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October 15, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-10-15

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The, Michigran Daily

Despite tame Fight Turner's Pro-
tges Are Unable To Score--A.
A. C. 24-Michigan 0.
tot' ing. tMich. Ot N f1'peial to
Alc i~ tT il.)-Ti te motlt it)1)1
cotcld oclga e f te season te'
r'ln ll tcttt'tlt tamthisfternoon11 It
i oe f g toit .T he git nttoo
('Irsp l it.ala total l Ott) ti l acfltft
The tre l ilu ttt it''ftCott ed
tiry i ch f gocitnd btccyIv-
mitb to retit the i trili 1)1)1) ihttcft
fri ti ,ic h evef i rirept est edt I thei)
51flge F'itvtors t t I ion I f ensive
duig iot) tlt tire\ogae.t tcn -
,t liiit out thctcfatst collgtt lac r ft
in1the) sttil)', cbrokel'l''lt retat edy for
lon g ins s~crl ift, hiry itte and
titi11)tttCanfild l'lt oc IIplyed" a t aru I
1ill it iittifnd l turudi t xellen tt
wok al 11) thogIt hltt) . iwer lt ttotivetil
itt1 Ii) 1)1)1 i it ti h w lffive 1ab1i-
Ilf i ftitIttity. T\ i, m l ti ' ticlillmadeI i n1)
ftc bl t. ad Ictill)))e eer
s is If) -ilt)he fbf im thteifaic madeff
a< 1h11)Iffdly l exetedthem to defeat
th) II I llot fst iNolttc l tm
1I11fl't'If .V0 Ir1.15CIICI 1T.1'
ff10li (f illttlnce stai on )))) riIth
leadinit sfsueof the ldtal fllThe rl en
fletiains ofithillN11)offIcgis-~lt

pidenitO~t. VIoilteans;11secretalry. Percy
treasu' lclltlr. Ltusl E. Ayersa
tralt): Iil'ttgo ,lA.14oyt P1)s1t. b sll lt
(1n'rr . G X tttiogttov. footfllf
managerff~, James At..M'lore)0.

i1NN ARBOR, NMTCT . ,iV'KfXN, , I 1.10.

No. 18.


Dan McGugin's Team Gives
Varsity the Game of Their
Lives--Five Thousand Peo-
ple Cheer Southerners.
ffcf~lgilt's 1h1)1d Iio f f110f1'southerner
won 1)for ff11m)elvitiitumtttttrtituglor fy
I'lla) ti'])) alld t te tt lld ofit
to was111 tetintli eibition oft he
plitk and1))1 II Ieert ittit ite)) fslto'
: ayfit) om .wih))tl m c,
frw t he Cil] )1II) tt1 11)11neer)(tif lltutu
ff1ou cheerft)' forlthe games1 I t bunch tha
e'll) '111ced t i the t' if tistoftI hiltyfll'w
During n1 ar1yit he1 nt Nicco 5if tittes~t
tiltayVan er illw s cf ti111 feniv
fit never till Yt ', i then t enclif t erit a i
mor I fltl Sf11111 ifl l)e B a n t
"ails by11 ilth terrfli . t til l li f C1)1r t
('1arck th1)]) rs XXile lt) o
thit lil t )1 ) itcs teiack for tmo te of
fel se tcuarft ures li to t he game-i 5
It it s a tedyl)ash It] , til t hei
ailtnIthe] Vtilt r]il t lll't ma'dllt
irdriso t fth ) fsi] ndfr
most prtli aphtaitn) Norcrossii idefpendXeII
fo 'i . i ne ''1)1 1 t'))t iti by 1 11tIl))]
lit)] S ll)] Iit]) I ilit)an t tw eektithta li
ied byaI c so a til)]athll 1)1]ff111 5)1ftIii"lil
t''tt'ctrn ting ltelit) ,llandIlltie few as-1
ttere til ls ed11 forii t ot 'tain.ut" ie1111)
))tet])''itl ?tt t t hat culdl b de
fired, fnu fentlrak wer e llowe
to1) carry 111the b l hitto1)tll) ortno tt li
nefit' I ae.Hal1)1 sm "i -tipu
01)11)11nderbilt yest]rdly it'l igtan
Neveirt 0itit'l 1111SelCt~rtssot o b et]'e11f
allvan11)1)1 tan xlyesterday.f (If yit r it
Ial tidNown tangothree110]sto [gain

yardtil ontII I lltnill'' fit' he in
flit tlht ha1dto b otn ihfu
tutu]. tut t 11s111 onfrtilt edi fouri f iltl''
Craig'allowed''offgotilc justoone.byard
It, e ildfanCd Look tifouuadtt n tlet
ff11 Py wa m eingl the'tit ft'fst kid
1.1 f fu tf f o ost'oft'lires] ptu eflu' sftellXi'gu'on
fit'f'f'ru fftflull' ftil s tutauocasft s
it I it tr i nt h m r e il '
1 : I u''"'uuuu t y'' rduuu' t itlil'nofm1])t lf t t ikll f r'ill.
firahsit ' otutou t ou t Ill'11'') s I'ct' ffd10]) s l lilt] rl foi)lS morfcutuu -
(jl~ll g llirhascn or lie. The')t'tha fliwa
th ~ln-if. 1 111)a). Ile] tplaye Difngul turtu lilt] ehl Mdi
litg: aroundfTaloitt11if, liii flit fillstrfl sp rl y t utu t ct met if
it!',tillhole fufuler tey flubrIeilt'detft''core-ut 'Font,111')')' Jill nyi latub afnl
'ci XI511)]]nd il prov uitguuuuer f srn gt )thelliall ututhe Ct t fl) lul
prie Il, m ii fci~ hd' o t ~-tutu ed forai I tplatce. ifkickb t Ituft'llwtI ful
iou u' txon rom (otctuY utout Slufter thbibul]the Comodoreti
''''''bic fit Sf1zi01 ,tuf theuui taOil]) ttu-tS ix f i le (r t aried) Ifli t woft ya'rdsct
to, ppecatd. In ,ldgng Crig bl lMuler-wa t ackled ftuu It'tob abtki, and
fel ,t wt e hisi il] ebt ,Ifiagg flua fi''ti ff an Tint,] wa caled i t th ali M c -
1110 tlt injury, bif 'lt' flfe ing xt tutu] 5.Ku's'tpossets-in o fnuu ft-rits l)] clu-'
cit'gpon 'nk ' s Il itout tor uyrd finetfI n t h t' weinlt -lf vebiututy 'ct,
wa in iu- d :A)It fc uti' uuu f ffli h g m ran r T - I'uu' Itcalflopenedlit' uu'uu t-l tub if
IFilul) 'ti tu f t'u fsuu ucceded iflu)) Sit he t 'i'f I uumuuuter. iStuar111]booted util ll
Ran t o x exetad i i h u h lerIxi] itiit Vandett rbilt';1111 liii] f11rVig
itha t ut t uar iftuftrw iheabtot ge]ti lu- flu] tu'- full] ll rolut] andyidod' ed'
Forithe Co modorfsfCaig Iasluaiy hit)in ar un.ff11aCdebbilt could11
th t utu] Ag ii] 10 t aga i if ttutick ut to buil att tut h git in 1)111 e fto plt.c
heu h 'fign utt'uthl moft muA- i ttle x later',] MtittI gan hadstu ocucasifonfto bo
ring S) taccuracy t'andti to hst-uuullianu'wtruttpun t tam " full]Igo t w y altineuf I'll)
"'sdu l i ltrg m asreth) fcttht 'arI ie ci gan lu aI) ga1inb etuf tledIf
tuubu''uucouldu Itt tius-uttif tutui -uu dowuin to']bilk]) n adrh~' ffy l
Bo th I t,- and I 5. M If] Cu ti l I it uIfthre-yard line 1 n I fokedi' e ll t d ouln
back' f )~ t heft tbtiit l lne on fe b I 'Iand te lbllt l uthe1Commod res f t icntly. b sinctiglo
1scheme5]workuedu stubmiura ly,]t it th udine orthreetIs li C ub cha (inedi
511 tufthe11)1e1 fiiitfi'' ullittleb fcfbiafitof bu th s trsandr eis. teredi' 'll't'flGarI'
1IlII]tor(; fullaiptp luse foruhims]lff11rel.to]k 11)1three. J~olI full' bet' hr11) e-
tilt' fit]fin ad fdtwe IfNocross recf orIl ;e]etub]]] 'ot a J au ridihh f or one
illlist trauk,,ut toc i fito t ftu. tto ty l ull] ant aife , <o rp ae o
mof outt d11)111 mftit touchdown'seve11110] .t\t' ( olttu ell f011 ,page a d

Giotshall and Dutton Chosen as Track
and Baseball Managers Respec.
tively Without Opposition.
'It 'Imeetinflg f t'ahlet']it' assci-
fusll) an'dllDetl~l fDurttonlwere unan-lX'
imoiulsly ulectd managerf'.'Isiiof teo-
and1 basal s-rutteamslrus'ofiii'i]s.tIileuch
cauetuheot'erltlln'idates bOfor ill, os
Xi'io uun'tt ful] itdaw lt tf SthI fuitddtu
I. G hll'vslout btiteflu Cap
'I'itl ull-ip ill] fniri f f . D ttonl
Cf'ftl ui fi] i l.(n a mt iion t thates ffect,
'Ill, eein ws aledtof oll].er b]yi
Chtaimfanlmeu'ts Thettut 'itSt'l'tofti'
pret'inglttu if tc itufwere ru' andout luf
prolu''cut'ttta tcfklitis igareotsosfactho
be heens Iffil; eeingthtlthe1fil
"oard'f ('8158]oIfsholdtIf]]rt] h
"Se b 'll fi luth ttfutill uf ututiI fallu
money Irecived fuaftNit]imshaeo
Afi]tecr u ifa utul~ itt ')dscs 'onth')~l'''l'u o
INInl lt'SA C I ntuutif iii 5. I
Anethsati ub tcmu f atutu tutn-ui'
uuut'u' fhu'esonli stenedit toif b atgfiui-
uude t he Ii l i If Ill the111)11] i l
ussc iin, lst evcit I i]Thetu eion
ofthe dramagiI bftocomprit tis u'still''ill''
Si 'i 'hiu theRt tilt cflot]df olt tutn i
foidyt l.~the. tofliune, I dee
fit It)rf. uuuuuueo ;tht Ifthorad
e'uog'y f1Brutu1s fby 'Athuly , iren ill
1XreitaliutfrutmbiSt))fttofu bytu o fit
fenwtandruy tt auhif it its111) c
cept totisay thattu' ifit we'r''uuuuu ihe te
;p11)' l II'l'ec lised'hillus fr 'i'usfortub
gae a t'enderingofthit~cfs c.Iatestttator-
ffc sbal ]) p lay 'ith cante'ft- flu'a t ftubritll]d
every pets]nitile fli't'iftinc -5ucf i
the drama and eutohIIbusedtleveryuone with
lt'e cftividne's 'fhifsipo furya.
'lRftI-fl NI'l VIS'ITOIR11. C'IC'f'SI-
'SN]15.8 VSNII5.bFbfl'
Amohung lt' follouwsouff tleuctisy
w'as Dr1. 5'u'fllio . IDfleyt, dean-of thble
Iearme f med) itite"lull]sifu'y.
DrIfuidlety it vry proinen~itt illdca
it'll)el, being t fis] ill Ififs coutrify to
Itc1is ltlt tft' and)1souli t he f'Soth-
brnItert1ctlleg'iatelt associaltutu.pfrfles-
ent ingifts presidentu. flu'hias talwys
letics a uteulafoofutaull soidnt''i
ill te pflayigf th Vulnrbitihlam
lull)theicgouat]autuce m11)in)aate
atleftics ill the1'si]ut 'are'dut- lag l t
ANOTHER W5.1. X'. 'S. S. Ij,5CI'fffN.
A~s 1111 cand~idatue rIcil')']himaljoityi 1
at the' foman'lus Atletcsc Siatltill
etlecionu ldhofb lst 'T'fursday15, 'l))ult'l
e'l'ctiont ll beif hut ebtlu]n x I-f 'b'fulsudly io
ilet-fcifr'ushmoan and)sphomorrepre
It is hopeduthaIlttetveryh memberlili o f th

Order the Dilly To-Day
$2.00 Cash with Order DELIVERY STARTS IMMEDIATELY No SIk NArxbers cak~nbe IFurnished

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