The Michigan Dall.y
"o>.. V\I .
NN \ AICLII(), 151 1Q11 Ifj-k o.'fl+11I [) , S I. V'II[Ii'.I 28, 105,.
The lia olr, ()lko fat lclia ".
in Scrimmage Varsity Easily
Scored Four Touchdowns--
Fullback Longman Out of I
the Game.
1 o;Crl aisf atlna ll100101, te -411
\01u te sriulll~e S hld oil Nothl
i~t1 ,i; l +t. r uld lit in much hotte
c~l~lcllhi 0 tai'hil
p~r l'( o -t~i )ihllioro )acla
lnc"l c ret.k(,.lto iF rr v fild.w oer
surpisin Iq Iee )D nlap at fuillba101
2 otll others are 11doing,'eoiollenit twork
Illi 1 lo'i-ogaoet 1t
fefislie:1the 0111110 (v1111Ohio
Mal1 e Ba''~i11'irid received letter 1011-
tai111ng0the11lintupwhich 0 loppos
stated 1ha 1the team 1111a to I bt 1751
-rt id i Ioo'i iitii er T epo ll ieu
o Iiill $11111
Durard1111t1 cle,11)1I I\ 011 SIC'
n it ii : tent otuard. ol.l ii t cet ter.i
Amsed: rgh g o IdHatillIroightoltac
ljdt vy ol icks;bn ot lii- o Ioo'i-o oi-I i
a00' iii Doward l eftol hl f.11 ike;111fill
k a ecentrulin of lte fac lt to
dentsin theliteaydprmnwh
pr( S oinel t lry 11
ia piodi offa0g
adwl l h irs: I g
ttlrlii 1111to 1 licigal
e111wlo il-rd no
st111111 ho (a, llhe
he un01111111 anl ill
Iai 1111111 tees T
in th1 m-11o1Ise 1
the \rel iii it <
Ii,(0110110 nd1
Mi lo creit-lit
to't liduill. ll 11
ill 11 OV 01.'CA 11-II 111Former Michigan Instructor in
are10 f0i -r a e11111ul' Mathematics and Astrono-
terit tli, ea. ' l< Ie (010a11 10h1)' my Returns to Fill Position
1 ('at hllar. irch111l10)th1ose0of Iell- Left Vacant by Dr. Hall.
t1tl 1"liti
'[s 11 o1 u- tol
1111 )1 1 t 111 li1 .1111
\ I ' 1 Iti lthe 111
I 4i~r 1111 I ,l l 11
111111 ~c - :11- its1 <t1 01(1 1
c a1111 f l > a
c l c i ll ii , l l 1
1 a T t ~1111 ar
tirho Inrdor toe
111 guan1(. I"10AP
0n c the111 1
11spte 1 he o1.
10a 1I(1l1'
11't 11C1 ''1 ft *
11(11 01 1 -ri,-
tw cltl c" tlt k .
1111 II~ici andi 1111 01101v1
louthis lablo'last sping.il i
i111mi doubt these1 c f1c0it1 c
I I- 1-.
0\'illi~nn .5 IIlttoo o ,(dIf hI &+i (W A
(S)n~r\ in th ipl ace Iof t tot 10 (til
hal. loll 1)r si,; lt yeli o ne
The Ill lk a)as(Ilolt II- 1111 oOatcI 11101
,!,(I ', rl) to O ((1 111(1 tot ll till
I -l 1Or ndnm 13. 1r ( 'sor- (II"Sul
~<[ ill har e ') the I? ll iat ao pclit
lrltics at the till a'laaatltd'
I V a y 4)) isd.re f Ia
vai-Ioa cA cc t(0 ig i g a
ii C III
'(u) law I0d01( 111k,0
teoill m(11-11010)0 0011 III;a
4- >1 '101100'( aI-
111 m( 1 -a a t 1 l ao 11(11ltla)
foi t l east a - oh h, nd os 01111(1(1
tAo o t he aide1 to dm icitsii
strain ofahisleft eg. Seveal ear
;g ile 1p1(1itt 01 hs( ihIllc~-
jury he (01111 he o sid 111111 ott
i la t v f itoli t at Ao-1 11 oil)
non be able oia} ga ino thi1( SC100 ii bou
th lo s o t t ll e rc a a l s e i
With tlt do ut Ite t t A 0011 1(
1111 0110 i fi 11 feateo 1tfteiscato
11(1reuied hopay iimam.
lc on
100, 'll I l o (< s- 0 'C
good1111 ('11111 fa),tll < r>~c
(ill wll
IIc 1 c
Commendatory Notices From
SEvery Sporting Expert in
the Country---Orders For
Copies Pouring in From All
ha l l ilotH.tr ol:tit t le ('11110 fat-
atl 11tta esol ~i o-
ho-k ever 0 itoto taout I(the s art i to
on1(0--Ill 'iI Ianda rvel atoo.1Vet.
Spcati ori (1i te0oaooo fiorcefutl poo -
alt who'(live years l ago pice up a
111 ltoloand ti h urteed ollllcolhl of
7'a1 r ;111(o wet l odii themi tto lot t e1a1m
1hic 1ie ateol tihe asb tn te
(ettc toltoto inthe west hkt o theli rop(11
olw oloti unoubitedttlythelrouc
1fits Itauthor.tOneoian fuel hackof it
th- fao'ce, 't 'n 'rgy to' Iresoluition of
"fliurry Ltp o st.ii "looitry 1up.lihurro-
up" umighottoo-Ilhtl b t ottolof theloot
alititlraytho o' ol:o-bingld 1f-
and poide.O rfdtrlb haveii o me((i 0fom
Mr~m-mial w ~ 'kr 11'c, tically v
)h '~rl tit l' (f t e s t ll s Ifl lii urn,
ran s a d \ lou c; 0 (1 ratiI ohs
of ct~ncts,"Ath nis (al its (t the11
aunc : nd - 110 1011i011100)s1mino
F lIMNG10 1 . II- uaor.
all parts 'of to unotitry. Ino every0A'hac - - - - -
00oods1sc tool dfottat cotrnoto ii oetitandtool ld the01o mw obn m
whlootshusky ountgtofellows'metiulotoodropatickbob le I otins((the utis
gethr atthenatinalname a opy of eachutundlriof11the t((m1abd toeiat e
otize. lb tollo hIto tralin n doielot: loot NS nyder)hi prin tedil e 11.1 I
Ito ex'oplaitts fomations antoilIay0 s by (1ontain( Overl i g ity ood ad lo 11a
ledb h tao oo rtooo ti 50-om (01000 1to a o i lltae rius W nai 11,h
use the hands in t It theA ow1(1l10 too It as lladictrtaoaken of taeIchampion
ofV i olil otaiudoan Ol lul so
tor e 1toonn ig. ( i
liti-i soldlalto tly. aito1 co d diio
till too he neIt ssary or tool I i biS
p aperintheoury i rdintepric
In i lati 1 'ow 1 ililo ealif
I kurigum h 'Ias bn. t ii'o rof
fc~r i i ' ss(ciat () 0the b,)a lAs~I htro-
no al. o I olld n. -
c ncirt at l ii u1o0 I"of 5ut S it- loll 111ra-
h lrc0 . f01fo
Oer$2.00 Cash with Order DLIVE~RY STARTS IMMEDIATELY No BL~ck Numbers ca~z- be F~rnsed