The Michilgan Daily
Vog. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, : _'\"):\1. \t)1'I 111I I R 12, 19
LAWS TO RU i Ax .'~A-4- -v i -u R ti N FINAL G~AMEl
bin Class Game 6 to 5 and Tree PO0I NTfS GIN 0171O10 STATEfI Aided by OfficialslHedelburg De
Laws in Front of Their feats 1909 Men 21 to 16--Lane
own Building. __p in Stellar Rfole.
lniet raiton %er use ad heBarlow's Run of One Hundred !7 ..1 lrre6 pca drs
<,,,t fthella111 depa~rtmetgiven fi al and Fifteen Yards the Fea- HeidelbmgO.," Ni v,11 -I1 o neil 0of11
sevee 0 (lstrdy wieeitoit Oetgitt ture of a S etc lrGame l, 1O te h 01 t fugh(1ann1 ftil hel 11ealln
1 r.f tused lWll tiph 101aS ecta ularIlcilohI 01 i i efate0th1100 IIItAll
i lle coll1of le 1)07 0engineers0ovet --Coach King Watched Play' I F1101(1n tisaftrnonbya or 1o
the legal 11110110111 0lilinll iy kictked T e li llatrn ee se n 111o11e11 , 1111 1111 001 101t111 111e10r11t1heir0
Il l Ise i oil their soes on1111 te tewy erry 11ield tttind te lngest run lever;ar c on fr) Th ofial av
em withl embro o lega1 l lihts. f1om live yardo behind1111 hi fnsigll o a101t
101100 (f 110 (ar1; 11w1s theite 110feature part0.0 IIlo1
011110011101 1110days 1bard Banon te of root erday 0S 01111e 101111 0iio Sae 801 oo 1111 111 1 I 110 11
dniien 111111011t1111 fbi 1907 0111i111000 i 10i111a11 by a1s011e of 40 to . Twoi toll 11he 11101111111 hack1.1"1 itt111111 0.011
,g 101 ii lil 11111after1 1111 (f1111eihardest forty-yalrd1 111110forit ilochiowns1(0(1lleiL pr0te111110d111 ced1 the ball11t11 the 11 idd11
' bang he hall 11 (' 1 110thei'1l ln111 1)1
a11 1s111or 011e 1111f 1116 1111to1.1;.0(10Ou11tnumberedilI 1 111 1111 111 11111iI
s1ee1n(11(0(11Ann1111-Arbor.1 11 11(1+(and(i1 adva111n1irdloten -liOi arils1111 when 11111111 y 111 ere1
000 1inn lit wo toone,1 he1l1 rootrs p1110lto1gh11.0U111100tok11ochancs;11frced1toOhut11111110uht 1111011l
Illere, (lieedloiy(0a fe 01(e0(esitance1(1 ho mefo dil yed f ashes111111 terifotIo(II 01(1110 ((11100score:1as151to o
hey have sooolbforenhis(lheIfshmeItheotk111d ff(11
11111<"l 1 1111111 10lid (phalaix. fldiloffli arily ov111. c010itifs 1.(A tontgtrun oroi Iwcni it1 I101( 01111 ii (10 h
The 00110into State 1t 001s 11wh 111011e 1111e ies10 11(11sho rgios r111 in0.01(11 ball Hc1 111111c11 n ro01111the0 bali l ill loli
11011followed(0 c(ose111 ehind.o 1 u11 1n1 rt111c1o0.00tanthei looents'a l, b only o n rJ10 110111( jllo01 1 0 11(11
,I1frr 1(1 hel ier lo etupat heflg low db fmleo 001s(111Otii10r0' 0 110.lacked a 111(11fied ll (ak ig 0i1(l11sco1res-41
led(0 <nyoi (10 i a .11111 11111dou111 fiiibloef-fo ff h f0 efo l0101111000111011'01)1chargeIIio 11111 ii I at II11
serious loss,000 010011 11a(1s 1no01(1 (1101011 11110 iiOocu1r- ____ ___I eoooo oooooluckedoooootoooooo;in ban y
-once. lii fom i11h( 111 1101 In11lone111.1way, 110(01(11 110efer,0(00 110he-1101 ((I. he 01 and11th10 111111 olidodgeoiltheie1tire.
1111( 101,ili w 0101 u 10110 f010 leii I i 1(1lli 0 c-'ork asinerorto tha w icog I (111 1(111111(i i 11 II It11o ards fo
theyhiv.don1earierthisseaon. hil ( a (1u 1d1(11 00 0(1 f0ild to kid
folowd rge era m le ii 11ih 10oh1 suc0t0 asi) Ni ebraskali Il linoiStolreft' 0goa11 l Ib 01 1, n ed wih h b lli
success Sitiite lhillIa Iii f lul 011g01tiated0 the0reouinteWo/)fisultr iit o nHi i~l.fra'r<,'rioh Il' Ii:<\eharr ~inofI idcliii01(11td0(held the101110li
1th1 n h ther waslittle chac ofi hii iiis 0111(iga 11(1o wardsbroh t a outwer ah o hat01011 hendiiof01 toeii . 11111 halci .o waioi i chii- iil I ga nt oiiii y S o ve ri (kicingi _ le ilIlou liobi 0111
ho l,(c iiiiiniteirfuring o p ev ot-he trat- iiiBan n IS, (111 ii tOfh111 11 o yol',hitic o1111s11re1 ofoi t o 'tr f (onuthei-ya di m rcoi r. \\
oosly hoe oi atogave hioohae rift}-1mg 0 liiiieiiiioig
1,o( 01 hcarrier i o t1011 o a Reiideiitil( w rofii Batherl o .abdoGat-toho owi 1o'oeong iiun ut oe iext 11)0. (0 .101o(0(0 lIiahulOb alo Iiu cah
h(iean h u t h i h a ir11100 i i iito 0 1i11 oo ii out tolpiiart ooi ht o s. 'outi ilotuocuui tO tu a i, horkt(01(1 1on P ilp theoii hi opaiiniiit h0 Ifuouuoou tI he O l
r nmohrr l wich ashia m l f 11fu l. 't 11 0Uondeor ul a afau o t t e it allloio . 'he 11 11111 iitiiiard lie.a , lyd asa a e arc a nte ight throug1(1'. h'iiiui saneuhoooo lemo h Inti do ns il i ni uono In ioui aSlbbio nth
toilme fiiorith OS firs t tig 1110ince h lr ie fuibt ig itiis tii- t h en (fil nt110 eiht h rOso lu lefi tackle, i i o. r o ihiiof1rt. i ilo (h c~lon .1(1i ib hi u ie 1(00 otihotoi iattuue11pted (f iaooxd' o-kick bfon e (((0- jo b il e ii hall 0toIi t1heii3i5-Yard 0010t010e.ol'__--o
After 1the mix up tie I law ist red yesterday i %vao' t rem iedo us to surpoirsteto Yardlo Sin n1 . ot U.11ecoverein oftebun aick .ohuuub th oilG ''iou s omI lasot-iIho olhn111 111 oooh I ih
1,01te 'nineert o llec h ted1('in0011boolad I ron huh' l om1 wasIi he givnth e ala iho ill t o ihdo uhof Id(iit.O hSio Ion~,Cr tisohandoil chultoolad11(110 line. o m il o n l0ifcn llo
n) th l w u'di glBo dlivnt ri g thr u o o atti tal o h om li veihi to i t-1 0 111o)m ti huu f u f iu uutu uo o tto (ulo 0 bi (0 iiil o i
sanct1 ulol i u ~r yth: i01rs tenIou I (('(((wr((ho s(m- sor,(utrlld(iv'ars ac f ic- tto th1. arotne he O io ot lire Tho eh c w ohoI, h iilm] i
fth(se g1ba mi r 1a e hei din 10,0 ou thu ot n each1 n e1111 gh ( ll(1 i 0(igan' (to10iosuuio o ~ - i 001ht i Io IiIi 0((1 o
g: Alotuub ujutt 1bi(tgt 111 o~~oo t il Iuit Io h u gtlh u g o al.11h tut I ouuupi c d ifu paof li e 01 all on" iIa r H ammii nhdbo i u t mb le i ls l s i e o l i)nien o
t ilo (cith :nrterSutho'eng ieri o thu iii he lii Itrthnl i 01011 1110 t 110 ubc 11( f 11110 hho1110l)ocothtoemttgl hotoitothe
lit 1(1ir n rred i l t1o(0 futhem al uo o11(0(11 sti onuilfoch o il )0110 1 ok W 0 tic 110 1 l ou ohaotooth u t ,0)1et ran1cown, an Koioby(p( ntedii f( om4 the yard11loc ( o(lullnionI f
>10tho 01100'(t~il uil O~lii~h~i D utc1)0 no gut of tie ioouioc ioo g meioo te 10 1 111 0 11 tbiaug lwe lir- j gldthIeiball, Iasoi fel onii'' ith b e- 110 11
io c ahon fr oil a safte d iftance.)A fewtHi toutle bucdg w s fatnue nd he m i itl Th ed.hut ) 5 P i ll (1 i th1111(0 louin thor a touhdow.uuoh io li h tr (iled 'it o ( so l Iro s h
tt i . nh 110~ t uu h ele bt wao 1011 00ln o the r~a ian 11t a l inio the 0 interes tu oobo e S 011)t hu(10110g. 0 10io oi ci(1( (ici 1For heio 11c .1nillime( w1(10
inn numbersiai d the dirigon w s Io yTh e d tu r1wS(1t1ihten ur le"dsre t em i1ico nto ut te thizi.dlne 'toutaiedt g i
luocoo uc 001 for 1111 . 1110 Ii h i lo h ii.ii0 iiiotiig it- i ri. II iii could0(11 10 iutoh ho t oh(nd t) ' ald w t teh l ,,th ;y r ie
>1(01(1 1,iihto~ the '10 (1 ~i111 (11 0 he gaec 111000l thend oot 00010 111the uima hy 0111011 oitoroetout Oin therO t hlhinted 8-o bte 1 (iOo i o ico ~ 1((( o i. I n o iiuool
(abc ph w a rriedki on With tire, 1111111011111hatilheis Picmpgoatlyigethemone nttto nsot1(0 0001 111 (1te i.hThelt Schputoeitfromli theti I itiu 1( life01111ho core Iii ioSh(i 01( 111
Iii t o nthi 01(1 iuhfe and 1111no 0on e re bal rotas \ttilit the11 ly lio bobegin011 hnlcrivii1n1g1 li 1t oflii l)thet1(11 ii((tttii( i ii mmii (Ii hiilhoalf's oo~~
tebuhatlosuyea.iH rrtouthit ft, 0111o ootrs tieicaioy o o tyooloutceteroflteelI too ioudur 0so
WiiOIn slightobollyyCuotoj.u1r0111 oolthgoiuSgmudmyoirn gilgt11I1110 (1(1ktcke1(110totiin i 0ourmo mitiiimaoto 00(1emii
>clohes werellthe01rulk rthe ta 1110e yrdline an.1om d Scmootc -]. O i
eoxice1pt0ion.yfe orlo fr . iuclbo i 11(1 ie itie 10 c bo ot gim bO ii ci ho>rl, ( Ii]irbyt I
liii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n heib d mouo iitolwasulciiI ~o lo toardlyoin tua011101i sy o n a g 511(1)iitol imoriedlyian mwhen he010 M ich Iho1 t:kotb iv-ad eat fo01. ff-side,(1 it
(iointinnitieon 011P1110114) jfo.. thai. 1b1t1the tird 00000tonc~loluoIin11the 00011s0t00 taltw oiotturoutit twent 119 h ie 3j-yaormi (Continuued n page~2)