The MichignDaly
"O. 41.
Over 2,000 Columbus Men Will Come 00 SEATS PSEFT
'lll :ln-!inl tthe cant..atet PLEASES BIG AUIDIENCE
ta il i lae etrO itt' t he 06 at 't
iia adt1le '07 cntlti-srr 011 No~tht "The Message of an Optimist" Consti-
tutes a Cheerful Review of
t erry} ri fied lt l i or~tgat to oeclock. Existing Conditions.
c onstiderabiaI' 1err a t erain this ____n-_
to Ann Arbor on Special Trains--
Varsity Line-Up Changed--Pat-
rick at Left Half.
\ special t ratintloadaedti thtOioa
.Arlbor tiastttornaintg. .'ccrdiatgtoat
stteietgiven t by t nit of attte O. S.
t." me wo acopanedte teattatlast
Mg 2.000t rail radt ticeit ad
pcsfr atalaeumr m ereirtatitart a
The'teamarivedatin towntasetnit.t
tOtintgttltefat thtat CachttSweetat
la di o fn d tat iospittIat ia th cui
ts ist'.art aa ia the t aa tt in ch arge'tof
:assaita~tte ta gan
Th arsatyalaittl]taesaeta hangat ed
tatn tat ta toayt's a me.tta' tP a tic alt
b in at ileft tahIa t adlI itab atwitlla
"Shoat'a I o gaaa ' s't t utsat at fulacii ktt.
ii0m t "VattaI h att a tr. aatea iarry ta
Sittia a tiatu e tspayatatg'at'tri ttetta.
Mcla to ithmtttilltbeiiftedattitt ifiatt'
athild' t at t at art gh'ta t a ke at Io e
tAl' b i nt ttta aatift: tard,
tnigaht's l)kandtCachtYtattt th
1"OK \VISCO\Sl\ ('1NIF1
ttestas iaatheo t otitto tallis aret, he t. atata'
IOtainto tatte enormoustaaa aetamtadfate
ontesa wiheltfoutghat ft't-te champationtshtip
aetata forte \at' 'atitetti amte, teat
bleaceretavaee beenbitbtaton thein ithe intialsa lattear. T''te07 atagiat-
ntaort atnd aotat ies of tilt'fieldad tiat- tart's itlated tthair laat gate tate twete
a t tte alaold laes T enew' t'taa t a go. 'Th' lws ae adefeatedIthat it 0of
arcttaotts atill cotaintt out ao s ats istandtti 07 e'tt eer.' T eirla ttttter
iOl thea pplaa~icaaa.'ats a te a ay ttntfor Itbeintt l e dtt n ait- es a fthista wattkatter
1,000, eitnat at baautt a thosa nd ati et
at' i ttle I t ta tleae taiatt ala rae atit atera s if ttl tt ttand sr, t t'ith lay
rv ia l natdio t ttthe e, a dtleaa it titita tita at ttI]tt at
at'taI oft-a'att aleeetda ttou tse slaa ietheshdlthyae lyti on
haiti 1 tt at t-mtsta a t wtt il t at taea te by i'a'"'are ttnu ]tatr atf ite stu ttstt onat
pltat tatftbtxes'.,atill aeecommodaaiate about I tac ttl of tt heat el t ta tt e ltatetule
700 peron t a nd e--i~ setwl tesl at ant'tttet'i frot ts orignaltt i forttt.
tat $300, 'Fiiat'. sa e i~a l t li truttt taof tte at'. Ie-
Stpat tt ta]]ll t ta ateac tatat attitab thittied sc ele tet ate
athltiassoaciaationatofathe all tit forat meatlledtot payt a ch ite ttate
an attatn tte alic ata astreceiv'edittd'} i'at' e't r iaatrag Xte','aa.tato tttw ite ca ttitata-
as wel as hos atyadyilwl e(ilt hp \ i t t e as' ttalm a It are ite
tAloti tengineerti'gttdpair tetnt reduted totattone
hi aaitt of t hteat '.stainat ratotta y m byta tat tte t a t'oef agi r tat"ng te
platformstat s iat alsoa teat greatlyinciaare'asedl107 's.. aT,'of engine ers a vae' platted
atdtt_ tadas at te' endsa fatfhet'fie'il )it onettatt tttt ttt h Itat wthltilear'07 lila,
ta] ttt ttttil od au t to Iteopile. 4 iteitprovedt at eas'.a vacatoatat for Ite
aat'aatger ata llOftatth H amr. 1Te eatgantera
Cl iRS SANiD Ci l lCIK FIR;S i'AI'.\S. ataatainsis tal ted pod aigtotaeetataoastotalal
pl_____aytile.t s mat fal s. htaottelltiptla
'Y'e'ter'aa ft e ai rntttal t \i'ttiiat taal tit aaat a atllate] aeamwhc meta t h ista morntting.
abt ataIforta'aametn iaa'tpl ayed tatf at'.se e who l T t tt 'ttat at't'''tatte seirenterso lda b 1
vr it line-upt mt of t he lt'timea' at '"itt are cletiblea ot heta fttitn al;o l ne t F ite tna 1 atiit tatb at a'ne ig"l atae tat
ataattaIltattart'eelaoaut iorprattictdaytnd a twek eromt rd'.'. Frotl teat at n te litce a tadth a11. c mp at.
att l 'a t a]wea ndat isatt noet inaer yta a t t Itt atifeen 'a'ni c 'e'a'aladtaei111 Frmty efa tat at '6la at n dta
<ittb'um erheattata t b o i a rte altcr a ''1aIntti' be'. pitat"at t o tt otolCt Iitttt t ep ar f ant' te fr1atantat ate
tat I fat tt at igraalit tatitteatd theintertesaat t i tthess afr tm th as'a t ' a'aa''ataineaa''lale at tmaty
(Cotinuted oat page 2.) addeatd t aa l a t a t tat a'.er tato tie a itt th is fornoon.
Bloodhounds Make Final Appearance--" Little Eva" Goes to Chicago
Te a( at staf Congret''s'antatClharleia'
11mi11 , '. litteredl befatre' at larea ntaat i
appirec it atie a tiettee inl thetaU itae'sit' a
Itall autoriumaaaa at ev'ae'ninagasaaa vat'ar- I
atitle ltnctottt Itath mindal jadedai witha a
tat alut atytal at It noas.'sparklintg' withia
ait rtatal enthit.asm.atda denifid te1
I.Gentlemtt at froattat"a sa um
o it a'. wel a'. atte tf te mtsat cerettt'tt
Co gesatn t '. t Itsat ssestattpt' -
soltaity whichtallIt appatctordtt'witlh
atisal'.hisaor ite sbea'. r h fil
lai altaes ceelesatsa. a'tailt ao t titate.
ft tt artie cetat i I a ttal i itt O
tfeoamteirstetollast adthetatpltute aso
palequ t andtlsta ta ied.I aa iaaai aa'
laytita' alecaatt at''aatur aw~ihthevariotat
Repr teena aIttaa.atativ Ln asaidnthintgtat
Ite aotrIHis adlaresstadittaltttle otat'
atrutetlta ttl ta lt n wo r t at rtiectlarlyt
alt.'R at t ltthro ghtattt' itta t he a td--ta
tdal at th is'coutry taotffertasalargs
afie tataof a atee tt o a ;r ltat it i
btler.,taorallyt socealltanittoltalyi
thana eter'btatre;athaItat Amtelrias a o
greoa aironag I 11.atio alas dlanta ndaaleat
ecouraagtng. it twatslte addrssla
ma lawho tteduatdfromttaeveryaini
denetsantahe irefotresawatntatretattotfort
advtancaintg il tiate teiesrateaatt boriatel
'il ure a tatecndoftatta
Studeatts' Leturataasocatiata eaiesan
maintal'atainediaeterytespeatclart t'h'hig
U.'}' t.YFill ISI )'
U.o .ylla-alsettedatte meta g
held taitt.talW'ate a a'ymlatt igt' h
ylwill beagiertna t'twitth heataccent
at ofolds tt w il] be cangdtora
as aa'olltao'1sIt
faa ft! ait]o!Ra
Profesor Trubloodtatgeatha h
tail ittetre ata ie ntat ita'foamta Ilit' ls
rect'atmmtttttda'd thtat aneiath t he'a tia' ro
twice intatetat'ucaessio andt'aa tat yala
shtd ttat t a..b1 a''iv'en'twilea' iat' e e
fes'ortat' 't'tta t] a urgedttt tat htat th ti r
slittal be' itipartloneditt tta t at'tatnd atna
that te t h'. lt h ud 'egvn m r
tatt ia'a't. i and al.t S.1 Klya l lsea r(
St taynt''. '07 lat.a ])itatf ott Ihtttdrieat
attende'd tttthe meting"
Distance Runners Start at 10 O'clock
This Morning- Pretty Fight Prom-
ised 'or First H'oors.
'I'bis aamorning the1Cros'tt t '111 ty c tlb
will hotldt it'. ' aatttyt.a fattll'andiiaplraee
attt f ratatatiel it and ata ria a' atteo ttt e
etlraies l' a tt tne' the af'ates a at's'illt il
histtry oft het clbisa'. ict ed.tall Tl wt
rae ' hnia affttair, thet i n
si,,t~rtip ofstater a at li acord-
teal tal' tl, t tarepe t]1e mitt tts a' tle. con-t
talllabe aaw arddprzs. 'ile at t hree '111
im mtey ta l ItheIt irt tatpa e 1 11tl
w il teat w Iladth e c11 l itigtat atofl
a. C itCt'ton'i, Ittttt'tii anitt' lir a ttltitsi.
The wil l~o t,-6v pac'ettribbo'lisa
Th fsta tal'waoalt tatme itt Iaatttr ativc ta'
clips ta'dim a ' aat ''ranu all 'thetatlet icg
tiepi e aloa giv ttes atthe nor of av-ag
at''''i atame ena ved n tharg
trolt tattl'. cupat doat etsome t ar s
Kelagat' d it
Th is o nti es trittorm
fift aeat as a tleril-a
h iti ata tatu tame tbt] allgot'] ta ndtintglta
entry- lisilihichtFac'n t ben e em
iaad 'tat' anat- . tf Ia'a, ttand atatiel t' tt
'tare attte lIle alloweda. a t comt e.ta'
The irstbrunh tat] be sle t aay
Ap tatatlg lty aat ;o hit al 1 h111 ist1111111
ante matag t pt esta t faalte l' r ita' Sradi-a
ne'a-aat at Ths s ipetativte. ta
'tat] \tor fo ttatof them n amt] he11 aiwnt
tr at] ate Iud deeopi t a tatata gIa 1bet
Amogtet ey m n athere ar-ttetit arr-
S.edan I i s uta Ie ap at] A] ng
5] titl n te ae an ond u
lichl a c uplI oft-tkatg'.
Smih.'I~vomin to hadi a-Hatntt'
S. filer.J~c~ea I tat er ACl-r
Alpin , Sa asrFleth Ir, 111Al1n,1 1n
le'. It r at n cl tate, I a taj lt -
Colc, W ct-1'. '1111' a ' r, Clta-a'ki
()n miute and rve ,A teatnta
so 1111 I 1 s .1' Stall linn I~ ee
a1 t ; a-!" :('_\a a'a'ta'aa -:aa C-T t-
At tl''eatatcluittittataof tttoa'stmatinee
at 11 leill rg. liariae. tturtaint taittl tat'run-t
dot talla u1 "iUttla'Iva-'biloodhou11111nds.
Not futhe'targataten tat-ct'btenatscedeutledl
tat at itetait'. adl hugtta
Intatheir Im1]lalae-'a-ancea'tile'tatectrill
to "~ at as at Chic-agal ltay aitti dtat-
ng' thle'Cia-PuIardute gatate tisteatgle
eat atall]e it'.tdtatupon tile Maroont taar-
rior. 1. L Yot hs eitdentlytfigutred
ta Il tatPurue iltatetat eaymarat ndatt
tat Chitagoaa twilite tforcedtto whate.tre
ftull strengatht tat01otdertotrial fromtht te
learty Boitlermaerst a'. ateted lby'At
thttlt altl; aaaLal talatNal
-Frottlta Fs s'Fooal~ltafo .-r I'la "r and111f speclatotr.'
ttat. ,WTCH rat t 'taAND a-CaHIAGttata Atas'.
tha erintliat tile atol 'Ilthalt tahit It T'hetfatlittat itt atieleithe-up: Lewris,
is extreely prbatbitlethertatforeth tialt etand;I tte tleft te Sipsoan
t'. tttle aontetatat littletip a featpoitt left 111111d; Maitat cetall;ttRubyteright
litathis tfternotnath iat awiltar of great g"111111 Sita ttatiaghttaklote;-WIaoker.
astae aetatprtaringaaat"faterttereyI-rtiti endt- troal te qtar t ttelak; anae,
tat' game..teIt Ithtalfback : CatthanII' htire'right
Ih tett tast farte litoodihotuidsthit itlfbck lt '~It'll tifullbaceh Kelly,
afternioattaia'.no e'asy otte atst-eidlelberg lit111 t Kr1pp1atnd I tl.Watkis ailt be tatkent
hta tateotathe tit.rongt'.. tleams ttottf atany at"n 'itasutttes.
tat te tminlate eoleg.esin Othto anthey liTe lowingaistttta thlerecorde ctfite,
tire mttaicgagrteat aeffort.1 1111w11 tataat, itto111111 ndstutpttotlattae:
figuriinthalt tit toatlte 'a geeat ltoatot Sct at --sat-FPre'.li, ,30;Statie Nor-
tat bteat ay indtof a ichleigani team.oiat, 0
'The sqatit aes ate :0 thiattoit ng 111 O(tt./ it raitho0; Atlbioni,,i.
otvethe Anti Arhor rottdtaccmpaaitiedt (lt. '-Altl-Fresht, 0; Xt-IA.C., 24.
hy '.'.1oly'.Wendtetllawho ia acting eo'ach. I tct. 1 Xli teslt, 31 ; Katamazoo, o.
tNt. INi haYtSOtIVI'S ' T' ' 'e 8- is're a' re ighat trarc,
CIAMI MUSfT CA.1 C (i'i' oi' forat heslidseingllta"1111 a ittaftarttaliy
acuantd an ~ t-arnsta-Itt-a.tileya'area
111111 tto incre a'.e ta ltaat h stata tw ichi
'tv 'ie tast aelahiantotat hie Inaltadert qat a kes.a up t'e Silat']at'' spi~i't, andta it it
pearedthis wdtatit its uual rnertee
lag fe'atttthisathe a aiatatit attliar elalia a al are
rug fet-ill .aTh'.'. ton oftie lt 1111 n t t 1111] ade adeit e feI' t'aturae' amonaag'
house wth a do wIgonauttat ae-aron
adtatr appteatrt'tontat alit e . e l i t ureatlt A ll I ta-fths an ill ib'.hlet
tada setveratiltpically varsitay altetatd tongta ihl aladalte e
laite' ta' .1 atat ta a laititat I tt I ae aItaxpec ate t ameo tat d m t
ettutpioeerwtnthatburger'.tata at al toth~e tathrnbtheiraytese gt
hee itilsA th ii' etttitn atatt d aItlte aetoa isueaanamoetilla
thatt the areiter it eatteeiallty atll t l a
oa th s1ubaljee"cts itnssed.T hetotie niaions'
set fotht aweretdieret and'texlinIttte Caifotratan a's ttetrcifs tiatitag clih
sittuation peecisely.liItatdeittedatotaortgataize class crewas.