The Mic higan Daily
No. ao.
Michigan Plays Another Ohio Team
Today-No Line on opponents'
Strength- Barlow to Play Quar-
ter- Nebraska Strong.
Today's game wils Denisoo is not
only the last game before the Nebraska
teamttcottes, bst it swill also e te last
chance to see the varsity it action unttil
they clasht with Booth's Corthsktlers
ext Satrday. The reslt of a game
witht stech a team'sas tDennisotn will britg
is always is dobt and any estimate of
the outttome can e hst the wilsest gess.
Nott sntil late yesterday was te lie-up~
received itsAnn Arbor, wiile atsolately
tot itfornatiost was enclosed in regard
o the strengt of sle team. As the
Denstison-Ohio State ganme was called
off last Sasurday, ntohig atse jdged
from toss performansces. TeOGiso
State manosagemtent isisted ott reglar
tirty-ive mtiuste ialgs atdte Densi-
sotseact, caimsingtsgsialteteno sas
its poss osstonitions, refuses to ro tis anti
tssoklshsis ttetn oi7te fes. Te otly
lotte thtst cots be gaited oth ie varsity's
ttotsoetts tsday is tts whetet Ctse
slayedihtree they swarted Michiganssto
look ttut for Dennsison, as tey tasta
huntcht of ritgers atd a fast, hevy teamt.
Prsso a Miciganststandrpoint, hsweeer,
todasy's gamte will be cosisered ist-
porta5.nt serely as sle fta preparaiots
for te Nebraskas gmne, swhis is ote
f te msts, if ot te msts, impojortts
gamttes on Micigsasn's 95 sceusleTe
Csrnhsksters are Issll of cofidsentce, sants
sutnser te ard work giventh tett by
Cochs Bsoth te pass few weeks iae
showns wonsderfsulitmtproetmets.Bosrg,
thteircptaits atsticester, sas givets a
place onsthe Af-Westertn by most foot-
balliicritics tin590., an teclash tetweets
Bosrg antds Scutzissol te a gamse in
itself, as CostchsYost tinsith le German
is ftlly as god as aty of then. Ty-
lr, ths'essolresd gard, wo will opiose
Schultte,Cistiidt be a veritable gints
itt srentght atssiiit siteSothisDataa
gamtte of as week ago crried tie ball
ssitte wholte Dakota teases hatnging to
in. Thte teatmtaserges aisoust 176
Posunds and teliite over 8o.
Cosachs Yost last igt wosslsd sake to
predictionss cntcerigthehoutscotme of
tday's gamse. ie sait tsoe of te
sas sesoult be sosed for Sturay'
gastse andth ia he wossld ttke50 catces
of having is tmets ot of lion gatme itts
Nebr'ska. Magoffiss will te othie side-
littes tday as te is utnabe to play ott
accounst5Of a sraited back. Te two
teosms will litetp as folows:s
M'iiciigttt Dennsons.
Garrets..... . .1~.B .... Alets
Curtis...... . T. .......Ship
Schulste...... .. .G.....Howell.
Schultz e.....C......Neilss
Grathams...... . G ......King
kiteittociilti.._R. T....... Llor
Stuart ..... ....I..... Golden
Bartow.......Q. B...Bassdetosss
Lose, Ranotey.L. H. B......Shoop
T. I tasnoossd. ..R. hl. B...Pamnt
Weeks, E........ . B.....Livingston
Liteolt, Neb., Oct. tp-(Speiai to
Michigatn Daiy.)-The hopes of sle fo-
losers of Booth's ornittskers are rn-
ning highs nowasays ad if the coming
cotflt at Atot Arbor Satrday wit-
sesses te untdoig of Nebraska by a
Ore-sided score te casmp of Booth will
he flied switr a sorry lookng lot of
prophets. While lackitg the hardihood
o predict a victory over Yost's aggre-
gation, the form n td ittprovenett dis-
played by Booth's nen dritsg he past
week of pracice have itspired a hope
atmost amounasting to a covicion that
Michigasn, in facisg Nebraska, is des-
tisned to etconter oe of the stiffest
tilto till salt st'e gattefrmthelside-
linsetosfay for fise first tusse itwro
strusgges of te esstire Woveriner shed-
Bttott's siuatd, srey, hassbieeno going
at a fast andsstfurioussspa5c. Tthe fttsot-
liing of a seels ago, wichs sas sot fre
qusent as to be disressinsg, hasssets
almsost entirely eimsitsated, andr a steary
btettermtos is daiy nstoicein t every
departmtosf tetrcice. 'The Netras-
kra rossters hoaveeever kosen a Corn-
husser teamssto mtake greater imsprve
mtentnsor onse whichs ss forged to te
frosts at sucht a breakneck gait. Osly
a seekts agosAssistantotCoocs Wesoer's
scrsti teasts sas abile to force te vrsiy
to te liimit t inteacievemsentty the
latter of as toucdown, but its the last
fese sdays te srubs harve beets as so
mantty pigmittes. Beginningtithmttte over-
comisng f te tendencty ts fumble, te
regularsihve untfoded ass offeseswhics
te scrusshave toes stterly unsabe tot
stay. Thte offesie plary sas beetsits
keepinsg witste virility of te offentse,
as a conslseee sof sehis Bothl's cp
of joy seemts fullt to te positsIof fos-
ing ster. IHe nookes sn otststof ihavig
turned iloose a tbunscs of wors-toeters,
butits is unabstle to conceli Iis belief
Ilth ite Corsthssskers hasve it ithiemt
to forcete loe l'sreites ads every iter
teamsth iey face tis seasoss tsso o lo
of hustsinisg to marth off witstehoors.
\Vii thie seasono begansth ie litoe sit-
Istioss presentedi suchislos disourge te
Neborasksar eochi. Tie 'fesre e tas sort
of vrsity mterial Ifor at least ose gar
andsrionssrtasekle, setileose of the ess
waos asoisnisdossbIt. lits tere tos ess
somtsething sof atranssformatsiots t inte
interveninsg sinsweeks, durig sewics
timoe tBoossthhsscosseredt 'Weler froost
as hafback intoiss aciskerandsihtss ri-
coverretdinthosts rplaer ose of te strog-
est tacekles tsr sos yetsdeeloed itshisi
six sears at Nebrasska. Fr a timeocNe-
son, aoskssy SouthsDakotant, appeared
ts be te mtost avasiablse left gard cost-
didatse, bust Rice, a layer of unsknsown's
qualiy, tosspratreicaslly crosdeditNesoss
in5to te stblis, andsstii sall te er-
strks of tseighs gradse gard. Dens-
los. a subttutte endsilst sesoss, boo
exhibiitedi asririsisng imsprvsemset, uns
til it is a grave qusesionswsethiler Both
swil consider is good tactics ts give ex-
Captains Besedict tis old place at right
Tthe other lssr posiioss are seemoigy
ited to Booth's satisfactios, for the hss
persmittesd himself to te qoted as say
toggsial Nebraska's dise ogt to be
the best te hoo yet developed. Cpaiss
Borg as cesoter, Johsnsons at left ens,
Taylor a right gars and Cotoss at
righttarkle are sowing sosucs etter
football tian last year ad teir pro-
ficiesscy is a decided boost to Nebraska's
chassces for a snccessul seasos.
One of te msost ecoraging pases
of the practice this week has been the
fierce charging of Cottons and Taylor in
te pusnges through the scb lise. Both
(Continued on page a.)
Collection Will Be Taken at Mass
Meeting-Un dergraduates Urged
To Turn Out in Force.
'Ihere is a cance 5o save te atn.
It's up stote sstent body.
Next Frisdoy nights at sle singingsmoet-
tg oa esollections sillte takess 550stn
everybsodty is utrgedt to turnssout ansd co-
tributse. The smassllseonsss will be
welcomtse as we'll as tels'rssgest. It is
estimsatedI ltha ite sumo tnees Ittoro
eiewstseunsiformssn'd iter secessities
eats be raisesd efore te crosestdisierses
wsistut ficlltiy.
'1h1s tis 05 smatte its hichs eery st-
tettshsouldstfestlos peessoaresponsisii-
it. Thes'handsriati preent 5is its urget
seed of fhinds. if tey art os fott-
comsinsg thsee sill tbe 5150tband. t is
easoy,salttoughs snot very' pleasant, to
imaInte mssssmseetings satsdfootball
gamoes withottt anosy istuentaoeslamousi
so leads te ssudentodoty. It wossld pa-
tically smeass ass estdiof cocertedt sig-
tg at Micthigan.
Retmenmber, thes, that ott Friday sigt
te utndergrduatleosil ae ass oppor-
tussitytsrdisplay their loyty tsIteir
almas msater andstais one of her soost
s sefulsinistittions. Manty to osso01 ite
irojeectoasobeets broachsesd haveeexpress-
en their istestioss of cotibutsinglit-
rally so te finsd rassdseeral of te
frtersniies sre abost ostr star.sbscrp-
tiosts amsog theirsoemobes toihep te
good ecause aontsg.
Yesterday rafternsootste prelimsisary
tessotootrnamens'st stas psolled off, wills
titey-sitentrties 'FThe.reststo rn-s
follbows:s Forxs sefeted Voinisge, 6-.
6--o; Nanscredie defeted Keley, 6-3, 6-;
iboegrt defeatled Leiby, 64, 6-4; Hutsoo
defeaterdi\Wetrick, 6-, 6-; Charse te
featted Mleceto, f6-4, 6-s; Ayres defetedi
Siossoe, 6-3, 6-s; Barbourn deferted Wat-
sons, 6-s 6-s; Buchoaanrdefeated Broady,
6-o, y-5 Williamts sdefetedt Baxter, 6-2,
6-1 ; Whtoiteead rdefeatedl Sissoossbty oe-
fault; IHoasg defeated IHanttcock, 6-o, 6-o;
roxter defeaterdKruse, 6-3, 6-.
'losiry's tortmentwiltte iolayeiaso
follbows: treticervs. St. Jsohn; Barnet-
srb vs. CrapaitLutciuss; Nnredce vs.
%lb ogaso; Charse vs. Ayes ; Buchaonsans
vs. Williamtos ; W'hitehertd vs. H og ; Bx-
Ier v. Fishte.
'fle sodmtinistrtiveosssciiof te
radtscshosol mt l'abost nigt for thiss
purstr05e 5of cosierisng te use ifiicatinst
sOf cantdiidates fos enetrstnce ito tis si-
patet. 'Te result of sle mseeinsg
wa~s i'ratifyinsg, ssas sotetossre oo w
ott terool, wmilesit osyeartee swere
onsly nisnrty. 'Tle increatse wos patic-
ularly notsiceable iso sle summoner session.
'T'he enroslsmentltt 1904 wos osly foous-
tes, boot fore 0005istwos thirty-two.
Worsteminthle gaduatote scoo is as di-
or's constinuat~siossof tundergaduaste studoy
otto as highoe asis. The scopie of the
graduater cousrses givess inthieaniversity
ts remasorkasbly etensive asd te facil-
ities for casrryisngots preparatiots for tak-
tg te higer degrees are excelett.
Michsiganstakers rantk willshtegreat as-
rest collegesis inte strenoghiof legasd-
sate schoool.
LionelI I. lissesot, of Busffao, N. Y.
graduatoteof te crss of 'o 01iite lit
deptortmsent of te untiersity, htortakiets
a posiiosn as cemonisry inostctor ussnder
Frofessoor Huletet as risscetont. Wilie
as Michigant isl. DtSscisoioassistedi Prof.
Hostl in ste phsysical choemoistry depart-
mntolwisesthsie latter seas a moembier of
ste Msichigan facsslty. -Mr. Dusschakt is
a nmetmber of the Phi Gamtma Delta feat-
'The '09 literary class sas bet the a-
est victimtsof psoliis. Dnsring te rot
few sayslong hiessbearing sosmes sot
yet knsowno too fase hae bsec talkedt of
amontsg tefreshmsanosslit class. 'fle oe
ho appear iso a ial forms yestrdaymss
thaot heaodedt ty Fresd A. ODossasfrotmsWis-
cottsisn,sle distanssecruttnne mwhict all
sloe unsiversiies of te west oter after.
'The ticket whicho te ]leadrs is as folbows:
Ptreiset, FredrtA.lDatnas; oviceipresidentt,
Miss Coitis tTayor; secretry, J. L.
ftoell ; treasurer, l. S. Codty ; lach
manatsogr,iR.1. Kisng ; ttasketballi stmat-
ager, Mis so Eeanore(Goesceltrieal
manas'.gr, i. L. Ncetonan.
Clark Defends Position of Athletic
Association-Roth Explains
Band's Situation.
Too te Editaorof ITe tDaiy.
Sir:t Itsyeserrday'sistoic of yoursepr-
see o ptrintedlto osiitrew swiths les-
fessor l'atenigil, echaitrm ts ofteioaro
of s-trol, iso which te sota ite views
of toats booardl wits regardt to he cot-
feretne proceeds. too orrer thot isc
smsembers ofte Athlesic iaossocitio shory
havse socear idearof whato is beitg sdone
it seetts advisable to sate as ceacrly ts
possiboiete grounds ott whichth le dire-
tors of te association i m iitsthe funssst
sow ihedtby teblo oordrofsontsso.
'Ihis cottroversy tetwecnthoc two
boatrdrs is sot of renit it. oe tse
bsh three earsthe Itreasursetroflion Al-
eieassostcitiiontibas astte pedi rpeaesly
ti got informtionttsfrost te boasordbof
cotr o ncs ttterniigt he fissors its its
hantds. Strngrss it shory sems,lthes'
atetrs havesoorivsariabloy faie.Tos hlit
memosbers of te ioarsio eotrolethtrve,
owng o ignottrancec of te troe stools' of
affairs, bsarisnableoto thlrowseatop light
ossth ustcstiosasoledbytoySle irectorss
of Ourerassociatliosonor thoc treassrer. :Pro-
fessor Pattegil, its whoose btnsntohis
shotsy sehlas brenttsi receenty, ha~s iseve
givenosatop satisfactory answe. Furhe
thanristhis, tic ihadisot reptoredofl fly too
Iis asses toaorde. 'lhis, sir'ontendcis
roo r oeeding.
Againtheor o fors ontrol ner hoos
a treaeroee ostil tryrecently. 'IThi.
gross tnegligencer of busiess misshood mos
remiseontossetc th of iis toasts.lit. sne
threpyears of slip- sot busiesso-et
cedure, it soddelbsy osere hotiowt ots
thoc board tathots alolooeo ow etmbert-to
hold tfoisusnoficsily atoolwittout ikt'e'-
ig eveo tte's memersosinoformed atisosto
sle exct's tts of stoatsfititos wos ibis
tarp exhtie of Iosoiess tnegigren.
This macihlifoo thlionbusiniet's-ie' to'it
oos oflsIthbordo.
losnryestda's itervit'w Preofessor
Paotttnililotaedithastthiss'boaord' hboos
giveso $0400 otoo sle rassociatonlot to sy
foste csod oot Perryfil. T'lithre
tors srt' tothsatisfiedolwiththiis. 'lhe
ft'rthotstheblocntoirecamo Intderived ifrosto
iheoceofer-encec mets beonsgs inthlo
atletie treasryo.
thie sronigeth sorenoras Sloe lioaoorde
of contr-oliiholding tese funsiosesotno o
ion thato insmucsis s th le totsfteneis so
corpooraotito tompsodit ofreptreaseivshoes
fromststhorevariots mwest'rno olges.tilir
mtoeis rosly rossinovitatisoo l ffieo tt'
patot hfIis ncorpsorationi. Ibot heordtn s,
if st op tos sreretunsorsed fromsotbis
tootsfertee sees lhcy osholdigo tos lio
corpoorationtt. Atiteprsentcoltimet'hies
diretors of te associai~iosson te oftsoil
to fitdoisthlthiss'rguegntsit pr'ss;ma'
objetInsote smansne its swhih iisusosei.
;rantedtu ht tlion nifretce sooy ion
nolest socorpoorations, ols- boatrdi of cot-
stockhoodrn inte organsizatoiot,. ere'
bloc diretossothblocAthletic rassoitiot
roster asslojetios.
Issasmschnas a opoe entloftreiprotcess
of necto ntference soseetis batdrositde
(Connuoed oto page a.)
Gale and Kirkham Factions Ar Put
to Rout at Junior Lit Caucus
Thte junior it are greatly interested
in class poiics this year, At the meet-
tog yesterdato snsominate officers for
theicursrentt year, it developed that se-
errl faonoss are fightisng for supremacy.
Biroatdos 11. lDe Pris atd his factions
mere sisschsiso eidetnce and successfully
oefeedeery mnossver of the opposi-
ion. 'hte Gasle factiots first atenpted
o turnth ie caucuss ito ass election, it
beitng sussderstoodthts Broadus migt
comesout latr as so strk torse cadidate
forste ispresidencsy. ThetDe Priest forces
timdtrioey ralliedo tohe attasck ad a
tiusmsber of Srie surce iseces ere made ott
soth sides. Fittally Broadusshinsef ook
te footersndin ts osirrisg fifteesn-miute
address shsowed the standi of the Gae
factontswos tsproiirsoettary and tisnos-
stihsitiostrl. Iis iperoration brought te
crss too it est itsabsotrtof tremsesdouss
aplusosise atdthebocsuggstions of the Gae
factiossws ov erweminstgy defeates.
M. lDe Priesstter isote evenitg
toldthCesis I ooistt'nth at te had dose
svn etterthiatnwhetsstup-speaking
fose Rotoseelt its Norths Caroina, atd
somtie of Iis sistpportes syte is sore
polisheinits Idesilivrysowthoatswiest
tic defeateiro nuitheionJapanese wsner,
Later inthbocmosetinthble Kirkhtamt sup-
psoetrs spunssg aosusrpris. 'T'hey nonis-
athrobKirkhamstbornisfor oraorica dle-
gatle gainstsCushitg aidtier to close
te nomintions, hoitIDe tries adIis
crossdnwere watchinitg.IBroadus ad tot
iitseodeod totnfor ansyhisg, this beitg
rnots yea rsefor blocsosuherer at it
was asoeosetfanothyiing to eat Kirkbat.
whoo is s orarrt froststUtah. Broadus
is a repusblic'ansfrostsNorths Caroisa
andtorecover, tothsstectsistnsd to carry
off thin nlass orortshipi this year.lDe
Priettntotsedsteu o onte of his moes omit
proceededotoa nomuiitoe lust. Cairsmast
Bhrdley, himselrf so stntsof larg prs,
refusedothOboeakrrthenr flobor, lits aftr
asohtot, sharp onitotsrt lDePriest not
safety snomuiat. Now loh ntsotent
sill ight it ot too aofiish, fore feeisg
s rouosiug igh.
Btrousocloedite mstinsg itts a
les-mosinuteospi ~ehtdvott'ting a sag
bnutits whtieh llroit05isan tbittersess
miughsthe forgotn. This seech nel
witho grneat apuiseso, tsecially fromsthue
glus'seu thoseio'fraernsiy mitrsllies
stool yelleo wn issthbit'suggestionsteatse
its Priies th stdubiedshebmrthuevenstls
soting elemento Iof te crssasd soal
Iledged himsef too defeatlsisy casdidate
the mihtossu gges. Stirring deeop-
ments atwiosrern.
N ominasssOtios brouogt ots rob ester-
da' mee sotinsg folow:oom Presidntt, Cssoss
\.G e; vicupresidenot, Delia Vats
tock lsh erey, Asitabtel Crey; foo-
bas manasosgei, If. V. Joliffe ; bseal
manausrgr, Eshoisi ,igsiasu; track mtat-
3te,1. O.tPotte; inesesentmest-
lots J hop ct omttee, Francis Boer, Es-
tests violle;stiretoter oratoical board,
10etoios W. Kirikhamsu,tBrsolus lI. D
'shensthe vasitsoy footballh tsqua runs
oss liheidStuo ray osete gamue with
Neborrakaite "M" nentwilmiisake teir
ititiali app~erane nstFery filoberue-
opdino hugethoe tblankets. 'Tie blas-
kebe a hrorsoarigs ellosw sock "M."
'Msis Jessie Lotuise Strotng, of Adrian,
aouth br. Chares i. Moordecn, both grad-
tses osf she class nsf 'o3, were wedded
at ste hsome of te bride's toarests ren-
cnssly. 'T'he doctsor is a mtensber of
SigsaroNi fratt'nity antd Isis bride of
Phi BesttPi sorority.