The Mi1*chigan Daily
Vol-. X\I.
NO. z5
With Crippled Line-up Michigan Was
Able to Sore Ony 23 Points--
Weeks in the Game--arres and
Mtagoffin Star
tetliin ie im~ad athat tg thehor
IFtFcry feed estedav after-
, t~ui mt~itin <: atleas in iff rent ti
Ow fact that they had ben titl e -
1 ort: illthe nin tee wiut ofteli
het'al w ilitheten111minu itill of te
,enit h l ti rie sulg ted-til etle i t e t tleh
downfrom hichCurti k ie eol
Thlt itmteI litcr l hmyt eail. h
lonit lii I iii ii tonein many111a1ys.
iii I l' nt oe ofth Ie t tiltndrit
of iis ii aigameill cd hi le tilteI
was iim gtakein t . itt ~ ac ecl
e-<yyerO i; iiol liene-illel-itekli
c -ii l cd ai m y a o ihe t
v idt li lscoretil u \ gin.1 ith n t e i
Balli N Oi- t 'reyrntte tm a
taltn ut ft ali o plyet r who ttignflti
iionc ,ati tn I nst ime rtin-n
li ntim, ot tisIt i ime thad inesmn t
loo huy nd alc t i ltto n iote
lmoeplayINii., 1s hdetoaketiouichte-
tdowne, le tMuichi ta e tinrob lit tfrixi
pom -as iel Iaot hnne ti it tiafene the
tiall a bensnppdt n t it i it i s dtnae far
a, ii tltitetd- dtol- i-ll N-el la liiwathe
littla [lit iltia It.s llore . Theytil i at Dittt
ntadititiyZ~rn I le lre tfftnt-
ftr ith e i ttrtsitt i in. ihe n t toleti n,-
hut tltamit n it utf t iceelninl
iii tg thn w rkfth tin-ef the
mlnt.ettAItll liii-lieilthe cli-ill imie-Iid'
n-ornkn in t- lidept meni t o t hIlen-gamti
s t it ou t l i titl I i,; tit-igr fnar
Sousa's Band, Conran Landis Toitght at ight oaclocek the Uitier-
angtesScred-Corse nunitof tlteltigniti tglineniiinntoityni Big Mass Meeting on Friday Night-
aGdaLa stOter Ycu eaorse l t n ti h IHa ititaia Learn the University Songs
dr___ess ginvitnt.yPtrif. J.I-I Dain ef theand Cheers.
enntneerttnlfacultIit.,inoem 309tint in
rie.Sudns'Letre asota-n sesit lly iid to h 1 tI h.od nt gstt~, le clients, the ent-
no ira hefild wi e tturetn of itle rinenttthnt Ilt wlii ttrsit e a met n t oli in eit
P n"_etlos le llaem mltitt k eie itnei n ni etiii i e tir ntd tilglnorious success I Come otit,
tie tde.-tnFordt nit thin nndtRecord-ieveryoneton motnrrows-night atnd trip your
ilt Secretary Sam RobertstKatilat-ti alm n eai ter te realizne ltenetings.
1-stldent lt -tli iira nt i l-ttan i-iI-I-tAnli t tli it ssmunr i ee ting wnit ch illen
- tn e til I tittin ~lt tuntil it hiw tn ds as onntinie ofth en h nest iiiat i i itient sintn
CW iii i f e slt ighni i-t-nta tnil ltle ii i it astntafac itors omo r evening tere in0ao'c l
tnt . Icllrabl t en faiIn n iterill y it tii in lit.filcinthet g fweilf enin tith ile i i itgi ie Sitnit itr
stlet i h nit nee ititcolye.I l verni t udantt of in heiiunaiveruitiy shoul
I irliltmmmd1111eii nnl itt 111111mis tilt retn. Thtiierenit.ahar
1n l fur tl~yltimitte fi th e lti i cehsif i u ni tty i h ihs nia i
; ntn n t isi ear.mi Lean d T . P erslt- soetti Ihelf lt ing ifactse reini nnttettn. tn w-ituibn ntnnI
iii ii it ii I g1-c oit i stor anndi 11 nin nit is nihin nit-n dtin t on biie
the tn1 miltl 1111 tn poilnilil sraor w o a b.n ad wth sn sa d hes
tnninin nit P tn-nthensinnylit-li n-i-i-ih-bintu;; tamu is othy fth lnelihes t eno
fet1tnet n nt iiieit tint8Slumoi
li-i c n eemsInsnget m ita i it ni ilni i i eiin itt-tiltoitse.n prifstntndinthIeuiteworkl i ll beti spurrted
Only lit it ~t. tilt itt 11111 gitt ptinof itntnt itt- - -\ l milt l fit tn1 itintitfe1ht1-iilnie ~ii
! I lopkinson Smithnattinit nriol111111r- n i-mitrdysb tt ti is nteedt i ll
te wl nuag111ititretndtfrontmlhitsiblie tilt neit-in tlti- lianIiwelintdrinlledin irtld.
IretT o po - tote dlg t i ii fn i [itThtiieirei n utl y ari e nmani-tnininyo tentfnittut
ntur lst niltlk a ut the ild au- and ncnlatinofthe poinsiirnnd t
hae 1i ,)5 htin e teri tiuname.
"blockn ii tt," il eoinu lltitnihld ol
tnte Illteiitocnnecnt withthepg
tknGrrlh i n h a nd ml [ ilt
ig.-il reco edt til hue ball.
WVesl, left waunrilfor (tuit Noithertin,
tn-it teel in jtt u hure . iec lied ,it
tint if JileCuiitinsitriftin ine nsplhe
nit gameiwinthntua dnisolantedtheiiltint t if
ncly b un ised fance nti I111ll
Ohl l Vmol 1tin mnickdff i tthtbl
wasNtandtutitnnonltgot ill.fhrt lsnhnul
1111te 1fo tivety rdtine .uit lositlit
andu nitett fell oi n h lull. hey ftailed-u
inn -tin titrit ttu In inghitntckle, ut nent
thrughletrfi-li-t-ivad. IIiteviet,
the Intlentiner atnxititiamtn eren alle
ninthy.On hen t ltheyfu-f
tntd nd-I itf.ti half itditen m fnhad
111111 hebal e Sti in iuhfrnt aivedtuandni
iv t thino till f ii th inetnt in t o
Stut twoand inottihhu f tilt T te
tNtcross nnh slippedi t temptingtoflogtut
tal nI fileduto I ii.n1 Cutis wntni
thrughtifortighutt-111aind gffiun tgttix
itondthe nt-lut.ICapttinuNoirronsglut
hist handslall nuttutand ti nnbulthe nxtin
his han tutu thi n- m-tly- bosinsoifl"Bull
the enditifior fiten in ardtsn winthin ia ntir
andtahl f tn-tine I 'it eeks nut tine
itid ur tui tii itt-tnoveriiirthne
scoetit. IIn-1 it-Ieattndition if thinhltl
spoiild hi ut-ntt )111nn i lf- t Scoee , -ni.
Olhio kicked oil tiloiNourinostnhotgilt
it just -t-Iack if tt-e iioa1 hne. Some
i t ntl a e it rig; te) nithe1 unit.
nil thui t. t ha e nn t foean-
nuls, ife -inn u red, neittedIntuit uutntinshont
ottftwil itt tn ni i tvntnl ti heintfe-
stift f antuu ut.rtunebltil teildtpe
le ii fnd it nwretiltalntkfie o
uinit adhe in it backthnthirly yaunst
nl 11111fiing t ine, nnththem nG irrlls uit-
tutul nitlivhuntrtumls.finr te tiiuiihi
Norcross gnt'itieniexnt kict-otff ann thut
tiyitya uiti nd ni i t ihnaik twntiy
trdsi. nlaofin irain fiftenatntd Wortk-
tutu ine en nOhItiottutortern gtnthit
batll oiiianfmle.n Lynsu goutuone
thruotughi the1in I ttandt1Itnnestprepeaned.
Thieyt Ihetn Ipanltdto huNI gufit 111111thin
tlinit-ive yrnintl.huThflitrninty tint
tsomeunrnundit ttu fnabileanth Curisu
coldgin()illyn thuett Situt pinnftend tin
Stimulionnthintwinntlivelntyatrdlint, who
returnedutnim tlpyarnslbtfomrteGrahitmm
gutt 1I. yns ngilt omum.litom sin,
thent-wnnritipenaized fofin -sOite illy
~The pnunndhum Norcrossmut liitemutifered
(Countiuunutlet n age 2.)
andBr I tin1.Dufrietiastinklyh tutu-
testan t. Cngrensnun Chatrles It. In
nls iinmgonunoralmnm afmtt.- unhiumu
tspeakeriof thin thauneI Ii lii tye
inill represeunnt tetutlduof liticst. atil
-Al. t l~nt th e tele ntedlsoiolgithmnu st ill
ta nilf social rtftumlt Jerointuit . 1 Jim-
immune, thin ut.ell tuultow n humoris tt frmi
nnrossttemwmittstilt ldlinnht tint.-ok1
hPrtsidnunfthlermaminilofVim gitl Iumi
verstyn isneliitof thinstrng nmi mumblers
tonthe tnoune. lit madeiiaIverytfavor-
able 11itesioiinilat lnarnvmiiilstt year.
muemltinrs if hthudrma i ll t beIhut lighut-
mm huttnherFricktntWnNrd-ieu,-the ing
hu tutor ohisIteenttuppilor~ tml inn
hist trngediestby utcinht Itittnita I hnen
Inot nnt hJnmn NItC titloutgi.Th11m
MalntntmnIiti nnl i tlllsupitt for
thin open nnuumbehun wh ittninhull mu tote
generl strt tinlltteniurmuni
hu In teetwelve ntumbersarertpnut
snt titl -llthe ineun muf nstudy omumnul
wenhihndelign nd mmi nstrmtutiltdt.erpm
resnttliite ill tath castin eade-
fit nitdmmanullifinr cousticktsndnnt
resrv e a t i ts in ey libtrisanthall II -
dctosp inn o heutuuallitnts n
thin letreasstciatnton'workin.i
nhhitJunal uitlub o f l tlimitanialde
yeinmnmmn romm , nitri tlt-lu-ll, Fidayun
eentuult1 tertnm13, at S o' Itil
t)Ime insmttmitdt t1initnd.u fle promgramn
Imt.rntinalmn1 mtt muteContgressamltVien-
N-eetinunif StileoesnnnltyAnnoiti im
_Pro f.itRoth.
kxpiot mmminiiiteNn ot hernmu I tlt
Shla. mrItDai.
Btaniial1t lt n -iAroundiPtoey.-
Dr. -Kaunffmn.
BomitanialNenwstof thinDat.-fromfestsor
N eeColl]be.
Thineeeciommnilftine frehnniid
soplhotlmutt rprtsttaitiven funrIte ienc
mtit huetboardef thinWomn'sI Att ihetc
assnnitu imn it nh ll i t tkep lae iafternon
tnt 4:3 iIn nilbnull gym.Ti Ihittcndim
damtenstwhnternoitmnamutml a wttek agm
mine : tmrtshmttnthissnesChitai'T'rat.
lood.nn loencetu Bankter ndmmiiAdaimsi
so~l umorMnnt Issntt I 1amrietl Suiatltey
Kaut Campentetr taud OintetBuctks.
fOnly membertisnof thutassncitinctil
smilelimitnianopporenitty will hue guvnl
finn netw ipeopleto in, thliistethnoommn.
nea mu e tutu alli nt ~negnmnniug nstmuen,
limt finrmterminder o mf tl tthy ri-r
rentic tldiuto mmIntlsnof tinetumultty.
j Theasociety hun-mu nelihtedinnIreai-ng ti
romnm wherilent nl lihei nmpornm t enugneer-
110tritdtoi initmers Ia inimrnthefopenigt
mhu ah mumy I chouI-n-nnl lmiyear.m nte
Til TechI mntic. huntsdliiiliht inderuui
tnlthe ice fthescimeet eiana
iounalIalleInTtheI cithniunhAticlesnmof
.,lii n nm rifthinctemulrepcontibmlutdlto
mithintbyuproienti en--int-salo al
ual rieim tini ofinxnilinmentsu carniedutt1tu
unmii supertiinomfntni eii nigneerinmg
civth t copnu ituniteenwnile ttumysin-
nTh titontlcialtwan tneoftiensoity r
atte b n a i nualintqnet ivtty ine
te-ttprinhut- iii mnntiiti I l receitulgint ot
hit l h inberinimhe nit ineingl fatulty.ii
thn upMitnnuunil hit-u-emue ettieug nmi
quaiintld mull their inttonrs.n'lint
societyis inhighly recomendednl Itlympthin
trmi ent i f te facultuy andi
Io,? l l NIlI- t 1S.
-Nt a-mituing on ilentVamuitip Ilitttuu
latnih, re Killenenl nun electeed
ltadertfifll tliii camm usednily time
whitiet tmlI m utnuttin teunierity,
in idnulmtini inih uumleutsitt Iffatins titti
I,;ver ppulr ih thin ntudetbodmy.
lit lilt bee~n a mmber onu f tintgeefltuu
ammn mulite ite h tpat fne ytanun
This tileit ti nn t tb cnttitutional.t
must ine ratiiedmlbinnthiefatuity 1board1of
his inomiitii teen ustmatyiinthinpahtlto
etit as ieadersn lit notii sntudentsin m
tint mminitutusity, oinatly twhatt pointin
thefacliy wll ssmiilthiit caetn it
J. tuturr in hintrenignsn, is n i01
tumdiciand111eturne of wirkitt mph l
thinsnithp. Ileittas itbeennmrominennt ill
t tutubhuortinteityters ndmmiihnldsndon
t1.heinSgumanAlphanIonmtasit mnuy has
retedmmilithereidnence if Nhints.N-VS.
IPtrry, 417 i'atiWasinugtontnret
J. tFlete Iemtne tii, its tehinig
talgebrautntnuu I nnnnimung line fooutbl tealt
in lt I Dubuqmhiue, Iomin-ithight nihool.m
heightG. It Cnnie, 'e4 it, i iss t mu nti
Time umeenimngoutFrinday taught will hue
of thinmmmusteumu liftte wetuhertisinftavor-
al.If nitthinassmbluuhy will hue in
Uuniersit ill. I tugit Alenwill hatvne
ncharge nil time meetinug,-ndi mt intethess
inn sa myha t t.eafair mumi otmeat g. tlanu
1-cn tihticthingantsoldiviritily guardtu
mmmi litemos tprniluet maun oisu
lanslime tpreseminuncoth of Vanduerbailt,
unill gune a(elk. Noitrondnuttin folin
himlis requttnied and mhlt mlittwill havue
inn sa illtbutin iumumedtiateinteuirest.
lDtamumCoutlityunillmuatiltsifammmid Joe
Cumti hums proumminndlhumoaddrnessthn
mitt flloitng-thtVanrilt lmtleamt--
unill ninth hu iniiattendamutt
ailogethert thn- meetnug plimisienslto
tuue on iutntens itn ittum and ital
onei nitersfu to miiihnilidtnuo that hue utho
tit mumtht inatlt niat tuliyitent,an
Lynon u si omtitnniuu e nwu ntst ti
nit-en mthn way of f1-ilihi ndttu itt-
Itis i nimaive fint inn-y Mtichuigtan
mnutoInbhe tpree uttnt -linpefet himsenlf
ini time snrn fr o eotinig mappropriatoteinnlie
gtatenl InfootballInutemmiliumhencountry.
Fidaytnyight, 7:30non'lck
KifnfiIt;R OIhS IBACK.
Catin "Molltty"Wendelal nians sent
weainug a nsmilt. yensterday. Rted"Kilti-
fer liait driftdlunchkInn college timd is
eligibleinfinnthei varitily hasintaill tmen.
Killifer iisin tint cattchti auntwill lie
tu truble umaing--timev-rity
lie conmuen origiunathy front Kamlammaoo
collenge. A ye-nt -moaIhe maught Schulten
onm time 07 hit class maam andulliehewin
wni-uuthncaschnntmpimnounhip fiat'07.
Red's"mhtmtutu nt itrtewe-it mmm
Southertry uild instilt ri neuunhmtremh
IKlatch, tush t yitr'scitcher, snill notu
retnun thmum earlimitwsthutKillifer,
Stanger with beinn lumgoondihamndns. tOnly
Cmpbelnandtt if t mliiire iitnmg frm
tint yeairns ctlniitnihil tetiltthuslime
umumiummta for muett yeair'satt hitbiglut.
Anhnc ue NHolly's nismite
Prof.. Jammes NVW. Gtint will give a
lecture oiiiltnunin mmTappn ummhatmllin-c-
inure trooml Mnntdayt tOtobertili, at 8
m m. HIin nubhject stiltlinn flue Presnt
Inuranuce Sitiutinm with Spnecitalrueh-
eenme nntimte Affamirs iofl t h Equtale."
Tme maddriennsn is oeun t ll nltudntsndt
time genmerm aublic.
O r e h 1Y$2.00 Cashx with Order DELIVERY STARTS IMMEDIATELY No Beck. M uwbers c.n be Fuirnished