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November 09, 1905 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1905-11-09

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The Michigan Daily

Ift HIalback Played at Tackle in
Yesterday's Workout-Hos-
pital Almost Emptied.
lUosl pthe bigstin siptter sant half-
back, who iha its eno hetshospital list
sinc th beinig'oof tsason,. got
irst limsiceiss'the Nebirsk'a gamise.'His
knee' is still sicak ansd it ws'thilogh~t
inad(1visablet o playinis t h f last ight
ansoseiiquiiiitls\Yst siitmuhint tigt
11ckl tt 'hiiistil liihoihasless ply-
in hei tion iiall yearisis.oninsiediito
his romi y sveeitscko st ississi-
ii.Te olisi ciplelis,"Mastis,
It iess stuit lissis sie'getting atisis
sbet e no tesitnlcpsscsice.s~
'slits' is "cisee siitic'b 'igtsetmsts ius.
cse fyonlss tshesilisqiiticicasssthescappyi
lite af si's calesy-horse t fa i l t
sh aisfs1a5 coisii hps ii ciii
']'ihiswork lst suhi agais cnsistsicd
sicrils lli sinal i'ractics' 'ndiputsig,
th g'round.,I 1iss' tieing iso ond'iionsiisfo
s isis iTheva sity l i t sitsaa
uulCatain or >s~ss'beissgit Iis
ollce t quater andii s trstsick iat l
The igame it .S.ciii st'. iiiturday ti
c~ii eey itl ixcitementivasict
ran isigtarcsc It i" i-sicns ideredti
ieey s s" ittfits' whic'h 5mcit gbsi
r a iweek Ilhissr.lOhis Siasicis ot
iii icrd erl sit strong"as I tsysieit
ls yarvd i islhairils pisitsbli thlat
'iossi will take5iiiany iccs ofhin i g
any of hsiis citci pp' edsoc i t 55iiis lilcy
th lineups shill he made usiltaitrIigl'o1
slotintmc'sing ofsi' clarsisspreisidetsi
colors asuiniisgnia. 'Thei 'se itimentiwisI
ua iosin iii t tossi vingone com-
biniationiiositcilosfsoiiieschliyeasr ii til-
le's'e I Isis''etsi cioss soltetres-
ent sstec'iss 5mseniitioniied Ias eicgthe si
confsion thatsises rove0r th sislits
ofi tstiitcilirssid som' cassclis
Th cion ofisi e si tilc is'c'i okthi.s litrmi
ofi an ensement of. ss.ss sthesoii'cltios ric
Illh-prsentedsito the bacrdsiofsirec-sit
srs anillyithem approved.ntmtisi i Iions)tu
oit President'sii i ilsis ofI the sitoiO'in''i-
eest.hies' iesultiiisweresti'liss tsi ioisly
al~ole an icome Iddo this'fIt-
isise cnIs'eraiono h tleicssas
socitio atther fist enesloteiitiiii
io lit hesldin iiJasiuary.
Thec issanice' sit tse' re slutsios,
whlichs si'ses pssblishes] inilast Esriay's
Dalis as ifollos:'iWhereas, thelcko~
ofi anysusilsrIitsiyi ior ,i iis ior rgti'lo
in tse i sts-r sit clss 111111er'ais isd sl
oshsgvnrstoI sma'niydilffcltis
tuhatedpicatirn ositclirs andi
thec apptiimion 5 f0550 rsitolirs, i
is 5 ssoilt haamitsi'5 sing of s itth. eutir c
fiscinu classi t'ss shll be':Ise11d1a tlit
islig feaschs yer, toblie t sdetd
osr bIstheinterscsclstic muaager.
Thloshall csessscoos wichstl smst ht
slptsrised Ii ilielboarsd of cdirtolrs.
'i leii resluion ss piovide os' ai ui-
hecasioftheiif lfet iiepttarmentsi.
1lis Islasetoss IfirsIpreidnst ofl thes
1 Uiesir 'isss ~ssityYugW~ esss Crisias
assoia5tion, i-iWi l l tss'ets'isg cif t
Isaiztontis eslisiss' 't5Nebesrr
ha ll

ANN ARBOR, MTCHTGA§. 'IttII !Hi) \Y, -I I\ I' 'II ifoIdos.
In thic' drsaw ii tc seexiisofththsreelrttHAMILTON CLUB DRPO(jD l _ Z
l~te~ >iliesigisects hul heso t stlls- ~e CONTEST TONIGHT
iisil still bli t wee'sc'ns l t h si lowsanid

rtoftengineer's'> As teltpsshadii
hadguiseyesterday they sill b l -
lotis ctoiirssitodsaysuit tei scu-fllut
silt1robab litscud11tomorrowsisastsrnoon.l
1906 Laws Defeat 1908 Engineers
10 to 0-Engineers Triumph
in Impromptu Rush.
liIosisrs sere' ciieni xcsitsl;isasill
a5 5soreS f si t oi ,ici sistic' engie s goil
reege y rsingsi'' tie sdisciplss ofsi
Irot Pera Mtclibateewti
A t s tu h e' c o n c us io n o t ic' a m e th
lasit i thtliii ph ntl ellslilissi u
thei-ea st s iiideo 'tatei.srets d> ingingtill. it
haws," an tsncingcthats'' y wer
tsnginss'terits' d 'partmec's.
Sullcniansuit it sthes'nineiieccs
Streeicca55 isinlls giing tentsilto ian
ias it c harged a~s' c'ssuth isstsetino
ilelaw ank. Te ktics scattecred
and npr itrdiwricscu ic tills> sni
m d lite rssacii Isisisci ti is isthel
sris e its der cnt I th iim5r5h
Riccistith cklof iscrisscnisswshlls
Inb isom itsi sitilce i-sianding its
themtierstysaraslm tisdemascid
imi atnsdii sllR isera frtic seter ofii
thcelstep lefiii I isis ciii sAisi
thes' iiisits sliterillsoreuscf115'5hinsisi
lrught i nt ds Issi i th eatic lsi 'i' ttlly
yards tcsisIRie cis t lnihistedl s tip atics
whliles' te '"iningi5e'c'g~icclrs blow iim1a1de
sssscsisssremsirI; labout a I 11>1045ysils'
lawytr." its'a Isrtings'cell Iof I isistih
'tich listtfieli snite rs dit si 55ss 5ma551
thes'guls ratheriuisaisfa Icryiiu Ih
toiin. IIIs's' he " i s t haslfl t y soe
Longigo'iig 5ov'r' I tesecondssalflst
''hi't' iBrookts Insedits td sroptskick lisris
thes pisitty iis iiine r tselw . I a
very's's s snithelisciiuessssclassitItshat
i lit'a s 'pu ints > llte d ofs-s's rois' icks,
gimer a i t ligteisg daittess>
shelt tetr rusheidiltie li-ll toithela s
to-isisrt Isieitiient sis cal~led 'lTs
[list-sis>itps wr s>tiliws
spo6 ts= 1()508u's 's nstsr

IMany Prominent P~ronilnent OratorsI

Will Tal
Th hsora
vei ty \s ill Ii c
this 55 heigs c
Ia ilsoclubsi
of C it o it
alitoistO lto p
h illsth' h

kce Part-Winner
s to Chicago. eycoeaditrsig
ills sillocust osill italei'
loes' for iilihono tr ils.lom F.itI.Bat'le'tt, 'of6 liii,)
tillassIcontesttin hisIIr111111
toniighti siteight oloctk.
'ided I toil heiit ne o H 04lo' Hail n oteu c s t;
07 liii spokin casscoi
tictest ie t h h 111pri ii siyii-i
sit06, iske i I I sais isilt
perm itd i toco t fo rcii
ap) stills Ii's tills 55515
1111 11a member ifithei: l 'lit
oilntd hs contesi ts> i s ls sitil5
tem an s'trigus'rk
ofi isiuit
lityrst diiiiatin5g suitlsiii;s.Cto
v e ~ s t r u , ~ h i rh i s s l lSn ii t s
so Oetrios Iisitucitios, (04 co d h n ri C.
h igsin l' tho1 1 ugh its11l slisbe
teom oos l styeIbti i nloisol de-phssoiet
ti-tace' i ehs'lt lawi c
11 ote55 511 1 tst iv.$ Sya . I). oti tlie
oi llo to ll will be lien ctive i in ls sisnd

cl'te, A -II w p rnlt~c toii 5000this' 1111
ilto clII tith~ li's's.
TIe cm kstis i hIoI tlistoosooso so- to lit

(Constinuted ott pa

Albert Lockwood Gives His torical Recital '1

Nu, 3"
sissy ofth Line-Up Started Before Mid-
ust night--Seats Nearly Sold--
us sssus oil his Officer Ball Reappears.
s ftcsh- hith u n hu'loc 'issusa itguIhikt us
w-r.Ili ora5- sdents lnuti inltifr lon stofa ly-
I. I . t ,'ggeits tr. This's we'-ti'joinedut hutseecrl
-ontsu o lst Iii Ichiii of fraterityullS t midsuunight,
Nt slhit edoh rohsou t tt thoue o'nigh . At eight
totce uon this i 1111 ' 0l >lye sterayi oi ngiiuii' t'liste'sex-
I?.Snaye. tnde s fIgsownlsuuSills stieth (tass-
stots ase-to'ttuhilsritarorsndtuheittrieamsuoil
555555e5siy ti lten bsuinnedsto o outr iii util aout
i. ' o ht Io 1o'c 'sc lstohl oft 7 suitstic-Icc-s
ibtr scit ; ;t till ohboutit o0'tutu luts>too hoc'ilcdh'i.
won1 hos highu of 1 suits''>r i tgs i fr it100lossht301
t aduOiv' inide-h i reluctuoru luistaslthIat he is ginilg
--, hWilstescond tapu t chuss>wherevetil here' is sily
-oitlssioflaIs s ustoicadig aott 400ses t t it hu
o6 'Iut, a . 01111um cp ityofii h hthe H itd. IBe-
Ssuity - ssorkhs silsesthisseoheslt ill heotanigro
ohseit it Jeftti tilt about I uuhcsshtat 'e'an itill
seen a membeli t uleta 5s t' li'ii 20,00tnit Ithi:i' is ca
ge .) itha lose tsa ha inlc ill hes's.-
's- A tlths h is'asner h cn srof the
redniesday tic it hlsts hrt oissdusIthishlt sobtia
oustsow eil'' r h ed o thouied
ills ilail cs oil-lihe 'very iinearly
toti1 dni o comoaeth m
his a listts hioa > coutsitrst c me
int .it is.
'lhots 'stu hi m r iwa m d
1t l oal pon e-toutIm, too tSilht l
rcrcutwh m aps tm aii> st sislity
Ii rlunfrtunate nough (tlose hi
Otis , i l stot-git'hls cotes
staiedI lysthis us ho sluors hicusi hiits
pere,5 cvr ad ie t itrbusyi
a, iftieamt I55 a-u toolehi-totthetu delu ts u
of arh.Duin hs tyhiscrstledt
iii ointis osopu his s ft-u- hesidstu
-'aliii. sNolsonetstttoo 'st tis srosly, i tsi hu
is's- gusts tloo hofetis' Io rei rocatsush
The st thi tills slthestol sealed Is
be Wecoe ac 'M. al, uthoitntug
-thes emoutiionl - ---I-- -
so de ih'stuioilhss 'tthFh;IN>I' hlt.h
itcihss _____
toicl eresis A hotsinging5s 55ttliilltthhldh
'u tose masstrin the ''outsisum its oit snight ct Is:45
freqttuen t 1pre- ort /:00 otock is t p 101r1seoIhut
i,,r its>; for c s. metuingtloss't'rech sits':-.cgie-
reia n ld eisa ot t slis q ue s it iof thei?. of Mi.
M lit h stiltsll. P siTs si T uebd wouh iill hoist
is mors rrelt re of thimilsetitlistn I this'stuenuts
this varits'clis os'e Is -u Iso assured t1ha t t us' outhcomse
heard n Almwill e satsfastrs
rt. ltIis't'ti ls thpra s T e .ill htecnistsehehs, btta feIwu
of last sescon, sonso sill pit'lly helt tot ngi2.Th'isswill
Ihicittis asduit iitittisuiti t'ih his l lst igtg an
greatlyo- ucsva tild. scheeis'g5'5 meet~ ilts" efore u thes' I'ist'itsiui
place- osn Wd gric siu tlhutigsUnitsnb1nqut chwsill tae
t4:30 p m, n lc'suits'eofth g m , suitSa
ievte slt ou t u'hiesc'mee ttinyothelrt'igu ht wuuldul t iey
lstss, Scarsittsit sohrw ia suitllIcowd becase l ist o t lst'-
tush Moahi rec its coolle us-orkc

Illicit lists scoutJI
th this isll S_ - c'd r~

Col -t ' so It s Ii
1 )Iuitl1. SCtsI-
ildluth'-s his',

50iitriscit 's
'solos thus: e
ttl uul (usa
MIS. ist a

1'111lti 5s'tt5outrtec'itl"is
th IIo. utss'tsuo'sotr1stit 11

sins-il s OCWOt ssOD.
list anounsscs thi statesly'ilistijtttot Its
it comtiigldearttese ofCh i rtt
itt>lsshlii" utiliti-iof thue' sodtelust
of ianfre A featuretof this tush
aly m s its, this cpreerece'sis gv
illsu N)tht wrk wic ae es
snt 1 schs it us s ces-t pr'o';
'tnlthes ehtcuovenir
itWitithutioutisit Iofhetsfit>oilits:
titus lhoss 's i i ssis555 515 tjos oftli
ciii s lossit hs hedsuitstsadls
thooug"huts'thus whicth hiaticnevdertheiss
th imlioh stim -Ahtiss Fo thitesmutst p
14 ivets'such swsiltoothlows tsclslythse
hisntr fitssIedlaltholuh Isev sit t
us sitalmsht I Icli it owskts sill his
t Aboius Ifor T sufrteitlitake
I och uso ais l 'i uesulay,'-Nosvs'berstues'I at
ltit, st 1o ct1n 1ruese hiall, ato hlhuhlo
thus "enisout eighteentsh centur5551511n11
wheuther iit t be uRonneatt, Bahct-II yslu

Jonss (IsaIt.) . I T.... tush.tird si it ssususuiseuilY s-stil
i-vtuoi on . .C. . . .. R viuckc sit lut tollase sof this' 't.
Jusane r......R.G .,....G e ther s ri ess u o pee c it
Brooks ... ..... . R ... ... .. loon imossiblessk:titi u it lAnn'
Bell. ..t . . .Q.1i... . .Suct c t ilitesitnd hvinIhi M r.>sc
Lois .....g .F 1. D v son ecs dsot i-t'c stive mastc-I

Tomorrow Night at
w Untiversity Hall !W Co NC. LANDIS OF 1NDlANA

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