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September 29, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-09-29

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Light Work Given Varsity Last
Night --Ohio Wesleyan Comes
Tomorrow for First Game of
the Season.
Owing to the excesent heat andel ac-
cnilaminnr injuries to players. Coach
Yost anid-iDiretor Keene Fitzpatrick
de itnot ttoahave a cilagni last
riht ind cnisequecntly tecr od 1hicht
journieed to Fcy fed wededttheir
wiatunomewanrd isliappoin tdit tnot hv-
ingseentteii pet in action
Siverat newamanwaee wat f-1r sork
at iin igt rnthmbigDkthtceti
a-ky ~7egineer lieman, and Dtotity
w a sat s dc a t fu ll a c k tit cW ttma n
is cauingliloniierbteitc catiitinl
aiiiiig fottlower"i(if tiegm, ic
Matictiian i w aiti a tay cii lteatmli
cctw iiiopoeatitiiiiitntarlyi aint cqut tite
ashevyasth vrstyitacef (tthio
Wesleian is mctaier cctanin cfor-
11111eaura, aeaiii ala-aut ia5taoacadst
(crmicaaric a'te tpatced-utpaafronct wtict
\tcc ta' wcct iceforacdto pectcccthti
d1111e- aitalfigura-tac iticin scatl
chetfortiiate it til a lcetirt oitaccat
tici t edforiardcitt 11wit ietith
facct tctctat t ic ackttancat (u\the paed ct
igau icttii ticldithit111vaty o 0t
Icicle. At tteIlatimeci iii" t c-o~
lit1897 Nil-iasco lachiii tao NWca
eta--thiit a attat Ilcic-htig.Ie
ccw aa tiallo edc t he t ic'itact an ge
men ctopatiaciate in ctie ';aueandu
plcying at tacttlticlic roe ithrough t ttic
liandatoatupptedt Mictigan'sc atataya tic
fori' te weairlycatatrated
at ara tocctfigurecwaattiiiilof a
ln-ptic vairsitn citlccaesent but
rimiicatiots 1n11111it loksitca eingt
Pactrick;acadscatrel111nt ctart;ii Ia-
ter,5Niorcaass lt halitt 'icaua full-ct
bak.To i t iciiiii i gh cctathalf thicc
tFRESt Ill"N FFR I ROltt
IttI T
' tle fiv' a-la bli ii tciiactsaufferet
Ia -a Ie itenic-Iat cit aeterdta lfter-
nooIln. cWith lap nosesand anitinc ag
aonoe cche" atcwciiithcrcciig fat
1 :fic i 11pr 1paationi lir Siiatax'a
"t, l achei teionicawca-ci 1nca tic
cit : as n fra i itinsno cal rimmccage
Threishrdwok aeat faitec
NIAti a Ic ctermaityitttptlat'eert
ccl tic at mdlih clie-eececptin of the
da~c c~ftheWiscnsina IdChiccacgo
i-c iitIe Chlicagocal -fI la a t tilc-
ipa1 al-res a a reiina ~rt tlhe
hi Cc liaec'ic gan ccgameac' t-cala. -
ccc tic.
Coch 'litcccimeccisaliteata-getia-an(
n 1 tei cenandaactiallt 1egini tcc ceed ota
sooccf the wakeratisila cafes clasa
t woe) cw cndidcteittapparedclJies
cwho p.aaed tcccion ltKenyon lat yea,
ccnd .aanotleranciacmaaa aNlker. NWhat
loocka itea cc(111attearedallicomanItccaa
whohtca payecdat OrcartLcke. I-I
weighcs 234 paciaccalaacclwoul cake a
valuale addaitionico t(lesquad.
-Thocse icc 11c School of Masic who
intecccdtguard Iteir aphyical welfare
arclbccy orgacniig a class for system-
atic work.

The liat of speakers upocn the Staccia
Icture asscieatiocn coucrse Incrthcasecc
lans just bteec coccpletedacid scasocn
ticets liar tthe cocaine will he onc sale
i a few clays. The high stacndard set
blat catcrasassociatinahanslieencequal-
ect cud eesu crpacsed. Thlitactshows
mcaricanyifItlenct, a thcing no ac-
ceptiable incoac'crse of Ithia laud.At-
moscctcl ali ases of life crc retiresenctedl
cad, likelaastyearacrse.,cc imusical
cacambler cas cccii secured as anicnicio-
Sicsas anda. whchat rva sucta

_ Conidcerablte gloomf is castos-er t1cl-
ugaic gridtirncprnaspectaslay 11ccfact thac
FranitaL, cigiiaai'a cocndctiocnastilt remcainsa
t scerinus.A lthohthii iIe big -fultlbackIwai
r reatinaf-ia-tn comcfcor1talyclatin ghtIit
1is a quesctiocn whthercalieccitt ticalto
ge acnato the .gameaa iiIthia se-an.c
t Ionigmcaaan is ia 0 lanI dcc ccaleltce'
football tIcmccinccchicsfccshalicia arc t iast
ben cclca lycdat itdcicit cclIeig ch acad
toc faillbca~cckaouitcthcc cmiddletc i
firat year.1cchetquality oflhia s-rc 11-
I sroealstalyh udt itit lace heci

\IC I tC.
Th1ceiicmany frcicndcsof ii oaactHudaoI
Iii 11aijesl. if aSouthiCaroliii i r c cc -
he- wacas onc of he l c l i enicaic ccc l
Mr. Du - Pr~iis ltcn l' atcthlcloseli
bciorof ep blian cicticiccic ortca ci.
,Iior. che hop lessly 'l.-cii ec


Doings of Michigan Union-Yost,
Fitzpatrick, Bates, Holderman,
Stanley, Norcross and Coe Will
Spea k.
"Evterybodacy out! "
T is is1cceast acordt of 11he'ccmittciee
inc cageaof tie fias tdoorla ccinigicig
iceltof tic' yc'ar.
't'iiic---7 c:n ictcniglat.
Sterecap ticacc aic-cc-s cffcctaclcl 1c1011


ill~~~~~~~ cacofaciIact yccc cittreicrc.acawiltcud aicisic 1cocisc'ciecciaclccic
alsao Let lad 'T.Pocers, tie famouncs i -ccc fertis \i.-c a t < vle x- S eeties lay Yotica itzpitriela, Nor-
perasonatolii soc welIt Inac-catn AAnniAr- t svlh vn -ce 1wcttthi Ii i I. Cl-illI tlldeaacicaic n sc p
caitt procablly 1cc trniest Setocn Ttc l rpoaat ccl c1 i111fe-asors ascia ttcs cud Coclcy.
tiitattl r~ao~icl bilty to grat 1(- or at a ciccacag if cias b laihss cof
accnc Thcnc citt foclcac such cccii an at~g
Jacob cRicasltce f iaccicaspeaker cupcon so- cc cci 1)11Saici" ae Ii'Iiln afcaoaa ct
cla Ihecahicccan tdnrl1111 Tuft, lkce scoftlS-idei" Coe, uca~dlhcgax. flilottscc4 '-
Lcadais, f audi aacJecromea K. Jeronmae;Ih M et gis inlyrtth fo al
hre'aterick'h aN-rd' 11cc f aoccs Shakes- maxti lat ytar cin the Ci cago game' cl nic a poentI fctor it :hs rea 's lilt" dlie felIlcacca Icc cm' tougethera nd'c acl
la-auc ccctci ue rauea .dc whencclit.hal ald ltce astronc'iest gliameccci 11ccver the thaigs that cimc lo ausest Ito
anc o if trga.Ills lai tfte cc cand ccl iIcarredth b limore tani-i-- haem, '"Sporta csa Spt smen."ca and
thr ilb n oen n m e n h et~dilnlofd HesInca--itihes atlay'willc in ccg acimc'of tI la di'
wall icc cccatorcalle c cntt. acThe iS PFocr er s e-cr--cei-di" adcc1 WVednes daycv- ing' ba rducof'Coll-c' I cu-cc-iI iudlc aNtiquc Caacriaicc,''"A'i~
-N. officea cccthle cmaci ccrrricor 0f Uni- acnjury tocthlii autlileghi''haid s fiii 'c- c cc le case \b tic N elchica c l ac''' cd manyuc
vesfcalwilhcpn ate o dy o l is i salaalty naw.cIallascnca high Pcccic)n o''aagerof lihe iool fo Otball ta
eaav ctc a-alt humat i C T ea so nhticke17 o- gaetai a"11c t aouthi Haven whas hc tic amcclin glarei' oflNelcu Ic c lcli dw o laaaaac the uevening tiec l ass aof acIwot
cia fr fc hieccclisacwillhe$ ob hsyec'ec- ccthtIchcc ec1atacc cci ul ii ctuishisi yc'cear.ccl ccii ca sci cc iccc i~ sa
chcy.1c 51aea sa csn c ic iitccibe an o ihere d -ore of c - a Ic 1i c I i lila )fte o , te frc-shca cus lf. It salduc htc'cslunder--
le___________ cs with tlic ee enht'g-i-eeing clas ndofth D lta Kin 1 tooa thuu a t a toluigs'hut 1 th 'afreshmen are'sthes
N.Nt C. A. RhECEPTION. uscwing to theiexneutionci 1allihrd ci a et ta pcltcu raeriy.He Is I vry gc~ fthise auis ity ach dl thcatit is
______1Ichile thisarua Coch YosNaia d )ned huh ictic ccinenii cui oohllherci ngila tcqiluarter-lcia'. 'lc cci
'lce ati1cai'neetoucctic'mieaecsay 1for1 accci iailnyIlcr''tcan as c tc I o NtI s i choIuse.ciilau cc a cTIhsuleilc c Iwacla ahe'
cs-cu-'u~'c--l -a -a taucug ctlecdte han l~c hic adaicct a nd C huaciaca n cm te cva't atyI ar.t hailash clit i aci ucc pirepda-a a IaIl hc
wasiccIa r eat s ccsscenl a te nead c by auThe yccwhole s- i i nt NN'dytliaractitdccwith scucl ls I c Part:Icieauiccacctceniei Nt-lluc Icasccc"out ien cmalculitou hlpu dia-scy
ccasa aidcratheitriiectihonc of that N. IM. ancd it sa rnestc aly 1hoped citihait. ie ccw i call.li sa c ini cacus iscrsity iocomice. P ei
C. 'N.asocial commcaiec andec nited of Ibe alte c Ic to e i l te Wisccninc cccand - - - - d n Angell axpussacsIhciisc-If usIcc-catile
seechues, singing 'iclan h angagceeral cago gaul-s. Nlthc 111h dcnie aticshrcc ars o ag, iafaor uf thei mctincg.
god time.1c Pcrcaidenct ccAngllJudcge IalJohnIM haeII efis 1esue ush~eybd ul'''
Iclue andcatPrtofe glutrtfodar a ddrcessccidc NYLasItd i ci a hs s ci-a ui a h$a2ulr o. ttil civii as a a t ll, iciliac-lestdCt. iIt efehNntIwr'Wndr'1 ha s81)1nA br N'- (' ndhN'N.lleow s trachof CVIIP'ISOli 'Y 9K.R
served.tactics e tokinsis 50 lucius00acesnwnwatl R ckCload._
-- __________The____________freshme_______________ ci nwill lu' giv-enathu-ir' lu-
7l p 'rttiiy to ic spilacy th cic' lt+,
FERRY FIELD IMPROVEMEN.TS WELL UNDER WAY 5d'il'arhdiculi-cta 2thisfrll Ni t,-
-erisag aleclpuartments luca-u- to submcit ito ca
New Athletic Field to be One of l icoitultcphsclaliexaminuacticoncIy DI.
Finest in the Country-Re=.a c-i-c-11r salts ciaeii saurtid. cut. 'ever
ceipts From Attendance at the, ocivab~ lid wa.Tir diyeauau-t is et
Games Must he Large. d-Inccthey :c thenlighed.aci-i-lcart
is made utha c foriiie a ccndiviucal wicuh
Luiitedl fauds ccittl lures-ecu chic ail-th -s I cc c s h w Iea- ecomes111 to thus'averi-
ti-ti c maniage t-ifronca comupeting thecir gu'fiti-csc a t udent. The ' l-a-a ciii
plcas ceecative tte i li'improvemecncu'ut of ic-culls-n1e a ciedin il 11 ald ut -
Ferrcy'fheld this tech'.cuuaccrding ito lcMa- anull is tus resnt d t osev
gur Hirdcu. IPlansuuoriginally acdcatctl lue; l tsiii dccclouctccu asc bee
tresentcimhie us -elI. cre to cccake Ferry :a- Ii''as a slt11 of cict i'e itricicasi sac
ft-huh saneodathelic e ucst equippietdulatleticu~k I oteycase 'liilthe aphysilae
fields inc hewet.f thesc-c-st i boud1 iiiciprovecut
ituaiuigyclue-patu sciummuer'tte iimaagec ~gl a ucle ei pil cc<s
cisc-lt lhca lueenc ale hs to nlih he wrtl it tha c cccacntie ts of the1 c hc c t is
ofi damsieac te ew sectioidafathei frt(li mii

:I itit ica" \I ulcar it all lI I luci
fild.r fitu-clia, cclaboec, on use fieldccu
bcetwceenc $7,00 cuand$8 on iThecncw
juar111cc icultrck cCin sanwIrccccvingthe
lat laer actrarclucicndcers hbeforeits
cmpltuiin.ciiand iby cccxl fall newcachse-
ball acid foblll cdsa cclltic anvall
'11cc Inack, whencacompitced, will Icc
adul eof that ccst in thussnectioun.Two
fivnch ccla ycrs of wet cuidersawere
fredhar Idi lad thatfinihing laye, aoutu
theicthescuc of mixcclsfled cinders acid
locina is claw beinag laid acnd rolled.
Withina the track a foothall fiellana
bceena cidh sut acid practiecally all the new
seetiona is heen sodded. It fasnaorig-
inaclly talcanedl to construcet tennuis courts
ccc onie sectiona of thae field, while otlier
arrangemeanits lance heen made to coca-

la.n'aGRcHda ut cccia'scciRii
aSmile thetceaire didwacsec adcu 11ch a sac tii uucend I sacwItl asccamulacasuofIstud-
caill fielis th e sosutheaust crner ol thccideta lcakhuh u t upnc c themselvescu~
hield1 iculaned fair thud class gliaes. dtodisposat of athsletictilcisanducatlie
As sooasus c aiffitcintamunt ofslea t tu res-nttueithasagcrcatecrlay
fundsca tuahubenplacccl ai that dishhmnalcclnidache tch ltic:ticaha t tic hec ii'samec
of ltce cathetic cma'-asenatthe' wailrk cctithe, iticitugha thu athlctcd aiicgcmucnt
nina ltcefteldl ccittbhetccmpeitc.c is noitiads ytpreatcreilto iccs-c ay fag-
Suptport of th1ccteacmcslay ltlt studentactyrci rca ubclicaion Ihisingenercally
bsody tis ia fll, caccordinag Icc thae present 11cced hatcu lie catutance cut theu
inicactioncs, scill eclipscprvcusunfoot-l"'amcccs thics fall a hesupprta roflthai
call sceasn icy .aconidrlcecue amocdut. footbaall hiteaimaescily scat1 cc' cfltie
This ya ycc orfaccd iz a tidons if that ilios t flatriaugccaurc-

S. C' A. 'I'C'tlPT' N.
''ls e e n theaYi' .C.N. N l
N'. NW. C. N.cwcl incaccc''a' teir cs c
f Ich' 71cr hay cdud IIIn h e
'ald cwomenaoflh1cuairitady at I for-
mal recetionacheldhu incNiewhadriy call
Incth iluc'edi cci" luauwill hue Presidecntc
Anugelli,theanccJoranat of ad11ecwomen'cs
dearctacrendctccalndlitIeIaultly membicrs.
An honorase-uesil-t will 1>c lirsenIIce
it. Necwberry, cutoitulwhocais actcive-
ly interesedac'hinccascicationcwcrk.a All
thec stuucheuis leeesierdiclly cnted lea at-
'he denutal clincic wilt opena on Mona-

Order the Daily To-Day.1
$2.00 Cash with Order DELIVERLY STARTS IMMEDIATELY Nio srck N,%rx~bers cart be Fsrmished

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