The Michigan
ANN ARBOR,\ICHI{IA NV\\lDNloE l I 911A B ' I - 27, 1905.N.
Vol'.. Xii
TNTo. 2
Scrubs Furnished Little Opposition-
-Eleven Men atlraining
to tery lilcl y IterdylbyCoach o11
Pirekicked -rIff1for11the1s1r11st)
a 1111d1 11111after a 111n 1111ne '1mi 11t1
of l1 '[hescu1 swee1hef1gve
the hall 5111101af1e11being1u1n111111111111
lnabo 01111110tri lsuredee1 i. afe
and lay1 1k pa1t inathe i gna l practice,
a11did1S''l11111l 111110 and 1e11s11all
on 1111 IIfield lesterday. 1The. s ize Io
atough011 urt11 . 01111111/ 111101111
IsmndadAlgfin were ot Cl-g
1111111 to take1p1t in the110,1crimmag1e.0
11017011 ainingl le a tatdatO s
Lmi ml TmlamntCllar ur
STA11111 1111, HR[
310''111 1 ''1Mich1gn has a(1 111 o
the1 out t11 il1 1111111wh en
ter,:11the 111111 1111de1partment1front' Pond
Du Lac, Wis1.111Wi1111n1111 11101111c111
bot tred 11toge1Daa, '1the(rc
fcrred1111111I 11 1111 1(1 1111/
111 have 11w111 i 1t111e 111(13tten
th:11 o1l1,"laid aumyeserdy, fo
Michiga1n's111gre 11t 111co 11d 1<111 111111111ap-
peal1ed 11111111o 1 Ine/." 1
Dana i1s111 d est 111 nd111 n1001111110g11and
1):o13 1t 01St1gg', go') 11113 1111Ic for
111011 Will)p schools1lie againlwon both
de1 , 11 ea11111c11e3as'.m
11lo 1111111d1111h111111mp111n1bask1etball
1t011 1111111c11n1i11111d11cli1n111 1an 11w11
a101111r 1(aseball 1111d 11f 111b 111111 11a 1111
Dana i> ea1ger11111111t1busylland llk
S11000 1111h 111he 011o00111111111" 1101 ola
Thompson ri'llnot0 111rIfthe1101101dalts
foitoln er111 ter110 The11 wil1 b11 ho e l110
01111101 acou1110l1-a10the0fialexams
A Short Sketch of Our Pres-
ident's Memorable Career--
An Educator and a Diplo-
lr. James Bu31100111Anlgell, att the age
of1 seenty-six, yesterdaoy began h1111thlir-
ty-fif1th3000r1as presiden~t of tti1111r-
0110. Presiden~t Angel ll1111011 a1
Sctute. . I.,January03'7, 1829, ond 0wa1
traveli 0111d sllyreturn~inlg 111hislS a111
Mate 1 asl 1 prfesor 0of 1111101011 101-
1In 1810 1at1111 outbreakof11t1110Civil
duin the111Rede ll tad ttori10111h0111
of 1111 Provide1111e1Joonl 1whilchtway1
Dr Illnell'wa11111d<1 11101 esden
cy of 11e0UCivit~~y 1of Vcrm11t111111t866,
II as ch10111ntlpresiet of te Untversitv
of1 Michigan.1 Durlig hts prestdency he
; LI capcites 111 ar1111 110 l 1t88o 110 000
appointe11d tminlistertollChtina tby Presi-
1t0110e0111111111 of 0a11111111c11treaty
this1 1111111103l11, 0011sttccllftill 10 1is
resigneod h111of118100n1 882 o 1r1etutrn to1
Ill 1897 htc IVas againlt Iledlto 1s'011
in1 the1111)artmenlt of stole, this time as
m1i1it11r t1o1111kcy. He resignled 1110
following yea100r11to relloleh1111tetrrulpted1
Representatives fur Central League
and Wisconsin Debates to be
Chosen in Same Contest.
'11w representatives1 1110 1110two ttli'-
ver0it13'etllinlg 1011111 will 110 10100101
ill 1 <110le (owly this ocear. 111110011 (f
h111 11113 1wo1se011 111prelimlinar~y debaltes
as1 heretolfore. thle'rejleselltltivel 1110
kotl11ilhe Central l1011g110 a1n11Wisconin
Canadlianfsis inIMh
(3n November1l 1 ll occur111111h111- 3/o-
w3 ill-1s(111111(111 wll ereenMch
11111 (f the1C(ntrllDeaing- Isgs
accodlling to 1their1' l1'll11l t(''nd11 1l0Olg'll.
Shoul1111iloo-o-sl-d t 111t(1n''o)) debater1
nld th1e sam10 1011test.'Thle realsonsfor <Visc11n11in11b '11111" the six c- hoses, 1e
11101 a1 change a110 011111two sets 11f 111e 0111i 1111his 1year1represent 11 the 111' -01111-
Iiliilory d1ebates05a1100unnecessary;thtat 11intentra 1 ('101 is vrs.
s11c1 a1 111111100 of slecOtionttdettanids tool
1111011t1111, and11l111111, that it is dlesiredl
to strenlgthen t11117oratorica1l00111051. ' Te(IN '1111'311.
100111111se01of prl~imtinalries, coming as<
e11 to1 11aw1i111100011from lthle oratorical 11111111s1to1111.1a1ghIt1na111111110 Ift11e3
111111111-1in1als1in te Cenitral teagtte llryltll, whledliverin-lg a0tluikhfor
11111 be1111 w thticatgo, andtIhlis year the a fresllllall, 111r1 actor 5in a quasi-tragic
19. 1Ttc queton for dehate has heen 111111, preparatory111 10to llleill 1<' 1the
annllounctedoIas5follows : "IResolved, thlat tru11k. (11101 he was 1confrl~lonte l by11
I commission11 soltdtoe givent power to) freshtman arme1111w11111a1piece1 of144-
fix railroad rattes." calibre 1equestr1 ianrillery.1
1110 Wiscontsint debate wiltltoe teld in 1 "f;et out1, o110'1l1sho0t! 3/0111get1
An111 Arbor10 -M11001123.1110 qutestion tn killedt if yutyt ylll11ha 11 11 ir1,'"0111
this calse ttas tot as yet heett made whtat thle astolln1ihe (l 11 bord
kowni,botOutnder the sew systemt the_....
101111 1toepresenl tus againtst the Baodgers T111 res 1100 of1 heU ivesiy (If
will lie selecteid at the same time as Calliforonia 1s111 anned tire(1 erecion 1111n
1111110fo00thle Centrat league teant. The the 110110fiitiri 1f11 camus1build1n
society preliinitaries will he ptutled off 1010 the acoo datliion 1111111t111 var~iu
1101110 November 4 anod the inter-depart- tuniversity 111111rg1r111dIate ulit~itonsl.
110-I- i'l 111 g'l13 t1o111 'to11 t111e 11111111 of
11. 11(11 b 11t11h 111113-ylby an i lmInilllli
Everything Points to Record=Btreak=
ing Attendance- -Engineers
in the Lead.
11111110atit hoeC 1111001113'of 11 ollgab
this11yeaIsthat111 111 su1rpass1all101111. iA
yeec* lii 1111-11(11 lO olilgll sllll
1111110 I 11c. 1111is 1i ig 3311111o1100 last
veal11;111(1 (ithe 'ei slrlois by 10'no imeansi
coil-e.o Thelic havIi 15 n11111 ta1111e11 t
registe, 11111ere1wer 1only)71 11lad1es
band1ed1 isisllowhih.If 1cour1se, is 1111111
5-1-' 11m111sIw1001enteredoilniltheIiisdo,,
ohiO ho iiil11111110111udnt". lsl7 111it1
not known 1eilltlllv v11110' 1den1003
i11111a1111111intsto 1b1g<(;ti1ll1.
,)fiiline1111- 111grow11111fa steIfl m hose, o
dentslwery led upill front of 11133thouet
11o110largeothoe1attenda1ce0w11111 h
vea10, 111esent11 11<11011woull d Mh'op-e
Planned by Michigan Union For Every
Friday Evening-Dinner Com-
mittee Appointed.
.3-1osolodtIinneriic iNovembehot7 oil 1111
h is ii7ti11'ii i s'hepr iga owi h oe.Mih-
ing1< thell ex iix O nI ols
Beg1<inn111g,111(11p11ssil, ilnext Fid5011y
f outdoor sIli~l'liingn imeinlgs'tohelhetld
111111 CnvswillIbe sretchedIol olng
the1southwallloflhe inus 111and1th
do-1w loi t y illo-loo. Prof.
1111 1111will(speak.o-I'. iVasity 11b'an1
will beI oat11in 1force.1011etlleen11songsi
Lyndn, te p oto appe,1wlllto w~l 1
on thes1reen pl~ilture ''s o heloteat1s1i
act'1in and tihlofintrs n
th111e llni los I th
appointed Sp(iler11C11e,111111'1Allens
Ass'111111 ch (1er1111 apai
t i -s sliesho111n7uC-sil or isillsfr
111n, 1111nd1 lithe <10 c i ll0(111111around (1010
"'am s iuoi-at t biling p loint11001 011
111111111711r Uon w1 1 '1i hpllng t work
11111< doshe smi itia) iner. l~li~ su
Never did ol111111 pir11 i i l t hghe1
1110 1more 113fciil Wt 1 und 11g1aduaer
mid auo lie talast: yea('Moore
111111 11(1111year o i iirk perfen
theioolsdin33r (ive h-ouieopas
inlhe igh'1( <1 wa0(11 srechdil 1(01 r
The diner comittfehto.benapot
pine aond 110 i lreadyI iiard11at<1wohay
isg sos 11plans.1Clea1111 ld1r111'ill00
WilllbFootls, (IfhrrCb Pound,0CMo-
Iouiton, 1,.II010. icnyloLt ((iller4
sl ho dward 'NlIlol s R1ober1 tSt
cl ir tand iSd 11111utti
1la10) f is-z 111 ho 150 wl ' 110ill tot r to
urnto clleg. Clrk1i1an os lt, 'em
of (h<(nlii t depallmI nt t1111331' r
No Baclk Numbers ca.n be Furnilshed