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November 02, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-02

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The MichiganDaily

AGAINST ALL-FRcSHposedietily fst ernProspects For Winning Teams Are
Turner's Little 'Uns Make (ood ittent l fc.eete ii uttii ey(obeod- s eams
Showing Against Varsity-Harry Mitchell:; eer etarv, "lonetii"tiCtox, Chsen
Hiammond in Scrimmage- treaisutrer. XV. F. tcielv
Team Leaves Tomor- "\: htttt c'lii oivegoo eot tcr
row Morning. V h') iN SV Titt ctllei'e at o ti e ittlitttiti. trit-
i e t f r thl.e Ct1111,1 14 et e i l itte
C- - IlI rhif I hi1 SI)lrXX .

MB)1-lR {2. 10)05.

No. 33.

occatsin th't the have Ftaed ith
tesrhshae ben dcitel ictor-lit
ous coac eYit tought the Turteittes
wotdfenih thei vrity 'toe oppi-t
teitn thae the vieub ae 'aele tl itt
lie ceuetly y eerdy vairs e itye
prcte' cotaiege ivl srmmg
he Alreh eee tet the "le o ot"adtet
asigeo if d the vasittty cidl nte itaveit
the eas it~ime te sually eiuter i
nhene tiet tittie ttcet eaAsisatl Coae
le Alisieh tiregen the advant-
ie othet stoekg twil whichtea eitloew-i
inge tnd totk lthei wt it al The fretsh'
kl'icke off t te ii''ity't tnyr lieet
antt thetvait prceedi ttt itrrf the
bite' dow itowardl ituier' gote. post
not' Xwite t gis of fortyo tift y yardsei'e
ite blitt etitte buc eind thot liii runs
whic'hl ntte t o otit ntt e hto t e l tilts
Atert ateighc t minte oXfi ply how-ecut
ottr alth ti i tc tew ias ill atite tt
Thce haletl wsten iten tte oreite-
mlteienan til 'acuntt befn iutken fthei
numbl ee titititit the bloodthoiucndsii
giil et tuontnthely to e "tueil
'eetheltes ite itied T htte tiste'tiim-
protemet of tore shoit byi tile Ail-ii
mutttbe tak e ito cnidietio thal
(Aitethte scritt mtil w til tl it t tiltl-
tesqu'X' ow t to aII' hatd woktf f -
uintitug inate. Aitter i. hbeitamee
lto ar toettee the ligt anfthttewasede
Toit ctiiitt it ethuge ht t it eltilights
wittbitt' retagdiess Ind telst pt'rac-n
tttee e il 1le tulleio . iis ileent that
ithe ti-imemagete lth hie ttlettreeh iso
tunotAl .thN fNFL''
Harrye eHtmm ond w1c htai fort ethes
firtti me tis ftea prt' iciate d i ttt e tt
no.tttt revelin. starlget, lacktotteynd
'Ilei teggea Qtomorrowe tmtolrtingye
aten spa'. 0 he ilreani

-- - - ' ,il I 1IM's"M I Ili C'I)I0MI.

Xlicii" ii Xit etetctaettttoIctlltom' tr will h u
thee wll e oldat ieii Ine s tand.itultd ete t h1is veeli T hite it uri t ie-l
iktsinX eltecsu thii bN ch~iiers I for i tthe l iti ttihoe te 'ti llreliiarehic titl
che. n tcti on.e 0,36h seatttinl toetitei eer 3 n il adea c society i l
mtile Nmemblrsioth te t iiite iii t lof ic h ie lre me "h ree't't i tttt eek11s tert
tificigan ttit le 4etttiasotait.ac ' l ii il t to24 nd 25, iii tptiiio cc th
tme t'l iii of te iasso ci 'ti may'tytt'i'e i ntl e' cu t e ntell tesii tic :aph N
one ;cat n tif ctertng.isec ion adI e stllectili tt andc 10lilt it i
tit pitodutie i s memti e rhip11tciic tt lv es ith i lie ia it soc'ietties.i T he
purhae i si seat.11 Psit iveXol aisii besttut teary ou''i t o1fie'ach'u ncu'' i wl
alo ed i t the isu tecteh.eaeid tomittheiiii imeni thui s selte
On Xuuui Xiii lit ovember o-), at t Xiwi( t e te o asiyte min
11111etellioipersn ta p h as . I nanel l th ote icg [o r m l w o
ita i x 'ti'ke ts.ial's utu it h ve deaediiteie trlinagi
wil biledcli the$coutde i$Fh 'o ftey uslii'agis W soni a h
tutecied uhttiti 'dersi i l IheLfitledtt itlti aI Ii' -hitcig eae is a la u
'a tli i a te ' ii i '55 Passeng't erte' 11111ach of t ie honorlt eil.
asscuia" Nuc'iu''1tiontas hut ''ued tirte fonl oI peuuu iiiu i i t theii aritth is e artie l
fare tilrthero iIII I tri utntuleXiss tn trec he [it ll as ndte.A erm al
tightanuoe-thal e nt prmie neah IecIi u ti ofte la en m rofn n
Sie c o l cly o th B an ueaNDou .c el o h o r d [ re t s ce"'oe o d vso f A e MC Ui tL C ITY C Oil N Ct e Rats ntO I G HTo s o

lihe tlf cl uuillioldahaniaitp 'ickets on Sale Today-Big Demand
'oraeit tthe iike Saturdtay ~, Novi- For Seats-Price Changed
Ietutur 4 hue hicatupsiitiill tic giv-citto $.0
tiut ai 1 t t9:o ite' m'orninutg' t wtictht ____
huthtoraentisschedlidtohu he- 'Teicse f teMihiga Uion eln-
gri.E r ' lferi treuetedto elget ee tickets ltis5 becttdroutited from $.00
o t adtryfo e atst iustilot ti $iso. ''the ttmmittee ls tight de-
in~osshetht terewil b a atc tduletuoi the ecttatge in oreer to make
witilh ii t Ullversty f ifsXconiteai-ttuticeinuc er cesile tll 'PThe Mich
ontile 'morntintg itf tie XWiconsint gtnec.guiltUtion iectr, itati-eit as te
Novtembiueuro Ne'oiattionsefrtlisdnneutommitteefeel that althoutghn
lieu'11111tutu.thee is i slight catce for ti defcey
at $.50 the advantge gted in making
"11ff Nf'HEIAVRT"'X ShUCCESS. the uditietueitortilefr onteighs that
- th~cager . Te rie ipiice tias a-
Ihe itrow .of AnnArbotr stuetts noiutincet tlweks 'go wtelnt tejoint
itat itent cn to IDetroit t ee counert f the Mfihigan autXW'sosn
'St euutgihl''oniTu te'sday inight wre glee cutestideulltit the protgamil
delighted lliculthe ftihtfurprucpulution Todauy t onecoclock tickets for te
oft college' life' t t-tueas ttoreraye'dlbie big Mchiigit Uion innuer to le hell
'te tutuandulhis totupetnt. XAltoughite etenting befure teLieXsonsin game
thseidtie fotltighlte ddutulllteht tiillbh uittontelle tdithe lbox office in
thesut'enits uchinitthistesccectteULiiirityetihtall fortevertyodiy. Ontac-i
lute' ideil'hetitismlhpartilrsofitet-cutoutothfhetuunpe ceetetile i icttttttfori
thet -ilift1broughit ell f uughe fromunse-i t tsad te rIc tt uItim ill crc -' lthe
th iv htesty' tggruegta tuhianuu et curttiutiut '' 'c lino ote' iit)
XXhen i1aviloricleedtehhe' coffee' 'ht to- sellte tiket ttinitodonthepln
ii t h t hhadbeenprcioulyed)tuutfr bet ie rsht eoefirsht ciecied.itNut ceek twil
withtl hut i i lt-mte citt etiff-bo- h--acepted.
cliii Ihirtbcae ahe e l was i nitte Toi 1orecci ani cirtoteus imptressionh
hiatdtu iii iiiaufttututctwite utudet iletha tesgainedI gott ttuti og the sti-
brhu t the Irecilectiotutuof taeuuimitrdetsitoithe efect itth t te Mihigtn
teed by ha room-atet ttof ehi Ihis oUtuonmaket oI tutout t flteatitnta
FatIBitySaunduiers, e IoreuuuAcnnuitdinnuerehe cuithte tisues tt stae
Ariiotutu icdenhut-hldt he XAnn iArbo tt ittheudiect oppositi s tue. Last
bosit tihe hltloweoit islueaIntutlantityear the buniontilest between $4u0land
many trtan uutut can ittell ll tboutilthe $" anet fitancidalihetpfromo gtnerus
Stui te o huescamttexpl in hitie feudalaluminit tiat iedccitto tahel t uhle
c tie li frits oeriegitolitstietermitniaiti,Uhin.i Geteral XM-anerScoeer an-
tl tkeenitpangs tof etvy as Butty eeledeinoutntedulalst nig hitt i t hUitie ecttld
tilt a te etcc~ itiitof lang phracsese that losee slightly tututheeaugetto f 1lute s-r.
wi ould tohutie t- itfe'orge AdeButtAlthtitle(late thic receitls are figuredlat
tiie climaxucof hillye trituph tucurretd $,490 ndthteexucencses ht $,570,.on
when aftitit eprotutetnguttheuc tng ldly a bheis thtat eey sett ite ~trian
ihos heat- li u t ewseeig htseaptuceetmnastutmis sld. 'This eanst-ut ethat
thait n irl ihdtuturcutweu etought fortgooplatetitut he.udistoseduf t iii$1.5,
1111m tee"c- 1givhitanytyhighe utitledl attul400 gallery seas at fifty entts. From
out of istlepoct Ibhuemtsutke n pitteteehuesdstatmentit iwnill he si-cuthttthe
out a iihandercehief, hutee'bhrlliant lited atnualtdinneristint a imtoneuymainkg
'hue fotbahllamesuceset-tcotrcrathec11111theaim, instetudlof culetcast.
seet, wsesottuesheat te tol a cwdl 'hlc Fiio wntts eey mn tittthe big'
ttias itnessedl cutitmliy gamues played iy lulol teeeigo- Nvm .
huy Vist'sHe-Iurrey up"htboye. Since i t le ut XMicigat tuan. Xit thattiecoi
utas impotile t o inguu"'the gaiter ontoinviewthur otue hundtret iwtites till bet
hue'sttge, the audiuencechaIto itcoitencth stuents follouwitg the pticedcuettotatlast
ite ithlStroeh uets sttry f te year. These tmen till tc seedcute din-
tito lys ahle irelachtedithilemitto the icc menui gientttickets atd wilt e givei
player wtithth le "ametutu' he"silly ittluuthee tiesame oportuity to heathe toaste
itor f the liceec room.i antd stiechles as the.otuther gests. Appli-
ItowseverRotEe.s11 o111 h and lttsmeyicatstefoicrteepsitinstshclouldll ot
reteicedthluteailinilltt itthe sow bIy tile. Jieklitg ittie rom at t Io VMonro'
flueng auerclietuitecurtelaiseechd steet it the evetig.
Aftr pofssig hathehadherd n IthIlis cnection it m tigttbe sait
ttuettable stoitheittfI"utury hit'Yost that every seat ited will te paid fo.
and tt aututtun~tu had itenmude to the ecommtuitteemien,udiretors of tht
teachithe tcturseassctitin foottall, Untiontiantulseakes ll piy fiuctheic
tiiestitiaidttie huedtleiXchigati ewoul tickets.
socomeuucwn st.ciAXletter huts een receivedl ro JLouis
"tI ti, ie "fus igneam h-'- cer uget. Eluc, compoiseiof "Thle Victors," the
sai, "or wil m gae eery Sagt-Xihigaii marht of trimnph, statitg that
tut u 111fellows wl outrs eery S t e withlIe at the dininter atudt -eaitthe
urduei.nvitti owlus yo tutItaue to io is to
tt-lonscial cls it his note famons
gtoianikeuiteh.'otan gt urmach M. Elel is hving an attra-
patrud foecthue dinner.
'7 MECl~ S :FORFI'T___________

I '~~The ueitestion otf a test theatre itt Antn
I The juiotrnuetdics taileud toiappheair Aribor is once muoreeinuugudiscussetd.
Yesterdayuat trno tutunthee gcidironuu ttudiManaugerXWhitney, of thue Detroit operat
thec gamlit'wat1 forfeitedl huethee juntiour outse, wti-tettthue city 'uesdlay lotoking
__________________ts._The___itsplay__theirnext__scheduledover the old Athenus tproperty. Mr. Whit-
gameti scwi ihte'seunioruencginteersutanud is ney secured plttus of the buuildinug andl
boulitthteas tue s trontg ut tuootu conttest talso invtsigteid the uownieship itf the
n wHuAuu -M ti. 1uuuuuu-u..u . ie ctd. atdjoiinug propherty. Neguotiatiotus fur
A pogrm f tnsal ntres wll rn, fthr. hesuie illbeplaedthue lease or putrchas eiot thue oldt Athens
.Xluuietu it ttuettu tuceetuil lte ilhe. hi stiestllhu uhyctSitN it ht N'GiNIE Rhbuildinug are on, hut uuothutucg uhtihuuit
behue at the fautcon'ucer-t itt Fiezic from itititti t In hut itionitt ihuis - -
ime,'the. Inwile l ay ut0Sdit-S'amsu' NO XIN NXt'hhNS 1T1DAY etcan te giv-en out at plresenut.
utl ohgl.Xihiuut-tcatet-utinuuetructiu iitn ditendotCapriccetocchleMISS LUBE;t'S STAGE
XuuuAhuucs-ttittt' utuore stu Ac. lbieritiLockwc-illI sillIte leeardh t iltan .-Xmetucitug if the seioureigitueers was L IFE 1ENOLO
tiill rendtuere Oieg's 'it erustsctru" autute'xcellent:i groupiofpitatnoforet utetuibes, hue-huhyesterdatytafternoontto discuss plaits___-
ai grutuoitimisciuellneus Frenuchtsougs. inucluuding rhethuut ki eRhapoy, Ou.t io, fluthle' cointg senitercotucil electitot, The RutachelLeivis Retuertoire corn-
H'enrei thututututAlbert Locekwsooduu siitt Nut. 4 ;SchubuuetItprotutu 01)(li. go, tutntintg diniite wasudecidled tuupo. pamny, withtwhuomu Miss Annme i-imber, '04.,
suplyhethe utsituetatluporthtitntofiuheNut. 3: Gllick- rhi usi avft telt atdutA 'X tit wsiill behueIlthtis afternoin recetlty itatdet theatricail engagemnent,
perogramuu, thle chief featutretueingut suiteXXWtgnere-Brineeu, .Rile oithut Vtalk- a t wsihtntomtinattisfor the cotucil has hecome defeuntct. LMiss 1leer tuas
for i'iolin aniul iianut ouo tosed by Mr. yries." will he made. returned home.

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