rOL. XVI. The MichignDaly ANN :ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA' IN 'RD)AY, NOVTEM1RBER I1, I1)05. Nt 1 "O. 41. OHIO STATE BRINGS CROWD OF ROOTERS Over 2,000 Columbus Men Will Come 00 SEATS PSEFT 'Ot «SsVS. IBN cal1,Jr:FS. CONGRESSMAN LANDIS 'lll :ln-!inl tthe cant..atet PLEASES BIG AUIDIENCE ta il i lae etrO itt' t he 06 at 't iia adt1le '07 cntlti-srr 011 No~tht "The Message of an Optimist" Consti- tutes a Cheerful Review of t erry} ri fied lt l i or~tgat to oeclock. Existing Conditions. c onstiderabiaI' 1err a t erain this ____n-_ to Ann Arbor on Special Trains-- Varsity Line-Up Changed--Pat- rick at Left Half. \ special t ratintloadaedti thtOioa .Arlbor tiastttornaintg. .'ccrdiatgtoat stteietgiven t by t nit of attte O. S. t." me wo acopanedte teattatlast Mg 2.000t rail radt ticeit ad pcsfr atalaeumr m ereirtatitart a The'teamarivedatin towntasetnit.t tOtintgttltefat thtat CachttSweetat la di o fn d tat iospittIat ia th cui ts ist'.art aa ia the t aa tt in ch arge'tof :assaita~tte ta gan Th arsatyalaittl]taesaeta hangat ed tatn tat ta toayt's a me.tta' tP a tic alt b in at ileft tahIa t adlI itab atwitlla "Shoat'a I o gaaa ' s't t utsat at fulacii ktt. ii0m t "VattaI h att a tr. aatea iarry ta Sittia a tiatu e tspayatatg'at'tri ttetta. Mcla to ithmtttilltbeiiftedattitt ifiatt' athild' t at t at art gh'ta t a ke at Io e tAl' b i nt ttta aatift: tard, tnigaht's l)kandtCachtYtattt th 1"OK \VISCO\Sl\ ('1NIF1 ttestas iaatheo t otitto tallis aret, he t. atata' IOtainto tatte enormoustaaa aetamtadfate ontesa wiheltfoutghat ft't-te champationtshtip aetata forte \at' 'atitetti amte, teat bleaceretavaee beenbitbtaton thein ithe intialsa lattear. T''te07 atagiat- ntaort atnd aotat ies of tilt'fieldad tiat- tart's itlated tthair laat gate tate twete a t tte alaold laes T enew' t'taa t a go. 'Th' lws ae adefeatedIthat it 0of arcttaotts atill cotaintt out ao s ats istandtti 07 e'tt eer.' T eirla ttttter iOl thea pplaa~icaaa.'ats a te a ay ttntfor Itbeintt l e dtt n ait- es a fthista wattkatter 1,000, eitnat at baautt a thosa nd ati et at' i ttle I t ta tleae taiatt ala rae atit atera s if ttl tt ttand sr, t t'ith lay rv ia l natdio t ttthe e, a dtleaa it titita tita at ttI]tt at at'taI oft-a'att aleeetda ttou tse slaa ietheshdlthyae lyti on haiti 1 tt at t-mtsta a t wtt il t at taea te by i'a'"'are ttnu ]tatr atf ite stu ttstt onat pltat tatftbtxes'.,atill aeecommodaaiate about I tac ttl of tt heat el t ta tt e ltatetule 700 peron t a nd e--i~ setwl tesl at ant'tttet'i frot ts orignaltt i forttt. tat $300, 'Fiiat'. sa e i~a l t li truttt taof tte at'. Ie- Stpat tt ta]]ll t ta ateac tatat attitab thittied sc ele tet ate athltiassoaciaationatofathe all tit forat meatlledtot payt a ch ite ttate an attatn tte alic ata astreceiv'edittd'} i'at' e't r iaatrag Xte','aa.tato tttw ite ca ttitata- as wel as hos atyadyilwl e(ilt hp \ i t t e as' ttalm a It are ite tAloti tengineerti'gttdpair tetnt reduted totattone hi aaitt of t hteat '.stainat ratotta y m byta tat tte t a t'oef agi r tat"ng te platformstat s iat alsoa teat greatlyinciaare'asedl107 's.. aT,'of engine ers a vae' platted atdtt_ tadas at te' endsa fatfhet'fie'il )it onettatt tttt ttt h Itat wthltilear'07 lila, ta] ttt ttttil od au t to Iteopile. 4 iteitprovedt at eas'.a vacatoatat for Ite aat'aatger ata llOftatth H amr. 1Te eatgantera Cl iRS SANiD Ci l lCIK FIR;S i'AI'.\S. ataatainsis tal ted pod aigtotaeetataoastotalal pl_____aytile.t s mat fal s. htaottelltiptla 'Y'e'ter'aa ft e ai rntttal t \i'ttiiat taal tit aaat a atllate] aeamwhc meta t h ista morntting. abt ataIforta'aametn iaa'tpl ayed tatf at'.se e who l T t tt 'ttat at't'''tatte seirenterso lda b 1 i 7 i vr it line-upt mt of t he lt'timea' at '"itt are cletiblea ot heta fttitn al;o l ne t F ite tna 1 atiit tatb at a'ne ig"l atae tat ataattaIltattart'eelaoaut iorprattictdaytnd a twek eromt rd'.'. Frotl teat at n te litce a tadth a11. c mp at. att l 'a t a]wea ndat isatt noet inaer yta a t t Itt atifeen 'a'ni c 'e'a'aladtaei111 Frmty efa tat at '6la at n dta