl ins h
iii~~~~~~~~~~n Tiihpi ttlti iio((otii onightc leston and"l
fo-hl dalm trio-t cir t I Ptc,-jto he Present.-
dao' cvei- i n Hi fi-ritit - rithiNV 2Oft
stdn, wl co pany the I othoii1 1 ln
te-to, whIicit Iiii atten-ioi ,uo t o t he l it
aheiitict toot-tl tt out 0t hall
aitso iciii o ct icilc it- Io fr n ["cr t;l M c
ittc-io it io' iio c ttiav ti n t liii
over ti-o ,ets bad heini tt~ ic I
n ;old No Siubt
$s . $coo otiti cciii-. i (((tultn:
SCeRUBS in; dFeA \T -(e(tkenhc- I Ii
AL-FeSHO1 "I}llOeeh(
- I
i;t hi Iir ,il1i1 i-?fCh f INS ENGINEERS VICTORS IN
t ,> ,:1 i~tliri iic b te FIRST INTERCLASS GAME
CII .11)l i ~ tip vit h iltfi rlit
lcs , Il 'ot, itc i be ihedtuit PIronworkers Roll Up Score of 17 to 0
;c~C cL )ear. cit rtit c-iii - Junior Engineers Versus
ht -? i c- ili ttc r ((~r iciMiij 07' Laws Today.
il-wii-i oitt Plo 'flt
t{> whch it a, bee iimte
titli- ' I itcH) a eu
Reserves (jet Even With the Blood-
hounds For Recent Drubbing-
Varsity Practice Light.
to o defeat adoiuittri-Sat
the had oufto -itt oleIi ii (iiihakofi
bodoud was mcoiost dcsvlyceg
cd b 'te scuslattinitfit itt Wied othe
vasty t (((( cti iu-lketoil foerto
tIPa bbe tfi- andi i i ite-sot ;pa i-c
ort!wo to- iute hatlve sordiile
tuop- ns.tfirtic 1 c rt10 h ifti hae
taken aii -(iilt t- t ((iii lt - ti--ti-ladit oi f
ti-r u l i-ici tll iiaryithe "fi l l co petl
offtef ft. " ioo 'e'ii o-- itt-idstarif
usa, u asi vlln tin butl(tt igml
an -kckn pacic. I I tls
a 1ye c ipled conditio n a pnd w ith t
lli is game tnly(a(week itt , fit i
it-rl ~ to illdi -c-i h ow " eoin
blu - IVst i c- o ic lvn lc h
fait hDraof fiturdai-- C apftit oru-
iiirpi u is ondt o crutchet! tndt wilt
no b bl o ge t o the Pit-alpric-
a It isc-ileentpleasure-fo r "Shc ot tol
wtch hit ealshate;ipraitice if- eflife
is force t o relli l l inaciltl oil O
sdlns Th iier enbe! ofth
fospifal istf afe SDunlap.I\'((,-;mI
l((f ut I aw it tii
ti-i-ti lc tt- i n (,
i-the i litit,
fr(iii, (iii I l pr
11 li c] fi
Sito 1
tl i
I c 1 u
Fti f,,,
lss ttt~et-HOLD MEETING
«c1ac ommitte flakes Statement Re-
g arding Controversy Over
co1( onference Funds.
Ili" wit
ft h th ii l i ii - uu-, tuu t leto i B fill
ow 1 1, it Ircx t o ti--c-iyt e ito itt ti
i 1 r+ -l l i-itt -i -o1the th -io or in t
C'1 'lI - l C i ot1-1Ilt1lir O,-t
the- defea-t of (thefiphfit fouotll elevnt
1)theIi souphitninieroestettuiay alt-u-
noon.lwhen he- Intiutttttl,0 itttttctthe
linl i lc o -e t ut f 17 to 0-
ft'lt(-con tt wichlwast itompantieduii
tbyii oiua tuiasmotttt, wstheltfitst of
thei aerieo of iterclassttgmue liir the
-tutu! ;ll(wastofugtpbe tcwe-enttoter-
cut clii (i-uth cotwoeso op attledu
ie y ie ipaint the tofrsmen
flit cutuirisisit-cc otlasutsed andu
hiii he conittittttt - it Ithoditnipthe
rutide-uifittersco twnt t a ote tcr.
fheltattr tuoulocuorcutuly sifxpoiuuts
inth irsItthaffbut ilthe tsetcondthe~ty
tt rii cindeltrs i teefeminattes' foctt
hldiia cotnsultatiuoni andiIitt!ledthetygamte
"Pudliy" Iau, It-itthe -erIetoitolCn-
tral star to if the u of cotsistetlctgrtoud
Iavonu bumpeu theIift e fiot good! dis-
(tancitstatu!Pattrsoouudid teoshiuigpitt
hCott-tut!dhWripht! were te cief rlinc,
IItefurstrt haffte cnicrs wuored
sticaidiltointthefieItch!nd(ii! tiett
ovr. Patteronu koici putt.Illi te
second fauvarityi uouuf lie plungttesiund
neted tttif(i(t tt il fr t- Viii i-u
bal l etp-tinthifroph tiht tcefli the
live. poini t. lPattersiontifailedtokuck
ofipta, Ituifoolwent-hlugihi-lefitloar
fir ,ipftu yards tilnd a touuchdfwn.tu,'It-
tiron ki it-inp out- fthis mdthe-
-woe7 toio.
th (hmposip lasitic ,. w fllt-ay(th
laePodaotu alt ot tu ulc-t heIw
iii-!a trongpc-i buitilptboun
fttit p -ievs
I i tt-ti - - - ft.I:. .. .. esinf(--i i
fi, tio tt-.. ... ..-.-. .. ... .. .. ird-
St( f-I I... .1 ft... .. . ttir
Bea dsly . ... ..Ct. ..-. tryic
Whript......-.11.I ft tu, LIf tutu
liirtf uuuutomw- - - - ....--..lDaison
Ifficaltosi- - tic- -and Itt-it utton.
Ifa lu ietman--Mcllfip. T ltcl-
clws-a , fDavison.o als--Pattter-~
sl HlfPt-(oVand 15 mintp!f
s uccee dl i-u. fttutttt a:ittut intt-
ftld it stO i ti i ict- htfuu f
littiofeItoIsorurhr tilson be ihacki
aluuiu tiordf, httvitt-jut been reeivedP~i
th tc telt-suatotut-tuofleaeoioorl
Berluoin Prfeshu rhrlui!ot itill be
reeh! eed 11! !1 llPhen i SouhINficIa
AIIo uHc1uuI ffIT: OIIT dlhiuittray osocity wiltl(teot
tortghut ihditeolitupftrtpoiglmass(u-u
meetuuigfr- h niitoolewmm
S It Y-f IhtC INS l~
frfo- iSadufer.twhoiiwill havei
ca-oftenwIavIi ii-tnk lit huit
O~ensnextsemetera (iii Pdt heItl
I y inero t h)' iiii i(m te ollt ta
through it otitiotti e(((vett io bt
itaitiiithoth abradto iscuss tttile:hub-
(((I (iffhitslture. u A ttup vinfaubrie
acc ifn i-of f-the tdif tutefttypes oft iill--
tilt (u aitll t txplining c((ond it-ion t b
Iter -tut! t u-u nut ettf hetu titu tufu
mnanhetretitti-fattuit-c ((ng tutherti
Ihu chupited fout-tiletutu! tuluyof
Inbn !(lsuhoiedft-flt hothucwItt
-ucorilpit of-sptteditandthabsence
toitfi it it p ofesis!thatt isfuthfuturetl
well tadaptet-tot conduitionsuoft Iauuuuu t-r-
itup outS ptulsiowt
IIc;I I trolls as N.(°t. C()IOrc~lllal
(IX- center oli the v; 1-,i i, Ul
he 1)r(-cIl t ml accot'lll of ,()l
ill-gent I)llltlc',,.
ill chan'(1 hay : hecil I)tl,% for
wcck makiilr; 1)l-('17 irati(m f
,tn Coach Ile toll ()1 1}r
olci halfhack. Ila, lx'en il()tilied
;rani th<)t it i, tllc 110('11tioll ()
igall ;tudel)t, to ) vc a little
their ()\4n the nitillt iwf()rc Ilest(
t itle
to [ 1
hurt t yto o thap if S- of hietoorfepu ite s of o H a l{iii i-ilt
ntlew rof s aIsip . - Iflc ui-upu iithe C, - wl~ - t II II 4ethet- 1
o Ith moslut-itt-lyItOkn otn Nett (cull 1 1 ta phgal oah ta
of lat assoc uitefeio r ftl. liiil T etnil o nntc asal
utucut mhiru al o ake o la , ih P ofso t
impotant b thus hoithe- i ble.3( liitI t rd ci I c ,V'al w l
Prcuto itt- Bu Ito a h epill efr n ssse ncrdigit
iotfubing aulhu 0 il t fsl ait g srakr ftutu ut ead ii lull hI 11s it
tlsowe~r fuuu ulofstiudeulifehilthlitnllIcootiv.
tfhi coitulty and abruuodist txcetiol , Vatf itl einsh lu c1hedh
tout It fit to I hfisscolarhi t hee(lit t n onew((tiltar iluspri
peitntct-of bu rt eacerlnl <au-ti-ftn kc tar!e tottu Ilavi toun iht.
tuat!personalioty. (( ittitt-tttltil tutu 1(
a~ram i th toutout d it-t uf
Ite (if its Inctiliui thati a 1ic citi ii 1that
li, l iii o n 1m ta f it hei
till-iASit is-ott to hleogntied-i
S~ :AIVii nfo-t - m ouh- v
s Im oni ftisfn, the iutrc
Cenina ( ofal orinoIiIa
cIt li- t thetuiuuitiof tuchuchoi f
antra voil Ihvc nott I ualy uchof
,ha the I- diretor; coi derf such(1(1
irn . a ac tutu lto thet- Ioarduu of
)"tro can Ocoh1- ~ inuthe- folioingu
Il ut ' i i I htf ichigpan.
(Countinuued outpope 2)