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November 19, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-19

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The Michigan Daily


_'\1).A1". Af) '1?:1If 1 . Z icy, its 7;.

No c. 48.


Wcolverines Make Two Touchdown~s Against Badgers-..West Bleachers Colliapse But No One Is
Seriously Inj'ured-Over Seventeen Thousand People in Attendance
Michigan Team Comes Out of Game in Good Shape.

'free to e\ teettois, the anneual Wis-
colsill-'Xi ci i'm foothill game yester-
day resulted ini one of the greatest foot-
bill contests ever pla(yet1 it the ;west,
and after the(galilt st-dingle es-er sein
on Ferry fheldXXWisconisiniwent dlown
to gIorious defeat by'a 'c01eof (2 to 0,
Michtigani seoring 0one touichdonin
ietitihatf, ind loss 11 iiond ticking
Mohgoals. filstratght foiithattlXNich-
igan greaitIs outtia' eel Wisconsin aiid
the score ha'rdlttreettiesenitstie relative
melrts oif thtiwto teams.Ttie tphenom-
eiiaitwoirkhof, XMleteer inirunning1back
Punt1 s aiiii ck-ileoffsliow ever, is iselI
as his excellenitidrop-kicking -attemts,
kept NXlcig'io oo the idefenseive din ig
the-at twent 11111111 tes of the second
half aIfniiio1 cloesetdie l XXiseraisilt come1
too '(urine l(it thiree separate oicasion~s
1111111 it ii sseof relief whetiee
ime thtetc r anounsed. thle ieindtat 4:411
mieit siin vhitoo diiultst() egiiiross
11111 itHield. s ien
lit ile hlwas itt iiiiittiyitviitiiii
rild utatte etose of lie g"amle iwis
teetesilhcsil l nuiiie of iciiiwdi

if ilancti oia e'. MV iii Vtnic, oee l l- parl If l'sts inao el e P or times i o ciii'iauie' ists iiiiii forminig greai nte iir- a tircil ive for i' er litstlees. Lotil li
XX'~c, is. iiand Joe Ross 'of AVon in the firsti iiiiee-live mii ese tthig'a e ecei. ;Intl cnctiolcl lye akiii ith e celeraedl its dismissal frooi the lios-
iArtr carr'iiiidthe halll to iithinestrikingidis- lihall iisoelt ol ais. A\ ie t teo is;l yhii tingi'' cenlter fst' liii Bill
'The nnelsi rw in h ohr tnce of the bder goal-it ne, olsy to lbeginniinglOf ie a ) nfe wsi, i imw l the 1tailge''c j8-yhar isl e
bleastcrs (Iniil graildIsiitad sho)w dcit - i e tic si ap enaltyiii or11 th eli i m- e d t rtr iiiaco uniii of hiis ;1( t. rpas wllih two. "or pt
makbe prsne of nid ad o pi iet n aho hesseise s 111o11 juie s *~ ounce lt rn~l r toria ol11d1111' '11111C rti gt'
seiic as eveni thireaitene. Iti sa e ioiiioiiidt(ri lacei liks, hut thii' tie e tOle i l<thto'ho'rl' i' 1 ' not1 throghi guiatelfor i-'iivend repleats lot
ancortt ey ta I ilt- iinics lie- itaiiic'ii agls wee moe thn plyth hoeof atwsolt1111heiihis two. Logmanil taks ivte more.
tretee cas ocureisecalpoic een hi acuat tt:ciiiiiiioelat pparnitol eis V Hrot 1 tToliroitgliet hrug
w - d i thlen'irtm sti 1to 1 in uees'i ai ndiii 5ech Iletiit faied. ag in demonstrtd tath''l ih lfttcl or ifteeii cardis iiii pande-'
poetolatelheli'stants, is theywere It itrly(list t a'htandxeine w~ n o h raestiiio(li(vil iilee XXkeloe. Icsgoes Ito
hede b sme() '11isecator, bt' '1-its tSchuliu 'te.n I iiiiiii s tIam n ad W icon ii airun f m th frdadsop e ti sitouchd ntarc
itIeniajor ity hghtIit nlolbar R esciih icoliiiiiii eilst "ioi -i oppd ad ih ta n a la il ith aIplast\r of tsiiieensytiestiorhose'-
stow an iiiiiiiiin dt i a 1m liito thir sea,1 Weesi aci 511 h uuall ined5h bu fo it adno id o n id h.i . T e tov e itical borelup o th
I'h m mieiietite eer 'ec -''aled upn. Iliiscil payd(10ar lttedfnive oo't'o5 'iiiiail to il the' eer (0(1 liii More u eter forufivie'.
tio intcercin thst an s M ch1th m' Iib1ii at an e inIhislciieer.ills iiita iiiilyIpruts lrve sut'' auon i tiiisd ill a t o tplac ickorom the -
wcre su tiliibil adi aproed tpp sdt"ou hmt's Be tuurtkelog on scrdness ofti ici gO ga ine. i a i . ThI,1 efyt t oghs'-hr
by iexpert engin er thed theu deniit jse d, ns xtItiw ou tiiiCue1 iis bt C\M'(li-ill liii lie u'cs'iwasrwea''an(thelballfell sloi t
wa nobtdy(nct i mi nos ltad einit to hit weits ,bit in yesterdays' tr ; te em n on the (ield te' This was(ltreas ll the critil p1atut'f((thl
XXresuos ulsure Iouht n itm ip ing an tI ga el sRts siliitii tiiisiithei t erii a by lit in > li li titsitiiiil no c
stll' ii tiiili11 Iiit lt i' 15iisiii liiiiit he hi Iiiil i ft lis itandtr I v' tris-X iifIn hwe ver, lit (liii i n c is 1ropinged

iTom'nmmlf'fiiiinistat.fullX faa.

I'iuuc rcltlit. Iiiu'y'li''aiht.>c

f~im rao, I"Orb~ai

Parlor-", Urrc7r/crback,

tCturia, If-ttall

mus thu e kinttg of the susiit so m n usId ake pain t ueb XXi - 'msvea ('i -~t< ls. nleanl--t i t-i tuttm ii t irusigli li fa t sui i ' tIeuir, who as lto i shifty
platform. tte nwest end othesitelit tisse seted 'g:lisbut Xihiti ils uit tneof hefet esoft he game wa s 00 i ll tushthi souuth bleachrsui-eand Ito dodlls ' eX''c's nit two nd oot
a-fter 'abt l i sttwo lmi ttes oftplay in ii tledt up thisBadh r ((115 gain nd te0' tiit i'of5Girt s.s XXhile Ihe'cIiad appeareuit ln( theifild, i-itbyli oc' made (1 udtil trotuplacteent oil
tsc on heauut slt, .ocrshi uwa s had a c t: i hter Xise'uuuesuin h t c i t ohh i iii 1 ls :i i stsl ii'fo sJO yad., Kisuitotl a ter 'the sib dle st I I he ; t-y r i, u fauil .
te wihoile (est tleacers ls, hi h' lilt4a iil<r lea ti' i r u-u-llou tu s i slcye i c~iesaIs ie y nhsittshe enc. C pt1n s itu X'' oi sueui I uu ish punutedsi sitsfioustleu 2-t-srul
lamiedt. suboutmive ossan td setatills sit ets suite c((til its effec ta l. e cipt.a u ity ya is nit situthus fielsIeis sihus ate is ;rtic in. o cruse carridit b art.fte.
becameli a' 1 massoftrutinsnte tisshosrt ste thuse ib (iiest ffr s ot 'Xl 1((1 1(11I\ ii liionl o usexeplt i hihiiist1 flli splint,. I ' 1 uursinftut ear it tills ilt ''d" ct' ua de Ii
slice' of asinute ItJudginig fronm the IhIi teir' seedest e n. ]crlush-ith to alt,'lest'ndss'-uisto tic i-aty uts stum ied uI wtlul Il1((1t ellm in thie- deut bIiplunnt gtssforsi'i. lotgai
appttear'ance hut the wr ecieediately I ititoti itd(list ls rue upiisensutIslylheati thhe fetuv Beras ooits 15(5an1hs(as1gea opotitys g 'atl ine i e ona ictutuIy.Il oIesulgot
after the tecteut every-nee beleted) sely layiis hisditsmi t her tonI , he u g Iht this hil t icit)his ll ((s u mnseuutc ' tlss way alidstb ter his Ilef t e ut swol
there wudsur teelt-Irestult iaititsbetof svrltm .tho ig te tnnlfrII atilt Norcro1ss and his pl tkfomhi m.I Afterii ai shot ipue belot go o t ihia w s hest for
fatalitiess. Boh fotalteamns ssvits il ls oshs. istio ,I rlouisbtushgsitunes51tiable twhilthe (Ii '(~ ils an laIteus, usc i ldowts itstudhthe is is iileu Ifo f-id,
substitsutes imisaeately hiasenuedt o te e IIi 1ffdsiass ossruthous te Woves crei ht inutse Iearyinit te game is semith t s nd sI Iee to Is Ioe I sbu XX tu s s shehutforsnosgaint antI
rsesue untilthe isrtle fesice t theus d etu uns till s snssupterbi Untiltaliosutitheliii 5 stk lukilycto Iis (lost en-thehulloa, u sng e' ha sn (( Ii llte l 11 ushul t hh 'ithus iblallln a hllger
of thle fiel ssws totrntdows n itnd the 11idlule f thi secondth afIsu hfeis l isth'Wsltutunes,_eves___ hul
Intl frsnglreu ttb e t''CustnJ.su' fit te lettsaeassguvtsuss ii' ue thn isCarelsh i cksush o i Ity tl i t ussuctrie hi' hut llttso t he'tit d-a
littlepersons' 5wer e ijursi.T hfle timlst shutle s, te tplay assall'ill i s conssinste CI(uhico,40: Iinosits s, . gno mayard atndlsuit eleates th us y placmet goea Il uts faietu. The Bad-
seriotiitly ihurisedlis IEndward. Sm 11ith f errtr's a sititwasus liotisthat ile ous Iow ,_d ,o.t-othetre-t's'ei.oullflit Xrabelthe. tBuss u 1 s carriidithestall suts te rstsatoi
lake fles ss Iowa s o sustaiedlset' -sg ts huo I iio itsitta uttTom Hatmmotnd, I li nsi illI I Xeraska, o. epu s to Norcross o Xiiganllsii's 4 - Ill istsse lIshoweds''he Is'asaiultu' gins'
eralt scalptwsounsnalw srencedekneeICurtis Shltetit deiitl ntlGa-C alee23IP utsn,4. tash lusts.XNorciros s tun s itthises. by siatchs(ilg i andseaakintg fusea
'lte usetakento thettt ltisoesip tl te ss hltistfailedutohut gtiaeihe lstretquisesI tus test : Dar moussthe 6. lii Iii iimmiait uteyt redh- Isietaco ut toutslustssus /Afteraut ng ispsg uein h
pitalilwhlere it wa s sadtlalstnitsht that udstance. Thi scosts us hut lrst lf C ohubiht r2;Corel, 6. sil us '(itin. TosHamm n lut ri htutakle' whsuich te fficals, tat'e shd c aches
Iis iijuries swere islt setiou I TeIw slt lutwniitisretby f fisistuln id Intitlaiitti32; Villa Noa, io. sorfivads .ckeoo tit o ndTuomltoo]:spahullthe lhatuges seeellued
othters tih re inuited re tProf."Scot ena 11lies tatthit-alyit-nabliutytthullafyic 22;-Vtrginiao. Jreeasted i th i-tveei1sosin is pen- (Cotined on page 2.)

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