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November 11, 1905 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-11

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._ _ __ -

G . 121 '1ereddasesond class imaties atthe Anni
Arsbor Postoffice.
Cubishd daily (Mondays ecpe)drn
the llgeye, at 117 East Wshngton
stree. Bell phone 89. I line phone,76.
LeadingManaging Editor. CLYDE L. DEW
Business Manager. WALTER E. HANS
Atltis ........ClarenceE. Eldridge
Ne............ LouisD. Stck oex
________________.......E..h...Charls E. Winstead
____________________ Music .........A. II. Ortmeye
Woen ....re ......Ef 3. Armstrong
The 1argeslt stock in tlughAllenFranklin C. Parks
the City of exclusive R. Clnre O'Brien.
styles in Woolens for ASSOCIATES.
high-class fabrics and J. nSarlrgeis. iGerge A.Rarners
Snrris AN. Smithi Frank J. Clark
special style for Stu- Roerti I. Clancy lHenry ..Molntgsmery
dents. 1). . Stesveson Waiter Metzeesbnen
GleennI1)iBradlesy Jhnes1. Wurz
Rn 5 . Sull Floyd ..1-I. Joess
RATES: $I.s0 pee year, nr $lana if paid in
Ga Ha W ild Coo Address: WALTEE R. BANS Business
311 Manager, 236s. 12th St.. Phone 849 L.
H AV E Editor, Today-GORGEO A.BANS
dot . S_I1CheiigalS s s. Ohi~o Statr aS
A Feres fieldi.
Nov. - .nil Ifall Cross Conistry
S WEA" TER clt ine.
Nos, 1a-Opening mecetin~g of Wsorld's
If l' i 9 Weet of Cnn-cr at Ness-ierry Sall.
/ " Nov. 17--Regeols i meeting.
SeccondlSISnSuSalibanqereof Michigani
tiiion,. SI gyn-niiniIls.
D~o youiknois hoiSomort- No\-. i 18iscosinS ss. MichSiganS.at
atile they aretoi SSear wchen Fersy field.
Soil don'StiwaSt tee h lenotil
S ti sith as osvercoiat:'Made Over twsso SthouscandilOhsirioters will
of finest Samb s weel with iiiciiil Ferry field this aftern~oon. If
buttonis or SSSiS V shaped th~e past is an~y criterionthie cotingent
neek. I whtegre or fromi oltsilits swill carry hsnsdreds of
ilhe-rediland(1gray lbannier, of 0. S. U.

Sco ilneedsi-.cllirlgemin tS moist ini She taivle. Sisaitinlitheii 51541155 r liii a
iolesiicii Slangliciyhand01 deaal. dilSthice Sioi (f th e club.
itso ld e aeelcileil molst lieartily. It 16(15501 Nev ille wasi-appoiiiteidSellS
s ic b hioped lsoK -that sse hisve hedare ry0(14chairiiiiiandl 51 ii I 21 leun
She- listof tieipuerile slanoiruiiifo a liaiiStempourarci-secretary. Also ia coii-
lug score. \' c avSaSS n iiippsorSWviit lmittee oifive wis iselected, 6creinclg
Soday So give thesieSthousand~s of out- iakteihlat eveis depiartmnst was re pse-
siiletssuch il ie xh~liiionSiii Si-e 7sLichi- sieiedSo presentiaCoitutiiiSion at She
f all spirStis ituh-ey ill 0-iver firgei. ic-Stumeeinig, hiiihlwill lie held Inext
______ - IFridayus at 4:30 iiinomi C, University
I1151 _'il SUStlfCli I TItIN S hail. unider iwlihi ich permanint electionS
CO1 .I \(_. 1E\I'N 5ST : ay- late (lace. Thoise eleced.io015the
comitte e ane Sisei S Wnostead, 1-ee-
\tnii..- - -r rf law -- es.. ... 1 inlice.I leuldccsonuandulfeec.

have, beenc iiisliiiith(le liaiiid uscrili
ii i ihaeisucee d thu-i Si~s far iS raisin~
1.6. fi limii-iess i e-oiiidstui
ideiis genieiiiiisliicaolne So theic aofiitSiis
woth prli ioject aind SosstSe lbandtiis On
is SeeSt agaiiiiiliwiitod proslees-fir
lie fuure. \ci\\-.uiis hlaveen i orii-
dere byShe sasaigeuscnt andutus s
hoiiiiilthatiithey iwill hlie cre.in-imeiiiifor
Sie cWSIiisos ini iiiii- Flslowinis thSIe
u sr iollist:
;sliientiisublsc ripStion,- tiiiv -1s1il.S221.86

Fr-ic-iiiiill U - . -
Gcorge ii -usc - - -
1;. Ca\\liis....
M. 1l;, ; lie . - - -
Ni' 55 lii iii& C ......
F. I itclsilceui - -
i. I" Jiilli . . .
0ue A. i1 tutu......-
Burieldul& C..... -

.. . . . . . 25.00
.. . . .. . 3.00
.. . . . . . 5.00

(il if)0 SlATE IlRINGS
(Contiinued frcom preceding page.)
Ohio Stuitc ii l iisciire. "I hopc lot.
sciili e. "B ut son never c-an Sell. Oio
year aiiniiis muich heiasier.,5so 1. illii sut
pellcSi icc tteyswiltlnot1repeaiclas
Yei-'r scorinig sdiiit S
asi-istnt ials Bloh.-ii of tii le.Bct-
ivss ncotlsioconfident. I I leuidthaS
She St-illSl wih itiheexcepioniliofl tSwsl ils-
itiiiisiis iiinsmchli ttli ae-Sc-- th(Olaunsihici
iceyflie-i Casu- tio Is-ids vago illtir
o uto io ti-cgame. "I leffelmean. ih
guirani d . LIeloardiiiight eiii,.arc-alt
ofi tlic-gtme w ii~ith iui esOtisidec ()f
Siccess o iedShe tSc i is bliecr 111an
aS anyi5piesvious tlme ius seas on. hn
us-r, Casii sitron\ier wheniiishei met
36 toi 0. becaise WNentwioSrtihsswirkedil lii
men11tip51fiiih Saeam specially.s
I idositiknowiiwhethierli weiiclliii-scre o
abile -lonvino
Ioevr iiscit 11111-e cnetii
mi-riely iof iwhethler \ichugan ith a
large-lysnstiliiiiii iclil can preventllhe.
-Ohioans froililscoing. The cafitein1,1111
She teamii, Ii h is -sa-idi toipos-sess Clii
sid1erable ablility as a pla ceikicker, 6so
She supporteriiioI She Oliii iSctcIc c-len
are conidenticithat iiif SIhey cail g-cltSil
bal wihinthity-ie illardelife11111
(lichigai. s. S. U
(ariel-.-... . ...~ ns v e
Curis .. ... .. L-1... .. ..- linicle
Schuslte.. I..... 1'. l.... u-.iuucfor
Schunltz .......C I.. li1to er (Caiti.)
L'v .... -i ... . .. . ......l allluici ll
Grahami . -. .. .I,. '... . o b r
if - lillid....'R.h.......... if-Culet-
Balrlow .. .. ..Q . ...........Jos-
Catrick. . .. ..- .I . .. .. .. ..Sioles
T. Hiamnd. .-R. ....... irbuy
Rus- - i.. . 1. . . .1iicii l
A Ir. Cilleri Iecis, of Dieritsll a
inl She city- wuth-It largeanid assoridi
colilectioniSofivsecy fine OSisental rigs.
Since tse Rts Japaniese ssair the irice,
01 genin~ie (brientaslc r5 ish eciien adi
ellicilig. hut Mr.I cole I is aing She-
c-aceiiOiilll ferifS 2>ii and iiii 0pir cl-il
Off onIiiliia; collectlin.CaIll olim a
.339 SossilsNIlilistreet.
LOST-"M" 11111 rubiiesiindl pealsi.
Fieler crlturn to 302 S. FillS;rescard. 2
Alarm clocks at HALLII R'S. Main

Studeits' Room
Get line Ito lung Seem tee -iling of
Yorro h i it- loirisng uSS
i-iiilceisetie eigns ipaprtan atrof
War-mthiu andliaiety. Weucan farnishs
thei n Iseceral nsies, IfromiSlies Sn
its feelinsdiamlee, a
30ck, 50c, 75c. 90c
clii Eniglishiiaild Ciil etter Designes
75c, $1.00, $1,25, $1.50
$2.00, Etc.
The Bookstore that's never Un-
List of Late PublIcations
Bolt's Diseases of Children
Osler Practice of Medicine.
-Butler's Diagnosis.
Williams' Obstetrices.
Bryant's Operative Surgery.
Sahli's Diagnosis.
-Nancrede's Principles of Sur-
Oppenheim's Nervous Diseases.
ILippincott's Medical Diction.
ary, 1905.
-Cunningham's Anatomy, 1905.
Giray's Anatomy, 1905.
Rockwell's Dissectors Guide.
Evans' Crown & Bridge,7th ed.
Johnson's Principles and Prac-
tice of Filling Teeth.
Black's Dental Anatomy.
Burchard's Dental Pathology
and Therapeutics.
C. E. Barthell
326 S. STATE ST.
Telephone 761

SaSionifor hlinlig ichigan to as lois
$5.00 and $5.50 "ior. IThs reiputationSusesyswill els-
ievtois a itinsii tocday. 'Thcy 0111
rleciv cerispissibile ecsouragemnst
3heh n sdinsinraltionllfromsithecir loyal 5111-
SCheh nN porters. Probabiy we shall w-in use
Students' Bookstore \Micihiganiwsill lieout-rooted01n sec oswn
girondes, Ini the imsinence of this dis-
giaseiso ichiigain rani souili e ap-
sihetic, The Daily would111again suggest
jftitS er s ullscarry a yellosw sit blue
G et o u r IR oom i 1banner to this g1115. The effecti-etness
of1 banners as ain aid 1o rooting seas
Decorations cx itleited iatitie 0. 5. U.gains two
tells ago. Toaya, as thsen, thle rooters
PILLOS, BANNERS, FISHNET froms Ohio swil carry their cilors anid
WASTEPAPER BASKETS, they wsill 11151le chary iii displaying
theist, let every suentl feel Isis 5per-
SOUVENIRS, ETC. ;anal(resposibiliiity antrIy so give thr
at. team te slipporS they iseedand drserve.
DARLING & fIALLEAUX A isore sporsmsanlike attitude on she
sirStiof te rooters 1isldesirale. The
Bath Phases. 224-226 S. State St

Te-ic arestill s succiupiios cteas-c-v
nist licststunedinfl. The fiaterityiiclist
is intcomptei l-l. ht ill usiltlihe-collec-ted
ini theIs-set fei rs
01110llCILUB ll G.51IN I2ID.
In te iseuihborhoodsui Iof iine hundedce
studsulitr espondedic-to huSie ctll for (a
fis ti-gfur te purposue of of a -
lull anOhioic lub esedatl afterinoon.l
Thiumtistius- hhgreat sushble-ifor a ire
ofi eiitiiisiaissillsintehele- project ands
thei sicenugthsof tSltilelti desirethilt hs
previledi forcseveralh year- stmong Ohio'
mens at teutiusersity fouranoutirgansiza-
tionsrepcesenstintgte Buckeye stale, It
is- te untitiltils opiniionssoifthose
puresentulwholis elltefrosts every Sdepart-
unht 111te possibilisies for tie re-
atio tuufi a stale orgaiations secondc lt
noeintshue ths-essils- cosudt silbhe
51on stutShose icS-mscull uSeSitet-siceng
usere sue-us wiotiltsc swut hoshsand
offices itteerysdepartmentsi isisthe sarn-
isis. 'Illsfasct.(alliedi to te'qualities
ofi otriationlanlushociliinug Sisal
ste citizenss ofiOhio hause groswn famuss
for. is-te causeiof tile oiimlliseic ihopes
inultgedtin.iiA111 arranlgemlenuts isadieat
te messeinst'sere of eousrses sereslyess-

Safety and Ease
and conmfort in shaving are
found only in the soothing
lather of the old reliable


Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 19061

Ernest Thompson-Saton
Bon. Chas B. Landis
Jerome K. Jerome
Jacob A. Riis -
F. Hopkinson Smith =
Lorado Taft =
Frederick Warde -
Pres. Alderman -
Leland T. Powers
Oratorical Contest -
Open Number - -

=Nov. 3
Nov. 10
-Dec. 1
-Jan. 16
= Jan. 31
-Mar. 12
S lar. _--
-Mar. 30
= May 2


SHIRTS- 64Monarch & Faultless" Brands-$1,OO to $?
KEISER CRAVATS-Best in the World-25c to $1
HANDKERCHIEFSDomestic & Imported-10c to
UNDER WEAR-$ 1.00 to $3.50. HOSE= 10c to
"aBradford"e and "aFaultless"~ Underwear, Shawknit H
Standard Goods at Standard Prices, but wi
B~ooks, Stationery, Football Post Cards--Suppl

1.50 F 'xsily Gsaa.$teed
Our Dollar Clockas are tishenSestade
UTS firtshle mntey. lithe watch repairinug
a speeialty.
150C J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St.
lTose Capital, $50,00, Sarplas and Prafits, $61,000
Dours a Geneal Blanking Btusiness and Pay
3 perscentitueestnon Time ansd Savings
De oits. Safey DeposlitBuses tn rent
a9.0and upwards
S R KEPF.Pes. W. C. STEVENS, Vice-Pesa
MIX F. . B 'aE. Oasis. C. A. WILLIAmsAsst.
"The ragara Falls Raute'"
es Chicago Buffalo HBos New York
lie Thraouth Trstes East-8.IO a. is., *.40 p. ni..
4.55 p.mi., 9.30 B.is. 1105p.mi.
Loalss East-6.0.5 a. is., *11.10 a. is., *4.05 p..
*83i51p. il
Throgh Trains West ne07 a. Is,, 7.58 a. is.,
nils a. is., 2.33p. is. 10.10 p.mi.
LocasaWest-ohs ami.. *8.28 a. is., *al4e p.
is., *6i 10 p. m
*(Exept Ssuulutp.)
Consnections at Chicagn for St Louis,
Klansas City anteeWst.
W. W. CASE, Agent, Ass Arbar
218 So. Main St.

Tickets for the Entire Cou~rse -1U $2.00
May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or teem Student Sellers
Seats reserved50 Cents Extra-at S. L A. Box
fulSain Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SINGLE~ ADMISSIONS $1.00 s. L. A. Phosfe'552
Office Hous:i 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec

Douglas Shoes
Gym Shoes

WAHR=The Shoeman

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