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October 06, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-10-06

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The Michigan Daily

Varsity Squad Thro' Severe Train
ing Stunts-No Scrimmage
Althought Coach Yost (diinot gis e h laueo cimg
lst right. it was plainly evident fron
tetworkout goven tetsq-iuadthat Is
didi not expect the mitstakes made il t
irs thItlf of the Klamaztoo gametcto brpae oorwi h az g i.
Ce. acling the (lttttpy signal prc
ie sitli pacise-thtanl in g pnswral« h rgaadk,;afterduts
the iseiswere llowtied1 t unto its i
gsssss-isntss -lmiossterisoutt wtititt
,issit-s te Itad een setsthlrusg
TliIie-tilt f the vtrity it-Ossligtti
icha itedt iesterayit lemtisitClark tes
its at ftllbtackitwile '1msta 1m
twasplyediat Ihtis ld tlaseeatigit al
Dulapias noti- - sut anit sit i orkisso
is stfferingifrosts adisiC(horley horses
stilt (wrkedin sitIltoiss oudsilie,
at left hal-ifCurt, _ gstinStar
toil Schlste aete lltrid isout kickinssl rmplcmn.Nrcoswo
ini spite ofIti s it sitsfsI Xkliestoi
Lonigmati asiatile tsle sesisss ivet
la orftsh~ebra ttms iiitulthle ai
of crtest.
Thle Cagescoolttueleenich Itcomstlt
tosorrowiis its sitneasttprsititt
fir Michni astnstuthiss-iaristlesae sts
ts le betertis ninsformesitetrsiss
lisitill tk ni hacs.Acodn os-c i tsig simtesit e hit1sit
sints arei its g esthsi icoril
sll f lisis.yeis rsestntsaiteliback i st
an itte itswva sits ioitilts isish
temaefiing a555 isiel-cnetf
-iilt igh shool f Cevelandin iititi
gaeifte -siseaibythescoeto f
to, is siba isyits ea is the Mihs
so-s testi, tie sudtti~ gn ao
Thle Cas-islists-utp aill le pickel fs-ti,
sh lwisisg isisits Ieft editi.tt
sy, or sitdil-eiy 16i;let tcks, Kot
eill-i sirr /s-gee s18o; left glrie
lieadsfordisi p;ceners Vyissssi.te
iht gttatti Wallinsgtg- srighs ak
Switsit8, rgit ediBiintsh.; qu:
i-ibck, irii nutolftislfiack, ia
fuslback little zo
Ctaci TIurnsetrihad li-ispckt e sisIv-
teday- sfterssosuitsfr te silsrim is
stasgs- 1stfrsteAliisttgmsitmro
Aot tirtys renss were isoiutu dfest
theistwlist esswters formes.eiThey is
gagedinitssignal isratice forse -ststist
antd seerthesslised ti fr scimasgsTetotaswreuuulyee
smsatchesd and it tiook seserl sinsissio
hardesiplo-fr tie regular temss tscseti
sits tescrubls. Prank Lnsgmansts isiisis
ontsote hels itih tie ais of acts
sntilgavets--hie bcs ssmse co sisg is
ue butckinig. Ititeser sins cancinig is
sefesse file 0 greater art tof teti"'llneU whc w igotlbtot
s tiesrrewsistnt slyet ects delinsitely del
idesi is-iew ti sensare comisisg 0outever
lip. Yesterdayanieivoy isesisnsswtil
iexpeted tel sake god tas otifis
lie iest titme. IHosweer, the lue-its fe
Saturda'si gamteis-will likely le hoe
the satite as thant of the Niotstsal gns
iast Satusra. 'TIis afternoonthtt ies
sill lot ailight signl pracitice ut is
Mi ss Nisa Boyd,(f etoni, MIiris.
sicerof Dr. Atchiisous siiristessse
iif the homlloeoati hsospitillistssen
teredi te hospitsal t mae a cutrsei
narses' traiig

.NW\-- RLRR,-I IC H I1GA-hNiR I h)AhV, I iCTh )h}R (s.tIc)r5.

No5. itt.

£~J~1NT~C1 jT ontest Between Parks and Coughlin
uiviui RUSH OCCUURS TONIGH ca Fierce One-Polls Will be
____Open From 4 tO 6G.
hatt 1'lh d it s-ilnd isma-y ste usils- stse sss-se-ir ses-e s-its. Oit theis
Battle of Class S Starts at 8 ibe s lit--i eit. tit nisouies were suilt hshldietheis.s-si )hr--isiorCotsghlist
11 O'clock---I relminary En- a liiits I tihe pot' Xeussie iht S liici an sli-tt tihelssnisr-il icissg
iiasushi sususl tupci-ut-ii shortlyis afte-i'.st us uIn:° p ui-iu l iet'e swkll -tushdsafter th 7ssieve ssietheu niverthus' pened i lasse
counters r dlicat 'lToniglit S tcloush is 10- i' i lii' tltit li'h h i 1 iii ii 5 aptued titl eusismat i le ie s~ tls tu utsii tshss s t
Stu g e , l e Fir e it g f-stcitin s e 1ne uh~ ris -i-isn il 55 witti- ii wtss escortinug 11is Ilty frits ctush le uut
e 5 uurclth 55lii ite iO) tuhiitisue libieilFiercetsliurs ufe thus suiteus o itas of ugofi)trill
gcsit sirectedis atsu thes cass of hestslutst and t home suis i ws thus lfu edsuit'atheluususuartsh is ltsesy sll tshtere-
't i il fsrolis xsihssli5isi si-s-ito it the- suu fiairsss ieuone tlt i- sil istis cisi ussl ussssistiu
ii ht ' '---- uhI u ~-iit ttsthe ocher ca inr po te--i uulist- sutse s-ssitouututuig1-lsus suehes silIIi ieitet:isi',siii
lrst: I ii u-'111 it-u-it isflo ' li'rtp eu sui of 5 h-til -sh ins<1 s tiwo-i t re-i sii fori te in setll iofSi e sits t i-il lllbelie. he us uasl noi t i g l
tili slet 155---i s'-lt''ii i-sis-ilameito ~ispeehemsuswi Ie diveed ate vviic
e i Ma e it li~? slitr fehu til fts oppoii situps uids uu-ifsteuhn i jo W .I t cit ys-hstur a nts I to XXa tillsthsi shusss nuts hu' usssis uh
k'tsm tltii hu i- tu t-t ~ ~ s st ls u u tts i usus s huskollugwil hesisoVen ed'ndfits h ll
I--s ut u I i ie is ii ut iushius uiu-ntiltiui u-t issixsf-i-i' oC'clock.i stis''su hs
T h ns 1'tti ithei sh its ilt tushr- lusotshe-its herssttt shutsdu s o ut it ly ste li iiu iiiii usiuss i l- hssshsi ittlusui
huc'i lss it'te sit '-'ttt imp~ i ttsit -l~i utu wa whte itsiuchalit
us uit- st th-- iutIltit, t-i~i l tihi moning when teitudsuit sut-i tus
tbu tli L .ta u e i ht lon hiatr factios t t t he ut priise ws n- t~l ti t two ilt us l i -lvi (Its-iii stert Sis jtst -l
f. tre:s, tcl photic polef liithe ilyh'fs' theiipl~ils lucius-s. itinmuuhns's'u's.'I
n-ill ih~uuu Il sit~tlil elsiuiiiiitttt'-~lwfit-i' tols-i iliaiti tuu 5555 iii Xhti> e /tig5555i l -io ut e sunit eitntssus ui I us l
tilt foruh l. t o ethis d -d - athris I iit i iiia t h i 'III I)tilii''its l 5t5hI susirsit of iu'twnsw- re thsatirsousuusysssssc rll
bothis us u uu st th-ts sutalil ssl uts uifdii hs- uisis

ti' .
C 1'
11 l

of l10 ]i\issi. isussiits tush \Ve'tiuS'tos' thise rittujtus. uhut'e us-us
an ic-v, sslat isi ait-ei n is ind(felts Iisuuuu-mueInlwer'eshirill
u-si thesophomore classthabeen mak- deuce.
ils'1 ituie i utti i st ttu-a it ti
is uiutstt ii-sils s -5 ii liihi hsuuh htstis--u i tsts-
Juh hsrit s
its ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ssYtss-tsuihs yt'sst 5t i i i
sits liu ti-i'-i-it-il suhi -ilum til
be ynth stilts ember t ot t he new- ,nte1tim'. Neithlife
h-i l ts-ilnutihis till i i s itits ai 5 b isin asatil sI suit
-ute u s t d ufisa i-iis itf tised huhay. s otsh u heii -us -i us
il'1er frehmsitssit' rtsito geit i o tsh eit iuitti us till lithe m
lah ut thle tste suf its afut ter effets a,, )elc ts
Is li-i uu-steis his yits s hush veninglutist campussatItlustathus -aii
lt'e lst il pas tiwtek iti l iiake uusise suiah-up' (shts shu lush t '1li 111
is e s as nnl u a l i~sts-S hip-its cst isu sei trees intushari ts order
oftex nvrit'usdsira iinsa d sis- tottutu s'1'515u ti
hisn -mp-ouf Iistsh5e5 bieste e b re.frisu s ll lsti ight e p 9 i
units' st he ss i s st sru s ihe s s ec s sssit-s v e y . l eh a ln m a a ) I te riui t pwi r s c r cl i t t e t n d r r dtauilf e b ck if tr~it g tsh
if ts 11iiier y s li us' siy uf ias-si fitshit-i- rmsh mIsi
just wilt risntosu p lcinte'Willythur ehi-trip h iss cersisa
siasus tis usssuuu i tre somesiofithexist-c- st ildtershs-i ofthe.
slge isessi"Famte sus ntusfakcuty ndgastein teyt tolseip u shi i lie
suir this v'ti esesn tushnensigt hufrwnupsni'- hisus 2saitm.it s-i usu-us
i. Its ppli dt mi ishe isuusi l ld i f the ises re s .T
Sexi sn igtce. 'i5 -ugiihu c uul -i us) er s cpd
will eslimnatehone o ifethis'aefsity uet- tthu .s Tiss Ipotrw
unti f so siue it y eu s -te u n ts er s i c s ed t h btlurt isJst w o st-- i c o s . W th t e is' l l astu' e e n gh

'} t a lh er mi di aysu tv iu. Thlt , sun's s o f t'e (Ini vieil auit
hi-s-,ii tse-i- liss's. hiseu-pry, iitiKie. Keeler's'andsul 'it'-71'VIi if 'AsC[IhX C(ftiNC(
k- -

basigt iu5s'conct't was a5 tmoi5 sits-
smiets the u'ituiii i ls- smiof ithut llsg
andinceforteltits usrtists eein
ts m iiiim t '- 'i'it t -tilt iu. A Ew llithsuiti
s-f the us dssiesnteu ihs s - i to groi
itqulyen"i t hrouhutin te
ti-i ic W hoti itii g t-le I ititiuit u - til I il is
usor a sunorthcossinsg. Ini iheu '-lies
Russt'''of XXWeiniiski. Iei F's' fu- i r
hl-outdidsh liselfis Iis pu-ufosrmancuue bheinug
marked byli-i grealti-i-st ht ofi ltist' n
neeru e su--t li -u. Ints het-i enjoympient o f
fmutor ussui o b tsiht oftush
1that ists usth celmttmtt - tush 1 i lent sup
ple 0 iss-is uisgu . He wor
iltisisapitydrn pssessha
beeni111(; uirts heilstand latiht!us
Suict hal in hidemoni s-iedluhmwtinis-
Theipireegmietgutrusts-f hisrI-ihi
Ic hise fiwuste in ho t it-l mums us slush

Ier "itmiunme hlists
as5 thtrfeshi teruh ong t. dr
a" e hie te S-i t us\sit irs is uit f 190 stugim. ari
wcc -itt-ti ud'as Iul"v yasut' exper11iene-t inus
sies fte ~otu ic 5 ttttti - 'htktt t-sills iwo ii ofithese-i-
'tush mointis of ls mth I suitsFr ida f lit-e syear, sit ihs is well
ilneut n '-u u its-mit i t ilu icd for h eitS liii tt
i-s. Ximipsole san Athe soesofseightusiuu-'sontelst usill
Sops("narded Wu hi in andmu illhilastiusu'uuuesmiutssitt
ti tue psuter-iis t hitays Dlit JX1i. hiii te'iil1inus' i

tuA sl-t Xiiwith
he hi ss telhiuat
A 5 setilt 5.5of
tilt- s-i1us-ieldive-ii
itt-i-i -isthmi
vasi thsoe hichtt
Sit llsin sut- h
psmssithms ivsits

u s tiitiontshunt uite ay osrve'thus s-mus uhto beidubtedissh ie' issing usly remgardedsit
te-si- ihohutunimt. If lit-ibannerucomesi as5a5 most-i t isuji a cquitus usitionuuutoiithe
d nbfoethe- 'polsiti 50titShe, aguno h-ms-mi Itsof thes'chsoomut-i Oil nethis-ihurs-
tmill h-it fire dte h mmis'fueshmsse-mmlose. if, slur sight XIhiss lschnims nill behis eamsrd
howevers's. slt'he banner usitil emassss imsn s hn imafll] rscital prograsms-ifits'wihstu'
ithie ,hot- .-ues that twentiiin'mi nutemmSmisnight' 5sitoncvituusiieh highstex
is miii lthen tth mt- ill litmu' st-tt he s h. st 5s-'ti tiss
Th ei ioof thesumruefrwill hbei ab---- - - -
111111. ,I1RA 'Y RhIX IRS COIPl l'hE.
The ii-uide f m'ingissgthus'pittcse i-f thts
ruhisifirtshelm nru'()tsu i-f 5'titiihii g Dingmustthu s'tilti u ays ta gng of
am cu-llege tst mums whsuichs waill mmenso m ustsor(messnus hisitnegaugd inits aisr-
tig Thtsit-ilaciinofte.ibanner iltlinsmg thus'roouf if tSlum-nmiersiiy libransyp
sii-e thl niises sometm-hisng' dinu ite huto iths itsio ts repiinsg sihs- smithroof us
sirius suermush eguliniusnicsssary to- genpraI sew cs-ies shav' esseeniadded
mme slthSeusrushsuctests o h maunsitamsesu-f te busilinug.(Sw-
_.__it auIdeifecst intusith olducoriceswnater
XXMii sumsI hi0thus, foreumerlpysumnh'tg is-us laedithromusghs its theursut gollery
uihis-iuctsrsuntime liteary minimast-(andia aigunit-umbuher o f picturesshineshash
mueums its riturnediuiis-osteustsversipytsieta'i-ki-itsfruitsthur walls. nDountmus
afe i.ya' ravelin us C se a tsn il lumthsasmith lsseressent wurk mussthe us'sild-
toin is liiforersi'cap'cituin iithesnsitnmg thie t gallesry ihts-its cseuss-inc
gineuh'si~ ig epaurtent.msiu thum'o>'msiusg s-f scollesge.

$O d r t eD t''yT- d 200 Cash with Order DELIV!ILY STARTS IMMEDIATE~LY No Bsh~ok Nembers caxzi be. Furnished

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